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CSR Activates By PTCL

Sukkur Institute of Business Administration



To be the leading Information
and Communication
Technology Service Provider in
DATE: and
15, 2016
the region by achieving customer
shareholders' values.
To achieve our vision by having:
An organizational environment that fosters professionalism, motivation and
An environment that is cost effective and quality conscious
Services that are based on the most optimum technology
"Quality" and "Time" conscious customer service
Sustained growth in earnings and profitability

Professional Integrity
Customer Satisfaction
Loyalty to the Company

Pakistan Telecommunication Company limited is the renowned and the leading
company of telecommunication industry. It is main communication authority in
Pakistan that is partly government owned and partly privatized. The corporation
provides telephonic and internet service nationwide and is the backbone for the
countrys telecommunication infrastructure despite the arrival of a several other
telecommunication corporations. It manages and operates around 2000 telephone
exchanges across the country, providing the largest fixed-line network. Data and
backbone services such as GSM, HSPA+.CDMA, LTE broadband internet, IPTV, and
wholesale are an increasing part of its business.
In the year 1962 a department was established with the name Pakistan telephone
and telegraph department the service was firstly provided as state owned entity
later in 1991 the government took the decision to privatize the PTCL. In 1994
government issues vouchers which are convertible in to shares then government
worked on it and in 1996 shares are given to people holding vouchers.
Later in 2005 government decides to fully privatize the PTCL and sold the shares to
Etisalat which led country wide protests and strikes by the PTCL workers. They
disrupted many connections of public sector buildings then military overtook the
control of exchanges and arrested many workers. All this ended up with a 30%
increase in the salaries of the workers.
The company remained the largest telecommunication provider in Pakistan even
facing so many terrible situations. It has also potential to add some value in to the
growth of the Pakistan economy. It has also launched many new technology
oriented services and products for meeting consumers demands in a very effective
way. PTCL has laid optical fiber access networks in the major metropolitan centers of


The corporate social responsibility is the view given by many philanthropists of the
history carol was the most famous personality in giving concepts of the corporate
social responsibility and there were many others also who gave the view of welfare
of the society and the corporation as whole. The corporate social responsibility
refers to the business practices involves participating in initiatives that benefits
people and planet. These days CSR is performed by many companies to gain
sustainability of the business and loyalty of the consumers in simple words CSR is
becoming more mainstream embed sustainability into the core of their business
operations to create shared value for business and society.
CSR is a central point for many companies these days because its not only for the
society and the people its also about the growth of the business and it gives a lot of

benefits to the stake holders as well who are directly and indirectly engaged in the
business. Its responsibly of every organization to take care of the place where they
are running their business as well as take care of the people who are living near by
the business operations.
The concept of CSR suggests many things for the betterment and improvement of
the living standards of the society. It is heavily followed by the developed countries
where as developing countries is also moving towards developing more activities
regarding CSR. The core motive of the CSR activities is to provide benefit to the
economy by creating healthy environment and efficient enough business to lead in
the worlds market.
CSR can be done through many ways, generating employment to eradicate poverty,
creating educational opportunities to change life style of the people, earning
enough profit to increase the wealth of the shareholders ultimately to strengthen
the entity so that it can lead in the world market.
CSR can encompass a wide variety of tactics, from giving nonprofits organizations a
portion of a companys proceeds, to giving away a product or service to worthy
recipient for every sale made. The CSR is fully based on three mail things that are
environment, philanthropy and ethics. It is every organizations responsibility to
create healthy environment especially in the area where they are operating, like
many renowned companies are already doing it the few examples are, coke, wall
mart, and here in Pakistan we can count on PTCL. And when it comes to
philanthropy businesses also practice social responsibility by donating to national
and local charities for the sake of the happiness of the people. Whether it involves
money or time, businesses have a lot of resources that can benefit charities and
local community programs. If we see the CSR in the ethical labor practices view we
can see many practices of the businesses who are doing business taking very much
care of the ethical practices in their organizations by treating employees fairly and
ethically, companies can also demonstrates their corporate social responsibility.
This is very much true for the organizations that are following labor laws that are
accepted worldwide.
While looking from the every side of the CSR, as its really vast view to be defined
us come to the conclusion thats its main theme is to provide benefits to the two
main bodies of the universe that are PEOPLE and PLANET. The whole CSR is
surrounded by these two bodies.

