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The A.P.

Moller - Maersk Groups

A.P. Moller - Maersk Group

Report 2012
Going for Growth

Sustainability Report 2012

This report fulfils the A.P. Moller - Maersk
Groups obligation to communicate on
progress to the UN Global Compact and
is split into three related yet independent
Sets the scene and explains the context
within which the Group operates and our
business response to key sustainability
challenges and opportunities.

Group performance
Provides an overview of 2012 performance
within our Group programmes which
involves all our businesses: efforts within
safety, climate and environment, diversity,
human rights, anticorruption and responsible procurement.

Business unit section

Reports on key material issues and performance for each of our businesses in
container transport, oil & gas and retail.
The last part of the report delivers consolidated data and relevant explanation.
It includes our sustainability accounting
principles and the assurance statement.


Maersk Tankers
new carbon
reduction pact

interests and

We welcome any questions, comments or suggestions

you might have for this report and our performance.
Please send your feedback to:

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USD 12m


Supply chain carbon

transparency for c ustomers

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lost time injuries in

Maersk FPSOs
since 2010

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Read more
Maersk fpsos

spills to the external

environment in
Maersk Drilling



Brazil impact



Maersk tankers

Read more

A.P. Moller - Maersk

Esplanaden 50
1098 Copenhagen K
Att: Group Sustainability


Maersk Drilling
investment in
drilling simulator

Read more

We value your feedback


global average berth

productivity increase
in APM Terminals

You can also send an email directly to the editors

mentioned below.

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CO2 reduction from

flaring in Maersk Oil
since 2007


key 3 negative



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Maersk line


Read more

Read more

CO2 eq.:

Forward-looking statements
The report contains forward looking statements
on expectations regarding the achievements and
performance of A.P. Mller - Mrsk A/S and the A.P.
Moller - Maersk Group. Such statements are subject
to risks and uncertainties, as various factors, many
of which are beyond A.P. Mller - Mrsk A/S and
the A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups control, may cause
actual results and development to differ materially
from expectations contained herein.


for responsible
business in

Terminals invests

USD 992m
in Costa Rica port
Read more


Maersk line


more containers
per vessel call in Brazil
with Maersk Lines
new SAMMAX vessels

Read more

local skills and
expertise in
p.45 p.67 p.69
Read more

Read more

* The map shows selected snapshots from the report. It includes page references to case stories. The map is not exhaustive.

million tonnes


CO2 reduction per TEU

container in Maersk Line
since 2007
p.35 p.56
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Editor in Chief
Louise Kjaergaard, [email protected]





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Susanne Nielsen, [email protected]
Contributing writer
Eva Harpth Skjoldborg
Design and layout
e-Types & India
This publication is printed in Denmark 2013 by Cool Gray,
an environmentally certified printing agency

This printed matter is

carbon compensated
according to ClimateCalc.
Offsets purchased from:
DONG Energy
Cert. no. CC-000004/DK

The A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups

A.P. Moller - Maersk Group

Report 2012
Going for Growth

Sustainability Report 2012

This report fulfils the A.P. Moller - Maersk
Groups obligation to communicate on
progress to the UN Global Compact and
is split into three related yet independent
Sets the scene and explains the context
within which the Group operates and our
business response to key sustainability
challenges and opportunities.

Group performance
Provides an overview of 2012 performance
within our Group programmes which
involves all our businesses: efforts within
safety, climate and environment, diversity,
human rights, anticorruption and responsible procurement.

Business unit section

Reports on key material issues and performance for each of our businesses in
container transport, oil & gas and retail.
The last part of the report delivers consolidated data and relevant explanation.
It includes our sustainability accounting
principles and the assurance statement.


business units

about the report

Company profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Container industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Responding to 2011 key

Foreword by the CEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Maersk Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

assurance recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

The Group at a glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

APM Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Independent assurance report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Growing our business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Damco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Group consolidated performance . . . . . . . . . . 78

Our impacts in Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Maersk Container Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Sustainability accounting principles . . . . . . . 80

group performance

Oil & gas industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Maersk Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Materiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Maersk Drilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Stakeholder engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Maersk Tankers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Strategy & governance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Maersk Supply Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Svitzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Piracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Maersk FPSOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Climate & environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Human rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Global labour principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Diversity & inclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Employee engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Anti-corruption & whistleblowing . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Responsible procurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Dansk Supermarked Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Sustainability Report 2012


Company profile
The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group is a worldwide conglomerate with core focus on shipping and oil & gas.
We employ approximately 121,000 people, operate
in 130 countries and are headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Supporting the global demand for energy

We support global energy needs through the exploration, extraction and transportation of oil and gas.

Retail and other businesses

Read more

The Group is also active in retail, operating more

than 1,300 stores in four countries.

Facilitating global containerised trade

We are the worlds largest container shipping company and together with our container terminals and
logistics businesses we handle a large share of the
worlds containerised trade.

Our major businesses are displayed in the graphic

below. A more extensive list of our companies can
be found on and in our annual report.






Sustainability Report 2012

2012 cash outflow

distributed by stakeholder group
Employees (salaries)
Shareholders (dividends)
Public sector (taxes)
Investments (net)
Repayment of borrowings


2012 Company









USD 4,038m
Profit for the year

USD 3,303m







Tax for the year

The Executive Board consists of the

A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups CEO and CFO,
along with the CEOs of the four companies
that are the main focus of our investments
in s trategic growth. From left:

Claus V. Hemmingsen, CEO, Maersk Drilling

and Chairman of the Sustainability Council
Nils S. Andersen, Group CEO
Trond Westlie, Group CFO

Jakob Thomasen, CEO, Maersk Oil

Sren Skou, CEO, Maersk Line
Kim Fejfer, CEO, APM Terminals

Foreword by the CEO

Sustainability Report 2012

is a difference between just making

money and building a long term sustainable
business. Transparent r esponsible business
practices make that difference for us.

Dear reader,
The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group has set
its course on growth. Our investments
are targeted at quality services that can
enable growth and development for our
company, our customers and local communities. Our primary focus for new projects is
on the worlds growth markets.
Here, our terminals and shipping services
offer countries and businesses better
access to markets, efficient infrastructure
and reliable transport services. Globally,
our oil and gas businesses help provide the
energy needed to underpin the ambitions
of growing industries and economies.
Fuelling economic growth and trade
presents a number of sustainability challenges. We are committed to addressing
these as part of our signatory to the UN
Global Compact.

We must provide
a safer workplace
Our responsibility is to ensure that our
employees return safely to their homes
and families after work. But during 2012
seventeen people lost their lives in our operations. There is no excuse for this reality
we fundamentally believe that every

accident can be prevented. The increase

in fatal accidents across several of our
businesses stresses the need to further
strengthen our focus on process safety
and risk management. Our goal is simple:
zero fatalities.

Leap in energy efficiency

spurs new ambitions
Climate change is a global concern which
we share. Our focus on energy efficiency
has been successful in reducing our footprint and lowering costs; especially in shipping where technical innovation and daily
optimisation help define new standards
for mass-moving goods. Since 2010, the
Group has achieved an 8% improvement in
CO2 efficiency. Both our relative and absolute emissions decreased in 2012. Our new
target is a 20% improvement from 2010
to 2020.

we deliver them. Our customers, partners

and employees naturally prefer to work with
someone they can trust.

and prepared for the work ahead

Our growth ambitions depend on our people. To attract and retain the best people
we want to leverage the multiple forms of
diversity in our company and drive diversity
forward more proactively most notably
in terms of the number of women we have
in leadership positions. Overall, diverse and
engaged teams prove to perform better.
We concluded 2012 with top quartile employee engagement a proud achievement
and a fundamental prerequisite for fulfilling
our growth ambitions.

On the right track with

increased transparency

The Group stands prepared for the work

ahead. There is a difference between
just making money and building a long
term sustainable business. Transparent
responsible business practices make that
difference for us.

Whether we are building a new container

terminal, drilling for oil or developing a shipping service, we want to be transparent
about what we do, why and how. We see
increased transparency on strategy, performance and industry challenges as an important part of our competitive advantage.
It is not just our results that matter, but how

Nils S. Andersen
CEO of the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group

Sustainability Report 2012


The Group at a glance

2012 performance
Performance snapshots
We experienced 17 fatalities. This
is an unacceptable reality. We will
continue to focus on improving process safety and risk management to
reach our goal of zero fatalities.
Our fuel oil consumption decreased
and as a consequence so did our
absolute and relative CO2 emissions.
Consequently, the Group has adjusted its CO2 reduction target.

We continue to make progress on

our Group programmes to implement our anti-corruption policy,
global labour principles and responsible procurement practices. Training of employees and engagement
with suppliers are a key part of this.

Our employee engagement survey

and gender diversity numbers show
that we need to take more measures to realise our aspirations for
diversity, most notably in terms of
increasing the number of women we
have in leadership positions.

We met our goal of being considered

a best in class company on employee
engagement which has never been
higher in the Group.

CO2 improvement



Relative CO2 reduction (2010 baseline):

Decrease million tonnes:








Share of
total CO2 eq.




Maersk Line
Maersk Oil

Maersk Tankers





For the scope of each of the performance indicators, please refer to the respective pages in the report and our sustainability accounting principles on pages 8082.




Sustainability Report 2012




Number of fatal accidents:

Overall engagement score:

Female employees in leadership positions

(Director and Vice President level):







75% 76%
















Total (cumulative) number of employees

trained in anti-corruption year to date:

Total (cumulative) number of nominated leaders

trained in the our labour principles year to date:

Number of suppliers registered in the Groups

responsible procurement programme:













1 A pproximate total, since some training data is not available.

2 P rogramme was launched in 2010.
3 S ince the programmes launch in 2011.






Sustainability Report 2012


our business
The A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups business and long-term plans
support economic growth and development. Our contribution
to sustainable economic growth lies first and foremost in our
ability to advance the benefits and address the challenges
intrinsic to global transport, infrastructure and energy.
Todays growth markets are forecast to account for
34% of the worlds wealth by 2025, compared to
20% in 20051. We focus on advancing our core businesses in these markets, where the needs of growing populations and rising affluence mean increased
demand for the goods transported by Maersk Line
and the infrastructure provided by APM Terminals.
At the same time we are investing to grow our oil
production and drilling services.

Contributing to economic growth

Cost-efficient transport, access to markets and energy are all integral components of most economies
today. They can act as dynamic opportunity creators for local businesses and affect the economic
performance of a region. Positive impacts derive
from doing things safer, more efficiently and with a
long-term perspective. For example, adjusting ship
designs to local port conditions, and the other way
around, can help increase container throughput. Derived cost efficiencies can help generate new trade
flows between countries.
Furthermore, we can accelerate our positive impacts
by structurally combating societal challenges such
as corruption that negatively impact our employees, the communities we operate in and the cost
of doing business. At the same time, by ensuring

safe and fair working conditions, improving diversity

and developing our employees, we help support our
growing business and a more sustainable growth
trajectory for the countries we work in. Growth, however, is not devoid of challenges.

The twin challenge:

economic growth and climate change
While economic growth undoubtedly brings benefits
in terms of increased incomes and quality of life, there
is sound evidence associating it with negative impacts
on resource sustainability, the climate and environment. We recognise that without documenting, measuring, understanding and mitigating these negative
impacts, desired levels of economic growth may not be
sustainable and will incur increased costs to society.

Todays growth markets
are forecast to account for

of the worlds wealth in 2025,
compared to 20% in 2005.1

increase in the Groups
investments over the next
five years.

The global challenge is to increase economic wellbeing for a growing population without incurring
corresponding increases in environmental pressure,
i.e. decoupling environmental degradation and
economic growth. The United Nations acknowledge
this as one of the biggest global challenges over the
coming decades2.
In the next pages, we describe the impacts of our
activities in transport, ports and energy, both good
and bad, and how we go about addressing them.

1 T he European Commission (2009): The World in 2025 Rising Asia and socio-ecological transition.
2 United Nations: Climate change and the development c hallenge,

The Groups revenue

distribution 2012
Revenue split by region




Europe &





Asia & Pacific


Sustainability Report 2012


The level of access to trade and efficiency of transport are important

factors for any economy and export ambition. We have a role to play
in helping markets overcome domestic trade growth barriers while
reducing the footprint of global containerised transport.

Global transport and trade

Our focus on economy of scale, fuel efficiency and
smart ship designs helps ensure that global trade of
goods and energy can be conducted as efficiently as
Trade is potentially a significant driver of economic
growth, creating jobs, increasing consumer choice,
and helping countries acquire new technologies.
There is a documented direct link between countries logistics performance and income level3. One
critical challenge for developing countries is how to
overcome infrastructure barriers to trade expansion
and how to reap the full benefits of trade.

Tailor-making transport
to overcome trade barriers
Some parts of the world do not yet have the port
capacity, draft or equipment to take advantage of
the efficiencies stemming from the use of the largest
container ships. Maersk Lines 16 SAMMAX ships were
specifically designed to overcome these challenges in
Brazilian ports. In Brazils busiest port in Santos, Sao
Paolo, the vessels are now loading and discharging
50% more containers per call than the ports average.
The SAMMAX vessels are helping the port reduce the
waiting time and paving the way for increased trade of
potentially 39,000 containers (TEU) annually in Santos
(see our Brazil impact study on pages 1419).

Key sustainability challenges

fossil fuel dependent industry accounts for 34% of

man-made CO2 emissions worldwide. Maersk Line
alone accounts for approximately 0.1% of the worlds
CO2 emissions, emitting 31.8 million tonnes of CO2 in
2012. Sulphur emissions (SOx) are also a challenge in
shipping, impacting both air quality and health.
We take this very seriously and work continuously to
improve the fuel efficiency of our transport services
to reduce our impacts. In 2012, we reduced both the
absolute and relative CO2 emissions of our container
shipping services (see page 56).
We strongly support CO2 regulation of the shipping
sector to create a global level playing field. Reducing
the industrys dependence on fossil fuels may be an
option in the future, if innovation can overcome the
many current barriers to the wide-scale production
and uptake of alternative fuels.
Other key challenges in global containerised transport are issues that add to the cost of trading, such
as corruption, illegal cargo and piracy. We seek to
address these global challenges in our policy work,
training of staff and through industry collaborations
(see pages 33 and 48).

A small recovery in
container traffic growth
is forecast for 2013:

compared to 3.4%
growth in 2012.*


container vessels in
Maersk Line fleet.

million containers (FFE)
transported by Maersk
Line in 2012.

million tonnes of CO2 eq.
emitted by Maersk Line
in 2012.

* Drewry Container Market Review

and Forecaster (Quarter 3, 2012).

Shippings significant contribution to the global

economy has a sizeable environmental impact. The

3 The World Banks Logistics Performance Index.



Sustainability Report 2012


Infrastructures are not an end in themselves, rather they are means

for ensuring the smooth running of many economic sectors. That
makes the performance of ports and inland transport infrastructure
important factors for national competitiveness.

Port infrastructure
Ports, container terminals, roads, rail and depots represent some of the physical infrastructure needed for
the continuing development of the global economy.
Countries that invest in infrastructure are likely to
benefit from not only faster and safer transportation
of goods, but also increased business activities,
more efficient allocation of labour and overall improved national competitiveness4.

ports and underpin its growing economy. Upgrades

to the Port of Santos are being made to alleviate
congestion and delays. Here, APM Terminals is building a container terminal under a joint venture agreement. The USD 1 billion investment will improve
Santos berth productivity by up to 10%. We have
calculated the wider socio-economic impacts of this
investment (see our Brazil impact study on page 16).


global container port
demand growth forecast
per year from 2011 to
2017, but with significant
regional variations.*

Key sustainability challenges

Port productivity has
wider economic impacts
The performance of ports is important for the overall
efficiency of trade flows. Efficiency gains achieved at
sea can be nullified if port and inland infrastructure
does not perform efficiently. Efficient port infrastructures have the knock on effect of decreasing
storage and fuel cost. Lower transportation cost
can improve the competitiveness of the countrys
exports and decrease prices of imported goods5.
Through APM Terminals we actively pursue terminal
projects and partnerships in underserved highgrowth markets. In 2012, APM Terminals work to develop, modernise and optimise container terminals
helped increase its global average berth productivity
by 9% compared to the previous year.

The risks of accidents in port operations remain a

major challenge. Severe accidents continue to happen and some have fatal consequences for our employees and the people working on our premises. This
is a challenge we do not take lightly (see page 28).
The same goes for corruption which continues to
hold back trade and economic growth in different
parts of the world (see page 48).

Reducing supply chain

barriers to trade could
increase GDP by nearly

and trade by



Running a terminal involves carefully managing
stakeholder interests within the port community as
well as minimising any potential adverse impacts on
the local environment (see page 58).

Brazil is a prime example of a country that is investing in port infrastructure to support increasing ex-

APM Terminals portfolio

includes operations in

ports and terminals
with 6 new terminals in
development and 160
inland services operations.

APM Terminals global
average berth productivity
increase in 2012.

* Drewry Global Container

Operators Annual Report 2012.
** WEF: Enabling Trade: Valuing
Growth Opportunities 2013.

 orld Economic Forum (2010): Positive infrastructure A framework for revitalizing the global economy.
5 See Maersk Lines 2011 WAFMAX study on


Sustainability Report 2012


The oil industry is key to support the energy needs of industries

and countries. In light of climate change concerns and resource
sustainability, the pursuit of a profitable growing oil business
brings forth sustainability challenges.

Global energy demand is expected to increase
by 40% between 2009 and 20356. Fossil energy
sources are currently making up more than 80% of
the worlds energy mix7.

resources can be produced in an efficient and economically sound manner. The pressure to maintain
such performance will only intensify as competition
for natural resources drives the industry to explore
and produce in increasingly harsher environments.

Fuelling economic growth and trade

Besides supporting a growing population and
industrialisation with access to energy services, the
oil industry is currently key to keeping the global
economy mobile. Today, more than 50% of the
global oil and gas production is being used to serve
transportation needs.
We are investing to increase our oil production by
50% by 2020 to 400,000 barrels per day.

Key sustainability challenges

The pursuit of a profitable oil business and the fact
that CO2 emissions induce climatic changes that
are potentially highly detrimental to society raise
a number of sustainability challenges and dilemmas.
The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group supports the position
to reduce global warming whilst recognising the direct and indirect impacts that oil production entails.
Our view is that governments and companies must
each play their role to address the dilemma. Government policy action is needed to shape the future of
energy and we support legislative frameworks that
create a level playing field.

Key sustainability opportunities

For us, the most impactful way to address climate
change is through energy efficiency in shipping. Our
shipping activities are responsible for 82% of the
Groups total CO2 emissions. Here, significant advancement in energy efficiency is helping us reduce
the impacts of fuel price fluctuations and bringing
about significant cost and CO2 reductions. The
improvements made so far in energy efficiency are
enabling us to push the bar for continuously more
efficient transport of food and goods.
The cost of consuming resources such as bunker
fuel oil will continue to drive energy efficiency in our
company. The shipping industry's dependence on
bunker fuel oil is also helping to sow the early seeds
for potential future energy diversification. Developing affordable alternatives to bunker fuel in shipping
is still in the very early stages. However, we support
the research and development efforts to overcome
the current barriers.

We see our role in addressing climate change as

in optimising our production and consumption
of resources. In our oil activities our focus is thus
on increased operational efficiency to ensure that

7 U.S. EIA International Energy Statistics:

Global energy demand
forecast to be about

higher in 2035 compared
to 2009.*

Transportation is one of
the largest consumers
of energy in the world,
accounting for more than

of liquid fuel consumption.**
Maersk Oil produces

barrels of oil equivalent per
day (boepd, entitlement
Maersk Line consumed

million tonnes bunker
fuel oil in 2012.

** WWF: Plugged in. The end
of the oil age (2008).


Sustainability Report 2012


Our impacts
in Brazil
Socio-economic study puts numbers
on our impacts in Brazil.
In 2012, we set out to deepen our understanding of the Groups socio-economic impacts
within trade, infrastructure and energy in Brazil (see About the study on page 19).

Brazil a key growth market

Brazils growing economy has seen GDP per capita
more than tripling over the last decade. Millions of
people have been lifted out of poverty into a rising
middle class. International trade has contributed
to Brazils economic growth: Exports have grown
by 14% per year on average from 2005 to 20111.
Exports and imports accounted for 12% and 13%
respectively of GDP in 20112.
Today, Brazil is the worlds second largest exporter
of soybean, is responsible for 80% of the worlds


orange juice and accounts for 35% of global exports

of raw cane and refined sugar3, to name just a few
major commodities. Since 2000, Brazils exports of
agricultural products have grown by more than 500%4.
But Brazilian freight logistics costs are high about
1518% of GDP5. Transport infrastructure bottle
necks are a key part of the problem. The Brazilian
government recognises infrastructure development
as one of the most important drivers to support
economic growth and continued social progress6.

