CH 24 Thermal Questions - KEY PDF

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Chapter 24 Thermal Physics Questions & Solutions

1. What is the meaning of the Greek words from which we get the word thermodynamics?
Heat and movement
2. Is the study of thermodynamics concerned primarily with microscopic or microscopic processes?
3. What is the lowest possible temperature on the Celsius scale? On the Kelvin scale? -273.15 C, 0 K
4. What is the temperature of melting ice in Kelvin? Or boiling water? 273 K; 373 K
5. How does the law of the conservation of energy relate to the first law of thermodynamics?
The first law of thermodynamics is the law of conservation of energy applied to thermal systems
6. What happens to the internal energy of a system when work is done on it? What happens to its temperature?
Increases; increased
7. What is the relationship between heat added to a system heat added to a system and the internal energy and
external work done by the system? Amount of heat added = increases in internal energy + work done
8. If work is done adiabatically on a system, will the internal energy of the system increase or decrease? If
work is done by a system, will the internal energy of the system increase or decrease?
Increase; decrease
9. What condition is necessary for a process to be adiabatic?
No heat enters or leaves while the process occurs
10. What happens to the temperature of the air when it is adiabatically compressed? When it adiabatically
expands? Increases; decreases
11. What generally happens to the temperature of rising air?
Decreases, if adiabatic
12. What generally happens to the temperature of sinking air?
Increases if adiabatic
13. How does the second law of thermodynamics relate to the direction of heat flow?
It defines the direction of heat flow from hot to cold
14. What three processes occur in every heat engine?
Energy absorption, conversion of some energy to work, expulsion of the rest
15. What is thermal pollution?
Unwanted exhaust
16. If all friction could be removed form a heat engine, would it be 100% efficient? Explain.
No, efficiency depends on input and output temperatures
17. What is the ideal efficiency of a heat engine that operates with its hot reservoir at 500 k and its sink at 300
0.4 or 40%
18. Why are heat engines intentionally run at high operating temperatures?
To increase efficiency
19. Give at least two examples to distinguish between organized energy and disorganized energy.
Electricity converting to heat, car braking to a stop
20. How much of the electrical energy transformed by a common light bulb becomes heat energy?
21. With respect or orderly and disorderly states, what do natural systems tend to do? Can a disorderly state
ever transform to an orderly state? Explain.
Become disordered; yes, but only with work input
22. What is the physicists term for a measure of messiness?
23. Under what condition can entropy decrease in a system? Only with work or other organized energy input
24. What is the relationship between the second law of thermodynamics and entropy?
Entropy increases in natural systems
25. Distinguish between the first and second laws of thermodynamics in terms of whether or not exceptions
The first law has no exceptions, the second law may have some exceptions

Plug and Chug

26. Calculate the ideal efficiency of a heat engine that takes in energy at 800K and expels heat to a reservoir at
IE = (Thot Tcold) / Thot (800 K 300 K) / (800 K) = 0.63
27. Calculate the ideal efficiency of a ships boiler when steam comes out at 530 K, pushes through a steam
turbine, and exits into a condenser that is kept at 290 K by circulating seawater.
IE = (Thot Tcold) / Thot (530 K 290 K) / (530 K) = 0.45
28. Calculate the ideal efficiency of a steam turbine that has a hot reservoir of 112C high-pressure steam and a
sink at 27C.
IE = (Thot Tcold) / Thot ( (112 + 273) K (27+273) K) / ( (112 + 273) K) = 0.22

29. In a heat engine driven by ocean temperature differences, the heat source (water near the surface) is at 293
K and the heat sink (deeper water) is at 283 K. Calculate the ideal efficiency of the engine.
IE = (Thot Tcold) / Thot (293 K 283 K) / (293 K) = 0.034

Think and Explain (Extra Credit)

30. A friend said the temperature inside a certain oven is 600 and the temperature inside a certain star is 60,000.
Youre unsure about whether your friend meant K or C. How much difference does it make in each case?
An oven at 600C (873 K) is hotter than an oven at 600 K by 45% in absolute temperature; a star at
60,273 K is hotter than a star at 60,000K only by 0.45%
31. When you pump a tire with a bicycle pump, the cylinder of the pump becomes hot. Give two reasons why
this is so. Compression of air and friction in the piston on the inner wall of the chamber
32. Is it possible to entirely convert a given amount of heat into mechanical energy? Is it possible to entirely
convert a given amount of mechanical energy into heat? Cite examples to illustrate your answers. No; yes;
if you drag a block across a floor, you produce heat but heat cannot drag the block back.
33. We know that warm air rises. SO it might seem that the air temperature should be higher at the top of
mountains than down below. But the opposite is more often the case. Why? Rising air undergoes adiabatic
expansion and cools
34. Will the efficiency of a car engine increase, decrease, or remain the same if the muffler is removed? If the
car is driven on a very cold day? Defend your answers. Increase; back pressure is reduced. Efficiency
also increases on a cold day due to the increase in the temperature difference between the hot
reservoir in the engine and its surroundings (the sink)
35. The combined molecular kinetic energies of molecules in a very large container of cold water are greater
than the combined molecular kinetic energies in a cup of hot tea. Pretend you partially immerse the teacup
in the cold water and that the tea absorbs 10 joules of energy from the water and becomes hotter, while the
water that gives up 10 joules of energy becomes cooler. Would this energy transfer violate the first law of
thermodynamics? The second law of thermodynamics? Explain. No, energy is conserved; you, internal
energy will not freely transfer from a cooler to a warmer object.
36. A mixture of fuel and air is burned rapidly in a combustion engine to push a piston in the engine that in turn
propels the vehicle. In a jet engine a mixture of fuel and air is burned rapidly and, instead of pushing
pistons, pushes the aircraft itself. Which do you suppose is more efficient? Jet engine; it saves a step and
so is more efficient
37. Suppose one whishes to cool a kitchen by leaving the refrigerator door open and closing the kitchen door
and windows. What will happen to the room temperature? Why? After a very brief decrease due to the
mixing of warm and cold air, the room temperature will increase because the room is the heat sink.
38. In buildings that are being heated electrically, is it wasteful to turn on all the lights. Is turning on all the
lights wasteful if the building is being cooled by air conditioning ? Defend your answers. No, the lights
help heat; in air conditioning it is wasteful because you must get rid of the heat they produce
39. Water put into a freezer compartment in your refrigerator goes to a state of less molecular disorder when it
freezes. Is this an exception to the entropy principle? Explain. No, work has been put into the
refrigeration system
40. ON a cold 10C day, your friend who likes cold weather says she wishes it were twice as cold. Taking this
to mean she wishes the air had half the internal energy, what temperature would this be? Half its absolute
temperature or (1/2)(10+273) K = 141.5 K = -131.5C
41. Why is thermal pollution a relative term? It refers to an undesirable by produce of some process, and
its desirability is relative.
42. Is it possible to construct a heat engine that produces no thermal pollution? Defend your answer. Yes. If
the exhausted heat is desirable then no thermal pollution is produced.
43. What happens to the efficiency of a heat engine when the temperature of the reservoir into which heat
energy is rejected is lowered? Increases (substitution a smaller Tcold into the efficiency equation)

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