Corporate Social Responsibility in 2011 By PTCL

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) thinks that they are
responsible corporate citizen so they do many projects for the development of

society in 2011. They sponsor in the Education, contribute in Health and Safety,
Help to flood victimized, and Environment.


The destructive floods in the middle of 2010s make homeless to thousands of
people. They were suffering in the camp. Hindered of housed were completely
terminate and children were starving from the hunger, women were depressed
about their deference. People were facing the security problems, people lost their
home all the agricultural land were fully vanished to produce foods, so the PTCL
contribute in a various way to support them. They give donation to many houses to
settle down, they offer many temporary jobs in camps to support the flood affected
people. PTCL give donation of Rs. 5 million to Punjab Government as a Fund for the
flood affected. We also donate Rs. 3.9 million to many local NGO and agencies that
they support to the flood affected people in the villages. Many people were suffering
from fever because of not approaches to clean water so we donate medicine worth
PKR. 0.5 Million. We also provide free treatment to 8000 flood victims through 45
Flood relief camps in different villages and areas. We also visited 252 Mobile Medical
units to remote areas.
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited also
introduces service to raise the fund to facilitate the flood affected people. People
who cant approach to the flood affected people can also donate Rs.10 by
subscribing a short code for each time. By this way we raise a lot of funds and
facilitate hundreds of people in a short span of time. People were donating by this
service because ten rupees was not much to save the lives.


PTCL also work for the health and safety of people, their philosophy to serve in the
area of health is that if the people are healthy we are healthy; if people grow we will
grow, so they care about their employee health and their families and along with
that we also aware people about the health through health awareness program
about common preventable diseases that are cause of demise of people. On World
Hepatitis Day 2010, PTCL arranged a health awareness program for the society
We also do a program on the Employee Workplace and safety; we also facilitate our
employee by providing the industrial grade safety kits to the staff of our company.
We do this program because we care about our employee we are family where we
strive together to achieve organizational objective and goals. We also launch an
awareness campaign was also launched across the organization, that explained the
Health, Safety and Environment issues. In this program we explain in detail
information about the Health, Safety and Environment issues and also ways to cure
form them.

We also organized the blood donation campaign with the collaboration of Pakistan
Red Crescent Society for the patient of Thalassemia, in which many employees
donate the blood to save the lives of their nation.

PTCL initiated a tree plantation campaign and more than three hundreds plants
were planted in the PTCL residential colonies. PTCL was awarded the 8th
Environment Excellent Award 2011 by the National Forum of Environment and

PTCL gives the donation of Rs.10 million to Danish School. This is a project of Punjab
Government to provide free modern education to the children that are under
privilege areas. We also sponsor to many universities for their social awareness


PTCL was granted with South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA) award, in the
category of Communication and Information Technology. This award was
bestowed to company because he surpass the industry standards of the quality and
transparency of financial reporting parameters.


Corporate Social Responsibility in 2012 By PTCL

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) as a socially aware and
responsible entity is determined to do its utmost in furthering worthy causes that
contribute to the lives of individuals and help better the standards of society as a
whole. Corporate Social Responsibility is a way of life at PTCL which focuses on the
areas of Health, Education, Environment and Community Development

We opened the door of great opportunities of internship for the youth that are
getting education in the different universities across the Pakistan. We offer the paid
internship of one year program for the student in which 500 candidate had been
facilitated in 2012 at different department in PTCL such as Electrical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, HR department, financial department and Marketing and so
on. By this program students get the experience and opened the door of
opportunities for the job across the Pakistan. Students get the brighter job
opportunities in the future. Moreover, a comprehensive. Moreover, Triple E Intern
Engagement Program was put into practice to encourage and professionally develop
the internees during their tenure at PTCL. Our contribution is to develop a capable
work force from our society to benefit the graduates who find it difficult to secure
jobs in the market.

Pakistan Telecommunication Company limited also sponsored in the area of Sports
and Play. PTCL sponsored Kainat Public School on the sports day to make the
awareness of extracurricular activities among the youth of Pakistan.