USD 256bn

Export expansion and

economic development

Brazilian exports in 2011

accounted for:


of GDP in 2011


Trade bottlenecks
and logistics costs

Brazilian freight logistics

costs in 2011:

of GDP


WTO Database. See:

World Bank indicators. See:
Trading Economics. See:
WTO database. See


Sustainability Report 2012


Building long-term presence

We have been building up presence in Brazil since 1977.
Our businesses in Brazil have invested a total of USD 3.4
billion in shipping, port operations and offshore oil activities
in the country.

our companies
and brands
in Brazil

The Groups
to the Brazilian


jobs created in
the wider economy


APM Terminals
Maersk FPSOs*
Maersk Line
Maersk Oil
Maersk Supply Service
Maersk Training Centre
Mercosul Line

~ 0.1% of Brazilian
GDP in 2011

key figures 2011

Employees (FTE)

USD 1.3bn
External revenue

USD 373m
Procurement spending

USD 135m
Direct and indirect taxes paid,
incl. 30 million payroll taxes

5 World Bank, How to decrease freight logistics costs in Brazil, Transport Papers, TP-39, April 2012.
6 OECD Economic Surveys Brazil, October 2011.
7 T he impact study estimates the contribution to GDP as the total value-added of the Groups direct, indirect and induced impacts: Indirect impacts are the turnover and value added created by businesses which

provide goods and services to our companies activities. Induced impacts are the result of spending of the wages and salaries of our and the suppliers employees on food, housing, transportation, medical services, etc.
* Operated the Maersk Peregrino a floating production storage and offloading vessel in the Peregrino oil field. The vessel was sold to Statoil in 2012.


Sustainability Report 2012


Maersk Lines SAMMAX vessels are turning up the speed of

Brazilian ports. Boosting port productivity and reducing waiting
time and CO2 give rise to more sustainable trade growth in Brazil8.

MAXimising trade in Brazil

The SAMMAX vessels were introduced in 2011 to
accommodate the large demand for refrigerated
cargo between South America and Europe. They
are designed to overcome the limitations of shallow
waters and low port capacity in Brazil.

More containers through shallow waters

With 1,700 reefer plugs, the SAMMAX are among
the largest reefer ships afloat. They have a draft of
14 metres and a capacity of up to 8,600 containers
(TEU). The draft-container ratio allows the SAMMAX
to call South American ports with more containers
compared to the average vessel there.

Case in point
In 2012, the 16 SAMMAX vessels loaded and discharged 940 containers per vessel call on average,
compared to the previous Maersk Line vessels
550 moves per call a 72% improvement. Also, the
SAMMAX berth productivity was on average 55
berth moves per call, compared to 40 for the previous Maersk Line vessels a 37% improvement. The
improvements have wider socio-economic impacts.

Increasing the efficiency of transportation lowers

the cost of trade for businesses and consumers, and
translates into a potential for increased trade, job
creation and economic growth. Trade is however
no guarantee for socially inclusive growth which
depends on a range of factors including government

SAMMAX vessels can carry up to


containers (TEU) and can pass shallow

waters due to the draft-container ratio



improvement in average
berth productivity in 2012*

containers per vessel call*

8 All data calculations, methods, models and scope used in this case study can be found in our Brazil impact study 2012.
* Compared to the previous 3,200 TEU Maersk Line vessels deployed on the same trade lane.


Sustainability Report 2012


Port productivity turned up a notch

The SAMMAXs impacts on port productivity can
be illustrated by looking at the Port of Santos, the
biggest port in Brazil. In this port the SAMMAX load
and discharge 1,202 containers per vessel call 50%
more than Santos Ports average of 805 in 2012, and
90% more than the previous Maersk Line vessels.
For the same amount of containers this means that
Maersk Line can reduce its annual calls by 110 calls
and the overall waiting time in Santos by 5%.
The SAMMAX vessels also help reduce berthing
time through faster load and discharge of containers. This is due to the vessels length and improved
stability enabling more cranes to operate at the
same time. In Santos, the SAMMAX have a berth
productivity of 78 berth moves per hour 60%

higher than the previous Maersk Line vessels and

30% higher than the average in Santos. This decreases our berthing time from 3,011 to 1,895 hours
and overall berthing time in Santos by 2%.
The 5% waiting time reduction and the 2% berthing
time reduction will decrease Santos overall port
turnaround time by 7%. On this basis we estimate
that the SAMMAX vessels have the potential to
increase annual trade by up to 39,000 containers
(TEU) in Santos. Whilst trade growth increases CO2
emissions in absolute terms, the SAMMAX vessels
CO2 footprint is smaller per container. With the
introduction of SAMMAX, the relative CO2 emissions on Maersk Lines Asia-Brazil trade lane were
reduced by 30% in 2012.

fuel efficiency
The SAMMAX vessels
fuel efficiency is

higher compared to other
new vessels of the same
size. Its waste-heat recovery
system uses the energy
in the hot exhaust gas to
produce extra energy for

Similar benefits and trade growth potential can

be expected in other ports called by the SAMMAX

SAMMAX effects on
Port of Santos*


Overall berthing time

reduction in Port of Santos


Overall waiting time

reduction in Port of Santos

up to


Overall port turnaround

time reduction in
Port of Santos


containers (TEU) increased

trade potential (TEU)


Sustainability Report 2012


Upgrades to Brazils busiest port in Santos, Sao Paolo are being made to a
congestion and delays. We have calculated the socio-economic i mpacts that can
be realised from a USD 1 billion joint venture container terminal project9.

Building tomorrows
terminal today
The growth in Brazilian export and import is putting
port capacity and productivity under pressure. With
a 30% market share, the Port of Santos is Brazils
most important port.

2013, BTP is expected to deliver a berth productivity

of up to 80 containers per hour a 32% improvement
compared to the current average berth productivity
of Santos three operating terminals.

Since 2003, the waiting time for vessels at the port

has steadily increased. During the first half of 2012,
ships have had to wait about 16 hours on average
before berthing. The World Bank estimates that extra charges for delayed cargo constitute around USD
700 million per year in Santos10.

More containers at lower cost

The development of BTP will increase capacity in the
Port of Santos by up to 40%. This will prevent further
deterioration in waiting and berth times, increases in already high transport costs, and loss of trade and diversion to other ports. Moreover, BTP will improve Santos
overall berth productivity by up to 10%. Combined, the
increased capacity and improved productivity have the
potential to increase the annual container throughput
by up to 12% corresponding to an increased trade
potential worth up to USD 15.3 billion per year.

Investing in Brazilian trade growth

Container traffic in the Port of Santos is expected to
grow by 1012% per year in the period 20102016.
Maintaining the status quo of the current container
terminal capacity in Santos would lead to excess
demand for container transport of around 0.9 million
containers (TEU) by 2015, corresponding to 25% of
todays total demand.
Together with Terminal Investment Limited, APM
Terminals is investing USD 1 billion in the construction of a new world-class container terminal, Brasil
Terminal Portuario (BTP). When fully operational in

But it requires better access roads

In Brazil, most containers are transported by trucks
to and from the Port of Santos but the current access
roads are not adequate to accommodate this traffic
without delays. Today, the inland transport bottlenecks
add to the costs of using the port. To fully reap the
benefits of the BTP terminal project, Brazil would need
to improve the road infrastructure around the port.



Through the development

of BTP, the Port of Santos
will benefit annually
from over:

USD 100m
tax income (federal, state
and municipality).
BTP is expected to create:

jobs during the
construction phase.

jobs during the
operational phase.

indirect jobs once

Combined with increased capacity

this has the potential to increase
the annual container throughput
in Santos by up to

BTP will improve the

berth productivity of
Santos Port by up to

taxes and jobs

in numbers

The increased trade

potential is worth up to

USD 15.3bn
per year
Brasil Terminal Portuario
(BTP) in Port of Santos

9 A ll data calculations, methods, models and scope used in this case study can be found in our Brazil impact study 2012.
10 W
 orld Bank (2012), How to decrease freight logistics costs in Brazil, Transport Papers, TP-39, April 2012.


Sustainability Report 2012


Brazils coastal shipping industry has an 800% growth potential. There

are social, environmental and economic arguments for r ealising it9.

The case for going coastal

Despite a long coastline of about 7,500 km (4,650
miles) studded with around 40 major ports10, the
potential of coastal shipping has not yet been fully
realised in Brazil.
Only a fraction of the total domestic container transport is carried out by coastal shipping. The extensive
use of trucks increases transport costs through 34
times higher freight rates, congestion and unreliable
transport times. This in turn reduces Brazils trade
and weakens its national competitiveness.
Also, trucks have high socio-economic costs. Coastal
shipping only transports cargo volumes corresponding to 4% of total truck transport, but compared to
trucks, coastal shipping each year saves the Brazilian
society 4,100 road accidents and USD 189212 million
in road maintenance, medical and material costs as
well as 0.5 million tonnes of air emissions.

Making the move

In the Brazil impact study, we estimate that 2.7
million containers (TEU) can be moved from trucks
to coastal ships. This is a relatively small share of
the total volumes transported by truck but would
correspond to an 800% increase in Brazils coastal
shipping transport volumes.

modal split

Pipeline and airway


In numbers, going coastal with 2.7 million containers

would reduce annual road accidents by approx. 36,000;
road accident costs by USD 1,5151,715 million; road
maintenance by USD 125 million; and emissions by 4.4
million tonnes of CO2. That means overall lower freight
costs socially, environmentally and economically.
Thus, coastal shipping could have a much more
prominent role to play in supporting the sustainable
development of the Brazilian economy and its ambitious export targets.


USD 125m

and road maintenance costs by



Coastal shipping becomes

a feasible alternative to
trucks when distance exceeds 1,500 km, and when
origin and destination are
located within a 200 km radius of ports and terminals,
all other things being equal.

Reduce emissions by

containers (TEU) can be moved

from trucks to coastal ships
which would:

Reduce annual road

accidents by approx.


tonnes of CO2

About the study

Our Brazil impact study 2012 includes a macroeconomic
analysis of the impacts of the Groups activities in Brazil. It
covers ten different businesses and six in-depth case studies. As the availability of adverse sustainability information
(e.g. emissions, social impacts and work-related accidents)
at a country level is very limited, the case studies do not include a detailed assessment of all of the social and environmental impacts of our operations and solutions, but focus
mainly on the current and estimated future socio-economic
impacts of our investments, including economic, social
and environmental perspectives. Inherently, the data are
comprised of estimations and contain significant assumptions. For a complete explanation on the approach and data
sources used, the study can be obtained upon request.

Group performance

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012


Defining and communicating materiality helps us focus
our efforts on areas that deliver the greatest value to
our business and most important stakeholders.

Mapping material issues

Big ticket items

In 2012, we worked systematically to gain an enhanced understanding of our material sustainability

issues and their potential impact on our b
usiness. A
dedicated tool was developed to support the materiality analysis and process.

The issues that are of highest importance to both

our business and stakeholders are major oil spills,
fatalities, arctic operations and anti-corruption.
Major oil spills and fatalities represent some of our
most significant risks and stress the importance of

Materiality matrix

Read more..

The map shows which issues are most material to

our business based on the factors impact on cost,
revenue, compliance and reputation, correlating

this with the deemed level of importance to employees, customers, regulators, media, investors,
local communities and NGOs.

Anti-corruption &
whistleblowing: pages 4849
Arctic: page 39

Major oil spills

Ballast water: page 38

Biodiversity: page 38

Arctic activities

Diversity & inclusion:

pages 4345

Importance to stakeholders

Labour standards

Natural resources


Diversity &

Energy consumption

CO2 emissions
Supply chain management
Process safety

Ecosystems & biodiversity

Waste management
Local content
Ballast water
Human rights
Community engagement

Stakeholder engagement
Ocean sustainability

Carbon markets

Conflict zones/high risk countries



Water use/management


CO2 emissions: pages 3435

Fatalities, accidents, LTIs and

process safety: pages 2832
Governance: pages 2527
Human rights: pages 4041
Labour standards: page 42
Lobbying: pages 2324
Oil spills: page 36
Piracy: page 33
SOx and NOx: pages 3637
Stakeholder engagement:
pages 2324
Supply chain
management: pages 5051

Importance to business

Tax: page 52
Waste management: page 38


Sustainability Report 2012

continuously strengthening process safety and risk

management. Whilst our activities in the Arctic at the
moment are still in the very early stages predominantly concerned with exploring any future potential
the overall growing corporate interests in the Artic
are a subject of great importance and concern to
some of our stakeholders. We fully recognise the
sensitivity and uniqueness of the Arctic environment
and describe our interests and preparation activities
in this report.

Group performance

Our anti-corruption efforts rank high on the list as

well. Corruption negatively impacts our business,
the communities where we do business and overall
global economic development. Furthermore, supply
chain management is critical to minimise risks in
our supply chain, supporting responsible business
conduct and the respect of human rights. Finally,
diversity and inclusion are essential to reach our
growth and performance aspirations.

Going forward
Similarly, issues such as process safety, energy
consumption and CO2 emissions represent critical
material issues in the Group. For example, our
CO2 emissions in shipping are significant in
absolute terms but also represent a major driver
for energy efficiency improvements and cost

The matrix and tool will serve as valuable input for

the process of preparing a new Group sustainability
strategy during 2013. We will be validating our assessments through consultations with our internal
and external stakeholders in the strategy process,
and promote a unified approach to materiality assessments going forward.

top 3 material
issues in the
In 2012, a workshop for our
businesses was conducted
providing guidance on how
to prepare materiality and
stakeholder assessments.
The materiality assessments by the businesses
helped provide a foundation for their reporting this
year by identifying their
top three material issues
(see pages 5573).

Materiality analysis process

the criteria
Listing significant
business aspects and
rating their relative
Listing significant
stakeholders and
rating their relative

the issues
Identifying environmental, social and
economic issues that
are, or might turn out to
be, relevant to the A.P.
Moller - Maersk Group
and its stakeholders,
and collecting the information needed to
assessing their impact.

Describing the
issues in detail
Defining the risks and
opportunities associated with the issues.
Describing the stakeholders relevant to or
concerned with the

Determining the status,
importance and maturity of the issues using
the tools predefined
rating scheme.

the issues
The results of the analysis are plotted by the
tool in a matrix with the
y-axis representing the
importance to stakeholders and the x-axis
representing the importance to business.

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012

We want to build trust in our company by engaging
in transparent practices and open dialogue with

Our ambition is to have a more structured and consistent approach to stakeholder engagement. We
are not there yet and this will be an important part of
our approach and governance going forward.
Key stakeholder engagement activities in 2012
Shareholder and investor engagement
The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group held its first Capital
Markets Day to increase transparency on strategy
and financial performance. The companys performance, growth strategy and planned investments
were presented with a focus on the plans for Maersk
Oil and APM Terminals. More than 300 analysts and
investors participated.
Engaging external stakeholders
on sustainability
The UN Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil (Rio+20) was an important event
for us to engage with a wide group of stakeholders
on our role in contributing to a more sustainable
development. We engaged in panel discussions,
co-chaired a session on anti-corruption and spoke
on responsible procurement.
Engaging employees on sustainability
Our work with sustainability can be an engaging

factor in itself and potentially help increase the

companys attractiveness as an employer. In 2012,
78% of employees viewed the surveys sustainability
dimension1 favourably. The dimension is used as
an indicator of how a given team is incorporating a
sustainability mindset (social, economic and environment) into daily business decisions. It is the first
time that we have this dimension.
On pages 4647 we elaborate on our employees
general attitudes and perspectives towards the company and sustainability.
During 2013, we will be engaging with stakeholders
in a systematic and structured manner to obtain
input in connection with the development of a new
sustainability strategy.

Responsible lobbying
The Group engages in dialogue and lobbying on
issues that are relevant to our businesses. We
believe that rendering our experience and opinion
available to policy makers and other key opinion
leaders provides benefits for both our business
and society.
A large degree of our engagement at Group level
takes place through our membership and participation in industry organisations, primarily the Danish

1 T he sustainability dimension consists of two questions: My company is making a genuine effort to be socially and environmentally responsible and
My manager encourages me to consider social and environmental impacts of my decisions.



Sustainability Report 2012

Group performance

Shipowners Association and Oil Gas Denmark, in

addition to ongoing business specific contacts with
government and public authorities.

The majority of our dialogue and lobbying activities

are conducted by our businesses e.g. through international industry organisations.

What investors think

of our sustainability efforts
Opinions are divided but research indicates that
sustainability reporting can ensure more stable
stock prices, probably because they provide a
more transparent risk profile which acts as a form
of insurance against impact on stock prices from
negative events2.
Another benefit is thought to be lower cost of
capital for the sustainability-reporting company.

Particularly institutional investors are expected to

be best able to use the reports.
We asked two of our investors what they think:
Danish ATP, one of the largest pension investors
in Europe, and UK Hermes Equity Ownership Services, a provider of advisory services, renowned
for its commitment to responsible investments
and ownership.

As investors we find that our capital is best protected by companies

who are in dialogue with their s urroundings, as we think they are
better armed for success in a changing world. We do not focus on
any particular issues but rather look for sustainability and corporate
responsibility as integrated parts of the company and its business
model. We are pleased that A.P. Moller - Maersk deals with the risks
inherent to the industries in which they operate.
Ole Buhl, Head of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), ATP

We consider the management of sustainability issues to be indicative

of the overall quality of management and the ability of a company to
manage risk. This is particularly the case in the industries in which
A.P. Moller - Maersk operates. We are long-term investors who have
an interest in long-term value-creation in A.P. Moller - Maersk, so the
management of health and safety (both process and occupational),
energy and operational efficiency, as well as employee relations is
very important to us.

Paul Lee, Director, Hermes Equity Ownership Services

2 Flammer, C. (2012) Corporate social responsibility and shareholder reaction: The environmental awareness of investors, Academy of Management Journal.

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012


& governance
We aim to be a responsible and profitable enterprise
balancing economic, social and environmental concerns for
the benefit of A.P. Moller - Maersk and the global community.

Our strategy is to integrate sustainability systematically into all our business processes and
make sustainability a competitive advantage. Top
management at Group and business level are held
accountable for progress. The full governance framework can be seen on page 27.

Dashboard creates overview

An integration progress dashboard is compiled
twice a year on the basis of self-assessments completed by all our businesses1. The self-assessment
measures progress of integration and not actual
performance. Its purpose is to provide an overview

of how far integration of sustainability has advanced

according to our current strategy.
At the end of 2012, the dashboard showed that
most business units are making good progress on
integration into strategies, management systems
and stakeholder engagement. Two specific areas
stand out as lagging, and we will review these gaps
in 2013:
1) S
 ustainability as an opportunity-creating driver of
innovation and business development.
2) I ntegration into employee KPIs.

Our sustainability journey

HSSE Manual

First Group
HSE Report

Member of UN
Global Compact

 irst Group
Sustainability Report
First Group
Strategy (20102013)
Global Labour
Group Sustainability

Member of UN Global
Compact LEAD
Member of the
Logistics Emergency
Teams (LET)
Climate Change
Group Health &
Safety Strategy
First Annual
Sustainability Day

1 Maersk Drilling, Dansk Supermarked Group, Maersk FPSOs, Danbor Service, Maersk Container Industry, Maersk Supply Service, APM Terminals, Maersk Tankers,
Svitzer, Maersk Oil, Damco and Maersk Liner Business (the latter including Maersk Line, Safmarine and other regional brands).

I ntegration of
sustainability in
internal training
Human Rights
index in Employee
Engagement Survey
integrated in
enterprise risk


Sustainability Report 2012

Group performance

Sustainability dashboard
The businesses are asked to score their progress
on a scale of 03 across 25 key measures of integration, considering each of the four focus areas
of the Groups sustainability strategy: health and
safety, social responsibility, e nvironment and
responsible business practices.

With business integration as the main focus of the

Groups 20102013 sustainability strategy, each of
the businesses will ideally be able to assign themselves a score of 3 on all questions by the end of 2013.
The dashboard below shows the status as of Q4 in
2012 (measured in %).

1. Sustainability strategy & commitment

4. Anticipating change











1.1 Is there a sustainability strategy in place?

1.2Does the strategy include SMART objectives/targets, activities,
timeline, resource allocation and governance setup?
1.3Have you conducted robust materiality analyses?
1.4Is the strategy aligned with the overall business strategy?
1.5Are responsibilities and accountabilities clearly d

4.1Is sustainability included as a risk-mitigating driver in the

business strategy?
4.2Is sustainability included as an opportunity-creating driver
in the business strategy?
4.3Do you have a systematic approach for spotting trends
and anticipating change?
4.4Do you integrate sustainability into innovation and business
development processes?
4.5Do you allocate resources to test pilots or to innovate
business models?

2. Management

5. Culture



2.1 Do you measure performance on an on-going basis?

2.2Have you defined necessary standards, tools and
competencies to operate processes effectively?
2.3Have you implemented the required structures?
2.4Do you systematically assess key sustainability risks?
2.5Are you currently on track to realise your targets?

3. Stakeholder engagement

5.1Does top management communicate to employees about
5.2Is sustainability included in management training programmes?
5.3Is sustainability included in employee training programmes?
5.4Have the training programmes been rolled out to all relevant
5.5Is sustainability included in employee KPIs and incentive

3.1 Have you identified your key stakeholders?
3.2Have you defined who is responsible for engaging with key
3.3Do you engage with key stakeholders on an on-going basis?
3.4 Do you get feedback on your engagement?
3.5Do you share the feedback systematically with the organisation?

