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Normal Distribution Summary

If X is a random variable which is normally distributed with mean and variance 2 , then
we say that X ~ N ( , 2 ).
Note: Any well-formed probability distribution function will have a mean and a variance (eg
Binomial and Poisson distributions both have their own means and variances), so do not
assert that a distribution is normal in nature simply because the mean and variance values are
given, UNLESS things have been stated explicitly within the question or sensible
assumptions are required to be made.

Possible question types:

1. Mean and variances of the normal distribution are given, and a probability is to be
calculated for a specific scenario (by far the easiest):

Eg: The mass of sugar in a 1kg bag may be assumed to have a normal distribution
with mean 1005g and standard deviation 2g. Find the probability that
a 1kg bag will contain less than 1000g of sugar.
Let the random variables X denote the mass of sugar in 1kg labelled bags.
Then X ~ N (1005, 2 2 ) and P ( X < 1000 ) = 0.00621 (shown)

2. Addition/Subtraction of multiple independent normal variables, in which case the

following formulations are relevant:
Let X and Y be two independent normal distributions with mean/variance 1 / 1 2 and

2 / 2 2 respectively. Then X Y ~ N ( 1 2 , 1 2 + 2 2 ) . Understand that this can be

applied to three or more variables.

Eg: Weights of persons using a certain lift are normally distributed with mean 70kg and

standard deviation 10kg. The lift has a maximum permissible load of 300kg. If 4 persons
from this population are in the lift, determine the probability that the maximum load is
Let the random variable X denote the weight of a person.
Then X ~ N (70, 10 2 ), T = X 1 + X 2 + X 3 + X 4 ~ N (280, 400 )
P (T > 300) = 0.159 (shown)

3. Multiples of a single variable are considered within the context of the question.

Eg. Using parameters from the lift problem previously, if one person from this population is
in the lift and he has luggage weighing 3 times his own weight, determine the probability
that the maximum load is exceeded. (be extremely mindful of the above phrasing)
4 X ~ N ( 4 70 = 280, 4 2 100 = 1600)
P ( X + 3 X > 300) = P ( 4 X > 300) = 0.309 (shown)

*4. Pricing of items are brought in as separate attributes.

Eg. Melons are sold by weight at a price of $1.50 per kilogram. The masses of melons are
normally distributed with a mean of 0.8kg and a standard deviation of 0.1kg. Pumpkins
are sold by weight at a price of $0.50 per kilogram. The masses of pumpkins are
normally distributed with a mean of 1.2kg and a standard deviation of 0.2kg. Find the
probability that the total price of 5 randomly chosen melons and 3 randomly chosen
pumpkins exceeds $8.

Let X be the random variable denoting the price of a randomly chosen melon.
Then X ~ N (0.8 1.5 = 1.2, (0.1 1.5) 2 = 0.15 2 )
Let Y be the random variable denoting the price of a randomly chosen pumpkin.
Then Y ~ N (0.5 1.2 = 0.6, (0.5 0.2) 2 = 0.12 )
Let T = ( X 1 + X 2 + X 3 + X 4 + X 5 ) + (Y1 + Y2 + Y3 ) ,
Then T ~ N (78, 0.1425)

P (T > 8) = 0.298 (shown)

**5. Standardization of the normal variable(s) is required. Typically the inverse normal
function will have to be employed.

Eg. A jam manufacturer produces a pack consisting of 8 assorted pots of differing

flavours. The actual weight of each pot may be taken to have an independent
normal distribution with mean 52g and standard deviation g. Find the
value of such that 99% of packs weigh above 400g.

Let X be the random variable denoting the weight of a randomly chosen pot.
Then X ~ N (52, 2 )
Let T = X 1 + X 2 + X 3 + X 4 + X 5 + X 6 + X 7 + X 8
Then T ~ N ( 416, 8 2 )

P (T > 400) = 0.99 P (T < 400) = 0.01

400 416
= 0.01
P Z <

8 2

400 416
8 2

= invNorm(0.01) = 2.326 = 2.432 (shown)

Approximations to the normal distribution:

Binomial to Normal: np > 5, nq > 5, n > 30 X ~ N ( np , npq )

Poisson to Normal: > 10 X ~ N ( , )

Note that since both approximations involve discrete to continuous distributions, continuity
corrections must be included to maintain accuracy of answers. This works as follows:
(i) P ( X > a ) = P ( X > a + 0.5)
(ii) P ( X a ) = P ( X > a 0.5)
(iii) P ( X < a ) = P ( X < a 0.5)
(iv) P ( X a ) = P ( X > a + 0.5)

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