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Final Year B.Tech.


Teaching Scheme
3 Hrs. /Week
Total Credits


Evaluation Scheme

Course Objectives
To explain method of process management to achieve the targets related to
quality, production and cost, consistently through maintenance of machines
and information technology.
To describe process parameters, work practices and the material handling
systems in weaving preparatory processes in order to manage the
To explain methods to calculate and reduce the hard waste and spare-part
consumption in weaving processes.
To explain application of machine parameters to the weaving machines and
explain machine construction, application of and MIS and IT in weaving
processes to achieve the best performance.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course students will be able to
Apply method of process management to achieve the targets related to
quality, production and cost, consistently through maintenance of machines
and information technology.
Classify and apply process parameters, work practices and the material
handling systems in weaving preparatory processes in order to manage the
Apply methods to calculation to reduce the hard waste and spare-part
consumption in weaving processes.
To apply knowledge of machine parameters to the weaving machines and
explain machine construction, application of and MIS and IT in weaving
processes to achieve the best performance.

Unit 1.



Course Contents
Introduction to Process Management:
6 Hrs
Object, scope and approach to achieve quality and productivity in
fabric production,
Methodology adopted for the same (SQC, Direct Approach, and
online monitoring)
Quality and Production Management in Winding:
Control of yarn joints quality on Automatic Winding machines for
various materials knots and splice (characteristics of good splice,
appearance and strength ratings, splice testing, and adjustment of
parameters), precautions in winding of Elastomeric, Dyed,
Monofilament yarn etc
Yarn clearing: Yarn defects, Classimat classification, imperfections,
condition of clearers and its maintenance, assessment of
performance of winding machine (knot factor, clearing efficiency).
Unwinding and winding tension, relation with type of material and
speed, use of (auto tense, auto speed)
Package quality: Causes and Remedies of package defects:
Method of assessing the productivity and adjustments in relation to
material and count of yarn,
Material handling and work practices for optimum production and
Management information system applicable to winding.

Unit 2

A) Process Management in Warping:

10 Hrs
Characteristics of perfect beam and monitoring the beam quality
(flange condition, yarn continuity, beam density, yarn content, yarn
tension, stop motion, drum, guides).
Machine parameters adjustment and machine condition maintenance
for minimizing end breaks for various materials and counts.
Method of assessing productivity of warping machine & measures to
improve the productivity.
Material handling and work practices to optimize production and
Management information system.
B) Process Management in Sizing:
Deciding the size recipe according to material and count of yarn,
Preparation of quality size pastes w.r.t. concentration, viscosity and
other properties.
Determination and achieving the correct size pick up by controlling
various sizing conditions, Modern pick up control equipment.
Stretch and moisture level control on multicylinder sizing machine.
Characteristics of perfect sized beam and its achievement (sticky,
cross, broken and missing ends, defective selvedge).
Method to increase weavability (wet splitting, after waxing, dry
steaming etc.)
Minimizing the size losses at every stage.
Control of productivity.
Material handling and work practices to get optimum production
and best-sized beams.
Management information system
C) Process Management in Pirn Winding:
Minimizing end break and stoppages due to mechanical failures.
Improvement of bobbin build.
Control of productivity.
D) Process Management in Drawing - in and warp tying.
Evaluation of quality in drawing - in and warp tying.
Selection, storage use and reuse of healds, reeds and drop pins of
Various types, (parameters of heald reed, drop-pins that affect
weaving performance)
Precautions during drawing - in and warp tying process.
Productivity, norms and control.

