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training program sponsor
local education agency

Table of Contents
Statement of Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Apprenticeship: A Pathway to Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Level I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Level II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Level III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
List of Apprenticeable Occupations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14



Statement of Purpose
This guide is designed to introduce educators to career opportunities for young people in
apprenticeable occupations. It answers commonly asked questions and provides a guide to
educators interested in including Orientation to Apprenticeship in their curriculum.
The guide provides course outlines for three levels of student involvement starting from
a brief introductory level to a more detailed and defined pre-apprenticeship model.
Preparing students for the world of work not only provides students with a direction for
career choices, but also gives them a reason and purpose for increasing academic excellence.
The curriculum in an Orientation to Apprenticeship course supports high standards
and accountability in order to prepare students for continuing in an educational setting
and meeting the requirements for entrance into registered apprenticeship programs upon
high school graduation.
This guide also works in concert with the California Workforce Development: A Policy
Framework for Economic Growth document. Policy: Engage the private sector as a full
partner in every aspect of workforce policy and systems development, program operations,
and delivery of services. Recommended actions: Organized labor, employers, education
governing bodies, and the appropriate state agencies should work together to expand the
apprenticeship system, both in numbers and scope, in order to maximize the effectiveness
of the apprenticeship model within the workforce development system.


We would like to acknowledge the support and assistance of the many people who participated in
the development of Orientation to Apprenticeship: A Guide for Educators. This guide was
produced in response to the many inquires about pre-apprenticeship from educators around the
State of California who were looking for additional opportunities for high school students
seeking information on careers and work options open to them upon high school graduation.
Orientation to Apprenticeship: A Guide for Educators was developed under the direction
of the California Apprenticeship Council (CAC) with the support of the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR), Stephen Smith, and the Chief of the Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS), Henry Nunn. The School-to-Career/Apprenticeship Ad Hoc Committee of
the CAC was given the responsibility for producing this document.
Jeannie Holmes
Commissioner, California Apprenticeship Council, STC/A Chair
William T. Callahan, Jr.
Chairman, California Apprenticeship Council
Rick Cole
Coordinator, San Diego Carpenters Training Center
Richard Dahl
Consultant, California Department of Education
Leo A. Garcia
Director of Apprenticeship & Training
Associated General Contractors of America, San Diego Chapter
Bryan Goyette
Area Administrator, Division of Apprenticeship Standards
Jim Leatherwood
Associate Dean of Occupational Education
Riverside Community College
M. Duane Mongerson
Director of Apprenticeship Training
Bay Area Counties Roofing Industry
Barry Noonan
Workforce Preparation
California Community Colleges Chancellors Office

Graphic Design:

Joan Rovan Wales, Riverside Community College

Jody DeLaRosa, Polly Rhodes, Riverside Community College
Robert Gumpert, Independent Photographer
Riverside Community College Production Printing Department
January 2001

Apprenticeship: A Pathway to Success

The apprenticeship program has helped me in many different ways.It has helped me to
develop a confidence I didnt have before, that I could accomplish anything no matter
what it isI am also in training to be a foreman and am an instructor for a first year,
first semester apprenticeship program.
Sonja Vasquez, Electrical Journeyman, LA County

Why should a school want to participate in a program that would introduce students
to apprenticeship?

Students who participate in work-based learning programs become more focused in school because
they understand the relationship between the information learned in school and the skills necessary
to be successful in the work place.
Apprenticeship provides an important link and opportunity for all students to move successfully into
continuing an educational pathway and entering the workforce for economic independence.
Students are more likely to be able to understand the big picturewhy education is important.
Including Orientation to Apprenticeship in a curriculum or career pathway supports students
achieving high academic skills.
Pre-tests are required for entrance acceptance in some apprenticeship programs.
Note the following sample test questions:
1. The expression 52 + 2 (4 4 2) is the same as:
A. 225 B. 25 C. 125 D. 27
2. A board of 10 ft. 10 1/2 in. is to be cut into three equal parts. What is the length of each part?
A. 3 3 1/8 B. 3 4 5/8 C. 3 11 1/8 D. 3 7 1/2 E. 3 8 1/4
3. Consider the following formula: y = 3 (x + 5) (x 2) Which of the following is equivalent to this one?
A. y = 3x2 + 9x 30 B. y = x2 + 3x 10 C. y = 3x2 + 3x 10 D. y = 3x2 + 3x - 30
4. You will be presented with a picture of a piece of paper with folds and cuts, followed by four (4)
three-dimensional objects. You must decide which of the three-dimensional objects could be made
by folding or rolling the piece of paper.
Answers: 1. B 2. D 3. A

Statistic: School-to-Career and work-based programs are more effective for student learning.
(New York School-To-Career Initiative, Westchester Institute for Human Services Research Inc. 1998)
Whats in it for students?

