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Melanio Deodoro Benjamin G.

Spec Pro
CHUATOCO-CHING, respondent. G.R. No. 127920. August
9, 2005
Doctrine: When a question arises as to ownership of
property alleged to be a part of the estate of the deceased
person, but claimed by some other person to be his
property, not by virtue of any right of inheritance from the
deceased but by title adverse to that of the deceased and
his estate, such question cannot be determined in the
course of an intestate or probate proceedings.
Facts: On 1992, Miguelita Pacioles died intestate leaving real
properties with an estimated value of P10.5M, stock
investments worth P518, 783.00, bank deposits amounting to
P6.54M and interests in certain businesses.
She was survived by her husband Emilio B. Pacioles Jr.
(petitioner) and her 2 minor children.
Pacioles filed a verified petition for the settlement of
Miguelitas estate.
Miguelitas mother Miguela Chuatoco-Ching (respondent)
filed an opposition to the petition for letters of administration
and claimed that the bulk of the estate is composed of
paraphernal properties. She prayed that the letters of
administration be issued to her instead and wished to be
appointed as administratrix.
Ching contended that she has direct and material
interest in the estate because she gave half of her inherited
properties to Miguelita on condition that both of them would
undertake whatever business endeavor they decided to in the

capacity of business partners. Further, she nominated her son

Emmanuel to act as special administrator.
While Pacioles argued that he respondent has no direct
and material interest in the estate, she not being a compulsory
heir, and that he being the surviving spouse, has the
preferential right to be appointed as administrator under the
The RTC appointed Pacioles and Emmanuel as jointadministrators, where Pacioles filed an inventory while
Emmanuel failed to do so.
Thereafter, the court declared Pacioles and their children
to be the only compulsory heirs of the deceased.
Emilio then petitioned the court for the payment of estate
tax and the partition and the distribution of the estate.
The RTC denied the petition as to the partition and
distribution on the ground that it is premature and reasoned
that a hearing is necessary to determine whether the
properties listed in the amended complaint filed by Pacioles
are entirely conjugal or paraphernal properties of the
deceased, or a co-ownership between the Ching and the
deceased in their partnership venture. The same decision was
affirmed by the Court of Appeals when it was elevated to it.
Issue: May a trial court, acting as an intestate court, hear and
pass upon questions of ownership involving properties claimed
to be part of the decedents estate?
Held: No, the question of ownership of properties alleged to be
part of the estate must be submitted to the RTC in the
exercise of its general jurisdiction.
The general rule is that the jurisdiction of the trial court
either as an intestate or a probate court relates only to matters
having to do with the settlement of the estate and probate of
will of deceased persons but does not extend to the
determination of questions of ownership that arise during the
proceedings. The patent rationale for this rule is that such
court exercises special and limited jurisdiction.
A well-recognized deviation to the rule is the principle
that an intestate or a probate court may hear and pass upon

questions of ownership when its purpose is to determine

whether or not a property should be included in the inventory.
In such situations the adjudication is merely incidental and
The facts of this case show that such was not the
purpose of the intestate court. Chings purpose here was not
to obtain from the intestate court a ruling of what properties
should or should not be included in the inventory. She
wanted to secure from the intestate court a final determination
of her claim of ownership over properties comprising the bulk
of Miguelitas estate.
It is well settled that when a question arises as to
ownership of property alleged to be a part of the estate of the
deceased person, but claimed by some other person to be his
property, not by virtue of any right of inheritance from the
deceased but by title adverse to that of the deceased and his
estate, such question cannot be determined in the course of an
intestate or probate proceedings. The intestate or probate
court has no jurisdiction to adjudicate such contentions,
which must be submitted to the court in the exercise of its
general jurisdiction as a regional trial court.
Chings recourse is to file a separate action with a court
of general jurisdiction.
The intestate court is not the
appropriate forum for the resolution of her adverse claim of
ownership over properties ostensibly belonging to Miguelita's

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