Labyrinth 2016

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34th Edition
Copenhagen International School
Journal of the Arts

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COPENHAGEN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Copenhagen, Denmark. This book may not be
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Dear Reader,
WELCOME TO THE thirty-fourth edition of
Labyrinth, the Arts Journal of Copenhagen
International School.
The wonderful, moving, beautiful, scary,
funny, smart, emotive and otherwise brilliant
works you are about to enjoy, here in the
Literary and Visual Arts print section and in the
Performing Arts section on the site, are testament
to the strong sense of creativity the students of
CIS possess.
Art, of course, can exist in any place and
at any time, from a hastily executed graffiti or an
impromptu street performance, to a carefully
sculptured marble statue and a performance that
comes after months of rehearsal. So, the
imagination alone sets the boundaries, but we
must confess to a degree of excitement that this is
the last Labyrinth to be published by a twocampus CIS. Labyrinth 35 will be published from
the new Nordhavn Campus, and the Arts are
eager to fill this new facility with performances,
exhibitions and readings. And Labyrinth will of
course remain as the natural collection of the
students work.
But for now, lean back and get stuck in to
these wildly varied pages, which are bigger this
year, to allow the work more space to breathe.
We would like to thank the PTA for their
generous support of the prizes, without your
continued support Labyrinth would not be the

Labyrinth Staff 2014-15:

Anastasiia Katona
Sophie Smedegaard
Lukas Rpke

The Bob Carignan Art
Purchace Award
2D Art
Digital Art
Colour Photography
3D Art
Graphic Art
Black &White Photography


Cover Art by Lara Gardiner

All the best,

On behalf of the Labyrinth Staff,
Rebecca Lindroos, Gora Lizaso & Daniel Sarstedt
Labyrinth Advisors


ON WWW.CIS.DK/Labyrinth

This year's fictional category, which is very real for that

matter, contains powerful micro nouvelles and other
short masterpieces written with zest and brilliance.
Though a small selection, the category brims with a
fiercely creative fire ranging from dark plane rides to
refreshingly new outlooks on humanity as a whole.
Fiction being the beautiful and unlimited category it is,

the works included reflect this beauty in a unique way.

The texts are conceived from the minds of the creative
magicians among us and welcome you into a world of
their own.
Lukas Roepke

Labyrinth 2016


First Prize
Isabelle Nelson

Second Prize
Clara Strmsted

An ever so carefully-written skeletal narrative, and a

perfect demonstration of what flash fiction can achieve.
Kudos to Isabelle!

A deeply disturbing tale is unfolding in this superblywritten meditation on a single image.


The Fridge
She opens the fridge and stares. Her body screams
for food, so much that the churning scares her. She
is blinded by the light, but she is fine with that
because it also blinds her mind, which turns bright
instead of black for a moment. Her eyes slowly
adjust to the light, and a variety of colours meets
her eyes. The shelves are packed with food.
However, emptiness is all she feels; both in her
stomach and in her mind. She grabs an orange and
studies it. The bright orange colour used to be her
favourite, and it reminds her of the beautiful
sunsets by her summerhouse. It is now a year ago
since she was there.

Red. They had always liked the color red. Red like
the roses that bloomed in the drive. Red like the
color of the creaky mailbox at Mums. Red like the
balloons they would buy at the carnival. They
liked red less when they left.
Red went from roses to fire, mailboxes to uniforms,
balloons to darkened dog tags. They slowed, their
chests stilling, their last image being the red
pooling along the ground. Maybe they didnt like
red that much anymore.
Isabelle Nelson

Inside, she feels as lifeless and frozen as the fridge,

and small goosebumps appear on her arms. She
begins to shiver, yet she does not move, because it
will not help her inner coldness. She is frozen, like
the beans in the fridge, and like those, she will not
thaw until somebody helps with her cold
emotions. Her nose catches the smell of something
rotten, but she cannot tell whether it is her hope of
ever being happy, or if it is something in the fridge.
Her heart pounds as if it was sprinting the last
metres of a marathon. Frightened, she throws
every single food item out of the fridge,
determined to find the rotten food, to prove that it
is not her hope that is completely rotten.
Finally, her sight meets the egg tray from which
the disgusting smell comes. She is relieved and
opens the tray to look at the eggs. She thinks of all
the life they represent, all the dead life. Her heart
falls to the ground as the picture of her sister
passes through her mind. Full of anxiety and grief
she throws the rotten eggs back into the fridge and
aggressively slams the door. With a shivering
voice, she swears to herself that she will never ever
open the fridge again.
Clara Strmsted


Third Prize
Demi Ogunremi

18:00 They start boarding for my flight. I start to

pray for my family and for me to go to a better
place. I just hope that they can forgive me.

This one sent a shiver down the spine of the judges.

Great handling of characters and mood as the story
draws inexorably towards the final outcome

19:00 The plane is big, many children on board. All

I can say is that Im sorry for what I am going to do
to them.

20:00 The plane is taxiing to the runway now. It is

pitch black outside. There is a woman sitting next
to me. She is pregnant and is wearing a beautiful
red cardigan. She tells me eight months. I smile but
inside is a face of sadness.

Twelve Hours
9:00 The sleep in the hotels lumpy bed was
uncomfortable, but I have to get on with my job.

21:00 The plane is rocketing down the bumpy

runway. The wind is pushing the plane side to side
of the runway. I can hear the package in the
overhead locker rocking about. Im sorry Dahma
for what I am about to do. Please take care of my
kids and tell them I did it so that they can have a
better future.

10:00 I just left my hotel room. I need to meet a

man at 11. They tell me he will give me the
11:00 The man is waiting in a fancy bar sitting in a
dark booth with a drink in his hand. I cannot tell
you what drink it was as I do not drink. I go to the
booth, I cannot see his face in dark. He hands me
the package.

Demi Ogunremi

Honourable Mention
Alix Reynolds

12:00 Today is a cold day. The sun is hidden by the

clouds and everyone is wearing warm clothing.
13:00 I call for a taxi. While Im sitting in the taxi I
see children and their parents in the playground. I
just hope that my wife and children can forgive me
for what I am going to do.

The Ticking Seconds

There are seconds left. Just a few more seconds left.
Everyone has gathered for that time of year again.
Repeatedly ruined by the missed opportunities
that only this annual night could offer. Being the
scrawny adolescent I am, I of course can fit
between the monstrous crowd, hungry as they all
call out the ticking seconds. Below me cries of
beaten and lost children are unheard by the
roaring screams competing above them. As every
second ticks away, the surrounding savages have
winded me. I am now gasping for what little
oxygen there is left in the air. I struggle to move
forward. Attempting to charge through the stone
like beasts, I hear the screams gradually getting

14:00 The traffic is getting worse and worse as we

drive along the narrow streets. It reminds me of
the line when boarding begins on a plane.
15:00 I have arrived at the huge airport. Many
children and adults are exiting and entering the
airport. Probably going on a warm holiday
somewhere else in the world. I dont blame them.
This place is very cold, not like back where my
family are.
16:00 I have got my boarding pass, I am waiting at
security. I just hope they do not question the

"5...4...3..." I hear. Feeling like I have crossed an

endless stampede of wild savages, I take a second
to try to find an empty area. Somewhere that I can
breathe and escape the madness surrounding me.
But everywhere I look is covered with ferocious
"2...1..." The crowd suddenly goes quiet. The
growling, blaring beastlike mammals once
hysterical and whacking all over the place just

17:00 The officer looked at the package, then

looked at me. My heart was pounding. He called
his supervisor over. He then also looked at me and
said, Interesting carry on. You can be on your
way now sir. I am sitting at the gate waiting for
the flight now with the package in my hands.

stand still, glaring at the bright light ahead of
them. I release a gasp that echoes through the

Ant Funeral
Why did it have to happen to him? Johnny
contemplated as a eulogy was read. Johnny had
always wondered why they loved the gods so
much when they could bring so much pain and
disaster. He had heard of multiple casualties the
other day as well, from another ant hole. The gods
used gas. Every single ant died. Every single one.
He heard rumors of them all the time. People said
they walked on two legs, had a white tone to their
skin. Some said it was dark. Some rumors were
used to terrify children if they had been bad. He
still didnt understand why they thought of them
as gods. He was not much of a believer himself,
but he thought the reason people put their faith
into them was the fact that they had power over
them. He wondered if the gods believed in bigger
beings than them themselves. Something that
controlled their lives.

"Now is my chance." I think to myself. As I take a

step forward, the sudden silence comes to an end
and the yells thunder through the New York city
streets once again. Without the slightest control
over where my body is to go, my face is suddenly
wrapped in a pair of soft, warm hands. I feel gentle
lips, lightly press against mine. Opening my eyes,
a woman stands in front of me. The thunderous
screams, once blaring into my ears have stopped.
The bitter coldness has become a warm and
cheerful ambiance. Instead of savage-looking
beasts, I can now see orderly, mannered people,
excited but civilized. The woman and I stare into
each others eyes in silence. Breaking the silence
she says softly, Happy new year and disappears
back into the clustered crowd.
Alix Reynolds

Dario Aguiriano

Honourable Mention
Lewis Foster

Doors, he was surrounded by doors. So many

choices, so many considerations. Which doors to
open and which to close. Which doors would make
him happy, which doors would make his father,
his mother or his friends happy. Choices. Doors.
Some doors were harder to open than others, some
were harder to close than others. He didn't know
what was waiting behind the doors, maybe light,
maybe darkness or something completely
different. All he knew was that if he closed all of
the doors, the room would be pitch dark. For years
he was experimenting, closing and opening the
doors carefully and making sure that he did not
close all of the doors so that nothing would happen
to him. Some doors were filled with light when he
first entered but later turned dark, so he quickly
ran back into the room full of doors.

Sorry, there is none left.
Lewis Foster

But one day he had enough. He decided to close all

of the doors. One by one he closed them, till there
was very little light left in the room and only one
door still open. He went to the last door and closed
it. There was complete darkness for a minute, but
then one of the other doors started to slowly open.
He then ran to this door and closed it, but this led
to another door opening. And this door opening
led to a second door opening, which then led to a
third door opening. He realized that it was
impossible for him to close all of the doors. One
door had opened another door, which had then

opened another door, which finally led him the
right way, till he was met by another room full of
doors. Doors he was surrounded by doors...

tree. I start walking fast then I got a message on my

Youve got seven days. Im watching
you. I turn around. No one behind me and I cant
see the shadow anymore. Ive got seven days to
what? to die? to move? I couldnt stop thinking
about that message and who could have possibly
sent it. I finally get home and decided to take a
long bath to help me clear my mind. Who could
possibly say that to me? Ive got to stop thinking
about it. I woke up the next morning and went to
school and I simply cannot stop thinking about the
text messages. Who could have possibly sent that
to me and why? I headed to my class which was
absolutely boring. I get another text and Im scared
to what it could be. Is it the same person who sent
that text or is it someone I know. I finally get the
courage to check my phone and see that its
coming from an anonymous number and that
could be nobody else but the person who sent me a
text before. The text says 6 days left more like 2
days left, do as I say or in 2 days you will be
paying a big consequence. What could this person
want from me? And what have I done to them that
would make them send me this disturbing text. I
decided that as soon as I get home I will show my
mum and she can inform the police. Later that day
when I got home I go tell my mum but before I can
say anything about the texts to my mum, i get
another text message. Like I said, Im watching
you. Say one word to anyone about this text and
youll have to pay a big price.

Gustav Korsholm
Gustavs comment on his micronouvelle: This short
story was inspired by an experience I had at home.
As I was going from the kitchen to the living room
and closed the kitchen door behind me, the
draught of air from closing the kitchen door made
the door to the living room open. This inspired me
to write this story which, I think, it reflects how
there are different paths we choose in life. When
growing up you experiment with different things,
different sports, different subjects to discover find
the things that suit you. In the short story each
door represents such a pathway. It is impossible
for the protagonist to close all of the doors, and I
believe this is true in life as well. You can't close all
of the doors because closing or opening one will
inevitably lead to another.

Today Is the Day

I woke up later than I had planned because I
missed my alarm clock. Today is the day. My
anxiety runs through me leaving me with shivers
when I realize it. For months now, my life has been
a ticking bomb, waiting for this day to explode. I
get dressed and grab some breakfast. Im not
hungry at all, but I desperately try to squeeze
something down. Running out the door, I almost
forget to lock my door. It all feels just like any
other day, but for some reason I cant think about
anything else. I can feel my body starting to feel
more and more nauseous. My mind is foggy and I
cant see clearly. I cross the road distractedly.