Completed (score 3)
Under implementation (score 2)
Planned (score 1)
Not started yet (score 0)

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012

Advancement tools
We provide management and employees with tools
to enhance their knowledge of sustainability. We have
integrated sustainability modules into our leadership
training in 2012. By the end of the year, 1,144 persons
had participated in these training programmes.
We also developed and rolled out an e-learning
based introduction course on sustainability in 2012.
It is designed to serve as a pre-work to the leadership courses, but the course is available to all employees through our Learning Management System.
Since the launch in September 2012, 233 people
have completed this training.

An annual sustainability day is organised for all

the Groups CEOs. In 2012, the focus was on the
business value of sustainability. The day marked
a starting point for the next phase in our approach
to sustainability, where maximising synergies and
generating income will be in focus. Erika Karp, Managing Director and Head of Global Sector Research
for UBS Investment Bank, had been invited to give
an investors perspective and to participate in a
panel debate with Maersk Line, Maersk Drilling and
APM Terminals. The debate showed that while not
all sustainability-related values are easily quantified,
there is potential for linking sustainability closer to
the core process of shareholder value creation.



leaders completed
sustainability training
as part of their leadership
training in 2012.

Our sustainability governance framework

Executive Board

is responsible overall.

oversees strategy
and coordination.

Performance management

Our values
Constant care, humbleness,
uprightness, our employees
and our name.
Our Principles of Conduct,
policies and guidelines
Our established
UN Global Compact
We are part of the LEAD
group of companies,
committed to showing
leadership in corporate

CEO and peer reviews

Each year, business units participate in either a
CEO review or a peer review with the Group Sustainability function.
In 2012, five CEO reviews were held, and five businesses participated in two peer review workshops.

Management business reviews

Sustainability issues are included in the annual business reviews conducted by the Group Strategy function.

Enterprise risk management

A new enterprise risk management framework integrating sustainability was implemented in 2012.
Input from businesses and Group functions on key
risks is aggregated into a Group key risk register.

integration dashboard
Bi-annual self-assessments of the
businesses that feed into progress
reports for the Sustainability Council.
Employee engagement survey
Where a new question on sustainability leadership was added in 2012.
Read more on page 46.
Leadership training
Modules on sustainability in the
Groups mandatory leadership
training programmes.
E-learning programme on
Annual Executive Board sustainability day.


Sustainability Report 2012

Group performance

Safety is at the core of the A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups
business. We believe that each and every accident can and
should be avoided. We must ensure that our employees
can return home unharmed at the end of every work day.

Keeping our employees safe and secure while they

do their job is of primary importance to u
s. Providing
our employees with a safe working environment
is also our licence to operate. But despite safety
leadership positions in a number of our industries
as well as continuous improvements in most safety
performance areas, severe accidents continue to
happen in some of our operations.

accident with a loss of seven people (

page 70). This was an extraordinary event. At the
same time, APM Terminals, where historically most
of the Groups fatalities are found, had five fatalities
in 2012, compared to 10 in 2011. This coincided
with a new approach to safety which seeks to mobilise the entire organisation in the battle for a fatalityfree working environment (read more on page 31).

Our strategy and governance

The Groups Health & Safety Strategy, which we
began implementing in 2012, facilitates systematic
sharing of insights and better practices between
businesses and thus helps improve existing standards and procedures.

Our analyses show that fatal accidents can be divided

into two groups, based on their root causes. One group
involves traffic and container movements and the accidents are caused by traditional focus a
reas in safety
work: mechanics, behaviour and safety culture. The
second group of accidents have more complex causes
and typically involve the failure of several processes.

The Health and Safety Committee oversees the

Health & Safety strategy at Group level, whereas operational responsibility for health and safety lies with the
individual businesses. In 2012, our Board of Directors
began to receive more detailed quarterly reports on
safety, with the same information being shared with
the Executive Board and the Sustainability Council.

This is in line with the conclusion made by an external

working group on fatalities, in which we were active
participants in 20102011.This group found that
there was no conclusive evidence pointing towards one
set of common precursors leading to fatal accidents.

Fatalities a major challenge

Our goal is zero fatalities. In 2012, we had 17 fatalities, compared to 13 in 2011, continuing the trend
over the last couple of years contrary to our stated
goal and intent. That is unacceptable to us.
The story has more aspects than the bare numbers
reveal. In 2012, Svitzer experienced their worst ever

There are clear indications that we need to increase

our focus on process safety. The 2012 Svitzer accident grew to its significant size because of process
safety issues, and had no direct links to the companys lost time injury frequency (LTIF) performance.
Maersk Line began testing of 844 refrigerated containers at risk of having counterfeit contaminated
gas inserted into their refrigeration equipment


fatalities in 2012.

reduction in fatalities
in APM Terminals.

businesses with an
LTIF below 1.

of all our accidents occur in
Dansk Supermarked Group
and APM Terminals.

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012

during maintenance. These containers had been

grounded since 2011 when three such containers
exploded. The testing is expected to be completed
in 2013. As further insurance, Maersk Line has commissioned the development of a scalable method
for testing for contaminated gas in existing containers which can be implemented globally, and has
rolled out a test procedure for all new refrigerant gas.

Two kinds of safety

Many industries focus their safety efforts almost
exclusively on occupational safety measures. In

the oil industry, however, the inclusion of process

safety measures has been a core practice for many
years. The current trend is that still more industries
are embracing process safety thinking, to make the
final leap to incident-free environments. Below are
explanations of both types.
Process safety focuses on preventing fires,
explosions and accidental releases of hazardous
materials. The impact of a process safety incident
can be personal injuries, asset damage or damage
to the surrounding environment (or a combination).

2012 Fatalities
Business unit



Employed by

APM Terminals

Callao, Peru

Contractor hit by load during lifting operations involving

reach stackers.


Pipavav, India

Tally clerk crushed by lorry during the container loading



Callao, Peru

Stevedore fell inside the cargo hold during container



Bien Hoa,

Contractor died from injuries incurred when tyre

exploded during re-fitting of wheel on a sideloader.


Mobile, USA

Genset landed on mechanic as it fell, struck the ground

and pivoted during its dismounting from a reefer.


waters east of
South America

Two seafarers died as a result of a violent conflict on

board one of our ships (categorised as a criminal act).


Kobe, Japan

Rescue boat hook failure during drill caused the boat to

drop resulting in the death of one of our seafarers.


Jebel Ali, Dubai

Seafarer hit by vessels stores crane hoisting handle.


Maersk Container

Qingdao, China

Employee died from injuries sustained in an explosion

in a metallizing booth.




Seven people died in an explosion and fire on board a tug

boat during its participation in hose maintenance.

Own (six), third

party (one)

Maersk Line

When we report on accidents leading to fatalities we include our own employees, those of our contractors and third
parties. The pivotal point in this is whether the people involved were working under the A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups
operational control. If so, they are included in this table. On the other hand, the level of influence we have on peoples
training differs depending on their employment status. For our own employees we can create compulsory training
programmes, and to a large extent this is true for recurring contractors. We have limited control, however, over third
party employees, except that we can demand certain levels of training from the supplying company.



Sustainability Report 2012

Group performance

Managing process safety is generally a matter of

creating barriers to prevent multiple breaches and,
as such to avoid the chain reaction that potentially
can lead to a major accident happening.

Occupational health and safety is concerned with

protecting the safety, health and welfare of people at
work. Examples of typical areas of occupational safety
are personal protection equipment, dropped objects,
working alone and slips, trips and falls. LTIF is a common way of measuring your occupational health
and safety performance. A key element in managing
occupational health and safety is risk assessment,
which is also closely related to process safety.

Progress on group activities

Health and safety targets are set and the work is
carried out in the individual businesses. Group level
is responsible for strategy, governance and high-level
development activities. Our new strategy for 2011
committed us to the following:
 stablish fatality review group
Representatives from the major businesses have
reviewed the investigations of the fatalities incurred
during the year. The group found that often a fatal accident could have been avoided if established procedures had been followed. The businesses concerned
have taken action to encourage stricter adherence.

 eveloping new performance parameters
While not pointing to specific precursors, we
learned from the external fatalities group that
we need a greater focus on process safety
parameters. Working with process safety implies
looking at risks inherent in the production processes and creating barriers to ensure that it is
not possible to cause a large-scale accident as a
result of a single or few actions. Process safety is
widely practised in the offshore industry, and we
will learn from the example of M
aersk Oil.
 nowledge-sharing framework
The fatality review group is instrumental in sharing good practice for accident investigations. Furthermore, an online portal was launched in 2012
with the goal of creating an internal platform for
discussion of our approach to safety. Finally, to
gain insights and inspiration for use in our development of health and safety initiative.

Safety performance
Overall, our LTIF data from 2012 show a declining
or flattening trend over the last four years. Hidden
in this data is the fact that seven out of eleven
businesses have an LTIF below one. This equals one
accident per 550 employees during a year.

Lost time injury frequency per business 2012

APM Terminals and Dansk Supermarked Group account
for the majority of all LTIs in the Group in 2012.

0.76 0.75



0.53 0.74 0.89 0.50

Terminals Drilling







Maersk Maersk
FPSOs Container

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012

APM Terminals and Dansk Supermarked Group account for the majority of all our LTIs in 2012. Dansk
Supermarked Group reported 616 LTIs and APM
Terminals 286. Comparatively, Maersk Oil had 17
and Maersk Drilling 11 LTIs.
The incident severity ranges from minor injuries resulting in a few sick days to permanent disability e.g. lost
limbs. In Dansk Supermarked Group, injuries cover employees in stores, warehouses and offices. The main
part of the injuries is of a psychological nature following

robberies in the stores. In addition, the severity of the

injuries are generally low (strains, cuts and bruises), and
injuries with permanent disabilities are extremely rare.
At Group level, we do not have systems to capture the
severity of the LTIs, but the Health and Safety Committee is working to set up a severity index, as a way
of tracking the causes of the most serious accidents.
The business with the most novel approach to managing safety is APM Terminals (see the box below).

Safety activist in fight for lives

In 2012, APM Terminals took the extraordinary
step of appointing an internal safety activist in
a bid to make a change in safety on its quays and
in its yards the world over. The companys former
Europe CEO an APM Terminals veteran was
charged with ending fatal accidents in a move
thought to be a first for the ports industry.
Actions included:
 ew safety principles that empower all workers, regardless of rank, to stop unsafe operations. They also remind employees of their own
obligation in terms of APM Terminals promise
to never lower its standards.
 egional safety managers established global
minimum requirements to be enforced at all terminals, while an online collaboration platform
brought terminal management together.
 our training sessions for around 50 employees
with an international leading accident investigation company. Fifteen of those had additional


 eople trained in
accident investigation

training, which makes it possible to deliver training to the remaining facilities. Those 15 people
also constitute a global response team which
will be dispatched in case another fatality occurs. They would use an updated investigation
procedure and report through a new incident
reporting system, which is due in early 2013.
 he safety activist travelled to problematic
sites and made weekly phone calls to ports and
inland operations for updates on safety and to
offer high-level support on safety matters.
 se of social media was increased as a means to
communicate with everyone in and outside the
organisation. Photos of threats to safety big
and small found at an APM Terminals location
were posted on Facebook, with people asking
questions and others answering them.
Sites across the world have already embraced
the escalation of safety by appointing their own
activists in Morocco, Peru, Costa Rica, Argentina
and Jordan.


drop in fatal accidents



Sustainability Report 2012

Their LTIF has dropped from 5.82 to 2.47 over the

last four years. A lack of valid benchmarks for safety
in the port industry makes it difficult to know the
performance level compared to competitors.

The safety-productivity
Our work on safety is not driven by business case
considerations. Nevertheless, we are seeing still
more cases of a link between improved safety and
higher productivity.
Maersk Oil has compared the last ten years reductions in LTIF with production efficiency and while it
is likely that other factors contribute to the rise in
productivity, the comparison does give an indication
that improved safety is good for business.

Group performance

months between March and July 2012, APM Terminals invested USD 450,000 to limit man-machine
The port lost 25% of its berth productivity in the
first month of enacting the new policy. Workers
were confused, truck drivers were losing their way in
between stacks, cranes, stations, etc. But gradually
operations began to get back into rhythm and the
port ended September setting new records in terms
of container handling combined with a strong safety
The APM Terminals Port of Itajai in Brazil registered
327 days without lost time injuries a new record
for the terminal. At the same time, berth productivity rose by 64%. Again, there could be other factors
influencing the increase in productivity, but there
seems to be a clear pattern here and in other

In the ports industry, there are examples such as

the port in Tema, Ghana, of which APM Terminals
owns 50%. After two fatalities within a span of five


 erth productivity increase in 327 days

without injuries in Port of Itajai, Brazil

USD 450,000

i nvested and new records set in container

handling combined with strong safety
performance in Tema, Ghana

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012


The cost of piracy is high. Lives are altered or lost due
to piracy, trade needs to re-route and shipping companies invest large sums to avoid attacks. In 2012,
the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group continued to invest in
securing our close to 3,000 transits through the Gulf
of Aden and past the Somali coast the main arena
for maritime piracy.
Fortunately, global societys investments began
to show a dividend. From a total of 173 in 2011,
there were 36 incidents in 2012. We experienced
two attempted hi-jackings, which were unsuccessful as our ships increased speed and left the area.
The main drivers behind this positive trend are
compliance with best management practices for
anti-piracy, including the use of armed guards in
selected cases, and still more efficient patrolling by
naval forces. Extensive risk assessments, training
and experience in sailing in these waters meant that
we could begin slow steaming off the coast of Somalia. As yet, no cases of accomplished attacks on
a ship compliant with best management practices
have been registered.

When employing armed guards, we carry out training

in the roles and relationships between our crew and
the guards. We hire guards only through providers
that have been vetted and screened by external
providers and audited by the Group.

A long-term solution
Our position remains that only a concerted effort
from the global community can alleviate this threat
to global trade. In the meantime, we have joined
forces with Shell, BP, Stena Line and Japanese shipping companies (NYK, MOL and K Line) to support
community and job creation projects in the coastal
regions of Somalia. The companies will contribute
between them around USD 2.5 million over two
years (20132014). The basic premise of the initiative is that piracy may be a problem at sea but it
requires a long-term sustainable solution on land.

A moving target
Unfortunately, the more stable conditions in the
Gulf of Aden do not imply less risk of piracy for the
shipping industry in total. We are seeing a growing
number of attacks off the coast of West Africa. So
far, none of our ships have been attacked in this area.

Number of
attempted hi-jackings
In line with the total recorded number of
attempted hi-jackings in the area off the Somali
coast, we experienced a significant drop in pirates
circling in on our ships.

This positive trend is a result of the more efficient

naval patrolling of the area and enhanced protection on the ships.




earmarked by the A.P.
Moller - Maersk Group for
investing in an initiative
to combat root-causes of
piracy in Somalia.


Sustainability Report 2012

Group performance

& environment
We recognise the risks climate change poses to society
and our business as well as the need to shift to a low
carbon economy. We support the position that adequate
efforts must be made to limit global warming.
The A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups activities carry
significant environmental risks as well as direct
and indirect impacts on the environment. The three
primary environmental risk categories across the

Group have been identified as major oil spills, fuel

consumption and related CO2 emissions, and biodiversity impacts, with specific importance placed
on the Arctic. On page 37 we explain our progress in

Our businesses measure their relative CO2 efficiency in different ways. For example, Maersk Line
operates with CO2 per container (TEU), Maersk
Tankers uses CO2 per cargo unit x nautical mile,
and APM Terminals CO2 per lifted container (TEU),
to mention just a few examples.
When we consolidate the annual CO2 efficiency of
each business to determine the Groups CO2 efficiency,
we first determine the change in performance by percentage for each business. The relative performance
for each business is collated into a Group index. In
this index each business contribution is weighted in
terms of their share of the total Group CO2 emissions.
This figure shows key businesses share of the
total Group CO2 emissions.

new Group target for
relative reduction in C02
from 2010 to 2020.

The carbon cake

Each business has a share of the Groups total CO2





relative CO2 reduction

achieved from 2010 to 2012.

of the Groups CO2
emissions come
from Maersk Line.

Share of
total CO2 eq.

reduction in SOx emissions.

Maersk Line
Maersk Oil
Maersk Tankers

* The definition of category 1 and 2 spills is explained in our sustainability accounting principles on pages 8082.

oil spills
(categories 1 and 2).*

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012

managing these risks in order to mitigate and reduce

any adverse impacts on the environment from
process safety procedures to efficiency measures
and new technology.

The shipping industry is pivotal in improving the

efficiency of the entire global transportation system
as shipping is the most efficient way of transporting
goods across the globe.

Climate change and energy efficiency

New Group CO2 reduction target: 20%

Climate change is the key environmental issue

across the Group. Primarily due to the direct and
indirect CO2 impacts related to running an oil business, as well as the significant levels of CO2 emitted
by our fleet of more than 600 container ships.

To document and promote efficiencies across our

different businesses, we have a Group-wide target of
reducing relative CO2 emissions. We have adjusted
our target from a 10% relative CO2 reduction from
2010 to 2020 to reflect Maersk Lines advancement
in energy efficiency (see the box below). The new
Group-wide target is a 20% relative CO2 reduction
from 2010 to 2020. The increased target would
correspond to the reduction of more than 750,000
tonnes of total CO2 emissions, all other things being
equal (i.e. with the same level of business activity in
2020 as today).

As a response, we focus on advancing energy efficiency across the industries in which we work, and
put the lions part of our efforts where we have the
largest impact: shipping. While our size in shipping
comes with a significant footprint, it is also through
our scale and position that we can drive significant
efficiencies and help raise industry standards.

Maersk Lines quantum leap in

energy efficiency
Maersk Line clearly demonstrates the business
case of energy efficiency. In 2012, the shipping line
reached its 2020 target of reducing CO2 emissions
by 25% per container (TEU) from its benchmark
2007 levels eight years ahead of time.
To keep momentum, Maersk Line has raised the
target to a 40% reduction in CO2 per container (TEU)
by 2020. Maersk Lines focus on energy efficiency
has made the company significantly more cost
It is estimated that shipping carries 90% of globally
traded goods. While shipping is by far the most


CO2 reduction per

container since 2007

energy efficient way to transport cargo long distances, the contribution of CO2 to the atmosphere is
34% of the global annual total.
Maersk Line reached its target largely from a
combination of operational efficiency, network and
voyage optimisation, slow steaming and technical
innovation. More of the same will help Maersk Line
reach the 40% target. Also, continued cooperation
with vessel leasing partners to retrofit ships and
the arrival of the next generation Triple-E vessels
will contribute to future CO2 reductions.


New Maersk Line relative

CO2 reduction target (20072020)



Sustainability Report 2012

Group performance

Group performance 2012

SOx and NOx

The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group has achieved an 8%

improvement in CO2 efficiency since 2010, mainly
driven by large improvements in our container business. Both our relative and absolute CO2 emissions
decreased in 2012. The improvements are mainly
due to Maersk Lines advancement in energy efficiency (see the box on the previous page).
Maersk Oil exceeded its target to reduce CO2 emissions from flaring by 50%. CO2 emissions from flaring from operated producing facilities were reduced
by 86% since 2007. This helps consolidate Maersk
Oils position as better than average on CO2 performance against its industry peers. Most of the flaring
reductions were achieved in Qatar (see page 64).

41,000 tonnes of SOx were cut by the Group in 2012.

The main contributor was Maersk Line, primarily
through reduced fuel consumption, and by virtue of
a new Emission Control Area (ECA), which entered
into force in August 2012 covering an area of 200
nautical miles from the coast off North America.
Maersk Tankers ship, Maersk Erin, accidentally
spilled 9.06 m3 of waste, while de-canting slops in
the Atlantic, which was the only category 1 and 2
spill in 2012. None of the businesses have experienced major oil spills. The definition of category
1 and 2 spills is explained in our sustainability
accounting principles on pages 8082.

Maersk Tankers carbon pact

In 2012, Maersk Tankers became the first tanker
company to sign a carbon pact with a major oil
company. The pact calls for a 10% relative reduction of the footprint of Statoils voyages over a
three year period (20122014).
To live up to the pact, Maersk Tankers is servicing
Statoil with their most energy efficient ships and
monitoring the performance of every single voyage. Every six months Maersk Tankers updates
Statoil on its progress.


Maersk Tankers will engage with Statoil in technical, operational and commercial workshops to
optimise the shared benefits of the pact.
So far, the pact has paid off. The 15 vessels deployed on Statoils voyages have reduced their
carbon footprint by 37%, most of which is due to
speed awareness and on time arrivals in port.

targeted relative CO2 reduction of the

footprint of Statoils voyages (20122014)

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012

Our top environmental risks

and mitigating steps
Major oil spill response
Oil spills are a risk shared by most of our businesses:
when drilling for and extracting oil, accidents may lead
to oil streaming from the well; and when transporting
oil, the ship may suffer a breach and leak substantive
amounts of oil into the sea. The same scenario can be
envisaged for large container ships that carry significant
quantities of bunker oil for consumption. Such breaches

could also occur while in a port, as re-fuelling takes place

in ports.
The responsibility for responding to an oil spill lies with
each of the our businesses, all of which have oil spill
response plans.

