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Robust Speech Recognition Using

Articulatory Information

Der Technischen Fakultät der

Universität Bielefeld

zur Erlangung des Grades eines


vorgelegt von

Katrin Kirchhoff

Bielefeld — Juni 1999

Gedruckt auf alterungsbeständigem Papier ISO 9706


Current automatic speech recognition systems make use of a single source of information about
their input, viz. a preprocessed form of the acoustic speech signal, which encodes the time-
frequency distribution of signal energy. The goal of this thesis is to investigate the benefits of
integrating articulatory information into state-of-the art speech recognizers, either as a genuine
alternative to standard acoustic representations, or as an additional source of information. Artic-
ulatory information is represented in terms of abstract articulatory classes or “features”, which
are extracted from the speech signal by means of statistical classifiers. A higher-level classifier
then combines the scores for these features and maps them to standard subword unit probabili-
The main motivation for this approach is to improve the robustness of speech recognition sys-
tems in adverse acoustic environments, such as background noise. Typically, recognition sys-
tems show a sharp decline of performance under these conditions. We argue and demonstrate
empirically that the articulatory feature approach can lead to greater robustness by enhancing
the accuracy of the bottom-up acoustic modeling component in a speech recognition system.
The second focus point of this thesis is to provide detailed analyses of the different types of
information provided by the acoustic and the articulatory representations, respectively, and to
develop strategies to optimally combine them. To this effect we investigate combination methods
at the levels of feature extraction, subword unit probability estimation, and word recognition.
The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated with respect to two different speech recognition
tasks. The first of these is an American English corpus of telephone-bandwidth speech; the
recognition domain is continuous numbers. The second is a German database of studio-quality
speech consisting of spontaneous dialogues. In both cases recognition performance will be tested
not only under clean acoustic conditions but also under deteriorated conditions.
Diese Arbeit ist meinen Eltern, Heinz und Annegret Kirchhoff, gewidmet.

First of all, my thanks go to my advisor, Gerhard Sagerer, not only for his continuous support
and encouragement throughout my PhD years, but also for giving me the freedom to spend part
of this time abroad. I am furthermore grateful to the members of the Applied Computer Science
Group at Bielefeld for their cooperation and for generally making this group a fun place to
work at. I would like to single out Christoph Schillo, for being a great office mate, friend and
invaluable knowledge source on graphics tools ;-) and Gernot Fink, whose competent advice on
problems of speech recognition and on the intricacies of the ESMERALDA system was much
Part of this work was completed while I was a research student in the Realization Group at
the International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, USA. I am grateful to Nelson Morgan
and Steve Greenberg for making this visit possible. I benefited greatly from discussions with
members of the Realization Group and gratefully acknowledge the use of their resources and
software. Special thanks are due to Steve Greenberg for agreeing to be my external examiner
and putting up with the “remote scheduling” problems this involved.
Last but not least I would like to thank my parents for their assistance throughout my education,
and, above all, Jeff, for his affection, support, and inspiration.

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Problems of Automatic Speech Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Overview of Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Articulatory Feature Representations for Automatic Speech Recognition 7

2.1 The Articulatory Feature Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.1 Robust Statistical Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1.2 Coarticulation Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.3 Selective Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.4 Noise Robustness/Speaker Independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2 Relation to Human Speech Perception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3 Drawbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 Previous Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4.1 Direct Physical Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4.2 Articulatory Feature Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.4.3 Articulatory Preprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.4.4 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot

Study 31
3.1 Corpus and Baseline Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.1.1 Corpus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.1.2 Recognition System: The Hybrid Paradigm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.1.3 Acoustic Baseline Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.2 Articulatory Feature Based Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.2.1 Feature Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.2.2 Feature-Phone Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.2.3 Feature Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.3 Recognition Results and Error Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.4 Combination Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.5 Combination Experiments and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.6 Summary and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recog-

nition 75
4.1 Corpus and Baseline System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.1.1 Corpus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.1.2 Recognition System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.1.3 Acoustic Baseline System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.2 Articulatory System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.3 Recognition Results and Error Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.4 Optimizing the Articulatory Recognizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.5 Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.5.1 State-Level Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.5.2 Word-Level Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
4.5.3 Feature-Level Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.6 Experiments on Noisy Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4.7 Summary and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

5 Conclusions 111
5.1 Summary and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
5.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

A Appendix 121
References 127
List of Figures

1.1 Basic structure of standard ASR system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 ASR system extended by articulatory representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2.1 Articulatory feature approach to acoustic modeling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2 Relative timing of articulatory gestures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3 Subband system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4 Articulatory trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.1 Accuracy rates for voicing features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

3.2 Accuracy rates for manner features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.3 Accuracy rates for place features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.4 Accuracy rates for front-back features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.5 Accuracy rates for rounding features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.6 Mixture of experts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.7 Frame-level phone accuracies (clean speech) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.8 Frame-level phone accuracies (reverberant speech) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.9 Frame-level phone accuracies (noisy speech) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

4.1 Phone confusions in AF and MFCC system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

4.2 Recognizer hypotheses combination by the ROVER method. . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.3 Dynamic-programming alignment of word hypotheses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.4 Temporal alignment of word sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.5 Combination of word sequences into word graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

5.1 Simple Bayesian network structure for acoustic/articulatory dependencies. . . . 117

5.2 Bayesian network structure with added dependencies between articulatory vari-
ables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Chapter 1


The goal of this thesis is to increase the robustness of automatic speech recognition (ASR)
systems by integrating information about articulation. Speech recognition, as opposed to the
higher-level task of speech understanding, is concerned with identifying the word sequence of
an utterance from the corresponding acoustic speech signal. Standard speech recognizers, of
the structure depicted in Figure 1.1, employ a preprocessed form of the acoustic signal, which
provides information about the distribution of signal energy across time and frequency. In most
systems, this representation is used as the only source of information about the word sequence.
However, different signal representations may be employed, either as genuine alternatives to an
acoustic representation, or as additional sources of information. In this study we will demon-
strate the viability and the potential of a speech signal representation which is based on articu-
latory categories, also termed articulatory features. These features describe properties of speech
production rather than the properties of the acoustic signal resulting from it.

The articulatory features we are concerned with in this thesis are not detailed numerical descrip-
tions of the movements of articulators during speech production. Rather, they are abstract classes
which characterize the most essential aspects of articulation in a highly quantized, canonical
form, leading to a representational level intermediate between the signal and the level of lexical
units. We argue that this approach (schematically depicted in Figure 1.2) offers several advan-


Figure 1.1: Basic structure of standard automatic speech recognition systems. Acoustic features are ex-
tracted from the incoming speech signal and passed to the acoustic modeling component,
which estimates subword unit probabilities. These are subsequently used in the lexical de-
coding process.
2 1 Introduction



Figure 1.2: Recognition system extended by articulatory representation.

tages over the conventional, acoustics-only approach described above. More specifically, the use
of an articulatory representation, either by itself or in combination with an acoustic represen-
tation, may lead to increased recognition robustness in adverse acoustic environments such as
speech contaminated by background noise. In the course of this thesis we will investigate the
feasibility of the articulatory feature (AF) approach by applying it to different languages (Ger-
man and American English), different recognition tasks (small-vocabulary numbers recognition
and large-vocabulary conversational speech recognition) and different recognition paradigms
(hybrid HMM/ANN and Gaussian mixture HMM systems). In all cases we will analyze the
characteristic differences between the acoustic and articulatory representations and we will de-
velop strategies to optimally combine them.

1.1 Problems of Automatic Speech Recognition

ASR research efforts have been steadily intensified over the past thirty years, particularly in the
last decade. As a result of the development of both efficient speech recognition algorithms and
powerful hardware, the quality of ASR systems has increased drastically. A number of ASR
applications are now commercially available, such as dictation systems, voice dialing, voice-
controlled personal computer interfaces, or information systems with speech-based front-ends.
Nevertheless, speech recognizers are still far from being ubiquitous. Most of the applications
listed above involve very limited recognition tasks, such as identifying the digits from 0 to 9
or a small number of isolated word commands. Others, such as dictation systems, can handle
continuous speech and a large vocabulary, but they require good acoustic conditions (quiet envi-
ronment and a microphone which meets the system requirements) and an extensive enrollment
phase to adapt the system to every new user. The reason why speech recognition has not found
more widespread use and why its commercial potential has not yet been fully exploited is the
1.1 Problems of Automatic Speech Recognition 3

Condition Word Error

Baseline, speaker-independent 3.0%
Baseline, speaker-dependent 1.5%
Channel variation 12.0%
Transducer 10.0%
Speaking rate 15.0%
No language model 70%
Noise 30.0%
Dialectal speakers 20.0%
Non-native speakers 45%
Noise + non-native speakers 85%
Combined 98.0%

Table 1.1: Effects of adverse conditions on speech recognizer performance, according to [48].

lack of robustness of current ASR technology. Speech recognizers typically deteriorate sharply
in adverse acoustic conditions, e.g. in the presence of noise or channel variability. Further dif-
ficulties are presented by low-quality, band-limited (telephone) speech and everyday conversa-
tional speech. Two recent studies elucidate the problems which need to be overcome before more
sophisticated ASR applications can be developed.
The first study [48] describes a state-of-the-art recognizer for the Resource Management task
[96] and the various effects which different recognition conditions have on its performance.
These are listed in Table 1.1. The word error rate1 of 3% obtained on clean, undisturbed speech
increased to the word error rates shown in the right-hand column in Table 1.1 when the system
was presented with channel variability, transducer differences, fast speaking rates, etc. Combin-
ing all these conditions led to a word error rate of 98%, demonstrating the detrimental effect
of a mismatch between training and testing conditions. It is well known that human listeners
are not affected by these conditions to the same degree. Background noise, room reverberation,
and band-limited speech, let alone conversational speech, do not constitute problems for human
speech perception. This difference in performance has been quantified in greater detail in the
second study [85].
The author compares human and machine recognition performance on six different speech cor-
pora, ranging from very limited tasks like digit recognition to conversational speech recognition
using an unlimited vocabulary. These corpora are listed in Table 1.2, together with the best error
rates obtained on these tasks both in human speech perception experiments and in ASR experi-
 Word error rate, the standard measure of speech recognizer performance, is defined as 100 -
Insertions + Deletions + Substitutions .
# words in the test set
4 1 Introduction

Corpus Description Vocabulary Human Machine

size performance performance
Alphabet letters Read alphabet
letters 26 1.6% 5%
Management Read sentences 1000 0.1% 3.6%
North American 5000-
Business News Read sentences Unlimited 0.9% 7.2%
Switchboard telephone 2000- 4% 40%
conversations Unlimited
Switchboard Spontaneous
wordspotting telephone 20 keywords 12.8% 31.3%

Table 1.2: Human vs. machine performance (measured in word error rate) on six different speech
corpora, according to [85].

In addition to clean recognition conditions, mismatched conditions were tested. The latter in-
cluded artificially reverberated speech, additive noise, vocoded speech, and channel variability
caused by the use of different microphones for training and testing. Furthermore, some per-
ception and recognition experiments were performed in the absence of contextual information:
in the case of human listeners this was achieved by embedding the words to be recognized in
non-informative carrier sentences which were then read aloud to the subjects; in the ASR exper-
iments the recognizer was run without a language model. Table 1.3 lists some of the results for
these conditions.
In general, the word error rates obtained by human listeners are more than an order of mag-
nitude lower than those obtained by automatic speech recognizers. Furthermore, human error
rates are low in “clean” listening conditions and do not deteriorate much in adverse conditions.
Human performance is particularly superior at high noise levels and when little or no contex-
tual information is available. It should be noted that the speech recognizers used in the mismatch
experiments did in most cases include noise compensation or noise adaptation components. Nev-
ertheless, their results do not even come close to human performance. As a conclusion to this
study, the author suggests the following directions for future speech recognition research:

 low-level acoustic-phonetic modeling: the superiority of human perception in the ab-

1.2 Overview of Thesis 5

Corpus Recognition Human Machine

condition performance performance
Resource Nonsense
Management sentences 2.0% –
Resource Null
Management grammar – 17%
North American Added car
Business News noise, 0 - 22 dB 1.1 - 0.9% 12.8 - 8.4%
North American Different
Business New microphones 0.4 - 0.8% 6.6 - 23.9%

Table 1.3: Human and machine recognition rates under mismatched conditions, according to

sence of contextual information suggests that humans perform a very detailed low-level
acoustic match. Therefore, emphasis should be placed on improving acoustic modeling in
speech recognizers.
 noise robustness: better noise and channel adaptation algorithms should be developed to
increase the performance in mismatched conditions.
 modeling of spontaneous speech: the high error rates obtained on conversational speech
demonstrate the need for better modeling of spontaneous speech phenomena, such as vari-
ability of speaking rate or a high degree of coarticulation.
 more sophisticated language modeling: an unlimited vocabulary requires the adaptation
of language models to speaker-style variability and rapid topic-switching.

The ASR approach we develop in this thesis may be regarded as a contribution to solving the first
two of these problems. We will demonstrate that the acoustic modeling component in a speech
recognizer can benefit greatly from the articulatory feature approach by enabling the acoustic
classifier to make more accurate bottom-up decisions. Furthermore, the robustness of speech
recognizers in the presence of noise at high signal-to-noise ratios can be increased significantly
by including articulatory information.

1.2 Overview of Thesis

The remainder of this thesis is organized as follows:

6 1 Introduction

In Chapter 2 the potential advantages and disadvantages of the articulatory feature approach
will be explained. Previous work on articulatory and acoustic-phonetic features in ASR will be
discussed and evaluated in the light of recent developments in speech recognition.
Chapter 3 presents an articulatory-feature based recognition system for a small vocabulary
recognition task (continuous numbers recognition). In this context we will discuss articulatory
feature classification, feature selection, and the mapping from features to higher-level lexical
units. We compare this system to state-of-the-art acoustic baseline systems and provide an error
analysis of the characteristic differences between the two systems. Recognition results will be
presented for clean speech, as well as for reverberant speech and speech corrupted by additive
pink noise. Furthermore, frame-level methods of combining both systems will be investigated
and combination results will be presented.
Chapter 4 extends this study to a large vocabulary conversational speech recognition task (spon-
taneous scheduling dialogues). The problems inherent in the development of an articulatory
feature-based system for large vocabulary will be discussed and analyzed. Word recognition
results will be given for clean speech and for various noise conditions (pink noise and babble
noise). Again, both qualitative and quantitative error analyses will be presented. Furthermore,
word-level combination strategies and feature-level combination strategies will be described and
Chapter 5 gives a summary, discussion, and suggestions for future work.

Notational conventions
Throughout this thesis we will use

 lowercase bold letters (e.g. x) to denote vectors

uppercase Greek or calligraphic letters (e.g. , ) to denote sets,
 uppercase Roman letters (e.g. X) to denote random variables,
) to denote probability mass functions, and

 lowercase (e.g.    ) to denote probability density functions.
Chapter 2

Articulatory Feature Representations

for Automatic Speech Recognition

In this chapter we will introduce and discuss arguments both in favor of and against articula-
tory feature representations in speech recognition. We will first describe in greater detail the
particular approach to acoustic modeling which is advocated in this thesis and explain its un-
derlying theoretical and methodological assumptions. We will then give an overview of previ-
ous approaches which make use of articulatory or acoustic-phonetic feature representations and
evaluate them in the light of recent developments in ASR.

2.1 The Articulatory Feature Approach

The articulatory feature approach to acoustic modeling is schematically depicted in Figure 2.1.
The basic idea of this approach is to use a speech signal representation which is intermediate be-
tween the preprocessed acoustic signal and the level of subword unit probability estimation, and
which bears an affinity to the articulatory processes underlying the speech signal. This repre-
sentation is composed of probabilities (or, more generally, scores) for so-called articulatory fea-
tures, which are abstract classes describing the most essential articulatory properties of speech
sounds, e.g. voiced, nasal, rounded, etc.1 Articulatory feature probabilities are extracted from
the preprocessed acoustic signal by a set of parallel, independent statistical classifiers. In a sec-
ond step, this articulatory feature representation is mapped to scores for higher-level subword
units, such as phones or syllables.
The particular choice of articulatory features and the arrangement of their corresponding clas-
sifiers which is proposed here is loosely based on the structure of human speech production.
Human speech production involves the interaction of several articulatory components or dimen-
sions which are partially independent of each other. This is reflected by the existence of separate
 Overviews of basic articulatory phonetics can be found in [76, 83, 25].
8 2 Articulatory Feature Representations for Automatic Speech Recognition

classifiers for these articulatory dimensions in the model shown in Figure 2.1. The first of these
dimensions is voicing, which describes the state of the glottis and the activity of the vocal chords
and which is largely independent of articulatory activities in the oro-nasal tract. We can further
distinguish between the manner of articulation, i.e. the shape of a constriction made by an ar-
ticulator in the vocal tract, and the place of articulation (the constriction location). The fourth
articulatory dimension, lip rounding, is largely independent of most tongue body or tongue tip
movements and can affect longer stretches of the speech signal. Finally, the relative position of
the tongue on the front-back axis is another articulatory property which often shows a tempo-
rally independent behavior. Some of these articulatory dimensions are not entirely independent:
although most constriction shapes, for instance, can be produced at most points in the vocal
tract, there are certain places of articulation which are incompatible with certain manners of ar-
ticulation: e.g. there are no glottal consonants which have a lateral constriction shape. We have
chosen to not incorporate these interdependencies in the form of explicit constraints on the par-
allel arrangement of feature classifiers. The higher-level classifier which performs the mapping
from the articulatory feature representation to larger subword units should be capable of learning
restrictions on the co-occurrence of certain articulatory features in a data-driven way.

What are the potential advantages of this acoustic modeling structure for ASR? The main argu-
ments in favor of this approach fall into the following four categories, each of which we will
discuss in turn:

 robust statistical estimation,

 coarticulation modeling,

 selective processing, and

 noise robustness/speaker independence.

2.1.1 Robust Statistical Estimation

The task of classifying an acoustic observation vector as one of several phone classes (the most
common type of subword unit in current speech recognizers) is very complex due to variability
in the speech signal. For  phones, this classification involves estimating  probabilities for a
    (or, depending on the classifier, the  like-
phone given an acoustic observation ,
lihoods of the observation  given a phone, 
 !"# ). Assuming that the subword units in
question are context-independent phones,  typically ranges between 30 and 60. In the cascaded
classifier structure described above, each of the lower-level articulatory classifiers only needs to
2.1 The Articulatory Feature Approach 9






Figure 2.1: Articulatory feature approach to acoustic modeling.

distinguish between a very small number of output classes. Usually, the number of classes re-
quired to describe an articulatory dimension ranges from 2 or 3 (voicing) to approximately 10
(place). Thus, the complexity of each of the articulatory classifiers in terms of the number of
output classes is lower than that of a monolithic phone classifier. In addition to this, the ar-
ticulatory classifiers can exploit training data in a more efficient way: since manual articulatory
feature annotations of speech signals are difficult and costly to produce, the only practicable way
of generating training material for the articulatory classifiers is to convert phone-based training
transcriptions into articulatory feature transcriptions. This can be done using a canonically de-
fined phone-feature conversion table. Since articulatory features will generally occur in more
than one phone, the training data for these features can effectively be shared across phones. This
leads to a larger amount of training material for each feature classifier, which often exceeds the
amount of phone training material by an order of magnitude. Table 2.1 shows the numbers of
phone instances (and percentages of the total number of phone instances) in the German Verb-
mobil database, which is the speech corpus used for the recognition experiments described in
10 2 Articulatory Feature Representations for Automatic Speech Recognition

Phone # % Phone # % Phone # %

i: 18479 1.93 d 37139 3.88 I 62553 6.53
k 15870 1.66 y: 2809 0.29 g 14962 1.56
Y 6160 0.64 Q 22752 2.37 e: 18035 1.88
s 54491 5.69 E: 7418 0.77 z 15184 1.58
E 25566 2.67 f 22260 2.32 2: 1373 0.14
v 24987 2.61 9 3256 0.34 S 7325 0.76
a 64443 6.73 Z 24 0.00 a: 28469 2.97
C 18158 1.90 u: 6323 0.66 j 8122 0.88
U 20695 2.16 x 11327 1.18 o: 8883 0.93
h 6910 0.72 O 18417 1.92 m 37389 3.90
6 42440 4.43 n 90646 9.46 @ 26627 2.78
N 6541 0.68 p 7352 0.77 l 19151 1.99
b 16529 1.73 r 15300 1.60 t 63915 6.67
$ pause % 25377 2.67
$ noise % 54555 5.69

Table 2.1: Phone frequencies in the Verbmobil corpus. Phones are represented in SAMPA nota-

Chapter 4. These counts are based on an automatic labeling of the corpus produced at the In-
stitute of Phonetics and Speech Communication at the University of Munich.2 Table 2.2 shows
the counts for feature labels derived from the phone annotations by means of the phone-feature
conversion rules shown in Table A.2 in the Appendix, and the percentage of phones in which
each feature occurs – note that since articulatory features occur in more than one phone, these
percentages sum up to a value larger than 100.

These two properties (a smaller number of classes and more training material) should result
in a higher recognition accuracy in each of the articulatory classifiers compared to that of a
single, complex phone classifier. The hope is that this in turn leads to a higher accuracy of the
overall classification procedure when the decisions made by the individual articulatory classifiers
are combined by the higher-level classifier. Let us denote the entire set of articulatory classes
by &('*)+-,-)./,1020302,4)65 , which can be divided into 7 subsets &8+9,:&;.<,<030203,4&;= – in the particular

> ' ?@+9,9?.<,<030203,9?!A . Each phone ?!B , CED(7 FGequals

partitioning which is used in this thesis, five. The set of phone classes is denoted by
DH can be encoded as a 7 -tuple of articulatory
classes IJ)+-,<020303,-)=1K , which is constrained such that every member of the 7 -tuple is contained
in a different subset of & . Thus, a phone is defined as a set of articulatory features, one from
each articulatory feature group. Alternatively, all ?B can be encoded as vectors of length L , with
M We are grateful to Florian Schiel, University of Munich, for providing these labels.
2.1 The Articulatory Feature Approach 11

Feature # % Label # %
+voice 648316 67.66 -voice 230387 24.04
vowel 319506 33.34 fricative 146528 15.29
stop 178519 18.63 lateral 19151 1.20
nasal 134576 14.04 coronal 280526 29.27
labial 71128 7.42 palatal 7349 0.77
high 143299 14.96 mid 57382 5.99
low 135352 14.13 velar 42159 4.40
uvular 15300 1.60 glottal 29662 3.10
front 142393 14.86 back 147230 15.37
+central 227717 23.77 -central 91789 9.60
+round 33623 3.51 -round 294030 39.69

Table 2.2: Feature frequencies in the Verbmobil corpus.

zeros for those articulatory features which do not contribute to the phone definition and ones
for the relevant features. The probability J?BN 6 ?B given an acoustic observation 
of a phone
can then be derived from the vector of probabilities of all ) O , CPDRQSDTL , given observation x.
Ideally, the features which are relevant for the phone in question should have a probability of 1
whereas all others should have a probability of 0. Under what circumstances does this cascaded
classification scheme lead to an improved accuracy of the final classification result? It is difficult
to make precise predictions about this as the final classification result depends on several factors,
e.g. the relevance of each of the lower-level classifier outputs for classifying the higher-level
units, the statistical modeling assumptions of the higher-level classifier (e.g. whether a particular
distribution of the data, such as a normal distribution, is assumed), the individual accuracies of
the lower-level classifiers, and the (in)dependence of their errors.
Let us consider several possible situations. First, let us suppose that all individual articulatory
classifiers produce correct classifications with a probability of 0.6 and incorrect classifications
with a probability of 0.4. Let us additionally make the assumptions that the higher-level classifier
produces an error if and only if all of the 7 lower-level classifiers produce an error, and that the
errors of the lower-level classifiers are independent. In other words, incorrect classifications
in the different articulatory classifiers are considered separate events occurring independently
of each other. In this case, the error probability of the higher-level classifier is defined as the
product of the lower-level classifiers’ error probabilities:
> V=
U '  U &;=1
BW +

where U > is the error probability of the higher-level classifier and 8X &;=Y is the error prob-
12 2 Articulatory Feature Representations for Automatic Speech Recognition

ability of the 7[Z]\^ lower-level classifier. For our current example this means that the probability
of error in the higher-level classifier is _0a` = and the probability of being correct is Ccbd_0a` = .
For 7e' f , this equals 0.01 and 0.99, respectively. In this case, the cascaded classification
scheme does produce a superior result compared to a simple classifier unless that classifier al-
ready achieves a very good performance, i.e. its probability of error already falls below 0.01.

Let us consider the situation where the higher-level classifier commits an error if at least one of
the lower-level classifier makes an incorrect decision. In this case, the probability of error of the
higher-level classifier can be defined as

U > 'gChb NChbiU &;=1 ^
BW +

which, in our current example, equals CPbj_0k`mln' _0]oqp . This might easily exceed the error
probability of a one-step classifier.