PTCL has partnered with Pharm-Evo to develop WiFi Zones in public and private
hospitals. The purpose of this zone was to facilitate to the doctor with uninterrupted
Internet facility to healthcare professionals as they can facilitate to their patient. By
using this initiative doctors and health professional can easily access to the
telemedicine and health screening and assessment information online. This facility
also facilitate to the emergency cases that cannot access quickly to hospital such as
remote areas of Pakistan. Doctor give telemedicine by using internet and using
online camera, he can subscribe the medicine.
PTCL also celebrate the World Heart Day in 2012. We organize an awareness
campaign for employee on prevention from heart disease among the Children and
Women. We aware them about the heart related disease and symptom of disease as
they cure from disease before they effected. The key factors of this were to do

seminar on the awareness of Blood Pressure and medical centers across the
Another awareness program in the celebration of Breast Cancer was done. The key
purpose of this program was to aware the women about the early diagnosis of
Breast Cancer among female employee and prevention of Diabetes among the
employee across the Pakistan.
During the period of 2012 PTCL also sent forty employees to perform Hajj on the
company expenses and PTCL also provide Motorcycles to CSR/MM&BB.


PTCL had given donation to Pakistan Bait-ul-Maals of Rs.2.3 Million across the
nation. The donation was given for the cause of quality education and quality of
housing nearly to 3000 orphan children.

Corporate Social Responsibility in 2013 By PTCL

PTCL has always been attentive of its social responsibility towards community. This
commitment is articulated in various socially responsible initiatives that form a
idiosyncratic feature of our corporate thinking and philosophy. In 2013 PTCL focus
was mostly on the Youth development and Health. Numerous activities has been
done on the to support health and youth development.


PTCL introduce its Experia Summer Program in 2013. This was a broad learning and
great platform for the undergraduates and graduates of top Pakistani universities.
This program plays a vivacious role to reduce the gap between the student and
gained applied experience by working in different departments of PTCL including
human resource and technical functions. This internship program provided a stage
to students to apply their academic business knowledge in real work situations and
mentor them to have a successful career.
PTCL also work in the area of youth development. To develop the youth PTCL
introduce the six to eight weeks internship program to 2700 candidates. From
different universities students get the opportunities in different departments.
Students from different department like marketing, finance and technical. Students
were facilitate in different training were given in their relevant field of specialization.
Candidates were also shown the practical work of the education where they come to
know the real application of the concepts and theories. The training was ended by
submitting the report of that they have learned during the program.
We again opened the door of great opportunities of internship for the youth that are
getting education in the different universities across the Pakistan. We offer the paid
internship of one year program for the student in which 500 candidate had been
facilitated in 2013 at different department in PTCL such as Electrical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, HR department, financial department and Marketing and so
on. By this program students get the experience and opened the door of
opportunities for the job across the Pakistan. Students get the brighter job
opportunities in the future. Moreover, a comprehensive. Moreover, Triple E Intern
Engagement Program was put into practice to encourage and professionally develop
the internees during their tenure at PTCL. Our contribution is to develop a capable
work force from our society to benefit the graduates who find it difficult to secure
jobs in the market.


In 2013 it provides free medical care to the under privileged in remote areas or
coming forward in helping the suffering humanity in their hour of need during
natural calamities and environmental disasters. PTCL has always been on the
forefront of the screen in the area of health toward the nation and their employee.
We always take care of our employee because our philosophy of work is that if they
are healthy we are healthy.
PTCL also organized a seminar to aware the people about the prevention of
hepatitis. We organized this seminar at local school in Karachi. This key purpose of
this seminar was to make aware to student about the causes of hepatitis and
prevention from the hepatitis. Our medical staff makes aware them about the
increasing rate of the hepatitis among the children and women.
A healthcare medical camp was held in the sport complex, Islamabad from March 19
-24. The medical camp provide free healthcare to more than 3000 children within a
week. This was the social responsibility of the Pakistan Telecommunication Company
Limited to provide facilities to the children who participated in the Sport complex,
because we also support to the youth development and sports programs beyond the
PTCL Medical Staff, helped by necessary paramedical staff and ambulance service,
are given that the children with dental examination, updating of medical record,
OPD cover, emergency services and blood grouping and screening including minor
surgical procedures at the medical camp.
PTCL also organized a medical camp with the collaboration of Pakistan Sweet Home.
We provide the free medical health and medical services to the children. A Project of
Pakistan Bait-u-Maal (PPB), to provide excellence housing, Health and Education to
the thousands of orphanage.
PTCL medical staff provides the healthcare and diagnostic services to promote the
awareness of common and preventable diseases. This program was not only for the
employees of PTCL but also for the general public. We also initiated the model of
PTCL mobile medical unit. In 2013 PTCL provide free medical treatment. Via three
hundred mobile medical units, twenty thousand patients.

