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Advantages , fields of usage and examples

Ziad Akmal Abdelhamid



1.Introduction .1
2.Selection of fit....1
3.Recommended fits ..2
3.1.Simple Definition


3.2.Recommended fits description and examples...2

3.3.Preferred fits ..4

3.3.1.Field of use of preferred fits ..4


1. Introduction
It is necessary that the dimensions, shape and mutual position of
surfaces of individual parts of mechanical engineering products are kept
within a certain accuracy to achieve their correct and reliable functioning.
Routine production processes do not allow maintenance (or
measurement) of the given geometrical properties with absolute accuracy.
As mentioned above, it is principally impossible to produce machine
parts with absolute dimensional accuracy. In fact, it is not necessary or
useful. It is quite sufficient that the actual dimension of the part is found
between two limit dimensions and a permissible deviation is kept with
production to ensure correct functioning of engineering products. The
required level of accuracy of production of the given part is then given by
the dimensional tolerance which is prescribed in the drawing. The
production accuracy is prescribed with regards to the functionality of the
product and to the economy of production as well.
A coupling of two parts creates a fit whose functional character is
determined by differences of their dimensions before their coupling.
Fit is defined as a degree of tightness or looseness between two mating
parts to perform definite function when they are assembled together.
A fit may result either in a movable joint or a fixed joint. For example,
a shaft running in a bearing can move in relation to it and thus forms a
movable joint, whereas, a pulley mounted on the shaft forms a fixed joint.

2. Selection of fit
This paragraph can be used to choose a recommended fit. When
designing the fit itself, it is recommended to follow several principles:
-Design a fit in a hole basis system or in a shaft basis system.
-Use hole tolerances greater or equal to the shaft tolerance.
-Tolerances of the hole and shaft should not differ by more than two


3.Recommended fits
3.1.Simple Definition
We can define the recommended fits as the most useful fit during some
operation, or as the fit which will provide the required function with
maximum optimization for every single step of production.

3.2.Recommended fits description and examples

The list of recommended fits given here in the tables is for information
only and cannot be taken as a fixed listing. The enumeration of actually
used fits may differ depending on the type and field of production, local
standards and national usage and last but not least, depending on the plant
practices. Properties and field of use of some selected fits are described in
the following overview. When selecting a fit it is often necessary to take
into account not only constructional and technological views, but also
economic aspects. Selection of a suitable fit is important particularly in
view of those measuring instruments, gauges and tools which are
implemented in the production. Therefore, follow proven plant practices
when selecting a fit.





3.3.Preferred fits
The standard ANSI B4.1 divides the series of preferred fits into three
basic groups according to the type and field of use.
-Running or sliding fits [RC]
This includes fits with guaranteed clearances which are specified for
movable couplings of those parts which have to run or slide one against
the other.
-Locational fits [LC, LT, LN]
This includes clearance or interference fits specified for precise
locational positioning of coupled parts. The coupled parts must be fixed
mechanically to prevent one moving against the other during assembly.
Depending on the locational positioning of tolerance zones of the coupled
parts, 3 types of these fits may be distinguished: Clearance fits [LC],
interference fits [LN] and transition fits [LT].
-Force or shrink fits [FN]
This includes guaranteed interference fits specified for fixed (nondemountable) couplings of parts.
Each of these groups is marked using a literal abbreviation, which
together with a numerical specification of the class of fit unambiguously
defines the selected fit.

3.3.1.Field of use of preferred fits

Properties and field of use of preferred fits are described in the
following overview. When selecting a fit it is often necessary to take into
account not only constructional and technological but also economic
aspects. Selection of a suitable fit is important particularly in view of
those measuring instruments, gauges and tools which are implemented in
the production. Therefore, follow proven plant practices when selecting a
Running or sliding clearance fits [RC]:
Fits with guaranteed clearance designed for movable couplings of parts
(pivots, running and sliding fits of shafts, guiding bushings, sliding gears
and clutch disks, pistons of hydraulic machines, etc.). The parts can be
easily slid one into the other and turn. The tolerance of the coupled parts
and fit clearance increases with increasing class of the fit.


