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7 Answers to end-of-chapter questions

Multiple choice questions











10 B


Structured questions
11 a


Maintenance of a constant internal environment within

set limits



Concentration of glucose in the blood

Concentration of individual inorganic ions in the
blood (e.g. calcium ions)
Water potential of blood and body fluids
pH of the blood and body fluids
Core body temperature
Hydrostatic pressure of the blood (blood pressure)
Any valid point

Each point [1]

Max [2]

The chemical reactions which make up the

metabolism of all living organisms are controlled by
enzymes. Enzymes operate most efficiently at a
particular optimum temperature and pH
Also necessary to maintain the correct water potential
of body fluids in animals at all times. If the water
potential of tissue fluid is higher or lower than cells,
cells would be affected (can burst or shrink)
The ability to maintain a favourable constant internal
environment when external conditions are
unfavourable or fluctuating gives organisms
independence from the external conditions. Allows
them to lead an active life
Any valid point

Any point well

explained [1]
Max [2]

Biology Unit 2 for CAPE Examinations

Original material Cambridge University Press 2011


12 a

Negative feedback means that whenever a change occurs

in a system, the change automatically
Causes a corrective mechanism to start, which reverses
the original change and brings the system back to normal


Is the specific level/concentration of factor or

substance which the body requires to function
e.g. the set point of glucose is 90 mg/100 cm3 / 0.1%
per 100cm3 / 4 mmol per 100cm3


Regulator: compares the actual output/value of a

particular physiological factor with the set point value
Effector: restores the output of the physiological
factor to set point
Detector: sensory receptors which monitor the output
of the physiological factor



Nerve impulses


Gives greater control if there are two systems controlling

changes in each direction




Days 14: fairly constant around 20 cm3 CO2 kg-1 h-1

Day 57: steep increase up to 80 cm3 CO2 kg-1 h-1
Days 710: steady decrease to 58 cm3 CO2 kg-1 h-1



Days 13: no ethylene

Day 46: steep increase from 2 dm3 kg-1 h-1 to
41 dm3 kg-1 h-1
Days 710: steady decrease to 13 dm3 kg-1 h-1


Day 6



Rise in respiration rates

Increase in levels of certain enzymes e.g. amylase,
pectinase, hydrolases
Chlorophyll broken down and colour changes from green
to yellow
Degradation of starch into sugars
Breakdown of cell walls making the fruit softer
Any valid point

Any point [1]

Max [3]

Do a starch test on the banana for each day of ripeness

Description of starch test: add 2 drops of iodine on a
fixed size of banana
Do a colour chart of known concentration of starch
Compare fruit with chart
Any valid point: use of reducing sugar test

Each point [1]

Max [4]

Biology Unit 2 for CAPE Examinations

Original material Cambridge University Press 2011

13 a

Insulin = beta cells of islets of Langerhans in pancreas

Glucagon = alpha cells of islets of Langerhans in pancreas


4.4 mmol dm-3

Glucose level was constant until sports drink was given
then it returns to this level at 5 hours


To maintain a constant internal environment for optimum

conditions for enzyme to work
Increases rapidly
To 7.6 mmol dm-3
Falls rapidly below set point value (4.4 mmol dm-3)
Returns to set point at 5 hours


Any point [1]

Max [3]

Increase in glucose detected by cells of islets of

Langerhans in the pancreas/ change from set point
detected by cells of islets of Langerhans in the
The cells acts as a regulator which produces
hormone insulin


Glucose levels decrease

Detector senses glucose level is at set point
cells no longer stimulated
Insulin secretion stops
Insulin broken down in body

At 4 hours glucose falls below set point

Detected by cells of islets of Langerhans
cells stimulated to produce glucagon
Causes conversion of glycogen to glucose by liver cells
Blood glucose levels increase to set point


34 points [2]
12 points [1]

5 points [3]
34 points [2]
12 points [1]

Essay questions

Is the specific level/concentration of factor or

substance which the body requires to function

Example: the set point of glucose is 90mg/100cm3


Cells or tissues which respond to the change in order

to return system to set point by communicating to the
effectors through hormones or the nervous system via
the coordination centre

Example: the cells of pancreas are also regulators

since they produce insulin which then travels the

Biology Unit 2 for CAPE Examinations

Well explained [1]

Example [1]

Well explained [1]

Example [1]

Original material Cambridge University Press 2011



Cells with surface proteins that sense the

concentrations of factors or molecules. These cells/
tissues respond to the variations by causing a reaction