As PTCL is committed towards its society so PTCL also play a vital role in the general
election of Pakistan. PTCL was connecting to the 535 election offices of the Election
Commission of Pakistan (ECP). Some offices were connected via wire and some are
with wireless. Some villages area was connected via VSAT technology. PTCL support
the ECP in this regard and help to make the election possible.
Concurrently, more than 500 central, district and regional offices of Returning
Officers (ROs) of ECP are being connected through PTCL network and additional

locations will also be connected shortly. It is a unique capability of PTCL to bring

forth Telecom Systems Integration to render services for customer like ECP with a
demand for the widest possible national coverage.
The state of the art connectivity has been provided to ECP and UNDP office bearers
across the country. It will enable ECP and UNDP offices in all parts of the country to
transmit data whilst remaining connected with ECP Headquarters in Islamabad. This
is a significant step forward towards ensuring timely delivery of information which in
turn helps to render transparency in the election process.


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) has been bestowed with the
Best HR Practices in Telecom Sector award at the 4th Global HR Excellence Awards
2013 held in Karachi.

Corporate Social Responsibility in 2014 By PTCL

PTCL works in the promotion of education, to boost the education company
introduce the Illuminating Learning Movement (ILM) program. PTCL believe that the
education is the only tool for the brighter Pakistan. ILM program duration was for
one year. The program was initiative and based on the online (click2learn) internet
by subscribing you can access it. This program facilitates 5000 deserving students
of matriculation and intermediate. This program helps students to prepare for board
and Entry test. Click2Learn is very supportive for the students that were easy to
access and cover effective methodologies, covering learning, testing prating and
training. This program improves the performance of student and increase the
chance of achieving the flying results.
On the Corporate Social Responsibility front, PTCL lived up to its reputation of being
a conscientious corporate citizen. Whether it was the plight of the drought stricken
people from Thar or the misfortune of the internally displaced persons fighting the
devastation wreaked by terrorism, PTCL remained at the forefront in responding to
fellow countrymen. PTCLs initiatives included significant financial contributions
towards rehabilitation as well as providing medical help. Similarly, in the time when
seasonal floods unleashed havoc across large swathes of Central and Southern
Punjab, PTCL took upon itself to lend a helping hand to its brethren in their hour of
need. Besides making substantial contributions in the form of food rations, the
Company also managed to put in place medical camps to ensure that the people
were provided with necessary medical help. Similarly, on the education and
knowledge front, PTCL maintained its tradition of being a leader on the national
corporate scene.
On a similar note, the second edition of the Triple-E Internship program was
successfully carried-out. This unique program offered business and engineering

graduates from local universities- who were selected through a transparent and
rigorous merit-based process- an opportunity to undergo internship of one year at
PTCL. The magnitude of this program can be gauged by the fact that under its
auspices a total of 500 students were provided this internship facility. The main idea
behind this program was to provide on-job practical experience of the corporate
handsome stipend.
The real-time corporate environment and world-class systems at PTCL offer a unique
chance for the youth to get themselves grounded in the practicalities of the actual
business environment. In order to raise awareness about the environmental issues
and make people realize the importance of a green environment, the Company also
organized an Eco Walk in the Margalla Hills in collaboration with the CDA (Capital
Development Authority). The walk, attended by a large number of students and
faculty members from the local universities as well as PTCL employees, turned out
to be a good learning session. Eminent experts of the country held forth on the
various environmental issues affecting the planet and PTCLs role in combating
these threats so as to bequeath a sustainable and safe environment for future
In order to further emphasize the message of a clean environment among PTCL
employees, your Company launched Operation Clean Sweep that was carried out
across all the installations of the Company, including office buildings, exchanges,
stores, etc. The drive was aimed at promoting the underlying idea that cleanliness is
an attitude that originates from ones mindset and is not hindered by funds or
resources. Through this campaign, all the employees were encouraged to be
accountable for upkeep and cleanliness of the environment, and take ownership of
their respective spheres of responsibility.