RC 1: Close sliding fits with negligible clearances for precise guiding of

shafts with high requirements for fit accuracy. No noticeable clearance
after assembly. This type is not designed for free run.
RC 2: Sliding fits with small clearances for precise guiding of shafts with
high requirements for fit precision. This type is not designed for free run;
in case of greater sizes a seizure of the parts may occur even at low
RC 3: Precision running fits with small clearances with increased
requirements for fit precision. Designed for precision machines running at
low speeds and low bearing pressures. Not suitable where noticeable
temperature differences occur.
RC 4: Close running fits with smaller clearances with higher
requirements for fit precision. Designed for precise machines with
moderate circumferential speeds and bearing pressures.
RC 5, RC 6: Medium running fits with greater clearances with common
requirements for fit precision. Designed for machines running at higher
speeds and considerable bearing pressures.
RC 7: Free running fits without any special requirements for precise
guiding of shafts. Suitable for great temperature variations.
RC 8, RC 9: Loose running fits with great clearances with parts having
great tolerances. Fits exposed to effects of corrosion, contamination by
dust and thermal or mechanical deformations.
Locational clearance fits [LC]:
Fits with guaranteed clearances, designed for unmovable couplings
where easy assembly and disassembly is required (precise fits of
machines and preparations, exchangeable wheels, bearing bushings,
retaining and distance rings, parts of machines fixed to shafts using pins,
bolts, rivets or welds, etc.). The coupled parts must be fixed mechanically
to prevent one moving against the other during assembly. These fits are
defined by the standard in a wide range of tolerances and clearances,
from tight fits with negligible clearances designed for precise guiding and
centering of parts [LC 1, LC 2] up to free fits with great clearances and
maximum tolerances [LC 10, LC 11] where easy assembly is the primary
requirement. The tolerance of coupled parts and fit clearance increases
with increasing class of the fit.
Locational transition fits [LT]:
These types include clearance or interference fits designed for

demountable unmovable couplings where precision of fits of the coupled

parts is the main requirement. The part must be fixed mechanically to
prevent one moving against the other during assembly.
LT1, LT2: Tight fits with small clearances or negligible interferences
(easy detachable fits of hubs of gears, pulleys and bushings, retaining
rings, bearing bushings, etc.). The part can be assembled or disassembled
LT3, LT4: Similar fits with small clearances or interferences
(demountable fits of hubs of gears and pulleys, manual wheels, clutches,
brake disks, etc.). The parts can be coupled or disassembled without any
great force by using a rubber mallet.
LT5, LT6: Fixed fits with negligible clearances or small interferences
(fixed plugs, driven bushings, armatures of electric motors on shafts, gear
rims, flushed bolts, etc.). Assembly of parts using low pressing forces.
Locational interference fits [LN]:
Fits with small interferences designed for fixed couplings where
precision and rigidity of fits of the coupled parts is the main requirement.
These fits cannot be used for transfers of torsional moments using friction
forces only; the parts must be secured to prevent one moving against the
other. The parts can be assembled or disassembled using cold pressing
and greater forces or hot pressing.
Force or shrink fits [FN]:
Fits with guaranteed interferences designed for fixed (undetachable)
coupling of parts (permanent couplings of gears with shafts, bearing
bushings, flanges, etc.). These fits are designed, above all, for transfers of
torsional moments using friction forces between shafts and hubs. The
amount of interference (loading capacity of the fit) increases with
increasing class of the fit. Mounting of the parts using cold pressing with
great pressing forces at different temperatures of the parts.
FN1: Light drive fits with small interferences designed for thin sections,
long fits or fits with cast iron external members.
FN2: Medium drive fits with medium interferences designed for ordinary
steel parts or fits with high-grade cast iron external members.
FN3: Heavy drive fits with great interferences designed for heavier steel
FN4, FN5: Force fits with maximum interferences designed for highly
loaded couplings.

Briefly, We can conclude that it is principally impossible to produce
machine parts with absolute dimensional accuracy. It is quite sufficient
that the actual dimension of the part is found between two limit
dimensions and a permissible deviation is kept with production to ensure
correct functioning of engineering products. Fit is defined as a degree of
tightness or looseness between two mating parts to perform definite
function when they are assembled together. The recommended fitis the fit
which will provide the required function with maximum optimization for
every single step of production. The recommended fits cannot be taken as
a fixed fits for these requirements. Three basic groups of preferred fits
according to the type and field of use are exciting. Running or sliding
fits [RC] this includes fits with guaranteed clearances which are specified
for movable couplings of those parts which have to run or slide one
against the other. Locational fits [LC, LT, LN] This includes clearance or
interference fits specified for precise locational positioning of coupled
parts. The coupled parts must be fixed mechanically to prevent one
moving against the other during assembly. Force or shrink fits [FN]
This includes guaranteed interference fits specified for fixed (nondemountable) couplings of parts.
Last and not least, Recommended fits are very useful means to get the
required information for producing any product which depends mainly on
coupling just like ball bearings, with the provided and available data it is
easy to start producing some product corresponding to this data without
needing to start from the point of designating the fundamental deviations
and so on.


-ISO standard hand book limits, fits and surface properties, 2nd edition
- ANSI B4.1 -American National Standards Institute: ANSI
- ANSI B4.2 -American National Standards Institute: ANSI


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