Abby Kiambi

Suddenly, my thoughts are overpowered by the

sight in front of me. Bright lights race towards me
and the ringing sound of a honk, gives me one last
moment to look around this beautiful world I am
about to leave.
And just like that, my life turns from present to
Amalie Smedegaard
Its 11 oclock at night and Im walking home.
Someone is following me. I stop and turn and can
see nothing but a shadow of someone behind a

The Painting on the Wall
The babysitter was rushing through the halls of the
old manor house, wondering why she had even
taken the job considering all of the stories she had
heard. In her haste to get the cries of the child in
the manor, she caught just a glimpse of the
painting on the wall, and the image of the looming
figure in the distance seemed to pull her towards
it. But she brushed past it, making a mental note to
investigate further when she had the time.
Finally, the kids were asleep and she had tidied up
the kitchen. She was alone. Suddenly the house felt
much larger and colder than she remembered. She
then remembered the painting from before.
Intrigued as to who the painting portrayed she
made her way the through the corridors to
investigate. Having made sure she had been
through the entire house more than once with no
sign of the painting she gave up the search and
was heading back to the kitchen when she heard
the child cry.
On her way there she realised this was the same
path as the one she had taken when hearing her
cry earlier and became excited at the prospect of
seeing the painting. However, upon rounding the
corner to where she expected the painting to be
hanging she found only a bare wall with a mirror
carrying a reflection of herself.
Aodhn Cunningham

Labyrinth 2016

The Bob Carignan Art

Purchase Awards


Sophie Achiam

Mixed media installation (Plaster, metal strips, wire, spotlights). 50x50x48 cm excl. lights
Inspired by Louise Bourgeois cells seen at Moderna Stockholm, this piece is a representation of the
juxtaposition between the softness and purity associated with the glorified female figure and the
rough reality of a modern, urban environment. The white breast is pierced and hung by metal wires,
pinned down by the cold embrace of the metal frame. The shadows looming overhead add eeriness
and tension.



Naomi Bekele
Ene 4

Coffee on paper, wax crayons on paper, 50cm x 70 cm

This piece is part of my self-portrait series, done with coffee, as coffee is symbolic to Ethiopia. It is
done with the lino block of another piece, with this one only including the face. I wanted to create an
illusion therefore I decided to trace the face multiple times and dispersed randomly.



Ihdaa Bugis
The Culture Within Me
Digital Art, 60x80 cm
A self-portrait that portrays my culture and my identity as a person and an artist, which was
influenced by Shirin Neshats Seeking Martyrdom #2 photo, 1995, B&W RC print & ink (photo
taken by Cynthia Preston), 27.9 x 35.6 cm.



Nicola Richards
The Other Side of Me
Digitally Manipulated Photograph, 29.7cm x 42cm
A digital photograph representing struggle and angst, layered with water marbling prints.


Labyrinth 2016
2D Art



1st Prize: Falling, Defne Sendil



2nd Prize: Emma Jepsen



3rd Prize: Caged, Pratya Arora

Honourable Mention: Miruna Lopata



Honourable Mention: Claudia Gesmar Larsen

Pratya Arora, Idhaa Bugis, Claudia Gesmar Larsen, Holm Lamp,
Defne Sendil, Brage Haavik, Mia Machholm, Sydney Evans, Naomi Bekele,
Thomas Reynolds, Sophie Achiam, Victoria Jaded












Labyrinth 2016
Digital Art



1st Prize: Alone, Karolina Zydelyte



2nd Prize: Urban Bliss, Nikola Trajkovski



3rd Prize: Brage Haavik

Honourable Mention: Flop, Karolina Zydelyte




Idhaa Bugis, Max Twining-Ward, Sophie Achiam, Addison Copas,
Brage Haavik, Naomi Bekele, Thomas Reynolds




Labyrinth 2016

Colour Photography


1st Prize: Teo Della Torre



2nd Prize: Paradise, Nikola Trajkovski



3rd Prize: Motherland, Sophie Achiam

Honourable Mention: Addison Copas



Honourable Mention: Plane, Alex Benes

Honourable Mention: Teo Della Torre




Nikola Trajkovoski, Defne Sendil, Alex Benes, Holm Lamp, May Gregory, Max Twining-Ward,
Sophie Achiam, Teo Della Torre, Addison Copas
















Labyrinth 2016
3D Art



1st Prize: Sophie Achiam



2nd Prize: Idhaa Bugis



3rd Prize: Thomas Reynolds



Honourable Mention: Naomi Bekele

Honourable Mention: Sophie Achiam



Defne Sendil, Brage Haavik, Sophie Achiam


Labyrinth 2016
Graphic Art



1st Prize: Naomi Bekele



2nd Prize: Defne Sendil



3rd Prize: Anastasiia Katona



Honourable Mention: Hannah Tomczyk

Honourable Mention:
Laura Blum

Honourable Mention:
Megan Duncanson




Anna Zaske, Gerda Kazakeviciute, Jasmine Bagherpur, Julie Jahant,
Mia Machholm, Brage Haavik, Noah de Rider, Sunaina Chander, Tess Kaufman




Labyrinth 2016



1st Prize: May Gregory

2nd Prize: Jadelynn Park

Jadelynn Park

When opening a dusty old dictionary to find the

definition of the fruitful thing that is poetry, one is
surprised by the coldness and critical language used to
describe it: Poetry is literature that uses aesthetic and
rhythmic qualities of language, such as phonaesthetics,
sound symbolism, and metre. Poetry is so much more
than random combinations of words, with meaningless
rhymes and meters, but a true form of art that
encompasses every human emotion. Each word is
carefully chosen to carry a certain meaning and
nothing is left to chance.
The creators of this year's Labyrinth poetry
submissions are fearless and brave because they have

explored the furthest corners of themselves and are

choosing to reveal their thoughts to the world.
Poetry can be delightful, strong, delicate,
painful and real, which is why it touches us in ways
that are meaningful to our lives. Each and every poet
ought to be congratulated for daring to reveal their
inner thoughts for the public to consume and may they
all continue to evoke emotions and thoughts that will
leave us wishing for more.

Sophie Smedegaard

Labyrinth 2016


1st Prize: Sydney Evans

A spectacular piece by our prolific in-house poet
Sydney. We loved it! Almost unanimously chosen as
the winning piece by the judges.

Oceans Stand Still for You

you're a vision
a siren of the sea, rising out to talk to me
clutching a surfboard to your ribcage
i'll never tell you how your current draws me in.
i'm a sailboat, navigating your white-capped waves.
you stand elegant against the tidal backdrop
sunburned lipsx$
cracked, but soft
flavored like salted caramel
you're the color of the sunset.
oozing with confidence
you trace patterns in the sand,
emerald eyes hiding beneath faded sunglasses.
your skin is made of summer sunshine
water catching in your hipbones,
smiling around a strawberry snowcone.
you're basking in light of molten gold,
eyelids like creamy seashells
grains of sand lining your jaw.
the sky is bleached blue above you
burning azure over the horizon
salt water dripping trails from your tousled hair.
a soft breeze, and your coconut scent wafts across the beach
you smile, and slice open the bitter pineapple that is my heart.
toasted sandwiches on the pier
scorched, sandy feet
the water splashing up to meet us
i'm still counting your freckles
would you consider counting mine?
Sydney Evans



2nd Prize: Holm Lamp

Enigmatic and wonderfully obscure, Holms dialogue
suits the nocturnal setting perfectly, and puts you
right there into that twilight zone between reason and
myth where we try to find answers to the big questions
in life. (This year, the 2nd Prize is shared.)

Late-night Wisdoms
What is the beginning?
time before ending, before sinning
What do you see when you fly?
hills, river, trees, a vast, hard, open sky
Where do butterflies go in the winter?
to soar in snows with wings white and tender.
How do you measure grief?
by pain caused, however brief
Why write?
for sake of flight, Son
Holm Lamp



2nd Prize: Sophie

A brilliant lyrical piece, light yet full of captivating
imagery. A triumph! (This year, the 2nd Prize is

So go on and love him.

Hes the whisper in the wind that calls you home,
the blanket around you shielding from harm
Hes captured your heart like no one else could
So go on and love him good.
Spend your weekends tangled in bed,
His tousled hair flutters your heart
Not even the blue in the skies,
Make you forget the ocean in his eyes.
You do not always agree on how to live life,
But hell bring you his scars and youll kiss them goodbye,
And hell never admit that youre just as strong,
Yet hes the one who strings your heart along.
Mountain tops, deserts and snow,
Places you dream of seeing with him by your side.
Hes the only man who made you take the leap,
So go on and love him deep.
Sophie Smedegaard



Honourable Mention: Sydney

you stand over me
and i realize how far down i am.
six feet of earth between us
your reflection in my headstone
tracing my name with bruised fingers,
etched in blood.
red cheeks
tears water my grave
my soul frail, my body skeletal
i wish to reach up and touch you
no matter the cold
but instead i float,
hand in yours.
if only you could see, feel.
your light finds me
through the cracks in my coffin
flesh, a beating heart
who says you need warmth to care?
the organ fades and i hear you laughing
slow, sweet melody
would you still dance with me, my friend
if i could rise?
as though it were a wedding
and not my funeral.
you rest the flowers above my head,
and i will watch them shrivel.
i'm only sleeping, darling.
you whisper that it's all gone grim
you chuckle with profound bitterness
you hurt.
even covered in gore, i'd hold you.
here, and now
in terminal silence
i bleed what i can no longer say.
fate is cruel,
we are all victims of time
and words mean so much more
when offered from blue lips.
you care eternally, don't you?
now that i've been ripped
from the surface of the world
and stuffed back into it.
we're only mortal, after all.
Sydney Evans



Honourable Mention: Laura


7,407,926,598th Place
We are all just a pack
and were
because this life is a marathon
and it doesnt stop for you.

Instead I trip over my own feet.

as I try to push out of this haze.
I scrape my knees
my elbows bruised
as I fall
again and again
and watch

It just keeps running on

leaving you behind.
Im falling behind in this race.
Im getting tired.
My legs are struggling to push.
Im slowing down.
I dont want to run anymore.

as the runners get smaller

and smaller
and smaller
as they run
further and
further away
and I wonder
if I will ever cross that finish line
or if I will quit before I even reach the halfway mark
because I realize this race isnt worth running at all.

But life is running on without me.

The other runners stride past me
smiles on their faces.
Their legs strong
propelling them

Laura Sundwall

Meanwhile my pace slows.

My heart rate decrescendos.
I open my mouth to speak.
Wait for me.
Dont leave me behind.
But no sound comes out.



Honourable Mention:
Paige Egelston
And The Stars Dance
Stars shimmer in the moonlight,
like an excited young child.
Dripping in sacred elegance,
they wait for the night.
Stars have dreams,
and they are dreaming of dancing.
We shine brightly on our planet,
never knowing how the stars watch us,
and protect us from the monsters in the night.
Dancing in a fiery impatient freedom,
they wait for the night.
Do not fear, the stars protect us,
while dancing in the shadow of the night.
Paige Egelston

Honourable Mention:
Sydney Evans
she's out of her time
an ashy white pillar in the ruins of an old city
singular, everstrong, carvings still fresh
her shoulder blades are slabs of marble,
encased in soft blue cloth
held together by destiny and dark red suspenders
her face is a piece of metal, torn from the ore
refined and dented just right, tilted in the sunlight
the sharp surface reflecting the worlds she's seen up close
her eyes are lenses to an archaic telescope, windows to the
she was forged in fire
but even steel has a melting point
a fossil, buried and earthbound
she's chiseled from ancient rock, and she knows it
lasting, but worn
immortal, but not omnipotent
questions asked, but never answered
memories she doesn't want to remember
she charms her way through the years
watching the universe grow old.
Sydney Evans



A girl wearing winters jacket

A girl wearing winters jacket
Staring out to a cool blue blanket sky
Though she hasnt seen a ripple or tear
She waits and waits,
Even in despair.
She shivers in the gust of secrets that whisper in her ear
And falls cold on the floor,
No battle, no fear.
Her history flashes by her eyes
With her heart leaping,
As she remembers him in demise.
She smiles towards her sky.
She can be in continuous harmony,
With him and her.
Julie Jahant

Schizophrenia are called strange.
They are different.
Sometimes they are happy.
Other times they are murderous.
They are constantly changing what they wear
depending on their mood.
Once they wore a bright green shirt
with grey trousers and red shoes.
They are constantly changing their mind.
They live inside their head talking amongst
each other.
All the things they say or do
get filtered through
but not reality.
The fact is,
they are multiple personalities.
I am schizophrenia.
I am me too.
Lewis Foster


For the Kiya Survivors, Peru
The smile on their faces gives me hope to move on.
The minimal amount of resources that these children have
makes me wonder about the superficial,
selfish community I live in.
A community where everybody has to have
the new 2k16 Balenciaga bag,
the Chanel shoes,
oh! And dont forget the Valentino perfume.
In the rich world,
where people only do good for themselves
and nobody else
take care of themselves,
and make their happiness
a priority.
And nobody elses,
the help that I provided
was like gold to them.
Taking two weeks of my life
was supporting them for two more years.
The world needs hope,
the world needs to build bridges,
and to accept.
People should provide,
for inspiration lies
in hope.
Tess Kauffmann

I am hungry.
Food can be as strong as coffee.
Or as sweet as candy.
Food can be as light as a feather.
Or as heavy as an elephant.
Food can be everything.
Or nothing.
Food is food.
And I am hungry.
Ian Mlller



Experience of a Lifetime
Everything is different, yet it is completely the same.
A tsunami of emotions hits me.
Anger, frustration, powerlessness
wash away
every single positive emotion inside me.
The step out of the airport may seem like the tiniest step,
but it is one of the greatest I have taken.
Replacing a completely different world behind,
with a disturbing one that no human should ever live in.
Orange reminds me of the beautiful sunsets,
the fence which secured the bubble
in the middle of the bomb of poverty and insecurity
recalls so many emotions it is hard handle.
It would be easier just to ignore this reality.
Thinking of the complete inhumane conditions,
that humans encounter every single day.
Thinking that there is a difference
between living and surviving.
Which one would you choose?
Many people do not have the privilege to choose.
It is so simple
for us is to turn on the tap
and fill our glass with clean water;
you are lucky even to survive.
Existing without existing.
Being a burden and being shame.
They want to forget you and ignore you forever,
and you cannot change it because you do not exist
on paper.
Looking into these childrens eyes,
not understanding any word coming out their mouths,
yet still entirely certain
that they will never get the same opportunities as me,
even though their mothers would give their eyes, teeth for them.
Whereas I do nothing.
To be given all that I have got,
these mothers compromise every single day,
trying to do the best they can for their children.
I will never have to think like that.
Is that fair?
Even though this experience
was harsh
it is the best I have had.


