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Maricopa City Council Regular Meeting

Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 7:00 pm
Maricopa Unified School District Board Room
44150 W. Maricopa/Casa Grande Highway
Maricopa, AZ 85138

1.0 Call To Order

1.1 Invocation
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

2.0 Roll Call

3.0 Proclamations, Acknowledgements and Awards

3.1 Staff will present certificates to the graduates of the Maricopa Citizens’ Leadership Academy.
3.2 The Mayor and City Council shall recognize The Prudential Spirit of Community Award recipient Austen

4.0 Report from the Mayor

4.1 Report from the City Manager

5.0 Call to the Public

The procedures to follow if you address the Council are: Council requests that you express your ideas in five
minutes or less and refrain from any personal attacks or derogatory statements about any City employee, a fellow
citizen, or anyone else, whether in the audience or not. The Mayor will limit discussion whenever he deems such
an action appropriate to the proper conduct of the meeting. At the conclusion of an open call to the public,
individual members of the Council may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Council, may
ask Staff to review a matter, or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. However, members of the
Council shall not discuss or take legal action on any matters during an open call to the public unless the matters
are properly noticed for discussion and legal action.

6.0 Minutes

6.1 Approval of Minutes from the May 4, 2010 City of Maricopa City Council Work Session.
6.2 Approval of Minutes from the May 4, 2010 City of Maricopa City Council Regular Meeting.

7.0 Public Hearings

7.1 There are no public hearings scheduled.

8.0 Consent Agenda

All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine matters and will be enacted by
one motion of the Council. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a
Councilmember or member of the public so requests, in which event the item will be removed
from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda
8.1 Consent to Apply for Grant. The Mayor and City Council shall hear and possibly take action to pass
a resolution in support of a Grant Application in an amount not to exceed $30,000 to the Tohono
O’odham Nation to continue the State Shared Revenue Program to continue the Small Business
Entrepreneur Program. Consent to submit an application includes completion of necessary paperwork
for the application process and designates the City Manager to sign all documents. Discussion and

8.2 Resolution 10-20 A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Maricopa, Arizona
Authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Ak-Chin Indian Community in Support of
funding Translational Genomics Research Institute Foundation for diabetes research and act as the
designated fiscal agent. Discussion and Action.

8.3 Resolution 10-21. A Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Maricopa, Arizona authorizing
the submission of a grant application to the Ak-Chin Indian Community in support of funding Arizona
Foundation for Eye Health, For a Clinical Director for the Arizona Telemedicine Ophthalmic Program
and act as the designated fiscal agent. Discussion and Action.

8.4 Consent to Apply for Grant. The Mayor and City Council shall hear and possibly take action to
provide consent to submit a Grant Application in an amount not to exceed $2,500 to the Bulletproof
Vest Partnership Program through the U.S. Department of Justice for replacement vests. Consent to
submit an application includes completion of all necessary paperwork for the application process and
designates the City Manager to sign all documents. There is a 50% matching requirement of $2,500
which be funded from the General Fund, Police Uniformed Services, Uniforms (100-42123-650).
Discussion and Action.

8.5 Award of Contract. The Mayor and Council shall discuss and possibly take action to award a contract
to the Walters Group of Napoleon, Ohio in an amount not to exceed $135,303.77 for the purchase of a
command trailer to be funded from the Grants Fund, Police Administration, Vehicles (220-42100-742).
Discussion and Action.

8.6 Notice and Release of Development Fee Report. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and
possibly take action on providing public notice of the City’s intent to assess new or increased
development fees in accordance with ARS 9-463.05 (C) and ordering the release to the public copies of
the written report supporting the new or increased development fees. Discussion and Action.

8.7 Intergovernmental Agreement. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action
on entering into an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Maricopa and the Arizona Board
of Regents for and on behalf of Arizona State University Center for Violence Prevention and Community
Safety. The Center is proposing the establishment of the Arizona Violent Death Reporting System
(AVDRS) to the Centers for Disease Control. Discussion and Action.

8.8 Resolution 10-24. A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Maricopa, Arizona
authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Ak-Chin Indian Community in support of
funding Boys and Girls Clubs of the Casa Grande valley for after-school programs in Maricopa and act as
the designated fiscal agent. Discussion and Action.

8.9 Resolution 10-25. Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Maricopa, Arizona
supporting a grant application to the Ak-Chin Indian Community from the Cooking Academy to
purchase a mobile food service and training vehicle and act as the designated fiscal agent. Discussion
and Action.

9.0 Regular Agenda

Items on the agenda are open for citizen input. Please fill out a card and present it to the City
Clerk before the meeting begins. The mayor will call upon you for your comments.
9.1 Approval of Contract. The Mayor and City council shall discuss and possibly take action on a request
by Development Services Director Brent Billingsley to approve an Award of Contract with EPS Group for
the White and Parker grade separation Major Investment Study. This Award of Contract, in an amount
not to exceed $586,270 to be paid from Grants, Engineering, Professional Services (220-4310-0320) in
compliance with the City of Maricopa City Purchasing Code, Section 3-4-7, lowest responsive bidder.
Discussion and Action.

