RFQ Fuel Farm Pakistan

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April - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant

Request For Qualification

Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis

Establishment of Fuel Farms and

Operation & Maintenance of
Hydrant Refueling System on
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Basis at New Benazir Bhutto
International Airport, Islamabad

Request for Qualification (RFQ)

Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis

Table of Contents
DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 4

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 6

1.2 SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT.............................................................................................................. 7

1.3 HYDRANT REFUELING SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 FUEL FARM .......................................................................................................................................... 11

RFQ DOCUMENTATION PACKAGE.................................................................................................. 13


EVALUATION CRITERIA .................................................................................................................. 14

3.1 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE AND PAST PERFORMANCE (55 POINTS) ...................................................................... 15

3.2 FINANCIAL STANDING (25 POINTS) ...................................................................................................... 16
3.3 APPROACH TOWARDS THE PROJECT (20 POINTS) ...................................................................................... 17
APPENDIX-1 ........................................................................................................................................... 18
APPENDIX-2 ........................................................................................................................................... 19
APPENDIX-3 ........................................................................................................................................... 21
APPENDIX-4 ........................................................................................................................................... 22

Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis

Dear Sir/Madam,
This is in reference to the Request for Qualification (RFQ) invitation for the
establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of Hydrant
Refueling System on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) basis at New
Benazir Bhutto International Airport, Islamabad.
Infrastructure Project Development Facility (IPDF) now issues in collaboration with
Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), this Request for Qualification (RFQ). In order to
shortlist the Applicant/Consortium for issuance of Request for Proposal (RFP), interested
firms are requested to provide pre-qualification documentation package and fill the
forms attached herein. This would enable IPDF to shortlist the Applicant/Consortium in
an efficient and transparent manner.
The pre-qualified Applicant/Consortium would be issued RFP document for submission
of the Technical and Financial Proposals for the project.
The Pre-qualification forms duly signed and sealed on each page should reach the office
of undersigned on or before May 31st, 2011.

Chief Executive Officer

Infrastructure Project Development Facility
House # 2, Street 59, F-7/4, Islamabad
Tele: + 92 51 265 6090, 265 6252, 265 6254 Fax: + 92 51 920 5926, 265 6251

Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis


Any individual entity or Consortium submitting a Qualification

Statement in accordance with this Pre-Qualification Document
with the intention of being pre-qualified

Annual Turnover

In relation to any entity, such entitys income received over a

certain period through selling goods and (or) providing services.


Any group of two or more companies that together submit a

Qualification Statement in accordance with this Pre-Qualification


Infrastructure Project Development Facility, Central Public Private

Partnership Unit of Government of Pakistan operating under the
aegis of Ministry of Finance

Lead Consortium

The member of such Consortium, vested with the prime

Member or (LCM)

responsibility of developing the Project. The Lead Consortium

Member shall make an equity contribution in the Project of not
less than 51%


Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority, Government of Pakistan

Net Worth

In relation to any entity, such entitys Total Assets minus its Total
Liabilities on a consolidated basis.

Operating Consortium The member of such Consortium, who fulfils the technical
Member or (OCM)

