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Grammar Revision for Bachillerato 2


Choose the correct answer.

1. Peter now because its late.
a. leaves

b. is leaving

c. are leaving

2. understand the new maths material?

a. You are

b. Are you

c. Do you

3. They the sandwiches in the kitchen now.

a. are preparing

b. prepare

c. is preparing

4. The children because they ate before.

a. isnt eating

b. arent eating

c. dont

5. That shop never on Tuesday afternoons.

a. is opening

b. open

c. opens

6. At the moment, the girls MTV because they love pop music.
a. watch

b. are watching

c. is watching

7. Being rich people happy.

a. doesnt make

b. dont make

c. isnt making

8. The technician the air conditioner right now.

a. are fixing

b. is fixing

c. fixes

9. Is anyone the telephone at the moment?

a. use

b. uses

c. using

10. We the plastic bottles at the beginning of every month.

a. are collecting

b. collect

c. is collecting

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
Adults always (think) that they (know) everything.
It (rain) right now so we (wear) our new boots.
I (not want) to watch a film because I (write) a book report.
Mum (not usually allow) us to stay out late at night. Thats why we (go)
home now.
5. Mary, I (not understand) what you (say).

Complete the sentences with the time expressions below.

never seldom usually at the moment every year this evening
1. Steve walks to school but today his dad is driving him.
2. Their cousins come to stay with them for a week .
3. She goes swimming because shes afraid of the water.
4. The doctor is on the phone . Do you want to leave a message?
5. I cant come over now. Im babysitting for my sister .
6. Katie drives, but she drove here today.

IES LA RABIDA, 2009 (Antonia Domnguez)

1 Revision

Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
Pam: Hi, Peter. How are you?
Peter: Hi, Pam. Not so good. I (1) (hate) maths! I never (2) (understand) how
to solve the problems.
Pam: (3) you (want) me to help you?
Peter: I (4) (not think) anyone can help me. It (5) (be) so hard!
Pam: I (6) (help) Emily with her maths homework today. Why dont you come over and work with us?
Peter: That (7) (sound) great!
Pam: You (8) (not need) your book because Emily (9) (bring) her book.
Peter: OK, I (10) (come) over now. I (11) (leave), this minute.
Pam: Dont worry. We (12) (not / do) anything special right now. We (13) (make)
sandwiches. Are you hungry? (14) you (want) a sandwich?
Peter: Yes, thanks. Ill be there soon!


Choose the correct answer.

a. I (1) worked / was working / were working on a difficult maths problem while my brother (2) played / was playing /
didnt play a noisy computer game. I (3) was asking / didnt ask / asked him to turn it down but he (4) did / didnt /
wasnt. Finally, I (5) was asking / didnt ask / asked my parents to talk to him. He (6) was turning off / turned off /
were turning off the computer immediately!
b. Last week, the fire alarm suddenly (7) went off / were going off / was going off in the classroom while we
(8) was studying / studied / were studying English. While the teacher (9) was trying / tried / were trying to calm
everyone down, some students (10) started / were starting / was starting to run out of the room. The students
(11) werent hearing / didnt hear / werent heard the teacher because they (12) were making / werent making /
made so much noise.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.
1. My cousin (not swim) when we (arrive) at the lake.
She (read) a book.
2. As we (drive) to the new cinema, we (miss) the turn and
(get) lost.
3. Catherine (call) while she (shop)?
She (want) to ask you something.
4. Yesterday, Larry (break) his glasses while he (climb)
the ladder. They (fall) on the floor.
5. We (travel) in France during the summer when we (hear)
the bad news. We (come) home immediately.

Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning
of the sentences.
1. She worked at a restaurant and she met her boyfriend. (while)
2. We had lunch and got the good news at the same time. (while)
IES LA RABIDA, 2009 (Antonia Domnguez)

1 Revision

3. John drove home and on the way he had an accident. (as)

4. It was 3 oclock but the teacher didnt stop teaching. (at)

Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in brackets.
Last night I (1) (see) the popular BBC cooking programme Ready Steady Cook. While
I (2) (watch), I (3) (try) to understand why its so popular. This is what
(4) (happen) on the show:

First, two women (5) (bring) a bag of unprepared food into the studio for the celebrity chefs. They
(6) (start) to cook. While the chefs (7) (cook), the women (8)
(help) them. The chefs and their helpers (9) (not have) much time. While they (10)
(prepare) the food, the audience (11) (watch) the clock.
In the middle of the show, I (12) (realise) that I (13) (not enjoy) it, because nothing
very interesting (14) (happen).


