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Brain Wave Vibration

Brain Wave Vibration is a simple and effective

technique to energize and recharge your brain.

Robin Murphy, N.D.

Lotus Health Institute
Blacksburg, Virginia

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

The Theory of Brain Wave Vibration

Brain Wave Vibration combines movement and breath with specific hand
placements on certain parts of the body and movements to move the energy
within the system to activate the brain.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Wave Vibration

The founder of the Dahn Yoga movement, Master Ilchi Lee, has written a book
titled Brain Wave Vibration. In it he states that this exercise will improve
the intelligence and brain vitality of anyone who does the practice daily.

Brain Wave Vibration is published by Best Life Media

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

How to Do Brain Wave Vibration

Brain Wave Vibration can take many forms, although the basic
principles behind it remain the same. It can be done alone,
simultaneously, or flowing from one to the next
One of the most basic forms of Brain Wave Vibration is moving
your head and upper body to your own internal rhythm.
Although music is not necessary, using it when you practice can
make it easier to get into the rhythm. Percussion music, such as
that from African and Latin American cultures, or traditional
Korean drumming called sa-mul-nori, is ideal.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

How to Do Brain Wave Vibration

Head Motion Vibration
Move your head from side to side. This is the most
simple and convenient form of Brain Wave
Vibration. It can be done standing, sitting, or lying
down and is designed to deliver vibrations directly
to your brain stem for immediate tension release and
deep relaxation. Try it anytime during the day, even
while working at your desk, to refresh your brain.
Just three minutes will clear your head, enhance
your focus, and leave you feeling more energized.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

How to Do Brain Wave Vibration

Full Body Vibration
The goal with this method is to create total
relaxation and a calm, meditative state. Its very
similar to the body vibration and shaking medicine
techniques that indigenous cultures have used for
centuries. With practice, your inhibitions will loosen
and you will intuitively take on postures that your
body desires for its own natural healing. Most
practitioners use some form of rhythmic drum music
to get easily into the flow.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

How to Do Brain Wave Vibration

Chest Vibration
Variations of this method are designed to open the chest and
stimulate the heart chakra. This form also helps to release pent up
emotions like sadness, anger, or disappointment, which are often
held in the chest and throat areas. It can be done standing or sitting,
with or without vocal tones. Techniques include twisting your
upper body or tapping lightly on your chest with loose fists or your

Abdominal Vibration
This method is the most effective technique for stimulating blood
flow and energy to the lower abdomen, which is the core of your
physical and energetic being. By tapping and focusing on this area,
you are balancing energy throughout the body, grounding yourself,
and stimulating your intestines. If you get dizzy easily, warm up with
this method before using other techniques, such as the head nod and
full-body vibration.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

How to Do Brain Wave Vibration

Energy Meditation
This form of Brain Wave Vibration requires deep,
relaxed concentration so it is a good idea to stretch
or use another method to loosen up before
beginning. It is designed to help you increase your
awareness of energy between your palms and
throughout your whole body. This method helps to
quiet your mind and go beyond your emotions, and
leads to a more relaxed state.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Wave Vibration and The Brainstem

The brainstem is the region of the brain that connects the cerebrum
with the spinal cord. It consists of the midbrain, medulla oblongata,
and the pons. Motor and sensory neurons travel through the brainstem
allowing for the relay of signals between the brain and the spinal cord.
The brainstem coordinates motor control signals sent from the
brain to the body. The brainstem also controls life supporting
autonomic functions of the peripheral nervous system.


The brainstem controls several important functions of the body
Blood Pressure
Heart Rate
Other Autonomic Functions
Relays Information Between the Peripheral Nerves and
Spinal Cord to the Upper Parts of the Brain

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

How to Do Brain Wave Vibration

Tips for Practice
1. Bigger isnt always better. Begin with simple, subtle movements and
let the sensation grow from there. Focus on your body to discover your
own natural rhythm. Always warm-up with a few stretches.
2. Practice anytime, for as long as feels appropriate. Start with several
3-5 minute sessions and work up to sessions of 10 minutes or more. To
prevent dizziness, always ease to a stop with each technique.
3. Consider your environment. You can practice anywhere. It is ideal to
practice in a quiet place with few distractions. Practicing with a group can
yield different results.
4. Be confident. There is no right or wrong way to practice. Empty your
mind of doubts, inhibitions, and feelings of awkwardness and just move
according to the natural flow of your body.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Wave Vibration Testimonies

Healing My Head
Since beginning Brain Wave Vibration, my head feels
lighter and I am able to think more clearly. Now I do not get
migraines, and I am less stressed in general.