requirement of the Project, and must hold an equity interest in

the Consortium vehicle not less than 20%


New Benazir Bhutto International Airport


Pakistani Rupees, the basic monetary unit of the Central Bank of









Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis

maintenance of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of

Hydrant Refueling System at BBIA
Request for Proposal

The tender documents to be issued to the Pre-Qualified

or RFP


Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis



Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan and the tenth largest city in the country. The
population of the city has increased from 100,000 in 1951 to 1.21 million in 2009. The
Rawalpindi/Islamabad metropolitan area is the third largest in Pakistan with population
of over 4.5 million. The twin cities of Islamabad/Rawalpindi serve as commercial hub for
the northern belt of Pakistan.
Islamabad/ Rawalpindi region is currently being served by Benazir Bhutto International
Airport, which is the third largest airport in country in terms of passenger traffic. Due to
increase in number of passengers over the years, the existing Islamabad airport has not
able to cope with this growth. Therefore, Government of Pakistan decided to construct
a new airport outside Islamabad to address this issue. The New Benazir Bhutto
International Airport is being developed by Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (CAA. The
new airport is located near Fateh Jang some 25 kilometers from Islamabad and 30
kilometers from the existing airport. The airport will be connected through the network
of motorway and Kashmir highway (the main express way of the city) is being extended
to the airport. The airport is expected to handle 6.5 million passengers with
approximately 100,000 metric tons of cargo annually which will gradually grow to 25
million passengers and 300,000 metric ton cargo, respectively.
Around 2000 acres of the site are to be utilized for aviation related facilities and 1,200
acres shall be reserved for future commercial development. The new airport has been
planned to include all kind of facilities associated with an international airport such as
passenger and cargo terminal buildings, duty free shop, runway systems, taxiways,
aprons, Airfield Lighting System, Air Traffic Control tower, etc. The Terminal Building
shall have a modular design facilitating future expansions with ease.

1.1 Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority

Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority is a Public sector autonomous body working under the
Federal Government of Pakistan through the Ministry of Defence. It was established on
7th December, 1982 as an autonomous body. Prior to its creation, a Civil Aviation
Department in the Ministry of Defence used to manage the civil aviation related
activities. All kinds of Civil Aviation related activities are performed by CAA including the
regulatory, air traffic services, airport management, infrastructure and commercial
development at the airports, etc.

Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis

1.2 Salient Features of the Project

CAA through this project solicits interested private parties to establish fuel farms for
storage and dispensing of aviation fuel and petrochemical products at the new BBIA on
Design, Build, Finance Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) basis. These fuel farms shall have
an initial capacity of 10,000 MTU with the possibility of expansion up to 21,000 MTU.
Further, the party establishing Fuel Farms shall also operate and Maintain (O&M)
Hydrant Refueling System (HRS). The necessary infrastructure for the establishment of
HRS shall be provided by CAA, the work is expected to be completed by August, 2011.
HRS includes underground piping network initiating from connection pit located
adjacent to the Fuel Farms and shall supply aircraft fuel through hydrant valves.

1.3 Hydrant Refueling System

System Description
Hydrant Refueling System is an underground network of pipes which initiates from the
connection pit located near fuel farm and supply aircraft fuel (Jet A1) to aircraft through
hydrant valves (Hydrant Pits) located at aircraft parking positions at Passenger and
Cargo Terminal. The HRS shall consist of necessary Distribution Pits (DP), Connection Pits
(CP's), Valve Pits (VPs) and Hydrant Pits (HP's). All valves shall be full bore ball valves.
The system shall be fed from Fuel Farm Pumping System at 12 bar pressure and shall
operate automatically on drop of system pressure due to commencement of refueling
operation of any aircraft parked at Passenger or Cargo Terminal. The fuel farm
installation including Aviation Station shall be carried out by others (the "Aviation Fuel
Agency" for the Fuel Farm.
The new HRS shall eventually serve 77 aircraft (132 hydrants). The system shall be
capable of covering a maximum demand of 3800 usgpm at 2.75 m/s velocity. The HRS
shall consist of loop system with isolation valves to allow for maintenance without
affecting the entire system operation. The system shall be provided with blind flanges
and control valves in connection pits for future expansion.
Blind flanges shall be provided where necessary for future expansion and for connection
of HRS with fuel farm. The HRS shall be tied-in-with Fuel Farm at tie-in-point (i.e. with
removal of blind flange in CP-1) by the Aviation Fuel Agency.

Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis

The HRS shall operate on the following Design Parameters:1.