t taught me to think.
It taught me to prioritise.
It taught me to do what I love.
There is more to life than just
social media, appearance and grades.
A person is much more than that.
But most importantly
It made me feel happy
all the way to my bones.
Clara Strmsted
(participant on this years Team Peru trip)

The flickering flame

The flickering flame of our lives,
Consistent yet indefinite.
The only moment undeniable,
Our demise.
Uncertain is the day unknown,
As is the strength of warmth in the day
Yet, you loll about with much to do
You yowl, you beg, you long, you moan.
Some might call it normal,
That you yowl, you beg, you long, you moan.
But for it to be normal,
Should it not make sense?
Feel the fiery sunlight on your skin,
The sharp stones under the soles of your feet,
The eager wind whipping through your hair.
This wild beauty is redemption for your sin.
The weed on the cliff stands determined and tall,
Away from dainty flowers.
Her blades slash through the wind
Not waiting for someone to make her fall.
The precious moments of human life
Are rare as pearls in clams
With gentle blows from Him above,
Our flames can go out.
Sophie Smedegaard



Day After Day

Day after day
some are born
whilst others die.
With those who mourn
along comes cry,
day after day.
Day after day
plenty of love
but watch out for hate,
fly all above
but dont be the bait,
day after day.
Day after day
some will strain
to follow your heart
or choose with your brain.
No need to be smart
day after day.
Day after day
upon a shiver
men will wear ties
where one will deliver
someone's goodbye
Day after day
Alix Reynolds
Think of anything
Think of something.
Think of anything at all.
When you find it hard to focus
on the task at hand,
thinking of something insignificant
can help you understand.
Think of anything,
think of something,
think of anything at all.
Whether it is grand
or whether it is small,
it doesn't matter what it is
Just think of anything,
Anything at all
Lewis Foster



Nine things to do with a Laptop in Lessons (other than Facebook, YouTube, NooTube, Twitter;
Titter, Tumblr, Pinit, Pickit, Instagram, Reddit, Flickr, Flippr, Gooooogle... )
(An English Teachers Lament)
1. Plug in, warm up and then sit on it to keep bum warm.
2. Stand up, open window, throw computer out of window into street. Observe magnificent
parabola of Mac/PC and satisfying crunch of plastic, silicon circuits and transistors on
3. Place head between screen and keyboard. Slam keyboard shut. You can ask a partner to
help you with this. (Note - this can be a little tricky with the smaller Notebook style
machine, unless you have an exceptionally small head.)
4. Try the above manoeuvre with other parts of your body (fingers, toes and other parts of
you that stick out).
5. Open computer as if to log onto Facebook as usual. Place computer on floor. Jump up and
down on keyboard and screen repeatedly. You might work in groups on this. Try jumping
from a height - chairs, tables etc, but take care - the coolants and small components can be
6. Make the usual excuse about going to fill water bottle/go to toilet. Discreetly take your
computer with you (easier with MacBook Air or Ultrabook as you can stick up jumper).
Check coast is clear, then (quietly) use your laptop as a toboggan to slide down stairs.
7. Try the above with laptop as snowboard. You might try the banister as a rail. Take care
not to decapitate students/teachers using the staircase as stairs. These manoeuvres can be
more successfully using larger gaming PCs.
8. Make usual excuse as above. Go out to park. Float laptop on surface of lake. Fling self on
and paddle out surfboard-style.
9. If your computer should suffer damage in the attempt of any of the above, come back and
write a poem.
With a pencil.
Rebecca Prisk

Security Announcement
Attention to all students.
This is a security announcement.
For security reasons and due to the risk of theft,
students are requested not to leave their personal life
unattended at any time.
Unattended years, months, hours and minutes
will be removed by the authorities.
Failure to comply with these precautions may compromise
sanity on board of your mind.
Lorenz Hindrichsen




reflection, noun
1. the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or
sound without absorbing it.
2. serious thought or consideration. (
Being reflective is one attribute of the learner profile.
One attribute of the learner profile is being reflective.
The reflective profile is one attribute of the learner.
One attribute of the learner is the reflective profile.
Being the learner profile is one attribute of reflective.
One learner attribute is being the reflective profile.
One learner profile attribute is the reflective being.
Being one reflective attribute is the profile learner.
The learner profile is reflective: the attribute of being one.
One is being reflective: the attribute of the learner profile.
Lorenz Hindrichsen

Searching for the Right Word

I am forever seeking the perfect word.
Everyone has one.
It is his own.
It is private.
It is beautiful.
My infant daughter wordlessly rises each day to greet
her world.
She points. I name.
Crib. Doll. Door.
They form silent meanings in her head.
Fan. Picture. Closet.
I rattle them off mechanically.
Nose. Baby. Daddy.
She wants to own them all;
They have begun to sound common to me.
My word will definitely not be common.
A student in my class timidly puts up her hand during
an exam.
Whats that word? she whispers.
I correctly pronounce it,
Still a jumble of letters.
I offer a synonym,
Another quizzical look.
I finally reveal the full definition.
Thats all she really wanted;
The word just got in the way.


My word will conjure connections all over the place.
My wife snuggles next to me on the couch one lazy
Sunday afternoon.
What are you thinking? she asks softly.
Can I truly capture the feeling?
I close my eyes to hear the moment.
Contentment? More meaningful.
Peaceful? More personal.
Rightness? More tender.
I hold her tighter and say, I love you;
It feels so much deeper though.
My word will make me comfortable with the quiet.
My word keeps to the shadows deciding how best to
claim me.
I am unsure how to coax it out.
So I read what others have written,
Listen intently to conversations,
Mine the hidden places of my heart,
And await an utterance of pure joy to reveal it.
For now, my world defines me.
I am Father. Teacher. Husband. Writer.
But I need to express myself.
My word will give my soul a voice.
I am forever seeking the perfect word.
We all are.
We have so much to say,
And so little space.
Bryan Munson

love song with two sneakers

For Jesper Slvberg, who taught me all I know about sneakers (check out the speeches)
Freely adapted from Grace Chuas love song with two goldfish
come closer (step) (step) spikey (step)
come closer (step) give us a rub (stomp)
come closer (step) my nike (step)
dont push me (step) into the mud
oh oh oh
shoe stomp, wild romp, high jump, air pump
come on spikey give us some actioooon
kanye west, likes me best, louboutin ya like me, huh?
come on baby lets make it happeeeen
balenciaga (step) with her tiara (step)
golden goose (step) on the loose (stomp)
giovanni buttero? (step) uh not that nutter, no! (step)
or yeezy? easy-breezy youre so cheesy no
oh oh oh


shoe stomp, wild romp, high jump, air pump
come-on spikey give us some actioooon
kanye west, likes me best, louboutin, ya like me, huh?
come on baby lets make it happeeeen
nerdy spalwart (step) still smells like walmart (step)
and filling pieces (step) is a bore (stomp)
common projects whoa (step) your pun wont cut it, no, (step)
chanel my belle your factry smell is a hard sell
oh oh oh
shoe stomp, wild romp, high jump, fat lump
come-on spikey give us some actioooon
kanye west, likes me best, louboutin, like me, huh?
come on baby lets make it happeeeen
Lorenz Hindrichsen

Leavin City Campus Blues

I have de blues leavin City Campus,
Tears standin in my eyes.
I said I have the blues before leavin good ol City Campus
Tears a standing in ma eyes.
Gotta leave dem long ol spiral staircases
Cos baby we have to aggrandize.
Yeah I have to leave, leave you City,
N head on out to Nordhavn
I said I have to leave you City baby,
N head on out to Nordhavn
I'm gonna pack up and leave you darlin
N Lord in dem goddam bad docklands, I may likely drown
I have to leave your warm brown baked bricks baby
And go somewhere cold and new
I said I have to leave those sweet warm brown baked bricks City
And go somewhere cold and noo
I gotta pick up and leave you City
And it sure as hell is makin me feel blue.
Oh yeah.


Nothing scares us more than making a speech in front of

a crowd. Is the script right? Will the audience get my
jokes? What if the speech feels off as I am midway
through my speech - should I just lie down and die?

The scripts below capture a mere fraction of these

speakers brave performances, which consisted of so
much more than just the written word. Try to picture
their voices, gestures, presence as you read these lines.
Lorenz Hindrichsen

Labyrinth 2016




First Prize
Clara Strmsted







kindergarten while people are dying. If we stand

together and demand action, we can change the EU

A wonderfully spirited and eloquent defense of

fundamental human principles, and a deserving winner!

policy of immigration and then this would happen:

We would not prevent a person from getting a visa
and therefore they would be able to avoid the
deadly dangerous travel overseas, which has

Did our humanity drown with the refugees?

costed around 3000 human lives including threeyear old Aylan Kurdis.

MANY OF US have heard the story of Aylan

Kurdi. He is a three-year-old Syrian boy and he is

And no, a plane ticket doesnt cost more than what

having the time of his life going to school and

being smuggled under inhumane conditions costs,

playing with his friends. Or should I say he was?

because human smugglers are not idiots but

He drowned.

businessmen who exploit the vulnerable refugees,

because we do not act.

He drowned, on his escape with his family from a

childhood amongst bombs and missiles without

My heart aches every time I think of this, because it

school and friends because everything was in

is so unbelievably inhumane that it hurts.

ruins. And so was his and his familys life.

We are so selfish and so square-minded that we

Therefore they fled.

cannot see the consequences of our non-taken

actions. That humans like you and me and Aylan

And they took the deadly dangerous travel

will die.

overseas, but Aylans final destination did not turn

out to be what had been expected. Aylan washed

What is even more humiliating is that the EU is not

up, dead, on a beach of Turkey September 2nd, at

only politically paralysed. As a matter of fact the

the age of three.

EU claims that we are not able to take in that many

refugees or provide enough economic aid because

Of course we have all been moved by this terrible,

we dont have enough resources.

grievous story, because we are all humans.

Who wants to lose their son, their brother or any of

Okay we do not have enough, no country has

their beloved like this?

enough, but we definitely do have more than what

Turkey has, a country with 16% of its population

The worst part is that we, as citizens of the

living below the internaternational poverty line,

European Union, stand by the sideline with our

a number that is only expanding for Turkey. No

hands in our pockets, even though we could do

matter what Turkey has unconditionally welcomed


over 2 million Syrian refugees 400% more than

what the EU altogether has received.

This is ineffably embarrassing, not only for me and

for you but for us as a global community

Even though the EU does not take in that many

because we can change the current situation. We

refugees, we do not send enough economic

can raise awareness about the urgent need of a

support to countries such as Turkey. The 15th of

resolution to the politicians who seem like they





October the EU decided to send an economic aid


package with approximately 3.4 billion dollars to

negotiation and collaboration.

Turkey but Turkey has already spent around 4.5

billion dollars on taking care of the refugees. What


would you think about getting a bill of 1.1 billion

Joint First Prize

Gustav Korsholm

dollars, because you are acting like a responsible

human being?

Can a speech mean more than one thing? Take a look at

the following speech by Gustav, and find out yourself.
Sheer genius!

The Turkish economy is already on the edge of

what it can bear, and the influx of refugees does
not help; this might lead to even one more

Refugees should stay out of Denmark

revolution, which will put even more lives in


Refugees should stay out of Denmark.

as well as sending even more refugees and put

even more pressure onto the global economy.

I dont want to hear people saying

Do we really wish that?

that there is space for everyone.

We, not only the Turkish people, nor only the

I believe that

Europeans need to take responsibility and cope

money is the way forward,

with this difficult situation. Every country, state

and citizen with the capability needs to.

and Its not true that

Antagonism towards the political handling is

we will live as happily as we did before after

rising amongst us. And because of that, we are

taking in all the refugees.

realising what we needed to realise a long time

ago;we need to insist on the inevitable united

This might come as a bit of a surprise but

handling of this predicament.

happiness comes from within

is a lie.

The unfair distribution of the refugees amongst us

is unsustainable and it must be handled.

The truth is

And we have to stop being penny-pinching,

money will make you happy,

privileged people who are too arrogant to act.

It will cost so much more in the greater picture, if

and some people think that

we do not handle it now. I cannot make it more

we have the resources to care for these people,

crystal clear: we cannot postpone the united

but that is not the case.

collaboration, as it is the only way to save peoples

lives. And that is what we all want.

Resources are limited.

Clara Strmsted

The press pictures Europe as if

we are inhumane if we dont do anything about the
Someone needs to take action?
To be honest, I dont care about it.
My dads V12 Bentleys , which I will inherit one
day thats what matters the most.
Love towards foreign people
is a joke.


we will live as happily as we did before, after
taking in all the refugees.

I have realized that

refugees should be left handle their own problems,

And its not true that

money is the way forward.

and you are ridiculous if you believe that

these refugees have a future and are able to

I believe that

integrate in our countries.

There is space for everyone.

I dont want to hear people saying
Refugees should stay out of Denmark.

These refugees have a future and are able to

integrate into our countries.