Thus, the cascaded classification scheme may produce widely different outcomes depending on
the sensitivity of the higher-level classifier to the estimation errors of the lower-level classifiers,
on the probabilities of those estimation errors, and on the error correlation. In the first scenario
(all individual classifiers must make an error for the higher-level classifier to be incorrect) good
results may be achieved even when all or some the lower-level classifiers’ error probabilities
are higher than that of a comparable single-step classifier. This characterizes a situation where
the individual classifiers may be not be very accurate but a large amount of redundancy exists
between them. In the second scenario, there is little or no redundancy between the individual
classifiers, and their error probabilities need to be very low if the final error probability is to be
lower than that of a single-step classifier. In this case, the cascaded classification scheme may
be useful only in situations where the lower-level classifiers are known to be highly accurate.

In practice, the lower-level classifier ensemble will be characterized by some amount of redun-
dancy, and the decision of the higher-level classifier will not be dependent on either all classifiers
being correct/incorrect or on a single incorrect decision. Furthermore, it will often be the case
that some of the lower-level classes are more relevant than others for the classification of higher-
level classes. A sufficiently powerful higher-level classifier should be able to compensate for
these effects. In any case, it seems likely that the additional step of pre-classifying the highly
variable acoustic signal into a set of classes which can be detected with higher accuracy pro-
vides for greater robustness of the overall classification process. In Chapter 3 these theoretical
considerations will be further substantiated by empirical data.
2.1 The Articulatory Feature Approach 13

2.1.2 Coarticulation Modeling

Coarticulation is the modification of a speech sound due to anticipation or preservation of adja-

cent speech sounds. These modifications are caused by the speech production mechanism: the
sounds which listeners identify as speech segments are not produced in a serial, concatenative
fashion but emerge from the coordination of parallel, overlapping articulatory gestures. In order
to produce the sound [b], for instance, the jaw moves upwards, the lips form a closure, followed
by a release, and the vocal folds vibrate. The timing of these gestures, however, is not simul-
taneous but highly overlapping, as can be seen from Figure 2.2. This figure shows the relative
timing of the velum, tongue tip, tongue body, lips, and glottis gestures during the production of
the English word pan and is an abstract representation of the actual articulator movements, as
determined by X-ray studies [19]. The boxes represent the temporal extension of the movements
of the articulators listed on the vertical axis. It is obvious that the gestures produced by different
articulators which make up the phonetic segments on the horizontal axis do not follow identical
temporal schemes but are largely desynchronized.

v wide
Tongue wide pharyngeal
rTongue closed
Tip alveolar

sGlottis labial


tp h ua n ]

Figure 2.2: Relative timing of articulatory gestures for the production of the English word pan,
after [19].

Due to the inherent inertia of articulators, articulatory constellations do not change rapidly from
one speech segment to the next. Rather, gestures evolve relatively slowly over time and typically
cover time spans containing several speech segments. The spectral properties of these segments
are accordingly affected by the way the gesture changes the vocal tract resonance properties.
These spectral modifications form a continuum from highly perceptible changes causing a shift
in segment identity, over perceptible but non-distinctive changes, to subtle effects which can
not be perceived by the human ear but which may have an effect on the statistical model of the
14 2 Articulatory Feature Representations for Automatic Speech Recognition

sound in question. An example of the first case is the assimilation of nasals to following stops
common in many languages, e.g. i/n/ Britain w i[m] Britain. The second category includes
phenomena like the shift in the place of articulation of velar plosives depending on the quality
the following vowel: the [k] in kitchen, for instance, has a more palatal quality than the [k] in
car. All instances of coarticulation influence the acoustic representation of speech sounds and
may obscure the mapping from acoustic parameters to speech sound models.

The most common way to approach this problem in speech recognition is to use context-
dependent acoustic models, such as biphones or triphones. In this case, separate models are con-
structed for segments (phones) in different contexts. Thus, a /u/ between /t/ and /b/, for instance,
would receive a different model than a /u/ between /k/ and /l/. Depending on the vocabulary size,
this approach may yield a very large model set. This in turn may lead to severe undertraining
of the less frequent context-dependent models, for which only a few training instances may be
present in the training database. Various remedies can be applied to alleviate this problem, such
as interpolating the parameters of undertrained models with those of well-trained models [77],
merging similar models on the basis of phonetic knowledge [32] or by means of data-driven
clustering [79], setting thresholds on the frequency of occurrence of certain triphones [77], or
tying the parameters of different context-dependent models [125]. Another way of modeling
coarticulation is to add explicit pronunciation rules to the recognition lexicon in order to capture
those coarticulation phenomena which can be described at the level of phone symbols, i.e. those
which cause a change in segment identity. These usually take the form of alternative paths in the
(phone-based) transition networks for lexicon entries.

These approaches ignore the actual source of coarticulation and the potential advantages which
might be gained from a direct description of this source. As articulatory studies [18, 19] have
shown, most coarticulatory phenomena can be traced back to a temporal and/or spatial reorgani-
zation of articulatory gestures. Gestures may be compressed, i.e. overlap for longer time spans,
for instance due to increased speaking rate, or they may have a smaller magnitude (articulatory
undershoot). If it were possible to construct a reliable articulatory representation, coarticulatory
phenomena might be modeled simply in terms of these basic manipulations of articulatory ges-
tures. In the spectral or cepstral domain, by contrast, these gestural modifications may generate
complex patterns which are difficult to interpret or to model.

Articulatory features are related both to the acoustic signal and to higher-level linguistic units,
such as phones and syllables. They therefore provide a more suitable description language for
pronunciation variants, allowing words in the recognition lexicon to be represented not in terms
of rigid phone sequences but in terms of parallel sequences of articulatory features which are
loosely synchronized.
2.1 The Articulatory Feature Approach 15

2.1.3 Selective Processing

It is reasonable to assume that different aspects of articulation exhibit different degrees of robust-
ness and do not deteriorate (in terms of their ability of being recognized correctly) to the same
degree under adverse acoustic conditions. Voicing distinctions, for instance, can be detected
fairly robustly across a variety of acoustic conditions [26]. The detection of place features, by
contrast, is presumably less robust as it requires recovering the point of articulatory constrictions
in the vocal tract mediated by the acoustic signal. The acoustic changes induced by different
constriction locations, however, are heavily dependent on speakers’ vocal tract characteristics.
A classifier structure which is based on the decomposition of speech sounds into their articula-
tory components can exploit this property by selectively applying different processing strategies
to the different sub-classifiers independently. These strategies may involve the use of temporal
windows of different lengths, separate feature extraction front-ends, and different speech en-
hancement or model adaptation algorithms. In addition to being able to selectively focus on the
more robust properties, this technique opens up possibilities for more constrained adaptation
procedures in that adaptation only needs to be applied to the models of those features which are
most strongly affected by noise or speaker variability. Furthermore, the articulatory classifiers
themselves may differ: the classifier type, the complexity (the number of free parameters), and
the initialization or training procedures may be tuned to the specific tasks they need to perform.
In addition to using selective processing strategies at the first classification stage, the contribu-
tions of the sub-classifiers to the overall classification task may also be weighted differently by
the combination module depending on the context. The combining module may, for instance,
use an assessment of the signal-to-noise ratio as a basis for assigning weights to the various
sub-classifiers. Alternatively, this kind of selective adaptation might be achieved by re-training
the combination module on a small amount of noisy speech data.
How does the AF approach compare to other approaches to decompositional acoustic modeling?
Another prominent decompositional model which has recently gained popularity is the so-called
subband model. In subband systems [17, 15, 16, 35, 90] the acoustic frequency band is decom-
posed into a number of narrower frequency bands, subbands. In each of these subbands, the
subword unit probabilities are estimated separately and combined by a higher-level classifier
(see Figure 2.3). This scheme has certain parallels to our model: both approaches employ a cas-
caded classifier structure where the higher-level classifier combines the probability estimates of
the lower-level classifiers. However, there are also a number of important differences: first, the
classifiers in each subband and the combining classifier share the same set of output classes,
i.e. they all estimate probabilities for the same number and the same type of classes. Compared
to a full-band classifier, however, the subband classifiers receive less information since they only
have access to a small portion of the full frequency band. Thus, in a subband system the inputs to
16 2 Articulatory Feature Representations for Automatic Speech Recognition

xC 1


xC 3

xC 4
Figure 2.3: Subband system.

each lower-level classifier provide a reduced amount of information but the classifiers are nev-
ertheless required to perform a task which has the same complexity as that of the higher-level
classifier. In the AF model, by contrast, each lower-level classifier receives the same amount of
information but is tuned to a specialized classification task, each of which has lower complexity
than the task of the higher-level classifier. Another disadvantage of the subband approach is that
a subband system is not able to optimally exploit training material by sharing data across phones.
Furthermore, the subband approach relies on traditional (phonemic) subword units, which do not
offer the same advantages as the AF approach with respect to coarticulatory modeling. Another
difference is that there exists great uncertainty as to how many subbands should be used, which
bandwidths they should have, and whether they should overlap or not. Various schemes have
been suggested (see the references above); it seems to be the case that no single subband scheme
can be identified which works equally well across different tasks and recognition conditions.
This may entail the need for a redefinition of the subbands when switching to a different recog-
nition task, which is undesirable. The AF approach does not suffer from this problem: whereas
a certain amount of unanimity does exist with respect to the exact feature set which should be
used in an AF system, the basic structure of the system and the choice of features are constrained
by a model of the human speech production mechanism and are thus less task-dependent. The
only case in which a subband system might theoretically show an advantage over an AF system
is when (a) the signal is corrupted by narrow-band noise, and (b) the bandwidth of the noise is
known in advance. In this case, subbands can be defined such that the noise-corrupted subband
can be completely excluded from the higher-level classification step, which would not be possi-
ble in an AF-based system. However, the characteristics of background noise are generally not
2.1 The Articulatory Feature Approach 17

0.28 0.21
z 0.04

{ tongue

0.20 0.04
z 0.07

Articulator { tongue

0.04 0.17
z 0.25

| lower

/p/,/b/ /t/, /d/ /k/, /g/


Figure 2.4: Trajectories of vertical movements of tongue dorsum, tongue tip and lower lip for
labial, coronal, and velar sounds. From Papcun 1992 [97].

known in advance under realistic test conditions. An online adaptation of the subband split ac-
cording to an estimate of the noise bandwidth would necessarily introduce a mismatch between
training and testing conditions and is therefore infeasible. For these reasons, we consider the AF
scheme the more advantageous decompositional acoustic modeling approach.

2.1.4 Noise Robustness/Speaker Independence

To the extent that abstract pseudo-articulatory features are able to reflect the actual articula-
tory properties of speech, they also offer the advantages of noise robustness and speaker inde-
pendence, which are usually ascribed to genuinely articulatory representations (direct physical
measurements of articulation).
Although speakers differ with respect to the precise shape and magnitude of their articulatory
gestures, articulatory trajectories pertaining to particular speech sounds show remarkable uni-
formity across speakers. Figure 2.4 shows tongue tip, lower lip and tongue dorsum pellet trajec-
tories for different consonants as recorded in an X-ray microbeam experiment [97]. These tra-
jectories were normalized for duration and magnitude before computing the correlation across
trajectories, also shown in Figure 2.4. It is obvious that each group of consonants which share
the same place of articulation (location of the constriction in the vocal tract) can be identified by
a characteristic trajectory of the active articulator, which shows very little variation.
These articulatory movements are often reflected in the acoustic signal by a characteristic spec-
18 2 Articulatory Feature Representations for Automatic Speech Recognition

tral pattern, such as the development of formant frequencies over time. For instance, it can be
observed that lip rounding causes a downward shift of all formants3 in the spectrum. These pat-
terns are in principle independent of the vocal tract lengths of different speakers and acoustic
conditions such as reverberation and additive noise.

It is well known that different vocal tract lengths have a severe effect on acoustic speech sig-
nal representations. The length of the vocal tract causes a quasi-linear shift of frequencies in the
acoustic signal: a shorter vocal tract, as in children and female speakers, causes frequency energy
to shift upwards whereas a longer vocal tract is characterized by lower frequencies. Moreover,
the degree of the frequency shift depends on the vocal tract configuration: open vocal tract con-
figurations (configurations during the production of open vowels) are more severely affected
than closed configurations. These effects may be balanced by so-called Vocal Tract Length Nor-
malization (VTN). In VTN [67, 36] a scaling factor } is applied to the preprocessed speech
signal to achieve a linear frequency warping,
~€ } ~ (2.3)

which is expected to normalize the variabilities introduced by different vocal tract lengths of
different speakers. In [67], an exhaustive search is performed to find the optimal scaling factor
}ƒ‚ for each speaker „ during training. During decoding, the utterances of each speaker were
decoded with twenty different scaling factors. That decoding which maximized the likelihood of
the data was then selected as the optimal hypothesis. In [36], a parametric approach is suggested
which eliminates much of the computational overhead associated with the exhaustive search for
the optimal scaling factor. Under this approach, a formant configuration is estimated for each
speaker and the scaling factor is computed from the median of the third formant ( …‡† ) in relation
to the …‡† median across all other speakers. Although this and other recent improvements to VTN
make the method more practicable, VTN is associated with additional computational effort.
Articulatory classes, by contrast, are mainly determined by relative acoustic patterns, such as
the direction of formant movements or the relative distance between formants. For this reason,
they can be expected to be more robust to vocal tract length differences than direct spectral

Most current acoustic speech representations are based on the log-spectrum of the signal. For
the computation of the log-spectrum the signal is first subjected to a windowed Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT). The output is then passed through a filterbank; in the case of mel-frequency

a set of trapezoidal filters

cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), which are the most widely used speech features, it consists of
equally spaced along the mel-scale. The mel-scale was
 Formants are those frequencies in the spectrum of the speech signal which are associated with relative maxima
of energy.
2.2 Relation to Human Speech Perception 19

developed on the basis of human auditory perception experiments [115] and is approximately
linear below 1 kHz and logarithmic above. It can be approximated by the following formula [42]
Žd/N‘ ~’“€•”q–m—ƒ– X˜/™ ˆXš ‘N›œ žm~ŸqŸ ’ (2.4)
Subsequently, the log, , is taken of the amplitude in each filterbank channel,
~   . Finally, the
cepstrum is computed by means of the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT):
¡   €£¢ ¤ ¦ ¥ ˆ  § ¡ ˜ „ "‘ Ž©@ª ‘3«­¬ Ÿ ‹]–q’^’
§:¨ (2.5)

MFCCs have the advantage of modeling the quasi-logarithmic frequency resolution of the hu-
man ear. The DCT yields the additional advantage of orthogonalizing the coefficients, which
can be important if an acoustic classifier is employed which does not model the correlation be-
tween different coefficients, such as a single-mixture Gaussian classifier with diagonal covari-
ance. However, the log operation has the effect of emphasizing even small levels of background
noise. Furthermore, the DCT spreads this effect across all coefficients although noise may origi-
nally only be present in some frequency regions. For this reason, log-spectral representations in
general, and MFCCs in particular, are especially sensitive to noise.
Both signal-based and model-based methods have been developed to compensate for noise and
channel effects. A signal-based method for removing long-term spectral biases is Cepstral Mean
Subtraction (CMS), where the mean of the cepstral coefficients is first computed over some
amount of data (the entire utterance in the case of off-line applications) and is then subtracted
from each feature vector. An example of a model-based adaptation method is Maximum Likeli-
hood Linear Regression (MLLR) [80, 49]. Under this approach, a set of linear transformations
is applied to the means and variances of the models in a Gaussian mixture system. These trans-
formation matrices are estimated such that the likelihood of the adaptation data is maximized.
The various methods for speaker and noise adaptation are successful to some degree but it is
obvious that they frequently involve considerable additional computational effort. It would be
desirable to employ features which are inherently less sensitive to noise and speaker variability
or a classifier structure which allows these algorithms to be employed selectively, in order to
minimize adaptation requirements. The articulatory feature approach potentially offers both of
these advantages.

2.2 Relation to Human Speech Perception

At this point it might be asked what relation, if any, the articulatory feature approach bears to
human speech perception.
20 2 Articulatory Feature Representations for Automatic Speech Recognition

From the 1950s to the 1970s, a number of perceptual confusion studies were carried out, which
have often been cited as a source of evidence supporting the assumption of perceptual reality
of articulatory/acoustic-phonetic features. These studies (e.g. [89, 113, 120]) have shown that
perceptual confusions of vowels and consonants under clean and noisy listening conditions of-
ten pattern along articulatory dimensions: segments which are highly confusable can mostly
be described as differing in only one or two articulatory features. Miller and Nicely [89], for
instance, studied the confusion of initial consonants before /a/ in nonsense syllables in clean
speech, filtered speech, and speech with additive white noise at various signal-to-noise ratios.
200 syllables were produced by five different talkers and transcribed by four different listeners.
For each acoustic condition, the confusion matrices of spoken vs. perceived consonants were
computed and analyzed. Whereas high-pass filtering of the speech signal (the lower cut-off fre-
quency ranging between 2000-4500 Hz) led to randomly distributed perception errors which
did not show any phonetic pattern, clean, low-pass filtered and noise-masked speech mostly
produced confusions among segments which were similar in articulatory terms, e.g. confusions
of the voiced and voiceless stops /b/-/p/, /d/-/t/, /g/-/k/. All consonants were then grouped into
super-classes defined by the five articulatory dimensions voicing, nasality, frication, duration,
place and the mutual information between the spoken and the transcribed class was computed
¯±°-² ’“€ ¬ ¦ ‘¯ ‰ ² ’ 
‘ ¯ ‘
¯ ’ ¹ ‰ ² ‘U² ’ ’
according to

³µ´ ¶¸· ¹ (2.6)

where X and Y are random variables representing the spoken and transcribed class, respec-
tively. It was found that the five individual mutual information values added up to the mutual
information for the phone classes, provided the sum was normalized by a corrective factor for
the redundancy in the input. The authors concluded from this that the five feature groups were
perceptually independent and proposed the multi-channel model of speech perception, which
assumes the existence of independent perceptual channels associated with an articulatory inter-
pretation, the output of which is combined to identify phone classes. The multi-channel model is
thus very similar to the acoustic modeling approach proposed here. Note that Miller & Nicely’s
experiments do not prove the existence of five perceptual channels which correspond precisely
to the above feature groups. The interpretation of their data is to some extent pre-determined by
the a priori choice of the five descriptive categories. There is no evidence which disproves the
existence of fewer or more than five perceptual channels. It should also be emphasized that a
distinction should be made between the claim that articulatory features actually are the units of
speech perception and between the fact that they may serve as convenient labels for describing
certain perceptual patterns. Although articulatory features describe Miller and Nicely’s findings
most concisely and naturally, nothing suggests that human listeners actively exploit them in the
process of speech perception.
2.2 Relation to Human Speech Perception 21

An additional source of evidence in favor of the perceptual reality of articulatory features comes
from similarity judgment experiments. In these studies it was found that sounds were judged
more similar by human listeners when they had more articulatory/phonetic features in common
[99, 54].

More recently, Ghitza [53] established a mapping between Jakobson’s [64] distinctive phono-
logical features (which partially overlap with articulatory features) and specific time-frequency
regions in diphones through so-called “tiling” experiments. Subjects were presented with CVC
(consonant-vowel-consonant) words differing in the initial or final diphone and were asked to
perform an ABX listening test, i.e. three stimuli were played to the subject, of which the third had
to be identified as either the first or the second one. The CVC lists were modified by dividing the
signal portions belonging to the diphone into six equal time-frequency regions (“tiles”), which
were then interchanged paradigmatically. By analyzing the resulting perceptual confusions a
direct mapping could be established between certain time-frequency regions and distinctive fea-
tures. Since time-frequency information can further be related to auditory-nerve function, it may
be concluded from this study that the features investigated have perceptual reality by being coded
in the auditory periphery.

There are some phonetic and psycholinguistic theories which take an extreme point of view on
the question of the perceptual relevance of articulatory categories and claim that articulatory
categories (also termed motor commands or articulatory gestures) exclusively form the basis for
human speech perception, i.e. that listeners perceive sounds by reconstructing the relevant artic-
ulatory gestures from the speech signal. The first theory of this kind was the Motor Theory of
Speech Perception, proposed by Liberman in 1967 [81] and revised Liberman and Mattingly in
1986 [82]. Fowler’s Modularity Theory [45] and Browman and Goldstein’s Articulatory Phonol-
ogy [18] also fall into this category.

The main argument of the Motor Theory in support of articulation-based speech perception is
the fact that acoustic correlates of phonetic categories are not uniquely identifiable. Due to coar-
ticulation the acoustic properties of a given sound differ widely in different phonetic contexts.
It has been shown in speech perception experiments (e.g.[86]) that phonetic distinctions such as
voicing can be signaled by a variety of acoustic cues. All of these cues can assume a distinctive
function in certain contexts; however, none of them is indispensable for the discrimination of
phonetic categories because it can always be substituted by sets of other cues. Thus, it seems
impossible to enlist those acoustic properties which are responsible for the perception of speech
sounds across all contexts. Furthermore, the proponents of Motor Theory argue that it is cogni-
tively more plausible to assume that humans possess a single representation and/or processing
module for both the production and the perception of speech than to posit the existence of two
separate, highly specialized modules for these tasks. It is proposed that production and per-
22 2 Articulatory Feature Representations for Automatic Speech Recognition

ception share a common representation and perhaps a common processing strategy, which are
presumably innate.
The motor theory seems be supported by certain experimental findings and empirical observa-
tions, such as the fact that human listeners, in situations where they encounter speech perception
problems, involuntarily mouth the corresponding articulatory movements. On the other hand,
there are listeners (speech-impaired adults and prelinguistic infants) who are incapable of artic-
ulating speech sounds, but who are nevertheless able to process and understand speech. Thus,
knowledge about articulatory gestures does not seem to be critical for the perception of speech.
Furthermore, the argument adduced against an auditory theory of speech perception, viz. the
variety of acoustic cues, can in principle also be applied to the Motor Theory itself: although
articulatory gestures, as we have already noted, are contextually less variable than acoustic pa-
rameters, they need to be retrieved from the acoustic signal, which requires a similarly complex
transformation as purely auditory speech perception. In sum, it is highly questionable that artic-
ulatory gestures are indispensable for the perception of human speech sounds. However, it does
seem likely that in certain situations articulatory representations can help classify speech sounds
into linguistic categories.

2.3 Drawbacks

Despite the advantages of articulatory representations described above, most state-of-the-art

speech recognition systems do not incorporate any articulatory information. This can be ex-
plained by the two major drawbacks of articulatory representations: first, it is difficult to reliably
extract articulatory parameters from the acoustic signal; second, the use of articulatory infor-
mation requires additional processing, which has up to now prevented the integration of this
approach into large-scale applications.
The only feasible way to make use of articulatory information in speech recognition is to map
the acoustic signal to an articulatory representation. This is a necessary prerequisite because
direct articulatory measurements, e.g. in the form of X-ray data, are not available in normal
speech applications. However, the reconstruction of articulatory movements from the acoustic
signal is greatly complicated by what is usually termed the inversion problem. The inversion
problem denotes the lack of a one-to-one mapping between articulation and acoustics. Widely
differing articulatory constellations can generate highly similar acoustic patterns. This has been
demonstrated empirically in so-called bite-block experiments [51]. In these experiment, subjects
were asked to produce speech while their articulation was artificially impaired by a physical ob-
struction in the vocal tract. Under a variety of different obstruction conditions, subjects were
still able to generate perfectly intelligible speech showing similar acoustic patterns. The in-
2.4 Previous Work 23

version problem also besets the reverse transformation from acoustics to articulation. Atal et
al. [3] investigated acoustic-articulatory mapping with the objective of computing an inverse
of the articulatory-to-acoustic function. Using a computer-sorting technique to derive formant
bandwidths and amplitudes from articulatory variables such as cross-sectional areas of the vo-
cal tract, they noticed that “large ambiguities were observed. Large changes in the shape of the
vocal tract can be made without changing the formant frequencies” ([3]:1555). This observation
has been replicated in several subsequent studies concerned with finding an acoustic-articulatory
mapping function, e.g. [13, 106, 107, 105]. In sum, the relation between acoustics and articu-
lation is non-unique and highly non-linear. However, although the mapping problem cannot be
solved deterministically, it can be conceived of as a problem of statistical pattern recognition,
where powerful (nonlinear) classifiers and sufficient training material may contribute to estab-
lishing a robust mapping between acoustic input data and articulatory classes in a probabilistic
fashion. Moreover, inversion may constitute a serious problem for local classification based on
a single acoustic frame but may be easier to perform over a longer time span consisting of mul-
tiple frames. Thus, dynamic constraints incorporating statistics of the durations of articulatory
gestures may greatly simplify the inversion task.
The second reason why articulatory representations have not been used extensively in speech
recognition systems is the additional cost associated with them. If articulatory parameters are
statistically extracted from the acoustic representation, an additional processing step is required.
Computing an inverse transformation of the articulatory-acoustic mapping is similarly expen-
sive, as it usually requires a search of the articulatory space. However, this additional cost may
be acceptable if it simplifies higher-level processing, such as the evaluation of acoustic models
or the lexical search during decoding. Furthermore, a modular, parallel recognition architecture
may be capable of handling the additional processing requirements in real time.