CO2 emissions and fuel consumption

The main driver of our continuous reductions in CO2
emissions is reduced speed, also known as slow steaming. This leads to lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Slow steaming is possible with slight alterations to
the ships engines and the way they are operated, which
we developed with engine suppliers and shared freely
with the shipping industry.
Today, slow steaming is the norm, and in 2012 we
pursued new efficiency levels by optimising our route
network for wider use of slow steaming. This included
taking out ports from journeys, higher efficiency in ports
allowing for more time at sea, improved communication
between ports and ships to allow for lower speed in case
of port delays and renegotiation of arrival times for established journeys.
The majority of our fleet was built for a time where speed
was a priority. We are working to optimise these ships
using technology-based solutions in accordance with the
focus on fuel efficiency:

Replacing the ships bows with a shape better suited to

slow steaming. The reduction potential is 12% of fuel
consumption per year. Installations begin in 2013.
Maersk Line has applied methods to switch individual
turbo chargers on and off. The reduction in total fuel consumption is estimated to be 1.2% (2.5% on individual vessels). 110 vessels are now equipped with the solution.
Adjusting pumping capacity for seawater used to cool
down the machinery of a ship may reduce total consumption by 0.6%. Some ships already have this solution installed and other ships are being evaluated for installation.
Installing small fins on the central part of the ships
propeller provides an estimated reduction in total fuel
consumption of 1.3%. The installation is currently being
investigated by Maersk Line and Maersk Tankers.
The saving potentials should be compared to current fuel
costs of around USD 7 billion per year. Saving 1% of fuel
equals 1% less CO2 emissions.

Combustion of all fuels releases NOx. New ships built
after 1 January 2016 will be required to reduce NOx emissions by 80% when operating within Emission Control

Areas (ECAs). In co-operation with MAN Diesel & Turbo,

we are conducting an onboard test, starting March 2013,
on a MAN engine expecting 80% NOx reduction.

The global goal is to lower SOx emissions and the issue is
being regulated by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Known ways to reduce marine SOx emissions
are burning fuel with lower or no sulphur content, by
cleaning exhaust gas through the use of scrubbers, and
using onshore power while in port.
IMO regulations came into force in 2012, and further
limitations on allowed sulphur levels will come into
force in 2020. A number of Emission Control Areas
(ECA) are already in place, also regulated by IMO. When
a new SOx restriction within ECAs comes into force in

2015, the sulphur in fuel will be lowered from 1% to

We support the goal of lowering SOx emissions. Since 2006,
Maersk Line has conducted seven voluntary fuel switch
programmes worldwide in areas outside ECAs, where the
ships switch to low-sulphur fuel when entering a specified
area. Five of these are still active.
We are investigating technology-based solutions within
scrubbers, liquid natural gas and biofuels. The scrubber
test is expected to begin in the first half of 2013.



Sustainability Report 2012

Group performance

In 2012, the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group partnered with
the UN Environment Programme World Conservation
Monitoring Centre, to undertake a study to assess our
global operating sites potential exposure to biodiversity
sensitivities, and to develop a common framework for
use across our operations. This Biodiversity Sensitivity
assessment included threatened species, protected

areas, vulnerable species and ecosystems and areas of

conservation importance.
Apart from creating a common framework and definitions
for the Group, this analysis provides a first step in enabling
our businesses to understand biodiversity in the context
of their operations and to begin to manage impact.

The most significant decrease of waste amounts in 2012 is related to the fact that the Group did not scrap any ships in 2012;
whereas in 2011 SL Integrity was scrapped for Maersk Line.
In Dansk Supermarked Group, waste amounts have
increased due to more stores, but the direct re-use has
increased even further due to an enlarged agreement on
pickup of surplus bread, which is resold for pork feed.

Suitable waste and recycling facilities are not always

available in ports, though needed by our ships, which
cannot dispose of non-biodegradable waste and sludge
at sea according to our environmental policy. Maersk
Line has therefore initiated co-work with some port
authorities and waste removal companies to ensure
compliance with the Groups standards.

Ballast water
Discharge of untreated ballast water leads to potential
release of non-native or invasive species in marine
environments worldwide.
For this reason, the IMO will administer regulations that
will disallow emission of water when crossing from one
eco-zone to another. These zones are to be determined
by the individual countries. The regulations can be
expected to come into force in 2014/2015.

Exploring the Arctic

In a 2008 U.S. Geological Survey, the Arctic was estimated to be home to more than 20% of the worlds
undiscovered conventional hydrocarbon reserves
untapped. Recovery of these reserves could make an
important contribution to secure economic growth
and continued welfare of populations both locally
and globally.
Exploring the Arctic for oil is more challenging than
any other environment. The majority of the area is
ice-free only a few months per year and, even then,
icebergs sail through the waters. At the same time
the marine environment is fragile at best, and some
scientists claim that if an oil spill were to occur it
would be very difficult to deal with in waters with
such low temperatures.

In order to prepare for this regulation, we are planning to

install ballast water treatment plans on-board all ships in
international trade. To ensure supply we have participated
in the development of a ballast water treatment system,
certified by the IMO in 2012.
Other options are also being considered, for example
water treatment plans may be installed on-shore rather
than on-board.

We fully recognise the sensitive and unique Arctic

environment. To us, it is a new area and significant
amounts of analyses and preparations lie ahead of
eventual operations in the area.
What is true for all of our business activities in this
area is that the safety and natural environment of
the Arctic region and its people must not be compromised. Our position is clear: if we cannot find a way
to ensure that we can handle daily operations in a
safe way as well as upholding a satisfactory level
of disaster response, we will not proceed.

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012

Arctic interests and preparations

The Arctic seas may or may not one day turn
into an area of oil extraction. Due to the special
sensitivities of the Arctic, it will be at least another
three to five years before we decide if we believe oil
production can take place in a safe manner. In the
meantime we are working to make our decision an
informed one.
Maersk Oil has a 47.5% interest in an exploration
licence for an area in the Baffin Bay offshore North
West Greenland. During 2012, the company carried out
activities to gain a better understanding of the area:
1. A 3D seismic survey The 3D seismic survey
is a normal first activity when exploring for oil.
The challenging part was the presence of many
icebergs in the area. The operation lasted two
months and was completed satisfactorily, and
currently the data is being processed.
2. Hydrographic survey The hydrographic
survey, a detailed mapping of the water depth,
was performed in the same area as the seismic
acquisition. Additionally, some 60 samples were
collected from the seabed at a maximum depth
of some five metres. The purpose was to get a better understanding of the near seabed conditions
because some of the area was known to contain
very hard material, which can impact the interpretation of the seismic data.
3. Shallow coring Maersk Oil initiated the formation
of a consortium of oil companies with licenses in the
Baffin Bay to obtain a better understanding of the
areas geology. The consortium, operated by Shell,
drilled wells at 11 locations from where the cores
were extracted. These cores will provide a good understanding of the subsurface representing several
kilometres in the area where the potential deep drilling will take place in the future. Maersk Oil expects
to process and interpret the collected data over the
next few years to assess the hydrocarbon potential
in order to decide if a deep well is warranted.

Maersk Drilling is exploring the possibility and

potential of developing an all-year solution for drilling in the Arctic. This project, which is carried out
in cooperation with Maersk Supply Service, Esvagt
and Danbor, is still in its early stages and deciding
whether Maersk Drilling will be active in the Arctic
is still some years away. The solution explored in the
current project combines existing technologies in
new ways, involving drones and submarines for ice
management, newly designed ice-breaking ships,
new ways of controlling the entire drilling process
and comprehensive risk analyses.
Maersk Supply Service has been mapping Arctic
opportunities and is currently designing ice breaking
anchor handling ships that are able to operate in
the Arctic, and is involved in the Maersk Drilling-led
Arctic concept. Maersk Supply Service works on two
potential business opportunities in the Arctic: oil
exploration and commercial ice breaking.
Maersk Tankers has since April 2012 been delivering energy to Greenland on a five year contract and
is supporting the implementation of standards
and regulations to ensure safe and sound shipping
activities in the Arctic region.
Danbor Service has together with Royal Arctic Line,
a shipping company from Greenland, set up the joint
venture Arctic Base Supply, which is operating a shore
base for Cairn Energy. Arctic Base Supply is responsible for amongst other things loading and unloading of
supply ships, cargo handling, packing and stocking of
containers, handling of pipes and waste.
Esvagt currently has a 10-year contract in the arctic
region of Norway: The Goliat field with Hammerfest
as base harbour. There are no current activities in
Greenland, but Esvagt had two contracts with Cairn
Energy off the Western coast of Greenlandduring
their drilling campaign in 201011.



Sustainability Report 2012

Group performance

Human rights
We respect human rights and work to ensure that
we do not contribute to human rights violations.

By working to integrate human rights in our business

processes, we are able to stay true to our values
and simultaneously reduce risks in the supply chain.
Non-compliance with human rights creates the risk
of both disruptions to operational stability, reputational damage and stable market conditions.

Strategy and governance

Our approach is to integrate human rights management into existing business processes. We aim to

work in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles

on Business and Human Rights. The 2012 efforts at
Group level and targets for 2013 can be seen in the
box below.
In practice, a large part of the human rights agenda
is covered by other programmes such as health and
safety, responsible procurement, labour principles
and anti-corruption, or simply responsible business
practices. Progress in these areas is described in


Mapping and integration

of human rights risks

risk countries

Operational level
grievance mechanism

Legal and
contracting practices


Analysis of human
rights effect on risk
and impact profiles of
business performed;
interpretation of results
in progress.

Initiated coalition for

examining the UN
Guiding Principles
suitability as framework for operating in
extreme risk countries
and testing the framework in Myanmar.

Possible local operationalisation of the UN

Guiding Principles
request for access to a
grievance mechanism
for victims of abuse
was postponed and
will be included in
impact assessments
of selected risk areas
in 2013.

We participated in the
Global Business Initiatives working group on
mitigation of human
rights risks in contracts,
and provided input for
the State of Play report
launched during the
UNs annual Forum on
Business and Human


Targeted impact assessment of potential

risks in selected sites.

On a needs basis, establish a Group position on

conducting business in
such countries.

Develop Group principles and share with


Participate in international work streams

and share best practice
across the Groups legal

Human rights due diligence conducted in all


workshops on business and
human rights with highlevel representatives from
our businesses.

of our businesses
participated in a factfinding mission to

Action plan 201213

Human rights risk integrated into Group and

business risk management.


Group performance

separate chapters in this report. Beyond these programmes, human rights in business requires translation of universal principles into practical, relevant
guidelines for action in areas such as responsibility
in the value chain, responsibility by association with
business partners and customers and when operating in politically volatile regions.
In 2012, we carried out 11 high-level workshops
facilitated by the Danish Institute for Human Rights,
and with representatives from our businesses. This
resulted in a list of prioritised issues for us to investigate further, for example working conditions for
third party in-premise staff. We will work further with
these issues in 2013.

Opening markets
Our business is strongly dependent on emerging
economies. On many occasions, the markets we
focus on may also be highly volatile and corruptionplagued. When we work with human rights we also
mitigate our risks in growth markets.

Sustainability Report 2012

An example of this type of work is our involvement

in developing a framework for responsible business
in Myanmar and ultimately other growth markets.
The work is based on the UN Guiding Principles on
Business and Human Rights and was initiated by
the Danish Institute for Human Rights and the UKbased Institute for Human Rights and Business, the
British Government, Ericsson, the GE Foundation
and A.P. Moller - Maersk.
The framework has three parallel tracks:
a business and investor track to support responsible business practices of local and international
businesses operating or investing in Myanmar;
a government track to support national reform
processes and international collaboration in support of sustainable business in the country; and
a civil society track to support the inclusion of
local civil society into the responsible business

Case in point: Myanmar

Following speedy reforms, Myanmar, home to
about 60 million people, was opened to business
in 2012 with companies from the US, Europe and
beyond. Many companies are eyeing opportunities
but are equally wary of risks in a market which is
the focus of intense attention from international
NGOs and the media.
In 2012, the Danish Institute for Human Rights
and the Institute for Human Rights and Business
started to lay the foundations for a resource
centre on responsible business in Myanmar. As
part of this initiative, representatives from Maersk
Line, Damco and APM Terminals participated
in a fact finding mission to Myanmar in March
2012. This included meetings with NGOs, local
companies and diplomats. Subsequently, an initial
presence for the resource centre was established
within the British Council in Yangon.

Through this project we may be able to fulfil

several ambitions: we can build our own business,
mainly for Damco, APM Terminals and Maersk
Line, mitigate risks and help our customers do the
same. It is our ambition to establish ourselves as a
preferred partner in the long-term. Finally, we can
support the opening of one of the worlds last untouched markets, helping Myanmar gain access to
global trade through improved infrastructure.



Sustainability Report 2012

Group performance

Global labour
The A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups global labour principles are key to documenting fair labour conditions
for the people who work for us. This helps maintain
our reputation as an attractive and trusted employer,
as we are convinced that globally implemented
labour principles maintain a stable, engaged workforce and reduce the risk of workplace disputes.

Strategy and approach

Our labour principles cover all businesses across our
global operations. They are based on international
conventions and designed to provide equal minimum standards for all employees.
The principles were launched in 2009 and their
implementation has since then been coordinated
by a Global Labour Relations Council with representatives of the Groups major businesses. A soft
implementation approach was chosen at the outset
while we explored best practices. In 2013, we will
modify the governance and introduce mandatory
self-audits across the Group.

Dilemma-based training
Managers and human resources leaders from all
businesses are eligible for training in accordance
with nominations by the businesses human
resources departments. The training is provided
through an online, dilemma-based programme,
which to the best of our knowledge represents best
practice. The implementation of the third and final
module in the programme has unfortunately been
delayed until the beginning of 2013, but with that in
place, all of our eight global labour principles will be

The next step in training is to develop an e-learning

module accessible by all employees with access to
the Groups Learning Management System.


Performance 2012


At the end of 2012, 483 of the nominated m

had completed both modules of training in the elearning system. The percentage completion rate in
2012 grew to 55%, up from 18% in 2011. It should
be noted that this completion rate fluctuates since
the group of nominated managers grows whenever
new appointments are made. In 2013, we aim for a
90% completion rate for nominated managers for all
three modules.
It was also an ambition for the businesses to begin
to self-asses their local compliance. Maersk Oil
was the first business to do so and conducted a
structured self-assessment through interviews with
12 Managing Directors and Heads of HR in Houston,
Norway, Aberdeen, Denmark, Qatar and Kazakhstan.
The outcome of the self-assessment showed a
need for additional leadership training and awareness in inclusion, and a potential need to look into
the supply chain/contractors and ensure external
compliance with our labour principles. Maersk Oils
executive team is determining the next steps.
In 2013, all businesses are to complete selfassessment for high and medium risk locations and
business activities, and develop appropriate action
plans to mitigate risks.

managers completed both

modules in the dilemmabased training programme.

of the nominated managers
were in compliance with
training requirements by
the end of 2012.

principles make up the our
global labour principles,
covering health, safety
and security as well
as diversity and equal
opportunities, child labour,
forced labour, freedom of
association and collective
bargaining, working hours,
compensation and fair

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012

& inclusion
The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group is a global company and
we aim to reflect the communities in which we operate
and attract talent from the broadest pool possible.

We are committed to providing positive, productive

and supportive working environments where all
employees are valued and inspired to be the best they
can be. We base our diversity and inclusion work on the
principles that diversity benefits business results, that
we will treat every employee with respect and dignity
and that we will not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind. Employment-related decisions are
based on a variety of relevant factors such as qualifications, skills, performance and relevant experience.
We wish to drive diversity forward more proactively
as our statistics are not satisfying for a company
operating globally and in diverse settings.

In our 2012 employee engagement survey, we

included a new question asking employees whether
they agreed that Leadership in my company is
genuinely committed to attracting, developing and
keeping a diverse work force. 70% of our employees
were favourable towards this question. The other
two questions measuring diversity and inclusion in
the survey scored 83% and 88% (see the column on
the following page).
The survey and our gender diversity numbers for
2012 show that we need to take more measures to
realise our aspirations.

Gender diversity
% representation
of women



General Manager









20% (2014)





15% (2014)

Vice President




10% (2014)




under review**





under review**

Vice President




under review**

General Manager

* Figures are based on headcount, and the global figures do not include Dansk Supermarked Group, blue collars, Lind Industry Yard and some joint ventures.
**The global long-term targets are being reviewed by the senior management and will be finalised in Q1 2013, hence missing from this report.



Sustainability Report 2012

Group performance

We would like to be a world-recognised inclusive employer

embracing and leveraging multiple forms of diversity. Our key
focus areas of diversity are gender and ethnicity/nationality as
these are where we have the greatest leadership opportunities.

Our 2012 activities

A valuable opportunity

Three priority areas were in focus in 2012: supporting leaders in leading diverse teams, developing and
enabling female talent, and growth market talent.
Within each of these, a number of specific activities
was completed (see the table below).

The event provides the Group with an opportunity

to develop and inspire aspiring leaders, especially
in growth market countries where competition for
business also means fierce competition for talented

One young world

In 2013, we will continue to work on the three priority areas. The analysis of the employee engagement
surveys diversity and inclusion dimension will lead
us to address the issues in order to improve for next
year. We will also engage our businesses further in
driving diversity and inclusion forward in their organisations. Each business will develop a three year
diversity and inclusion strategy.

Bill Clinton, Kofi Annan and Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey,

were joined on stage by 13 young A.P. Moller - Maersk
employees from 12 growth market countries at the
2012 One Young World event in Pittsburgh, USA.
They joined 1,300 delegates from organisations all
over the world at the annual event which mixes political and business leaders with aspiring members
of the next generation of global leaders.

Priority 1:
Support leaders
in leading
diverse teams

Diversity and inclusion

modules were included in
our leadership development

A diversity and inclusion

dimension was added in our
employee e ngagement survey.

A diversity and inclusion elearning course was launched

for all employees. More than
1,000 are enrolled within the
first two months of the launch.

Priority 2:
Develop and
enable female

Sponsorship of the Womens

International Networking
(WIN) conference, and 26 of
our leaders participated.

A Strategies for Success Programme for middle level female managers was launched
globally with sessions in Singapore, Mumbai, Copenhagen and
Panama with 96 participants.

Senior management exposure

through talent reviews.

An IMD Strategies for Leadership Programme is offered for

senior female managers for
their preparations for top roles
and board positions.
HR councils have been initiated in five growth markets,
to secure local transparency
of talent and collaboration to
build synergy and scale.

We sponsored 13 seats at
the global conference, One
Young World, which focuses
on inspiring and empowering
young leaders.

of respondents in the employee engagement survey
think that My company
treats people equally with
respect to gender, race, nationality, religion and other

favourable score on the
question In my current job,
I am being treated with


Diversity & inclusion activities in 2012

Priority 3:
Develop and
enable growth
market talent


Senior management exposure

through talent reviews.

find that Leadership in

my company is genuinely
committed to attracting,
developing and keeping a
diverse work force.

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012

Building local skills and expertise

in Brazil and Angola
What do you do when contracts require that you
hire local staff, but very few have the necessary
skills? If you want to compete you start to offer
training. And lots of it.
In Brazil, the scenario is simple: Petrobras, the
national oil giant, is looking to double its current
production of 2 million barrels per day to more than
4 million in 2020. Most of Brazils oil is offshore, so
reaching the target requires an increase in production units, drilling rigs, supply ships, FPSOs, shuttle
tankers and rescue ships. And they all have to be
deployed and manned.
A number of the A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups businesses are competing for the Petrobras contracts.
There is a stumbling block, however. Brazilian law
requires 66% Brazilian employees on foreign-flagged
rigs and ships. Already now, the offshore industry
is picking up people about as fast as the current
training facilities churn them out, and yet there is a
documented shortage of 4,500 seafarers to man the
existing 300 supply ships. The number of ships will
need to double for Petrobras to reach its 2020 objective, which means even more qualified Brazilian
seafarers are needed.
Training in Brazil
It is in situations like these that being a conglomerate proves its value. Because while each of our businesses making their entry into the Brazilian market
may not have the experience to pull off this level of
training, the Groups shared training entity, Maersk
Training, does.


Brazilians to be trained
each year by 2016

Maersk Training has set up a training centre in Brazil. As of December 2012, the numbers for Maersk
Training Brazil were 14 instructors, six office staff
and one Managing Director. In three years, the number of instructors is set to reach 60, and by 2016, the
organisation plans to train 4,000 Brazilians annually
from the offshore maritime oil and gas industries
in Brazil on board ships as well as in the training
centre in Rio de Janeiro.
In Angola for the long term
In Angola, the story is the same yet different. The
country is believed to have one of the largest deep
water oil reserves in the world, and Maersk Drilling
has already entered Angolan waters. Here, the national government requires that 70% of the rig crew
has to be local employees within a few years after
start-up. So far, 3540% of the Maersk Drilling rigs
crew are locals.
Language can be a huge barrier to effective training.
To help out, Maersk Drilling has two Portuguesespeaking interpreters onboard and all safety officers are fully bilingual. Another way forward is to
place bilingual Angolan staff amongst the crews to
overcome communication problems on the spot.
Maersk Drilling has found that what matters is the
candidates attitude are they committed and eager
to learn and work for an international company?
If so, the investment in training will be worthwhile.
The company is in Angola for the long term and
wants to invest in people with a clear potential.