Choose the correct answer.

1. Oh! I left the keys on the kitchen table. I them.
a. will get

b. am getting

c. am going to get

2. She probably to live with her parents for many years.

a. will be continuing

b. is continuing

c. will continue

b. is washing

c. will wash

3. Who the dishes tonight?

a. will be washing

4. Dont leave the door open. The dog away!

a. is running

b. will be running

c. will run

b. is going to meet

c. are going to meet

5. We for coffee later.

a. will meet

6. By this time tomorrow, she around Venice.

a. will walk

b. is walking

c. will be walking

7. What do you think at the party?

a. will happen

b. will be happening

c. is going to happen

8. I a pill because I dont feel well.

a. will take

b. am going to take

c. will be taking

Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of the future. There may be more than
one possible answer.
1. by this time next year, / we / work / in Australia / .
2. I / take / the dog / to the vet / in a few minutes / .
IES LA RABIDA, 2009 (Antonia Domnguez)

1 Revision

3. you / help / me / please / ?
4. who / win / the football championship / this year / ?
5. he / not understand / because / he / doesnt speak / French / .

IES LA RABIDA, 2009 (Antonia Domnguez)

1 Revision

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use a future tense. There may be more than
one correct answer.
1. Do you think Stephanie (agree) to babysit tomorrow night?
2. Can you believe that by this time tomorrow, we (sit) on a plane to New York?
3. Brad (cook) dinner next time because I cooked this time.
4. I (write) a letter to complain about your company.
5. Why you (not come) to the party tonight?
6. This time next year, we (not go) to school any more!
7. Hurry up or we (be) late for the film!
8. Robert (arrive) home in time for the party?

Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the future tense. There may be more than one correct answer.
Next week, we (1) (go) on a trip to a very special place called the Crater of Diamonds State Park in
Arkansas, USA. We (2) (take) buckets and spades so that we can look for gold there. I really hope
I find gold because then I (3) (keep) it! My little sister (4) (not go) on the trip
with us because shes a baby and she (5) (not have) fun. We (6) (not stay) at a
hotel. We (7) (sleep) in a tent in the park. Do you think it (8) (rain)? I hope not!
Our tent is waterproof so we (9) (not get) wet even if it rains. This time next week my family and
I (10) (look) for gold in Arkansas! I cant wait!


Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use a present, past or future tense.
1. When you get home from the shop, I (help) you carry in the bags.
2. By the end of the school year, I (speak) French very well.
3. you (pay) the water bill yesterday?
4. We (not usually eat) a big meal in the evening.
5. While he (reach) for his cup of coffee, he accidentally knocked it over.
6. Next week, Emma (visit) me.
7. Today, our teacher (take) us to the British Museum in London.

Write sentences or questions using the words below. Put the verbs in the correct form.
1. While / Mary / watch / a film / she / fall asleep / .
2. Lisa / rest / at the moment / because / she / be / tired / .
3. they / sell / their car / a month ago / ?
4. The telephone / always / ring / when / I / be / busy / .
5. By this time next week / we / lie / on a beach / in / Mexico / .
IES LA RABIDA, 2009 (Antonia Domnguez)

1 Revision

Complete the passage with the time expressions below. Pay attention to the tense in each sentence.
next year last night never every time often this morning
Brenda is (1) late for school because she frequently misses the bus. (2) shes
late, the teacher gets angry with her. (3) , Brenda is leaving home early because she doesnt want
to be late. She didnt sleep well (4) , because she thought she might not wake up on time. Brenda
and her family are moving to a new house (5) and then shell be close enough to walk to school.
After the move, she hopes shell (6) be late again!

Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use a present, past or future tense.
sleep write make pack fix work
1. This time tomorrow, they their suitcases for the trip.
2. the cat usually in the armchair?
3. The secretary a mistake in the letter yesterday.
4. I down the information in my diary when I find it.
5. While Joe on the computer, the power went off.
6. Dad the broken window now.

Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning
of the sentences.
1. Alan and Martha plan to open a business soon. (are)
2. Is it necessary for you to change the TV channels all the time? (have)
3. I went to sleep. Then the doorbell rang. (while)
4. Whats your opinion of the latest fashion? (think)
5. She was an English teacher. (teach)
6. Valerie is busy with her homework. (do)

IES LA RABIDA, 2009 (Antonia Domnguez)

1 Revision

IES LA RABIDA, 2009 (Antonia Domnguez)

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