Gustav Korsholm
And you are ridiculous if you believe that
refugees should be left to handle their own
I have realized that
that is a joke
Love towards foreign people thats what matters the most.
My dads V12 Bentleys , which I will inherit one
To be honest, I dont care about it.
Someone needs to take action.
We are inhumane if we dont do anything about
the crisis.
The press pictures Europe as if
resources are limited,
but that is not the case.
We have the resources to care for these people.
And some people think that
Money will make you happy.
The truth is thats a lie.
Happiness comes from within.
This might come as a bit of a surprise but


So let me make this crystal clear for everyone. The

Second Prize
Amalie Smedegaard

definition of feminism is: the theory of the

political, economic, and social equality of the
sexes. Now, to put it in other words, it means

Feminism? Whasdad all about? In case youre in doubt,

our spectacular runner-up will handle that one
brilliantly. Cogently argued and superbly delivered!

gender equality. If you are a feminist you believe in

gender equality.

Youre a Feminist

I read an article about what people think about the

word. It stated that 37 percent said they consider

GUESS WHAT, YOU'RE a feminist. If you believe

"feminist" to be a negative term, compared to only

that all genders should be equal, youre a feminist.

26 percent who consider it a positive term. But the

This is hard for people to understand. When

most interesting I found was the comments below

people hear the word feminism, they immediately

the article. They all said negative things about

think of a woman who hates men. Well, they're

feminism like Feminism has to die! and many


men find it attractive if a girl says she is an antifeminist. Why? I wonder.

To be a feminist is also to acknowledge that the

world is not, currently, a fair and safe place for

Recently many female celebrities have even started

women to exist. Because it is not.







feminism. The problem with this is, so many of

What are the worst things you can call a guy? Fag,

them don't know what it means.

girl, bitch. Notice anything? The worst thing you

can call a guy is a girl. Being a girl is the ultimate

Take Shailene Woodley, an actress from Divergent.

insult. Now there is something seriously wrong

She was recently asked Are you a feminist and

about this.

she said: No, because I love men, and I think the

idea raise women to power, take the men away

Thats why I decided to write a speech about

from the power is never going to work out

feminism because recently I was introduced to the

because you need balance.

topic and discovered there is way more behind it

than you think. In the beginning I did not really

This is funny because feminisms wants balance.

understand it, and when I did I did not really feel

That the whole point of feminism. That men and

like it affected me. I heard about women getting

women are EQUAL.

treated so badly I couldn't really wrap my head

around it. But I discovered that it does actually

Lets look at some facts:

affect me in many ways I didnt even realise.

-Women earn 77 cents for every dollar a man

earnsfor doing the same work.

When I was doing research for my speech there

Now this is of course in general, but still. Why does

was one thing that bothered me immensely. Many

the gender you have determine how much money

people seemed to be confused about the word. I

you earn.

thought, thinking logically,

-One in five women in college will be sexually

feminists were people who believed in women,


because when I hear the word feminine I think of

-Out of all the rape victims in America, 91% are

women. I believed it was a group of people who

females while 9% are males.

were very aggressive and hated men.

This shows how common it has become. And its

But its not.

absolutely horrible. We dont believe that men are


evil, its just the way theyve grown up. Our society

find it as a joke and all, and I am not telling you all

considers it normal to rape.

that if youre not a feminist, you are all horrible

-52 % of women in Denmark were said to have

people. Because I shouldnt force you to believe in

suffered physical and/or sexual abuse.

something you dont.

Think about this for a second. 52 percent. If you

But really this isn't just about you and me. Its

want this number to change Youre a feminist.

about all the women out there who dont have the

The thing with rape is that its become so

privileges we have. And if you still wanna joke

common. And that is the problem.

about it, fine. All Im asking is to think twice before

doing it and asking yourself if its really worth
joking about equality.

Another thing that was brought to my attention

was a new dress code policy that has been made in

Thank you.

middle school at CIS. Girls are not allowed to show

their bra strap. Many schools all over the world has

Amalie Smedegaard

this policy. A school in America sent two dozen

students home for breaking the strict dress code
rules. Most of the rule-breakers were girls who
were told that their visible bra straps or short
dresses may distract male students and teachers
from learning and teaching.
If boys and, especially, teachers are distracted by
the sight of bra straps, perhaps they need to deal
with their own issues instead of telling girls what
they cant wear. Shaming girls for wearing bras or
short skirts in hot weather plays very well into a
culture that humiliates girls for how they look, and
stereotypes boys as being unable to control their
What I am trying to say is that feminism is not only
about women. Its also about boys and men.
Our society has given gender roles to men and
From birth children are classified into a role. Colors
are one thing that represents a gender. Painting the
walls blue if its a boy and pink if its girl. Why?
Why do colors have to represent a gender.
Boys are taught to be tough, strong and loud. If
they act vulnerable, sensitive or weak our society
won't consider them real men. The phrase: Man
Up! is used to tell someone to be strong.
I hope by now that you all understand what
feminism is. And I know some of you still might


bling. Suppose the exact same shoes produced in

Third Prize
Jesper Slvberg

China, bought not by campers but people without

sneaker intelligence. The response to such a buy
would be: This kid is poor and doesnt have the

If youre looking for true novelty in a speech, this is the


money for the real stuff. The world of sneakers is

all about recognition; people want attention by
flashing these kind of shoes, but with these fake

The Significance of Sneakers

posts they get the opposite, the kind of recognition

you dont want: humiliation and hate.

DO SNEAKERS MATTER in our world, or are they


Now you probably think that I believe it is

ridiculous having an obsession with shoes, but I

Who would have thought that when sneakers were

actually believe that designers creative minds are

first worn for sports like running and basketball

giving society a way to flash their bling pieces.

that they would become status symbols and super

And that collecting sneakers is not just an

bling? The origins of sneakers as bling came from

obsession, but a hobby. And as I said before some

NBA superstars like Michael Jordan, who wore his

wear normal shoes, some wear sneakers and some

Nike Air Jordans with no laces and tongues out.

dont have any shoes at all. I believe these

This look by a superstar made the sneaker a cool

differences are what make us human beings

bling item and launched sneakers into one of the

different, and I myself like to buy sneakers and

most valuable parts of a guys bling outfit.

rock them wherever I go, and flash them in front of

people. Lets take the ones I am wearing right now,

Now, some people wear normal shoes, some

my Christian Louboutins: I do not only like the

people wear sneakers, some dont wear any shoes

spike feature on them, but should I ever get

at all. Some do it for the hype, some have the

attacked by some crazy people I can use the spikes,

experience and knowledge while some dont really

to easily kick them hard leaving them with some

give a damn about the shoes they wear. Over the

spike marks. One of the pros of having Loubs.

last three years, though, the sneaker hype has

definitely gotten real. Kids have started to camp in

So where does this strange obsession with sneakers

front of stores to get the significant shoes also

which I share, come from? I believe I inherited this

known as Yeezys that are Laut a kanj [made

from my brother. He started, then I started, but I

by Kanye] as one kid said on Danish television.

can never answer the question of why I buy these

Would you camp five days for a pair of shoes that

shoes. I believe its just simply an obsession, and

may only earn you a 3000 kroner profit? You might

obviously I would camp a few days for a pair of

as well get a 7-eleven job, spend the same amount

yeezys if my mom didnt tell me I should take care

of time and earn the double amount. The price of

of my school.

the Yeezys are different depending on which one

you cop, but as people say Dont hate the

Jesper Slvberg

player, hate the game.

This obsession with footwear often produces
strange or amusing results when people pose with
their shoes on social media, especially if the shoes
are fake. Figure this hightop Yeezy, a shoe with the
usual signature strap is produced in America,
bought by sneakerheads, and considered super


they are trying to demonstrate a true passion for


this issue?
THE WORLD OF 2016 is a world of no judgement,
and respect to all races and nations.

This isn't only a matter of freedom of speech but

Is this true?

also of freedom of being yourself outwards, of not

being judged by your colour, style, gender.

Most of you guys are probably thinking no, and

youre 100% correct. But has anyone really ever

When you look at a person how would you

taken a course of action against that and thereby

describe them? Let's say you are talking to a guy

successfully made a difference? No.

and he uses somewhat a large quantity of feminine

words, you would probably say to yourself Oh
hes gay.

Most of the time, people dont have the right to

express their own opinions without getting judged
or outdone by facts and other reasonings. No one

This is how every one of you thinks in daily life,

can ever give an explanation without causing

and I do, too.

disagreement somewhere in the world. This just

shows that out of the 7.125 billion people on this

But why does it have to be like this? Why do you

planet, there is not one that can look from all

have to label people as being

angles, and respect people for who they are.

gay, bisexual, transexual, transgender, straight,

polysexual, pansexual, asexual? Why can people
not look at you as a person.

People get disrespected no matter what statement

they make, and my question is: Why do some
people have more of a right to be heard than

People of this generation say that this is changing,

others? I mean its just like saying Which one is

but it really isnt. People still use these terms

better: Peanut butter or jelly? Peanut butter

without being aware of it. It shouldnt be a natural

because it is more salty, or jelly because it is more

instinct that you can judge people by their

sweet. This is exactly how peoples personalities


are judged, and how they are then compared to

But lets be honest, is this speech going to do shit?

peoples own likes and dislikes.

Probably not, but I say these things because it

When judging people you will never really know

means a lot to me to respect people for who they

what is wrong and what is right because people

are. And just think about it the next time you look

stand in different positions, situations, sharing

at a person and judge them by their race, style,

different opinions. People look from different

gender, or colour, just to take a second to think

perspectives, express views, in different ways.

about it, and just think again.

People do things in different ways.

Tess Kauffmann
It doesnt matter who you are, what you have
done, you still have the right to defend yourself in
a given situation. People risk their lives every day
just to prove one simple point. Just to make a
change. But why is it that the only way of making a
change is by starting a brutal revolution that kills
thousands of people. Why do people only pay
attention when a death occurs because of a cause?
Why cant people listen, understand people when


It has also been proven that there is a correlation

We Need More Gun Control

between stricter gun control laws and reduced

deaths from gun-related violence:

IT'S 9:35 AM on a crisp December morning. A

classroom full of children aged 6-7 is suddenly
interrupted when they hear sounds coming from

Firearm deaths are significantly lower in states

the hallway. Shortly after, the classroom door is

with stricter gun control legislation, meaning that

kicked open. A young man dressed all in black

there really is no excuse for not enforcing things

begins to shoot the children, one after the other;

like cooling periods, weapons' bans, trigger locks,

then the teachers, and lastly, he shoots himself.

or safe storage requirements.

Twenty-seven people were killed at Sandy Hook

Elementary on December 14 2012. Twenty of them

Among those opposing gun control, The National

were children. Now how could this have been

Rifle Association is the dominant player. They

prevented? Through more guns (as some might

have done a lot to stop gun control by lobbying

say)? Or perhaps, with the opposite?

and doing political advertising, on which they

actually spent 3 million USD last year.

Due to recent tragic events in the US, gun control

has again become a contentious topic in the media.

The NRA say that anyone should have the right to

In the United states, almost 90% of people own a

actively and determinately defend oneself, their


families, and property from anyone or anything

that imposes a will to take that away.

If you take Denmark, for example, their percentage

is as low as 12, where most of the firearms that

However, without gun control, we cannot control

there are, are only used for hunting. In the States,

in whose hands the weapons end. It is currently, in

many of them are kept in households for

some parts of the United States possible for


criminals and mentally disturbed people to obtain

firearms because they are not checked for this.

According to the same statistics, in fact, about a

third of all Americans with children at home have

The NRAs argument against gun control is that

a gun in their household. With these numbers, the

people should be able to defend themselves from

United States has managed to become the country

crime, but that just doesnt make sense, because the

with the most firearms per capita in the world.

crime level would definitely be increased, if all

current restrictions were to be lifted and just

Having very little to no gun control in America, it

anyone was allowed to buy whichever type of

has become possible for many school shootings to

weapon they fancied. Does the NRA really think

happen. According to a study, there were 78 public

that the US would be a safer place, if every home

mass shootings in the United States from 1983 to

had a machine gun under the bed?

early 2013.
If gun control were introduced in a way that the
After 2013, the shootings have still continued to

public could still be able to own weapons, it would

happen, but in the past years, they have actually

make both sides happy.

become more common. Half of the 12 deadliest

shootings ever in the United states also happened

The other argument, that the population should be

after 2007.

able to defend itself against oppressive regime,

could be accommodated, if the current US National
guard worked like for instance the Danish Home
guard used to until a few years ago, that is: to


allow members to keep an automatic rifle (one -


not 10!) and ammunition at home - not in a central


armoury as I understand it the practise in the US

National Guard. Of course, NRA members, who

The following two speeches were delivered at this years

fear governments will not be reassumed, if the

annual speaking contest organized by the English

weapons should be handed out by the same

Speaking Union (ESU), and addressed the prescribed

government in the case of a crisis. In the six


decades where the Danish home guard had tens of

Integrity has no need of rules, a quote by Albert

thousands of rifles and ammunition at home


approximately two dozens fatal crimes were

Delivered with conviction and zest, both Nicolai

committed with them and less than a handful of

and Zuzanna both made it into the final of the best 8

armed robberies.

Danish speakers, and, we felt, clearly outshined their

competitors, although the jury - for some reason -

Now if you look back at the US, there is clearly a

begged to differ and nominated another winner. Still,

very big difference.

they are to be commended for their brilliance and their

courage to get up there and sway the crowd . Way to go!