Corporate Social Responsibility By PTCL

PTCL works in the promotion of education, to boost the education company
introduce the Illuminating Learning Movement (ILM) program. PTCL believe that the
education is the only tool for the brighter Pakistan. ILM program duration was for
one year. The program was initiative and based on the online (click2learn) internet
by subscribing you can access it. This program facilitates 5000 deserving students
of matriculation and intermediate. This program helps students to prepare for board
and Entry test. Click2Learn is very supportive for the students that were easy to
access and cover effective methodologies, covering learning, testing prating and
training. This program improves the performance of student and increase the
chance of achieving the flying results.


PTCL also works in the area of environment protection. This event works on the
philosophy of Go Green, so we plant the trees on Margalla Hills to raise the
awareness about the preservation of the society. Our social responsibly is not end at
you but also obliged to the environment where we live. The purpose was to tell the
people about the clean environment and of its benefits.
More than 230 hikers participated that included the students and employee. The
range for planning the tree was starting from the Marfalla hill on Trial 3&5 and
finished at the Pir Sohawa. The participant also takes the litter from the trail with
the aim to make aware to the people about the clean environment. Students and
facility of universities were also invited to participate in it like Bahria, Iqra and Fast.


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) also takes care of employee
children. We have launched an innovative program for children of PTCL employees,
designed to development the children to be more responsible, creative and
accepting of changes.


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, made an agreement with the
Collective Bargaining Agent (CBA), covering several monetary benefits to the
employees, coupled with additional EOBI pension benefits protection to their post
retirement life.


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited also does the Corporate Social
Responsibility for the employee; they are loyal with their company and help their
employee in growth and welfare. So the company has taken various initiatives in
this regard. Recently, the company has given bikes on ownership basis to it.
Customer Services Representatives and technicians of field units as part of the
companys employee development initiatives. This initiative has been taken for the
welfare of employee and sustainability of Business.
The Bike was provided to their employee on 48 easy payments on ownership basis.
And the other benefit that was given to the employee was that company was giving
30 liters of fuel every month. This facility convenience their employee for field work
and can give better facility to the customers.


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited also perform corporate social
responsibility with the employee, they also give a chance to their employee to
contribute for the social cause so PTCLs staffs have donated their one day salary
for the displaced people of Swat and other affected areas. The amount total
donation was Rs. 20 million.
CEO and President personally met with Yousaf Raza Gillani and give him the cheque
of Rs.20 million on the behalf of employee. This contribution helped to IDPs.


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited has a healthy tradition to support the

non-governmental organization. PTCL donated PKR 2.5 million to the SOS villages.
SOS is an organization that works for the social development and education of
orphans and the under privilege areas. At SOS village Rawalpindi, PTCL organized a
special event where Cheque of Rs.2.5 million was handover to SOS village by Prime
Minister of Pakistan that was donated by PTCL.


On May 17, 2008, another recent CSR enterprise taken by PTCL was declared at the
World Telecommunication Day held. This year the worldwide theme for the Day was
Connecting Persons with Disabilities. Pakistan Telecommunication Company
Limited is also donate for the cause of to raise awareness of this theme and to
support this initiates was focusing on less privileged persons, so on the World
Telecom Day event was organized in Islamabad and contribute with Rs.6.8 Million.
On this special day PTCLs president Mr. Walid Irshaid was addressing to general
public and he announced five academic scholarships per year. The scholarship was
announced for the purpose to show affection with the disable people who are
getting education at different college and universities and getting higher education
for brighter Pakistan. This scholarship includes the tuition fees and living expenses
of the student. The total donation for the education of disable people was the Rs.1.5