2.4 Previous Work

There have been several previous attempts at using either articulatory or acoustic-phonetic in-
formation in ASR. These fall into three main categories, viz. the extraction of articulatory pa-
rameters from direct physical measurements, articulatory/acoustic-phonetic feature systems, and
articulatory-based preprocessing.

2.4.1 Direct Physical Measurements

The most direct and accurate way of describing articulation is to physically record the move-
ments of articulators. Various methods have been developed for this purpose, e.g. cineradiogra-
24 2 Articulatory Feature Representations for Automatic Speech Recognition

phy, where metal pellets are attached to a subject’s articulators (typically lips, tongue tip, tongue
dorsum, and jaw), whose movements are then recorded by X-ray. The displacement of the pellets
from the neutral position across time yields a fairly accurate account of articulatory movements.
Papcun et al. [97] and Zacks et al. [126], used X-ray microbeam data coupled with acoustic
data (FFT-based bark-scaled coefficients) to map acoustic parameters to articulatory trajectories
using a neural network. Whereas Papcun et al. [97] describe the mapping from acoustics to ar-
ticulatory trajectories and articulatory gestures in detail, an actual application of the technique to
vowel recognition is described in the paper by Zacks et al. [126]. The data set used for training
and testing consisted of 45 words (3 repetitions of 3 words spoken by 3 speakers), each word
containing one vowel. In one experiment, this data set was used for both training and testing;
in a second experiment, all data for one speaker was deleted from the training set and used as
the test set. A vowel recognition accuracy rate of 96% was obtained for the first experiment; the
second experiment yielded 87% accuracy.

2.4.2 Articulatory Feature Systems

A number of speech recognition systems have been built which use articulatory features similar
to the approach described in this thesis. A closely related concept is the concept of “distinc-
tive features” in phonological theory [23]. Distinctive feature systems and articulatory feature
systems often include similarly named features; however, there is an important distinction to
be made. Distinctive feature systems were primarily developed for the purpose of phonological
classification and thus may include features which bear little relation to physical parameters.
Examples of these are syllabic or consonantal which have the functional purpose of grouping
together certain classes of speech sounds – they do not have unique correlates either in acoustic
or in articulatory space. In this thesis, we explicitly restrict our set of features to those which can
be expected to have well-defined correlates in articulatory space and exclude any functional or
purely acoustically defined features.

In the following discussion of feature-based approaches in ASR we will nevertheless include

those studies which use distinctive or acoustic-phonetic features. The common characteristic
of these approaches is that a pre-defined set of features is established for the language under
investigation. These features are then detected from the acoustic speech signal by means of
statistical classifiers and are subsequently used to define higher-level units like phones, syllables
or words.

One of the earliest systems which make use of articulatory features was reported by Schmidbauer
[110]. Schmidbauer developed a speech recognizer for German using 19 articulatory features
describing manner and place of articulation. These were detected from the preprocessed speech
2.4 Previous Work 25

signal by means of a Bayes classifier. The posterior feature probabilities were concatenated to
articulatory feature vectors (AFVs), which were then used as input to phonemic hidden Markov
models (HMMs). On a small database (about 10-15 minutes for both training and testing), an
improvement of 4% over a standard system based on MFCCs was achieved. The author observed
that the AF system was more robust towards cross-speaker variability and showed a smaller
variance of recognition accuracy across different phoneme classes than the MFCC system.

Dalsgaard and colleagues [29, 114] used three-valued articulatory features for the purpose of
multi-lingual labeling. 20 (Danish) to 25 (British English) features were detected by a self-
organizing neural network (SONN). The SONN output was used as input to multivariate Gaus-
sian mixture phoneme models, which were used for automatic label alignment by a Viterbi
algorithm. The result was evaluated with respect to a manual annotation of label boundaries, but
no comparison of recognition accuracy to a standard acoustic system was given.

Eide et al. [37] used 14 acoustic-phonetic features for broad class phonetic classification and
keyword spotting for an American English database. These features mostly had an articulatory
interpretation but also included functional features like consonantal and continuant. Feature
probabilities were derived using Gaussian classifiers after having obtained a broad class Viterbi
segmentation of the waveform. Phoneme probabilities were then defined by a product combi-
nation of feature probabilities, together with a duration model. Under this scheme a phoneme
classification accuracy of 70% was obtained on the TIMIT database. For the purpose of key-
word spotting, the same approach was used on narrow-band (telephone) speech. Significant
improvements were also obtained when a baseline MFCC-based system was combined with the
feature-based system by means of a cost function involving hand-tuned weights.

Probably the most elaborate articulatory feature system has been developed by Deng and col-
leagues [31, 40, 34, 33, 41]. The authors used 18 multi-valued features to describe the four di-
mensions of voicing, place of articulation, vertical tongue body movement and horizontal tongue
body movement. Furthermore, they modeled the speech signal as a sequence of target articula-
tory vectors interspersed with transitional vectors. Target vectors were defined by a rule-based
combination of articulatory features. The transitional vectors were underspecified; features were
allowed to assume any phonetically plausible value intermediate between the value of the pre-
vious target vector and that of the following target vector. Individual vectors corresponded to
HMM states; all possible vectors were combined into a single ergodic HMM whose transi-
tions and emissions were trained. Early experiments reported a relative improvement of 26% on
average over a conventional phoneme HMM on a consonant-vowel speaker-independent clas-
sification task. Phone recognition experiments on the TIMIT database yielded a 9-14% rela-
tive improvement compared to the acoustic baseline system. Finally, on a speaker-independent
medium-sized word recognition task, the AF recognizer achieved a 2.5% relative improvement
26 2 Articulatory Feature Representations for Automatic Speech Recognition

compared to a single-component Gaussian mixture phoneme recognizer.

Further results on phonetic-feature classification (including articulatory features) were reported

in Windhauer et al. [123]. 18 features were detected using time-delay neural networks; the out-
puts were multiplied to yield phoneme probabilities. Recognition results were reported on the
ALPH English spelling database; however, no comparison to a standard acoustic system was

Elenius et al. [39, 38] compared hybrid ANN/HMM classifiers for phoneme recognition based
on spectral vs. articulatory representations. Seven phonetic features were used as an intermediate
level in a phoneme classifier and compared to a phoneme MLP without any intermediate feature
level. On a speaker-dependent speech database consisting of 50 sentences for both training and
testing, the authors found that the spectral classifier performed better. However, they did observe
an advantage of the articulatory feature-based classifier for speaker-independent data.

2.4.3 Articulatory Preprocessing

The approaches which can be grouped together under the label “articulatory preprocessing”
seek to develop a parameterization of the speech signal which enhances acoustic-phonetic or
articulatory information. No statistical classification is involved to extract these categories; in-
stead, specialized preprocessing front-ends are designed based on knowledge about the acoustic
correlates of the categories in question. Thus, correlates for features like noncontinuant, fricated,
palatal, etc. are defined in terms of energy in specific frequency bands, energy ratios between
different bands, zero-crossing rates, normalized auto-correlation coefficients, etc.

Bitar & Espy-Wilson [11, 12] used articulatory parameters as input to HMMs for phoneme
classification. Compared to MFCCs, relative improvements of up to 11% were achieved on the
TIMIT database. These improvements were particularly obvious in cases where there was a
gender mismatch between the training and the test data.

Varnich-Hansen [57] also described the development of novel acoustic parameters for distinctive
feature and phoneme classification. Classification results were given for the TIMIT database but
were not compared to standard acoustic parameters.

Ali et al. [1] developed an acoustic front-end for the recognition of fricatives, which identi-
fied voicing and place of articulation. The front-end consisted of critical-band filters, a hair-cell
synapse model, and a generalized synchrony detector. Relevant acoustic features included energy
in different frequency bands, relative amplitude and spectral shape. This model was tested on
fricatives excised from the continuous TIMIT database. Remarkably high accuracy rates (95%
for voicing, 93% for place of articulation) were reported.
2.4 Previous Work 27

Ramesh and Niyogi [93, 102] concentrated exclusively on the voicing feature and on improv-
ing discrimination between stop consonants. A detector for voice onset time (VOT) based on
cross correlation and dynamic programming was used to classify segments as either voiced or
unvoiced. This classification was performed after a first-pass segmentation had been carried out
by a conventional HMM system. This strategy led to an overall reduction of 48.7% of stop-
consonant identification error rate obtained on a spelling database.

2.4.4 Evaluation

The first of the approaches described above, the use of direct articulatory measurements, has
only marginal relevance to ASR because of the lack of large, speaker-independent databases of
articulatory measurements. The existing articulatory databases do not provide sufficient training
material for statistical models in order to learn articulatory parameters from the corresponding
acoustic data for a broad variety of contexts.

Articulatory-based pre-processing can potentially be useful in improving speech recognition.

Its advantage is that no intermediate level of articulatory feature classification is required; the
parameters extracted from the speech signal can be directly used to estimate the distribution of
subword units, in the same way as standard acoustic parameters. However, the articulatory pre-
processing (extraction) approach is essentially a rule-based approach. The acoustic correlates of
the categories to be extracted are defined on the basis of expert knowledge, which renders the
development of successful feature extraction algorithms difficult and slow. Moreover, these al-
gorithms have up to now only been tested on clean, full-band speech. It is to be expected that at
least those definitions of acoustic correlates which rely on absolute frequency or energy values
will have to be redefined for noisy or band-limited speech. As mentioned above, articulation ex-
hibits context-dependence. Voicing, for instance, may be easily identifiable by voice-onset time
for stop consonants in syllable-initial position. However, stops in different contexts and other
consonants such as fricatives may have a less well-defined realization. Thus, a rule-based artic-
ulatory pre-processing approach may work well when a first-pass segmentation of the signal has
already been performed or when certain “landmarks” have been detected first [87] so that the
context can be defined more accurately, but it is suboptimal for purely bottom-up acoustic classi-
fication. Thus, in spite of the computational effort associated with it, the statistical classification
component seems to be indispensable for an articulatory approach to ASR. An articulatory repre-
sentation may in itself exhibit less variation than a spectral representation; however, the acoustic
patterns from which the articulatory categories are to be recovered are too varied and too intrans-
parent to be amenable to a rule-based feature extraction method. It may be for this reason that
the most promising ASR results described above have been obtained by the articulatory feature
28 2 Articulatory Feature Representations for Automatic Speech Recognition

classification approach.

The preceding section has shown that the AF approach to speech recognition is not an entirely
new idea. However, several important research issues have been neglected or entirely omitted in
these previous studies, which explains the motivation of this thesis:

º First, little effort has been devoted in general to the articulatory approach. Attempts at
developing AF systems have been sporadic and in many cases have been abandoned pre-
maturely before their potential was exhaustively analyzed and exploited. Furthermore, the
full range of statistical classification and optimization tools obviously has not been ap-
plied to most of these systems. In most cases, a set of articulatory features was selected
heuristically. The output of the feature classification component was then used as input to
the same higher-level processing components that were employed in the acoustic baseline
systems, which may or may not have resulted in an improvement in performance. It is
evident, however, that the introduction of a new set of features, such as articulatory fea-
tures, always requires extensive system optimization and fine-tuning in order to achieve
results comparable to those of an acoustic baseline system which in many cases has been
developed and optimized over many years.

º Most of the research efforts in articulatory speech recognition have been directed at the
extraction of articulatory parameters from the acoustic speech signal. However, it is at
least equally important to find out how these parameters function in a complex speech
recognition system.

º Most of the studies mentioned above do not provide a detailed error analysis of the
strengths and weaknesses of the AF systems vs. the acoustic baselines. Systems are merely
compared in terms of phoneme or word error rates, which yields very little information
about the conditions in which AFs may or may not be useful. Eide et al. [37] note in pass-
ing that “the linguistic features extract information in the waveform differently from the
HMM” ([37]:486) but a more detailed analysis has not been performed either in this or
other studies.

º This introduces another issue which has not been sufficiently investigated: if AF repre-
sentations and acoustic representations provide different information, it might be advan-
tageous to combine them. However, very little effort has been directed towards this goal.

º Previous AF studies have only looked at limited speech recognition tasks, such as
phoneme identification. To the best of our knowledge, the potential of AFs for conver-
sational speech or large vocabulary has not been investigated.
2.4 Previous Work 29

º Although the potential of AFs in the presence of noise and other adverse acoustic environ-
ments has repeatedly been asserted, it has never been systematically tested.

This thesis will address all of these points by investigating AFs under a broad variety of acoustic
and linguistic conditions, including clean, noisy, and reverberant speech, full-band as well as
narrow-band speech, different recognition tasks – numbers recognition and conversational dia-
logue recognition – as well as two different languages, American English and German. Through-
out this thesis, we will follow a feature classification rather than a feature extraction approach.
Particular emphasis will be given to the performance of AFs within an entire speech recognition
system. Moreover, detailed error analyses will be provided of the strengths and weaknesses of
the different representations. Finally, different approaches to combining both systems will be
30 2 Articulatory Feature Representations for Automatic Speech Recognition
Chapter 3

Small Vocabulary Recognition Using

Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

In this chapter we will present a pilot study which highlights some of the research issues which
we will address in greater detail in the subsequent chapters of this thesis. We will describe the
development of a recognition system based on articulatory features and compare its performance
on a small-vocabulary continuous numbers recognition task to that of state-of-the-art acoustic
recognizers. Characteristic differences between the acoustic and articulatory systems will be
analyzed at various levels of the recognition system. We will show that the recognizers exhibit
different error patterns and thus indicate potential for recognizer combination. Finally, we will
discuss and investigate frame-level combination strategies and present combination results.

3.1 Corpus and Baseline Systems

3.1.1 Corpus

The corpus used for the experiments reported in this chapter is the OGI Numbers95 corpus [27].
This is an American English corpus consisting of a collection of continuously spoken numbers –
a typical utterance in this corpus is two hundred thirty six. The utterance length ranges between
one and ten words with an average of 3.9 words per utterance. The corpus was compiled at the
Oregon Graduate Institute by extracting numbers (zip codes, dates, street numbers, etc.) from
various other speech corpora, all of which had been recorded over the telephone (including both
analogue and digital telephone lines). The data set used for training and cross validation consists
of 3590 utterances (3233 for training, 357 for cross validation), corresponding to approximately
two hours of speech. The test set comprises 1206 utterances (40 minutes). All utterances in
these sets were manually transcribed at the phone level. The vocabulary consists of the 32 words
shown in Table A.1 in the Appendix.
32 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

In addition to the original test set, four modified versions of the test set were created1 by artifi-
cially adding noise or reverberation to the speech signal. The reverberant test set was produced
by digitally convolving the signal with an impulse response function recorded in an echoic room
with a reverberation time of 0.5s. For the noise test sets, pink noise from the Noisex database
was added to the speech signal at various signal-to-noise (SNR) ratios: 0, 10, 20, and 30 dB.

3.1.2 Recognition System: The Hybrid Paradigm

All recognizers used for the experiments reported in this chapter are hybrid ANN/HMM systems.
The hybrid approach to speech recognition combines artificial neural networks (ANNs) for the
estimation of local subword unit probabilities with HMMs, which perform the task of temporally
aligning the speech signal with a sequence of acoustic models. More precisely, this involves the
¯ €¼»‡½"‰:»6¾m‰<‹3‹3‹2‰:»¿
Á ˆÂ‰ Á Š/‰<‹3‹2‹3‰ Á1à :
recursive computation of the likelihood of the sequence of feature vectors
given the model , where À is an HMM with states

‘ Å
¯ Ä Æ
’ € ¦ Ã È    ÌË ˆ ‘ »#Í Ä  Î‘
Ï ’^’
¹ À   ¨ ˆÉ ¨ Ç ˆƒÊ ´ ¹ Á (3.1)
»µ½"‰:»6¾q‰<‹3‹3‹2‰:»¿ À is de-
Thus, the global probability of an observation sequence given a HMM

Ð , summed over all possible state sequences. Under the most widespread approach to ASR, the
fined as the product of all transition and observation probabilities over time points through

‘ »#Í Ä Á  Î‘Ï ’:’ , with ›ÒѼÏÑÓÐ and

ª € ›nÑ ª ÑÔ¤ are computed by a weighted sum of Gaussian probability density functions
Gaussian mixture approach, the local emission probabilities

(pdfs), so-called “mixture components”:

‘ »#Í Ä Á  Õ‘
Ï ’^’€ Œ ¦ ¥ ˆ ¡ Œ  ]Öe‘ » Í °:×@ØÙ ‰9Ú¸Œ   ’
· ¨ (3.2)
× Œ   and Ú¸Œ   are the mean and covariance, respectively, of the Û  Ï^Ü mixture component at
state ª and ¡
Œ   is the mixture weight for that component. Each mixture component has the form

Öݑ » °4× ‰9Úޒµ€ ß ›  Ëâ1á ã]ä Ëæå<çéèéêë á ã]ä Ëæå<ç

of a Gaussian or Normal distribution:

‘ ” © ’Îà Ä Ú Ä (3.3)

× Ú
where is the mean vector and the covariance matrix of the distribution and ì is the dimen-
sionality of the feature space.
In hybrid systems, ANNs are used to estimate the local emission probabilities of HMM states.
The different types of ANNs which have been used for this purpose include Multi-Layer-
Perceptrons (MLPs) [91], Radial-Basis-Function (RBF) networks [112], recurrent neural net-
works (RNNs)[108], and time-delay neural networks (TDNNs) [47]. All of these networks are
í We are grateful to Brian Kingsbury, ICSI, for supplying these test sets.
3.1 Corpus and Baseline Systems 33

general function approximators which are trained to minimize a distance function relating the
network outputs to a set of pre-specified target values. This error function is usually either the
mean-squared error (MSE) or the relative entropy function. The MSE between the network’s
output î and the target ï is defined as ð
‘ î ‰ ï ’Æ€dñ8ò ‘ î ¬ ï ’ Š^ó (3.4)

¯ ²
where the expectation is taken over the set of training samples. The relative entropy between the
ð ö
distributions over and , is defined as
¯ ‰ ² ’“€ôñõò -¦ ö ò ‘ ï ’  ì · ‘ ï ö ’^’ ’ ó3ó
· · î

The following reasons have been put forward (e.g. [91]) in favor of the hybrid approach and
against the Gaussian mixture approach:

º statistical modeling assumptions

It has been argued that ANNs permit an unconstrained approximation of the function
underlying the distribution of the training data whereas Gaussian mixture classifiers are
based on the assumption that the input data is normally distributed. This is only true to
some extent – in principle, ANNs can approximate any objective function [62] but only
under the conditions that a sufficient number of free parameters (hidden units, weights)
are used and that sufficient training data are available to train these parameters. Moreover,
any distribution can in principle be approximated by the weighted sum of a sufficiently
large number of Gaussian mixture components. We will return to this point shortly.
º incorporation of context
Another argument which has been adduced to support the hybrid approach is the possi-

bility of including phonetic context in the estimation of local emission probabilities. The

the neighboring feature vectors at times

Ï"¬8› ‰ "Ï ¬ ”÷‰<‹3‹3‹2‰ Ï"¬ ì and Ï1œø› ‰ Ï1œ ÷” ‰1‹2‹3‹2‰ Ï<œ ì
input to an ANN may consist either of the feature vector at time only, or it may include
as well.
In principle, context can also be included when the estimator is a Gaussian mixture clas-

‘ i
œ › ’ ù
sifier. Instead of estimating means and covariances for feature vectors of dimension, , it
is then necessary to estimate these parameters for ì ù -dimensional vectors which are
formed by concatenating the original vector and ì context vectors. Which approach is to
be preferred depends on the particular application. Consider a fully connected three-layer
MLP with 100 hidden units and 50 output units. Given a 20-dimensional feature vector
and a context window of three frames, the MLP needs to find the values for (60 100) ú
+ (100 50) = 11,000 weights. The number of free parameters for a single-component
full-covariance Gaussian mixture system with the same number of output classes would
34 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

be (1830 + 60) 50 = 94,500. ( ûý ü ¨ ˆ ª parameters for the (triangular) covariance matrix,
60 for the mean vector, 50 classes). If, however, diagonal covariances are used, this num-
ber is reduced to (60 + 60) 50 = 6,000. The suitability of each approach thus depends
on how much modeling effort is needed for the task at hand. MLPs may be the classi-
fier of choice if the data has a highly non-Gaussian distribution which would require a
large number of mixture components, and if the the use of diagonal covariance matrices in
the individual mixture components would result in a sharp decline in accuracy. However,
in other cases where the data distribution closely resembles a Normal distribution which
could adequately be modeled by a small number of mixture components, or even a single
Gaussian, the Gaussian mixture approach might be preferable.

º discriminative training
The third important argument is that certain ANNs, such as MLPs, are directly trained
to discriminate between the output classes rather than to most closely match the data
distribution. As several researchers (e.g. [122, 103]) have shown, the output activations of
MLPs approximate Bayesian a posteriori probabilities in the mean squared error sense,
under the conditions that (a) the mean-squared error or relative entropy error function is
used during training, and (b) a sufficiently large number of hidden parameters is used
ö ö }
ˆ9‰1‹2‹3‹ þ ‘ ’
to be able to correctly approximate the desired result. In order to distinguish between
classes þ , we need } discriminant functions ù î . These are defined by the } -
dimensional vector of a posteriori probabilities for the set of classes ÿ ,
‘ Ä »’ . Since
the parameters of the MLP are trained such that the output most closely approximates
this probability vector, all discriminant functions (and therefore all class boundaries) are
optimized jointly during training. In the Gaussian mixture system, on the other hand, each
model is usually trained individually to maximize the likelihood of the training data given
the model, without considering the optimal class boundaries.2

Ï ¹ ‘ Á  Õ‘
Ï ’ Ä »#Í4’ of the HMM state Á   given
» Í . Since it is the likelihood
At a given time frame, , an ANN estimates the probability
‘ #» Í Ä Á  Õ‘
Ï ’^’ which is required by Equation
the observation vector
¹ ‘ Á   ’ .3
3.1, the posterior probabilities output by the ANN are converted to scaled likelihoods by dividing
them by the a priori class probabilities

The ANNs used in our experiments are three-layered MLPs (one input, one output and one

More recently, however, various discriminative training criteria have been investigated in the context of Gaussian
 mixture HMM systems, e.g. [10, 22, 109].
In the hybrid approach considered here, each individual HMM state corresponds to an output class, i.e. a subword
3.1 Corpus and Baseline Systems 35

hidden layer). The activation function of the hidden layer is the logistic function
~ ‘ î ’€ ›œ  › N‘ ¬ ’
î· Êî (3.6)

where Ê is a constant controlling the slope of the function. The final output activation function

~ ‘ î   ’“€  î ˆ ·  ‘ î   ‘ ’ ’
is the softmax function:

ûà ¨ î · î à (3.7)

where  is the number of units in the output layer. The MLPs are trained by online stochastic
gradient descent using simulated annealing of the learning rate to control the amount of weight
change at each epoch. Initially, the input data is normalized by dividing each training vector by
the sample mean and subtracting the sample variance. During training, patterns are presented to

” ì
œ ›
the nets in a randomized fashion. It is possible to include not only the current frame but also
context frames on each side, such that training samples actually consist of windows of ì
frames. Windowing respects edge conditions, i.e. it does not span utterance boundaries.
Two different types of training schemes are possible with this architecture: simple and embedded
training. Simple training consists of training an MLP until the training algorithm converges and
then performing recognition. During embedded training, the subword net obtained in a given
training phase is used to realign the transcriptions with the training data. This produces a new
set of labels which is then used to train a new ANN in the subsequent training phase.

3.1.3 Acoustic Baseline Systems

Two different acoustic recognition systems were used as reference baselines, corresponding to
the clean vs. deteriorated test conditions described above. The baseline system for clean speech
was developed by Nikki Mirghafori, those for reverberant and noisy speech were developed by
Brian Kingsbury4.
The recognizer for clean speech uses log-RASTA-PLP preprocessing [60]. This preprocessing
method first applies a windowed FFT to the signal and computes the power spectrum of each
FFT component. The power spectrum is then convolved with a Bark-scale trapezoidal filter bank
to approximate critical-band frequency resolution, similar to the mel-scale warping in the case of
MFCC preprocessing. After logarithmic compression a bandpass filter is applied which passes
the frequency modulations between 1-12 Hz. The output is then exponentially expanded and
equal-loudness weighting and cube-root compression are applied in order to model perceptual
loudness. Finally, linear prediction coefficients are computed by an autoregressive all-pole model
and the cepstrum is taken.

both at International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Berkeley, USA
36 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

In addition to the eight basic log-RASTA-PLP coefficients, computed every 10 ms with a win-
dow of 25 ms, the clean speech baseline system additionally uses their first derivatives. The
number of hidden units (HUs) in the phone MLP is 400, the size of the context window is nine
frames, corresponding to approximately 105 ms. The system was trained using the embedded
training procedure.

Similar to MFCC processing, log-RASTA-PLP processing is based on the log-spectrum and is

therefore likely to be susceptible to additive noise. For this reason, log-RASTA-PLP was not
used for the deteriorated test conditions. Instead, modulation spectrogram (MODSPEC) pro-
cessing was employed, which has been developed specifically for reverberant and noisy speech
and which has demonstrated superior performance under these conditions [55].