The relatively low amount of crime committed

Lorenz Hindrichsen and Bryan Munson

with the Danish automatic rifles can be ascribed to

the fact that you would have to be a member of the


Home guard, which means passing a screening, go

through a shooting training program and turn up

Breaking the Rules

for regular drills. This boring organisational







automatically weeds out all the hotheads who just










want to own a gun, and the fringe, political

discrimination based on our gender, ethnicity, and


sexual preference? How does society decide

whether youre normal or other? It seems that we

If enforced, gun control would only harm the gun

have created an equation of what a human being is,

business and the NRA, and therefore I believe that

with all the little Xs and Ys, the males and the

gun control could be helpful in the US and that it

females. Weve imposed rules and regulations

would reduce violence and murder.

designed to restrict our identity, individuality and

freedom of expression.

Hannah Tomczyk
And because, I dont want to live in a world where
all is black or white, that I proudly agree with the
resolution, stating that integrity has no need of
rules. But, I would even go one step further, I
would say, that rules make integrity much more
Indeed, I am the Danish girl. I have perhaps
broken one of the oldest and most sacred rules of
our society. The notion, that a human must be
either male or female and nothing in between. If
youd met me three months ago, I would have been
completely different. And I wonder, does this


changes the way you think of me, judge me?

teach us not to accept, not to understand but to

Would you have thought differently of Krystian

destroy and hate one another.

and his integrity?

Today, I am speaking for all of the worlds
Well, Its hard to say, because I live in one of the

minorities, all of the people who do not fall under

equal and tolerant societies in the world. But not

the umbrella of normality. We face aversion,

everyone has the same privileges as I do. Most

bullying and incomprehension every day, because

people do not understand, do not want to tolerate

of rules society follows, which destroy integrity

what breaks their rules. For example, in Egypt, and

rather than strengthen it.

Tunisia only below 10% of the population accepts,

not tolerates, or supports but merely accepts the

It is no art to integrate with those who are just like

fact that homosexuality exists. This situation is not

you, but to build a society full of individuals, to

much better in many of the More Economically

build a society where people can be themselves -

Developed Countries, such as Poland and South

that is a masterpiece.

Korea, where not even half of the population

Zuzanna Mroz

accepts homosexuality, according to Pew Global

Attitudes Project.
A human is not an innately evil creature, we are
Navigating the Stream

taught what to hate and destroy, and according to

anthropologist, Mary Douglas, we fear anything
that threatens our understanding of the world.

HAVE YOU EVER been late for a flight, because

Such as the notion that there only are two genders,

there was a huge delay and run down the long

determined at birth, a male, and a female. And

hallway only to realise there is yet another passport

when one breaks this social contract, one is

and security check? And then had to plead with



the security guards to let you through, while the

Transphobia and Biphobia, reported 1731 murders

people at the gate call your name for the third

of transsexual people, simply because they have






changed their gender Ladies and gentlemen,

Of course, the guards dont let you through.

would you call this integrity?

Security is security and the rules are the rules. So

Do you remember your attitudes or opinions of

you pass through the check the long way, and by

people when you were children before you were

the time you get out, the gates already closed.

taught all of the harmful and discriminating rules

of society? have you judged people so easily, have

You could be the most honest, most trustworthy

you looked at a clinically obese person and called

person with the most integrity in the whole world,

her a fat pig, or seen two men holding hands and

but there are rules that they must follow, and you

called them fags? Have looked a black person in

may not skip them. You may think that your

the eyes and called him a negro? Please forgive me

integrity has no need of rules, that you would be a

for my language, but how else do I express the

moral citizen even if the world enforced no

hatred thats out there, the hatred that we are being

regulation upon you whatsoever, which might

taught, by our culture.

even be true, but the security guards, they dont

know that. They might not just be following the

When is it time for equality? When will we live

rules, but perhaps also their own integrity, which

peacefully as the human race? Well, not as long as

tells them that all must be treated equally and

the rules of our society restrict our world view and

nobody should be allowed to skip the check!


The truth is, integrity and rules are not two

can Learn from the Code of the West. He says the

separate islands, with no knowledge of the others

people working at Wall Street have a serious lack

existence, rather two sides of a valley, with a small

of integrity, mentioning the multitude of scandals

stream flowing through the centre. We cannot

that were constantly happening at the time of

simply choose between rules and integrity, only a

writing. To solve this, he goes back to the

combination of the two works the best. We need to

Cowboys, who had a strong code of conduct. He

learn how to navigate the stream that flows

wants people working in finance and business to

between the two and get the best out of both.

adopt this way of integrity, for the good of society.

How, then, can we do this best?

As we can see with our earlier example, the rules

may be at fault sometimes, but the same can also

Owen believes that we need to use rules. We need

be said of integrity. In 2011, there was a great

to use rules to encourage integrity and to remove

political scandal in Germany when the defense

those people from the system who do not have

minister, Karl-Theodor von und zu Guttenberg,

any. There are many such rules that we can, and, in

resigned his post. He had been praised as one of

fact, already have, introduced. Take the OECD

the most talented and effective defense ministers in

anti-bribery convention as an example. This

German history, as well as being considered

convention strictly prohibits the bribery of foreign

Germanys most popular politician in 2009. What

officials and can prosecute companies that are

could make such a man resign his post? It had been

suspected of making this action. Here, the rules are

revealed that he had plagiarised part of his PhD. A

clearly working to encourage integrity and to

man of seemingly sturdy integrity brought down.

prosecute those who do not display it. Integrity

How could this have happened?

and rules are working hand-in-hand.

Herein lies the main problem with integrity; it can

We need to heed this advice whenever we are

be very difficult to spot and pin down within

dealing with integrity or rules. Is integrity being

people. This is a large problem, because if we do

stifled by the rules? Are the rules necessary in case

not know who has it, then how can we develop a

there is a lack of integrity? These are questions we

society that relies on it? And this is why we cannot

need to be asking whenever we deal with these

just choose between integrity and rules, because

two concepts. We cannot simply go to either of the

both of them have their own flaws. We need to

extremes and choose one over the other, many

navigate the stream that separates them to

negative consequences are the result. We need to

minimise these flaws and get the most out of both

navigate the stream and set foot on both shores -

of these ideas.

rules and integrity.

Nicolai Hkkerup

A good example of where rules are important is in

the world of business.. In 2005, James P. Owen
finished his book, Cowboy Ethics: What Wall Street


Labyrinth 2016

Black & White



1st Prize: Alex Benes



2nd Prize: Teo Della Torre



3rd Prize: May Gregory

Honourable Mention: Alex Benes



Honourable Mention: Nicola Richards


Addison Copas, Max Twining-Ward, May Gregory, Teo Della Torre, Alex Benes














Breathtakingly touching personal essays that sprinkle

goosebumps on the readers skin; heart-stirring profiles
that give their audience detailed insights into everyday
hardships and delights of human life; moving speeches
that promote individual rights; topics ranging from
conflicts that are currently buzzing across the globe to
struggles that have been in the headlines for generations,
all await new readers in this thrilling chapter full of
astonishing works of non-fiction written by talented

Dive into a captivating world of logic and reason,

inferences and straight facts, grief and heartache,
sympathy and compassion. Explore various depths of
writing as the current of imagination carries you further
and further into the upcoming pages.

Anastasiia Katona

Labyrinth 2016

We stepped off that ship when it took us

Joint First Prize:

Maria hrgaard

far enough, and it took us to my next home, a

yellow house in the suburbs of Brussels. Now
that we no longer live there, the house is painted
grey, but when we first moved in it was yellow,

Home is Being on the Move

and perhaps the same is true of me. Behind the

house was a narrow garden with a weeping

HOME TAKES ON many forms in my life. I

willow tree at the end of it, and another railroad

have been fortunate enough to have lived in

track running behind it, hidden by tall trees.

several different places; scattered across the





They may have obscured the tracks, but they


did not silence the trains running along them,

landing where they will, pinning me down

and I can think of many nights when the sound

along with them.

of heavy freight trains pounding the tracks

would carry me off with them, somewhere.
Now, yet again, I live elsewhere, this
time in a small apartment, with a birds nest
outside my window. While I do consider it my
home, as I do consider all of the previous places
I have mentioned my homes, the true meaning
of home has always run deeper for me. It can no
longer be contained by four walls and a roof; it
escapes, and it travels along with me. Home is
the train tracks, the snails, the trains, and even
the weeping willow, always yearning for
something. It is what all of those things share in
common with me theyre always on the move.

First it was London, of which I have few

memories, but I am told we lived along a
railroad track and for that I am glad, as I have







Luxembourg, of which my only distinct memory

is of the snails that would come out after the

Maria hrgaard

rain, all small and pink without their shells,

looking for their own homes, but never looking
lost. Afterwards we seemed to settle for a while,
in an apartment in Brussels, with a kitchen with
a round window that reminded me of being
onboard a ship.



Joint First Prize:

Atticus McWhorter




Yesterday I spend hours reflecting on my

decision to wear white socks to work. When I
arrived at the construction site late, I reflected
on my decision to reflect on my sock choice that

MYP Students Not Reflecting Enough, Study



However, The only way that Mr. Chen-Zion

adopted this mature cycle of reflection was
through his extra-curricular course at CCC,
said Higgins in an interview, The MYP
program doesnt provide students with enough
experience with reflection to make it in the real
world Higgins report shows that the miniscule
amount of reflection in the MYP program is the




reason for the lack of reflection in later life.


Students reflect on their diet choices and their

published on Friday by Baylor University, the

lifestyles in PHE class, then reflect on how their

average MYP student wastes approximately 56

reflections have helped them learn more. Says

years of their life not speculating on their

PHE teacher Mr. Nielsen, Most of our PHE

actions. Unfortunately, 7 in 13 MYP students

class times are spent reflecting on our diet and

will die having only spent a miniscule amount

exercise choices, which is much more beneficial

of their time on earth critically reflecting upon

than actually working out.

their own actions (Higgins, 2016).

According to Higgins, Mr. Nielsens case is one

The study also highlights the benefits that MYP

of many cases where the teacher thinks that 1+

students are missing out on. The art of

hours of reflection per class time is enough. The

reflection has many benefits, such as an extreme

same is found in classes such as Music, where

increase in boredom and repetitive writing

the reflection is based around reflecting on ones

says Josaline Higgins, lead author on the report

compositions for only 2/3 of the class period, or

which also found that most MYP students will

in Humanities, where projects are required to be

tragically spend vastly larger portions of their

turned in with only 3 pages of reflections on the

life working, eating, and most outrageously,

sources used.


Higgins calls for an increase in reflection during

Of course, as in every situation, there are

class time, and even homework assignments

extremes. We spoke to several MYP alumni who

regarding reflection on choices. Higgins justifies

maximize their usage of the heart-stopping tool,


reflection. Gilad Chen-Zion, an example to us


life around, with her reflective course on

year old construction worker, Its just sad, I

reflection you too can become as reflective as a

mean, you just cant get hours or days back.


(Chen-Zion, 2016)

Atticus McWhorter

Mr. Chen-Zion has reflected on every decision

he has made, he even reflects on the decision of
constant reflection that he made when he started


reminds you that its never too late to turn your

pondering ones previous decisions, says the 34



graduated MYP students worldwide, Higgins

of an individuals life is squandered not



Shakespeare, Practice maketh perfect. And to

all, spends 19 hours a day reflecting. So much





past has taught me, was that Ill never treat my

Second Prize:
Julie Jahant

children the same way ever.

Like a ticking bomb, she will explode at
any given moment, for any given reason, so one
must be careful on how to snap back. Say

Claire Jahant

someone has accidently (or purposely) tipped a

coffee mug over the sofa she had just cleaned

CLAIRE JAHANT, MOTHER of two, superhero

earlier that day, she might make them cry a

of a family with a ticking time bomb on her

river. Must they be a short tempered fuse, they

chest. She bares the toughest armor of titanium

will need to prepare for the worst battle they

and the soul of a lion. Her close friends often say

have ever faced.

that they are able to write a book of 300 pages

I dont believe in bragging; it is for the

on how crazy and confident she is.

desperate and the weak. If she had to describe

She supposedly has two daughters, but

herself she will speak of her skills at languages,

at times it seems she takes care of three, with the

the many places she has lived in and her

third being the money maker with a childlike

sociability. Because of her many different

personality. Her task is none other than to keep


them all on their feet with her strength, and do

answer back the same way.

plays with her or watches movies with her.

Her early adult life was a work mania.

Working as a store manager, her days were

stubborn child. She will be relentless in her

filled with opening and closing the store in the

work to finish her daily tasks and chores, only

most popular street in Paris; Champs Elysees. It

relaxing once she has done enough. She will

was a glamorous life, talking to customers,

hold up a fight or an argument until she wins,

training employees and selling clothes daily. No

and gets the last word. When the older daughter

one and nothing could bring her down... unless

gets in trouble, their arguments will go back and

it was to find out that her employees were

forth like a tennis game until Claire does her

famous shot and

knocks down


Latinos, though it would be harder for her to

When the youngest daughter is at home, she



Deutsche. She can even understand the

and iron clothes like the crazy multitasker she is.



with portugus, English, mit a mix of

fight a dragon with six heads. She will vacuum



speaking avec un word en french, a outra

cleaning the house like it was her destiny to


international conversation you have ever had;

everything else too. She is like a warrior at war,



secretly selling drugs (which really happened).