Sustainability Report 2012

Group performance

The A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups ambitions for growth and
strengthening of our performance demand an engaged
and motivated workforce.

Engagement drives performance. External studies

have established that high employee engagement is
related to improved net results and shareholder returns. Our studies show that employee engagement
has an impactful and visible effect on customer
We believe in individual performance in highly
professional teams living our values and we aim to
offer employees global opportunities in a culturally
diverse, stimulating environment.

engagement. The response rate is also at an all-time

high with 91% participation in the survey1.
The increase in engagement is an encouraging result. The high response rate shows that employees
trust that the results of the survey will be taken seriously and lead to follow-up action.
All managers are obligated to discuss the surveys
results with their team and set out action plans to
improve where needed. These plans help the company to progress and develop.

In the top 25 percent

Employee engagement has never been higher in the
Group. The majority of businesses improved or maintained their engagement score. The Groups result of
76% on the overall engagement score led us to our
goal of being considered a best in class company on

Progress potential in
leadership development
One issue which continues to be a challenge for
the Group is that we see great variance in how
employees score their leaders. Leaders who are


response rate in 2012

 early 59,000 of the A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups 121,000 employees were invited to participate in the survey and 53,575 employees completed

the survey. The engagement survey does not include Dansk Supermarked Group and most joint venture companies. Blue-collar workers are only
partially included. Maersk Line and APM Terminals conduct separate employee surveys for seafarers and blue collar workers.


favourable score on the
question Overall, I am
extremely satisfied with
my company as a place to

find that My manager
helps me develop and use
my potential.

Group performance

engaging, who inspire and motivate are crucial to

driving performance. While the number is decreasing
steadily year-on-year, we still have more than 20% of
our leaders score in the low end when compared to
our external benchmark.
There can be a wide range of reasons for why these
scores are low and the support and development
activities need to be adjusted accordingly. What is of
crucial importance is that the results are discussed
with the team and appropriate action plans are
designed and implemented to improve on what has
caused the low scores.

Engaged employees in growth markets

The weighted average engagement score for the
15 countries determined as high growth markets is
80% favourable compared to 79% in 2011. This is
higher than the Group average score, and the majority of the countries have increased their scores since
2011, which indicates that in general we are well
positioned in these markets. The growth market
countries also score higher on other key measures
such as manager effectiveness and values.

Sustainability Report 2012

China (83% favourable), India (82% favourable)

and Indonesia (83% favourable) scored particularly
high and well above the external benchmarks. An
improvement area that emerged from the engagement survey for the M15 countries* is career and
development. The Group needs to have an increased
focus on offering satisfactory career opportunities
and job training in these countries.

Enabling high performance

External research indicates that employee perceptions of areas such as training, service quality,
customer orientation and involvement are excellent
leading indicators of financial performance and
customer satisfaction over time.
2012 was the first year that we included the performance enablement dimension in the employee
engagement survey. It indicates that the Group is well
placed in terms of teamwork and co-operation as we
score 8% above the external benchmark on this question. In terms of having the training needed to do the
job effectively our scores are below the external benchmark, implying an improvement potential in this area.

How engaged are

our employees?
With a result of 76% on the employee engagement score, the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group is now
in the external top quartile for the first time since
the survey was introduced in 2006. The increase
in engagement is good news.






Every year the outcome of the survey is shared

with managers across the Group, who are in turn
expected to share the results with their teams.
Reports from the survey include information on
manager effectiveness, diversity and sustainability.



employee engagement in
growth markets.*

manager effectiveness in
growth markets.

values index in growth

* Selected 15 countries determined as high growth markets

for the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group.


Sustainability Report 2012

Group performance

& whistleblowing
Our policies leave no doubt about our position on corruption:
we work against all forms of corrupt practices, including
bribery and facilitation payments.

According to the United Nations Global Compact,

corruption adds 10% to the total cost of doing
business globally, and a staggering 25% to the cost
of procurement contracts in developing countries.
Corruption is an impediment to predictable markets
and holds back economic development.

Our approach
Implementation of the A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups
anti-corruption policy takes place in the businesses
through training of employees by in-person training
and e-learning, integration of anti-corruption clauses
in contracts, the use of risk assessments and due
diligence, and not least, making tough, upright decisions. We are also active in industry collaborative
actions and international working groups, notably
the UN Global Compacts anti-corruption working

Performance 2012
All businesses have developed anti-corruption
programmes and have made solid progress in
implementing these, including mandatory in-person
training. The categories of employees trained include
primarily managers, procurement staff, finance,
operations, commercial and compliance/legal
staff, as well as vessels officers. In late 2011, we
began implementing our e-learning course on anticorruption throughout the Group, and three businesses have begun mandatory e-learning. Looking
ahead, e-learning will continue and we will increase
partnership activities, including those concerned
with combating facilitation payments.

Combatting facilitation payments

Our anti-corruption policy clearly states our opposition to facilitation payments and our goal of

Anti-corruption training 2012

Maersk Maersk APM
Number 1,982
of people

* Data not available



Maersk Maersk Maersk Damco

Drilling Supply Tankers


Maersk Maersk
Super- FPSOs Container Procumarked
Industry rement









employees trained in anticorruption in 2012.


employees trained in anticorruption year-to-date.

* Approximate total, since some

training data is not available.

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012

ultimately stopping them altogether, but such

payments are a reality in global business today.
We instruct our employees that when met with
demands for facilitation payments they must refuse
to pay or request a receipt or ask to speak to more
senior officials or employees. If a payment cannot
be avoided, we document it. All businesses but one
have dedicated reporting systems for facilitation
payments, and Maersk Line, Maersk Tankers and
Maersk Supply Service have automated onboard
reporting systems. We are joining a growing number
of customers in efforts to avoid such payments.

Targeting ports
Facilitation payments cannot be eliminated by
individual companies actions. In 2010, Maersk Line

initiated the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network

(MACN), which now runs a pilot project in Nigeria in
collaboration with the UN Development Programme,
to develop a model for combatting facilitation payments in ports. Under the MACN umbrella, ports
with frequent demands for facilitation payments
were mapped. The next step is to find solutions and
engage with authorities. The Group is also participating in efforts to combat facilitation payments in the
freight forwarding, oil and gas industries.

Going forward
Anti-corruption training for relevant employees will
continue. Each year, the number of employees to be
trained will be determined on an as-needed basis.

When someone blows the whistle

There were 152 non-fraud reports made through
our whistleblower system in 2012. 108 of these
were void as they were e.g. job applications, using
the wrong reporting channel. Ten cases of potential
discrimination or harassment, 22 on health, safety
or environmental issues, seven dealing with IT
security, three with alleged corruption and two
with competition law were reported. Fraud e.g.,
suspicions of cheating or embezzling company
funds, was the subject of 187 reports, bringing the
total number of reports in 2012 to 339.


All were investigated according to our guidelines.

Seven HSE reports, four IT reports, two corruption
reports and one competition report were substantiated, as well as 138 fraud reports (including
partially substantiated allegations). Appropriate
remedial actions were carried out, including dismissal, reprimands, warnings, additional training,
operational, procedure and system changes and
filing necessary reports with public authorities.

reports dealing with fraud

whistleblower reports

reports dealing with non-fraud
(e.g. IT security, health & safety
issues, potential discrimination
or competition law)

reports were void as they
were e.g. job applications
using the wrong reporting



Sustainability Report 2012

Group performance

The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group is working on mainstreaming
responsible business practices in our supply chains.

As a conglomerate with global operations, we recognise that our corporate responsibility extends to the
more than 100,000 suppliers in our supply chain.

the Groups Responsible Procurement team. The

team supports with tailored strategy and risk profiling, training and project management.

Responsible procurement is a must for sustaining

and extending our license to operate in both existing
and new markets. It is critical for the Group to work
towards transparent supply chains, untainted for
instance by human rights violations or negative
environmental impacts. By using our documented
approach we are making progress towards this goal.

In the current phase of the programme, our efforts

focus on critical suppliers, internal engagement and
understanding of how responsible procurement is
crucial for our operations. We define critical suppliers according to a risk classification based on
country location and product specification, volume
of spend, business criticality and financial dependency to our company. High-risk locations and human rights issues are key considerations in our risk

Strategy and approach

Our Third Party Code of Conduct spells out our requirements towards suppliers. Dialogue, commitment, selfassessment and audits are the tools used to verify
that supplier practices are consistent with the Code.
The businesses independently manage their own
responsible procurement targets with oversight by

Dansk Supermarked Group, although not covered

by the responsible procurement programme, is
implementing responsible procurement through the
membership of Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI).

Our commitment
Since roll-out in 2011, the Groups Third Party
Code of Conduct has been the main framework
for supplier engagement. The document reflects
international standards and soft law governing
sustainable supply chain management, i.e. the
ILO fundamental conventions and the UN Global
Compact principles.

We take an active role in business initiatives to

promote responsible procurement practices. We
are members of the UN Global Compact Advisory
Group on Sustainable Supply Chains, the Business
for Social Responsibility (BSR) Beyond Monitoring Working Group, and in 2012 we joined the
Danish branch of the Ethical Trading Initiative.


suppliers registered in our
responsible procurement

supplier audits conducted.

supplier improvement
plans implemented.

employees introduced to
responsible procurement
through e-learning course.

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012

Assessing suppliers


Suppliers with critical issues are asked to follow up on

performance and documentation or take immediate
action. Assessments and verification are done by
qualified third party providers. In case of critical noncompliance, the supplier is subject to an audit against
our Code carried out by an independent auditing
company. Based on the findings, the supplier must
develop a specific, time-bound improvement plan.

Since the programmes beginning in 2011, we

have approached 1,985 suppliers, of whom 1,431
became part of the programme. In other words, we
approached external vendors equivalent to 32% of
the Groups total external spend and assessed 7%.
We also introduced 1,023 employees to responsible
procurement, and 394 employees recieved face-toface or WebEx training. We assisted businesses in
customising their responsible procurement strategies
in accordance with their industry-specific challenges.

Collaboration is our first choice

We are loyal to our collaborative approach where our
response is always to sustain supplier relations, even
when non-compliances are unveiled. However, relations
are terminated if severe and repeated v iolations are discovered and if the supplier does not show willingness
to improve its practices. This is, however, rarely the case.
In most cases, our partnership approach spurs collaboration and real improvements. For example, in
2012 an Asian supplier of heavy machinery was
found non-compliant with fire security and management of hazardous operations. We took action by
engaging the suppliers local management who welcomed the request and is now implementing an improvement plan.

We prioritised and assessed 178 suppliers, including

23 audits. The prevailing issues identified during audits
were working hours, overtime compensation and sub
contractor transparency. Tensuppliers have signed formalised improvement plans to rectify the identified issues, while we are in dialogue with others to implement
more improvement planswhere neededin the future.
Our ambitions for 20132015 are to both progress
on our quantitative targets, but also to tackle some
of the challenges to improve supplier practices. For
instance, to strengthen responsible procurement
clauses and to improve the way we verify and follow
up on supplier improvements.

Supplier practices in China

We work together with our suppliers to ensure
responsible practices in our supply chain. 12 Chinese suppliers self-assesment in 2012 highlighted



26% 1%


improvements needed within four main categories.

The findings place health, safety, labour and human
rights as the overall biggest areas for improvement.

28% 5%








Health and safety

Labour and human rights


In compliance

Minor improvements needed

Major improvements needed


Critical improvements needed



Sustainability Report 2012

Group performance

Tax is an important element of companies impact on
society. The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group pursues competitive
tax levels in accordance with applicable rules and the
requirements of responsible business conduct.

In 2012, A.P. Moller - Maersks tax expense comprising actual and deferred tax was USD 3,303 million,
equal to an effective tax percentage of 45% compared to the profits before tax of USD 7,338 million.

Tax in context
Tax is one of the areas in which we interact with
society. Along with investments, revenues, jobs created, the beneficial effects for suppliers, training and
education of people, etc., tax payments contribute
to societies in which we are active. Furthermore, tax
regulations are a tool used by governments to direct
the activities of corporations towards job creation or
investment in sectors which the government finds
beneficial to the nation.
In Brazil, one of our many growth areas, we have invested a total of USD 3.4 billion in shipping, port operations and oil production activities since commencement of operations in 1977. In 2011, t he Groups

contributions to the Brazilian economy were USD 1.7

billion1 (~ 0.1% of Brazilian GDP), 2,169 jobs, USD 1.3
billion in external revenue, USD 373 million in procurement spending and USD 135 million paid in direct and
indirect taxes, hereof including payroll taxes of 30 million (see our Brazil impact study on pages 1419).
In 2012, the total tax charge for the A.P. Moller Maersk Group was USD 3.3 billion. The decrease
was primarily caused by a settlement of an Algerian
tax dispute resulting in a one-off income of USD
0.9 billion. Of the total tax charge, taxes payable to
Denmark were USD 1.6 billion in 2012, of which USD
1.0 billion related to the special hydrocarbon tax and
profit share to the Danish State, and USD 0.6 billion
represented corporate tax on oil activities.

Responsible conduct
We comply with the tax regulations in the countries
in which we operate and pay tax as required by law.

The A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups tax expenses

(USD million)





Profit before tax










Percentage of profit before tax





1 Total value-added of the Groups direct, indirect and induced impacts (see page 17).
Relates to all direct tax costs for the Group. For full understanding, please refer to the Groups Annual Report 2012, available on

Group performance

Sustainability Report 2012

Globally, tax is a competition parameter among

states and tax incentives can influence the choice of
location for new investments. Pursuing value creation for our shareholders means pursuing competitive tax levels in accordance with applicable rules
and meeting expectations for responsible business
conduct. This means paying taxes in accordance
with the involved countries transfer pricing regulations, and acting in an upright and transparent manner towards public authorities.
A.P. Moller - Maersk is a global group operating in
more than 100 countries. Some tax rules can be
unclear and open for interpretation, or the interpretation of the rules may change. Consequently, there can
be different views of how a law is to be interpreted or
what it means in practice for our company. Where the
matter is of fundamental importance, it may make
sense for both parties to have it resolved in court.
A.P. Moller - Maersk was one of the first European
multinational companies to achieve a bilateral
Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) with the authorities of Denmark and China, and this agreement was

renewed for a further five years in 2012. The agreement between the authorities on an appropriate
transfer pricing methodology enhances the certainty
and predictability of tax treatment of international
transactions. It is beneficial for both countries and our
company as it eliminates double taxation, ensures
that all profits are correctly allocated and taxed and
reduces administration costs for the tax authorities.

Disclosure and reporting

There is a growing focus on disclosure levels for
corporate tax both in terms of strategies and payments. Our policy is to comply with all applicable
rules for tax reporting and follow international and
national accounting rules regarding information on
tax payments. We provide all information required
by applicable tax regulations to the authorities in
the countries where we operate. As an example,
Maersk Oil is member of the Extractive Industries
Transparency Initiative (EITI), a coalition of governments, companies, civil society groups, investors
and international organisations. The aim of EITI is to
strengthen governance by improving transparency
and accountability in the extractives sector.

Maersk Oil 2012 key tax figures

USD 10,154m

USD 5,328m
profit before tax

USD 2,884m


Business units performance

Container industry

Sustainability Report 2012


Container industry

Facilitating global
Active in the global
transportation supply chain
The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group is active in the global
transportation supply chain from the production
of containers, inland transport and storage, to ocean
freight and port operations.

Subsequently, our businesses have an important

role to play in optimising the movement of containerised cargo moving food and goods in a safe, cost
and energy efficient m
anner. High port productivity,
freight reliability and smart logistics are key to reducing waste in global supply chains.

Maersk Line


Container vessels


Employees (FTE)

USD 27,118m

Share % of the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group







USD 461m



Net profit

APM Terminals


Ports and terminals

of external revenue

of invested capital

of employees (FTE)

of CO2


Employees (FTE)

USD 4,780m

Maersk Line*

APM Terminals

USD 723m
Net profit

* Maersk Line, Safmarine, MCC and Seago Line.

In 2012, as a result of conducting a materiality analysis, each business has defined its top three material issues. The performance summaries on the following pages are
based on that. Targets do not exist for all material issues but many of them are under development in 2013. Full data sets are available for each business on


Sustainability Report 2012

Container industry

Material issues

The largest shipping

line in the world

Air emissions

performance 2012

A global trade enabler


Maersk Line plays an important role in facilitating

global trade by providing container transportation
services across the world.

The safety of employees is a key priority for Maersk

Line. The goal is to drive the operation towards zero
accidents. While the number of accidents were reduced, Maersk Line had four tragic fatalities in 2012.
Two of the fatalities were the result of violence
between three seafarers onboard a container vessel.
The two remaining accidents were work-related. A
seaman lost his life and an officer was badly injured
in a man overboard drill, in the port of Kobe, Japan. In
Jebel Ali, Dubai an officer died in a crane accident.

Air emissions
Container shipping is the most energy efficient way
of mass-moving goods across long distances, but in
absolute terms, the environmental impacts of CO2
and SOx emissions are significant.
In early 2012, Maersk Line launched a strategy aimed
at turning the company back to profitability. Fuel and
capacity optimisation was a key part of the strategy.
The optimisation drive helped Maersk Line reduce
CO2 emissions by 11% per container (TEU) in 20121.
The increased use of slow steaming is the main contributor to the positive result. The average speed has
been reduced by 2 knots over the course of the year.
Capacity was also optimised as vessels were taken
out on the Europe-Asia trade lane.
As a result, absolute CO2 and SOx emissions decreased by 2.4 million tonnes and 42,000 tonnes
respectively. Also, the new Emission Control Area
(ECA) in North America has lowered SOx emissions in
the region, as shipping lines switch to cleaner fuels.
Technical upgrades and the delivery of new and
more efficient vessels (i.e. SAMMAX, WAFMAX and
Triple-E) are expected to lead to further reductions in
fuel and CO2 in the near future.

The work-related fatalities have been thoroughly

investigated by Maersk Line and concrete improvements to procedures and equipment have subsequently been undertaken to avoid similar situations
in the future. The accidents are currently also being
investigated by the Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Branch from where we will draw additional
recommendations when the investigations are

Corruption remains on the international agenda as
a concrete issue to be addressed by governments

Off-shore personnel: The e-learning course needs to be taken by all deck and engine officers onboard, whether employed permanently or on voyage employment.


Zero 4


TRCF reduction**




Target 2013: N/A



75% 83%
Target 2013: >90%

co2 emissions****
Reduction per container

Going forward, Maersk Line will continue to focus on

improving the reporting and safety culture to reduce
work-related accidents. That means continuously
following up on every work-related injury, assessing
the safety risk profile of tasks being handled on
board vessels and becoming better at sharing learnings across the fleet.

1 Clean Cargo Working Group methodology (see pages 8082).

 nshore personnel: All Maersk Line employees, excluding employees who do not have access to Maersk Lines internal learning systems.
3 Scope: Maersk Line and Safmarine charter vessels.



25% 11%
from 2011

from 2007

Target update 2013

(20072020): 40%

* Operational scope.
** 2011 baseline: 3.43. 2012 result:
2.81. Operational scope.
*** Performance: 77% of employees
completed the online anticorruption course; 110 senior
officers have been trained
face to face.2
**** Verification of 2012 data
not yet final.

Container industry

Sustainability Report 2012

as well as businesses. The maritime industry is

no exception. Maersk Line continues to focus
on anti-corruption initiatives in line with the A.P.
Moller - Maersk Groups policy. To date, 83% of all
office personnel and 70% of the seafarers have
passed the companys anti-corruption e-course.
In addition, Maersk Line has conducted face to
face training sessions for 123 senior officers in
Denmark, India and the Philippines.

Maersk Line maintains a key role in the industrys

Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) which is
now continuing as a formalised network facilitated
by Business for Social Responsibility (BSR). Within
MACN, Maersk Line is seeking support from governments and relevant organisations, for example by
exploring collaborations with the UN Development
Programme to design and implement initiatives that
will reduce and prevent corruption in ports.

A gap assessment tool was created for the local

offices to evaluate performance against some key
questions on compliance. This tool was made mandatory for all Maersk Line countries and to date over
90% of the offices have completed the assessment.

Some of the companys challenges concern reporting as increased transparency may be seen as a risk
in some countries. Maersk Line is currently working
on a strategy to further strengthen the efforts to
combat corruption.


Chartered vessels
the next big wave of energy savings3
Almost half of Maersk Lines fuel consumption comes from vessels chartered from third parties.
By the end of 2012, Maersk Lines ship performance system was installed on approximately
90% of the chartered fleet. The new improved energy efficiency tracking on the charter fleet has
saved approximately 142,000 tonnes of fuel and 442,000 tonnes of CO2 in 2012.
In 2012 and 2013, Maersk Line is investing USD 10 million in technical upgrades of 52 ships
owned by external vessel suppliers. The investment will be used to cut out the ships turbo chargers to improve the efficiency of sailing at low speeds. The investment is expected to save 31,000
tonnes of fuel and 96,000 tonnes of CO2 already within the first year after installation.