The modulation spectrogram is based on an eighteen-channel critical-band FIR filter bank, fol-
lowed by the computation of amplitude envelopes in each channel. The amplitude signals are
downsampled and normalized at the utterance level. Subsequently, a band pass filter is applied
which simulates the characteristics of a FFT with a 250-ms Kaiser window. Finally, cube-root
compression is applied. The characteristic properties of MODSPEC preprocessing are the sup-
pression of fine phonetic details such as onsets and transitions, and the emphasis of the gross
distribution of energy across time and frequency. MODSPEC enhances modulations between 0
and 8 Hz, with a peak at 4 Hz, corresponding roughly to the syllabic rate of speech.

The baseline system for the noise/reverberation test conditions uses 15 modulation spectrogram
features. The hidden layer of the phone MLP consists of 560 HUs; the size of the context window
is nine frames. The system was trained by embedded training.

All systems used for the experiments in this chapter employ the same recognition lexicon5,
which contains both canonical pronunciations and pronunciation variants, yielding a total of
approximately 200 different pronunciation forms. Lexical search is carried out by a one-best
Viterbi decoder. A back-off bigram is used as a language model.

3.2 Articulatory Feature Based Systems

The first step in the development of an articulatory-feature based recognition system is the
heuristic selection of a suitable set of features. Many feature systems have been proposed in
the past, based on theories of speech production, acoustic phonetics, or phonology. We will not
discuss the various advantages and disadvantages of these systems here but we will merely delin-
eate the general criteria that any acoustic-phonetic or pseudo-articulatory feature system for ASR

developed by Dan Gildea at ICSI
3.2 Articulatory Feature Based Systems 37

should fulfill.6 Since these kinds of features typically serve as an intermediate representation be-
tween the acoustics and the lexicon, they should minimally meet the following criteria:

º acoustic stability
The acoustic stability criterion requires that features be extractable from an acoustic re-
presentation of the speech signal. This limits the set of possible features to those which
can reasonably be expected to have some acoustic correlate and excludes purely functional

º lexical stability
Furthermore, features should bear a constant relation to the recognition lexicon. In partic-
ular, they should be able to distinguish between all of the higher-level linguistic units to
which they are mapped in later stages of the recognition process.

º economy
In order to keep developmental and computational efforts low, the initial set of features
should be as small and compact as possible.

In general, any feature set which is chosen heuristically is unlikely to be optimal for the higher-
level classification task (e.g. phone classification), since it does not take into account the prop-
erties of the corpus, such as the relative frequencies of features and classes, cross-feature redun-
dancies, the structure of the recognition lexicon, etc. Therefore, a data-driven optimization stage
is usually required.
The initial feature set chosen for the experiments reported here is not based on a specific pho-
netic or phonological theory. However, it does reflect the structure underlying human speech
production by taking into account the relative independence between different dimensions of
articulation, as described above in Chapter 2.
We use five feature groups (Table 3.1) describing voicing (vibration of the vocal folds), the
manner of articulation, the place of articulation (the location of the constriction in the vocal
tract during consonant production or the tongue height during vowel production), the position
of the tongue on the front-back axis, and lip rounding. The feature values have in most cases
a straightforward articulatory explanation, with the possible exception of retroflex, which de-
scribes a manner rather than a place of articulation. We have nevertheless included it in the
place category in order to distinguish /r/ from the coronal consonants /n,s,t,d,S,Z/. Each feature
group includes “silence” in addition to the other feature values. “Nil” values are assigned to
those segments for which this feature is not relevant.

See e.g. [25] for a comparison of feature systems in phonetics and phonology.
38 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

Features Values
voicing voiced, voiceless, silence
manner vowel, nasal, lateral, approximant, fricative, silence
dental, coronal, labial, retroflex, velar,
glottal, high, mid, low, silence
front-back front, back, nil, silence
rounding +round, -round, nil, silence

Table 3.1: Articulatory feature system for Numbers95.

In the present system, features are mapped to context-independent phones. Therefore they were
selected in such a way as to distinguish among most phones in the phone set. However, in order to
keep the set of features minimal, certain distinctions were neglected which would require the in-
clusion of additional feature groups and which can easily be resolved by higher-level recognition
constraints. The phone set used was the ICSI phone set (Table A.4 given in the Appendix), which
consists of 56 phones. The articulatory features in Table 3.1 are able to distinguish between most
of these, with the exception of the syllabic vs. non-syllabic sonorants /l/-/el/, /m/-/em/, /n/-/en/,
and /r/-/er/. These are mainly distinguished by durational as opposed to articulatory character-
istics. Furthermore, certain vowel distinctions (/iy/-/ih/, /uw/-/uh/, /aa/-/ao/) were not preserved
in order to limit the set of features as far as possible. The fact that some phonemes are assigned
identical feature representations should result in those phonemes receiving similar classification
scores; the conflicting choice should in principle be resolved by higher-level lexical search.

3.2.1 Feature Classification

As mentioned in the previous chapter, a feature classification rather than a feature extraction
approach is pursued in this thesis. The phone-level transcriptions of the Numbers95 training set
were converted into feature transcriptions according to the phone-feature conversion table (Table
A.3) given in the Appendix. The resulting feature transcriptions and the parameterized speech
signals7 constituted the training material for a set of articulatory feature classifiers.

Based on the following considerations, MLPs were chosen as articulatory feature classifiers.

º It was explained above that the relation between acoustic and articulatory parameters is
highly non-linear. This calls for a classifier which is able to non-linearly map the acous-
tic input space into an articulatory parameter space. This is generally true of MLPs: the

The parameterization was identical to that used in the acoustic baseline systems.
3.2 Articulatory Feature Based Systems 39

sigmoidal output functions of both the hidden layer and the output layer are capable of per-
forming a non-linear mapping. Moreover, the non-linear, quantal nature of the acoustic-
articulatory relation most probably results in a non-Gaussian distribution of the feature
vectors for a given articulatory class. It therefore seems best to impose as few constraints
as possible on the statistical estimation of these distributions or of the posterior probabil-
ities for these classes. MLPs perform the approximation to the objective function by the
following steps:

The first layer of a MLP computes a set of (non-linear) basis functions which are linearly
combined in the second layer, or several subsequent layers. At the output of the final layer,
the output activation values are non-linearly mapped to the range [0,1] by a sigmoidal
activation function, such as the logistic function (Equation 3.6) or the softmax function
(Equation 3.7).

Each of the components of the vector of hidden variables h embodies a basis function

applied to the input vector x which has the form

‘ »’€ ‘ ]»6’ (3.8)

where w is the appropriate vector of weights connected to the hidden unit

Ü and

is the
sigmoidal activation function of the hidden layer. Since the basis functions depend on
the adjustable vector w, they are not predetermined but may change during training. This
provides a flexible framework for learning discriminant functions in a feature space which
may exhibit highly irregular patterns.

As we mentioned above, little explicit knowledge is available about the acoustic-

articulatory relation for each class and each possible context. MLPs can act as non-linear
feature detectors which gradually focus on the salient acoustic input features during train-
ing. To the extent that the result of the training process (i.e. the weight matrices) is inter-
pretable, they can thus function as exploratory tools when a new set of features, such as
articulatory features, is first investigated. Various data mining methods (see e.g. [28]) may
be applied to the trained MLP in order to extract explicit symbolic knowledge about the
relation between acoustics and articulatory features.

º We noted before that the inversion problem can be simplified by taking into account tem-
poral context rather than considering each frame in isolation. This involves computing the
probability for (or the distribution of) several feature vectors at a time and thus requires
enlarging the number of input parameters. Given our assumptions about the non-Gaussian
distribution of acoustic feature vectors for most articulatory classes, it is highly probable
that several mixture components and full covariance matrices would be required in order
40 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

Network # HUs # context frames

voicing 50 9
manner 100 5
place 100 9
front-back 100 5
rounding 100 5

Table 3.2: Number of hidden units and context frames for different feature networks.

to achieve a reasonable level of accuracy. It is more likely that MLPs will require fewer pa-
rameters in this situation since only the first layer of the MLP is affected by the increased
number of input parameters.
º Some of the articulatory features we have chosen have a gradual nature and can most easily
be classified in relation to other features. Examples of these features are vowel features
such as high, mid, low, which have relational rather than absolute definitions. Their corre-
sponding class regions in feature space will most probably overlap – their class boundaries
are bound to be fuzzier than those separating, e.g. nasal from plosive. To alleviate this
problem, a classifier should be used which is trained discriminatively.

Preliminary experiments comparing MLPs and Gaussian mixture HMMs as classifiers revealed
a slightly superior performance of the MLPs. The same result was obtained independently by
King et al. [68] for distinctive feature recognition on the TIMIT database.
For each for the five different feature groups in Table 3.1 a separate MLP is trained, yielding a
set of five parallel MLPs. Each of the networks receives the same acoustic input but is trained
using a different set of labels. Thus, each MLP has the possibility of focusing on those aspects of
the acoustic input space which provides the largest amount of information about its articulatory
output classes.
The feature networks are trained in a single training pass as opposed to an embedded training
procedure since it was found that embedded training did not yield any benefit over a single
training pass. The number of hidden units and the number of context frames (Table 3.2) in each
network were determined empirically with the objective to maximize classification accuracy
while minimizing the number of parameters.
Figures 3.1 to 3.5 show the frame-level accuracy of each network in relation to the number of
context frames. These data were obtained on the clean test set. Based on these values, the optimal
number of context frames was determined for each network. Before discussing them, a caveat
should be mentioned with respect to evaluating the feature classifiers. Similar to feature training,
3.2 Articulatory Feature Based Systems 41

95 sil
90 -voice
frame-level accuracy (%)

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17
size of context window in frames

Figure 3.1: Accuracy rates for voicing features.

feature evaluation is based on phone transcriptions converted to feature labels. These labels do
not reflect the actual feature boundaries but rather the hypothesized boundaries derived from the
phone label boundaries. Thus, feature boundaries necessarily coincide with phone boundaries,
which of course need not be the case in reality. It is possible that the manner network, for
instance, classifies a strongly nasalized vowel as nasal; however, this would be considered wrong
if the phone-level transcription contained a vowel at that position in the transcription. We believe
that the accuracy rates obtained using this idealized data give a good approximate impression
of the performance of the feature networks; however, it should be borne in mind that the “true”
accuracy rates may deviate from these.
The data shown in Figures 3.1 to 3.5 reveal the relative context-dependence of individual fea-
tures. In general, feature accuracy rates increase with the number of frames in the context win-
dow; however, not all features benefit from a larger context to the same degree. Different features
exhibit peak accuracy rates at different context sizes.
The following observations are of importance:

º Most of the information about articulatory features provided by the acoustic input seems
to be contained within a window of five frames, beyond which little increase in accuracy
can be observed. This roughly corresponds to the average length of one to two phones.
However, the fact that in some cases the accuracy rates do increase up to a context of 17
frames suggests that the acoustic correlates of the articulatory categories we use can be
42 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

80 stop
frame-level accuracy (%)




1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17
size of context window in frames

Figure 3.2: Accuracy rates for manner features.

80 vel
frame-level accuracy (%)


40 dent



1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17
size of context window in frames

Figure 3.3: Accuracy rates for place features.

3.2 Articulatory Feature Based Systems 43

90 back
frame-level accuracy (%)

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17
size of context window in frames

Figure 3.4: Accuracy rates for front-back features.

95 +round
90 nil
frame-level accuracy (%)

0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17
size of context window in frames

Figure 3.5: Accuracy rates for rounding features.

44 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

spread over time spans of the size of a syllable.

The accuracy rates for a small set of features increase considerably even beyond five
frames. This set includes primarily the manner feature fricative and the place features
labial, dental, glottal and velar. There are several explanations for this: first, the data con-
sists of telephone-bandwidth speech which excludes frequencies above 3400 Hz. Fricative
consonants, however, are characterized by high-frequency energy above 3400 Hz; thus,
most of the local information which may point to the presence of a fricative consonant has
been filtered out, so that information in the surrounding context becomes more important
for the identification of these sounds. Including the temporal context beyond five frames
also has a positive effect on the accuracy rates of consonantal place features which are
known from the phonetic literature to be heavily context-dependent, i.e. velar and glottal
sounds, which are strongly influenced by surrounding vowels [30].

In order to ascertain whether the context effects can indeed be attributed to the wider context and
not to a larger number of hidden parameters, feature recognition experiments were conducted
where the number of parameters was increased by using more units in the hidden layer. However,
the relative improvements were not as substantial as those induced by a larger temporal context.

One important conclusion to be drawn from this is that in order to reach optimal detection accu-
racy, articulatory feature recognition requires a smaller temporal context than phone recognition,
which typically performs best with context-dependent phones integrating information over a se-
quence of at least three phones. This should prove beneficial for an articulatory-feature based
acoustic modeling approach since the feature representation can be extracted from the acoustic
signal using small, constrained classifiers with a small number of free parameters.

3.2.2 Feature-Phone Mapping

One of the goals of this pilot study is to find out which advantages, if any, the articulatory feature
representation has over standard acoustic representations when no other changes are made to the
recognition system. For this reason, the higher-level representation, i.e. the choice of subword
units and the definition of the recognition lexicon, need to be the same as in the acoustic baseline
systems. The subword units in these systems are context-independent phones – we therefore
need to find a way of mapping articulatory feature probabilities to phone probabilities.

As described above, the articulatory feature probabilities can themselves be treated as data which
is passed to a higher-level classifier. Under this approach, each of the lower-level classifiers par-
titions the input acoustic feature space in a different way and computes the posterior probabilities
3.2 Articulatory Feature Based Systems 45

expert 1

Input x expert 2 y

expert 3



Figure 3.6: Mixture of experts.

for a different set of classes. The second classifier operates on the jointly presented probabilities
for these classes and maps them to the final set of output classes.
This approach seems similar to the so-called “mixture of experts” (ME) architecture [63], where
the output of a set of individually trained expert networks is combined by a gating network (see
Figure 3.6). However, there are important differences with respect to the probabilistic interpre-
tation of these architectures. In the ME model each expert network  , !#"$"%"$'& produces
an output (*) . The gating network determines & suitable mixing coefficients +-,.#"$"%"$/+10 for the
expert outputs, where the 325476 mixing coefficient may be interpreted as the probability that the
 2 476 expert network is able to predict the desired output ( . The overall output ( is then defined

(8 +*)<(*) (3.9)

In the ME model, the gating network has access to the experts’ outputs as well as to the input = .
It usually consists of a single layer of neurons with a single sigmoidal activation function. The
individual expert networks, by contrast, are simple linear filters.
In our case the final output is not a mixture of the individual networks’ outputs since every
network in the first layer learns a different set of classes. Furthermore, the higher-level classifier
does not have access to the feature input and does not estimate mixture weights but instead
estimates the posterior probabilities of the phones given an articulatory feature vector.
Instead of using the continuous output from each network in the first layer, it may be sufficient
46 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

winner-take-all 13.7% 3.6% 8.2% 2.0%
full distribution 8.8% 1.4% 5.4% 2.0%

Table 3.3: Word error rates obtained using different feature-phone mapping procedures: a
winner-take-all method vs. using the full output distribution.

to use only the information about the winning output unit in each network (winner-take-all
network). In this case the output probabilities from each network are mapped to either 0 or 1.

Both possibilities were investigated for the purpose of mapping articulatory feature probabilities
to phone probabilities. The winner-take-all network used 400 hidden units and nine context
frames, the merger MLP applied to the non-quantized output distribution had 380 hidden units
and also used a 9-frame context window. Both networks employed the set of phones in Table
A.4 in the Appendix as final output classes – however, many of these phones do not occur in the
training or test set. The set of phone classes for which weights are actually updated is marked by
in Table A.4. All merger MLPs were trained using the embedded training procedure described

The results are shown in Table 3.3. Nor surprisingly, using the full output probability distribution
yielded a significantly better result than the winner-take-all approach. The cascaded classifier
approach using the full output distributions of the lower-level classifiers was therefore used for
all further experiments reported in this chapter.

The use of a context window enables the higher-level classifier to learn, within certain limits,
the statistical regularities of the temporal evolution and patterns of co-occurrence of articulatory
feature probabilities. This may be regarded as a data-driven way of forming (abstract) general-
izations about the shapes and overlaps of articulatory gesture trajectories described in Chapter 2.
Thus, temporal overlaps between articulatory movements (as represented by high probabilities
for the corresponding features) are not modeled explicitly but are acquired by the phone network
in the course of the training process.

At this point we should review our initial hypothesis that a decompositional classification ap-
proach based on articulatory features leads to high feature recognition accuracy and therefore
to a higher phone recognition accuracy than an acoustics-only phone classifier. Table 3.4 shows
the frame-level feature recognition accuracy rates for different acoustic conditions, as well as the
frame-level phone recognition rates obtained by both the acoustic (AC) phone classifier and the
classifier which combines the articulatory features scores (AF). Each block of two rows shows
the frame-level recognition accuracy (upper row) and, for the reverberant and noisy test cases,
3.2 Articulatory Feature Based Systems 47

Network clean reverb noise 30 dB noise 20 dB noise 10 dB noise 0 dB

voicing 89.12% 79.78% 81.62% 78.38% 73.49% 68.68%
-11% -8% -12% -17% -22%
manner 82.00% 67.10% 71.60% 67.27% 60.96% 54.01%
-18% -13% -18% -26% -34%
place 77.24% 60.96% 67.19% 63.38% 57.28% 48.72%
-21% -13% -18% -26% -37%
front-back 82.99% 71.02% 75.55% 72.58% 67.78% 61.08%
-14% -9% -13% -18% -27%
rounding 83.19% 70.89% 76.62% 73.58% 68.80% 62.34%
-15% -8% -12% -17% -25%
phone AC 77.05% 58.80% 62.70% 57.70% 49.33% 38.78%
-24% -18% -25% -36% -50%
phone AF 75.23% 64.80% 68.32% 64.05% 56.40% 46.20%
-14% -9% -15% -25% -39%

Table 3.4: Frame-level feature and phone recognition rates. AF = articulatory feature based clas-
sifier, AC = acoustic classifier.

the decline in accuracy relative to the clean test condition (lower row). We can see that the recog-
nition accuracy differs among the different feature networks, which may be related, inter alia, to
their different complexities in terms of the number of output classes. Voicing features (3 classes)
are easiest to recognize whereas place features (10 classes) seem to present the most difficulties.
The degree to which feature accuracy declines under adverse conditions also seems to be related
to this property, with voicing features declining the least, followed by rounding, front-back,
manner, and place features. The assumption that all individual feature networks should have a
higher recognition accuracy than the acoustic phone classifier turns out to be correct for this
particular classification task. The combination of the feature detectors leads to a higher accuracy
in the phone classifier in reverberant and noisy speech, but not in clean speech. The reasons for
this might be that the simple phone classifier already performs very well in clean speech and that
the errors of the individual AF classifiers may be too correlated and thus prevent the higher-level
articulatory classifier from making a more accurate decision than the acoustic classifier. Addi-
tional factors which contribute to the beneficial effect of the cascaded classification scheme in
noise and reverberation might be the following:

the use of context information at lower levels: in the AF model, not only the higher-
level merging classifier but also the lower-level classifiers themselves make use of context
information, which might have a particularly robust effect in highly noisy conditions.
48 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

emphasis on gross spectral patterns rather than absolute frequency: the articulatory classi-
fiers are trained to abstract away from absolute frequencies and to learn the overall relative
properties of the time-frequency energy distribution instead.

the additive effect of noise within the acoustic phone classifier: various disturbances of
the spectrum may have a cumulative effect on the classification result of the acoustic
phone classifier, whereas they may have more localized effects on the articulatory clas-
sifiers, which can then be weighted selectively by the higher-level classifier. This effect
might even be more pronounced if the higher-level classifier were trained or adapted on
noisy/reverberant speech as well.

In sum, our initial hypothesis about the benefits of the cascaded classification scheme has been
by and large confirmed. Before presenting word recognition results obtained by the acoustic and
articulatory systems, let us address the issue of optimizing the articulatory feature space.

3.2.3 Feature Optimization

The articulatory feature space has 28 dimensions – the AF system thus requires more param-
eters (network weights) than the corresponding acoustic baseline systems, which are based on
15-dimensional and 18-dimensional feature spaces, respectively. In order to ensure the com-
parability of the different systems, the articulatory feature space had to be reduced to a lower
dimensionality. Furthermore, heuristically selected feature sets are rarely optimal and should
generally be improved in a data-driven way. It was therefore necessary to find a way of reduc-
ing the dimensionality of the articulatory feature set while simultaneously improving the quality
of the features with respect to phone classification. Two different methods were investigated,
Principle Components Analysis (PCA) and an information-theoretic feature selection algorithm
PCA performs a linear transformation


on the input feature space, where x is the K -dimensional input feature vector and z is the L -
dimensional output feature vector, LNMOK . The LQPRK matrix A is a matrix whose rows consist
of the eigenvectors of the sample covariance matrix of =S,.#"$"%"$/=JT , and G is the sample mean
vector. This transformation has the effect of changing the original coordinate basis of the feature
space to a different coordinate basis, with the result that the variances of the individual vector
components are rendered maximally different (as measured by entropy). The original feature
space can thus be projected onto a subspace defined by the L largest eigenvalues. The amount
3.2 Articulatory Feature Based Systems 49

# principal % variance
components covered WER

5 85.9 11.6%
7 91.7 10.4%
9 95.3 9.6%
11 96.9 9.4%
13 97.8 9.8%
15 98.6 9.8%
17 99.2 9.8%
18 99.4 9.8%

Table 3.5: Word error rates obtained with a variable number of principal components.

of variance covered by the L principal components is the sum of the first L eigenvalues divided
by the total sum of eigenvalues. PCA applied to the articulatory feature space yields an 18-
dimensional feature space defined by the first 18 principal components, covering 99.4% of the
variance of the original feature space. These were used to train the phone MLP using the same
number of context frames and HUs and the same training procedure as before. Table 3.5 shows
the word recognition results for different numbers of principal components.

The advantage of PCA is that it is purely feature-driven, i.e. no information about class labels
or models is required. However, two drawbacks of this method became obvious: first, PCA in-
teracted negatively with the embedded training procedure, which resulted in a slight increase
in word error rate. When PCA was combined with a simple training procedure, identical word
error rates were achieved with a smaller number of parameters. However, the combination of
PCA and embedded training caused an increase in word error rate from 8.8% to 9.4%. Although
this increase is statistically non-significant it would be desirable to employ a feature optimiza-
tion method which does not counteract the beneficial effect of improving the match between
the acoustic signal and the training transcription through embedded training. Furthermore, PCA
involves an additional matrix multiplication for each feature vector. It would be more efficient to
simply specify which features are required and which can be dropped from the feature represen-
tation before proceeding to the higher recognition levels. Finally, the feature space generated by
PCA is not transparent in the sense that individual feature dimensions are no longer associated
with an articulatory interpretation.

For these reasons another reduction method was investigated, viz. an information-theoretic fea-
ture selection algorithm [74]. This is a supervised algorithm which selects features both on the
basis of their relations to the class set U and on the basis of the statistical dependencies among
50 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

the features themselves.

Let V be our initial feature set of size K , which we would like to project onto a feature set W

of size L , L MNK . For any assignment of feature values X CZY[,.\Y^]##"$"%"$\Y^_!I to the features
V  CZ`a,''`b]#<"%"$"%c`STdI there exists a conditional probability distribution of the class set Ue
f#g g g
,\ ]##"$"$"% )^h given the assignment VijX , kCZUml VnoXpI . Similarly, for the reduced feature
set W , we have an assignment of feature values WqrXs and a conditional probability distribution
kCZUmltWuvXs1I . The overall goal then is to select the set W is such a way that the difference
between kCZUml WjXZs!I and kwCxUml V X^I is as small as possible. Selection is carried out by
backward elimination, i.e. by iteratively discarding one feature `Jy from the original feature set
V until the desired number of features, L , has been reached. At each iteration we obtain a
smaller feature set WzV{E `|y}h ; at the end of each iteration, the set W replaces the current set
V . The feature `|y which is eliminated is chosen such that the distance between kwCxUmltW~Xs1I and
kCZUml V{X^I remains as small as possible. The distance between these conditional probability
distributions is measured by relative entropy (or Kullback-Leibler (KL) distance). Let GaC I
g€ g€ g€
stand for kC l V‚rX^I and ƒ„C I for kC ltWqrXs!I . The KL-distance between G and ƒ , …†CG‡lˆl ƒJI
is then defined as
) g€
9 g€ G„C I
…RCxG‡l%l ƒJI‰ € GaC I g€ (3.11)
:;, ƒ„C I

Note that this is not a symmetric distance measure, i.e. …†CxGŠlˆl ƒ‹IŽ
Œ …RCxƒ‡l%l GJI . The distribution G
is in this case considered the “correct” distribution and the deviation of ƒ with respect to G is to
be minimized.