Being the manager, this took a big hit on young

comeback the girl had in line for her. She does

and hungry Claire, and thus around 20 of her

not stop when it comes to something about her

minions were fired. This was a lesson she never

family. She will make sure she gets what she

forgot; dont trust people, everybody has their

wants no matter what it takes, even if its to get

own agendas.

that damn passport and visa.

If it werent for pregnancy and a

Though tough, her image is but a mirage

husband wanting to work abroad, she might

she has created to block out the ones set out to

have been swallowed whole by her store.

hurt her, and to escape from her past. She closed

Germany was her life-saver, cutting off her

all doors to that time and makes sure no one can

panic attacks and migraines. Her first child

unlock that key to that hell of a place. It is my

made her stop working, and start becoming a

duty to make sure my kids arent ever close to

mother that sooner or later did the work of

that environment, and the one thing that my

keeping an expat's family afloat.


Wearing sweatpants and comfy cotton

says that shes never liked them. If she could,

shirts at home, and jogging equipment when

she would be buying three whole boxes filled

going outside, her daily routine is to wake up at

with Orangina, and add in her Pritz crackers to

6:40, make breakfast for the hungry 5 year old,

have with her gin and tonic. She would drive

and put her running clothes on. Then at 7:30 she

1000 km to Paris just to get her favourite

will drive to the middle school campus to leave

desserts; like eclair au chocolat de Fauchon

her younger daughter, and then go to a park to

and end up buying red wine to go with it.

run for 10 km. She will never have her hair

Julie Jahant

down, it is always tied up in a ponytail to hide

her white strands.
Mornings, normally a peaceful start of a
day where one has breakfast with their family,
giving them the details of the day ahead. For
Claire, it is the worst moment of any day. It is
risky to even ask her if she has a good night's
sleep, for she will glare at you with I will kill







expression, the look of a dead zombie having

her cereal to start up her day. Since her
marriage, her mornings have gotten safer
around everyone else, now she is willing to sit
next to her oldest daughter, and have a light
conversation that consists of Good morning,
did you sleep well? We are leaving in ten
minutes please get ready in time. She is now
able to get back to her normal human self in less
than two hours, which is an impressive
progress. And thats it. Number one rule when it
comes to Claire; DO NOT INTERACT WITH
Her conversations consists of many
swear words, most of them being in French or
Portuguese. She will also amaze other mothers
when she reminds herself of the plans she made
for herself for the day, since it seems like she
never gets a break. Her voice will vary if she is
stressed or not. During calm days she will
sound higher pitched and serene, with barely
any cussing involved. But during days when she
is frustrated and panicked, her voice sounds
hoarse and cracked, and lowered down to a





mispronouncing of English words.

It is almost certain that she will have a
cup of coffee as soon as she gets home. She
weirdly dislikes donuts and hotdogs, she always



Third Prize
Sophia Greenblatt

and teachers. They should

consider their

A Letter to Students and Parents on the Subject

(Think of the children in the Middle East!!!!)

presence in this school as a gift, and one that,

had the government not made it compulsory for
them to have, could be easily taken away.
Therefore, due to this alarming pattern*,

of Dress-Code Violations

I have decided to no longer allow free dress.

To: Students and Parents of Blooming Dales

From now on, there will be an enforced uniform.

Public School

The uniform/ new dress-code for girls is:

From: Principle Highster-Ung

Clothing: A long, loose, and shapeless black

tunic. The shoulders, the full torso, and the arms

Dear Students and Parents

must be loosely draped with the thick, black

It has recently come to my attention that





wool material, and the skirt must be long


enough to hit to floor. This is to ensure that no

drastically increased in the last few months.

parts of their feminine body structure is

Every day, new detention notices about students

showing and distracting any of their fellow

with obscenely short skirts and extremely

students. Black gloves will also be required to

revealing garments, pile into my mailbox like

conceal their hands at all times.

students into the cafeteria on pizza day. Due to

Shoes: Ski boots on top of warm socks

this emerging pattern, the school board and I,

Hair: Hair must be pulled put into a bald cap so

would kindly like to remind our students that

as not to distract their classmates with intricate

the following items are strictly forbidden to be

hairstyles such as braids, or ponytails.

worn at school:

Please remember that with the warm,

Male Students (not enforced)

summer months quickly approaching, it is more


Shirts with inappropriate language





important than ever that the uniform is strictly



Girls, remember, your bodies, no matter


Shirts that do not cover the shoulders

Visible undergarments

Backless tops

Mini-skirts shorter than mid knee

Booty shorts of any-kind

Cleavage revealing shirts

Crop tops

Jeggings or leggings

Yoga pants

In addition there will be no: colored eye

how disguised, are sexual objects, and a male

students or teachers inability to control their






However, to be even surer that there will be no

chance of your presence of being a distraction, I
would also outline that no female student is to
speak, be it in form of body language, or spoken
word, as their voice can be compared to the
voices sirens, luring poor, unsuspecting boys
into their lair of selfie-taking, and sex.
I hope that you will understand the

shadow, colored lipstick, unnatural hair

reasoning behind this decision, and will follow

colors, and nail polish.

the rules I have outlined.

I would also like to remind the female students


that our school is an educational facility, and not

Principle Highster-Ung

the place for showing of your significant assets,

*And the harassment of female students by male

attracting a mate, or hoe-ing around. Female


students are reminded that their bare shoulders

Sophia Greenblatt

and legs can be a distraction to male students


town she lives in. Often she and her friends will

Honourable Mention
Anna Zaske

engage in rosy, upbeat conversations about their

newest discoveries from the baking world or the
latest small town gossip. At this point, when

Hilde Raab

excited, she will begin to speak in half sentences,

starting the next sentence before even finishing

HILDE RARELY SITS down. She is constantly

the first. These half sentences can frequently be

running errands. One minute its grocery

heard before a big festive dinner or lunch she is

shopping, the next its doing the washing and so

hosting, usually her stressing about the cooking.

the list goes on. She consistently has something

Hilde is a big cook. Anytime, anyplace,

on her plate. Whether at home or travelling, she

she can always scramble together a delicious

is always buzzing. Even at her grandchildrens,

meal. The delirious smell of her mashed

Hilde will likely be found planting or doing

potatoes and red cabbage lets her grandchildren

weeding in the garden. Some say she has green

anxiously waiting for lunch with an expression

fingers. When Hilde does have a minute or two,

of excitement on their small innocent faces.

she likes to sit down in her white cushioned

When younger, to be precise, at the age of four,

armchair whilst enjoying Sudoku. To say Hilde

she was watching her family's little yellow

enjoys Sudoku is almost an understatement. If

chickens which were bathing in the water,

you go to her bathroom you might even find her

amused. Every time one popped out of the

Sudoku toilet paper, last years Christmas gift

water, she gently pushed it back down whilst

from her husband.

calling out, Bop, bop. By the end of this, the

Other than her love for Sudoku, she

poor chickens were drenched. For this reason,

loves her family and never misses a chance to

her mother decided to put them into the oven to

play a round of cards with them. She would win

dry. But at this moment the sound of the

many more games if only she remembered to

marching soldiers passing through the village

count. When all's said and done, you can almost

caught their attention and they ran out as this

always guarantee that one card is missing. Due

was obligatory at the time. When they came

to her great passion for card games, every

back the four little chickens were found burnt in

grandchild and child has been raised to be

the oven. Even 65 years later, Hilde can still

enthusiastic and more importantly winning,

recall this memory like the back of her hand.

Rummy players.

At the end of the day, Hilde will snugly

Hilde is a religious person. Every








Sunday she heads to church with a determined

comforter which greets her with a wailing

smile, songbook in one hand, purse in the other.

groan, to enjoy an episode of the late night

Well dressed and always fresh, she pays

Italian thriller or maybe to even re-watch her

attention to her appearance. After all, she has

favorite movie. About 5 minutes into the breath-

lived in the small town her entire life where

taking thriller she can be found in a deep,

everyone knows one another. Usually, she

continuous sleep. Then quiet snoring fills her

wears her elegant black boots and often a

dimly lit, cosy living room whilst the tv carries

colorful scarf filled with the luscious scent of her

on chattering in the background.

Dior perfume. It can almost be guaranteed that

No matter what day of the year, week or

she is wearing this perfume. In fact, it's pretty

month, Hilde will never wake up after nine

much the law to give her Diorat least when

oclock. It is physically impossible for her to

she is running low.

wake up late. It can almost be guaranteed, she

People repeatedly say, she makes the

didnt do the dishes from the night before, hence

best apple cake in the whole of the pocket-sized

the sound of leftover plates and glasses being


clashed together bellowing through the house

old son. Henriks deep blue gaze turns distant

nearly every morning. When asked why she is

and its clear hes no longer looking at the empty

already awake, she replies, I just couldnt stay

bowl of oatmeal before him.

in bed any longer, there is so much to be done.

accident destroyed his life and lead to his

It is claimed she is a morning person, although

alcohol abuse, which destroyed a big part of my

maybe what is scaring her out of bed is the

mums life and their marriage. So I think the

heavy snoring of her husband, thundering right

repercussions of that one tragic accident lasted

through the thin walls of their house.

for decades to come.




I think the

He got off the dead horse of his childhood. He

harmonious, Hilde never sits down.

got out, did something. He got a good education.

He kept focused and worked hard. He reached

Anna Zaske

continuously higher levels. That young silverhaired

Honourable Mention
Ida Poulsen






pretending to be John Wayne, became one of

Denmarks top-CEOs. But breaking his familys
economic pattern wasnt the important thing.
Of everything Ive accomplished, Im most

Dont ride a dead horse

proud of my two kids, he says with a crooked

A FRENCHMAN TOLD a 39-year old Henrik

smile, I think its genetically decided that

Poulsen, If youre sitting on a dead horse, the best

youre extremely devoted and proud of your

thing you can do, is to get off. At 39 Henrik was

children. You will always have a subjective

experienced with life, but this advice stuck more

angle when it comes to your children. But Ive

than any other. The Frenchman didnt know

been unbelievably lucky to have two such

how relevant and relatable it was to him, but it

amazing, healthy, and loving girls. Its obvious,

doesnt change the story.

that when I see my daughters theres nothing Id

rather do than give them an upbringing, where

Henrik Poulsen was born September 10th, 1967

they get some good baggage and some good

in a small house on Stadionsvej in Givskud,

values. So that they, one day, will be able to take

Denmark. Here his parents and older sister,

care of themselves.

Helle, lived alongside the people making up

Henriks entire world for the first 15 years of his

Henriks way of life is not abandonment. Its

life. Givskud is probably the least important city

drive and it shines through every bit of Henriks

on the planet. Mix that with a ruined marriage, a

being. He believes its ones own responsibility

dead boy, a halting economy, and a ton of

to make something of life. Life is not fair, but its

graphic novels about cowboys, and you have a

not unfair either its just life. Life is filled with


many beautiful moments and happiness and





dreams. But its also filled with many challenges


and tragedies. And its really the mix of all the

Henriks upbringing seemed undeserved. An

ingredients that makes it such a fascinating

event happened more than 10 years before he

journey to travel through the different phases of

was born and affected his whole childhood

life - to be able to dream forward and reflect

perhaps even his life. Could I change one thing

backwards. , The sun catches the tips of his

from my past, it would be that my dad, back in

hair, highlighting the white streaks, having

the 1950s, hadnt been exposed to the massive

arrived over the last years. Theyre turning

personal tragedy of running over his four-year

silver, like the colour he had as a child,


completing the cycle of life in some peculiar

A fox.


We locked eyes and the world stopped. For ten


Now, the graphic novels have been passed on,

1, 2

few remember his lost half-brother and both

Her eyes red and mysterious with white and

parents died more than twenty years ago, his

bright red fur wrapping sleekly around them,

dad in a car crash and his mother after a long

forming a flaming head staring right at mine.

battle with cancer. Several trials and life lessons

3, 4

are completed and Henrik has found his never-

The fire flickering down through his body and

dying horse with his wife of 16 years and his

up through his flaming tail. The tail stiff in the

two daughters. He spends his days working as a

moment, yet burning and flickering with the

CEO of Dong Energy, biking with his friends,

flames he embodied.

and spending every spare moment with family.

5, 6
Her paws so light on the pavement I could
swear she was floating. She wasnt bound like

Ida Poulsen

7, 8

Honourable Mention
Valdemar Lauritsen

His body so small, yet was the most powerful

between us. He was the one who was going to
decide when it should be over.
9, 10.

Red Beauty

She was beautiful. He was powerful.

The train rushed by and the red beauty was
gone in an instant. Time continued, everything
was normal, but for a moment it wasnt, and
time was frozen
That moment was my moment. Nobody will
know what happened nobody would care
because nobody could feel the magic I felt.
Valdemar Lauritsen
SOMETIMES IT IS the small things that matter.
When you find a coin on the ground, when
someone compliments you, and when you see
something truly beautiful.
I saw something truly beautiful, and when I
least expected it, which is what makes it
I was surprised at how long ten seconds were. I
was briskly walking home from the station at
night. The air was fresh and the streetlights
dimly shining upon the cycling path. The
cycling path alone in the forest, the peace only
disrupted when the train comes by every five
That was when I saw it.


calm, motherly side. Starting the mornings with

Gabriela Wheeler

getting her younger daughter ready for school,

THE DAY IS never done for Gabriela Wheeler.

she instantaneously switches back and forth

Mother of two, which sometimes seems like four

from cleaning the house to typing away on her

with the addition of her little dog and

laptop and scribbling notes on a loose sheet of

opinionated husband, she works endlessly.