Type of fuel


Bulk Modulus

JetA-1 (Kerosene)
ASTMD 1655 (latest edition)
200,000 psi


Kinematics viscosity

2.5 cs @ 00C


Specific gravity



Vapour pressure

0.5 ft. of JetA-1


Temperature range

-50C to 500C


Flash point


Fuel System Description



Type of system valves to allow for Dual loop system with isolation
Fuel Farm Capacity
21,770MT (~27,910M3) (based on 10
days storage)
Avg. daily consumption
2,177 tonnes (2,791 M3) per day


Fuel facility coverage



To cover aircraft fuel demand upto

year 2030 (in phases)
Aircraft stands to be served (Including As per category C,D,E and F
future expansion)
C (26 nos.), D (24 nos.) E (23 nos)
and F (4 nos.) according to ICAO
Total aircraft to be served by HRS
33 nos. (in this Phase)
44 nos. (future)
77 nos. total
Peak flow
~3,460 USGPM (785 m3/hr) with
2.5 m/s velocity
~3,813 USGPM (866 m3 /hr) with
2.75 m/s velocity
Flow per hydrant pit
~600 USGPM (~2,250 litre/min)


Velocity in main pipe (for main line pipe)




2.5 to 2.75 m/s

10. Velocity in branch pipe

1.5 to 2 m/s

11. Simultaneous refueling

2 nos. Code D to F (i.e 4 no of

Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis

12. Total Aircraft movement per day

aircraft hydrants) to be refueled at a

velocity of 2.5 m/s at a time.
195 Aircraft movement

13. Maximum departures per day


14. System operating pressure

12 bar

15. Pressure range at hydrant outlet

6 to 8 bar

16. Head required at aircraft wing

~ 50 psi

17. Operational pumps & Characteristics To be designed & developed by

(not in contact)

19. Diameter of main pipe

Aviation Fuel Agency to provide

required simultaneous flow & head
at aircraft wing
To be designed & developed by the
Aviation Fuel Agency
~ 350mm

20. Diameter of branch & riser pipe

~ 150mm

21. Cathodic protection

To be provided by impressed
current system using cathodic
protection rectifiers

18. Fuel farm facility (Not in Contract)

Above quantity includes following aircraft:Aircraft Standard

Category Code

Aircraft Types

No.of Hydrant Pits per


B-777-300, A330

One (star board side)

B-747, A-340






All material and equipment supplied and installed shall be designed, manufactured and
tested to meet the following ambient conditions unless specially stated otherwise for
any material / equipment.

Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis

Maximum ambient temperature

Minimum ambient temperature
Maximum humidity
1. Velocity in branch pipe
2. Simultaneous refueling


Total Aircraft movement per day:

Maximum departures per day:
System operating pressure:
Pressure range at hydrant outlet:
Head required at aircraft wing
Operational pumps &
Characteristics (not in contact)

9. Fuel farm facility

(Not in Contract)
10. Dia of main pipe
11. Dia of branch & riser pipe
12. Cathodic protection

1.5 to 2 m/s
2 nos. Code D to F (i.e 4 no
of aircraft hydrants) to be
refueled at a velocity of 2.5 m/s
at a time.
3 nos. Code D to F (from 6
hydrants) @ velocity 2.75 m/s
195 Aircraft movement
12 bar
6 to 8 bar
~ 50 psi
To be designed & developed
by Aviation Fuel Agency to
provide required simultaneous
flow & head at aircraft wing
To be designed & developed
by the Aviation Fuel Agency
~ 350mm
~ 150mm
To be provided by impressed
current system using
cathodic protection rectifiers

All material and equipment supplied and installed shall be designed, manufactured and
tested to meet the following ambient conditions unless specially stated otherwise for
any material / equipment.
Maximum ambient temperature
Minimum ambient temperature
Maximum humidity



Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis

1.4 Fuel Farm

Most airports also have their own dedicated oil depots usually called "fuel farms" where
aviation fuel (Jet A or 100LL) is stored prior to being discharged into aircraft fuel tanks.
Fuel is transported from the depot to the aircraft either by road tanker or via a hydrant
The fuel farm to be established at the New BBIA is expected to complement and support
HRS. The daily intake is expected to be around 700 MT which will gradually increase.
Initial storage capacity is expected to be at 10,000MT comprising of 4 to 6 tanks for 10
days storage. The fuel farm is expected to supply fuel through the HRS at 12 Bar
Tank Packages must be designed to meet the needs of the majority of fueling facilities in
the shortest time possible. The following types of fuel tanks would be acceptable:

Horizontal tanks above ground;

Horizontal tanks partially buried;
Horizontal Tanks below ground;
Vertical tanks above ground;