High wage/high skill occupations

An earn and learn educational experience
FREE tuition for apprenticeship courses
Proficiency in an occupation
High self-esteem
State of California issued certificate recognized internationally
Opportunities to move into a variety of different positions within the field or trade

Apprenticeship programs have many opportunities that may include, but are not limited to,
the following:

paid medical, retirement, dental, and/or vision plans

college credit and sometimes a college certificate or degree upon program completion.

Statistic: A class of 1997 School-to-Career graduates had higher employment rates after graduation than
non-School-to-Career students. (Boston Pro-Tech Initiative, Jobs for the Future and Boston Private Industry
Council Survey, 1997)
What could I tell a parent that would help them to understand the value of an apprenticeable
occupation for their child?

Apprenticeship supports a strong academic foundation in reading, mathematics, and communication

Apprenticeship is a viable avenue for obtaining a lucrative, professional, and marketable career.
An apprenticeship program offers paid employment while training for a career. It provides an opportunity
to become proficient in an occupation by attending classes that are integrated with the workplace.
Many opportunities are open to apprentices who complete their training. In the construction trades,
for example, upward mobility in the profession allows a student to plan a career ladder:

In addition, serving as an apprentice may peak the interest in a student to plan for a parallel profession
(i.e. labor law attorney, engineer, architect, state regulator, safety or environmental specialist, instructor,
estimator, inspector, etc.).
Statistic: Ninety percent of teens say school would be more interesting and meaningful if it was taught in
connection with careers. (Teen Attitudes Toward Work, Bruskin Goldring Research 1994)

What is apprenticeship training?

Apprenticeship is training that is designed to prepare an individual for a career in the skilled crafts and trades.
Apprentices develop technical skills, experience the sharing of assignments, and see how technical tasks relate
specifically with theoretical knowledge and interpretation. Currently, there are more than 850 apprenticeable
occupations in the United States and over 200 registered apprenticeable occupations active in California.
Apprentices earn a wage while learning. Apprenticeship training usually requires one to five years to complete,
depending upon which occupation is chosen.
The apprenticeship training system is unique in that its basic foundation is a partnership between industry,
education, and government. Industry funded and industry driven, the apprenticeship training system provides
an effective balance between on-the-job training and theoretical instruction in an effort to develop workers
with marketable skills. Without industry support and participation, apprenticeship does not exist.
What is an apprentice?
An apprentice is an individual who has been officially registered with the Division of Apprenticeship Standards
in a state approved apprenticeship program. An apprentice develops marketable job skills in a structured,
coordinated work and school training program. Being of legal working age, he or she should possess the
aptitude, physical condition, and desire to succeed in the specific craft/trade.
What is pre-apprenticeship?
Educators often use pre-apprenticeship to describe an articulated and integrated educational program that:
1) provides information to students regarding apprenticeship programs; 2) improves reading, writing, and
math skills necessary to qualify for an apprenticeship program; and/or 3) offers classroom instruction and job
training which guides a student to a registered apprenticeable occupation. It should be noted, however, that
some trades use the term pre-apprentice as a classification of worker. In order to avoid confusion, this guide
uses orientation to apprenticeship rather than pre-apprenticeship when referencing a secondary level educational program.
Statistic: School-to-Career students spend more time on homework and feel more challenged by course work
than non-School-to-Career students. (New York School-To-Career Initiative, Westchester Institute for Human
Services Research Inc. 1998)
What does an Orientation to Apprenticeship program include?
It will
introduce students to what they need to know in order to apply, test, and interview for acceptance into
an apprenticeship program.
demonstrate the need for proficiency in reading and comprehension (technical manuals and blueprints),
mathematics (basic math, algebra, and geometry), science (concepts and principles), and technology
(computer operations and processing information).
emphasize the necessity to have the ability to communicate in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and
numeration skills.
identify the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to enter and successfully complete an apprenticeship
provide an orientation to a specific craft/trade (carpenter, nurse, machinist, correctional officer, etc.) or to
an industry (building and construction, fire fighting, health care, culinary, automotive, law enforcement, etc.).