In 2012 and 2013,

Maersk Line is investing

USD 10m
in technical upgrades of
52 ships to improve the
efficiency of sailing at
low speeds

This has saved approx.


tonnes of fuel in 2012 and

Maersk Lines ship performance

system was installed on approx.


of the chartered fleet by

the end of 2012

tonnes of CO2


Sustainability Report 2012

Container industry

Material issues

A global port, container

terminal and inland
services operator

Community impact
Diversity and

performance 2012

A strategic growth business

APM Terminals goal is to be the most efficient and
profitable terminal operator in the industry, with 70
operating terminals by 2014. The expansion strategy
is focused on underserved high growth markets.

Although the number of accidents was reduced, fatalities remain an issue of concern. Two fatal accidents
occurred last year in Callao, Peru. The first happened
at an inland facility where a contractor was struck by
a cargo load during lifting operations, and the second
occurred when a stevedore fell into an open hatch
while onboard a vessel being worked at the terminal.
In Pipavav, India a contractor was crushed by a truck
during a container loading process. At Cai Mep, Vietnam, a third-party contractor was fatally injured while
changing a tire on a reach-stacker, and most recently,
a mechanic was fatally injured while repairing a reefer
container in Mobile, USA. These causalities have
been fully investigated by both internal and external
experts, and the conclusions and lessons have been
shared throughout the company.
Any fatalities are unacceptable and APM Terminals
has made a strong commitment to constantly improve safety performance in every location. The commitment entails aggressive safety activism, increased
on-site visits and a new approach to communication,
among other initiatives. The companys global safety

activist, a representative from the senior management team, along with other safety personnel, have
travelled extensively to port facilities and inland facilities to explore safety issues and discuss action plans
with local managers. Resulting safety reviews and
updates, including analysis of near-miss cases, injury
incidents and best practices were then shared. One
of the challenges APM Terminals is confronting is to
become better at communicating safety issues and
best practices to all personnel across the portfolio.
APM Terminals introduced new global minimum
safety requirements in 2012 which are now mandatory for all operations. Facilities which are not yet
in compliance have been charged with preparing
an action plan to meet these standards. The senior
management has instituted four basic safety principles which include the option of reevaluating the
companys participation in any business or operation
which does not live up to the global safety standards.
Selected staff has been trained in incident investigation to increase the efficacy of risk assessment, prevention procedures and information dissemination.

Community impact
APM Terminals is an integral part of many local
communities. Understanding and managing local
social, environmental and economic impacts is a key
component of APM Terminals license to operate.
As the operator becomes more engaged particularly

1 A PM Terminals has decided to focus on leading indicators on safety performance and concrete action plans and will therefore no longer use
lost time injury frequency (LTIF) as an explicit target to drive and measure performance.

2 Top quartile is against external comparable industries. The questions and feedback are from our yearly global Employee Engagement Survey.


Zero 5


LTIF reduction**


15% 37%

Top quartile employee
feedback 2
Leadership in my company
is genuinely committed to
attracting, developing and
keeping a diverse workforce.
No 2011



Target 2013: 77%

co2 emissions***
Reduce CO2 intensity per
TEU (20102020)


25% 4%

from 2011

* Operational scope.
** 2013 target: Completion of action
plans for high severity incidents.
Completion of action plans on
global minimum requirements.
*** Financial scope.

Container industry

Sustainability Report 2012

in emerging markets where the socio-economic

impacts of new investments can be considerable, this
principle has become even more important. The presence of terminals can become a significant positive
influence through the introduction of new technologies, employment and educational opportunities,
implementation of global safety, health and operating
standards, increased tax revenue, economic expansion through employment and payments to local
suppliers. Conversely, any potential adverse impacts
on the local community and environment must be
properly evaluated and addressed.
A better understanding of the effects of local investment in terminals will help to foster strong positive
relationships with local stakeholders. Two terminal
impact studies are currently being conducted in Callao, Peru and Moin, Costa Rica where APM Terminals
has committed to invest USD 749 million and USD
992 million respectively.


Diversity and inclusion

Increased diversity creates larger talent pools and
strengthens the leadership pipeline. The objective is
not to institute quotas or use preferential treatment
during the hiring process, but rather to focus on the
ongoing education of hiring managers and the organisation as a whole. In 2012, 28 employees completed the companys Magnum programme, a premier leadership acceleration programme designed
for the most talented general managers. The 2013
graduating class includes multiple nationalities, 70%
of which are from growth markets. Furthermore,
eight employees joined the Womens International
Networking and One Young World conferences. The
employee engagement survey places APM Terminals
at or near top quartile external benchmarks in some
areas of diversity and inclusion, but the company
still has gaps to address. As part of the 2013 action
plan, there will be a global roll-out of a revised recruitment training programme and awareness training.

Economic growth in Costa Rica

APM Terminals will design, finance, construct and maintain a new
container terminal in the Caribbean port of Moin in Costa Rica. It is
the largest single investor infrastructure project in the country. The
investment is likely to attract other investors, business activities and
development efforts that will stimulate economic growth.


core jobs estimated once fully operational

Indirect effects
Many more jobs are expected to be created
locally as a knock on effect of the investment.

Foreign investments
APM Terminals Moin has co-founded the
Limon Development Agency to support
the effort of attracting foreign investors
for industrial growth.


of gross income will

go to the regional
development of the
Province of Limon

Health and education

APM Terminals Moins community
programme focuses on improving health
and digital skills in the community.

USD 992m
investment over 33 years

Inland infrastructure
The terminal will be the property of the
Costa Rican government. The government
has committed to invest in roads, an oil
refinery plant, electricity and water services.


Sustainability Report 2012

Container industry

Material issues

Specialising in customised
freight forwarding and
supply chain solutions

Green logistics


Employee training and development

With a high degree of interactions with public officials in activities such as customs clearance in high
risk countries, Damco is exposed to corruption risks
every day. In 2011, the company began implementing a comprehensive anti-corruption programme.
The main elements are leadership commitment and
communication, training, risk assessments, standards & controls, monitoring and auditing.

As Damcos presence in and revenue from growth

markets is increasing, strengthening the talent pipeline
for future growth is more important to the business
than ever. In 2012, the Damco International Graduate
Programme was established, a two-year entry level
programme. Furthermore, the companys two-year
IMPACT programme seeks to develop and retain
middle management talents, and for senior management there is a one-year Global Talent Programme.

performance 2012

The programmes are starting to have a positive

impact on Damcos talent pipeline. From the IMPACT
programme more than two thirds of the 2011
participants have changed their scope of work and
moved on to key commercial positions. From the
Global Talent Programme more than half of the
participants have taken up roles of higher leadership
responsibility. The graduate programme is in its early
stages but all participants are already deeply engaged in projects of strategic importance to Damco.
In 2012, the employee engagement index for Damco
remained unchanged at 73.

co2 emissions
Reduce CO2 intensity

Year to date, 90% of Damcos employees in the

Asia Pacific and Africa regions have completed the
companys online anti-corruption training. In total
more than 600 of our employees in high and medium
risk countries and employees with senior and middle
management responsibility have been trained in anticorruption. Financial auditors were trained to audit
compliance with the anti-corruption policy, and anticorruption data is now included in financial audits.
As an asset light company, Damcos work on anticorruption relates closely to responsible procurement.
Being relatively new to structurally engaging suppliers
in a formalised responsible procurement programme,
Damcos focus in 2012 has been on engaging larger
suppliers, i.e. ocean and air carriers, and suppliers in key
growth market countries, i.e. China, Indonesia, Vietnam
and Thailand. In 2012, Damco conducted a formal
assessment of seven suppliers. Damco engaged 268
suppliers, 39% of addressable spend, falling short of
the 50% target as enrolling suppliers in some countries took longer than anticipated. The 2013 target is
60% of the companys spend (400 suppliers).


In 2012, Damco launched Global Supply Chain

Carbon Dashboard. It builds on the Supply Chain
Carbon Dashboard product launched in 2010. With
this product, Damco is now able to give customers
visibility of the carbon footprint of the entire supply
chain, not just the part Damco manages. As an example, a 38% reduction in CO2 per m3 shipped since
2007 was documented for Marks & Spencer.

 ost of Damcos employees work in office environments. In 2012, there were no severe injuries to personnel or assets and the year was concluded
with a record low lost time injury frequency (LTIF). Focus is on improving investigations of incidents and learning from those. Damcos year on year
LTIF reduction target is 10%. In 2012, the LTIF was reduced to 37% (operational scope).


Target 2013: 90%



30% 5.5%
from 2011

from 2009

Year-on-year reduction

Green logistics innovation



10% 37%
* Performance: employees in
high risk Asia Pacific and Africa
regions trained.
2013 target: 90% of employees
in high risk job functions to
receive on-line and in person
anti-corruption training. 90% of
employees in medium risk job
functions to receive on-line anticorruption training.

Container industry

Sustainability Report 2012


Material issues

The worlds second-largest

manufacturer of
refrigerated containers
The manufacturing of containers requires the utmost
consideration for safety. To continuously improve the
safety performance in factories, Maersk Container Industry (MCI) focuses on stringent safety procedures,
education of staff and automation of processes.
In 2012, MCIs lost time injury frequency (LTIF)
slightly increased from 1.45 to 1.47, largely due to an
accident in a container factory in Qingdao. In March
2012, a fire broke out and turned into a zink dust
explosion that injured 14 employees. One employee
later passed away.

chemical compound used in foams, MCI introduced

the SuPoTec insulation foam ten years ago.
MCIs patented solution reduces CO2 emissions
during production, use and end-of-life by about 27
tonnes per container compared to conventional
reefers using HCFC-141b. Over ten years, that equals
a total saving of 349,000 tonnes of CO2.
According to the industry trade magazine WorldCargo News, at least 85% of the two million reefers
(TEU) in the current world fleet contain HCFC-141b.
This presents an environmental challenge because
these reefers contain substances that can harm the
ozone layer and climate.

Investigations conducted by MCI, the Chinese authorities and third party experts found the cause to be a
chain of events that became dangerous when combined. A safety assessment of the whole MCI group was
carried out and corrective action was taken on the findings. Among other actions were a complete redesign
and renewal of the involved equipment. Also, the work
relevant process has to a large extent been automated.

Environmental performance

The dry container factory in Dongguan continues to

raise the bar on safety. The LTIF there was 0.40 per
one million work hours, which is a low number by any
industry standard. MCI attributes the performance
to the various safety training initiatives conducted
there throughout the year.

MCI is committed to reducing the environmental foot

print of its production. However, in 2012, the relative
amounts of energy and water consumed and waste
produced have increased across the MCI group, despite
the implementation of saving measures. This is mainly
due to increased production of dry containers, partly offset by a decrease in the production of reefer containers.

The EU has made a regulation that imposes restrictions

on the import of reefer containers containing HCFC141b into the European market. In the reefer industry,
the success of this regulation depends on enforcement.


performance 2012

Zero 1

Delivering more sustainable products is part of MCIs

value proposition to customers. It is also necessary
from an environmental perspective. Well ahead of the
2004 European phase-out deadline for HCFC-141b, a

In order to further scale up the efficiencies of the

production, MCI has carried out energy and utility audits at production facilities in China, and is currently
evaluating the findings. The result will form the basis
for setting reduction targets for the next five years.


ltif reduction**


10% 1%


Target 2013: 10%

co2 emissions***
Reduction from production






Target 2013: 5%

hazardous waste





Sustainable products



Target 2013: 8%

* Operational scope.
** 2011 baseline: 1.46. 2012 result:
1.46. This target is based on
operational scope (year on year).
*** 2011 baseline (0.099 CO2 e/ USD).
**** 2011 baseline (3.4 kg/ USD).

Oil & gas industry

Sustainability Report 2012


Oil & gas industry

Supporting the
global demand for
Active in the extraction and
supply of oil and gas

to explore and produce in increasingly harsher, more

remote and sensitive locations.

The global challenge is to ensure that resources can

be produced in an economically and environmentally
sound manner to meet increasing demand and
offset natural field decline. The pressure to maintain
such performance will only intensify as competition
for natural resources drives the oil and gas industry

Our focus is on developing and providing safe and

high-efficiency drilling and oil production services as
well as building experience in operating in some of
the most challenging environments.

Maersk Oil


Entitlement production of
barrels of oil equivalent per
day (boepd)


Employees (FTE)

USD 10,154m

Share % of the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group


USD 2,444m

8% 16%


5% 3%

0% 7%

Net profit

Maersk Drilling


Offshore drilling units


Employees (FTE)

of external revenue

of invested capital

of employees (FTE)

of CO2

USD 1,889m

Maersk Oil

Maersk Drilling

USD 359m
Net profit

In 2012, as a result of conducting a materiality analysis, each business has defined its top three material issues. The performance summaries on the following pages are
based on that. Targets do not exist for all material issues but many of them are under development in 2013. Full data sets are available for each business on


Sustainability Report 2012

Oil & gas industry

An international
oil and gas company
A strategic growth business
Maersk Oil produces oil and gas in Denmark, the UK,
Qatar, Kazakhstan, Brazil and Algeria. Exploration activities are on-going in Angola, Norway, the US Gulf of
Mexico, Greenland, Iraqi Kurdistan and in the producing countries. In the coming years Maersk Oil will invest
significantly in the development of discoveries. The
goal is to increase the entitlement production by 50%
to 400,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd)
by 2020 from a current level of 265,000 boepd.

Maersk Oils 2012 lost time injury frequency (LTIF)

showed a decrease compared to 2011, continuing
the downward trend since 2000. The company
has seen an increase in near miss reporting. The
trend can be interpreted as a positive indication of
willingness to highlight weaknesses in systems and
processes. In 2013, Maersk Oil will continue improving learnings from incidents and further encourage
near miss reporting.

Environmental stewardship
The ambition of Maersk Oil is to be incident free. The
focus on process safety continued in 2012 together
with on-going activities in Occupational Health and
Safety. In 2012, process safety integrity reviews
were conducted in Denmark and the UK and the
outcomes will be used to form the plans in 2013.
Global training in incident investigation was continued, including management of change, safety
inductions for new hires and safety workshops with
contractors. The management participated in a review of the 2011 process safety incidents to better
understand the risks that need to be managed.
The preventative shut down on the Janice installation in the UK North Sea is one example of Maersk
Oils commitment to safety. In 2012, an emergency
shutdown valve failed a routine inspection. As a consequence, Maersk Oil decided to shut down production until spare parts arrived and a safe procedure
for replacement was in place. Production was shut
down for approximately three months.

Since 2007, Maersk Oil has reduced CO2 emissions

from flaring from operated producing facilities by
86% and thus exceeded its target of a 50% reduction. The achievement has consolidated Maersk
Oils CO2 efficiency above the industry average. The
facilities in Qatar and Kazakhstan have delivered the
biggest reductions more than 90% and more than
80% respectively. For the work in Qatar, Maersk Oil
received the Excellence in Flaring Reduction Award
2012 from the World Banks GGFR1.
During 2012 Maersk Oil continued to assess how to
best access and operate in areas of high biodiversity
value. Noise modelling work in Greenland, promoting
the conservation of whale sharks in the Arabian Gulf,
and participating in coastal sensitivity mapping in Angola were all examples of working with stakeholders
to improve the understanding of the environments in
which Maersk Oil operates.

Responsible business practices

Maersk Oil developed and rolled out a new process
for establishing social investment strategies that are

1 The Global Gas Flaring Reduction public-private partnership (GGFR), a World Bank-led initiative, facilitates and supports national efforts to use flared gas.

Material issues
business practices

performance 2012


Zero 0.75
Target 2013: zero

co2 emissions**
Reduction from flaring by
2012 (2007 baseline)


50% 86%
Target 2013:
to be decided

* The LTIF target is

operational scope.
** The CO2 flaring target is
operational scope.

Oil & gas industry

tailored to local socio-economic needs and that leverage business capabilities. The aim is to ensure
that social investments have a sustainable benefit
and address key social, environmental and economic
development issues of local communities.

Sustainability Report 2012

global Compliance Awareness Drive included

in-person training for employees at risk of being exposed to corruption issues. Mandatory e-learning for
all employees is being tailored to the specific challenges experienced in the oil and gas industry and
will be rolled out during 2013.

Corruption is a challenge in some parts of the world

where Maersk Oil operates. In 2012, Maersk Oils

2012 activities in Greenland

Maersk Oils initial activities in Greenland commenced in 2012 with two surveys, a 3D seismic survey and a hydrographic survey. These types of surveys are the very first step in oil
exploration activities to get an understanding of the ocean floor and underlying geology.
Seismic surveys use sound waves to produce an image of the earths subsurface. The
impact of noise is the most important environmental consideration during seismic surveys, as underwater noise can disturb marine life, in particular marine mammals that use
sound to communicate and navigate.

Step 1: Modelling noise proactively

To reduce any risks related to conducting seismic
surveys, Maersk Oil worked together with scientific
experts and other operators to model how much
noise the seismic activities would generate across
Baffin Bay in Greenland.

Step 2: Reducing risks for marine mammals

during 3D seismic and hydrographic surveys
The modelling enabled Maersk Oil and others to carry
out seismic studies within scientifically recognised noise
limits. In addition, Maersk Oil had marine mammal observers on board the vessels during the seismic surveys.
These observers recorded the presence of the mammals
and made sure that activities were shut down if the
mammals came within a predefined safety zone.

Acoustic receivers

Step 3: Evaluating the impacts

As an evaluative step after the finalization
of seismic surveys, Maersk Oil contributed
to independent scientific noise level studies.
The studies focused on the enigmatic narwhal, assessing any potential impacts of the
activities on their patterns of behaviour. The
knowledge derived from these types of surveys is essential to the overall understanding of the sensitivity of the environment and
serves as input, not only to Maersk Oil, but to
all future activities in Baffin Bay.

Sound waves

Soil layers
Sound reflection surface



Sustainability Report 2012

Oil & gas industry

Material issues

drilling services
to oil c ompanies

Environment and
climate change
Local content

performance 2012

A strategic growth business

Maersk Drilling aspires to become a stable and significant contributor to the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group
with a profit of USD 1 billion at the latest by 2018
and to conduct incident-free operations. This will be
achieved through focused growth within the ultra
deepwater floater and ultra harsh environment jackup segments and relentless pursuit of safe, efficient
and consistent operations across the rig fleet. With
its Accelerated Growth strategy, Maersk Drilling will
double its fleet and its workforce by 2018.

The major risk involved in offshore drilling is that of
an operational blow-out which can have severe consequences for the safety of employees and the environment. Process safety and hazard management
is therefore top priority. In 2012, Maersk D
held over 20 Management of Change workshops
with employees, customers and suppliers to further
reduce process safety risks.
In addition to the Dropped Objects Campaign from
2011, Maersk Drilling set up a new task force to
prevent objects from being dropped. The HSSE
e-learning induction course was updated. Despite
these efforts, Maersk Drilling was unfortunately
not able to keep up its record-low lost time injury
frequency (LTIF) of 0.21. The causes appear to be
human errors, insufficient risk assessments and a
lack of adherence to processes and procedures. As a

consequence, work on improving the usability of the

management system was initiated.

Environment and climate change

In 2012, Maersk Drilling implemented a chemical management system to ensure a more efficient control of
the chemicals that are onboard rigs. So far, the training
and system has been rolled out on 14 rigs. The system
will be used going forward to ensure continuous improvement on chemical handling and will be installed
on new builds and on the two remaining rigs in the fleet.
Spills are another high potential environmental impact. By Maersk Drilling definition1 there has been an
increase in spills. The company has, however, reached
its target of zero significant spills to the sea. With a
constant focus on how to achieve its long term goal
of zero spills, Maersk Drilling has implemented hose
management on ten rigs as a preventive measure.
In Norway, hose management is required, unlike the
rest of the world. In 2013, the team will continue the
implementation on the remaining fleet.
Maersk Drilling reduced its CO2 emission by 3%. It did
not reach its target, which was to reduce CO2 intensity
of operations by 10% by the end of 2012, based on a
2008 baseline. There is a wish to increase transparency
on the parameters that can be influenced to drive
efforts to become more energy efficient. Therefore,
Maersk Drilling is working on a metric that can support
this. In 2013 the company will review its CO2 target.

 aersk Drilling: Operational scope, volume of all spills to the external environment, regardless of how significant or minor a spill is.

The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group: Operational scope, volume of significant spills to the external environment, which are more than 1,000 m3.


1.00 0.53
Target 2013: 0.6



2.50 2.51
Target 2013: 3.0

significant spills*


Target 2013: 0

co2 emissions**
Relative CO2 reduction
(2008 baseline)


10% 3%


Target 2013: n/a

* Operational scope.
Target: IADC Scope.
** Operational scope and includes
scope 1 and 2 emissions and one
element of scope 3 emissions
which is diesel consumed by

Oil & gas industry

Sustainability Report 2012

Maersk Drillings new environment and climate

change strategy focuses on understanding environmental impacts and reducing them by focusing
on spills and waste production and by collaborating
with customers on NOx emissions. The aim is to
reduce the footprint of the operation and supply
chain, integrate energy efficiency in new rig designs,
and retrofit the current fleet. This will be done by
strengthening the dialogue with customers to tailor
solutions for the market.