Unit 3

Unit 4

A) Process management in weaving (loom shed) for Fabric quality

7 Hrs
Causes & remedies for yarn related faults: Weft bars, black ends,
slub, and thick end, Double end.
Causes and remedies for following fabric defects on ordinary and
automatic looms & shuttle less looms. Warp streaks, Reedy, bad
selvedges (curly, broken, wavy, rough) missing ends, floats, cracks,
thick places and starting marks, Weft loops, snarls, stains, broken
and double picks, Lashing-in, Smash, Weft slough, temple roll mark,
Emery roll marks, box marks, gout, furrow appearance in terry pile,
uneven fabric
Causes and remedies for defects on shuttle less looms for projectile,
Rapier & Air jet weaving machines.
Fabric quality evaluation systems such as manual and automatic fabric
inspection methods, various point grading systems
B) Process management in weaving for productivity:
Maintaining of loom speed on various weaving machines, limitations
on maximum speed from textile point of view, mechanical condition
causing reduction in speed.
Factors affecting calculation of correct loom shed efficiency,
Control of Technical, Human and organizational factors affecting
loom shed efficiency.
Assessment of loom performance after corrective actions
Control of down time through SMED technique
Use of snap study in controlling efficiency losses
Management information system to control productivity
Maintenance of machines in weaving
4 Hrs
Equipment deterioration and need of maintenance,
Basic prerequisites and factors affecting maintenance activity
Importance of maintenance, types and objectives of maintenance
Concept of preventive maintenance (PM) comparison with
breakdown maintenance
Work activities in preventive maintenance: cleaning, lubrication,
inspection (in detail),
Steps in implementing preventive maintenance scheme.
Levels of preventive maintenance: distribution of short, medium and
long trem maintenance activities
Benefits of preventive maintenance and limitations
Cost of maintenance: elements of cost, direct & indirect costs.
Maintenance of shuttle less weaving machines

Unit 5


Hard waste Reduction in Weaving Department:

3 Hrs
Approach to the reduction of hard-waste
Setting the standards of hard-waste
Ways to reduce hard-waste of different types in winding, warping,
sizing, Pirn winding, drawing and loom shed.
Ways to reduce warp and weft related hard waste on shuttle less
looms generated due to false selvedges.
B) Reduction in Consumption of Accessories:
Selection of accessories (Tests, quality)
Care of accessories (storage, dispensing)
Ways to reduce wear and tear and breakdown of costly spare

Unit 6 A) Study of warp and cloth control

6 Hrs
Pick spacing, cloth fell position, Causes for pick space variation,
bumping condition-theory, causes and remedies, research by Dr.
Greenwood et al
B) Study of warp and weft tension during weaving
Tension variations on automatic and shuttle less looms
Acceleration and retardation behavior of weft for all shuttle less looms
C) Weaving of specialty yarns and fabric
Filament weaving, weaving with high twist and PC blend yarn, glass
tyre cord, parachute cloth, preparation of patterned warp
D) Computers and information technology in textiles
Reference Books
Process Control in Weaving by M.C. Paliwal & P.D. Kimothi
Weaving: Technology and Operations by Allan Ormerod.
Weaving Machine, Mechanisms, Management by Dr. Talukdar, Ajagaonkar,
ATIRA, BTRA Publications for Norms on Winding, Warping, Drawing in
Machine Manuals of Various Shuttle less Looms and Preparatory
Preventive Maintenance of Plain and Auto Loom By BTRA.
Manual of shuttle less Weaving: PSG College Publication.
Shuttle less Weaving: NCUTE Publication.

Final Year B.Tech.



Teaching Scheme
3 Hrs. /Week

Total Credits




Evaluation Scheme


List of Experiments

Optimization of clearer and splicer parameters for different yarn counts and
operate the winding machines to observe the results
To prepare beam on the sample warping and weaving on sample weaving
Preparation of the jacquard design and to weave fault free fabric on loom with
electronic jacquard
To adjust the rapier strokes on flexible and rigid rapier looms
To adjust the twisting angle on Sulzer picking and to optimize the air pressurs
on air jet machine.
To make jacquard design and weave on electronic jacquard loom.
To determine the effect of tension on stitch length on single and double jerky
knitting machines.
Fabric Analysis 2 samples and to determine the cost of woven fabric.
Fabric Analysis 2 samples and to determine the cost of knitted fabric.
To determine the % loss of efficiency for probable reasons through snap study
in the visiting weaving unit
Inspection of fabric defects and determination of the packing percent of the
given Fabric length in the visiting unit
To determine the end breakage rate of warping machine and calculate
warping efficiency with the sett details in the visiting unit.

1. Completed Journal

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