PBCom vs. Sps. Go (February 14, 2011)

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Philippine Bank of Communications vs. Spouses Jose C. Go and Elvy T.

G.R. No. 175514 February 14, 2011

Spouses Go secured two loans from PBCom evidenced by two promissory notes. The loan was payable
for ten years and secured by two pledge agreements covering shares of stocks in Ever Gotesco
Resources and Holdings Inc. Two years later, however, the shares of stock plunged to less than 0.04 per
share, as a result, PBCom, as pledgee, notified Go in writing that it was renouncing the pledge
agreements. Thereafter the bank alleging that Spouses Go defaulted on the two (2) promissory notes,
having paid only three (3) installments on interest payments covering the months of September,
November and December 1999, filed a complaint for sum of money. Consequently, the entire balance of
the obligations of Go became immediately due and demandable.
On the other hand, Spouses Go filed their Answer with Counterclaim denying the material allegations in
the complaint and stating, among other matters, that:
9. Contrary to the plaintiffs proferrence, defendant Jose C. Go had made substantial payments in
terms of his monthly payments. There is, therefore, a need to do some accounting works (sic) to
reconcile the records of both parties.
10. While demand is a necessary requirement to consider the defendant to be in delay/default,
such has not been complied with by the plaintiff since the former is not aware of any demand
made to him by the latter for the settlement of the whole obligation.
11. Undeniably, at the time the pledge of the shares of stock were executed, their total value is
more than the amount of the loan or at the very least, equal to it. Thus, plaintiff was fully secured
insofar as its exposure is concerned.
Whether or not respondents Sps. Go were not in default on the basis of their denial of knowledge of the
information pertaining to the loan.
Rule 8, Section 10 of the Rules of Civil Procedure contemplates three (3) modes of specific denial,
namely: xxx (3) by stating that the defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
as to the truth of a material averment in the complaint, xxx
In this case, Spouses Go are not disclaiming knowledge of the transaction or the execution of the
promissory notes or the pledge agreements sued upon. The matters in contention are, as the CA stated,
whether or not respondents were in default, whether there was prior demand, and the amount of the
outstanding loan. These are the matters that the parties disagree on and by which reason they set forth
vastly different allegations in their pleadings which each will have to prove by presenting relevant and
admissible evidence during trial.
Furthermore, in stark contrast to other cases where one of the parties disclaimed knowledge of something
so patently within his knowledge, in this case, respondents Spouses Go categorically stated in the Answer
that there was no prior demand, that they were not in default, and that the amount of the outstanding loan
would have to be ascertained based on official records. Petition is hereby DENIED.

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