Local content
Local content is an integral part of most tender processes and contractual agreements. It includes community investments such as education and training,
living standards, local staffing and local procurement.
As Maersk Drilling is expanding its business into
new areas of the world, including growth markets,
local content rules pose both critical challenges as
well as opportunities for creating shared value and
position Maersk Drilling as a responsible partner. For
example, a total of 70% of a rigs crew is required to


be local nationals by Angolan law. The availability of

adequate local skills presented a challenge when
the Mrsk Deliverer rig began operating in Angola in
May 2012. Through Maersk Drillings investments in
training and long-term career planning, 5055% of
the crew are now Angolans.
In 2012, a local content strategy was developed
to provide stability for our operations and support
customers efforts in meeting local content requirements. It helps Maersk Drilling narrow the gap of
securing local talent to man a growing fleet, as well
as building goodwill in high growth markets.
Local content is part of Maersk Drillings Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) planning tool, which supports rig management in assessing and analysing
relevant issues related to local operations. In 2012,
support was provided to the operation by coaching
and giving feedback on local CSR plans to flag and
mitigate risks. A new e-learning course was launched
that introduces employees to Maersk Drillings CSR
strategies and policies, including local content.

Preparing for the extreme

The MOSAIC II is a new offshore simulator training complex in Svendborg,
Denmark. Maersk Drilling and Maersk Training have invested USD 12 million in
this simulator. Safety is the main purpose. The simulator will be able to simulate
extreme well control situations to ensure that Maersk Drillings employees have
the necessary experience to deal with the scenarios on board.

Maersk Drilling will be hiring


new employees over the

next five years

The Maersk Drilling Post Macondo Task Force identified two focus areas for improvement: the need for a broader approach to well control training, and the need
for better communication and interaction between crew members in various
functions on the rig.
The simulator links together the drillers cabin, the central control room, the crane
operation and the engine room to provide a more comprehensive well control
scenario. It allows for both team-based and individual training.

USD 12m
invested in a new drilling

is the worlds most advanced drilling simulator and training facility. It will be in high
demand as Maersk Drilling is in the process
of hiring 3,000 new employees and doubling
its fleet by 2018.


Sustainability Report 2012

Oil & gas industry

Material issues

Operating one of the most

modern tanker fleets
Safety and security
Safety is paramount to Maersk Tankers business.
The companys 2012 safety performance continues
to improve. In 2012 two safety awareness weeks
were held on board two ships in the fleet to increase
the safety awareness amongst seafarers. Furthermore, an oil spill prevention campaign was launched
to re-emphasize preventive process safety measures.

Today, all vessels as well as employees in the technical, operational and commercial departments have
energy efficiency in their performance scorecards.

Safety and security

Fuel efficiency
and CO2

performance 2012



Fuel efficiency and CO2

Maersk Tankers is stepping up reporting of facilitation payments. About 100 of the 170 vessels
have been reporting facilitation payment requests
in 2012. There is still some way to go in making
sure that all ships report on this systematically. A
quarterly report on the issue has been launched
to identify the focus areas for reducing these payments. The analysis is helping Maersk Tankers map
the ports where this problem is most dominant. In
that way a constructive dialogue can be initiated
with those ports on measures to combat the issue
in the specific location. Maersk Tankers has seen
improvements in 2012 but also experienced a
push-back in certain areas resulting in increased and
unwarranted port state control deficiencies, delays
and illegitimate fines being imposed.

In 2012, Maersk Tankers fuel efficiency drive helped

the company save 71,000 metric tonnes of fuel oil
(20102012 baseline) and 224,000 metric tonnes
of CO2 emissions for its owned fleet. The increased
focus on speed reduction including the use of super
slow steaming is the main contributor to the positive
result. However, the total fuel consumption for the entire fleet increased due to changed fleet composition.

As a trial, Maersk Tankers had dummy security cameras installed on 16 vessels in 2012. The feedback
from the captains indicates that they have been
effective in reducing facilitation payments. The port
officials seem to be more hesitant to demand facilitation payments when they spot the camera in the
room, or when they are being made aware of it.

In 2012, an incident investigation committee was

established to improve incident investigations and
root cause analyses. It consists of technical operations executives who meet every quarter to analyse
the underlying causes and prepare action plans.
Actions to prevent piracy attacks include the testing
of different security equipment. In 2012, the use of
razor wires was re-evaluated as some employees
got injured when rigging the wires. Maersk Tankers is
currently testing alternatives.

A base load reduction1 initiative which includes 100+

Maersk Tankers vessels, saved 15,000 metric tonnes
of fuel oil and 46,900 metric tonnes of CO2 in 2012.
Furthermore, performance based cleaning of hulls,
together with a propeller polishing scheme optimised
the efficiency of the vessels generating savings of
approximately 18,200 metric tonnes of CO2.


0.80 0.89
Target 2013: 0.80



3.00 2.43
Target 2013: 2.50




Target 2013: 0

Maersk Tankers is an active participant in the

Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN). As part
of the network, information, training material and
courses for ship owners and seafarers are being
developed focusing on bribery, facilitation payments
and agents.

1 The base load project aims to reduce the electrical consumption used onboard at sea.
2 20072015 ( operational scope). 20102020 (financial scope).

co2 emissions2
Reduction per cargo unit x
nautical mile (20072015)


15% 8.5%
from 2011

from 2007

Target update 2013

(20102020): 20%

* Operational scope.

Oil & gas industry

Sustainability Report 2012


Material issues

A provider of global offshore

marine services
Though the targeted 2012 improvement in lost time
injury frequency (LTIF) was not met, Maersk Supply
Service did see an overall improvement on safety.
The total recordable cases frequency (TRCF) was
reduced significantly, from 2.59 to 1.93. Some of the
key factors of the continued improvement are believed to be weekly safety meetings, and the Safety
Observation Card (SOC) initiative introduced in 2010.
Safety observations have increased from 13,000 in
2011 to more than 27,000 in 2012. SOC reporting
has made it possible to address unsafe acts and
conditions in a preventive and proactive manner.
In 2012, Maersk Supply Service launched the Take5
initiative an on-the-spot risk assessment tool to
further strengthen the concept of hazard recognition in the fleet. The initiative was supported by the
implementation of a new risk management process
for all operations onboard.
Furthermore, Maersk Supply Service launched a
training programme to build Angolan seafaring and
safety competencies. Angola requires foreign companies operating in the country to employ 70% of
their workforce locally over time. That poses a challenge as well as an opportunity for creating shared
value in a country with little seafaring tradition. The
marine training programme also includes English
language training for the 24 Angolan candidates
currently being educated in Chennai, India.

Preventing oil spills

Recognising that accidental oil spills at sea or in
port can harm the marine environment significantly,
Maersk Supply Service continuously focuses on preventive actions to avoid environmental incidents.

In 2012, Maersk Supply Service experienced a 40%

reduction in the number of uncontrolled spills
compared to 39 uncontrolled spills in 2011. Spills
overboard were reduced from 12 to 9. None of the
spills overboard were more than 0.05 m3.

Spills prevention
Energy efficiency

performance 2012

The improved performance is likely to be a result of

increased knowledge from reporting of near misses,
improved procedures and a focus on hardware maintenance through inspections of equipment. Maersk
Supply Service measures and reports all spills
regardless of size to learn and ensure that corrective
actions are taken. The long-term aspiration is zero
spills to the environment.

Energy efficiency
In 2012, Maersk Supply Service implemented a new
vessel performance system that enables benchmarking of vessels energy efficiency. The initiative is
part of the efforts to reduce fuel consumption, cost
and CO2 emissions. With these benchmarks in place,
crews are becoming more focused on optimising
fuel efficiency. For example, Maersk Supply Service
is now in dialogue with charterers to reduce transit
speed. Using two engines, instead of all four, when
approaching an oil platform can also help save large
quantities of fuel. But it must be done with a proper
risk assessment and close coordination with the
The increased focus on energy efficiency has
resulted in a 10% CO2 reduction per vessel in 2012
compared to last year. The customer satisfaction
score (CSS) on Health, Safety and Environment
increased to 5.9 in 2012, from 5.8 in 2011 (the maximum score is 7.0). The total CSS1 remained at the
same high level of 6.0 in 2012.

1 Total score is the average of four questions related to the customers overall satisfaction and loyalty. Maximum score is 7.0.


0.55 0.74
Target 2013: 0.75



2.50 1.93
Target 2013: 1.74

Reduction per year


20% 40%
co2 emissions
Reduction per vessel


30% 10%
from 2011

from 2010

All data are operational scope.

* 2011 baseline: 39 spills in total.
27 uncontrolled contained spills
and 12 spills overboard. No spills
overboard were more than 0.1 m3.
Performance: 24 spills in total. 14
uncontrolled contained spills and
10 spills overboard. No spills overboard were more than 0.05 m3.


Sustainability Report 2012

Oil & gas industry

Material issues1

Leading the towage and

emergency response market
Over the last few years, Svitzer has seen a consistent
drop in lost time incidents, with many operations
recording five years or more without any lost time
injuries. But the incident on board a tug off Qatar in
2012 made it evident that further improvements
in safety governance and risk management were

Svitzers new Safe Operations strategy includes

actions of setting up a new governance model and
safety function; enhancing competencies in the
offshore and terminal towage segment; ensuring
the use of fit for purpose equipment; and systematically and proactively engaging with stakeholders,
including customers, on safety matters. Having solid
risks assessments in place before any operation is a
key part of that.

Seven fatalities in 2012

On 29 April, six employees and a customers
contractor lost their lives in an explosion and subsequent fire onboard a Svitzer tug while assisting
in a maintenance operation at Ras Laffan, Qatar
offshore a mooring buoy. The tug, Al Deebel was
involved in flushing the loading hose string with sea
water, when back flow of liquid condensate in the
line and subsequent gas evolution resulted in an
explosion on board. The mooring buoy is normally
used for transferring liquid condensate into tankers.
Four other crew members and another customers
contractor who was on board survived the incident.
They were rescued from the water by attending
Svitzer vessels supported by the local coast guard.

Part of this process also includes streamlining safety

procedures globally with the goal of establishing one
global safety management standard, irrespective of
where Svitzer operates.
In 2012, a Proactive Reporting Campaign was
launched to address the need for continuous knowledge sharing between the vessels and their managers. Finally, the focus on increasing safety awareness
through training continues, with more than 1,500
employees having completed the one day Safety
Culture Course since its launch in 2011.

A new Safe Operations strategy

This tragedy has had a major impact on the organisation. It has triggered a comprehensive review and
reshaping of the approach to operational safety. The
main priority is to raise safety standards across the
entire Svitzer organisation.


performance 20121


Zero 7






Target 2013: 6.0

Reduce lost time injuries
by 2015


from 2011

safety programme***
Employees to complete our
one day safety programme
by 2015


100% 40%
from 2011

* Operational scope.
** This target is operational scope.
*** Performance: 1,800 employees.

1 A number of changes to targets and priorities have been made as a consequence of a severe accident in April 2012. Safety is now one of the two main pillars of
Svitzers company strategy. It is the most material sustainability issue for the organisation which is why Svitzer has chosen to focus their efforts in this area.

Oil & gas industry

Sustainability Report 2012


Material issues

An operator of mobile oil and

gas production systems

Occupational health



Since 2010, Maersk FPSOs have not had any lost

time injuries. In 2010, the lost time injury frequency
(LTIF) was 2.83. Since then, the company has had
two incident free years2. A strong safety and reporting culture has been instrumental in this success. In
2012, Maersk FPSOs took over the technical management of the Nkossa II located offshore of Congo.
The biggest challenge was the implementation of
the management system, SIRIUS, and introducing
a cultural change onboard the unit. To encourage
the crew to use Maersk FPSOs reporting system on
incidents, accidents, near misses and observations,
a competition was organised and every month the
best active card was rewarded. These cards are now
part of the daily routine.

In 2012, Maersk FPSOs had a number of unfortunate spills to the external environment. All spills were
registered and notified to the relevant authorities.
The goal of having all units certified as ISO 14001
compliant was achieved. The global management
system has also obtained ISO 14001 certification.

performance 2012

Maersk FPSOs has a strong focus on the safe use

of chemicals. All units have been introduced to
a new chemical management system, and the
offshore personnel is regularly trained. As part of the
audits programme, chemical inspections are also

Target 2013: 0

On Maersk Inspirer, a new process safety dashboard

was implemented to reduce the potential hazards
from the process plants. It monitors safety risks
and works as an effective intervention to address or
reverse a negative trend.
In 2012, the Maersk Curlew had a piping failure and
a subsequent gas leak on the gas compression
system. Whilst some hydrocarbons were released,
there were no further consequences and no-one
was injured. A prohibition notice was issued by the
authorities. Maersk FPSOs chose to shut down
the production on the installation and initiated a
detailed inspection and analysis of the area and
affected equipment.

1 Includes Maersk LNG.

Occupational health
In 2011, it was decided to create a working group
on occupational health and working environment to
prepare a set of procedures and tools to better manage and understand the issues linked to the working
environment. The first step in implementing the
newly created procedures was the roll-out of a survey to collect data on the working environment on all
units and offices. The survey considers a variety of
factors, from the level of noise and the ergonomics
of the work stations to psychological well-being
matters e.g. stress. The results will be ready in 2013.

In 2012, Maersk FPSOs divested FPSO Maersk Peregrino and transferred Maersk Inspirer/Volve back to Maersk Drilling.

2 F PSO LTIF performance (excl. LNG): 0.00 (2009), 2.83 (2010) and 0.00 (2011).





4.00 1.59
Target 2013: 3.00

external spills**


Target 2013: 0

iso 14001
certification of
fleet and offices***


100% 100%
Target 2013: 100%

All targets follow Operational Scope.

* 2012 target: 4.0 or below.
** Performance: Total amount:
87 liters (category 5 spills).
*** 2013 target: Maintain 100%
of assets ISO 14001 certified.


Sustainability Report 2012



One of Denmarks
leading retail groups
Dansk Supermarked Group operates 1,319 stores in
Denmark, Germany, Poland and Sweden. The company runs the Ftex, Netto and Bilka supermarket
chains as well as the Salling department stores.
Netto is the only chain which operates abroad.
Dansk Supermarked Group takes a decentralised
approach to sustainability as material issues may
vary in each chain and country. The countries have
different control and measuring systems that are not
readily comparable. Therefore, units performances
are described in relation to the Danish authorities
governance systems. The following descriptions are
therefore not adequate for the entire group across
national borders. We are working on expanding the
focus and scope of our sustainability governance and
reporting to include our businesses outside Denmark.

Food safety and control

People rely on the retail industry to provide them with
safe food of the highest quality. Food safety is an integral part of running a successful retail business and an
issue Dansk Supermarked Group takes very seriously.
In Denmark, the so-called smiley-scheme is highly
popular amongst consumers and has proved effective in improving the quality of food. The result of
the authorities inspections throughout 2012 places
the companys supermarket chains among the best.
However, food safety is still a challenge. For example,
the Veterinary and Food Administration estimates

that 10,000 people in Denmark alone have fallen ill

from bacteria in imported fruit and vegetables.
The company has therefore increased the number of
tests conducted in the countries of the products origin. This procedure is recommended by The National
Food Institute. In addition to the spot checks carried out by the authorities, accredited laboratories
performed more than 1,000 tests on foreign fruit
and vegetables destined for Dansk Supermarked
Group in 2012, compared to 400 in 2011. In 2012,
the company also focused on improving the conditions concerning storage temperature, neatness,
order and cleaning areas representing some of the
companys greatest challenges.

Working environment
A good working environment means more engaged
employees who are motivated to provide customers
with better service. Good working conditions reduce
illness, accidents and absence. Fixed procedures
and tools include training for employees, i.e. on lifting
techniques, conflict management, workplace assessments, accidents investigations and employee
satisfaction surveys.
To improve the working environment, the organisation
began to focus on lifting in 2011, because heavy lifting may lead to injuries. The authorities had increased
their focus on the issue as well. In 2012, Dansk
Supermarked Group only received eight notices from

Material issues
Food safety
and control
Community engagement and diversity


the authorities in this area, an 86% reduction from

2011, indicating that its working environments had
improved. In 2012, 97% of the workplaces were rated
as healthy working environments by the authorities.
To get more traction on reducing accidents, Dansk
Supermarked Group launched an accident barometer in 2011. It benchmarks the performance of all
stores, shows how the individual stores are tracking
against their targets and is visible to all. There is
still room for improvement in terms of reducing the
number of accidents. In 2012, the lost time injury
frequency (LTIF) was reduced by 3.5% but the organisation did not meet its 10% reduction target.

Community engagement and diversity

People should be given the opportunity to realise
their potential no matter their background. Tap-

Sustainability Report 2012

ping the potential of the diverse community, not

only helps those communities, it also helps Dansk
Supermarked Group. In Denmark alone the company
partners with 60 organisations whose aim is to
advance diversity and inclusion. These organisations
work with people who have learning disabilities, the
long-term unemployed and others in the margins
of society. As part of this partnership, the company
offered internships to 1,200 people in 2012. 40% of
these led directly to employment.
Diversity is a win-win. Empowering people, after
they may have experienced multiple setbacks in
their lives, makes them more likely to repay that
trust with diligence, loyalty and a positive work ethic.
Moreover, employees who work in a diverse environment find that they themselves learn and develop.


performance 2012
positive food safety
reviews by the


100% 93.7%
Target 2013: 100%

ltif reduction


10% 3.5%
Target 2013: 10%

healthy working

Diversity and inclusion boosts earnings

In the past, one of the Netto stores in Aarhus, Denmark was so badly affected
by vandalism, theft and threats against its staff that it had to employ full-time
security staff. This is no longer the case.

When Biwar Mosa took over as store manager

in 2011, efforts were made to recruit appropriately qualified staff who better reflected the
diversity of the local population. Over time, the
gender and age distribution has become more
evenly balanced, and a number of positions
were offered to local teenagers and people
with difficult backgrounds.


The work done by Mosa and his staff has led

to a change in behaviour amongst the stores
customers. Theft was reduced significantly
as a result. Within a few months, the financial
figures started to reflect these changes.

Growth in sales of around


with earnings almost doubling


95% 97%
Target 2013: 95%

* The Danish food safety smileyscheme managed by the Danish

2013 target: Based on operational
scope. Target only for Danish
** Targets: Min. 95% of workplaces
rated as healthy working environments by the authorities. The
Danish working environment
smiley-scheme managed by the
Danish authorities. The results
are the final status calculated by
the end of the year.
Performance: 97% positive
reviews (75% in 2011).
2013 target: Based on operational
scope. Target only for Danish

About the report

About the report

Sustainability Report 2012

Our assurors included two key observations and recommendations

in last years assurance report. Additional detailed observations
and r ecommendations were provided in their management letter.

Responding to 2011 key

assurance recommendations
Assurance recommendation

Steps taken

Read more

Recommendation 1
The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group has begun
implementing stakeholder engagement
and materiality assessment at Group level
and in the businesses. The assurors recommended extending the materiality assessment at Group level to include other sources
of information, including input from the
Groups strategic sustainability partners and
stakeholder engagement. They also recommended improving the consistency of the
approach to both stakeholder engagement
and materiality assessment in the businesses to further ensure the comprehensiveness of the material issues reported upon.

In 2012 we developed a dedicated best

practice tool to support our materiality
analysis process at Group level.

Pages 2122

Recommendation 2
The Group uses the Sustainability Group
Accounting Principles (GAP) for reporting
on environmental and safety performance. The assurors recommended an
in-depth review of these guidelines covering, in particular, the current threshold for
spills reporting, extending reporting to
cover oil in water, and the use, where feasible, of differentiated emission factors
per business rather than generic group
factors for key emissions such as CO2, SOx
and NOx.

Spills: this year, the threshold for the

notification of spills from business units
the Group has been extended to include
category 2 spills, so it now includes i.e.

Furthermore, a workshop for our businesses was conducted providing guidance on how to prepare a materiality
assessment. We will include our Group
materiality analysis in consultations
with internal and external stakeholders
in 2013 and, where necessary, adjust the
process and outputs going forward.

spill with a volume of more than 1 m3
Coastal areas:
spill with a volume of more than 10 m3
On open sea:
spill with a volume of more than 100 m3
Group-converters: the Group is a
conglomerate and to ensure the Groups
sustainability report is consistently consolidated, it has been decided to use the same
converters across all entities and activities.

Page 36



Sustainability Report 2012

About the report

assurance report
To the readers of the
Sustainability Report 2012
We were engaged by the Management of A.P.
Mller - Mrsk A/S to provide assurance on the
Sustainability Report 2012 (further The Report) of
the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group (further the Group).
The Management is responsible for the preparation
of The Report, including the identification of material
issues and the determination of the GRI Application
Level. Our responsibility is to issue an assurance
report based on the engagement outlined below.

Our assurance engagement was designed to provide
limited assurance on whether:
 he Report is fairly presented, in all material
respects, in accordance with the G3 Sustainability
Reporting Guidelines (G3) of the Global Reporting
 he Group has applied the AA1000 Accountability
Principles Standard (2008) as set out on page 80.
In addition we were asked to check whether the
companys GRI Application Level, as disclosed on
page 80, is consistent with the GRI criteria for the
disclosed Application Level. We do not provide any
assurance on the achievability of the objectives,
targets and expectations of the Group.