If the relative frequencies of different feature value assignments are taken into account, the
distance measure is refined to

‘ 9c’
 kwC“V‚XpI7…†CxkwCxUml V”OX^I^l%ltkCZUmltW~Xs1I7I (3.12)

where f is a particular assignment of features to the set V and Xs is a feature assignment to set
W . At each iteration of backward feature elimination, should increase as little as possible.
It is easy to see that the computational effort in computing increases exponentially with the
number of features in V : as the number of features increases, the number of possible joint feature
assignments is multiplied exponentially. This problem can be alleviated by considering only the
most important statistical dependencies among the features. Both features and classes can be
considered random variables. In a domain which is characterized by a sizable set of random
variables it is often the case that some variables are conditionally dependent whereas others
are conditionally independent of each other given a third set of variables. Koller and Sahami
([74]:283) define conditional independence as follows:
3.2 Articulatory Feature Based Systems 51

Two sets of variables [A and B - K.K.] are said to be conditionally independent

given some set of variables X if, for any assignment of values a, b, and x to the
variables A, B, and X respectively, k–•—Cx˜oš™Sl ›œB=„'‚šž‰I = kŸ• CZ˜uš™Sl ›œ
= . That is, B gives us no information about A beyond what is already in X.

Presumably, the features whose elimination increases as little as possible are those features
which provide little information about U in addition to the information already supplied by the
features contained in W . Therefore, at each iteration of the feature selection algorithm the task
is to find that feature `Jy which is conditionally independent of U given W¡oVoE `|yZh . This
can be done by finding the Markov Blanket of the feature `|y which is being considered for
elimination. The concept of a Markov Blanket stems from the theory of probabilistic reasoning
[98] and denotes a subset ¢ of the entire set of variables £ in a given domain such that given
¢ , the variable ¤ is conditionally independent of all variables in the domain other than ¤ and ¥ ,
i.e. £BEq¢¦E¦¤ . In the present context the definition of a Markov Blanket is as follows:

Definition 1 Let § be some set of features which does not contain `Jy . We say that § is
a Markov blanket for `|y if `|y is conditionally independent of CVœ¨©UªIDEš§ E `|yZh given
§ .([74]:283, notational symbols adapted - K.K.)

The feature elimination strategy can then be reduced to considering candidate sets of features
which might constitute a Markov blanket «¬y for a given feature `|y and to eliminate that feature
for which «­y is closest to being a Markov blanket. The Markov Blanket property is evaluated
using the expected KL-distance between the conditional probability distribution of the classes
U given both «¬y and `|y and the distribution of the classes given only «­y . The overall distance
is a sum over all possible assignment of feature values to «­y and `Jy , weighted by the prior
probabilities of the feature value assignments:

®< 9 ’
³ ³ ³
CZ`Jy/lt«­yIa kwCZ«­y;X}¶ '`JyrX¸·%I7…†CxkwCxUml¹«­yOX}¶ '`|yX}·ˆIplˆltkCZUmlt«­y;rX¶ I/I
°²±S³x´ µ

where X}¶ is a particular assignment of feature values to «­y . The closer «­y is to being a Markov
Blanket for `Jy the closer this quantity is to zero. The final point which needs to be explained is
how the candidate feature sets for a Markov Blanket are selected in the first place. If a feature set
is indeed a Markov Blanket for another feature, all these features can be expected to be strongly
correlated. Thus, the correlations between features in V can be computed and, for any given
feature, the  features with which it is most strongly correlated constitute a candidate set for a
Markov Blanket. In [74], correlation is measured by the pair-wise relative entropy º-y between
52 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

the conditional distributions over the classes given two features `Jy or ` , respectively:
€ ’9 ’ € € € €
º-y  …†CxkwCxUmlt`Jy;BY^y'` ¼Y I^l%ltkCZUmlt` BY I7I (3.14)
µ ´ »

This leads to the following algorithm for obtain a subset of L features from the set V :

Information-Theoretic Feature Selection

1: compute º3yt½ for all `Jy}'`;½¿¾ÀVcÁªÃ Œ Â

2: set W = V
3: while the dimension of W is larger than L do
4: for all `Jy|¾†W do
5: set «­y to the set of Ä features in W­E `|y}h with the smallest º-y¹½
6: compute Cx`|y/lt«­yI

7: end for
®< f
8: find the feature `|y with minimal and set W~żW¬E `|yh

9: end while

This procedure has the effect of eliminating those features which are either irrelevant for the
classification task at hand or whose information is already subsumed by the other features in the
feature set.

In applying this algorithm to selecting a subset of articulatory features, the probabilities in the
above equations were approximated by histograms. Both feature values and class probabilities
were quantized into 10 equal bins covering the range [0,1] and the relative frequencies of feature
values and/or class probabilities, which were used in approximation of true probabilities, were
summed over all bins.

The application of this algorithm with the objective of eliminating 10 articulatory features
yielded better results than PCA: the maximum increase in word error rate was 0.1%, for the
final set of 18 features. Table 3.6 shows the features which were eliminated.

What is the interpretation of these features being eliminated? First, it should be noted that one
feature in each feature group is redundant because its value can always be predicted from the
sum of all other values in the feature group – remember that the outputs of the feature networks
are posterior probabilities which sum to one. Thus, it is not surprising that all silence values are
eliminated. As far as the features dental and approximant are concerned, it is very likely that
they are not relevant for classifying the majority of phone classes. These features occur very
3.3 Recognition Results and Error Analysis 53

Feature group features eliminated

voicing +voice, -voice, silence
manner approximant, silence
place dental, silence
front-back nil, silence
rounding silence

Table 3.6: Features eliminated by information-theoretic feature selection.

infrequently and are only relevant for the phones /th,dh,r,w,y/, of which only /th,r/, and /w/ ap-
pear in the recognition lexicon. The information provided by the voicing features is presumably
subsumed by other features in the set, such as the distribution of vocalic features like +round,
-round, front, etc.
It turns out that one advantage of this feature selection method is the fact that it is now possible
to eliminate one entire feature network, the voicing network, in advance, i.e. before generat-
ing the input data to the higher-level classifier. The features which were not eliminated can be
used without any additional transformation. The PCA transformation, by contrast, requires all
input dimensions to be generated before applying the reduction transformation in the form of an
additional matrix multiplication. Moreover, the information-theoretic feature selection process
preserves the phonetic interpretation of the individual feature vector component, which may be
important for higher-level analyses.

3.3 Recognition Results and Error Analysis

For the purpose of word recognition we again tested the effect of a variable temporal context,
as well as different numbers of hidden units. The results are shown in Tables 3.7 and 3.8. We
observe that a wider context leads to a reduction in word error rate. Here, the beneficial effect
of including temporal context does not drop off at 9 frames but continues up to 15 frames. The
word error rate rises as the context is extended to 17 frames; however, this may be due to the
growing number of parameters in relation to the limited amount of training data.
These data suggest that the temporal misalignment among different features in relation to phone-
sized units is more pronounced than the temporal extension of the acoustic correlates of articu-
latory features. Misalignment effects seem to spread across temporal units of syllabic size.
Table 3.9 shows the word error rates obtained under the different acoustic test conditions. Statis-
tically significant differences between the acoustic and articulatory systems are shown in bold-
face. As can be seen from the results, the performance of the acoustic baseline systems and the
54 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

# context frames WER

1 10.1%
3 9.8%
5 9.4%
7 8.9%
9 8.9%
11 9.1%
13 8.7%
15 7.9%
17 8.8%

Table 3.7: Word error rate on clean speech in relation to the context size in the phone network.

# hidden units WER

465 9.3%
535 9.3%
600 8.9%
660 8.9%

Table 3.8: Word error rate on Numbers95 clean test set in relation to the number of hidden units
in the phone network.


AC clean 8.4% 2.0% 4.7% 1.7%
AF clean 8.9% 1.5% 5.4% 2.0%
AC reverberant 24.7% 1.7% 16.5% 6.4%
AF reverberant 23.7% 3.1% 16.0% 4.7%
AC, noise 30 dB 17.2% 2.4% 11.6% 3.3%
AF, noise 30 dB 17.4% 2.4% 11.6% 3.4%
AC, noise 20 dB 22.8% 3.3% 14.8% 4.8%
AF, noise 20 dB 21.7% 4.3% 13.9% 3.6%
AC, noise 10 dB 32.7% 5.1% 20.3% 7.3%
AF, noise 10 dB 30.0% 6.1% 18.3% 5.7%
AC, noise 0 dB 50.2% 8.3% 29.7% 12.2%
AF, noise 0 dB 43.6% 7.1% 26.3% 10.2%

Table 3.9: Word error rates, insertions, deletions, and substitutions of the acoustic (AC) and
articulatory (AF) recognizers, for clean, reverberant and noisy speech.
3.3 Recognition Results and Error Analysis 55

articulatory system is fairly similar under clean and reverberant conditions. In noisy conditions,
the acoustic system performs better at a high SNR (30 dB) but deteriorates as the SNR decreases.
The difference between the word error rates at 0 dB, 50.8% for the acoustic system vs. 43.6%
for the articulatory system, is highly significant.
Word error rates alone provide little information about the strength and weaknesses of a recog-
nition system. Although the overall word error rates for the acoustic and the articulatory systems
are comparable, the systems may exhibit different properties which are not revealed by this
measure. It is therefore appropriate to additionally analyze further system outputs, such as the
frame-level error rates, phone confusion matrices, word-level error patterns, etc. Quantitative
and qualitative analyses of the performance of the individual systems and the differences be-
tween the acoustic and articulatory systems were carried out both at the frame level and at the
word level. A frame-level analysis is identical to analyzing the performance of the MLP phone
classifier, whereas a word-level analysis takes into account the decoding process. As mentioned
above, all systems used the same lexicon, language model and decoder. Thus, differences in
performance mainly derive from differences among the phone MLPs.
We computed the frame-level error rate (Table 3.10), as well as the average entropy of the phone
output distribution for correctly and incorrectly classified frames, respectively (Table 3.11). The
simple frame-level error percentage is obtained by

ÆpÇ1Ç–È # frames correct ÆpÇ1Ç Ê5Ç

# total frames É

A sample is counted as correct when, at a given frame, the index of the output unit with the
maximum activation value corresponds to the class label for that frame. This measure in effect
maps the network activations to either 1 or 0 and only considers the hard decision resulting from
this quantization. It might, however, be useful to take into account the continuous activation
values in order to assess how confident the network is of its decision. This confidence can be
measured by entropy. The entropy of a random variable Ë taking on Á different values is defined
as ÌHÍ Í²Ø Ò Ø Ò
ËmÎaÅ Î (3.16)

In our case, Ë ranges over the output values of the MLP at a given frame. These output ac-
tivations can be equated with posterior phone probabilities. A sharply peaked (low-entropy)
activation distribution of, say, 0.1-0.8-0.1 (for a three-output unit network) indicates a greater
certainty of decision than a “flatter”, high-entropy distribution of e.g. 0.4-0.6-0.4. Low entropy
is preferable when the decision for a particular class is correct but is less desirable when the
decision is wrong – ideally, we would like the classifier to be confident about a right decision
and less confident about a wrong decision. Each of the frames in the test set can be classified
56 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

System Frame Error Rate

AC, clean 22.95%
AF, clean 24.77%
AC, reverberant 35.40%
AF, reverberant 36.10%
AC, noise 30 dB 37.27%
AF, noise 30 dB 31.68%
AC, noise 20 dB 42.82%
AF, noise 20 dB 35.95%
AC, noise 10 dB 50.68%
AF, noise 10 dB 43.60%
AC, noise 0 dB 61.23%
AF, noise 0 dB 53.80%

Table 3.10: Frame error rates for acoustic (AC) and articulatory (AF) recognizers, for clean,
reverberant, and noisy speech.

System entropy entropy entropy

“correct” “incorrect” ratio
AC, clean 0.49 2.78 0.18
AF, clean 0.22 1.32 0.16
AC, reverberant 0.50 1.00 0.50
AF, reverberant 0.36 1.55 0.23
AC, noise 30 dB 0.46 1.78 0.27
AF, noise 30 dB 0.37 1.67 0.22
AC, noise 20 dB 0.50 1.70 0.29
AF, noise 20 dB 0.41 1.68 0.24
AC, noise 10 dB 0.55 1.61 0.34
AF, noise 10 dB 0.46 1.61 0.28
AC, noise 0 dB 0.60 1.49 0.39
AF, noise 0 dB 0.51 1.51 0.34

Table 3.11: Average entropy values for correctly/incorrectly classified frames.

3.3 Recognition Results and Error Analysis 57

ÌHÍ class decisions. The average entropy

as either correct or incorrect based on the networks’ ÌzÍ Ò can

ÌHÍ yielding
then be computed for each of these sets ÌHÍ Ò Ë ÙÚÎ (for the “correct” set) and Ë Î for
the “incorrect” set. The entropy ratio, Ë ÙÚÎ/Û Ë Î defines a suitable additional measure of the
quality of frame-level decisions – the smaller the entropy ratio, the more confident the system is
about its correct decision and the less confident it is about its wrong decisions.

The acoustic system produces a lower frame-level error rate for clean speech. The AF system,
by contrast, yields markedly lower error rates for reverberant and noisy speech. All of these
differences are statistically significant and correspond to the differences in word error rate. The
entropy values reveal that the AF system exhibits a lower entropy throughout, i.e. it is generally
more certain of its decisions, for both correctly and incorrectly classified frames and under all
test conditions. The entropy of the distributions produced by the acoustic systems, by contrast,
is globally higher. The statistical significance of the differences in the average entropy values
between the two systems was determined by a difference-of-means t-test. It was found that
the differences were significant at the 0.0001 level. The entropy ratios also reveal a noticeable
difference between the acoustic and articulatory systems: the articulatory system shows smaller
entropy ratios across all test conditions, Moreover, the distance to the entropy ratios for the
acoustic system increases as the signal-to-noise ratio drops. This suggests that the quality of the
decisions of the articulatory systems is superior to that of the acoustic systems, particularly at
higher noise levels.

As a quantitative measure of the differences between the acoustic and the articulatory systems,
we computed the correlation between the networks outputs and the ensemble variance. The first
of these is expressed as Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, defined as
Ò Í“Þ Ò Íxá Ò
ÈH߁à ÈHß;â
Ü Ò Í Þ Ò Î Ò Í á Ò Î
Å ã Ý ã (3.17)
Èz߁à ÈH߁â
Îåä ÎÚä
Þ á Ý Ý
߁à ߁â
where and are the values of two random variables æ and Ë and and are the means
of the distributions of these values, respectively. A correlation coefficient close to 1 indicates
positive correlation, -1 indicates negative correlation and a correlation coefficient of 0 means
that the variables are uncorrelated. In this case the variables æ and Ë range over the outputs of
the two phone MLPs.

Ensemble variance is a measure which is commonly used in the machine learning community
(e.g. [75]) in order to describe the amount of disagreement between different (neural network)
classifiers which are part of a pool or ensemble of classifiers. Let us assume thatÞ the ensemble
contains ç different networks, all of whichÞ compute
Ò a function from an input Ò Í“Þ output
to an Ò

Î . If the input toÍÞ network

Þ Á is denoted as and output for network Á is written as Î , the
× Ê%Ê$Ê ×
ensemble output Ô'è è Î can be defined as
× Ï
58 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

Test condition total per-frame correlation

variance average coefficient
clean 12119.64 0.05 .77
reverb 17241.44 0.07 .62
noise, 30 dB 15957.28 0.07 .63
noise, 20 dB 18442.53 0.08 .56
noise, 10 dB 22443.53 0.10 .47
noise, 0 dB 25120.75 0.11 .36

Table 3.12: Ensemble variance (total and per-frame average) and correlation for pairs of acoustic
and articulatory networks under different acoustic test conditions.

Ô.è ΄ŠΠ(3.18)
× Ï Ó;Ô-é ×

i.e. as the weighted sum of all individual outputs. The ambiguity (or variance) of the Áxêìë7í member
of the ensemble is the mean squared error between the Á ê ë7í member’s output and the ensemble
output: î Ò ÍÞ Ò Í Ò Í“Þ Ò ÍÞ Þ
ÎïÅrðòñ Î Ô\è è Î/Î ä/ó (3.19)
× × Ï

The expectation of the variances îis taken over a set of samples, in this case the samples in the
test set. The ensemble ambiguity is the weighted sum of the individual variances:

î Í“Þ Þ Ò î Ò ÍÞ Ò
Ô.è è ΄ŠΠ(3.20)
Ï Ó;Ô é

The ensemble ambiguity describes the weighted variance of the ensemble with respect to the
weighted mean. The larger this quantity, the more the networks disagree. The ensemble ambigu-
ity was computed for the six different pairs of acoustic and articulatory networks corresponding
to the different acoustic test conditions. The individual network’s variances were computed over
all samples in the test set, i.e. at each sample and for each output unit, the weighted mean of
the corresponding outputs in the two different MLPs and the deviation of each individual output
from this mean were determined. Finally, the weighted sum of these variances was computed
and averaged over all output units, to arrive at an overall scalar variance value, i.e.
î ÍÞ Þ Ò î Ò ÍÞ Ò
Ô.è è ΄Šô õ ö ö Î (3.21)
Ï ö ; Ó Ô Ó;Ô é

where is the dimensionality of the networks’ output layers. Uniform weights (i.e. 0.5,0.5)
were used throughout. The results are shown in Table 3.12.
3.3 Recognition Results and Error Analysis 59

Test both AC correct AC incorrect both same diff

condition correct AF incorrect AF correct incorrect errors errors
clean 67.56 9.50 7.67 15.27 61.92 38.08
reverb 53.46 12.17 11.39 22.98 52.69 47.31
noise, 30 dB 54.54 8.19 13.78 23.49 57.89 42.11
noise, 20 dB 48.81 8.90 14.23 27.05 51.69 48.31
noise, 10 dB 39.88 9.45 16.60 34.06 42.38 57.62
noise, 0 dB 34.52 11.68 14.80 38.99 36.68 63.32

Table 3.13: Percentages of frame-level error distribution for various acoustic test conditions.

We can see that the correlation between the classifiers’ outputs is fairly high in clean condi-
tions but drops rapidly in reverberant and noisy conditions. Similarly, the ensemble variance
increases under acoustically distorted conditions, suggesting that the acoustic and articulatory
networks increasingly disagree on their classification task when the signal is corrupted by noise
or reverberation.

As another way of quantifying the inter-classifier differences, the number of different vs. the
number of identical errors was counted. Table 3.13 lists, for each test condition, the percentage
of frames on which both the acoustic and the articulatory MLP agree, the percentage of cases
where one MLP was correct and the other was incorrect, the percentage of simultaneous errors,
and, within the latter category, the amount of different vs. identical errors. These error percent-
ages show that the number of frames which are classified correctly by the acoustic system and
incorrectly by the articulatory system is higher under clean conditions; however, this relation is
reversed under mismatched conditions, where the articulatory system achieves a higher propor-
tion of correct classifications than the acoustic system. Furthermore, the percentage of different
errors rises compared to the percentage of identical errors under noise conditions.

It is not surprising that the classifiers increasingly disagree in the presence of noise. The question
we need to ask is whether there is a distinct qualitative pattern underlying the disagreement. It
might be assumed, for instance, that the articulatory systems produce confusions which are more
interpretable in phonetic or articulatory terms. In order to determine the qualitative differences
between the acoustic and articulatory systems, the frame-level phone confusion matrices of each
system were analyzed. Figures 3.7 to 3.9 show plots of the diagonals of the phone confusion
matrices, indicating to which degree each system is able to correctly classify the various phone
classes. There is no general pattern of errors which shows similar strengths or weaknesses of one
system vs. the other across all different acoustic conditions. The phone accuracy rates for clean
speech seem to indicate a slight tendency of the articulatory system to better classify conso-
nants, especially stops and fricatives, than the acoustic system, which performs better at vowels.
60 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study




frame-level accuracy (in %)








d k tcl s f v l w hv ih ey ah ow er h#
t dcl kcl z th n r hh iy eh ay ao uw ax


Figure 3.7: Frame-level accuracy rates for phone classes (clean speech). Shaded boxes represent
the articulatory system, blank boxes represent the acoustic system.

However, this relation seems to be almost reversed under reverberant and noisy conditions: here,
the articulatory systems are more accurate at classifying vowels than consonants. Additionally,
they identify silence more accurately. Further information is provided by the most frequent off-
diagonal confusions among the phone classes. The most frequently confused phone pairs and
the confusion rates are shown in Table 3.14. Again, the data do not warrant a general statement
about the strengths and weaknesses of each system.
At the word level, error difference percentages were computed analogous to the frame-level
analysis. Based on the alignment with the reference transcription, the correctly and incorrectly
recognized words were identified. For each pair of articulatory and acoustic recognizers it was
determined whether

 both recognizers were correct,

 recognizer A was wrong and recognizer B was correct,
 recognizer B was wrong and recognizer A was correct,
 both recognizers were wrong and the errors were identical,
 both recognizers were wrong and the errors were different.
3.3 Recognition Results and Error Analysis 61

AF clean AC clean AF reverb AC reverb

phone pair % phone pair % phone pair % phone pair %
ao ow 60.00 ax ah 54.50 zs 30.20 ln 20.10
ks 48.40 ao ow 46.70 hh ow 25.00 hv ay 20.00
ax ah 47.30 aa ay 40.80 k kcl 19.90 hv th 20.00
hv uw 40.00 dt 23.10 hh k 16.70 dcl tcl 18.90
hv ah 40.00 aa ah 22.40 hh w 16.70 dcl v 17.10
dcl tcl 31.20 l ow 21.20 hh n 16.70 hv w 15.00
d iy 31.20 ao r 20.20 er ay 15.40 d iy 13.80
dcl t 27.80 ks 18.60 hv th 14.80 z th 13.20
hh ah 23.40 ax n 18.20 ax v 13.70 l ow 12.90
l ow 20.20 hv hh 14.30 hv h# 13.10 hh hv 11.90
AF noise 30 dB AC noise 30 dB AF noise 20 dB AC noise 20 dB
phone pair % phone pair % phone pair % phone pair %
hh v 31.60 hv f 66.67 zs 25.50 hv f 40.00
hv hh 27.50 hv hh 33.33 k kcl 20.40 ln 22.82
dcl er 25.20 ln 21.64 dcl er 19.70 s h# 20.34
zs 24.90 z th 20.67 hv h# 19.00 hv hh 20.00
k kcl 19.60 l ow 17.54 ln 18.70 hv ay 20.00
l ow 18.40 hh n 15.07 hh tcl 17.60 hv ah 20.00
kcl ih 17.50 s h# 14.38 kcl ih 17.00 l ow 19.25
hh hv 15.80 hh f 13.70 ls 15.50 z th 18.63
ax v 14.70 k kcl 13.37 s h# 15.10 hh n 18.18
t tcl 14.50 kcl ih 12.92 l ow 14.80 kcl ih 13.68
AF noise 10 dB AC noise 10 dB AF noise 0 dB AC noise 0 dB
phone pair % phone pair % phone pair % phone pair %
hh h# 47.10 hv hh 60.00 hh h# 39.10 t h# 23.99
zs 24.70 s h# 22.20 er ay 26.20 hv w 23.08
k kcl 20.40 hv th 20.00 zs 23.30 hv tcl 23.08
ln 20.30 hv ay 20.00 hv h# 23.10 hv hh 23.08
er ay 19.10 ln 19.39 hh kcl 21.70 s h# 21.36
s h# 18.60 t h# 18.87 t h# 21.40 hh h# 20.29
hv hh 18.60 hh n 17.15 s h# 19.30 uw h# 19.56
t h# 18.20 z th 16.46 hv hh 19.20 k h# 19.14
hh tcl 17.60 hh h# 16.32 k kcl 19.10 dcl n 16.72
hh v 17.60 k h# 16.27 uw h# 17.20 iy h# 16.24

Table 3.14: Most frequent frame-level phone-pair confusions and confusion rates (in %). AC =
acoustic system, AF = articulatory system.
62 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study




frame-level accuracy (in %)









Figure 3.8: Frame-level accuracy rates for phone classes (reverberant speech). Shaded boxes
represent the articulatory system, blank boxes represent the acoustic system.

Test both both AC only AF only same different

Condition correct wrong correct correct errors errors
clean 90.99 4.15 2.61 2.27 70.10 29.90
reverb 72.69 13.64 7.04 6.63 57.93 42.07
noise, 30 dB 79.78 9.57 5.39 5.26 67.44 32.66
noise, 20 dB 75.13 12.06 5.37 7.43 64.90 35.10
noise, 10 dB 65.10 16.58 7.34 10.98 56.23 43.77
noise, 0 dB 49.65 27.71 8.51 14.06 51.66 48.34

Table 3.15: Error percentages (word-level) for different acoustic conditions. AC = acoustic sys-
tem, AF = articulatory system

The results are shown in Table 3.15.

Similar to the frame-level error analysis, we again observe that the number of different errors
increases as the signal quality deteriorates, indicating that the articulatory and acoustic systems
focus on different information under these conditions.