The detail specifications will be provided at the time of RFP. However, the horizontal
tanks must have the following fittings:
Horizontal Tanks
Person access
Sampling hatch
Pressure/vacuum and emergency venting
Floating suction
Earth boss
Level control system
Pressure/vacuum breaker
Minimum two manholes

Vertical Tanks
Internal drainage
Self supporting roof
A staircase to provide access to the
Foam inlets
Pressure/vacuum and emergency
Tank drain pipe
Level control system
Two manholes
Fuel level control system
Concrete encasement allowance


Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis

To maintain supply capability, fuel quality and safety compliance, fuel farm facilities
shall conform to all applicable regulations and standards of the CAA. Furthermore, the
fuel farm is expected to comply with the international best practices and is expected to
include the following:

Automatic tank gauging performing inventory control (leak monitoring and

product reconciliation) must be installed. The tank gauging system should be
capable of measuring product level, density (desirable), temperature, etc.
Automatic shut down of pumping system at different tier including shut down
prior to the tank contents reaching the overfill level, shut down at the normal fill
level (design rated usable capacity); and at the low level when the floating offtake head contacts the low stop.
Multipurpose pumps capable of producing adequate flow rate, as well as for
controlling pressure, to control valves, etc.
Backup power generation facility
Cathodic protection system design shall protect tank portions and piping in
contact with soil, minimize stray current effects as well as effects on operations
and maintenance, etc;
Civil infrastructure to allow operations staff to be house at the fuel farm


Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis


RFQ Documentation Package

The following document and information shall be provided by each Applicant to be

considered for prequalification for the Project:

Name, contact details and profile of Applicant/Consortium (Appendix 2)


Legal status of the Applicant/ Consortium, organization structure and nature of

business operations (Appendix 2). The Applicant/ Consortium should attach the
certificate of incorporation. In addition, if the Applicant is a Consortium a Joint
Venture Agreement (JVA) or a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) should also
be included.


Financial standing of the Applicant/Consortium supported by last 3 years Audited

Annual Reports(Appendix 3)


Business plan of the Applicant/Consortium for undertaking the project along with
credentials of technical experts who will be a part of the core team (Appendix 4)


A certificate / affidavit that Consortium is not blacklisted under the law by any
Government or Autonomous Body


Any other information in support of capability and experience of the


IPDF reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the RFQs.


Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis


Evaluation Criteria

The applicant securing a minimum of 70 marks will qualify for issuance of RFP. The
evaluation factors and marks are given hereunder:

Points Allocated

Total Points

Relevant Experience and Past Performance


a) Applicant/Consortium experience in refueling system


b) Experience in all types of refueling systems inclusive

of Hydrant Refueling System in Aviation Industry
c) Specific Experience in Fuel Farm Development,
operations and maintenance
d) Experience in O&M of Hydrant Refueling Systems




Financial Standing


a) Net Worth


b) Annual Turnover



Approach towards the Project


a) Business plan


b) Details of technical abilities of consortium


Total Marks



Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis

3.1 Relevant Experience and Past Performance (55 points)


Applicant/Consortium experience in refueling system

10 points

This would assess the operational history of the Applicant or LCM in case the
Applicant is a Consortium. The points would be allocated as outlined in the table
Years of operation
Greater or equal to 10 years
Greater than or equal to 7 years but less than 10 years
Greater than or equal to 5 years but less than 7 years
Less than 5 years

Points Allocation

Experience in all types of refueling systems inclusive

of Hydrant Refueling System in Aviation Industry

20 points

This would assess the experience of LCM or OCM in Aviation Industry. The point
allocation would be as outlined in the table below:
Relevant Experience
Greater or equal to 5 years
Greater or equal to 4 years but less than 5 years
Greater or equal to 3 years but less than 4 years
Greater or equal to 2 years but less than 3 years
Less than 2 years

Specific Experience in Fuel Farm Development,

Operations and Maintenance

Points Allocation

10 points

This would assess the experience of LCM or OCM in establishment and operation
Fuel Farm. The point allocation would be as outlined in the table below:
Relevant Experience
Greater or equal to 5 years
Greater or equal to 4 years but less than 5 years
Greater or equal to 3 years but less than 4 years
Greater or equal to 2 years but less than 3 years
Less than 2 years