Shoulder Rotator Cuff Healed

7/28/2009 Marie Brantley
I tore the rotator in my right shoulder by unwisely pulling a heavy
sewing machine up a flight of stairs. I went 8 months to a
chiropractor which helped, but at the end of the 8 months it still was
not healed. I started Dahn Yoga with Master Kim in Beltsville, MD
4 weeks ago. Doing the exercises the first week brought back the
pain in my shoulder. However, after faithfully attending, and
doing the Brain Wave Vibration, my shoulder is completely
healed. Also, before starting Dahn Yoga, my legs felt so heavy
when I walked. That, too, is totally gone. Thanks to Master Kim,
Dahn Yoga, and Brain Wave Vibration. I highly recommend it all.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Wave Vibration Testimonies

Mary Wolak Improved Her Transverse Myelitis with Brain
Wave Vibration
6/24/2009 When Mary Wolak came home from the hospital after an acute
onset of transverse myelitis, she needed a walker to move and her hands were
paralyzed. Since taking Brain Wave Vibration and other classes at her Las
Vegas Dahn Yoga Center, shes hardly used her walker, and sensation and
movement have returned to some of her fingers. She also has a lot of
energy now, and feels upbeat, positive, and empowered.

Managing Headaches with Brain Wave Vibration

6/1/2009 I have been doing Brain Wave Vibration over a month now and have experienced
unexpected changes in my body. Now the horrible headaches that would visit me from
time to time and knock me down are under control.
The headaches that hit me at any time whenever there was a lack of sleep or unpleasant
stress continue to exist. The headache would get ignited and would run its course, the pain
escalating to full burning flames until it died down. So whenever there was an early sign
of headache, I would attempt stretching, walking, sleeping, painkiller . . . but to no avail.
Not too long ago, I started Brain Wave Vibration at the early sign of headache. To my
surprise, the pain did not escalate beyond a certain point. So I repeated Brain Wave
Vibration every two hours. As a result, I finally became free from headache by the
end of the day. I got rid of even the remaining smolder of pain with Brain Wave
Vibration exercise.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Wave Vibration Testimonies

Forty Years of High Blood Pressure Lowered
4/14/2009 Ron Cohen
I have had high blood pressure for over forty years. Before
Brain Wave Vibration my pressure was about 150 over 89.
This is while being on three different medications to keep my
blood pressure down. My new blood pressure readings have
been as low as 106 over 76. This is nothing short of a miracle!

From Multiple Sclerosis to Walking Tall

4/7/2009 Sharon
I suffer from multiple sclerosis. I had to wear feet support in
the socks and use a cane simply to walk. I could not move
the feet for three years. Now I can lift my feet. I can even
move furniture without help. Before, I fell out of balance
when I pulled my head backward. Not anymore! Even my
doctor is very surprised.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Wave Vibration Testimonies

Healing Kidneys and Liver 4/2/2009
My health was significantly compromised. I was severely anemic, my kidneys werent
functioning properly, and the medical professionals wanted me to be on
chemotherapy, but my liver was creating complications. I was experiencing a lot of
pain in my musculoskeletal system, and I wasnt sleeping much more than two hours
a night. I was kind of a mess. I am now doing great, and all these physical ailments
are completely gone! The Brain Wave Vibration technique specifically helped me
sleep more effectively and keep my emotions balanced and positive so that I
could truly heal my physical body. This technique, combined with others from Dahn
Yoga, has probably been the primary contributor to my healing, and I am so grateful.

Blood Pressure and Vision Improved

3/19/2009 Young Sook Park
I was rushed to the emergency room in the middle of the night because my blood
pressure shot up so high. After I started Brain Wave Vibration, however, not only
did my blood pressure improve, my vision has improved and my headaches are
gone. My head also feels clear and light. Two minutes of simple head shaking helps
my vision become clearer. Unlike other exercises, Brain Wave Vibration is easy to do
even while watching TV.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Wave Vibration Testimonies

Brain Lesions Disappeared
3/11/2009 Debbie Nelson

A year and a half ago, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

After 8-9 months of practice, I went in for a medical exam. To
my doctors surprise, brain lesions that I had before disappeared
from my MRI scan. He said this could not have been the
medication I was taking. Also, I got half an inch taller!