To conclude this error analysis, Table 3.16 show the ten most frequent word-level confusions
pairs for each system. Again, there is no distinct error pattern to be observed for either clean,
3.3 Recognition Results and Error Analysis 63


) 90

( 80

' 70

frame-level accuracy (in %)


% 50

$ 40

# 30



" + * 1 * 2
+ * 0 3 , , - - . . . 4 / - .
d k tcl s f v l w hv ih ey ah ow er h#
t dcl kcl z th n r hh iy eh ay ao uw ax


Figure 3.9: Frame-level accuracy rates for phone classes (noisy speech, averaged over all noise
conditions. Shaded boxes represent the articulatory system, blank boxes represent
the acoustic system.)
64 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

AF clean AC clean AF reverb AC reverb

#inst words #inst words #inst words #inst words
5 ins 6 oh 28
5 ins 6 oh 41 eight
5 del 6 60 eight del 6
20 oh
5 del 6 16 oh
5 del 6 35
5 ins 6 oh 40
oh del 6
14 oh four 13 one
5 del 6 33 oh
5 del 6 37
5 ins 6 oh
eight del 6 13 eight
5 del 6 33 nine five 33
nine del 6
5 ins 6 eight 13
5 ins 6 eight 32 nine
5 del 6 30
two del 6
5 ins 6 four 11 nine five 28
5 ins 6 two 24 eight three
5 ins 6 two 11 fifty sixty 27 one four 22 five nine
two del 6 9
5 ins 6 one 27 oh four 21 oh zero
5 ins 6 six 8
5 ins 6 two 26 one
5 del 6 21 eight eighty
5 ins 6 one 7 three thirty 22 oh zero 20 one
5 del 6
AF noise 30 dB AC noise 30 dB AF noise 20 dB AC noise 20 dB
45 nine five 52 nine five 73
5 ins 6 two 59 nine five
32 eight
5 del 6 36 oh four 51 nine five 52 oh four
5 ins 6 two 33
eight del 6 34 oh four 40 oh
5 del 6
28 oh four 29
oh del 6 31 eight
5 del 6 38 eight
5 del 6
26 oh
5 del 6 27
5 ins 6 oh 26 one four 30 one four
22 one four 25 one four 26 oh
5 del 6 29 nine
5 del 6
19 one
5 del 6 19 nine
5 del 6 26
5 ins 6 four 28
5 ins 6 two
19 oh zero 19 eight three 24 one
5 del 6 26 eight three
5 ins 6 oh 18 one
5 del 6 20 oh zero 24 two
5 del 6
15 nine
5 del 6 16
5 ins 6 two 20
5 ins 6 oh 22 one
5 del 6
AF noise, 10 dB AC noise, 10 dB AF noise, 0 dB AC noise, 0 dB
5 ins 6 two 63 oh four 122
5 ins 6 two 101
5 ins 6 three
53 nine five 61
5 ins 6 two 66 one
5 del 6 94
5 ins 6 two
38 one
5 del 6 57 nine five 65 oh
5 del 6 79 one
5 del 6
38 oh
5 del 6 55 oh
5 del 6 58
5 ins 6 three 78 oh four
37 eight
5 del 6 50
5 ins 6 three 53 eight three 75 oh
5 del 6
36 oh four 48 one
5 del 6 52 eight
5 del 6 72 two
5 del 6
5 ins 6 three 47 eight
5 del 6 51 nine five 60 eight
5 del 6
31 one four 44 two
5 del 6 48 oh four 56 nine
5 del 6
30 eight three 40 one four 47 nine
5 del 6 48 nine five
5 ins 6 four 40 eight three 41 two
5 del 6 46 one four

Table 3.16: List of ten most frequent word confusion pairs; AC = acoustic system, AF = articu-
latory system.

reverberant, or noisy speech.

3.4 Combination Rules 65

3.4 Combination Rules

In the previous section it was shown that the different recognition systems exhibit error patterns
which differ both quantitatively and qualitatively. For this reason, a combination of both systems
might be beneficial as one system may compensate for the errors made by the other system and
vice versa. Speech recognizers may be combined at various levels in the recognition process:
at the feature level, the frame level, the word level, or the utterance level. Feature-level combi-
nation involves concatenating different feature vectors and training the system on the combined
vectors. A frame-level (or state-level) combination procedure merges the frame or state-level
emission probabilities computed by different systems. At the word and utterance level several
combination strategies are possible, such as two-level Viterbi decoding or N-best lattice rescor-
ing. In this chapter we concentrate on frame-level combination; further combination strategies
will be discussed in the following chapters.

At the frame-level, recognizer combination reduces to combining the local classifiers. In the
current context of hybrid recognition systems this involves combining the outputs from the dif-
ferent phone MLPs. The topic of classifier combination in general, and that of neural network
ensembles in particular, has received much attention in the machine learning community. When
dealing with a complex pattern recognition task, such as speech recognition in various acoustic
environments, it is often the case that no single classifier can be developed which can satisfac-
torily solve the task. However, an ensemble of classifiers may be capable of achieving a more
robust performance. Different classifiers trained on the same input but differing in structure or
with respect to initialization may develop different strengths and weaknesses during training.
Classifiers which are trained using different inputs may extract partially different, or even com-
plementary, information about the classes from their respective feature spaces. Furthermore,
using a set of small classifiers and combining their decisions rather than training a large holistic
classifier may reduce training and development effort and may lead to better convergence and
generalization properties. For these reasons, classifier combination is often preferred to complex
individual classifiers.

Several approaches to classifier combination have been proposed in the literature. In contrast to
the previous section, where classifiers for different sets of output classes were arranged sequen-
tially, the focus is now on those approaches which make use of parallel classifiers trained on
the same set of output classes. Possible strategies for handling the output from a set of parallel
classifiers include classifier selection, voting, or classifier merging, e.g. by mixture of experts
(see above) or by a linear combination of the class probabilities. Classifier selection means that
the output from one classifier is selected as the correct one among all outputs from the classifier
ensemble. Various performance measures can be used to determine which classifier to select. In
66 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

[61], for instance, classifiers are selected on the basis of an estimate of their local accuracy. In
a speech recognition system various types of confidence values might be used to determine the
selection of classifier outputs.
The voting scheme (e.g. [46, 5, 7]) considers the decisions made by all classifiers and adopts
that decision on which most members of the ensemble agree. Possible ties are broken arbitrarily.
This method is most suitable for a large set of classifiers. In our case, it is suboptimal because
only two classifiers are involved and too many tie situations may arise which cannot always be
solved in a principled way.
The classifier-merging approach takes into account the probability distributions of the differ-
ent classifiers instead of considering only the hard decisions in terms of the resulting class la-
bels. The output distributions may be combined by means of linear combination rules, or in a
non-linear way, e.g. by training another non-linear classifier on the combined output distribu-
tions. Generally speaking, combination by a non-linear classifier yields better results because
the higher-level classifier can in principle approximate arbitrary mappings between the output
probability distributions of the individual classifiers and the desired output distribution. How-
ever, this method involves another training phase and introduces additional complexity into the
overall system. This can be avoided when using linear combination rules. A linear combination
of classifier outputs can in certain cases be shown to provide an improvement to the overall
classification performance. The case of ensemble averaging of regression-based classifiers, for
instance, where outputs are combined by a weighted sum, has been shown (e.g. [75]) to provide
anÍ“Þ improvement over the individual classifiers. Let Í“Þ Î denote the output of classifier Á and
7 ×
Î denote the target function. The ensemble output Î is defined as the weighted sum of the
individual outputs: ÍÞ Ò Ò ÍÞ
Î Î (3.22)
× é × Ò ÍÞ

This is the same definition as the one in Equation 3.18. The approximation error (or bias) : Î

of each individual classifier is the squared difference between the output and the target function
È 7
: 98
Î ¼ðwñ Î Î/Î ä7ó (3.23)

where the expectation is computed over the training samples. The ensemble approximation error
is the expected value of the squared difference between the ensemble output and the target
function ÍÞ Í ÍÞ ÍÞ
; 7 È
Î ¼ðòñ Î Î7Î ä/ó (3.24)

The variance of each classifier, < Î is defined as the squared difference between its output and
the ensemble output Ò Í“Þ Í Ò ÍÞ Í“Þ
< =8ðòñ
Î Î Î/Î ä ó (3.25)
× ×
3.4 Combination Rules 67

and the ensemble variance is the weighted sum of the individual variances
< =8
Î < Î (3.26)

Equation 3.26 can be rewritten asÍ“Þ Ò Í Ò Í“Þ ÍÞ

< =8
Î ðòñ Î Î/Î äcó (3.27)
é × ×

Í“Þ variance which already encountered in Equations 3.19

Again, this is the definition of ensemble
and 3.20. By adding and subtractingÍ“Þ Î to thisÒ we

< =8
: Î
È ; Î (3.28)

Ò Ò Ò Í“to
Þ definitions 3.23͓Þand 3.24.

If : Î is denoted as : Î the ensemble

Í“Þ approximation
ÍÞ ÍÞ error can be redefined as
Ý é
; =8 :
< Î (3.29)

That is, the ensemble approximation error is the weighted sum of the individual approximation
errors minus the ensemble variance, which is guaranteed to be lower than the weighted sum of
the individual errors unless the variance is zero. Thus, ensemble combination benefits from large
differences among the outputs of the individual classifiers. Þ Þ
This analysis generalizes to the caseÍ of several different inputs
Þ Þ Ô\è è to the classifiers
> Ô\è
è > 7 ? Ô.è
, since the target function Î is the same for all . The optimal combina-
tion rule should be that which both minimizes the first term on the right-hand side of equation
3.29 and which maximizes the ensemble variance.
A good overview of other widely used linear combination rules besides the averaging rule is
presented in [71]. Assume that there are ç different classifiers @A8 > Ô\è > è
Ê$Ê%Ê > , corresponding
ä Ï
to different input representations æB8DCFE HC G è è CJI , each of which is applied to the task of dis- è
Ø tinguishing
Í between K output classes LM8ONQP Ô\è P ä è è PFRTS . Each classifier yields a likelihood
U CWVYX P[Z<Î for a pattern CWV given class P[Z in recognizer > U . The joint probability for a pattern to
occur in the ç different representations given \ is

CFE è è CWI]X P[Z<Î (3.30)

It is often computationally infeasible to estimate this joint probability directly; however, under
the assumption that the input representations to the different classifiers are statistically indepen-
dent given the classes, the above rule can be approximated by
Ê%Ê$Ê ^Ï
CFE è è CWI]X P[Z#Î98 CHVYX P[ZpÎ (3.31)
68 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

The Bayes decision rule for the optimal class given a pattern Ë , K classes and ç different
classifiers is

7 d Ê$Ê%Ê d Ê$Ê$Ê
Ë Á PcbeX C[E è è CWIdÎ=8gfiZ hkj P[ZlX CFE è è CJIdÎ (3.32)

where Ø|Í Í
P[ZmX CFE (3.33) è è CWIdÎn8
Í CFE è Ê$Ê$Ê è CJd
and where PFZ<Î is the a priori probability of class \ . Substituting (3.31) in (3.33), we obtain
Í d
d Ê%Ê$Ê P[Z#Í Îqp UÏ Ó;Ô HC Ø|VcÍ X P[Z<Î
è è (3.34)

If this combination rule is to be expressed in terms of the a posteriori probabilities of the dif-
ferent classifiers, we need to divide the product by the a priori probabilities, assuming that all
classes have equal prior probabilities in the different input representations.
d Ê$Ê%Ê
^Ï d
P[ZlX CFE è è CWIdÎn8 d P[ZlX CHV[Î (3.35)
P[Z¯Î Ï9r Ô U Ó;Ô

Thus, the Bayes decision rule becomes

7 Í Æ
^Ï d Í Æ
^Ï d
Ë Á d PcbtX CHV[În8ufvZ hwj d P[ZmX CHV[Î (3.36)
Pcb.Î Ïnr Ô U Ó;Ô P[Z#Î Ï9r Ô U Ó;Ô

The drawback of this product rule is that the overall likelihood of a hypothesis becomes zero if
one classifier outputs an a posteriori probability close to zero. The product rule thus implements
an “and” function whose output is large if and only if both inputs are large.
The min rule selects that output which is smallest Í
d Ê%Ê$Ê Ázy U [P ZlÍ X CHV[Î
P[ZlX CFE è è CWI nÎ 8 RZ x Ó;Ô Á{y U d P[ZlX CHV!Î (3.37)
Ý x
whereas the max rule selects the largest output: Þ Í

d Ê$Ê%Ê
P[ZmX CFE CWI‡Î98 x}| d
ZR Ó;Ô x}| U P[ZmX CHV[Î
è è (3.38)

Similar to the product rule, the min rule implements an “and” function since the output is large
if and only if both of the inputs are large. The max rule and the averaging or sum rule discussed
above, however, have the effect of an “or” function: if one of the classifiers’ outputs is large, the
final output will be large as well.
3.5 Combination Experiments and Results 69

In various classification experiments, Kittler et al. [71] observed that the sum rule provided the
best results. The authors explained this by the greater robustness of the sum rule to estimation
Í classifiers (where ( ;
errors. In the sum rule, the errors incurred by the individual ZU Î denotes the
~ ; Z U€ Ç d
estimation error for class \ in classifier y , P[ZlX CHV[Î ) are dampened whereas they
are amplified by product rule combination. Each term in the product rule introduces the error
d (3.39)
whereas each term in the sum rule is affected by


Ý d (3.40)
Ó;Ô P[ZQ„ …‡†pÎ

Based on this finding we can make predictions about the performance of the different linear
probability combination rules in the current context. Due to the greater error robustness of the
sum rule, a sum combination scheme might prove more advantageous in acoustically degraded
conditions, such as reverberation and noise.
In the context of speech recognition several studies have investigated linear combinations of
probabilities using some form of product and/or sum rule. In [69] and [124] the log-likelihoods
derived from the posterior probabilities estimated by different MLPs (based on different feature
inputs or representing different subword units) are combined by an unweighted sum. Halberstadt
& Glass [56] compare a weighted sum rule to a product rule to combine likelihoods obtained
from Gaussian mixture classifiers on heterogeneous acoustic measurements. Across a range of
different experiments, they found that the product rule always yielded the best results. McMa-
hon et al. [88] use a weighted sum of log-likelihoods for the recombination of subband features.
In sum, successful linear combination methods which have previously been reported in speech
recognition always involve a product combination, which either takes the form of a sum of
log-likelihoods or a product of linear likelihoods. This is somewhat surprising considering the
statistical independence assumption underlying the product rule and the supposedly greater sen-
sitivity to estimation errors in the individual classifiers. In the following section we will compare
the performance of the different combination rules in different acoustic conditions.

3.5 Combination Experiments and Results

For the present purpose of combining the outputs from the phone MLPs of the acoustic and
articulatory systems, two different approaches were used: (a) the linear combination rules de-
scribed above, and (b) a non-linear classifier in the form of an MLP whose input consisted of the
70 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

Test set AF AC sum product max min

clean 8.9% 8.4% 7.8% 7.3% 7.9% 7.8%
reverberant 23.7% 24.7 24.5% 21.1% 25.7% 21.7%
noise, 30 dB 17.4% 17.2% 17.4% 15.1% 18.2% 16.0%
noise, 20 dB 21.7% 22.8% 21.8% 18.8% 22.7% 19.7%
noise, 10 dB 30.0% 32.7% 31.0% 28.3% 32.7% 29.0%
noise, 0 dB 43.6% 50.2% 48.3% 41.6% 49.6% 45.1%

Table 3.17: Word error rates obtained by different linear combination rules. Statistically sig-
nificant differences compared to the better of the AC/AF baselines are shown in

concatenated output probability distributions of the phone MLPs and whose output is another
probability distribution over the subword phone classes. The product rule used as one of the
linear combination rules differed slightly from the definition given above: the derivation given
ØJÍ from the likelihoods
by [71] departs CHVcX P[Z<Î – in our case, however, we start from the posterior
probabilities P[ZmX CHV[Î estimated by the MLPs, which are combined
according to
d Ê%Ê$Ê p UÏ Ó;Ô P[ZlÍ X CHV!Î
P[ZlX CFE CWI nÎ 8 d
è è (3.41)
An initial experiment was conducted on the clean test set to evaluate the performance of the
linear vs. the non-linear approach. It was found that the lowest word error rate obtained by the
MLP combination method was 7.8%, which was higher than the best result obtained using a
linear combination rule (7.3% obtained by the product rule). A reason for the inferior perfor-
mance of the non-linear combination may be the limited amount of training data in relation to
the large number of parameters which have to be estimated (due to the concatenation of the
56-dimensional phone probability vectors from both systems, the resulting input space has 112
dimensions). Combination experiments were then conducted on all acoustic test sets, using only
the linear combination rules. Table 3.17 shows the resulting word error rates. It is obvious that
the product rule consistently produces the lowest word error rates, followed by the min rule, the
sum rule and the max rule. At first sight, this result contradicts the findings by Kittler et al. :
according to our data, it is not the sum rule but the product rule which seems to be the most
robust combination rule, in clean as well as in noisy conditions. Note that this is in line with
the previous combination studies in the context of speech recognition described above. How can
this apparent discrepancy be explained? The word error rates provide an evaluation of the entire
recognition system, which includes the decoding process, whereas we wish to evaluate the per-
formance of the local phone classifiers only. We should therefore take a look at the frame-level
recognizer output in order to analyze this problem in greater detail. Similar to the error analysis
3.5 Combination Experiments and Results 71

of the individual acoustic and articulatory classifiers, we computed the frame error rates and
entropy ratios (of correctly vs. incorrectly classified frames) of the combined systems. These
are shown in Table 3.18. As we can see, the frame error rates in the combined system are con-

Test set sum prod

clean 7.8% 22.06% 0.17 7.3% 21.49% 0.13
reverb 23.4% 31.09% 0.24 19.9% 30.46% 0.18
noise 30 dB 17.1% 27.11% 0.21 15.0% 26.49% 0.18
noise 20 dB 21.8% 31.66% 0.24 18.5% 31.08% 0.18
noise 10 dB 31.0% 39.99% 0.30 28.3% 39.26% 0.22
noise 0 dB 48.0% 51.46% 0.37 41.5% 50.75% 0.27
Test set min max
clean 7.8% 21.54% 0.14 7.9% 22.55% 0.18
reverb 20.3% 30.79% 0.20 24.5% 31.57% 0.25
noise 30 dB 15.8% 26.81% 0.18 17.8% 27.59% 0.23
noise 20 dB 19.7% 31.55% 0.20 22.6% 32.17% 0.25
noise 10 dB 29.0% 39.99% 0.24 32.1% 40.55% 0.31
noise 0 dB 45.1% 51.35% 0.29 48.4% 52.07% 0.39

Table 3.18: Word error (WER) and frame error rates (FER) as well as entropy ratios (ER) ob-
tained using different linear combination rules.

sistently lower than the frame error rates obtained by the individual classifiers (see Table 3.10).
Furthermore, frame error rates reveal that the differences in frame-level performance of the com-
bined classifiers are only very slight – the differences in frame error rate between the sum rule
and the product rule, for instance, are in most cases not significant. However, different combina-
tion rules have a very variable impact on the word error rate - whereas some rules produce word
error rates which are lower than those of the individual system, others increase the word error
rates to the extent that they exceed those of the baseline systems!
A good indication of the reason why this is the case is provided by the entropy ratios: the product
rule and the min rule, which achieve the best results at the word level, also exhibit the lowest
entropy ratios, whereas the entropy ratios of the sum and the max rule are markedly higher.
This shows that the phone output distributions created by the different combination schemes are
discriminative to varying degrees. As explained above, the optimal behavior of a recognition
system is characterized by low-entropy probability distributions for correct classifications and
high-entropy probability distributions for incorrect classifications, such that correct hypotheses
72 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study

are maximally distinct from incorrect hypotheses when the system is right and that several (cor-
rect or incorrect) answers are maximally similar when the system is wrong. The consequences
for word-level decoding are that, at a given frame, a correctly recognized class will receive most
of the probability mass whereas the incorrect classes will have a very low probability and are
thus likely to be pruned from the search beam. If the highest-scoring class is actually incorrect
but it is close to other classes in terms of its score, the correct class might be preserved in the
search beam and may contribute to finding the globally best path. Obviously, the product rule
and the min rule combination schemes favor this situation whereas the other methods do not.
It is important to realize that the performance of the overall speech recognizer does not solely
depend on the accuracy of the frame or state-level classifier – the degree of discriminability
between different classes is at least as significant with respect to higher-level search. When de-
ciding between different combination methods of state-level probability distributions care should
therefore be taken to choose a combination method which maximizes discriminability. It should
also be pointed out, however, that the correlation between the classifiers’ outputs plays an im-
portant role, too. If perfectly uncorrelated outputs were combined using the product or min rule,
they would cancel each other out.

3.6 Summary and Discussion

In this chapter we described the development (initial feature selection, feature classification, and
feature optimization) of an articulatory feature based recognition system for continuous num-
bers recognition. A comparison of the baseline recognition results obtained by the articulatory
system and those achieved by a standard acoustics-only recognizer revealed a comparable level
of performance for both systems on clean and moderately noisy speech (30 dB SNR). The ar-
ticulatory system showed a small (although statistically not significant) improvement compared
to the acoustic system on reverberant speech and noisy speech at 20 dB SNR. Statistically sig-
nificant improvements were obtained by the articulatory system on noisy speech at low (10 and
0 dB SNR) signal-to-noise ratios. The single largest improvement relative to the performance
of the acoustic system was a 13.1% decrease in word error rate. A detailed error analysis at the
frame and at the word level showed that the outputs of both systems differ both quantitatively
and qualitatively, i.e. errors are made with respect to different classes. The different error pat-
terns, however, did not lend themselves to any phonetically-based interpretation. Furthermore,
the types of errors became increasingly different with decreasing signal-to-noise ratio.
A comparison of several classifier combination schemes applied to the outputs of the phone
MLPs in the different systems showed that performance can further be improved by simple
linear combinations of the posterior phone probabilities. Of the four different combination rules
3.6 Summary and Discussion 73

which were investigated, the product rule yielded the best results: across all acoustic conditions,
the improvements were statistically significant. The largest individual improvement obtained
by integrating articulatory information was a 17.3% relative decrease in word error rate in the
pink noise 0 dB SNR test case compared to the performance of the acoustics-only system. The
superior performance of the product rule could be explained by its effect on the entropy of
the resulting output distribution: contrary to “or” function rules like the sum and max rule, the
product rule and the min rule – which implement “and” functions” – decrease the ratio of the
entropy of the phone distribution of the correct frames to those of the incorrect frames and thus
lead to better discriminability of classes at higher-levels in the decoding process.
This preliminary study raises a number of further questions. First, the recognition task used for
the experiments reported in this section is relatively limited. Since the Numbers95 vocabulary
is very small, only a limited amount of phonetic variability is covered by the data. Although
these preliminary results are promising, the potential of the articulatory feature based approach
should be tested on larger recognition task. Second, further tests on noisy data, including more
realistic types of noise, should be performed in order to verify the superior performance of the
AF system in noise.
The classifier combination schemes presented in this section are capable of achieving a sig-
nificant reduction in word error rate – however, even greater improvements might be gained
when the systems are combined at higher levels, such as the word or utterance level. Typically,
recognition hypotheses at higher levels are more robust because evidence from wider tempo-
ral contexts is available. Therefore, higher-level combination methods such as N-best lattice
rescoring should be investigated. Furthermore, it has been shown that the most successful com-
bination schemes enhance the ability of the system to discriminate between incorrect and correct
hypotheses. Therefore, another promising combination strategy might be to use a weighted com-
bination rule, e.g. a weighted product rule, where the weights are optimized with respect to a
discriminative criterion, such as the Maximum A Posteriori probability (MAP) of the utterance
or the Minimum Classification Error (MCE) [4, 66, 24].
74 3 Small Vocabulary Recognition Using Articulatory Information: A Pilot Study
Chapter 4

Articulatory Features for Large

Vocabulary Conversational Speech

In this chapter we extend the pilot study described in the previous chapter to a large-vocabulary
conversational speech recognition task. We will compare and analyze the performance of acous-
tic and articulatory baseline systems on this task and investigate techniques for combining the
two systems. In addition to combination at the state level, we will investigate possibilities of
feature-level and word-level system combination.