Global Reporting Initiative for The Report and uses

the AA1000APS (2008) criteria for the three principles of inclusivity, materiality and responsiveness to
help embed sustainability in its business activities. It
is important to view the performance in the context
of these criteria.

Assurance Standards
We conducted our engagement in accordance
with the International Standard for Assurance
Engagement (ISAE 3000): Assurance Engagement
other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial
Information, issued by the International Auditing
and Assurance Standards Board and a Type 2 assurance engagement under the AccountAbility AA1000
Assurance Standard (2008). Limited assurance in
ISAE3000 is consistent with a moderate level of
assurance as defined by AA1000AS (2008). These
standards require, among others, that the assurance
team possesses the specific knowledge, skills and
professional competencies needed to provide assurance on sustainability information. We also comply
with the requirements of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants of the International Federation of Accountants to ensure our independence. We
used a multidisciplinary team including specialists in
AA1000APS/AS, stakeholder engagement, environmental, social and financial aspects, with experience
in similar engagements.

Work undertaken
Procedures performed to obtain a limited level of
assurance are aimed at determining the plausibility
of information and are less extensive than those for
a reasonable level of assurance.

Our procedures included the following:

An evaluation of the results of the Groups stakeholder consultation process and processes for
determining the material issues at Group level;

Reporting and other criteria

 risk analysis, including a media search, to
identify relevant environmental, safety and social
issues for the Group in the reporting period.

As described on page 80, the Group applies the

G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G3) of the

About the report

I nterviewing management at Group and business

level responsible for the sustainability strategy,
management and reporting.
I nterviews with relevant staff at Group and business level responsible for providing the information in The Report and reviewing internal control
procedures on the data in The Report.
 n analytical review of the data and trend explanations submitted by all businesses for consolidation at Group level.
 visit to Maersk Oil Qatar, Dansk Supermarked
Poland and a Maersk Line vessel to review the
environmental and safety data.
 valuating internal and external documentation,
based on sampling, to determine whether the information in The Report is supported by sufficient

Sustainability Report 2012

In relation to the report:
Based on the procedures performed, as described
above, nothing has come to our attention to indicate
that The Report is not fairly presented, in all material
respects, in accordance with the G3 Sustainability
Reporting Guidelines (G3) of the Global Reporting
In relation to the AA1000APS principles of
inclusiveness, materiality and responsiveness
Based on our procedures, as described above, nothing has come to our attention to indicate that the
Group has not applied the AA1000APS principles
to the extent described on page 80 and in the sections on stakeholder engagement, materiality and
strategy & governance on pages 2127. As disclosed
by the Group, further work is in progress to develop
guidance and tools for stakeholder engagement,
while progress in all three areas varies across the
business units.

 ith respect to our work on the disclosed GRI
Application Level, our procedures were limited
to checking whether the GRI Content Index is
consistent with the criteria for the disclosed
Application Level and that the relevant information is publicly reported.

Report on GRI application level

Amsterdam, 22 February 2013

Copenhagen, 22 February 2013

KPMG Sustainability
Part of KPMG Advisory N.V.

Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab

Wim Bartels

Jesper Ridder Olsen

State Authorised Public Accountant

Based on the procedures performed we conclude

that the Application Level C+ as disclosed on page
80 and based on the GRI G3 Content Index on is consistent with
the GRI criteria for this Application Level.



Sustainability Report 2012

About the report

Group consolidated performance

Social performance
Our employees

Number of employees (full time equivalents)
Gender (female/total)
Employee engagement (percentage favourable)
Performance appraisals (percentage recieved)


2010 2011 2012

113,741 117,080 121,105
33 32 31
69 75 76
60 67
12 13 17

Environmental performance
Energy consumption
2011 2012
1,000 tonnes
11,818 *
Fuel oil
1,000 tonnes
182 *
Natural gas
1,000 tonnes
653 *
1,000 MWh 1,232
1,311 *
Energy consumption
GJ 475,884,213
522,611,251 *
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
GHG emissions
1,000 tonnes CO2 eq
37,673 *
40,969 *
Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1 GHG Protocol)
1,000 tonnes 36,469
39,745 *
1,000 tonnes CO2 eq 236
229 *
1,000 tonnes CO2 eq 202
216 *
1,000 tonnes CO2 eq 81 65 98
1,000 tonnes CO2 eq 0 0 5
1,000 tonnes CO2 eq
0 0 0
1,000 tonnes CO2 eq
32 *
29 *
Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2 GHG Protocol)
1,000 tonnes 650
681 *
1,000 tonnes CO2 eq 0 0 0
1,000 tonnes CO2 eq
4 *
Other emissions
1,000 tonnes
664 *
1,000 tonnes
948 *
1,000 tonnes 18
18 *
1,000 tonnes
79 77 72
Particulate matter
Other resource consumption
Waste total
1,000 tonnes 629
569 *
recycled (composting, reused, recycled)
1,000 tonnes
175 *
solid (landfill, on-site storage, incineration)
1,000 tonnes 338
384 *
hazardous (controlled deposit)
1,000 tonnes
20 10 19
Water consumption
1,000 m3
2,841 *
3,314 *
surface water
1,000 m3
45 80 59
ground water
1,000 m3 235
* 353 352
1,000 m3
0 2 0
municipal water supplies/water utilities
1,000 m3
2,879 *

Economic performance
2011 2012
USD million
56,090 60,230 59,036
Profit for the year
USD million
5,018 3,377 4,038
Tax for the year
USD million
4,655 6,060 3,303
Electricity cost
USD million
190 *

Definitions, scope, comparibility,

controls, etc. are described in the
sustainability accounting principles,
pages 8082.
* Changed since last year, please
see pages 8082 in sections on
comparability and emission conversions to know more about the
updates made.

About the report

Sustainability Report 2012

Comments on the Group

consolidated performance
Social performance

Mass of flared gas was reduced by 9%, mainly because

The number of employees in the A.P. Moller - Maersk

the Qatar production decreased. Mass of vented gas is

Group has increased in the period with 4.025 FTEs (3%);


mainly related to business development in Maersk Line,

Damco and Maersk Oil but at the same time there

Since Dansk Supermarked Group has opened more

has been a significant decline in the number of FTEs in

stores, their consumption of electricity has increased

Maersk FPSOs and Maersk LNG (218 FTEs), due to the

significantly, but at the same time Maersk Line lost the

divestment LNG activities and two FPSOs in 2012.

NL-DE corridor, wherefore electricity consumption for

the locomotives has decreased. Maersk Container In-

The gender split is almost the same this year as last

dustry is also consuming less electricity, since the reefer

year, with Maersk Tankers only having 4% women in to-

production has decreased, though partly offset by

tal, whilst Dansk Supermarked Group has 58% women

increased production of dry containers. Finally, Damco

in their staff.

is also using less electricity, since they have moved to

new and smaller offices, though partly offset by new

The employee engagement survey shows a slight in-

warehouses in Belgium and Poland. Net electricity is

crease from 75% to 76%. At the same time though, the

only increasing by 10,000 mWh.

number of people having had a performance appraisal

conversation has decreased from 67% to 62%, which is

Water consumption has increased by 341,000 m3,

partly due to management rotation in a number of our

mainly due to new terminals in Gothernburg, Poti and


Callao. Waste has been reduced by 22,000 tonnes,

mainly because the Group did not scrap any ships in

Environmental performance

2012; whereas in 2011 SL Integrity was scrapped for

Fuel oil consumption has decreased by 731,000

Maersk Line. This decrease is partly offset by Dansk Su-

tonnes, which is primarily due to Maersk Line using

permarked Group who has increased amounts of waste

super slow steaming and including new fuel efficient

in 2012 due to more stores, but the direct re-use has

ships in their fleet, though slightly offset by Maersk

increased even further due to an enlarged agreement

Tankers change in fleet mix.

on pickup of surplus bread, which is resold for pork feed.

The diesel consumption declined slightly by 6,000

Economic performance

tonnes. The decrease is partly due to Maersk Oil using

Profit was positively affected by the settlement of

less supply vessels in Angola, and grounding of helicop-

an Algerian tax dispute of USD 899m combined with

ters for periods of time in the UK, Denmark and Qatar.

improved volumes, rates and unit costs for Maersk Line.

This is partly offset by Maersk Line, using more diesel

Profit was negatively affected by a decline in Maersk

for gensets and an increase due to Hurricane Sandy in

Oils share of production and impairment losses of USD

the USA.

405m of which USD 268m related to Maersk Tankers.

Divestment gains were USD 636m (USD 890m) with

There has been a slight increase in the use of natural

the divestment of two FPSOs, Maersk LNG and Maersk

gas of 7,000 tonnes, which is primarily caused by

Equipment Service as the largest transactions. Revenue

Maersk Oil, who has changed field activities in Qatar.

decreased slightly to USD 59.0bn (USD 60.2bn).



Sustainability Report 2012

About the report

accounting principles
Reporting frameworks and commitments

understanding of our material sustainability issues tak-

This is the A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups fourth sustain-

ing into consideration impacts on our business as well

ability report and was prepared in accordance with the

as our stakeholders. A best-practice tool was developed

Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) G3 Sustainability Re-

to support the materiality analysis process which has

porting Guidelines (application level C+). The GRI Content

been used at Group level. Furthermore, a workshop

Index is available at

for our businesses was conducted providing guidance

The report has been independently assured.

on how to prepare materiality assesments, including

stakeholder input. Read more about the Group process

With this report we fulfil our obligation to provide annual

and outcome on pages 2122.

communication on progress to the UN Global Compact

(UNGC). As members of the UNGC LEAD programme,

Responsiveness: making good progress

the report also accounts for our efforts to implement

Environment and safety are already well established.

the UNGC Blueprint for Corporate Sustainability

From 20092011 Group programmes were developed

Leadership. An index page covering the LEAD criteria

for anti-corruption programmes, responsible procure-

can be found at More

ment and labour principles including policies, codes of

information about the LEAD programme can be found

conduct and training. Implementation is being moni-


tored by Group Sustainability (read more on page 26).

AA1000 Accountability Principles


Defining and communicating materiality helps us focus

The consolidated reporting tool used by our businesses

our efforts on areas that deliver the greatest value to our

to report performance data is validated via IT audit,

business and most important stakeholders. We use the

and manuals and online training are in place. A set of

AA1000 principles to help embed sustainability in our

general accounting principles for sustainability has been

activities in line with stakeholder expectations. We believe

established, which defines the reporting rules, processes

our current level of adherence to the principles is as follows:

and responsibilities. A controlling guideline has been distributed to help secure business units own assurance of

Inclusivity: making progress

submitted data, before sign off by the respective CEO and

Stakeholder concerns are a key input to our sustainabil-

CFO. Furthermore, all business units are obliged to provide

ity strategies and policies. Some business units have

explanation sheets on significant developments in data.

developed a more systematic process for stakeholder

The data reported under financial scope are furthermore

engagement while the Group Sustainability function

included in the framework used to assure risks and con-

is developing guidance and tools and monitoring pro-

trols for financial reporting (risk and control compliance).

gress. As part of a materiality exercise made in 2012, we

evaluated our stakeholder map. Our primary stakehold-


ers and key stakeholder engagements at Group level in

Financial scope is applied for all sustainability data, except

2012 are described on pages 2324.

safety and spills data, which are operationally scoped.

Materiality: making progress

Operational scope is applied when a business unit or

In 2012, we worked systematically to gain an enhanced

one of its subsidiaries has the governing authority and

About the report

Sustainability Report 2012

responsibility for safety and environmental manage-

In addition, some minor adjustments have been made to

ment of the people, processes and facility either

prior year data.

directly or indirectly via third party contractual arrangements. This approach excludes data from assets which

There are two changes to data indicators compared

are partly owned by the business unit but operated by

to last year: discontinuation of collection of steel con-

another company (i.e. a non-operated joint venture).

sumption, due to insignificance, as the Odense Steel

Mobile assets are included, when operated by the busi-

Shipyard was closed last year, and enlarging spills with

ness unit. For vessels, the International Safety Manage-

category 2 spills beginning in 2012.

ment Code Document of Compliance for a ship must be

held by the business unit to include the data.

For operational control, 100% of the data from the operated

Financial scope is defined as follows:

assets are included irrespective of percentage ownership.

Owned assets, which the Group uses; the Group is

liable for consumption, emissions, and other environ-

Financial scope uses the financial consolidation meth-

mental elements

odology of the Group; data are collected per legal entity

Owned assets, which are leased out; the Group is not

per activity, and the figures are consolidated line-by-line.

liable for consumption, emissions, and other environ-

Subsidiaries, in which the Group has full control, are

mental elements the lessee is.

included 100%. Joint ventures are included by propor-

Leased in assets, which the Group uses; the Group is

tional consolidation. Associated companies and other

liable for consumption, emissions, and other environ-

companies, in which the Group does not have control,

mental elements the lessor is not.

are excluded. Using financial consolidation principles

help us to establish the sustainability indicators, which

For technical management of an asset on behalf of

can be compared directly with financial data, thereby

third parties, consumption and emissions belong to the

providing context for our performance.

asset owner/lessee. If material, the business unit may

include the emissions as explanations in the text.

Data categories
The Group has defined two categories of data: docu-

Regarding greenhouse gases, the reporting must be

mented and probable data. The reason for this split is that

compatible with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocol:

some data are more difficult to document than others.

direct emissions from own assets (Scope 1), indirect

emissions from purchased electricity and district heat-

Documented data comprise:

ing, (Scope 2). Within the current Group wide climate

Our employees, energy consumption, other air emis-

change policy, we report only on scope 1 and 2 GHG emis-

sions, oil extraction and financial data.

sions. A business unit can choose to comment on scope

3 GHG emissions (indirect emissions from third parties),

Probable data comprise:

however, these data are not part of the assured data set.

Health and safety, waste, water consumption, spills

and anti-corruption training.

The sustainability accounting principles for 2012 have

Emission conversions

not substantially changed since 2011. In the reporting

The Group GHG emissions are calculated indirectly via

period, activity under the brand Esvagt has been moved

default conversion factors for energy consumption and

from Svitzer to M
aersk Supply Services. Furthermore,

other GHG gases. The Group has updated the convert-

Maersk Line has updated its reporting methodology

ers for 2012, and has updated some of the 2010 and

to capture waste data from leased-in ships. The same

2011 figures to maintain comparability. The basis of

applies for Maersk Oil on electricity in Algeria and Maersk

the update was various official schemes that include

Container Industry on VOC emissions. For comparability,

standard assumptions for emission, content and flare

2010 and 2011 figures have been re-stated accordingly.




Sustainability Report 2012

The principles for choosing among the schemes are:

About the report

Gas covers all gas fuels used as fuel in gas engines,

Newest schemes are preferred

gas turbines, gas boilers, gas heaters, etc. This would

International recognised generic schemes are preferred

include all types of gas used as fuel like LNG, LPG, and

A scheme must always be used in full, thus no com-

Fuel gas. Other names: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG),

bined schemes are allowed unless specific elements

were not included in the primary scheme
Specific branch schemes can be included when
not in conflict with the above

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), and Fuel gas.

Electricity is purchased in operational activities for
use in e.g. reefer containers in terminals, stores, offices, industrial machines, etc.
HFC-emissions, PFC-emissions and HCFC-emissions

Primary schemes are:

are from manufacturing, installation, operation and

IPCC, updated 2011

disposal of refrigeration and air conditioning equip-

DEFRA updated 2012

ment. PFCs are used as degreasing agents / solvents

IEA, updated 2012

and for impregnation of textiles. SF6-emissions

are from insulator material used in high voltage

 Number of employees measures average number of

switchgear. SF6 is used as insulator material in high

voltage switchgear.

full time equivalents (FTEs) excluding discontinued

Particulate matter is calculated on heavy fuel.

operations. FTEs are calculated based on the total

Category 1 and 2 spills are defined as a function of

number of compensable hours (days) in a work year

distance to shore and volume of individual spill, e.g.

compared to the number of hours (days) in a norm

oil spills:

work year. Excluded are employees on unpaid leave,

contractors and temporary staff.
 Employee engagement scores reflect the percentage of engaged employees, who participated in the
annual engagement survey. Engagement is the
combination of satisfaction, pride, referral and intent
to stay in the organisation.
The percentages for performance appraisals are

Oil Harbour
<1 mile (m)

Oil Coastal
Oil Open Sea
<12 miles (m) >12 miles (m)

Category > 10

> 100

> 1,000

Category > 1

> 10

> 100

based on headcounts, not FTEs. Headcounts are

defined as: regular employees not on leave, on paid

Amount of waste by disposal method, meaning the

leave and on unpaid leave. Excluded are contractors

sum of all waste generated by the business unit. If

and temporary staff.

the destiny of the waste is unknown, landfill is cho-

Lost time injury frequency measures the number of lost

sen as a worst case scenario.

time injuries including fatalities, but excluding fatalities

Total water withdrawal by source, meaning the sum

categorised as a criminal act, per million exposure hours.

of all water drawn into the boundaries of the busi-

TRCF = Total Recordable Case Frequency measures

the number of recordable cases per million exposure
hours (LTI + MTC + RWC).
Fuel oil or bunker fuel is in general the class of fuels that

ness unit for each of the sources. Total water does

not include ballast water and water for re-injection.
To secure completeness, office standards have been
developed based on 2011-data, which can be used

is used on a ship or for heating of buildings. Other names:

for offices with no production or warehousing, etc.

Marine diesel oil (MDO), Marine Gas Oil (MGO), Heavy

These standards are only to be used, if other more

Fuel Oil (HFO), Intermediate Fuel Oil (IFO-380, IFO 180).

accurate information is not available.

Diesel (petroleum derived) is the fuel used in diesel

Clean Cargo Working Group methodology: (CO2 from

engines, such as stationary diesel generators, lifts,

bunker consumed for transport of TEUs) / (Number

trucks, forklifts, container handlers, etc. excluding

of possible TEUs transported 1 kilometre); excluding

fuel used in company cars. Other names: Land diesel,

MCC and partly Seago Line.

Road diesel, Number 2 distillate.


Maersk Tankers
new carbon
reduction pact

interests and

We welcome any questions, comments or suggestions

you might have for this report and our performance.
Please send your feedback to:

Read more

USD 12m


Supply chain carbon

transparency for c ustomers

Read more

lost time injuries in

Maersk FPSOs
since 2010

Read more


Read more
Maersk fpsos

spills to the external

environment in
Maersk Drilling



Brazil impact



Maersk tankers

Read more

A.P. Moller - Maersk

Esplanaden 50
1098 Copenhagen K
Att: Group Sustainability


Maersk Drilling
investment in
drilling simulator

Read more

We value your feedback


global average berth

productivity increase
in APM Terminals

You can also send an email directly to the editors

mentioned below.

Read more

CO2 reduction from

flaring in Maersk Oil
since 2007


key 3 negative



Read more



Read more


Maersk line


Read more

Read more

CO2 eq.:

Forward-looking statements
The report contains forward looking statements
on expectations regarding the achievements and
performance of A.P. Mller - Mrsk A/S and the A.P.
Moller - Maersk Group. Such statements are subject
to risks and uncertainties, as various factors, many
of which are beyond A.P. Mller - Mrsk A/S and
the A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups control, may cause
actual results and development to differ materially
from expectations contained herein.


for responsible
business in

Terminals invests

USD 992m
in Costa Rica port
Read more


Maersk line


more containers
per vessel call in Brazil
with Maersk Lines
new SAMMAX vessels

Read more

local skills and
expertise in
p.45 p.67 p.69
Read more

Read more

* The map shows selected snapshots from the report. It includes page references to case stories. The map is not exhaustive.

million tonnes


CO2 reduction per TEU

container in Maersk Line
since 2007
p.35 p.56
Read more



Read more

Editor in Chief
Louise Kjaergaard, [email protected]





Read more

Susanne Nielsen, [email protected]
Contributing writer
Eva Harpth Skjoldborg
Design and layout
e-Types & India
This publication is printed in Denmark 2013 by Cool Gray,
an environmentally certified printing agency

This printed matter is

carbon compensated
according to ClimateCalc.
Offsets purchased from:
DONG Energy
Cert. no. CC-000004/DK

The A.P. Moller - Maersk Groups

A.P. Moller - Maersk Group

Report 2012
Going for Growth

Sustainability Report 2012

This report fulfils the A.P. Moller - Maersk
Groups obligation to communicate on
progress to the UN Global Compact and
is split into three related yet independent
Sets the scene and explains the context
within which the Group operates and our
business response to key sustainability
challenges and opportunities.

Group performance
Provides an overview of 2012 performance
within our Group programmes which
involves all our businesses: efforts within
safety, climate and environment, diversity,
human rights, anticorruption and responsible procurement.

Business unit section

Reports on key material issues and performance for each of our businesses in
container transport, oil & gas and retail.
The last part of the report delivers consolidated data and relevant explanation.
It includes our sustainability accounting
principles and the assurance statement.

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