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How to recognize and Exploit Dormant, Unrealized
Revenue Streams in YOUR Business--for Explosive
Business Growth!

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved

3 Ways to Grow a Business

There are only 3 ways to grow a business:
1. Increase the NUMBER of clients.
2. Increase the VALUE per transaction.
3. Increase the FREQUENCY of transactions.

So what's YOUR marketing IQ?

Use this document to test your familiarity with the myriad of proven strategies available to you,
and as a brainstorming tool to open your mind to the momentous leverage capabilities that sit
un-mined, and unrealized in your existing operation.
What breakthroughs await you in the days ahead?
Fill out this penetrating self-evaluation to get your mind in gear prior to the web cast, and get
your business going and growing!
Below are 30 strategies to help you grow your business in each of the 3 ways to grow a
business category.
After you answer each question to the best of your ability, give yourself points for each answer
on a scale of 1-10 (one being the lowest and 10 being the highest). When youre done, tally up
your points using the Marketing IQ Scoring Guide to see how optimally you are growing and
marketing your business.

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved

Increasing The Number of New Clients

1. Leveraging Referral Systems
Define how you are leveraging referral systems to continuously solicit referrals from your
customer/client/partner base continuously, and how well youve trained your internal staff/sales
force/marketing team to do the same. (We know of 93 different ways to do it).
-If you are not leveraging referral systems, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Acquiring Clients At Break-Even Upfront, And Making A Profit On The Back-End
Define how you are acquiring clients at break-even upfront, making a profit on the back-end and what
youre doing to monetize the relationship on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th transactions and thereafter. (We have
identified over 52 ways to do it).
-If you are not acquiring clients at break-even upfront, and making a profit on the back-end, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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3. Guaranteeing Purchases Through Risk Reversal
Define how youre guaranteeing purchases through risk reversal by enhancing the attractiveness of your
product, and removing the barriers for your client to purchase from you by offering guarantees such as:
Guaranteed results or your money back --- or a better than risk free approach like Guaranteed results
or [Double your money back/A free gift for trying us/A free future service].
-If you are not guaranteeing purchases through risk reversal, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. Host/Beneficiary Relationships
Define how you are using host/beneficiary relationships to reach out to others that offer
complimentary/alternative, non-competitive products and services in order to compliment their
products/services with what you offer, allowing you to penetrate new markets through these
partnerships, and gain prominence and preeminence by association. Power Partnering/Relational
Capital over 150 ways to do it.
-If you are not using host/beneficiary relationships, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved

5. Advertising
Define how youre advertising online/offline, in store, outside your store, online - via websites, videos,
marketing funnels, banner ads, Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads etc., how youre tracking and improving
these activities to multiply performance, what headlines you have tested, what calls to action you have
tested, what different positioning approaches you have tested, and what bonus incentives you have
tested (there are over 50 leverage or impact points to do it).
-If you are not using more than one (or a few) ways to advertise, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6. Using Direct Mail
Define how you are using direct mail currently, and how much research and intelligence gathering
youve done in regards to finding out who has access to the contacts and target companies and
individuals youre trying to reach (list owners/renters), what kind of progress you have made towards
partnering or accessing physical mailing addresses, and what tests you have done? (Believe it or not,
Direct mail can in many cases work better today because of online attention spans decreasing and big
-If you are not using direct mail, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved

7. Using Telemarketing
Define how you are currently using telemarketing, how its performing, how youre tracking telephone
activities and how closely you monitor conversions to sales; attention you give to training your sales
teams internally or helping external teams understand your product/service better, and how much you
have studied The Power Of Leaving Messages That Get Responded To. Today there are breakthrough
methodologies and technologies that allow telephone and SMS text messaging to be integrated together
Over 20 different ways.
-If you are not using telemarketing, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8. Running Special Events, VIP Campaigns, Or Information Nights
Define how you are running special events, VIP campaigns, or information nights where your company
connects with your clients/prospects to educate them on your product/service. Also explain how you
distinguish prospects/clients/past buyers/partners at a very high level of value to you - using
preferential and VIP treatment. How often are you doing it, and how has it worked? There are
Online/offline, on-site/off-site, thematic, seasonal, technical ways to do it just to name a few.
-If you are not running special events, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved

9. Acquiring Qualified Lists

Define how you are acquiring qualified lists, and how many strategic relationships youve set up with
direct competitors, indirect competitors, industry influencers, complementary products/services,
authors, trainers, consultants, list owners, bloggers, YouTube-ers, and media sources to access their list
of your target market. And what youre doing to strategize how to qualify, or prequalify those contacts -
before purchasing the list or making a trade/barter arrangement to access that list - and what criteria
do you use to identify where the most viable resources exist?
-If you are not acquiring qualified lists, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10. Integrating Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) In Everything You Do
Define how you are integrating, and promoting your unique selling proposition. How you articulate what
makes your company/product/service unique, different, and desirable in comparison to your
competition, and how you are integrating that message into every interaction you have with your
market/staff/vendors. How are you promoting yourself using this same message in every marketing
campaign or sales effort you deploy and how many ways you have tested alternative USPs until
youve reached an optimal position in the marketplace and the minds of your clients/prospect? (This
goes hand in hand with preeminent and preemptive marketing to give you a power position)
-If you are not integrating a powerful unique selling proposition, why not?
Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved

11. Increasing The Perceived Value Of Your Product/Service Through Better Client Education
Define how you are increasing the perceived value of your product/service by explaining and
dimensionalizing how its created, the development behind it, the expertise that supports it, the
features and benefits that outperform the competition (or that the competition doesnt provide or even
acknowledge). Where are you connecting with your customers and prospects, and how are you
educating them about your value? Look into preemptive marketing, contrast marketing, animating
marketing, demonstrative marketing, future pacing, and restatement marketing.
-If you are not increasing the perceived value of your product/service, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

12. Using Public Relations
Define how you are using public relations and maximizing media access in all forms online articles,
social media, bloggers, books, newspapers, magazines, trade magazines, news reporters, co-hosting
events, collaborating with iconic personages, and public relations consultants and firms.
-If you are not using public relations, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved

13. Improving The Skill Level Of Your Sales Force

Define how you are improving the skill level of your sales force by optimizing the activities of every
interaction your sales force has with your clients by utilizing empathy, preeminence, consultative
advisory selling, verbalizing what your prospect wants and doesnt want, soft closing, assumptive
closing, metaphors, education-based selling, sales call follow-up systems, and leveraging technology to
automatically deliver videos, audios, articles, reports, and infographics to connect on a deeper, more
powerful level.
-If you are not continuously improving the skill level of your sales force, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

14. Qualifying Leads Upfront
Define how you are qualifying leads upfront, before you ever communicate with them, by employing
strategies like targeting the right audience, using qualifying forms and questionnaires online and offline,
conveying the right proposition, demonstrating the cost and the benefit, using 2-stage phone call
processes that filter out large volume of inappropriate prospects and escalate appropriate prospects to
the next level sales rep, and using charts and graphs to demonstrate and dimensionalize the impact of
your product or service in a multitude of applications.
-If you are not qualifying leads upfront, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved

15. Making Irresistible Offers

Define how you are making irresistible offers using risk Reversal, better than risk reversal, bonus
incentives, performance guarantees, value guarantees, human capital resource savings/enhancement
guarantees, and competitive advantage guarantees.
-If you are not making irresistible offers, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

16. Communicating Frequently With Existing Clients/Inactive Clients To Get More Referrals
Define how you are communicating frequently with existing clients/inactive clients to get more referrals
by using VIP experiences, prestige based follow up, intangible compensation, tangible compensation,
vertical/relevant application to direct business or consumers situation, holistically dealing with a
broader span, provocative communications, value-added introductions.
-If you are not communicating frequently with existing/inactive clients, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved


17. Delivering Higher Than Expected Levels Of Service

Define how you are delivering higher than expected levels of service by extending performance norms
by meaningful levels, adding complimentary product/service bonuses, adding outsized support/faster,
better, deeper problem resolving response, incomparable online client knowledge base.
-If you are not delivering higher than expected levels of service, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

18. Educating Your Clients By Giving Reasons Why They Will Benefit From Your Product/Service.
Define how you are educating your clients by giving reasons why they will benefit from your
product/service by using a benefits versus features approach. Not just selling people on the new
gadget, new technology, new shiny object but rather what that new gadget, new technology, new
shiny object will DO for them in a real way. Google: Simon Sinek, or Reality in Advertising, or My Life in
Advertising These all go to the heart and core of how all transactions get fueled and transcends just
this category.
-If you are not educating your clients by giving reasons why, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved


II. Increasing Average Transaction Value

1. Training Your Team On Advanced Techniques To Up-Sell And Cross-Sell
Define how you are training your team on advanced techniques to upsell and cross sell by mastering:
listening, Socratic interviewing, leadership selling, trust building, being fascinating, verbal strategy,
making sales scripts sound natural, having better competitive knowledge than your prospect -- and thus
increasing your sales potential. Also try the Amazon school of marketing to gain insightful data from the
reviews people leave about products that are similar to or the same as yours-to learn language patterns
and use them to understand your prospects real needs preemptively before you get on the phone with
-If you are not training your team on advanced techniques to upsell and cross sell, why not?

-Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Using Point-Of-Sale Promotions
Define how you are using point-of-sale promotions to offer additives, discounts, upsells, complimentary
products and services right at the point of purchase when people are most likely to be still thinking
about, engaged with, and interested in your product or service. See irresistible offer again.
-If you are not using point-of-sale promotions, why not?

-Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved


3. Bundling Complementary Products And Services Together

Define how you are bundling complementary products and services together using your creativity to
connect the dots for your customer in ways that lead to new ways to enhance their experience using
your products, and trying out packages theyve never been offered before anywhere else so youre
also capitalizing on the products and services of your competition.
-If you are not bundling complementary Products and services together, why not?

-Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. Increasing Prices, And Hence Your Margins
Define how you are increasing prices using preeminent/prominent positioning and how you are finding
ways to increase the perception of your products value to the end user, and areas where you might be
undercharging because youre still focusing on the amount of money and effort it costs you to provide
the product/service--instead of basing prices on the value the client perceives and needs.
-If you are not increasing prices systematically, why not?

-Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved


5. Changing The Profile Of Your Products Or Services To Be More Up Market

Define how you are changing the profile of your products or services to be more upmarket by using
velvet rope marketing, white glove marketing, elite distinction marketing, platinum marketing, and
maven marketing to create a more upmarket persona. Becoming a maven in your market where youre
seen as an authority allows you to define what upmarket actually looks like in a credible way.
-If you are not changing the profile of your products to be more up market, why not?

-Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6. Offering Greater/Larger Units Of Purchase
Define how you are offering greater/larger units of purchase using the Costco membership concept of
buying in bulk strategy, automatic billing strategy, ultra-support/protection strategy, and
quantity/discount blowout sales and liquidation offers.
-If you are not offering greater/larger units of purchase, why not?

-Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved


III. Increasing Transaction Frequency

1. Developing A Back-End Line Of Products That You Can Go Back To Your Clients With
Define how you are developing a back-end line of products you can go back to your clients with by using
front end enhancing products to accelerate the buying cycle, offering first access to premium
products/services, thus multiplying the lifetime value of the client.
-If you are not developing a back-end line of products, why not?

-Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Communicating Personally With Your Clients
Define how you are communicating with your clients personally, frequently, and on special occasions by
phone, email, social media, hand-written letter, text, Skype etc. to establish deep, trusting, humanized
relationships. Also explain how you are using discussion groups such as LinkedIn, reading rooms or
clubs, interviewing prominent industry leaders, mastermind groups, and sponsoring offline symposiums
to maintain a positive relationship.
-If you are not communicating personally with your clients, why not?

-Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved


3. Endorsing Other Peoples Products To Your List
Define how you are endorsing other peoples products to your list by offering their complimentary,
competitive, corresponding, and alternative products to your list so there is always something being
offered, and your clients never feel like youve forgotten about them or ran out of products/services to
-If you are not endorsing other peoples products to your list, why not?

-Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. Running Special Events
Define how you are running special events by using closed door sales, limited pre-releases, priority VIP
events, advanced access, limited releases, limited elite experience to increased the frequency of
transactions and interactions.
-If you are not running special events, why not?

-Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved


5. Pre-Framing Or Programming Clients

Define how you are pre-framing or programming clients by establishing the buying criteria; the result
your product/service produces for them. How are you demonstrating, proving, dimensionalizing,
educating your clients on the value of your product/service, and thus reducing risk?
-If you are not pre-framing or programming clients, why not?

-Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6. Price Inducements For Frequency And Combinations.
Define how you are using price inducements for frequency and combinations by packaging high-priced
or fast moving items, with low-priced or slower moving items - using price incentives to increase the
frequency of sales, usage, and liquidation of unsold items.
-If you are not using price inducements for frequency and combinations, why not?

-Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Score -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Great job, you have completed the first section!

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved


Now, before you tally up your score, heres a chance to earn some bonus points. Add 20 points for each
of the areas below to your total score if youre doing them exceptionally well, 10 points if youre doing
them at an average level or just okay, and zero points if youre not doing them at all.

BONUS POINTS: 3 Advanced Ways to Grow a Business.

1. Penetrating One New Market Or Distribution Channel Every Year.
-If you are not penetrating new markets or distribution channels every year, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Bonus Points -- 10 20

2. Creating At Least One New Product/Service Every Year.
-If you are not creating at least one new product/service every year, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Bonus Points -- 10 20

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved


3. Acquiring Assets/Buyers/Intellectual Property Of Competitive Or Complimentary Businesses

Every Year On A Pure Performance Based Payout.
-If you are not acquiring assets every year, why not?

Insert Your Answer Below

Circle Your Bonus Points -- 10 20

Okay! Now its time to tally up your score from all of the questions youve answered above (including
the bonus points). You can use the scoring guide below to see where you are on the spectrum of
marketing possibilities and mindset.

YOUR Marketing IQ Score: _________

Marketing IQ Scoring Guide:

(180 - 360 points) Marketing Master Outstanding! You are taking advantage of the many avenues for
growth and YOU should be TEACHING this stuff!
(95 180 points) Marketing Maven Great work! But theres still always room for improvement -- so
keep referring to this list often to see where you can add and stack revenue generating activities in your
(0 95 points) Marketing Grasshopper You are massively limiting your growth and revenue potential,
and you may want to spend some time enjoying the free business growth resources at

After youve completed the assessment portion of this document, you can then proceed on to the next
section where you will learn how to dimensionalize these concepts, and incorporate them into your
everyday business life!

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved


The Power Parthenon Principle

List the marketing pillars your business is currently built on below

If its not many, and your pillars looks more like a diving board only supported by one or two pillars
rather than a powerful Parthenon structure, see the graphic below that illustrates what a business looks
like when its built on a solid foundation of several pillars.

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved


Hopefully you can now see how much more stable and profitable your business can be when its built on
a solid foundation. Now, what would happen to your revenue level and profitability if you combined
and multiplied a wide array of marketing approaches?

Enter: The Force Multiplier Effect

The key to leverage marketing is using a military technology called The Force Multiplier Effect which
is described as Hitting the target (or your market in your case) from so many vantage points that the
effects of the forces deployed are multiplied and enhanced, and victory is as close to certain as
In a real war environment, it would mean incorporating surprise attacks, stealth attacks, airstrikes,
drones, surface to air missiles, tanks, snipers, general infantry you get the picture.
In business, its having many different marketing pillars, access points, and communicating from many
points of impact/interest - that reach the market in different ways and at heightened levels or degrees
of receptivity.
To further illustrate the point, fill in the chart below to understand how when you incorporate new
activities from the answers you gave in the assessment guide above, or increase the performance of
existing activities --- a multiplied effect is achieved and the results are exponential!

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved


There are several methods of achieving growth in each category, and these methods can be stacked,
combined, and multiplied into thousands of possible permutations. Use the chart below to evaluate and
quantify the actual potential each marketing activity has, on the overall profit picture youre looking to
enhance, optimize, and improve.

Profit and Leverage Consolidator

Hopefully this proves to be an illuminating and insightful document that helps to propel the growth,
stability, and predictability of your business. Keep in mind, these are only some of Jays principles. Jay
also has the 9 Drivers Of Exponential Business Growth, The 34 eXfactors, The 25 Strategy Levers, The 9
Sticking Points that hold most business revenue and profit performance down, and The Performance
Enhancement Quotient process (PEQ).
For purposes of this first introduction to Jay and his methodology and his unique, customized, strategic
business growth approaches - these initial factors, techniques, and concepts will challenge you to think
much more deeply about what your business is NOT doing right now, but should be doing immediately.

Copyright @ 2016 The Abraham Group All Rights Reserved


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