Once her list of reports and emails is through,

she continues her never ending job of being a

When I was a teenager, life was simpler. Wake

mom. From sitting in the kitchen on her laptop

up, go to school, come home, do homework,

calmly to aggressively scrubbing the bathroom

maybe talk to friends on the phone. Less

floors, she is never one to leave things untidy. I

violence. Things weren't as publicized. There

dont understand why its so hard to pick up a

wasnt so much to worry about. Life was just

dish or put clothes in the hamper. They are daily

less complicated. With technology playing

chores each individual should have to do

such a drastic role in Gabriela and her family's

themselves. When a bed is left unmade, she is

everyday lives, she wonders how it will



continue to advance. Will we just be taken

hummingbird-like motions. Scurrying around to

over? Sitting down and reading a book or

tidy up yet another mess is not new for

spending time with her family, albeit some of


her favorite pass-times, are rare events. Apart



it back


from family dinner every night, Gabriela does

A pair of German grandparents, with another

not spend as much time with her family as she

pair of French and Italian descent. Born in

wants to.

Venezuela, lived in Argentina, went to a

German school. Growing up in a multicultural

Despising the gelid winters, she takes advantage

community taught me to treat everyone equally

of any time the sun is out. Why would you

and to have an open mind about people,

spend a sunny day inside? Especially here in

although I still make mistakes. Gabriela admits

Denmark. In her years spent in Japan, she



could be found lying in the sun on one of the

stereotypical categories, although she does not

front decks. Her ageing skin would darken

think any less of them because of that.

through the stretch of summer, much like a






luxury bag would patina.

After living in the same German-speaking
Argentine community her whole life, she shifted

The one thing that will effortlessly drive

onto the warm, salty coasts of California in 90.


Lugging all her belongings in a green alligator

specifically cockroaches. When I was 18 years

suitcase and moving without a place to go, she

old, I came home late after a party. I didnt want

stood out like a rose in a bed of thorns. A book

to wake up my family, so took off my shoes and

about her bravery would take decades to

didnt turn on the light. First step I took, right


onto a cockroach. Just retelling the gruesome






story sends a shiver down her spine and has her

You cant make everyone happy, so sometimes

searching around for other creepy-crawlies.

you have to do whats right in the situation,

When her two daughters were younger, they

even if itll upset someone else. Commonly

would often screech COCKROACH!, just to

saying that not everything can be done perfectly

catch the attention of their zoned-out mother.

for everyone, Gabriela still seamlessly manages

to intertwine her hard-working manner with her


Gabriela is the most loving person with a heart

punishment, only that it would have to be

of gold, yet she is still driven and focused on her


goals. Perseverance, friendliness, and, como se

Mr Daniel Darkman, a spokesman for the

llama? Flexibility. Her native language often

Criminal Minds Abortion Clinic Inc., shares Mr

slips out in casual conversations. Those are the

Trumps view. We want to make sure women

top three qualities someone can possess. Not

and girls coming to our clinic get ample time to

only does she possess them, but exudes them in

reconsider what is best for their bodies, he

her presence. She masks her sensitivity with a

says. Mr Blackman proposes to raise the waiting

titanium shield, while on the inside she is just

period to a mandatory 72-hours as he recognises

soft and doting. Although she may occasionally

that the women arriving have been stretched in

burst from the smallest comment made, her

a lengthy and painful decision-making process,

overall outlook on life is rose-colored and

and we would like to respect this by giving











abortion clinic respects that the choice is a

Chloe Wheeler






contemplating abortion to wholeheartedly trust

their own moral values and judgements.

Women Undergoes Abortion. Punishment is


To Vote for Donald Trump





strongly against the bill, but the bills sponsors


are undeterred. It is important to be flexible

The aim of this satirical piece is to target Donald

and open in ones thinking, stated one

Trump and his outrageous publicly spoken

supporter of the bill. The bill was very

ideas about punishing women if they decide to


proceed with an abortion. The folly that I was

women not in favour of viewing the portraits

making fun of was the different type of

were completely free to look away or simply

punishments or procedures the women must go

shut their eyes.





through or before they undergo an abortion. I

The bill also opens up for discarding the

chose to progressively go from slightly less

portraits. In this case, the medical advisors and

extreme to gruesome punishments. This would

clinicians will have to dress up as one of the

unravel my target and aim of the piece a lot

easily recognisable public figures, for example,

more effectively. In the beginning, I threw a hint

Mr Trump. This is a cheap option. A Donald



Trump-wig is available through at

Darkman. This already introduces faintly the

$12.95, plus shipping. You get free shipping if

satirical purpose of the piece. And the name of

you wear it whilst doing an abortion - surgeon

the clinic as Criminal Minds Abortion Clinic.

or patient.






The piece ends with the worst punishment of

Someone launched an idea to highlight

all, which is to vote for Donald Trump over

Mr. Trumps glory and triumph to women

death - weighing them out to be equally

considering abortions, in the hope that it will


persuade them to rethink their decision. On the

There will have to be some form of

back of this, Mr. Trump has decided that all

punishment for women who have abortions if

these women are to undergo their abortion

the surgical procedure was to become outlawed,

inside his voting booths. All other women

says presidential candidate Donald Trump,

patiently waiting in a voting queue, are forced

according to a NBC News report. Mr Trump did

to listen to the intense screeching travelling from

not offer any specifics for what form of


the booths, a sound of torment from undergoing
Memories of Marcus Choleva

an abortion - not from voting for Mr. Trump.

Asked about what inspired him to change the
position on abortion, Mr Trump spoke of the

MARCUS CHOLEVA SITS in his great leather

time a friend, whom Mr Trump refused to

office chair. His eyes are scanning his home-

name, changed her mind and decided against

office that has now been his home for the last 46

ending a pregnancy: It was going to be aborted

years. The walls are still painted with the warm

and that child today is a total superstar. It is a


great, great child, Mr Trump says with an

paintings that go from the floor to the ceiling.






intense look in his eyes. He continues; We are

Hes 81 years old. It shows. In his

speaking of a human being. It should be no

earlier years, Marcus is known to say hell live

different if a 14-year old became pregnant

forever, making it even harder for Marcus to

following a rape. Who knows, the foetus could

accept old age. Growing to accept the realization

be the new Justin Bieber in the making - or

that he faces the same fate as the seven billion

better yet, a new me. Mr Trump smiles at the

people on Earth, he has started to sort his

thought. Imagine, yet another leader of the


world. We need to protect these unborn

His collection of files, books, and

masters, he says. The worlds cannot live

pictures could fill an archive. Though he doesnt

without such intelligence, wisdom and brains,

have an archive, Marcus does have two home-

Mr Trump says, tilting his head up and

offices. Walking to his other office, the stacks of

brushing his hair back.

brown string envelopes drown out the rest of

the room.

Mr Trumps statement has enraged some. But

Mr Trump is clearly onto something. Only one

This office is nothing like his other.

who truly understands the miracle of human life

Grey is dominant here. The walls are once again

will understand that abortion must be outlawed.

filled with art, this time photographs, all of

And if you dont get it, you should be forced to

winter landscapes around the globe.

witness a murder. Waiting her turn in the

He says with a slight smile on his lips that the

execution chair for her abortion (a real one to

grey office represents his childhood while the

make sure she realises what she is about to do


herself), she should walk through another room

office represents his adulthood. Whether he

where two men await - one with an axe, the

meant this or not will ever remain in the dark.

other with its head on a chopping board. As

soon as she enters, the axe should be lifted, then

What Marcus love the most is when he gets a

fall down on the neck of the man kneeling

visit from one of his grandchildren in his yellow

beside the chopping board, decapitating him.

office. The younger gets to sit on his lap while

Now that she has witnessed a murder, she is

the plus 7 can sit across the table in the chair

given two options; Either proceeds to the

as he puts it himself. When a grandchild has

chopping board, or save herself and the nation

reached the golden age of 10 he expects them to

by pressing the button which reads I vote

discuss politics, history and economy with him.

Donald Trump.

He is a man of high expectations. He is a man of

extreme wisdom.
Live Haavik
When Marcus talks of his childhood, he doesnt
say much. Marcus is one in millions of Jews sent
to concentration camp. Once in every decade or
so he opens up a bit. His eyes gaze gets distant


as he slowly starts to speak. His voice loses his

Fast he became the best in class; school has

strength. He clearly remembers the day where

always been a thing Marcus priced high. I even

the Gestapo came and took his family.

helped the German teacher, I was better than


It was early morning and my

family was on the way to Sweden, he recalls.
We never even got down the







stairs, he sighs, remembering the

achieving his goals, he is now a successful

details of the

businessman, which loves his job. Marcus brings

ominous day. As his he breathes in deeply, his

all the love he possible can for his family. He

eyes widen as he recounts the day the Gestapo

cant wish for anymore in his life.

stormed his Nyhavn home and took everything.

And everyoneincluding his mother, father,

As Berlingske Tidende once quoted him: I will

and two younger sisters.

never go on retirement
Edie Choleva








Theresienstadt concentration camp.

The Mole Hole
Marcus is a resourceful man, which is one of his
A SMALL ROOM, isolated from the rest of the

secrets to his successful business path.

At Theresienstadt he found seeds

house, hidden beneath shadows and dust blown

in the trashcans, and planted them outside the

from the windowsills. Insects of all sorts

fence. He provided more food for his family.

clamber about the exterior windows, keeping

Life was hard, and brining up the

out of the sweltering yet blissful San Diego sun.

memories are painful, Marcus face gets darker

A small wooden door, barely latched to its

and darker as he tells his heart-breaking story.

rusted hinges kept the inside from the out- for

He slowly continues, now telling about his job at

good reason. This is a place where only the

the camp. I worked at the hospital, checking

invited come. My grandfather calls it the Mole

whether the sick were alive or not. I did this by

Hole, now I know why. Inside it is dusty- dirt

putting a cotton ball under the nose of the sick,

layers the once concrete floor, breathing is

if it moved; they were alive and breathing, if

impaired slightly due to the stale and stagnant

not, they have reached the destiny everyone was

air that has long since moved. Tools of all sorts

fighting not to reach.

line the hodgepodge walls- part cork, part rough

All of this has just an eleven-year

pine wood. There is a distinctive atmosphere,

old gone through. These memories will always

somehow aged, yet relevant. The wrenches and

hunt him.

screwdrivers are decayed, however the handles

are smooth from hours of persistent use.

Marcus came back to Denmark, he has now

Mountains of wood, all sorts fill the floor in

missed a whole year of school but he did not

areas where one does not stand. Blocks, plates,

want to be in a grade level lower than his friend.

poles, cubes, and more are wedged into every

Trying to find a school that actually believed

area of the already tight space. There are electric

that Marcus could catch up one year of learning

machines, too. They have somehow menacing

was close to impossible. Finally he found a

looks- probably a decade since bought. They are

school a one-hour drive away from his home

plugged in through feet after feet of coiling

that would give him the chance.

extension cord, yet its appearance is more of

thin snakes from the Amazon. To get from one


end of the room to the other, funny I call it a

fog. The entrance to the fort is also decorated

room, one must duck their head, otherwise the

magnificently. Even after hundreds of years, the

stabilizing boards will give you somewhat of a

fort glows with colourful colours and fine

headache. The purpose of this area is unknown.

designs, like a white peacock. With mesh

My grandfather tells me it is for woodworking,

windows and doors, the entrance is covered

but I believe it is so much more. Anything

with such intricacy that there is no space to do

someone would ever want is here, WD-40, rolls


of duct tape- to many to count, spray paints of

all pigments, stacks of varying sandpaper, and

Inside the fort, there are boisterous tourists,

not to mention; the hundreds of drill bits at the

families and even everyday local everywhere.

ready. The smell is quite pungent, yet not in the

Some have guides telling them about the palace,

way one would imagine. The flakes of wood

others take capturing pictures, while some just

sitting between the drawers for long periods of

appreciate the beauty of the fort. There are small

time construct a natural smell. However, this

stalls of vendors selling ice cold refreshments in

must not be mentioned without speaking of the

the sunny day, such as the luscious sweet,

dry air, which keeps every scent produced. Cut

cooling milkshakes, that taste so refreshing and

yourself on anything here besides the wood, and


taking a visit to the doctor would be in your best

interest. Creations start here, but somehow

The fort inside is so enormous that it never

never leave.

seems to end. The fort seems kilometers long,

and it is easy to get lost. There are rooms,
gardens and courtyards around the palace, but

Paul Hansen

the most beautiful of all is the Sheesh Mahal

(mirror palace). The palace shimmers with small
pieces of mirrors with such beauty that it seems

Amber Fort

like another world of its own. The mirror palace

THE LAVISH AMBER Fort in Amber, India

glimmers all around with such intricate work.

gleams with elaborate designs in the pleasant,

Candles used to be lit to illuminate the palace,

clear sky day during winter time. Built up on a

so it looked like a sky full of million stars. After

rocky hill, it is a long way to reach the fort.

a long walk exploring different parts of the fort,

Some tourists and locals walk up the hill, while

such as the bedrooms, halls, and courtroom, the

some take elephant and camel rides, and some

pink, orange rays from the sunset start dimming

try to drive up the crowded street of roadside

on the Amber Fort, until it is night time.