The Universal Service Fund (USF) and PTCL have entered in a contract to provide
basic telephony and data services to the population in the yet un-served areas of
Baluchistan districts of Pishin, Killa Abdullah and Quetta. PTCL is making consistent
efforts to enhance Pakistans capacity to develop and produce a globally
competitive telecom sector and industry.
Making a determined effort develop Pishin, a far flung area of Baluchistan is a clear
manifestation of PTCLs resolve to bridge the digital divide. With the support of USF,
PTCL is set to extend the benefits of its ubiquitous network coverage to the underserved communities in the un-served areas. PTCL is contributing Rs. 149 million to
this endeavor in an effort to bring information and communication technology to the
remotest areas. The total cost of the project is PKR 2000 Million out of which PTCL
contribution is PKR 1275 Million while USFCo contribution is PKR 725 Million.
Thus, PTCL, as a socially responsible corporate entity, has been pursuing different
social causes touching on areas of culture, sports, music, environment and general
welfare by supporting different initiatives. As such, PTCLs CSR activities and new
ventures are warmly welcomed.


The destructive earthquake at Quetta cause terrifying destruction in the region. The
CEO and President of PTCL donated Rs.10 Million for the reconstruction and
reintegration of the area.


PTCL also donate Rs.10 million to the Benazir Income Support Program. This
donation was only for the cause of the poor people. BISP is introduced by former
president Mr.Asif Ali Zardari on the name of his late Wife Benazir Bhutto. This
program supports to the poor families and donate them Rs.1500 every month.


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited also sponsor to the Synergies 2008.
The 1st business school competition in the Pakistan organized by the Lahore
University of Management Sciences. The donation was of Rs. 10 Million. PTCL also
sponsor to the event that are beneficial for the student or for the social cause.


The president of PTCL, Walid Irshaid has said that PTCL was still one of the most
profitable National organizations, despite all economic and financial crises and back
Addressing the inaugural of the new building, alongside president NPC (National
press Club), Tariq Chaudhry, general secretary Afzal Butt, and other luminaries,
including SEVP PTCL Sikandar Naqi, EVP Ali Qadir Gilani. Walid Irshaid expressed the
company's willingness and readiness to tackle any impending challenges with lan
and preparedness.
Mr. Walid Irshaid also assured press club about his full cooperation and assistance,
and during the lunch hosted in his honor by NPC also announced a grant of Rs. 10
million, DSL Internet services, IPTV and other facilities. He said that PTCL would
continue to work for betterment of media in Pakistan, and also lauded media
services rendered during the last few years


The Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) has decided to introduce
a new bill format for its customers, effective February 2009.
This decision was taken to ensure that PTCL stir towards adopting environmentalfriendly and customer-friendly policies in line with the government of Pakistan's
efforts, which recommends companies and institutions to go green.
This initiative of PTCL also coincides with the Governments decision to celebrate
2009 as the "Environment Year". PTCL's decision to reduce the number of billing
pages is an environment friendly initiative and is a way forward towards becoming a
paperless enterprise.
According to Dr. Sadik Al-Jadir, SEVP Commercial PTCL, preceding bill format
comprising multiple pages, would be replaced with a new one-page bill format, thus
packing all the essential billing details on a single page. This single page bill format
would help save, at least 12 million papers every month that are being used for
printing the billing details.
To facilitate the customers, itemized billing details would remain obtainable and
accessible. Customers would be able to obtain their itemized billing details by
visiting any customer service centre of PTCL and would also be able to access
essential billing details through IVR by dialing 1200. PTCL Call center is also
expected to start taking orders from customers for their itemized billing details.
Subsequently, these details would be delivered to the customers through courier
within a certain time frame.
Dr. Sadik said, PTCL is determined to improve and build good relationship with its
customers by providing novel and superior telecom products and services to its
valued customers and is striving hard to meet their expectations.


Islamabad: Under the banner of PTCL, CISCO and NUST, Center of Excellence for
Internet Technologies is being established at NUST SEECS, Islamabad. The Center
a brainchild of Mr Walid Irshaid, President and CEO, PTCL - is to be set up in the
state of the art. An MOU to this effect was signed yesterday by the three parties,
with the Chief Guest being Dr Ata ur Rahman, Chairman HEC. The occasion was also
graced by high officials from public sector, academia and industrial organizations.

