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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. L-44778

November 9, 1938

THE PROVINCE OF TAYABAS, plaintiff-appellant,

SIMEON PEREZ, ET AL., defendants-appellees.
Marcelino Lontok for appellee Oppus.
No appearance for other appellees.

Among the various property owners against whom the plaintiff filed its complaint for
expropriation in the Court of First Instance of Tayabas, were Florentino Sa Gil, who
died in the course of the trial and was substituted by Josefa R. Oppus, Jose Cabrera,
Josefa Villareal de Meric, Hilario Castor, Rafaela Martinez, Enrica Malubag and
Bernardino Maano. After it had been proven that the plaintiff had a perfect right to the
expropriation sought by it, the lower court rendered judgment granting it said
expropriation and ordering it to pay to the above-named defendants, by way of
indemnity, the following sums:
(1) To Josefa R. Oppus, for her building known as "Esperanza Hotel", P1,500,
the value thereof, plus P700 for its removal and reconstruction in a different
(2) To Jose Cabrera, for his house, P800, the value thereof, plus P200 for
expenses of removing and reconstructing it in a different place;
(3) To Josefa Villareal de Meric, for her house, P400, the value thereof, plus
P150 for expenses of removing and reconstructing it in another place;
(4) To Hilarion Castor, P40, the value of his expropriated house, plus P25 for
expenses of removing and reconstructing it in another place;
(5) To Rafaela Martinez, P20, the value of her house, plus P10 for expenses of
removing and reconstructing it in another place;
(6) To Enrica Malubag, P100, the value of her house, plus P50, also for removing
and reconstructing it in another place;

(7) To Bernardino Maano, P25, the value of his house, plus P20 for its removal
and reconstruction in another place.
Not satisfied with the judgment rendered as above-stated, the plaintiff appealed
therefrom, raising, by means of its sole assignment of alleged error, the question
whether or not the above-named defendants, in addition to recovering the price of their
respective houses, are entitled to the additional compensation granted them in said
judgment, for the transfer and reconstruction of said houses in other places.
The fundamental rule in expropriation matters is that the owner of the property
expropriated is entitled to a just compensation, which should be neither more nor less,
whenever it is possible to make the assessment, than the money equivalent of said
property. Just compensation has always been understood to be the just and complete
equivalent of the loss which the owner of the thing expropriated has to suffer by reason
of the expropriation (Manila Railroad Co. vs. Velasquez, 32 Phil., 286).
Now then, it appears from reading the decision of the lower court that, to arrive at the
conclusion reached by it, said court has taken into consideration the recommendation
of the commissioners on assessment who, to arrive in turn at the conclusion reached
by them, not only relied upon the evidence presented to them but also inspected each
and every one of the houses expropriated in order to know in detail their respective
conditions and extent of conservation. It was by basing their opinion upon their
knowledge of the facts obtained as above-stated, that they decided that the
expropriated houses of the appellees had, at the time of the expropriation, such values
as those stated in their report, which are the same one fixed by the lower court in its
judgment, to wit:
The house "Esperanza Hotel" of Josefa R. Oppus, P1,500;
The house of Jose Cabrera,


The house of Josefa Villareal de Meric,


The house of Hilarion Castor,


The house of Enrica Malubag,


and The house of Bernardino Maano,


The foregoing sums were considered as the prices of the appellees' houses purchased
by the appellant, and like in any other case of purchase, the purchaser, that is, the
appellant, may well be said to have acquired the expropriated houses. The truth,
however, is that it was not the intention of the appellant to acquire them in order to
become the owner thereof, but in order to have them removed from the expropriated
place, because they did not and do not answer the purpose for which the expropriation
case was instituted. Instead of keeping the houses or all or part of the materials
employed in their construction, it waives that right and allows the owners thereof to

take them to another place. After considering the question from this angle, it appears
clearly unjust to compel the appellant to defray the expenses incurred in their transfer
and reconstruction in another place by the owners of said houses, who, strictly
speaking, already cease to be so from the time they are paid the price thereof. To do
so would mean double compensation, or in other words, it would be equivalent to
giving the appellees, for their expropriated houses, more than the money value thereof.
The appellees have no right to collect at the same time the just prices of their houses
and the cost of their transfer and reconstruction in another place. At most, they are
entitled to either one or the other, and nothing more.
For the foregoing consideration, the judgment appealed from is modified, by
eliminating therefrom that part granting the appellees the right to collect from the
appellant the expenses for the transfer and reconstruction of their respective houses,
and it is affirmed in all other respects, without special pronouncement as to costs. So
Avancea, C.J., Villa-Real, Imperial and Laurel, JJ., concur.

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