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CE Test

Enhancing Nurses Pain Assessment to Improve Patient Satisfaction

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DOI: 10.1097/NOR.0000000000000236

GENERAL PURPOSE: To present the results of a study done to help

improve satisfaction with pain management in older adults undergoing total

joint replacement.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After reading this article and taking this test,

you should be able to:

1. Identify prior research findings on pain assessment and patient satisfaction
from the review of the literature.
2. Explain the outcomes of this project and implications for practice.
1. The increase in the number of total joint replacement
procedures can be attributed to an extended life
expectancy and
a. increasing rates of obesity.
b. improvements in socio-economic status.
c. increasing rates of insurance reimbursement.

3. Compared with other surgical procedures, pain levels

following total joint replacement surgery are consistently
reported as
a. lower.
b. about the same.
c. higher.
4. What substantial portion of the calculated weight of the
bonus fund of the Medicare Hospital Value-Based Purchasing
program is determined by patients perceptions of quality of
care while in the hospital?
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 30%
5. One of the two specific questions in the HCAHPS survey
that addresses pain management and patient satisfaction is
a. How often did the hospital staff do everything they could to help you with
your pain?
b. Did the hospital staff use a pain assessment tool to evaluate the severity
of your pain?
c. Before your discharge, did the hospital staff teach you how to manage your
pain at home?

Orthopaedic Nursing

ONJ956.indd 118

March/April 2016 Volume 35

7. Compared with younger patients beliefs about becoming

addicted or impaired due to opiate use, older adults tend to
a. be more concerned.
b. have the same level of concern.
c. be less concerned.
8. According to Dunwoody and colleagues and others,
ineffective pain management can affect the organization
because of
a. increased costs.
b. poor clinical outcomes.
c. higher patient acuity.

2. Costs to Medicare for these arthroplasties have been

projected to reach how much annually by 2030?
a. $50 billion
b. $75 billion
c. $100 billion


6. Prior studies suggest that patient satisfaction with pain

management is influenced by a number of factors, including
a. discomfort.
b. expectations.
c. immobility.

Number 2

9. Innis and colleagues reported that the most common

barrier to successful pain management is
a. the failure to assess.
b. adverse effects of analgesics.
c. patients fear of addiction.
10. Hanna and colleagues reported that, more than pain
intensity, patient satisfaction depends on
a. the patients willingness to allow intensive pain management.
b. the patients beliefs and expectations about postoperative care.
c. how the patient perceives that caregivers respond to their pain.
11. The APS-POQ-R measures six aspects of quality, including
a. the use of non-pharmacological strategies.
b. cultural beliefs about pain treatment.
c. whether pain is acute or chronic.
12. The APS-POQ-R has a total of 22 questions and subquestions, with the greatest number of them relating to
a. participation in treatment decisions.
b. education/information received about pain management.
c. effects of pain on emotions, activity levels, and sleep.
13. Results of the authors study showed that the most frequent
non-pharmacologic methods patients used included
a. warm compresses.
b. deep breathing.
c. guided imagery.

2016 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses

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14. Types of non-pharmacologic methods that demonstrated

the greatest increase between pre- and post-implementation
a. reading.
b. socializing.
c. walking.

17. Which statement about the practice implications of this

study is accurate?
a. Participants preferred in-person education rather than the online learning
b. There was a clearly identified need for education that focused specifically
on evidence-based strategies.
c. The depth of knowledge about nursings impact on patient satisfaction
scores was both clear and specific to their patient population.

15. Comparing pre-implementation pain management

HCAHPS scores to post-implementation scores showed a
relative change of
a. 5%.
b. 10%.
c. 15%.

18. Limitations identified by the authors included

a. limited generalizability of the findings.
b. data analysis methods.
c. use of self-selection for participants.

16. Questions related to which of the following indicated the

highest percentage of change from pre- to posttest among
staff nurses?
a. accuracy of self-reports of pain
b. use of mobility questions to assess pain
c. patient satisfaction


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Orthopaedic Nursing, March/April 2016
Enhancing Nurses Pain Assessment to Improve Patient Satisfaction

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2016 by National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses

ONJ956.indd 119

Orthopaedic Nursing

March/April 2016

Volume 35

Number 2


17/03/16 1:49 PM

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