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Against the background of increasing local and global competitiveness, it is crucial for any
organisation, particularly for those in developing countries with limited skills resources, such as
India, to ensure that it consistently develops and retains a loyal, committed and able workforce.
This presupposes employees who are satisfied with the work that they do and with the culture of
the organisation that they are employed by and who are consequently motivated to continue
their relationship with that organisation.


The research problem here in this study is associated with the motivation of employees
of ITC, Dehradun. There are a variety of factors that can influence a persons level of
motivation; some of these factors include
1. The level of pay and benefits,
2. The perceived fairness of promotion system within a company,
3. Quality of the working conditions,
4. Leadership and social relationships,
5. Employee recognition
6. Job security
7. career development opportunities etc.
Motivated employees are a great asset to any organisation. It is because the motivation and
Job satisfaction is clearly linked. Hence this study is focusing on the employee motivation
in the organisation.
Tools for Data Collection:
Tool used to collect the primary data was by a questionnaire and direct interaction with
external guide.
The conclusions and recommendations have been drawn based on through understanding
of the organization during the study. Case studies have not been developed due to time and
data availability constraints.
Sampling Technique:
The sampling techniques used was non- probability. The researcher has to decide whether the
information was to be obtained from every unit of population under study or only a portion of
population will be used. In this study we had used convenience sampling. Convenient sampling

was least expensive and time consuming of all sampling techniques. In this type of sampling
where the researcher selects the sample according to his or her convenience.
Data Collection:
Information has been collected from primary and secondary data.
The whole research is based on primary data as well as secondary data.
Primary Research
Questionnaire Surveys
Talking with people
Personal interviews
Telephone surveys
Secondary research
Literature searches
Through internet
Through Periodicals

Primary Data:
Primary data collected through the questionnaire from the various respondents.
Secondary Data:
Secondary data collected through the magazines, newspapers, shopkeepers catalogue and the
(a) Primary Sources
Primary Data was the one which is of employee`s importance and backbone of any study.Data
will be obtained from respondents with the help of widely used and well known method of
survey. In this study primary data will be collected through questionnaire. In this structured
questionnaire is used. Questionnaire will be a list of questions given to number of persons. It
secures standardized results that can be tabulated and treated statistically. Structured
questionnaire were those questionnaire in which there are definite, concrete and predetermined
questions. In this questions were presented with exactly the same wordings and the same form
to all the respondents.
(b) Secondary Sources
These types of data were known as published data. Data which were not originally collected was
called secondary data. The first step in any research was the collection of secondary data. In
this project, data was collected from company records, internet and journals.

Sample Size
50 respondents

These 50 respondents are selected approximately equally for all the brands.

The Age of respondents is approximately between 18-45 yrs.

The income level of respondents taken also lies between Rs18000to Rs45000or above per

Total of 150 respondents, 80% are the males and rest 20% are the females.

It is based on the convenient sampling.

Reasons for selecting convenient sampling.

Time constraint
Resource constraint
Cost constraint

As the study isn't completly booted yet,therefore potential findings are under the bargain.

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