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Micropipetting/Plate Washer

** 2-30 dLs = 2-3 Ls **

** 2-3 dLs = 2-30 mLs **

1. Lift wash arm (stainless steel cover) and slide the 8-way wash head, between the
holders. [Fig. 5.7 p.19]

2. Ensure instrument is off and partially open wash bottle cap, letting pressure diffuse
momentarily. Fill wash bottle with (2-3 dL of deionized H2O initially, for operational check;
later fill with appropriate reagent) and tighten lid firmly again.

3. Select the program card and insert it into the Right-hand side of unit. Make sure that card
is clean and dry or it will read a malfunction.

4. When using the programmable switch card, be sure settings are as desired.

5. Position plate carrier on its slideway with the priming reservoir to the rear under the wash

6. Switch instrument on by plugging in back power chord and flipping the power button.

7. At this point the instrument will commence priming. (The POWER indicator will illuminate &
a countdown sequence will begin on the row indicator LEDs, moving from 12 to 1.) The prime
indicator will flash until you perform this action. If no entry is keyed within 15 seconds of priming,
the pump will power down to idle & wait for further instruction.

8. Place microplate onto the plate carrier & select row # (the last row to be washed) or it will
automatically wash the entire plate.

9. Start wash sequence (A 10-15 sec. delay will occur as the reagent & wash bottle accumulate
working pressure).
The plate carrier will advance toward the washer, aspiring & filling
selected rows with reagent (or dH2O). On completion of the protocol, the plate washer will
come to rest with the wash head lowered into the priming reservoir

10. When sequence has completed, remove microplate.

11. Shut down instrument.


Occasionally, the tubing passing through the valve becomes permanently compressed in such a
way the when released from the valve; it doesn’t revert to a permeable shape. This occurs
typically during periods of nonuse. Should this pblm arise, the tubing may need replacement,
however, releasing all air pressure and gently un-crimping the tubing, or moving tube placement,
should work.

LONG Shut-down
If it is not likely to be used for a long period of time, flush system with dH2O thoroughly, and
carry out daily cleaning mechanisms. Empty & clean bottles, then check that the liquid trap is
dry. Lastly, place dust cover over instrument.
When restarting the machine after prolonged disuse, it should be primed 4 times prior to any
procedural use.

Emergency Power Down

Incase of Emergency during use, such as fluid spilling inside the instrument, follow these steps:
-Switch OFF the instrument
-Unplugg from mains.
-Perform appropriate corrective procedure. Never touch instrument’s interior.
-Contact authorized technical service or your local Thermo Fisher Scientific

Cited Material

Newman, D.J. and C.P. Price (1997) Separation Techniques, In: Principles and Practice of
Immunoassy 2nd ed. {eds, Price, C.P. and Newman, D.J.} pp.154-172 (Stockton Press, New

Coupe, N.B. and A.M. Cain. Microplate washing- the most important step in the ELISA process.
Labsystems-Denley application note.

Beumer, T., Stoffelen E., Smits, J. and Carpay, W. (1992). Microplate washing: process
description and improvements. J. Immunol. Methods 154, 77-87.

Parry, J.V., Mortimer, P.P., Friederich, P. and Connell, J.A. (1997). Faulty washers and soiled
micropipettors may generate false positive serological results. Clinical and Diagnostic Virology
7, 173-181.

Select the row # of the last row to be washed. If no row is selected, the
whole plate will be washed
The instrument performs the wash sequence.

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