4.1 Corpus and Baseline System

4.1.1 Corpus

The corpus used for the experiments reported in this chapter is the German Verbmobil corpus
[73], which is a collection of spontaneous dialogues within the domain of appointment schedul-
ing. A typical turn exchange in this corpus is exemplified by the following extract:

5 5
Speaker 1: ja Frau Gehrmann Atmen 6 wir haben Pause 6 wiederum ein Arbeitstreffen zu vereinbaren
5 5
Atmen 6 ich schlage einfach mal vor vom zehnten bis vierzehnten Oktober Pause 6 in Berlin wie sieht
5 undeutlich 6 aus
5 Pause 6

Speaker 2:
5 Schmatzen 6
5 Atmen 6 ganz schlecht
5 Pause 6 da bin ich leider schon
5 Pause 6 unter-
wegs bei mir ginge es erst ab dreizehnten Oktober
5 Geräusch 6

Approximate translation:
Speaker 1: yes Ms. Gehrmann
5 breathe 6 we need to
5 silence 6 schedule a work meeting again
76 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

5 breathe 6 I would suggest October the tenth to October the fourteenth

5 silence 6 in Berlin how does
5 incomprehensible6 look

Speaker 2:
5 smack 6
5 breathe 6 very bad
5 silence 6 I’ve already planned to be
5 silence 6 away then I
can only make it after October the thirteenth
5 noise 6

The data (studio-quality speech sampled at 16 kHz) was recorded at four different locations,
viz. at the Universities of Kiel, Bonn, Karlsruhe and Munich, using different microphones and
recording environments. The training set used for the present experiments comprises approxi-
mately 30 hrs, the test set (the official 1996 Verbmobil evaluation task) consists of 343 utterances
(45 minutes). The number of speakers in the total set is 749. Since the corpus consists of spon-
taneous utterances it contains numerous hesitations, fillers, false starts, and other disfluencies,
as well as noises like laughter, coughing and lip smacks. In addition to this, the test set con-
tains out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, in particular proper names and spelling sequences. The
recognition lexicon consists of 5333 entries. The bigram perplexity is 64.2. It is obvious that this
task is significantly more complex than the numbers recognition task used for the pilot study
described in the previous chapter.

4.1.2 Recognition System

The recognition system which was used for the Verbmobil experiments is the ESMERALDA
(Environment for Statistical Model Estimation and Recognition on Arbitrary Linear Data
Arrays) system, which is a vector quantization (VQ) based HMM recognition system [43]. The
core of the acoustic modeling component in this system is a VQ codebook with a pre-specified
number of classes each of which is represented by a Gaussian pdf
ˆ {Œw Æ
; ‘ … …
Cn‰ ‹è Š FÎ 8
UÎ X Š X nr Ž rl’Q“•”•–˜— Ž lr ’Q“ (4.1)

is the mean and Š is the covariance of the pdf; y is Ø| Í dimensionality
the Ò of the feature
space. HMM state emission probabilities (i.e. the likelihoods CY™šX › Î of an observation vector
Cc™ given a HMM state › ) are computed by a weighted sum (or mixture) of the œ codebook
pdfs: Ø|Í Ò  Ò Í

Cc™wX › nÎ 8
>ž ˆ Cc™Ÿ‰ ß ž ‹è Š ž Î (4.2)
Ò ž Ó;Ô
W ¢¡
Š ž Ò Ò
where and are the mean and covariance, respectively, of the êìë7í Gaussian mixture
component of the codebook and > ž is the mixture weight of state › for that component. The
mixture weights are associated with the individual HMM states, whereas the codebook pdfs are
shared by all states.
4.1 Corpus and Baseline System 77

The codebook is estimated using a variant of the Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG) algorithm [84],
which proceeds as follows:

LBG-Based Vector Quantization

1: initialize the codebook by assigning feature vectors to classes, either based on an externally
provided labeling or by cyclically assigning the y ê5ë7í feature vector to the N mod n’th class.
delete classes with fewer than feature vectors (where is some percentage of the total
x x
number of feature vectors)
3: compute initial statistics (means and covariances) for all classes
4: while the number of classes is smaller than @ (the desired number of classes) do
5: classify the feature vectors by assigning them to the nearest class, using some distance
measure. In the present system, the distance is computed by evaluating the Gaussian pdf.
6: update means and covariances.
delete classes with fewer than feature vectors.
8: if the global distance (the average distance of feature vectors to their class means) falls
below the previous global distance by a pre-specified percentage \ then
9: split those classes whose average distance (of feature vectors to the mean) is above a
threshold £ . The means and covariances of the old classes are copied over to the new
classes; the covariances are additionally perturbed by small constants derived from the
covariances of the old classes.
10: end if
11: end while

After the codebook has been trained, HMM state emission probabilities are trained by updating
the weights for the shared pdf’s in the codebook. More precisely, HMM training consists of

¤ initialization of HMM states, followed by one pass of Baum-Welch re-estimation,

¤ clustering of HMM states,

¤ several iterations of embedded Baum-Welch reestimation of state mixture weights, possi-

bly coupled with an update of the codebook.

Initialization of (context-independent) HMMs is performed by using an externally specified time

alignment of phone-based transcriptions and the speech data files. In a first step, duration statis-
tics are computed for each phone model. Either single-state or multi-state HMMs are then cre-
ated for each phone. Unless the system is forced to create only single states for each model,
78 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

the number of states in each model is determined automatically based on the minimum duration
of the model. More specifically, the number of states ¥ ¦}§¨¥ª©z«c¬t­¯®˜°±¥² , where ¦ is a user-
specified scaling factor and ¥ª©z«J¬t­³®˜°±¥² is the minimum duration of model ¥ . States within the
same model can be identical (hard-tied) or independent. The models thus created are then ini-
tialized by uniformly assigning the frames belonging to each model instance (as determined by
the external alignment) to the model states and computing the initial state parameters as follows:
The state-dependent weights for all codebook classes (mixture components) are determined by
´Tµ{¶¨· ¹ ¸ ¼ °ÂÁHÃYÄ Å ¶ ²
µ Q½ ¾Y¿‘À (4.3)
where ´Tµ{¶ is the weight for state Æ of class Ç , µ is the number of training samples assigned to
state Æ , and °ÈÁHÃcÄ Å ¶ ² is the likelihood of the «YÉËÊÍÌ observation assigned to state Æ given class Ç .
State transition probabilities are updated by
Ï (4.4)
where ÎtÏÒÐ is the transition probability from state © to state  , ÏÑÐ is the number of transitions
from state © to state  and Ï is the total number of transitions out of state © .
In all subsequent training passes, re-estimation of the model parameters is then carried out us-
ing the Baum-Welch algorithm [6]. Additionally, the the means and variances of the codebook
classes can be updated during training.
After the first training iteration, context-dependent phones are created using the reference
transcriptions and triphone-based word definitions. First, a new state is created for each triphone
whose count exceeds a minimum number of training samples. Triphone states are aliased to their
corresponding basephone states; e.g., b/I/t would be aliased to /I/. A bottom-up agglomerative
clustering algorithm is then applied to the resulting state space in order to reduce the number
of free parameters. This algorithm iteratively merges states into clusters until a (user-defined)
minimum number of training samples is present in each cluster. The details of this procedure
(based on [78]) are as follows:

HMM State Clustering

1: for each set of triphones aliased to the same basephone do
¹ ¹
2: if the alias group has enough training samples ( Óo§ , where is the minimum cluster
size) then
3: create a separate cluster for each state
4: for each cluster do
5: while the minimum cluster size is smaller than do
4.1 Corpus and Baseline System 79

6: merge the two clusters © and  with the smallest distance ÔÕ°±©×Ö}Âز which have not
yet been merged
7: create a new cluster for the merged pair
8: end while
9: end for
10: create new state definitions for all resulting clusters
11: end if
12: end for

The distance ԰©×Ö¸Âm² between clusters © and  is defined as

¹ ¹ ¹
԰©×Ö¸Âm² · ÏÑП٠±° ©ÍÖ¸Âm²[Ú ÏÛÙ °±©Ü²FÚ ÐŸÙ °%Âm² (4.5)

where ٠° ©Ý² is the entropy of cluster © , Ù °%Âm² is the entropy of cluster  , and Ù °±©×Ö}Âز is the joint
¹ ¹ ¹
entropy of the two clusters. The terms Ï , Ð , and ÏÑÐ are the number of samples in the clusters
© ,  , and the in cluster resulting from pooling © and  , respectively. Equation 4.5 is essentially an
approximation to the negative of the mutual information Þc°Èßáàãâä²

Þc°Èßáàãâå² ·æÙ °Âßç²Jè Ù °±âé²FÚ Ù °ÈßÕÖãâä² (4.6)

The cluster entropies are additionally weighted by the cluster size. The algorithm thus merges
those clusters which have the highest mutual information, i.e. those which are highly predictable
from each other. The cluster entropies are computed as averages of the entropies of the individual
states assigned to a cluster. The entropy for state ê Ï , Ù °±ê Ï ² , is defined as
Ù °±ê Ï ² · ¼ ë ¢ ´ σ
ì íÂî‡ï ¢
´ Ïì (4.7)
where ð is the number of mixture components in the codebook and ´¢Ï ì is the weight of state
êÏ for the ¥ É ÊÍÌ mixture component. Thus, state entropy is computed from the state weights only.
Lexical decoding proceeds incrementally, based on a time-synchronous beam-search algorithm
and a tree-structured recognition lexicon. In contrast to conventional tree-based decoding where
copies of the recognition tree are made at the end of each word, tree copies are made on a
temporal basis, indexed by their starting times. This restricts the number of copies which need to
be made and leads to greater efficiency. Since this decoder makes use of an incremental, frame-
to-frame processing strategy the advantages of a multi-pass search (i.e. use of successively more
refined and more complex language models) cannot be exploited. The incremental decoder has
the advantage of fast processing (5x real time) but the word error rates are typically a little higher
than those obtained by multi-pass decoding strategies. The language model which was used for
the experiments reported in this chapter is a backoff bigram model [72].
80 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

Features Values
voicing +voice, -voice, sil
manner stop, vowel, lateral, nasal, fricative, sil
labial, coronal, palatal, velar
glottal, high, mid, low, sil
front-back front, back, nil, sil
rounding +round, -round, nil, sil

Table 4.1: Articulatory features for German.

4.1.3 Acoustic Baseline System

The acoustic baseline system uses 12 MFCC coefficients, one energy coefficient, and the first
and second derivatives of these. The total number of features thus is 39. In order to compensate
for the different recording conditions a simple channel adaptation is performed by cepstral mean
subtraction. The acoustic codebook contains 256 classes, each of which is modeled by a mean
vector and a full covariance matrix. The models are linear left-to-right models without skip
transitions. The number of HMM states produced by the clustering method described above
is 2883, using a clustering threshold of 75 samples per cluster. The codebook was iteratively
updated during training.

4.2 Articulatory System

As before, the articulatory system uses a set of parallel MLPs to extract articulatory features
from the preprocessed speech signal. The set of features that were employed for the present
task is shown in Table 4.1. The features are largely similar to those used for American En-
glish in Chapter 2; some features, such as dental and retroflex are not included since they are
not relevant for the definition of German phones. Other features, such as palatal, were added.
The total number of feature values is 26. The feature transcriptions were derived from the auto-
matic phone-based labeling produced the University of Munich (cf. Section 2.1.1). This system
incorporates phonetic pronunciation rules and is reported to achieve an agreement with human
labelers of approximately 90% [121]. The phone-feature conversion table is given in Table A.5 in
the Appendix. Based on the Numbers95 experiments and some preliminary feature recognition
experiments on the present corpus, the number of hidden units was set to 100 and the number of
context frames was fixed at nine frames. A set of 10 000 utterances was used for feature train-
ing, 1000 utterances were used for cross-validation. The frame-level feature accuracy rates on
the test set are given in Table 4.2. The feature probabilities were subsequently concatenated and
4.3 Recognition Results and Error Analysis 81

Network Accuracy
voicing 87.39%
manner 81.49%
place 69.65%
front-back 81.37%
rounding 83.25%

Table 4.2: Feature accuracy rates on Verbmobil 96 test set.

used as data for codebook training as described above.

It was found that some difficulties were created by the form of the output distribution of the artic-
ulatory feature networks: the final output function in the MLPs is the softmax function (Equation
3.7), which constrains the output values to lie within the range [0,1] and to sum to 1. It thus is
frequently the case that one output value is close to 1 whereas all others are close to 0. For
this reason, the resulting output distribution has a strongly bimodal character, resembling that of
a binary variable. This distribution is not well matched by the Gaussian modeling assumption
underlying the design of the codebook. Therefore, the final non-linear activation function was
omitted in the MLPs when generating the input data for the second-level classifier, and the pre-
softmax values were used instead. This does not have an effect on the classification decisions of
the feature networks – the softmax output function is a monotonic function affecting all feature
dimensions. Its removal does not change the ranking of the output classes. The resulting values
may be interpreted as features in hidden space (the space of the MLP weights). Their distri-
bution, though not being strictly Gaussian, is bell-shaped and therefore matches the modeling
assumptions better than the bimodal distribution of the probabilities used previously.
The class labels used for training the codebook were identical to those which were used for
training the acoustic baseline system. After testing various codebook design choices, the number
of classes was fixed at 384, using full covariance matrices. HMM states were initialized using a
state-level alignment produced by another MFCC-based system trained on the Verbmobil data.
The state clustering step in the HMM training procedure yielded 3359 states, using a clustering
threshold of 75. The codebook was updated at each iteration of Baum-Welch re-estimation.

4.3 Recognition Results and Error Analysis

Table 4.3 shows the word error rates on the Verbmobil test set obtained by the MFCC and the
AF systems. The word error rate of the MFCC system is lower than that of the AF system by a
total of 1.44%. This difference is statistically significant.
82 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition


MFCC 29.03% 19.16% 8.32% 1.83%
AF 30.47% 19.31% 9.03% 2.13%

Table 4.3: Word error rates, substitutions, deletions and insertions on the clean Verbmobil test
set obtained by the baseline MFCC and AF systems.

As before, we are not (only) interested in the word error rates obtained by the different sys-
tems but in differences at a qualitative level, which requires a more detailed error analysis. As
mentioned above, the Verbmobil recognition task is much more complex than the Numbers95
recognition task which was the basis of the experiments described in Chapter 3. Not only are we
dealing with numerous spontaneous speech phenomena such as disfluencies, strong coarticula-
tion, etc., the system also has a much larger vocabulary, which, compared to a small-vocabulary
task, introduces further error sources, such as search errors due to pruning. For this reason it
did not seem adequate to limit the error analysis to a comparison of frame-level and word-
level error rates. We therefore decided to apply a method which was better suited to evaluating
a large-vocabulary recognition system. One such method was developed by Chase [21]. Her
method of categorizing speech recognizers’ errors is based on comparing the time alignment,
language model scores and acoustic scores of each word in (a) the recognition output of the
system to be evaluated, and (b) in the forced alignment of the test set transcription and the test
data, using the same system. For each word in the two different outputs, the time alignment, the
language model score and the acoustic score are recorded. Moving from left to right through
each utterance, these outputs are then compared in order to identify so-called error regions.
When a non-matching segment, i.e. different words or words with a different time alignment1
is detected, the beginning of an error region has been identified. The error region continues up
to the next matching segment. Within each error region, the (normalized) acoustic and language
model scores are added up to yield a combined score. Error regions can then be classified de-
pending on how the combined scores of the recognition output (HYP) compare to those of the
forced alignment output (REF). There are six possible categories, as shown in Table 4.4. If the
combined score of the REF system is better than that of the HYP system, the error region will
be classified into one of the cells in the left-hand column. More precisely, it will be placed

¤ into cell REF-1 if the HYP language model (LM) score is better than the REF language
model score and the REF acoustic (AC) score is better than the HYP acoustic score,
¤ into cell REF-2 if the REF language model score is better than the HYP language model
score and the REF acoustic score is worse than the HYP acoustic score, and
allowing for a small frame tolerance of 2 or 3 frames.
4.3 Recognition Results and Error Analysis 83

REF total better HYP total better

REF AC dominates HYP AC dominates
AC better HYP LM (REF-1) REF LM (HYP-1)
REF LM dominates HYP LM dominates
LM better HYP AC (REF-2) REF AC (HYP-2)
larger dominate HYP (REF-3) dominate REF (HYP-3)

Table 4.4: Classification of error regions according to [21].

¤ into cell REF-3 if both the language model and acoustic score are better in the REF than
in the HYP system.

The classification into cells in the right-hand column proceeds analogously for the error regions
where the total HYP score is better.
The error categories in Table 4.4 are interpretable with respect to the potential source of the
error. If the error region has been assigned to one of the cells in the left-hand column a search
error has occurred – both the language model and the acoustic models have favored the right
solution, but the right solution was eliminated at some point during the search process. In order
to minimize these types of errors, the beam search and pruning parameters of the decoder could
be adjusted. The errors in the right-hand column, by contrast, are modeling errors. These occur
when either the HYP acoustic score or the HYP language model score or both scores contribute
to preferring the incorrect over the correct option. Possible causes for this might be

¤ confusions between different acoustic models,

¤ pronunciation variants which are not modeled in the recognition lexicon,

¤ incorrect reference transcriptions,

¤ word sequences in the test set classified as highly improbable by the language model, etc.

Chase uses further, more specific, error categories, viz. out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words and ho-
mophone substitutions. These are uniquely identifiable error sources which show characteristic
patterns. OOV words are words which do not occur in the training set and, as a consequence,
are not represented either in the recognition lexicon or in the language model. Unless the recog-
nition system includes a specific strategy for identifying and transcribing OOV words, there is
no chance of recognizing these words correctly. OOV words can be explicitly marked in the
84 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

reference transcription – if an error region has been found which includes an OOV word it is
automatically assigned to the OOV category.
Homophone substitutions may occur when two or more words are present in the recognition
lexicon which have the same phone transcription but a different orthography and/or semantics
and which are confused in the recognizer’s output. Examples of these in the VERBMOBIL
recognition lexicon are das and daß (that (determiner) and that (conjunction)) or Meier and
Meyer (proper names).
For our purposes we have added a further special category: error regions caused by disfluencies.
This category includes all instances of false starts and partial or interrupted words. As in the case
of OOV words, these are specially marked in the reference transcriptions, and an error region is
automatically assigned to the corresponding category if it contains a disfluency mark.
According to these principles, an error analysis was carried out both for the acoustic and the
articulatory system. In computing the language model and acoustic scores, the scores for OOV
words were not taken into consideration as they would have distorted the overall relative dis-
tance between the HYP and REF scores in the rest the utterance. Furthermore, error regions
which occurred solely due to the presence or absence of noise or silence were not considered.
The same holds for errors due to confusions between different noise models. In computing the
combined HYP and REF scores, the language model weighting factor used during decoding was
taken into account. Error regions which contained joint occurrences of OOV words, disfluencies
or contractions were multiply classified into the corresponding categories. However, multiple
occurrences of the same special category within one error region did not lead to an accumula-
tion of error counts. Thus, although several OOV words may occur in one error region, the entire
region was only classified as OOV once. The results of the error analyses are shown in Table
Two points should be noted in order to facilitate the interpretation of these results: first, the
percentages sum up to a number greater than 100.0 because – as mentioned above – several
error regions were multiply classified. Second, the percentage of OOV categories differs among
the two systems although in each case the same number of OOV words was present in the test
set. This is caused by two factors: (a) an error region may contain several OOV words and is then
only classified as OOV once, whereas the same region may be broken down into several error
regions in the other system; (b) in both systems a small number of test utterances did not receive
an alignment due to pruning problems – however, these utterances are not identical, which may
lead to more OOV words being present in one system’s output compared to the other.
As can be seen, the error category which has markedly fewer instances in the MFCC system than
in the AF system is the category HYP-1. This category groups together all cases where the HYP
acoustic score overwhelms the REF language model score. As mentioned above, the potential
4.3 Recognition Results and Error Analysis 85

Total no. of
error regions 779 793
OOV 34.92% 31.78%
Disfluency 3.47% 3.15%
Homophones 0% 0%
REF-1 2.70% 3.40%
REF-2 2.82% 3.78%
REF-3 4.49% 4.29%
HYP-1 14.63% 17.02%
HYP-2 9.73% 10.84%
HYP-3 29.65% 26.99%

Table 4.5: Classification of error regions in MFCC and AF systems.

causes can be manifold: highly confusable acoustic models, inaccurate pronunciation modeling,
incorrect word transcriptions, etc.
In order to further determine the source of the errors in this category, a bottom-up phone-only
decoding was performed using monophone models and a phone bigram. The word language
model and the recognition lexicon thus did not have any effect on the recognition output. In order
to evaluate the phone decodings both the frame error rate (the percentage of frames differing in
phone identity in the reference alignment and phone-only decoding) and the distances between
the phone sequences were computed. Distance was defined in terms of phonetic features which
are similar but not identical to our articulatory features (see Table A.6 in the Appendix). In
line with Chase’s procedure, the simple Hamming distance between the lists of binary feature-
values was used in order to evaluate how strongly the phone sequences diverge. A difference in
one feature (i.e. change of two binary feature values) thus incurred a distance value of 2. The
phonetic distance values computed for each incorrect frame were added up and divided by the
number of incorrect frames. Table 4.6 shows the frame error rates and distance values for the
MFCC and AF system, computed separately for different error categories and for all frames in
the test set (row six).
The median of the distribution of the AF system’s distance values within category HYP-I (sorted
into bins ranging from 0 to 8) is at bin 2, i.e. most error regions have an average distance value
of 2, which corresponds to a difference in one phonetic feature. 82% of the error regions have
a distance value less than or equal to 4, i.e. most error regions differ from the reference in one
or two features only. This shows that the greater part of the error regions in this category is
phonetically highly confusable with the “true” models, which indicates that the major source for
86 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

Category FER dist FER dist
OOV 50.2%1 5.05 51.59% 5.58
Disfluency 50.21% 5.78 54.74% 5.63
REF-1 44.34% 6.10 50.79% 6.48
REF-2 39.21% 5.47 52.19% 6.19
REF-3 48.11% 6.08 40.71% 5.13
HYP-1 47.43% 5.34 50.43% 5.26
HYP-2 51.58% 5.03 51.44% 5.73
HYP-3 45.97% 5.43 53.21% 5.79
All data 42.69% 4.92 43.67% 5.21

Table 4.6: Frame error rates (FER) and average phonetic distance values of monophone decod-
ings and reference phone alignments for different error categories and the entire test
data (bottom row).

errors in this category may be a lack of discriminability between different acoustic models.
The inferior quality of the acoustic models in the AF system may have several causes. First, the
features themselves may not provide sufficient discriminability between the correct class and the
set of incorrect classes. Second, the bottom-up acoustic-phonetic modeling accuracy of the ar-
ticulatory system may be lower than that of the acoustic codebook. Third, there may be a loss of
discriminability between different models when expanding the system from monophones to tri-
phones, which may be related to the different results of the automatic state clustering procedure
in the two systems.
The first of these possible error sources was investigated by computing a measure of class sep-
arability in both the acoustic and articulatory feature space. This is expressed as a discriminant
ratio, ò , which is defined as
ò · ó]ô (4.8)
ó ô èõÔ ô
· ¼ ö ¶‹ø‡ùkúqûeüYýÿþ ¶ 
ó ô ¶ Y¾ ¿e÷ (4.9)

¼ö ¼ö ¶ Ð
¶ö ¾Y¿ ¶ ô ¶ ¾Y¿ Ð ¾Y¿ ÷ ÷ ° Ú
Ͳ ô
Ô ô · ¸
¸ Ú
(see e.g. [111]). ó]ô measures the within-class variance of the features with respect to the class
means – this is simply the sum of the traces of the class-specific covariance matrices þ ¿ Ö  Ö þ ,
weighted by the class priors. Ô ô denotes the inter-class distance, i.e. the distance between class
4.3 Recognition Results and Error Analysis 87

Measure MFCC AF
WER 29.03% 30.47%
average state entropy 3.23 3.54
frame-level error rate 42.69% 43.67%
discriminant ratio 0.525 0.675

Table 4.7: Measures of accuracy and discriminability at various levels in the recognition system
for MFCC and AF recognizers.

means, weighted by the class priors. ò finally is defined as the ratio of within-class distance to
the between-class distance and ranges between 0 and 1. A smaller value of ò indicates better
separability of the  classes. The ò value for the MFCC feature set was 0.525, compared to
0.675 for the AF system, showing that the MFCC feature set leads to better separability of the
phone classes.
The bottom-up acoustic-phonetic modeling accuracy (i.e. the identification of the correct phone
class without any information from the lexicon or language model) is already expressed by
the frame-level phone accuracies quoted above. An indication of the differences at the level of
context-dependent modeling is given by the average entropy of the HMM state distributions.
The average state distribution entropy is computed by

Ù ° ² · ¹ ¸ ¼ ë « ÈÏ Ù Â° ê Ï ²
Ï Y¾ ¿ (4.11)

where  is the total set of states

 · ê ¿ Ö ê Ö  Ö×ê , « Ï is the number of training samples assigned
ô ë
to state ê Ï , is the total sum of the number of training samples assigned to states,

¹ · ¼ë Ï
Ï ¾Y¿ « (4.12)

and Ù °Âê Ï ² is the entropy of state ê Ï , which was already defined in Equation 4.7 We observed that
a low-entropy distribution indicates high acoustic homogeneity of the training samples assigned
to the state – these can be modeled by a small number of mixture components. A high-entropy
distribution characterizes states whose training observations are more evenly spread across a
larger number of codebook classes. It is thus more desirable to have low-entropy state distribu-
tions. The average state entropy is 3.23 in the MFCC system vs. 3.54 in the AF system.
The various separability and accuracy measures are summarized in Table 4.7. The interpretation
of these data is that different phonetic classes are less separable in the articulatory feature space
than in the acoustic feature space, as evidenced by the discriminant ratio. This entails a higher
degree of uncertainty at the level of vector quantization, which in turn produces the higher aver-
88 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

frame-level accuracy (in %)

" y:
! j


Figure 4.1: Diagonals of phone confusion matrices of AF and MFCC systems. Blank boxes rep-
resent the MFCC system, shaded boxes represent the AF system.

age entropy of the state-dependent probability distributions. The consequence is a larger number
of confusions between different subword units, and ultimately, a higher word error rate.