How do I begin?
In this booklet, three levels of Orientation to Apprenticeship have been made available for your perusal,
offering a choice of commitment and involvement. Level I, II, and III are only samples. They may be used
independently or in combination, depending upon the type of program you want to establish. They can be
modified to fit any apprenticeable occupation. Look for and research resources for assistance. Contact the
Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) and request the Orientation to Apprenticeship Resource Handout.
(415) 703-4920 or
Decide what type of program you need in your district and look at the sample outlines.

Level I is a simple inclusion of information about apprenticeship in an existing course that includes career
exploration in the curriculum (see pg. 8).
Level II is intended to be a short-term class or specific unit of study in an existing class (see pg. 9).
Level III is a course that is linked with a registered apprenticeship program that provides students in-depth
hands-on use of tools, materials, and processes appropriate to a specific occupation (see pg. 11).

Okay, I have selected a level of Orientation to Apprenticeship, whats next?

Identify the appropriate Industry Partners

Gather Resources (labor/management, school district, community college, California Department
of Education, Regional Occupational Center/Program)
Form a Steering Committee (include representatives from industry, school and district office staff,
school board, community college, and parents)
Steering Committee responsibilities:
create a mission statement/goals and objectives
plan curriculum (involve enthusiastic educators and industry representatives)
look for resources (i.e. funding)
design a strategy for recruitment (promotional material)
pursue community college articulation
establish internships
utilize mentors
set up a speakers bureau of journeymen and employers
design a system for on-going program evaluation and student assessment

Use your industry partner to assist in obtaining support and involvement from the school board, district
superintendent, school principal, and teachers. Be innovative in planning your activities.
What is the role of industry?
In addition to its major role of employment, industry plays a strategic part by providing input on changes
necessary to keep the curriculum current with industry standards and needs. Industry can also assist in
developing appropriate work processes to be learned in the classroom and on the job.
What occupations have apprentices?
See List of Apprenticeable Occupations on page 14.

After high school, I couldnt find good paying work that I enjoyedI began working
as an apprentice making a decent livable wage with full benefitstwo years have
passed and now I make good money and have a stable, healthy, and exciting lifestyle.
Christopher Carlman, 2nd year Carpenter Apprentice, San Diego County

How do I sell Orientation to Apprenticeship to students and parents?

Talk to them! Have an evening career orientation and invite speakers from various industries, both
employers and journeymen in the field.

Inform parents that students are more likely to understand why they need problem solving and decisionmaking skills. Students can better understand the reason for learning mathematics, having reading and
comprehension skills, and being able to analyze situations.
Emphasize that Orientation to Apprenticeship programs, like other forms of work-based learning, can
show significant benefits in developing higher academic skills and preparing students for the workplace.
Emphasize the advantage of earning a wage and receiving fringe benefits while you learn. An apprenticeship program offers paid employment while training for a career, and the related and supplemental classes
to continue their education are free!
Discuss the many opportunities that are available in an occupation. Inform parents that going into an
apprenticeable occupation does not eliminate the option of going to college. On the other hand, it may be
the catalyst that inspires a student to pursue an opportunity in a field, which requires a college degree. It
can also provide a student with the $$$$ (income) necessary to go to college.
Remind them that Apprenticeship guarantees that an individual will have a marketable skill that may be used
wherever they go!

Statistic: A four year study (1992-96) of a single group graduating from a California Partnership Academy
found that only 57% of the students (9th graders) entering the academy had earned all of the credits needed to
make normal progress toward graduation. However, by the time these academy students completed their 12th
grade, 96.5% of them had earned all or 100% of the credits needed for graduation. (Four Year Report on the
Effectiveness of California Partnership Academies, CDE, by Dr. Eileen Warren, California Institute on Human
Services, Sonoma State University, 1998)
Apprenticeship Legislation