Paraplegic Regains Some Use of His Spine

2/20/2009 Charles Salley

Charles Salley from Tacoma, Washington has experienced major health

problems, including paralysis, his entire life. After one and a half months of
Brain Wave Vibration, he has seen vast improvements in his health and aspires
to become a "yoga master" to help other paraplegics like himself.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Wave Vibration Testimonies

Healing MS and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
2/13/2009 Noel Johnson

I have participated in several classes at Harvard Dahn Yoga, Cambridge, MA

and the results were amazingly positive for my body, mind and spirit.
After the first Brain Wave Vibration session, I was so amazed at the results. I
had been diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both hands, and the
condition is such that my right thumb, middle and index fingers are totally
numb. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) at the same time. After
our first class the numbness in my thumb, index, and middle fingers was
almost totally gone. I could feel! It was like they were totally normal! The
pain was gone.
Later I noticed more improvements. My balance was dramatically improved
after BWV, something that has been made difficult both by MS and muscular
atrophy and nerve damage in my legs caused by bad cholesterol medication
prescribed to me in my past.
Moreover, my eyesight has improved to the point where, when I drove home,
I did not need to wear my glasses. I even forgot to put them on! Most
importantly, though, my spirit and emotions have been so energized. The
classes and sessions have been joyful.
I know that when I can attend BWV classes on a regular basis I will be totally

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Wave Vibration Testimonies

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Waves and Health

The electrical potential generated by the
brain is measured by specialized equipment
called Electro-encephalograph. The EEG
shows four types of patterns which are called
the Brain Waves.
These waves are rhythmic in nature. They
occur independently on each side of the
brain. In certain instances, both sides of the
brain waves are in synchronization.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Waves and Brain Wave Vibration


Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Waves and Brain Wave Vibration

1. Beta Waves, which occurs at a frequency of
13 to 25 cycles per second. It is mainly seen in
intense mental activity like, talking. speaking,
doing work, solving problems, etc. It is also
seen during tension, stress.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Waves and Brain Wave Vibration

2. Alpha Waves, occur at a frequency of 8 to 12
cycles per second. It is a state of quiet and resting
alertness. It also indicates relaxation.
These waves forms at the diffuse Thalamo-cortical
System in the Mid-Brain. Mostly these areas have
the functions of learning, memory, focus,
consciousness and abstract thinking, etc.
Most intensely recorded in the occipital region of
the brain.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Wave Vibration

Benefits are more, if more Alpha waves are generated
1. There is a relaxed concentrated state of mind which makes a
person more alert.
2. There is a synchronization of the right & Left sides of the
3. An increase in Alpha waves helps relieve anxiety and reduces
stress related disorders.
4. It strengthens the immune System, thereby improves the
ability of the body to heal faster.
5. This is effective for reprogramming our inner conscious
levels. It is a state of high Creativity, which leads to peak

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Wave Vibration

3. Theta Waves, which occurs at a frequency of 4 to
8 cycles per second. It is commonly seen in young
children during emotional stress. In adults,
particularly during disappointment and
It occurs in many brain disorders. Most
frequently recorded over the parietal & temporal
regions of the brain.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Wave Vibration

4. Delta Waves, which occurs at the frequency of 0.5
to 4 cycles per second, It is a state of deep sleep. It is
also seen in very serious organic brain diseases. It
strictly occurs in the cortex region of the brain.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Waves and Brain Wave Vibration

The right and left hemispheres of the
brain appear to produce different
brain functions.
The left hemisphere is active in linear,
logical, practical, rational and time
oriented activities.
The right hemisphere seems to be
much more spatial, creative,
analogical, holistic and non-logical.

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

Brain Waves and Brain Wave Vibration

During meditation and deep relaxation, the
left and right brain wave patterns happen
together. Scientists now believe that
Synchronization makes:
Much more brain power available
Learning large amounts of information
very quick
High Creativity
Self Control over all emotions

Monday, July 14,

Lotus Health Institute

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