9.2 Public Service Award & Scope of Services. The Mayor and Council shall discuss and possibly take
action on approving a Public Service Award and Agreement and Scope of Services for a two year period
with the Maricopa Economic Development Alliance in the amount of $50,000 annually for a total of
$100,000 to be paid from General Fund, Economic Development, Membership and Dues budget line
item (100-46500-510) to fund the 2009/10 Fiscal Year portion of the agreement. Discussion and

9.3 Employee Benefits Package. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on a
request by Support Services Director Karen Shaffer to approve an employee benefits package funding
level in an amount not to exceed $2,350,000 for fiscal year 2010-2011 with Health Net, Ameritas Vision,
Ameritas Dental, Fort Dearborn Life and Lincoln Financial and to authorize the City Manager to execute
all applicable contracts once drawn. Funding will be appropriated within the Fiscal Year 2010-2011
budget. Discussion and Action.

9.4 Approval of Expenditures. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on a
request by Purchasing Manager Dennis Kirkland on the approval of expenditures exceeding $25,000.00
pursuant to the City of Maricopa Purchasing Code, Section 3-4-3 (D) and Section 3-4-4 (E) for the
purchase of various emergency vehicle light systems, light/bar components and accessories and
installation services from Arizona Emergency Products (AEP). Discussion and Action.

9.5 Approval of Agreement. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on a
request by Development Services Expeditor, Brad Hinton to enter into an agreement with Electrical
District #3 regarding the payment of electrical usage charges for thirteen (13) existing street lights along
the East side of State Route 347 and authorize the City Manager to execute all documents related
thereto. Discussion and Action.

9.6 Award of Contract. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on an Award of
Contract for the ongoing landscape maintenance within the right of way of Maricopa-Casa Grande
Highway at The Wells Shopping Center. This Award of Contract, in an amount not to exceed $14,400
per year, is recommended to be awarded to H&N Landscape Inc, The award will be funded from
Highway User Revenue Fund, Public Works, Repair and Maintenance budget line item (200-43120-
430), and is based on the lowest responsive bidder, pursuant to Maricopa City Code Section 3-4-7.
Discussion and Action.

9.7 Consent to Apply for Grant. The Mayor and City Council shall hear and possibly take action to
provide consent to submit a Grant Application in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 to the Ak-Chin
Indian Community State Shared Revenue Program for a site specific design, land acquisition and design
of phase I of construction for the Public Safety Training Facility. Consent to submit an application
includes completion of all necessary paperwork for the application process and designates the City
Manager to sign all documents. Discussion and Action.

9.8 Public Safety User Fee Task Force. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take
action on a request to establish the Public Safety User Fee Task Force, created in accordance with
Council Policies on City of Maricopa Boards, Committees and Commissions. Discussion and Action.

9.9 Resolution 10-23. A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Maricopa, Arizona,
declaring as a public record those certain documents filed with the city clerk and entitled Chapter 3
Administration, amending the City Code of the City of Maricopa. Discussion and Action.
9.10 Ordinance 10-06. An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Maricopa, Arizona,
adopting Chapter 3 Administration by reference as Chapter 3 of the City of Maricopa City Code and
providing for severability and the effective date there of. Discussion and Action.

9.11 August 24, 2010 Council Meeting. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take
action on rescheduling the August 24, 2010 Council Meeting. Discussion and Action.

9.12 Consent to Apply for Grant. The Mayor and City Council shall hear and possibly take action to
provide consent to submit a Grant Application in an amount not to exceed $300,000 to the Ak-Chin
Indian Community State Shared Revenue Program for cost of current Animal Control Services plus
additional funding to hire an additional officer and provide the necessary vehicles and equipment. There
is no match for this grant. This grant may incur additional ongoing costs for salary funding and repair
and maintenance of vehicles and equipment. Consent to submit grant application includes completion
of all necessary paperwork for the application process and designates the City Manager to sign all
documents. Discussion and Action.

10.0 Executive Session

10.1 The Maricopa City Council may go into executive session for purpose of obtaining legal advice from the
City’s Attorney on any of the above agenda items pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03 (A) (3).

10.2 The Maricopa City Council may go into executive session for purpose of obtaining legal advice from the
City’s attorney and to consider its position and instruct representatives regarding negotiations for the
purchase, sale or lease of real property pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03 (A)(3) and (A)(7).

11.0 Adjournment

Note: This meeting is open to the public. All interested persons are welcome to attend. Supporting documents
and staff reports, which were furnished to the Council with this Agenda, are available for review on our

This notice was posted at City Hall and the City of Maricopa Post Office by May 19, 2010 by 7:00 p.m.

LeeAnne Schirato, CMC

Deputy City Clerk

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