Federal: 1934 Federal Committee on Apprenticeship and the Apprentice Training Service was established,
later becoming the Bureau of Apprenticeship Training (BAT), and is currently known as Apprenticeship
Training, Employer and Labor Services (ATELS)
Federal: 1937 Fitzgerald Act: BAT was made a permanent agency of the Department of Labor (DOL)
State: 1939 Shelley-Maloney Act:
established the California Apprenticeship Council (CAC) as a policy-making body for issues relating
to apprenticeship
named the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) as the Administrator of Apprenticeship
identified the Chief of the Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) to carry out the responsibilities
of the Division in issues relating to apprenticeship
(Reference: The Apprenticeship Law in California, January 1998 and Title 8 Excerpts California Code of Regulations, California Apprenticeship Council, Department of Industrial Relations, State of California)

Course Title:

Apprenticeship Awareness

Description: Level I is intended to provide students with an opportunity to explore career options. This can be
used in conjunction with any course where the curriculum is designed to raise student awareness of various
career choices.
Prerequisites: None (Computer and Internet skills recommended)
SCANS* Skills Utilized:

4 Ability to communicate
4 Ability to analyze
4 Problem solving/critical thinking

4 Using technology as a tool for learning

4 Career planning
4 Reading and writing ability

UNIT I: Apprenticeable Career Options (2 to 6 hours)

The student will be able to:
discuss the history and background of apprenticeship.
describe various apprenticeable occupations.
investigate an apprenticeable occupation in the trades.
identify the application procedures used for a specific apprenticeship program.
UNIT II: Information on Apprenticeship (3 to 6 hours)
The student will be able to:
gather information on various trades by using a Web site or library/resource center.
write a 500-word essay on one of the apprenticeable occupations in California.
prepare a comparison chart demonstrating the use of math skills in six apprenticeable occupations.
identify appropriate technical manuals for six apprenticeable occupations and describe their use in
the occupation.
UNIT III: Career Development Opportunities (3 to 6 hours)
The student will be able to:
prepare a list of questions to obtain information concerning an apprenticeable occupation.
develop a career path demonstrating upward mobility in an apprenticeable occupation.
identify employment lead sources.
research prospective employers in an apprenticeable occupation.
prepare an economic data sheet demonstrating income projections over a five year period.
visit an apprenticeship training facility in order to reinforce the concept that an apprenticeship
pathway can provide a rewarding career choice.
* Secretarys Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills

Course Title:

Apprenticeship Exploration

Description: Level II is intended to be an introduction to apprenticeship through a series of activities that will
acquaint a student with career choices and the opportunities and advantages of entering an apprenticeship
program. Both classroom study and hands-on-training will be utilized. The intent is to provide a student with a
broad range of career options while in school, thus enabling the student to begin the process of entering his/
her career field of choice. The sample given will focus on careers in the building trades.
Prerequisites: Reading, Mathematics, Computer and Internet skills
SCANS Skills Utilized:


Ability to communicate
Social interaction
Ability to analyze and evaluate
Problem solving/critical thinking


Using technology as a tool for learning

Career planning
Application of mathematics
Reading and writing ability

UNIT I: Apprenticeship: Pathways to Success (2 to 3 hours)

The student will be able to:
describe the evolution of modern-day apprenticeship.
compare Federal and State laws that relate to apprenticeship training.
identify the role of the California Apprenticeship Council and the Division of Apprenticeship Standards.
identify the major duties and responsibilities of an Apprenticeship Committee.
describe the responsibilities of an apprentice.UNIT II: Identification of Basic Tools and Equipment (2 to 3 hours)
The student will be able to:
identify a variety of tools used in the trades.
classify tools by their intended use on the job.
UNIT III: Basic Safety (2 to 3 hours)
The student will be able to:
describe the California Occupational Safety and Health Act (CAL-OSHA).
discuss the importance of properly maintaining tools.
demonstrate proper safety procedures in using tools.
identify proper safety procedures used in various trades.
describe the importance of correctly tying a variety of knots used in various trades.

UNIT IV: Developing A Positive Attitude Towards Work (2 to 3 hours)