Sunaina Chander

handcrafts. Up the cobble valleys of the Aravalli

hills, with old, dusty, yellow buildings on the
way, local women walk with glinted mirror and
handworked Indian dresses.
Up from the fort, in the fresh air away from the
main city, the view is stunning. With the palace
lakes and palace gardens, there is also a moat
around the fort, where each side is as long as 5
football fields, used to protect what was once a
powerful and prosperous kingdom. In the
distance, one can see small houses and the
shapes of the hills that are almost covered with


NINETY MINUTE BLOCKS insure students

between classes help make sure that mindset

ability to mentally transport them into a

doesnt stop between classes. Says student Ima


Tator. At one point I actually thought that I

After 90-minute classes were introduced at local

was a potato just drifting through the Milky

high school, sterport High, research indicates

Way. Then again, arent we all just drifting?

increases of concentration up to 500%. The

Unfortunately we couldn't get more from the

school hasnt seen this type of improvement in

student before she turned into a murmuring

the area of focus since the demolition of natural

zombie in the hallway.

lighting and positive colours.

Student cloning expert Zoom Bee who visited
Recently at sterport High, 90-minute classes

the school after the increase of class-time, said

have been introduced in an effort to improve

this: Its incredible, Ive never seen a school

class focus. A study was made before and after

that has been able to turn all students into

implementing the new class time, using a

zombies that easily! You bump into any kid in

special machine called the focus-o-meters and a

the hall, they barely notice, you hear a mumble



and then they blend into crowd. At the end of

teachers. According to principle Pupils R. Futile

the day we got the chance to catch up with the

In the past students had 50 minute classes,


which were too short for intense focus to be

methods had gotten to him and when we asked


him where he was he simply replied the milky






In the average classroom at H, focus has gone
up 500%. To measure the change of focus, the

Leaving the school we felt sure that the students

school used a focus-o-meter, a machine that

there would make wonderful mindless

measures how loud and how much the students

workers who will only think inside the box.

move. We set up a focus-o-meter in an empty

Astrid Harsaae

classroom and compared the results to the

classrooms with students in them. There is only
a 2.12% percent difference, says classroom
monotony expert Focous Equaless Irelevantus.
Its been rumored that after the school heard of

Pirouz Shamekh

these findings, they started to consider leaving

PIROUZ SHAMEKH IS running to his car with

the students outside the classrooms. A trial of

his breakfast in his hands. Hes late again to a

this new method is said to start next week. The

translation appointment. Hes holding his tea

school also used statements from teachers as to

with a straight arm as if it was a crying baby. He

make reliable statistics. One teacher, Witt Less,

sits in his car and turns on his GPS. The

had stated: Student Focus? Sure that improved,

destination is Nstved. Connected says the

I barely even noticed they were there! However

GPS and he says it back in a funny way. When

later it was found that the students hadnt

Pirouz needs to go to far destinations he turns

the volume of music up and sings along as if he
never have been so happy before.

Actually been there, as he was teaching the class

without students.

Pirouz is an open minded and interesting man.

The 10 extra minutes really help us really get

He loves helping others in need. Even better if

into the mind-set of a lifeless potato whose only

its people who are in a situation he once was in.

objective is to stare. The unnoticeable breaks

Escaping their home and country because of


many unimaginable reasons. He knows what its






like to come to a new country with no

cultures like the Thai when he lived there for 2

belongings and not knowing anyone nor being

years owning a hotel with a friend. He has

able to speak the language to socialize. He

always been a musical person, loving to dance

understand their struggles. And if he doesnt, he

all kinds of traditional dances and learning with

does his best to think from their perspective. He

time and experience.

usually says go after the ball, not the person.

Pirouz is joyful, singing along with the song

WIth this he means dont put the fault on

currently playing. His tea did get cold though.

someone just for the sake of it. That only leads

Ava Shamekh

to arguments and disagreements. Instead go

after the solution and think about how to solve
Vaclovas Sinkeviius - Profile

Pirouz grew up in Tehran, the capital of Iran. He

was bullied as a kid due to his glasses. He still
had his self confidence kept high like a giraffes


head. He always stands up for his beliefs and

his favourite rocking chair as he reads yet

arguments are always persuasive. He did have

another chapter of president Valdas Adamkus

to buy new glasses each year though.

biography. He is being quiet, considering that

Pirouz is an energetic man who loves to dance,

its Monday afternoon. For most

play music, help others in need and arrange

Monday means that its time to work and be

gatherings or parties for his close friends and

active again, but Vaclovas is retired. Even

family. You can always count on him.

though he doesnt like to admit it, sometimes

Pirouz have been many places and met all kinds

even he doesnt have anything to do. When

of people. From Iran he went to Turkey illegally

Vaclovas finally

because he went to a demonstration during the

thing in his house that wasnt even necessary

revolution in Iran and refused go to military

broken and finally helped one of his children to

service. Being a leftist was hard in Iran during

move into his house, he could allow himself to

that time.

rest and relax a little bit. He likes to relax by

At the age of 15, when the revolution began, he

working in his garden or just sitting and reading

attended many demonstrations with childhood

a book or a newspaper, maybe even eat a piece

friends and his brother, where a lot of shootings

of chocolate, if hes feeling rebellious. The

happened. He saw many of his childhood

reason why Vaclovas cant eat a piece of this

friends blood on the streets.

delicious gift from gods as often as he wants, is

From Turkey to Germany, Denmark, Thailand

that he was diagnosed with diabetes. Another

and back to Denmark again where he saw his

reason would probably be that his wife, trying

older brother after many years. Pirouz doesnt

to save at least some of the candy for their

like seeing others in the situation where they are

grandchildren, hid them all over the house.

persecuted by the military. It makes him think

Talking about their lovely house, the first thing

about the struggles he had to go through

that captures attention is a feeling that you are

growing up and escaping the country in a

home. The atmosphere creates a safe, cozy

delivery truck.

feeling and the smell of freshly baked apple pie

My dad might have had a hard childhood

adds to it as well. That house holds so many

growing up during the revolution in Iran but

memories and moments that it almost is one.

that didnt stop him from starting a new life

Especially walls with nicely framed pictures

where he didnt know anyone and everything

speak memories. One can even say, that the

was new to him. He moved to many different

house reminds one of an old, wise person, who



finished fixing every single

has seen a lot during the years of his existence -

impress people is not with looks, its with

Vaclovas itself.

intelligence and charisma.

Vaclovas has seen many things during

Vaclovas wouldnt have had everything

his lifetime. He was born in a small village in

he has now if not his inspiring and praiseworthy

Lithuania, five years after World War two.

mindset: dont dig your own grave and never

Growing up in such times affected his childhood

try to win something with anger or violence.

and his whole life. The times were dark and not

After growing up with the terrible consequences

very safe. Living in a big family with 6 children,

of the war that has taken uncountable number

surviving can be a hard task. Their house was

of lives and destroyed homes of innocent

an old farm used as a fort for German soldiers

people, he understands that not anger or

and later burnt down. He would often have to

violence, but kindness and intelligence can

work very hard in fields and watch younger

change the world to make it better. Over the

siblings. Although it seems that his childhood

years he has been constantly and tirelessly

consisted of never ending hard work, it was


eventful. One of the scariest things that

grandchildren, so that this important thing he

happened to him was the time he touched a

has learned wouldnt be forgotten. If in his

grenade. Back then Vaclovas was a young and

tangled thoughts Vaclovas ever philosophized

curious little boy. He was casually wandering

about how he would like to be remembered by

around the cherry tree as his eye caught

his beautiful children

something shiny laying on the grass. He slowly

would probably say this with no doubt: I

picked it up not realising it was an old grenade

would like them to remember me as a very

left there from World War two. The damage

sociable and open-minded person. I really try to

made by the grenade he can see even now every

keep a good relationship with others, especially

time he looks at his scarred hands with three

with my family. In his ideas, one cannot

missing fingers. Although this event made a

control life completely, but can always ask for

huge impact in his life, it didnt disturb

advice. He would be happiest person if he could

Vaclovas to be a skilful and dexterous man. No

be the much needed advice for his next

matter what age he is, he never misses a chance








and grandchildren, he

A sunbeam suddenly wakes Vaclovas up

to work on something to improve it.

from his thoughts as he realizes he is no longer

His persistence was probably the one

reading the book. The sky turning from blood

character trait that led him through life no

red to purple and then to pitch black reminds

matter what. He was also very loyal, intelligent,

him that it is time to go to bed. With his age

open-minded and wise. Although if someone

comes its responsibilities. He quickly looks at

asked him what his best qualities were, he

the beautiful sky as he takes his book and walks

would be too shy to answer. He is a man that

inside his lovely dwelling.






Gerda Kazakeviciute


In his words, there is nothing

better for you as learning something new.

Thats why after only eight years of school he
The Funeral of Buzz Midnight

never stopped educating himself. For Vaclovas

having conversations and expressive, clear
language and speaking manner. Many people

OVER TEN YEARS ago, I wrote about a pet funeral

are often surprised by how good, smart and

we once held. It still has a ring of truth, so I decided

impressive this simple-looking, silver haired

to share it now before my children grow too mature

man could talk. And as he believes, the way to

to deny it ever happened.



Amid the sobbing of my youngest











remainsher first real encounter with death.

daughter, we place Buzz Midnight Munsons

Do you want to put the box in? I

stiff furry form in an old check box, covered in

asked. She silently assented.

Saran Wrap, and walk stoically across the

It seems so deep, she observed, as she

backyard. My daughter gathered her bathrobe

lowered the rodent casket.

closer to her small body to protect her from the

Almost as deep as this ceremony, I thought,

January wind, or perhaps a chill much more

but caught myself. We dont want a dog to dig

lasting. The darkness surrounded us.

it up, I replied, and it seemed to satisfy her.

Being a parent sometimes calls for acts of

bravery and high drama. Standing under the

She looked at me with clear, believing

paw-paw tree with the quite sobs of my

eyes that needed to hear the final eulogy as only

precious one punctuating the night along with

a Daddy could give. I swallowed hard and took

the cush of the shovel turning over the muddy

her hands in mine. I closed my eyes and offered

earth, I pray for the right words to say on this

up the most beautiful gerbil funeral prayer I

solemn occasion.

could think of.

I spoke of my daughters

devotion and love. I said other moving things,

but all I can remember now are those tiny, pet-

Jennie held one crying child while the

other two wept crocodile tears on their arms as

loving hands clutching my own.

they remembered the short, happy life of their

grasping something deep after all.

She was

I opened my eyes to see my daughters

gerbil in maudlin detail.

I remember, Hannah began in a

honest gaze looking lovingly at me. No more

quivering voice, when Buzz first came to our

tears. We covered the tiny plot and patted the

house two weeks ago, and Daddy played that

soil down. Tomorrow, you can put a marker

music next to her cage . . .

on the grave if you like, I said, filling the


Yes, Rachel continued while Hannah

Yes, she said in a far-off voice. I will

composed herself. She danced better than the

make a cross.

other two. She really did.





But it must be made out of



Rachels arm. She always did like to dance,

Of course, I said as I stood up.

she said, and the girls nodded to each other with

We walked back toward the house,

holding each other closer as the darkness

silent, sisterly agreement.

receded around us.

I want to say a prayer to make her

better, my young son offered in a four-year-

Bryan Munson

olds attempt at reconciliation. Dear Jesus, he

softly intoned, help-ie gerbil get better. He is
dead. Amen.
While his sisters glared at him, I saw my
wife bite her lip and raise her eyes to heaven for
help in maintaining her composure.
I retreated to the basement to get an alltoo-large shovel to dig a gerbils final resting
place. Hannah joined me. As Buzzs owner, she
accepted the task of burying her pet.

Like a

matriarch from some Greek tragedy, she took

slow deliberate steps to the earthen tomb in the


MY DAD AND I looked reassuringly at each

small sea creatures scuttle away to bury

other, put our regulators in our mouths, put

themselves in the silky sand that let them pop

one hand over our masks and one over the

their little eyes or heads just up above the sand.

stomach. I took one deep breath in and let

The seals were like small excited puppies filled

myself fall backwards into the what seemed to

with curiosity over us, coming closer with

be an infinite chilly abyss and it felt as if I was

caution. They were swimming circles around us

getting wet but it was merely an illusion due to

keeping a very close eye on us until they were

the fact I was wearing a drysuit. Then slowly,

only 1 metre away from us. With extreme care

the water began to creep into my thick gloves

one of the seals approached me until its nose

and hoodie like a snake searching for cover. I

was touching the tip of my masks nose.

watched from below as my dad tumbled

Butterflies filled my stomach as we stared into

backwards off the dhingy and into the ocean

each others eyes. A moment that felt like

that now didn't feel as cold as previously. My

minutes only lasted 2 seconds, because as I

dad turned to meet me at five metres and we

exhaled the seal sped off as fast as a torpedo. I

sunk into the gorge together looking over each

felt like Id just been blessed by life and hung in

others backs for the last 10 metres. I watched as

the water, paralyzed for a whole minute until I

small fish and seals swam around in unity. Even

was disturbed by my worried dad. As we

the coral on the side seemed to be alive, gently

started our ascent I looked down and swear I

swaying from side to side with the surge. As we

saw the seal at the bottom of the valley staring

hit bottom I looked at my dad reassuringly

fixedly at me. I kept my eye on the seal until we

again and then stared up 15 metres from the

breached the surface of the water and exited the

abyss and watched the bubbles I made float to


the surface like small jellyfish. I then glanced at

Sebastian Jensen-Visser

the ocean floor and saw little crabs and other


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