Well explained [1]

Example: detectors for blood glucose concentration

occur in the pancreas. cells are sensitive to a rise in
glucose levels. cells are sensitive to a drop in
glucose and secrete glucagon

Example [1]

Tissues and organs/target organs which bring about

the corrective mechanism which restores the factor
towards its set point

Example: insulin targets the liver, muscles, other body

cells while glucagon targets the liver

Can be shown on an annotated flow diagram

Homeostasis maintenance of a constant internal
Example: blood glucose levels at 90 mg per 100 cm3 of
blood is set point
Sensory receptors known as detectors monitor the actual
output value
And the regulator determines if there is a difference
between the set point and the actual output
The regulator communicates with the effector via nerve
impulses or hormones to bring about a change so as to
reverse the output value negative feedback
Example: if glucose levels > set point, cells of islets of
Lagerhans in pancreas acts as both detector and regulator
They secrete insulin which acts on the effector/liver and
muscle cells
These cells increase uptake of glucose thereby lowering
glucose levels
If glucose levels < set point, cells of islets of
Langerhans in pancreas acts as both detector and
They secrete glucagon which acts on the effector/liver
These cells increase conversion of glycogen into glucose
which diffuses into the blood thereby increasing glucose
Any valid point: other effects of insulin respiration etc

Well explained [1]

Example [1]

Made up ductless glands

Rich supply of blood vessels
Chemical communication by means of hormones
Which are secreted directly into the bloodstream
Which act on specific cells known as target cells

Biology Unit 2 for CAPE Examinations

1314 points [7]

1112 points [6]
910 points [5]
78 points [4]
56 points [3]
34 points [2]
12 points [1]

34 points [2]
12 points [1]

Original material Cambridge University Press 2011

Chemical messengers/steroid/peptide
Which is small and soluble
Travels in the blood
Acts on a specific target organ
Which has a complementary receptor site for the
Small amounts bring about changes in metabolism,
growth etc
On cell membranes attaches to cell membranes
Signals for vesicles to merge with cell membrane
Example: insulin causes glucose channels to merge with
cell membrane
Through second messenger: binds to cell membrane
which then causes another molecule to trigger a series of
Example: glucagon binds to receptor site on cell
membrane which then triggers cyclic AMP to trigger
series of enzyme controlled reactions of glycogenolysis
On genes: lipid soluble hormones act directly on nucleus
of cell
Example: steroid hormones

56 points [3]
34 points [2]
12 points [1]

Any point well explained

with example [2]
Max [6]

Increase in cell permeability to glucose/increase in
glucose channels
Increase rate of conversion of glucose to fat in adipose
Increase rate of conversion of glucose to glycogen in
liver and muscle cells
More intracellular enzymes become active/increase
Any valid point

Any 2 points [2]

Activates enzymes in liver cells which speed up
conversion of glycogen to glucose/glycogenolysis
Increase production of glucose from other nutrients such
as amino acids and fatty acids in liver cells/

Any 2 points [2]

A plant growth regulator is an organic compound, either

natural or synthetic, that modifies or controls one or more
specific physiological processes within a plant


Biology Unit 2 for CAPE Examinations

Well explained [2]

Partial [1]

Original material Cambridge University Press 2011

A characteristic rise in respiratory rate before the ripening phase

The ethylene acts at the genetic level, activating regulatory genes
Ethylene causes an increase in enzymes
Amylase, which breaks down starch to produce simple sugars
Fruit becomes sweet
Pectinase, which breaks down pectin, a substance that keeps fruit
Fruit becomes soft
Hydrolases to help break down chemicals inside the fruits
Chlorophyll is broken down and sometimes new pigments are
made so that the fruit skin changes colour from green to red,
yellow, or blue
Enzymes break down large organic molecules into smaller ones
that can be volatile (evaporate into the air) producing an aroma
Ripened fruits do not ship well
They become bruised and rot before arrival
Green unripened fruits ship better
However they may be sour and still unripened when they arrive
at destination
Depending on length of trip, fruits are stored in low oxygen,
cold rooms
To lower respiration rates
Fruits are then placed in a room with ethylene gas which
stimulates ripening process
The fruits can then be taken out of the room depending
on state of ripeness needed, and stored in a cold room

Biology Unit 2 for CAPE Examinations

Any point [1]

Max [6]

Any point [1]

Max [6]

Original material Cambridge University Press 2011

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