The student will be able to:
discuss the need for punctuality and dependability on the job.
demonstrate proper introduction techniques (firm handshake, good eye contact, etc.).
identify the key principles in getting along with people.
discuss the need for personal hygiene in the work place.
specify the different types of clothing required for various situations (work, home, and leisure time).
UNIT V: Plans and Specifications (2 to 3 hours)
The student will be able to:
distinguish between plans and specifications.
describe the process of developing plans (blueprints).
differentiate parts of a set of plans (blueprints).
UNIT VI: Diversity in Apprenticeship (2 to 3 hours)
The student will be able to:
identify major Federal and State legislation affecting affirmative action in the work place.
describe the changes in the workforce over the last sixty years in terms of gender.
identify non-traditional occupations.
distinguish among various factors that influence an individuals selection of a career.
define sexual harassment.
UNIT VII: Labor and Management Relations (2 to 3 hours)
The student will be able to:
differentiate labor and management.
identify the major purpose of the Davis Bacon Act.
identify reasons and evaluate historically why workers did or did not organize.
explain the significance and constraints of a picket.
describe importance of labor/management relations in the work place.
UNIT VIII: Trade Presentations (4 to 8 hours)
(An apprenticeship training coordinator or tradesperson will present information on his/her specific trade.
It is anticipated that at least 10 occupations should be presented.)
The student will be able to:
discuss the various career opportunities in a trade.
identify basic hand and power tools of a trade.
solve selected math problems associated with a trade.
describe various safety procedures used in a trade.
distinguish among the various work processes of a trade.
UNIT IX: Preparing for and Evaluating Career Pathways (4 to 8 hours)
The student will be able to:
successfully complete a criterion-referenced post-test.
identify at least one apprenticeship program in which he/she has an interest.
describe the application and entrance procedure for at least one apprenticeship program.
participate in a series of mock interviews.



Course Title:

Architecture, Construction & Engineering (ACE Pathway)

Description: Level III presents career preparation using the apprenticeship model in that it combines on-thejob training with classroom instruction. This is an example of an orientation to apprenticeship course that will
teach students what they need to be able to do to gain the skills necessary to be accepted into an apprenticeship
program. The sample used is for an Architecture, Construction & Engineering pathway course that should be:
1) in partnership with a state registered construction program, 2) associated with a Regional Occupational
Center/Program or Adult Education program, and 3) articulated with a community college for college credit
and/or concurrent community college enrollment.
Prerequisites: Algebra, Geometry, Reading, Computer and Internet skills
SCANS Skills Utilized:


Ability to communicate
Team work and social interaction
Ability to analyze and evaluate
Problem solving/critical thinking
Awareness of creative works of others
Ability to make an oral presentation


Using technology as a tool for learning

Career planning
Application of mathematics
Reading and writing ability
Ability to develop a form and collect data
Understand the value in lifelong learning

UNIT I: Introduction to the Construction Industry (1 to 3 hours)

The student will be able to:
compare various trades within the Construction Industry.
distinguish between Manufacturing and Construction Industries.
identify and prepare a chart of various career pathways within specific trades.
UNIT II: Architecture: Residential Drawing/Design and Project Preparation (6 to 54 hours)
The student will be able to:
differentiate between plans and specifications.
identify various residential plans (blueprints).
sketch a design for a storage shed project (not to exceed 120 square feet).
prepare scale drawings of the project by using drafting instruments and/or CAD.
perform mathematical calculations appropriate for the project design.
construct a timeline schedule for project completion using a computer spreadsheet.
prepare a cost estimate spreadsheet and give an oral presentation to justify expenses.


UNIT III: Safe Working Procedures in the Construction Industry (2 to 3 hours)

The student will be able to:
describe the California Occupational Safety and Health Act (CAL-OSHA).
discuss the importance of properly maintaining tools.
demonstrate proper safety procedures in using tools.
identify proper safety procedures used in various trades.
describe the importance of correctly tying a variety of knots used in various trades.
identify and tie various knots/hitches properly.
UNIT IV: Carpenters Role in Building a Storage Shed (9 to 24 hours)
The student will be able to:
analyze various tasks in the Carpenter trade.
list the basic portable power tools used by a Carpenter.
identify the common hand tools used by a Carpenter.
distinguish between load-bearing walls and partitions.
identify the parts of a typical interior wall section.
frame a wall section.
UNIT V: Cement Masons Role in Building a Storage Shed (6 to 18 hours)
The student will be able to:
describe the various jobs found in the Masonry trades.
estimate the volume of concrete required for the specific project.
identify the common tools used in the Masonry trades.
mix concrete.
build a concrete foundation.
UNIT VI: Drywall/Lathers Role in Building a Storage Shed (6 to 18 hours)
The student will be able to:
differentiate between Drywall Installers and Drywall Finishers.
identify the equipment and supplies needed to install drywall.
install a section of drywall.
UNIT VII: Electricians Role in Building a Storage Shed (3 to 12 hours)
The student will be able to:
describe the duties of an Electrician.
define and use common electrical terms.
identify various types of electrical tools and equipment.
wire a typical wall section that includes a receptacle, light, and switch.


