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La Barranca II Boards of Directors Meeting, September 14, 2007

HOAMCO Office, Sedona, AZ 2:00 p.m.

Call to Order and Roll Call: President, Neil Pope, called the meeting to order at
2:00 p.m. Board members present: Bill Bohan, Linda Cacho, Kathie Canning,
Ned Phillips and Neil Pope. Peggy Branch represented HOAMCO.

The minutes from the June 22, 2007 Board of Directors meeting were
unanimously approved.

Management Report: Peggy Branch read a report from Sandie Rock which
covered the following:
The mud and silt were cleared from the emergency access by Courtesy
A new keypad from Buffalo Fence has been ordered for the main gate on
the north side which is under warranty.
A bid from Common Ground for landscaping was received. Peggy Branch
to confirm if the $360 bid is the monthly or yearly charge.
Ekmark and Ekmark are working on the CC&Rs.
The 2008 budget has been requested from HOAMCO by October 1, 2007.
The HOAMCO management fee will increase from $675 to $750 per
Board members should call Sandie Rock with any complaints from

Reports and Discussions:

Treasurer/Financial: Bill Bohan reported the budget is currently on target. Neil
Pope motioned to accept the financial report for June, July, August 07. Kathie
Canning seconded. Vote was unanimous for approval.
Transition: Kathie Canning reported a letter was sent in August to Chris Cacheris
of Harvard Investments. The bridge inspection report was included. Kathie
spoke with Cacheris Thursday, August 13th by telephone. Harvard Investments is
reviewing their files in order to prepare a response.
Architectural Review Committee: Mary Pope passed out an Architectural Review
Committee Report covering applications reviewed and results.

Board of Directors Action Item List:

Kathie Canning reviewed the Action Item List. Kathie will contact Sandie Rock
about the status of the Neighborhood Watch signs.
New Business:
Big Park Regional Coordinating Council: Dorothy OBrien from Big Park
Regional Coordinating Council spoke about the activities of the council.
Meetings are held the second Thursday of every month. Cost to join is $120 a
year. Ned Phillips motioned that La Barranca II designate a representative to be a
member and an alternate. Linda Cacho seconded. Neil Pope, Gil Martin and
Ned Phillips were recommended as potential representatives of La Barranca II.

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La Barranca II Board of Directors Meeting, September 14, 2007

HOAMCO Office, Sedona, AZ 2:00 p.m.

Vote was unanimous for approval to participate in the Big Park Regional
Coordinating Council.
Renewal of La Barranca II Website Hosting: Bill Bohan is the Webmaster.
Kathie Canning motioned to renew the La Barranca II Website. Neil Pope
seconded. Vote was unanimous for approval.
Support for the Sedona Film Office: Bill Bohan made everyone aware that
members wanting to work with the Film Office, to use their home or property,
registration needs to be completed and approval from the Homeowners
Association is required. This is for information only. No action required.
Bulletin Boards North/South Gates: Neil Pope motioned to have bulletin boards
placed by both the North and South gates for posting of La Barranca II
information. Kathie Canning seconded. Peggy Branch to get a bid. Decision to
be made for either a metal post or treated wood. It was suggested a policy be
established for what is posted on the bulletin boards. Vote was unanimous for
Realtor Request: It was discussed that realtors should not have their own gate
HOAMCO Management Fee: Linda Cacho motioned to accept the management
services fee increase for 2008 of $75 per month. Kathie Canning seconded. Vote
was unanimous for approval.
Term Limits for Board of Directors: An amendment to the La Barranca II ByLaws term limits will be sent to the board by Sandie Rock for approval. This
amendment will cover the term limits for the Board of Directors. The text will be
edited based on discussion. Kathie Canning motioned to approve. Linda Cacho
seconded. The vote was unanimous for approval.

Open Forum:
Member asked about the status on the La Barranca fire. Neil Pope reported
currently in the final mediation stages. The lawyers are keeping Neil informed.
Meeting will be held October 8, 2007 for a second settlement offer.

Kathie Canning motioned to adjourn the meeting at 4:00 p.m. Linda Cacho

Next meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 12, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. at the HOAMCO
Respectfully submitted,

Kathie Canning
La Barranca II Board of Directors

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