Points Allocation


Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis


Experience in O&M of Hydrant Refueling Systems

15 points

This would assess the experience of LCM or OCM in development, operation and
maintenance (O&M) of Hydrant Refueling System. The point allocation would be
as outlined in the table below:
Experience in Hydrant Refueling System
Greater or equal to 5 years
Greater or equal to 4 years but less than 5 years
Greater or equal to 3 years but less than 4 years
Less than 3 years

3.2 Financial Standing


Net worth

Points Allocation

(25 points)
15 points

This would assess the combined net worth of LCM and OCM. The point allocation
would be as outlined in the table below:
Net worth
Greater or equal to PKR 700 million
Greater or equal to 600 million but less than 700 million
Greater or equal to 500 million but less than 600 million
Greater or equal to 400 million but less than 500 million
Less than 400 million

Annual Turnover

Points Allocation
10 points

This would assess the combined annual turnover of LCM and OCM. The point
allocation would be as outlined in the table below:
Net worth
Greater or equal to PKR 500 million
Greater or equal to 400 million but less than 500 million
Greater or equal to 300 million but less than 400 million
Greater or equal to 200 million but less than 300 million
Less than 200 million

Points Allocation


Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis

3.3 Approach towards the project

a) Business Plan

(20 points)
10 points

Please refer to Appendix 4

b) Details of technical abilities of consortium

10 points

Please refer to Appendix 4


Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis



Date: -----------Chief Executive

Infrastructure Project Development Facility
House # 2, Street 59, F-7/4,
Dear Sir,
Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of _________________
(hereinafter referred to as "the Bidder"), and having reviewed and fully understood all
of the qualification requirements and information provided, the undersigned hereby
expresses its interest and apply for qualification for the [insert name of Project].
We are enclosing our Request for Qualification (RFQ), in one Original and three Copies,
with the details as per the requirements of the RFQ, for your evaluation.
The undersigned hereby also declares that the statements made and the information
provided in the RFQ is complete, true and correct in every detail.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of Authorized Signatory)

(Name, Title and Address of the Bidder)

Bidder seal & stamp


Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis


Name of organization


Operating name of the organization

Country of incorporation


Ownership of the Organization


Date of establishment/ incorporation


Brief description of the business


Details of main business lines/ services/

products offered


Communication address along with

telephone and fax numbers




Status in the Project


List of stakeholders / members who own

10% or more stocks & their interest in the


List of current directors


Key Contact Person


Other key management personnel


International affiliations, if any


Professional membership(s), if any

(indicate complete legal name of the
(if different from legal name)
Sole Proprietorship/
Private Limited Company/
Public Unlisted/
Public Listed Company/
Other (please specify)
(strike out whichever is not applicable)

Single Bidder/
Lead Consortium Member/
Operating Consortium Member/
Other Consortium Member
(strike out whichever is not applicable)

(indicate their name, designation/ title

and contact address along with
telephone, fax and email address)


Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis


Tax registration number

Individual firms/ consortia may, in addition to the above, attach their company
profiles as an annexure to this form
In case the consortium comprises of more than one firm, the above information
shall be provided in respect of each of the firm.


Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis



Paid up Capital
Net Worth
Balance Sheet Totals
Annual Turnover



Past three years


Based on latest audited financial statements, attach copies

Attach audited financial statements for the last three years
In case the Consortium comprises of more than one firm, the above information
shall be provided in respect of each of the firm.


Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis

Business Plan
Overview of layout and operation of Fuel Farm


Managerial capability to operate and maintain the

Hydrant Refueling System including the fuel farm

Strategy to operate and maintain the hydrant refueling


Proposed international affiliation, if any.


Request For Qualification - Establishment of Fuel Farms and Operation and Maintenance of Hydrant
Refueling System on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis

Details of technical abilities/associated consultant

The applicant shall provide Infrastructure details including available Tools and
Plants (T&P) and machinery for the said projec.
The Applicant must provide the details of professionals who will be a part of its
core team. Please include CVs /resume of the core team


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