UNIT VIII: Painters Role in Building a Storage Shed (3 to 12 hours)

The student will be able to:
list the reasons for painting and treating a surface.
list the common types of paints and describe their uses and characteristics.
prepare a surface to paint.
apply at least two coats of paint to a surface.
clean a paintbrush and roller.
UNIT IX: Plumbers Role in Building a Storage Shed (3 to 18 hours)
The student will be able to:
identify the types of materials used for pipes and how they are attached to fittings.
identify common pipefittings used in residential construction.
demonstrate the soldering of copper tubing.
install plastic pipe.
install a sink.
UNIT X: Roofer and Waterproofers Role in Building a Storage Shed (6 to 12 hours)
The student will be able to:
identify the common tools used by a Roofer.
identify the types of materials used in residential roofing.
estimate the amount of roofing materials needed for a storage shed.
install roofing materials in accordance with the manufacturers recommended procedures.
UNIT XI: Additional Career Presentations (3 to 24 hours)

Floor Covering Installer
Ironworker (field)
Ironworker (shop)

Sheet Metal Worker
Sound/Communication Systems Installer
Sprinkler Fitter
Tile Finisher
Truck/Diesel Mechanic

UNIT XII: Mentor/Job Shadowing (6 to 20 hours)

The student will participate in a job shadowing program that will link the student with an individual
(i.e. journeyman, manager, etc.) in an apprenticeship program registered by the State of California. The
student will tour the mentors work site and spend time learning about his/her typical work areas and
responsibilities. The student will discuss career opportunities and educational requirements of that occupation.
Additional Activities
Students can be put into teams (labor/management) and given the opportunity to discuss and plan activities
around the following issues: hiring, employee training, work scheduling, performance evaluations, overtime,
downtime, benefits, safety, journeymans role vs. apprentices role, product quality, new technology and
equipment, understanding differing cultural/ethnic backgrounds, ergonomics, conflict resolution, strategies
for negotiating, seniority, public work/private work, etc.




(partial listing)
Acoustical Installer
Activity Director
Air Balance & Testing Technician
Air Conditioning Refrigeration Mechanic
Air Conditioning Mechanic Industrial
Arson & Bomb Investigator Federal
Asbestos Worker
Auto Body Builder
Auto Mechanic
Automobile Tester
Automobile Maintenance Mechanic
Automotive Parts Clerk
Biomedical Equipment Technician
Body Repairer Bus
Boilerhouse Mechanic
Boilermaker Field Construction Repair
Brazing Machine Setter
Broiler Cook
Building Insulating Carpenter
Building Maintenance Engineer
Cable Splicer
Carpenter Maintenance
Carpet Layer
Carpet Linoleum Soft Tile Lay
Casework Specialist CYA
CDC Parole Agent
Cement Mason
Chemistry Radiation Prot Technician
Child Development Associate
Civil Maintenance Worker
Cleaner Pointer Caulker
Computer Peripheral Operator Prog
Computer Programmer
Construction Craft Laborer
Construction Equipment Mechanic
Construction Equipment Operator
Correctional Counselor
Correctional Monitor
Correctional Officer
Crane Operator
CYA Parole Agent
Decking Siding & Metal Bldg Specialist
Dental Technician
Deputy Sheriff
Die Caster
Diesel Mechanic
Drafter Architectural
Drafter Assistant
Drafter Engineering
Dredge Operator
Dry Cleaner All Around
Electric Distribution Checker
Electric Meter Repairer