The ceremony was a huge success and PTCL, CISCO and NUSTs leading role in
taking up new challenges to improve the quality of IT education in Pakistan was
greatly lauded by members of academia, industry and the media present at the
Mr Sikander Naqi Executive Vice President Corporate Development speaking on the
occasion said that by setting up such a Center, PTCL will be able to benefit from
world class research that will be of immense value to them. In addition, the human
resources that will be developed at this Center will be able to export their skills and
expertise to the region and beyond. This will spur growth in the Pakistani IT sector,
and will contribute towards enhancing the quality and quantity of exportable IT
related skills to the global marketplace.
The Center, staffed by researchers from NUST, will work closely with Cisco
engineers in the US who will provide the thematic direction of the joint research.
The Centers research is to be funded by the National ICT R&D fund. Dr. Qasim
Sheikh, the CEO of ICT R&D fund, stated that his organization is pleased that PTCL,
NUST and CISCO are forming a joint research group that will work on significant
problems that are relevant to Pakistan. A research project under similar
arrangements, funded by the National ICT R&D Fund, is currently underway with
Cisco scientists and Pakistani researchers collaborating to develop open source tools
for performance monitoring of network traffic. The output of this work has already
generated. An application for a US patent is being filed as a result of the work
carried out during the course of that research. In addition to its research ambitions,
the Center will also be providing high quality professional training courses to PTCL
and other telecom companies.



For the year under review, PTCL groups profit after tax was Rs. 8.4 billion compared
to Rs. 11.7 billion last year. PTCLs profit at Rs. 7.5 billion was 20% less than the
previous years profit resulting in earnings per share (EPS) of Rs. 1.46. For the year
2010-11, your Company declared a dividend of Rs. 1.75 per share.


For the period under review, PTCL Group's profit after tax was Rs. 1.2 billion
incorporating PTCL's loss after tax of Rs. 0.754 billion. This loss was due to one-time
cost of Rs. 9.5 billion on account of Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS)
implemented with the objective to optimize the human resources in line with current

business needs. In view of the foregoing, the Board of Directors decided not to
recommend dividend for the period under review


For the year under review, PTCL Groups profit after tax was Rs. 15.7 billion. The
increased profitability of Rs. 12.7 billion for PTCL was contributed by revenue
growth. Accordingly, the Board has recommended a final cash dividend of 20% (Rs.
2.00 per share) for the financial year 2013 which is inclusive of the interim cash
dividend already declared and paid to the shareholders. Earnings per share for PTCL
Group for the year were Rs. 3.09.


The Companys profitability remained stable in spite of extraordinary expenses on

account of a successfully completed voluntary separation scheme as well as losses
due to fire and floods. PTCLs net profit for the year was Rs. 5.2 billion mainly
contributed by revenue growth as well as effective cost optimization measures,
despite the exceptional expenses of Rs. 8.2 billion and Rs. 0.9 billion on account of
voluntary separation scheme and loss of assets due to fire incident respectively.
PTCLs Group profit after tax for the year was about Rs. 4 billion. The PTCL Group
profitability during the year remained subdued mainly due to amortization of 3G
license acquired by Ufone (the 100% owned subsidiary of PTCL). PTCLs earnings per
share (EPS) for the year was Rs. 1.02 whereas for PTCL Group the EPS
was Rs. 0.78.

After writing this whole report we can conclude that Pakistan Telecommunication
Company Limited is work for the society development in the area of the Education,
Society welfare, Environmental Protection, Community development, Social Events,
Natural Disaster. They donate for the better cause of the society.
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is working in the area of Education.
PTCL sponsor in to the universities in different events. PTCL also announced
scholarship for the disable people, and also facilitate to students with paid
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is also sponsor for the natural
disaster, they sponsor for flood affected areas in 2010. And also to the Quetta in
Earthquake. Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited also plants the tree to
show care for the environment.
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited also works for the health of the
employee and people they sponsor for the Pakistan Sweet Home living quality,
health and education of orphanage. Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited
is also post weekly health related article on their employee portal. PTCL celebrated
the World Health Day, and Breast Cancer Day.
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is also working for the employee.
PTCL facilitate their employee motorbikes and also send their employee for the
pilgrimage of Hajj on company expenses.

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