Electric Tool Repairer

Electric Trolley Maintenance Mechanic
Electrical Technician
Electrician Construction
Electrician Locomotive
Electrician Maintenance
Electrician Power House
Electromechanical Technician
Electronic Prod Line Maint Mechanic
Electronic Technician Computer
Electronics Technician
Employment Rehabilitation Counselor
Employment/Vocational Counselor
Engraver Pantograph
Equipment Mechanic
Fire Apparatus Engineer
Fire Department Training Officer
Fire Engineer
Fire Fighter
Fire Fighter II
Fire Inspector
Fire Marshall
Fire Medic
Fire Officer
Fire Prevention Officer
Firebrick Refractory Tile Repairer
Firefighter Paramedic
Fireproofing Plasterer
Floor Layer Hardwood
Gas Engine Mechanic
Gas Governor Repairer
Gas Plant Repairer
General Construction Welder
Glazier Construction
Group Worker
Hazardous Material Technician
Hazardous Waste Material Technician
Heat Treater
Heavy Duty Repairman
Hydroelectric Machinery Mechanic
Industrial Sheet Metal Worker
Inspector Tooling Aircraft
Instrument Repairer
Insulating Carpenter
Iron Worker Reinforcing
Iron Worker Structural
Jig & Fixture
Landscape & Irrigation Fitter
Landscape Gardener
Lawn Sprinkler Irrigation Installer
Line Erector
Line Maintainer
Lineman Elect Locomotive
Linoleum Soft Tile Layer
Litho Artist
Litho Photographer
Litho Plate Maker
Litho Press Feeder
Litho Press Operator
Litho Stripper

Litho Stripper Platemaker

Lithograph Combination Skills
Lithographer Scanner Operator
LVN Geriatric Specialist
Machine Repairer Maintenance
Machinist Electronic Mill & Lathe
Machinist General
Maintainer Waterworks
Maintenance Machinist
Maintenance Mechanic
Maintenance Repairer Factory
Marble Finisher
Marble Mason/Setter
Meat Cutter Retail
Mechanical Engineering Technician
Medical Assistant
Metal Fabricator Precision
Metal Polisher & Buffer
Metalforming Prg Tool Die Maker
Meter Mechanic
Mfg Development Technician
Mill & Cabinet Maker
Mobile Vertical/Horizontal Drilling
Model Maker
Model Maker Aircraft
Mold Maker
Mold Maker Glass
Molder and Coremaker
Neon Sign Electrician
Neon Sign Servicer
Numerical Control Machine Operator
Office Machines Mechanic
Optical Technician Surfacer
Painter Auto
Painter Brush
Painter Decorator & Paperhanger
Painter Maintenance
Paralegal Assistant
Pastry Cook
Patrol Officer
Patternmaker Wood
PBX Installer
Pile Driver Operator
Plant Equipment Operator
Plant Operator
Plastics Extrusion Technician
Plate Printer
Platen Press Operator
Plumber Maintenance
Plumber Residential
Police Officer I
Power House Operator Hydro Electric
Power-Reactor Operator
Precision Maintenance Mechanic
Precision Spring Maker Punch Press

Printer 2
Programmer Technical
Psychiatric Technician
Public Safety Officer
Pump Plant Elec Substation Operator
Quality Control Technician
Radiation Monitor
Radio/Television Repairer
Refrigeration & Air Cond Mechanic
Residence Counselor Alcohol
Rigger Any Industry
Roofer Wood Shingle
Rotary Press Operator
Sanitary Health Technician
Sausage Maker
Scaffold and Shoring Erector
Senior Nuclear Control Operator
Sheet Metal Worker
Sheet Metal Worker ENGYMCTECH
Shoe Repairer
Sign and Pictorial Painter
Sound Technician
Sprinkler Fitter
State Park Ranger
State Park Ranger Life Guard
Stationary Engineer
Steam Fitter
Steel Fabricator
Surveyor Assistant Instrument
Template Maker
Terrazzo Finisher
Terrazzo Worker
Testing Regulating Technician
Tile Finisher
Tile Machine Set Up Operator
Tile Setter
Tool Cutter Grinder
Tool Maker
Tool Maker Machinist
Tractor Mechanic
Traffic Officer
Transportation System Electrician
Treatment Plant Mechanic
Tree Trimmer
Trolley Service Mechanic Wayside
Truck Mechanic
Tune Up Mechanic
Underground Construction
Upholsterer Auto
Upholsterer Furniture
Upholsterer Repairer
Utility Electrician Sub Station
Utility Pipeline Installer
Vocational Nurse
Water Systems Servicer
WEB Press Operator
Welder Combination
Wildland Fire Fighter
Wire Electrical Discharge Machinist
Youth Counselor


California Division
of Apprenticeship Standards
Regional Offices:
Los Angeles

(559) 445-5431
(213) 576-7750
(510) 622-3259
(916) 263-2877

San Diego
San Francisco
San Jose
Santa Ana

(619) 767-2045
(415) 703-4920
(408) 277-1273
(714) 558-4126

training program sponsor
local education agency

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