A further illustration of qualitative differences is provided by the phone confusion matrices

derived from the phone-only decoding described above. Figure 4.1 shows the diagonals of the
phone confusion matrices. Again, we can see that the information provided by the two systems is
partially complementary in that different phones are classified with varying degrees of accuracy
by the two systems.

In order to give an overall quantitative assessment of the differences among the AF and the
MFCC system, the percentages of different vs. identical word-level errors were computed. These
are shown in Table 4.8. The numbers indicate that about two thirds of the errors made at the word
level are not identical in the two systems.
4.4 Optimizing the Articulatory Recognizer 89

Error type %
both correct 61.44
AF correct, MFCC incorrect 5.99
MFCC correct, AF incorrect 11.52
both incorrect 21.05
different errors 66.66
identical errors 33.34

Table 4.8: Error percentages in the outputs of MFCC and AF recognizers.

4.4 Optimizing the Articulatory Recognizer

We have seen above that the major reason for the poorer performance of the AF system is
the overall confusability between phone classes in articulatory space. A number of strategies
were investigated in order to enhance the bottom-up classification accuracy and to optimize the
articulatory representation.
First, further articulatory features were added to the feature set in order to ensure that certain
higher-level phonemic distinctions could be made which were not supported by the original
articulatory feature set, i.e. distinctions between tense and lax vowels, such as /u:/ - /U/. This in-
volved adding another feature network with tense, lax, nil, and silence. The codebook contained
384 classes and had full covariance matrices. The best word error rate obtained by this system
was 30.95%, i.e. no improvement was gained.
Second, in order to reduce the quantization loss in the codebook, the number of codebook cells
was increased. Whereas an increase from 256 cells in the first prototype of an articulatory code-
book to 384 cells in the current baseline system led to a 1% absolute improvement in word
recognition accuracy, no further improvement could be observed when further increasing the
number of classes to 512 – on the contrary, the system performance dropped slightly by 0.79%.
As a further strategy for optimizing the articulatory feature space, the dimensionality of the space
was reduced by applying Principal Components Analysis. The first 18 principal components
were selected, which covered 95.6% of the variance of the data. The size of the codebook was
increased in order to match the number of parameters in the articulatory baseline system. The
intention of this procedure was to restrict the modeling effort to modeling only the information-
bearing components of the articulatory representation. The resulting system, however, showed a
slight loss in accuracy – the best word error rate obtained in this experiment was 31.81%.
A further experiment involved the addition of first-order temporal derivatives to the basic artic-
ulatory features. Delta coefficients were computed with a window of five frames and added to
90 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

the basic articulatory features. However, during the VQ training the delta coefficients had the
effect of collapsing many of the initial classes in the codebook (as determined by the initializa-
tion labels) into a small number of very large classes, an indication that the delta coefficients
were too similar across different classes and thus tended to dominate the basic features in the
classification process. The system trained up using deltas achieved a word error rate of 31.42%.

A number of different options were also investigated with respect to HMM initialization and the
state clustering algorithm. The initial AF system used hard state-tying in the initialization pro-
cedure, i.e. identical states were created for the beginning, middle, and end parts of phonemes.
In a different initialization procedure, physically different states were created for the various
temporal phases of a phoneme. However, this initialization procedure led to a system with no
significant difference in error rate. Finally, different clustering thresholds were tested in order to
control the number of distinct hidden states. A lower clustering threshold of 50 led to a larger
number of states but also had the effect of slightly reducing increasing the word error rate to
30.80%. A higher threshold of 100 lowered the number of states and decreased the word er-
ror rate slightly to 30.21%. No further improvement could be observed by further raising the
clustering threshold.

In sum, these standard optimization strategies did not yield any major improvement. It seems
likely that in order to improve the accuracy of the AF system, more fundamental changes would
have to be made to the modeling approach. For instance, entirely different modeling schemes
such as segmental HMMs could be used in order to capture the temporal evolution of articulatory
features. Another possibility might be to automatically adapt the lexical representation to the
articulatory feature representation, e.g. by clustering the phone classes such that the clustered
classes are more easily distinguishable. However, this may in turn lead to increased confusability
between different words in the recognition lexicon, so that this procedure would need extensive

4.5 Combination

Although the AF-based representation does not seem to provide major advantages over the
MFCC representation, it does yield information which is partially complementary to that in the
MFCC system. This is evident from both the phone confusion matrices and the large percentage
of different word-level errors. Although these data do not yield a general phonetic interpreta-
tion of the strengths and weaknesses of the different systems, they clearly demonstrate that the
MFCC system and the AF system focus on different speech sounds.

Given that the systems make different errors, we should again take a look at various possibilities
4.5 Combination 91

of combining their outputs. We will first address the issue of combining systems at the HMM
state level before investigating word-level combining strategies. Finally, we look at different
methods for combining the articulatory and acoustic representations at the feature level.

4.5.1 State-Level Combination

In the context of a large vocabulary recognition system the procedure of training a higher-level
classifier to combine the state likelihoods of the individual systems involves a prohibitively
large computational effort. For this reason, we limited state-level combination experiments to
the linear combination schemes of the type discussed in Chapter 3. The linear combination rules
(repeated here for convenience) were formulated above in terms of posterior probabilities, where
°ÛÅ ¶ Ä ÁHÃt² was the probability of class Ç given observation ÁWà which serves as input to the «¯ÉËÊÍÌ

¤ product rule º
½‡¾Y¿ º °ÈÅ ¶ Ä ÁHÃt²
È° Å ¶ Ä Á$#wÖ Ö×Á%¢² ·
÷  ö ¾Y¿ & ½Q÷ ¾Y¿ ÷ °ÈÅ ¶ Ä ÁHÃe²
¶ (4.13)

¤ sum rule º
Û° Å ¶ Ä Á'#kÖ  Ö×Á(%¢² · ¹ ¸ °ÛÅ ¶ Ä ÁHÃl² (4.14)
÷ ½‡¾Y¿ ÷
¥ *Î ) ½ È° Å ¶ Ä ÁWÃl²
max rule
°ÛÅ ¶ Ä Á$#wÖ  Ö×Á(% ² · ¶ö ¾Y¿ ¥ Î+÷ ) ½ Û° Å ¶ Ä ÁHÃt²
÷  ÷

¥ª©z« ½ °ÈÅ ¶ Ä ÁHÃt²
min rule
°ÈÅ ¶ Ä Á$#kÖ  ÖÍÁ(% ² · ¶ö ¾Y¿ ¥ª©z÷ « ½ °ÈÅ ¶ Ä ÁHÃl²
÷  ÷

This formulation was directly applicable to the outputs of the Multi-Layer-Perceptrons in the
hybrid system, which, as we noted before, approximate Bayesian posterior probabilities in the
least-square sense. By contrast, the Gaussian mixture classifiers in the current recognition system
estimate the likelihoods °ÂÁWÃYÄ Å ¶ ² , which are then converted to log-likelihoods for decoding. It
should be noted that the likelihood °ÂÁWÃYÄ Å ¶ ² is dependent on the dimensionality of the feature
vector x – the likelihoods resulting from different systems relying on feature vectors of different
dimensionalities will therefore have different ranges, with fewer features typically resulting in
larger likelihood values. The likelihoods should therefore be appropriately scaled. We perform
this scaling by normalizing by the acoustic likelihood °ÈÁHÃl² , which is simply the sum of the
likelihoods °ÈÁHÃcÄ Å ¶ ² over all classes Ç :
½ ,.-Üì °ÈÁHÃcÄ Å ¶ ² · °ÈÁHÃcÄ Å ¶ ²
 À ¶ ° ÁHÃYÄ Å ¶ ² (4.17)
92 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

If we assume that classes (states) have uniform prior probabilities in the different systems, the
combination of normalized likelihoods will be proportional to the combination of the posterior
probabilities °ÈÅ ¶ Ä ÁHÃt² .
The HMM/ANN hybrid systems discussed in the previous chapters had identical numbers of
states – every output unit of the phone MLP corresponded to a state in the recognition lexicon.
In this case, however, the systems have different numbers of physical states due to the automatic
state clustering method described above. In order to be able to combine state emission proba-
bilities we combine emissions for those states which are referenced by the same logical name –
thus, for any given state, emissions can be combined although they stem from physically differ-
ent state definitions. An additional question is raised by the different state transition probabilities
in the different systems. We tested the following possibilities:

¤ using the transition probabilities of the MFCC system,

¤ using the transition probabilities of the AF system,

Î ¿ Î
using their average, i.e.
ÎtÏÒÐ · ° ÏÑÐ è ÑÏô Ð ² (4.18)
where Î ½ Ò
Ï Ð is the transition probability from state © to state / in the « ’th system,

¤ using their normalized product

 ¶ö ¾Y¿ Πϕ¿ ¶ Πϕô ¶ (4.19)

where  is the number of different outgoing transitions for state © .

The best results were in each case obtained by taking the normalized product of the transition
probabilities. Table 4.9 lists the results of the state-level combination experiments and, for com-
parison, the baseline recognition results.
As we can see, improvements over the baseline MFCC system are obtained by the min rule and
the product rule; however, the only significant improvement is the product rule combination re-
sult. We thus see our previous observations confirmed, viz. that the optimal combination scheme
is based on a product combination of scores.
In the above experiments the scores from both systems were not weighted with respect to
each other. However, the individual contributions may be modified by either static or dynamic
weights. Several experiments were carried out where a weighted product combination rule was
used, i.e.
4.5 Combination 93


AF 30.47% 2.13% 9.03% 19.31%
MFCC 29.03% 1.83% 8.32% 19.16%
product 27.65% 2.75% 6.53% 18.38%
max 30.63% 4.84% 5.36% 20.43%
min 28.73% 2.59% 6.94% 19.20%
sum 31.98% 4.24% 5.09% 21.65%

Table 4.9: Word error rates obtained on the Verbmobil test set by the baseline AF and MFCC
systems and by different linear probability combination rules.

AF weight MFCC weight WER SUB DEL INS

0.1 0.9 29.03% 19.57% 6.22% 3.24%
0.2 0.8 28.84% 18.86% 6.27% 3.26%
0.3 0.7 27.82% 18.47% 6.35% 3.00%
0.4 0.6 27.55% 18.36% 6.35% 2.84%
0.6 0.4 27.65% 18.46% 6.52% 2.67%
0.7 0.3 27.44% 18.43% 6.30% 2.72%
0.8 0.2 27.41% 18.39% 6.32 2.70%
0.9 0.1 27.94% 18.74% 6.05% 3.15%

Table 4.10: Word error rates obtained by different weights in a weighted product combination

º º
& ½Q¾Y¿ º °ÈÁHÃ¯Ä Å ¶ ²1032 46587 ½ 5 ¼ 7 ·
°ÈÁ$#kÖ  Ö×Á(%]Ä Å ¶ ² · ÷ ¸ Ö ½‡¾Y¿ ½ ¸
÷  ö ¾Y¿ & ½‡¾Y¿ ÷ °ÂÁHÃYÄ Å ² 0 2
¶ ¶ (4.20)

where the weights were found by a search over possible weights between 0 and 1. Several dif-
ferent weighted combinations led to an improvement over the unweighted combination scheme
(see Table 4.10).
Most of the results obtained in the weighted combination experiments led to a significant de-
crease in word error rate compared to the MFCC baseline. However, with respect to the un-
weighted product scheme, they only showed marginal additional improvements which are not
statistically significant. More substantial improvements might be gained if dynamic weights
were used instead of static weights. As shown in [70], weighted frame-level classifier combina-
tion in speech recognition can benefit from higher-level information, i.e. information about the
correctness of the word or utterance. Thus, confidence values derived from the individual sys-
tems’ recognition passes can be used at a post-processing stage as dynamic state-level combina-
94 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

tion weights. Alternatively, combination weights could be associated with words or individual
HMM states and could be trained according to a discriminative criterion.

4.5.2 Word-Level Combination

Typically, speech recognition systems show a greater confidence of decision at later stages in
the recognition process. A better way of combining decisions from two different systems might
therefore be to re-evaluate their joint outputs at the word or utterance level. Two methods of
system combination above the state level which have been employed previously are HMM re-
combination and N-best list rescoring.
In HMM recombination (also referred to as HMM decomposition) [118, 15] two (or more)
HMMs are combined by a product operation. Let 9 ¿ be a HMM with state space : ¿ , a vector of
;# , a matrix of state transition probabilities < ¿ , and a matrix of state observa-
tion probabilities = ¿ . Analogously, let 9 be another HMM with 9 ·?> : Ö3;A@eÖ< ÖB=
C . The
start probabilities

ô ô ô ô ô
product HMM is a HMM 9qÉ with :=É · : ¿*D : , ;JÉ · ;# D ;A@ , < É · < ¿*D < , and =äÉ · = ¿*D = .
ô ô ô
Thus, the state space of the new HMM is formed by the Cartesian product of the state spaces
of the two original HMMs, the components of the vector of start probabilities are products of
the corresponding components in the original start probability vectors, and the elements of the
matrices <¨É and =]É are products of the corresponding elements in < ¿ and < ô
and = ¿ and = ô
respectively. Although this method can be used for simple state-level combination (as in [118]
and [116]), the original HMMs can also be equated with larger units such as diphones or syl-
lables while disregarding their internal structure, thus enabling higher-level combination. This
possibility was used e.g. in [15] for syllable-level combination of subband streams.
Combination by N-best list rescoring (e.g. [124]) involves merging the lists of the top hy-
potheses for each utterance output by the different recognition systems. These are combined
into a lattice which can be rescored using additional information, such as normalized acoustic
scores, language model information, and confidence values.
The first of these methods, HMM recombination, was not suitable for our task. The size of the
state space of the HMM produced by HMM recombination increases exponentially with the
number of states in the original HMMs. For a large vocabulary system with a large number
of internal states and a sizeable search space, this procedure turns out to be computationally
too expensive. N-best list merging was not directly applicable either since the present systems
are based on a one-best decoder. However, the single best output sequences from the different
systems may be combined in a similar way.
The prevalent approach for combining one-best hypotheses from different recognizers is the
Recognition Output Voting Error Reduction (ROVER) algorithm developed by Fiscus [44].
4.5 Combination 95

a b c d

Ez d e

a b c d ***

*** b
Ez d e

Figure 4.2: Recognizer hypotheses combination by the ROVER method.

ROVER works by constructing a new word transition network from the best word sequences
output by a number of different recognition systems, followed by rescoring the new transition
network by a voting module. The alignment module arbitrarily designates one word sequence as
the reference word sequence. All other word sequences are then iteratively aligned against this
reference sequence by means of a minimal-cost dynamic programming procedure. If the two
words that have been aligned with each other are both correct, identical copies are made in the
resulting word transition network. If they differ, alternative branches are added. Insertions and
deletions cause null transition to be added (cf. Figure 4.2). The voting module transitions the
word network from left to right and, at each node, chooses the best-scoring outgoing arc. This
rescoring procedure is based on the confidence values (ranging between 0 and 1) assigned to the
arc labels by their respective recognizers. Three different rescoring schemes were tested:
(a) voting by frequency of occurrence,
(b) a weighted sum of frequency of occurrence and average word confidence,
(c) a weighted sum of frequency of occurrence and maximum word confidence.
At each position © in the word transition network, the first method picks that word ´ which
© , ° ´ Ö ©Ü² , relative to the total number of
¹GF , F
has the largest number of occurrences at position
hypotheses, . The other methods compute scores according to
HJI î ®LKl° ´ ² N
· M ¹GF F
° ° ´ ÖשݲPO , ²Wèu° ¸ Ú
¹ M ² Qi° ´ Ö ©Ü²ŸÖ 45 M 5 ¸ (4.21)

Qv° ´Ö ©Ý² is either an average or a maximum confidence score. Null transitions are set to
« ¦ °SR]² . The values of both Q î «W¦ °SR]² and M are trained by minimizing the word
a constant, Q î W
error rate on a training set – this is done by a greedy search over the space of possible values for
these parameters. The ROVER algorithm was used in the LVCSR 1997 Num 5-E Benchmark
Test Evaluations in order to combine the outputs from five different recognition systems. An
96 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

wir müssen wir fünf Tage zusammen gekommen

wir müssen wieder fünf Tage TUTUT zusammenbekommen

Figure 4.3: Dynamic-programming alignment of hypotheses from MFCC system and AF sys-

wir [181..191] wir [179..189]

müssen [192..217] müssen [190..217]
wir [218..232] wieder [218..232]
fünf [233..258] fünf [233..257]
Tage [259..287] Tage [258..285]
zusammen [288..324] zusammenbekommen [286..365]
gekommen [325..363]

Figure 4.4: Temporal alignment of word sequences shown in Figure 4.3.

absolute word error reduction of 5.3% (a relative reduction of 11.8%) was achieved in these

Although this procedure is simple and intuitive, it has two major drawbacks. One of these is
the dynamic programming alignment procedure. This alignment algorithm does not take into
account the absolute time alignment of the individual word sequence hypotheses – it finds the
minimal-cost match between two strings based on penalty functions for insertions, deletions and
substitutions. For this reason, the temporal ordering of hypotheses stemming from different sys-
tems may be distorted. Consider the example from the Verbmobil test set shown in Figure 4.3,
where the output from the AF based system was string-aligned to the output from the MFCC
system, which was used as the reference transcription. Compare this to the actual time alignment
of the utterances in Figure 4.4. Here, the start and end times of the word hypotheses are shown
in terms of frame numbers. For this utterance the ROVER algorithm would construct a word
transition network where the words zusammen and zusammenbekommen form a sequence. How-
ever, as can be seen from the temporal alignment of the different word hypothesis sequences, the
two separate words zusammen and gekommen in the MFCC system cover the same part of the
signal as zusammenbekommen in the AF system. If the rescoring module happened to choose the
sequence zusammen – zusammenbekommen, it would incorrectly introduce an insertion. These
hypotheses should instead constitute parallel paths in the word transition network in order to
prevent this effect.

In the Verbmobil corpus, this is not an isolated example; similar misalignments occur frequently.
4.5 Combination 97

One of the reasons is that word formation by compounding is extremely common in German.
There are numerous compounds in the recognition lexicon whose components are either iden-
tical to, or closely resemble, other (shorter) words in the lexicon. Grammatical inflections are
another factor contributing to this effect as they are responsible for a large number of words
which are acoustically highly similar and may easily be confused by the recognition system. As
a consequence, a longer word may be split up into two or more shorter words which are then
incorrectly aligned by the dynamic programming procedure. Further examples of this prob-
lem which were observed in the test set are “kurzer Termin” vs. “Kurztermin”, “da wär”
vs. “dabei”,“vierzehnten” vs. “vierzehn den”, “dreißigsten” vs. “dreißig denn” etc.

The algorithm which was developed in this thesis is different from ROVER in that it makes
use of time alignment information during the construction of the word transition network. Fur-
thermore, unlike ROVER it uses context information (in the form of language model scores)
during the rescoring process and is based on a different rescoring formula. In order to describe
the algorithm we will first define some general graph-theoretical concepts.2 In the contexts of
speech recognition, the concept of a word graph has previously been used with various different
interpretations e.g. [94, 2]). For our purposes, we define it as follows:

Definition 2 Word Graph: We define a word graph V as a a quadruple V ?· >XW PÖ Y PÖ Z Ö W C ,


[\W · ]« ¿ Ö « Ö  Ö «_^L` is a nonempty set of nodes. Each node is represented by a pair

> ©×Ö×Ê C ô
, where © is an index and Ê a time point.

[ Y ·XW abW adc a Z is a nonempty set of edges. Edges are directed, i.e. °±«FÖ׫YÉÛÖ ´ Ö í ²fe
Yhg ikj¯ÉÛÖj[ÖlåÖ íkm edO Y . If j is a start point for edge K we say that K is incident from j . If j
is an end point for edge K we say that K is incident to j .

[ Zon ] íkp Ö í Ö Ö í ^*` is a nonempty set of edge labels. In the current context, these are word
hypothesis labels.

[Xc n ] l p Öl Ö  Ölq^*` is a nonempty set of weights. These typically represent the acoustic
scores associated with the word labels.

Definition 3 Adjacency: Two nodes jAr and jts in a word graph are adjacent if tu K n
ij_rwvPjtsxvlqrwvyr m ezY . Two edges Kr and BK s in a directed graph are adjacent if KrJn{ij_rwvPjtsxvlqrwvyr m
and KBs|n}ikj~svPj€LvPlJs vBy‚s m , i.e. the end node of the first edge and the start node of the second edge
are identical. We denote adjacency by j_rƒ j~s and Krƒ KBs , respectively.
„ See e.g. [20] for an introduction to graph theory.
98 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

Definition 4 Path: A path in a directed graph is a sequence of edges, …Un}iS† p vB† ‡v ˆˆ ˆ vB†‰ m such
that for any two edges †r and †r‹Š p , †r'ƒ †r‹Š p . The length yŒ of path … is the number of edges in
the path.

Definition 5 Spanning Edge: A spanning edge occurs when there exist an edge † n
ki jArwvjAŽvPlqr.vBy r m ez and a path … in ‘ such that … starts in j_r and ends in j_Ž and has a length
yŒG’”“ , i.e. one single edge spans a sequence of several edges.
There are certain conditions on a word graph which must be fulfilled:

• ‘ – u~–e˜—š™fuœ›eb—
has a distinct start node , representing the start of the utterance. Thus,
such that –Gƒ ›f™Ÿž_ \eb—¡v £n” ¢ –¤v ƒ¥
¢ – . That is, there exists a node in the set — , which
has at least one successor, › , and which is not a successor to any other node.

• ‘ has a distinct end node ¦ , representing the end of the utterance, i.e. uœ¦§eb—¨™©uœ›Geb—
such that ›§ƒ ¦ª™\ž_ }e«—}vP ¬n­ ¢ ¦AvB¦®ƒ ¢   . That is, there is a node in — which is a
successor to at least one other node and has not successor itself.

• the graph must be acyclic. This means that there exists no path … in the graph such that
…bn°¯k†rwvB†r‹Š p v ˆˆ ˆ vB†r m .
• the graph must be connected. For all nodes  Ar±eb— other than the designated end node , ¦
there is an edge incident from that node.

Let us now turn to the construction of a word graph from the best word sequences output by the
individual recognition systems. Unlike the ROVER algorithm, our algorithm simultaneously
combines these sequences into a word graph. It is thus not the case that one word sequence is
considered the basic reference sequence against which the other is aligned. The word sequences
are represented as word lattices, where each entry consists of a word hypothesis label, a start
time, an end time, and a score. Both lattices together constitute the lattice database. The word
graph is then constructed as follows:

Word Graph Construction from Hypotheses Lattices

1: sort all word hypotheses in the lattice database according to their start times
2: create a root node with start time = 0 ²
3: for each word hypothesis in the lattice database do
4: for all nodes in the partial word graph constructed so far (starting with the most recently
created node and going back in time) do
4.5 Combination 99

5: check if the node is a possible start node. A possible start node is defined as a node
whose time index ²1³ ´.µ¶ lies within a temporal window · around the start time ²¹¸»ºSŒ of
the current word hypothesis. The window · is defined as ²¹¸Bº.Œ +/-   frames, where   is
a user-defined parameter.
6: if the node is not a possible start node and its time index is larger than ²¹¸Bº.Œ½¼z  then
7: continue
8: else if the node is not a possible start node and its time index ²1³ ´.µ¶ is smaller than
²¹¸»ºSŒ½¼z  then
9: break
10: else if the node is a possible start node then
11: attach the word hypothesis as an edge incident to that node.
12: end if
13: end for
14: for all nodes in partial word graph constructed so far (starting with the most recently
created node and going back in time) do
15: check if the node is a possible end node, in analogy to the procedure in the previous
16: if the node is not a possible end node and its time index is larger than ²¹¸BºSŒ¾¼¿  then
17: continue
18: else if the node is not a possible end node and its time index is smaller than ²¹¸BºSŒÀ¼o 
19: break
20: else if the node is a possible end node and no edge with the same label and start node
is incident to that node yet then
21: attach the current word hypothesis as an edge incident to that node.
22: else
23: create a new node in the word graph and attach the hypothesis as an edge incident to
that node.
24: end if
25: end for
26: end for
27: create an end node ¦ and edges between the end node and all other nodes in G not having
any successor edges
28: while two edges Á Â
and exist in the graph which are spanned by a single edge do
29: join Á and Â
30: end while
100 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

Ädas Ãwäre Ãwunderbar Ãwenn Åes bei Ihnen auch geht

Ädas würde wunderbar wenn es
Å Ädenn Æauch geht

Ãwäre bei Ihnen

Ädas Ãwunderbar Ãwenn Åes Æauch geht

würde Ädenn
Figure 4.5: Combination of word sequences into word graph.

This algorithm generates a compact representation of competing hypotheses and, moreover, en-
sures that hypotheses which cover the same temporal interval are represented as alternative
paths in the graph. The parameter   determines the density of the graph as it decides, among
other things, whether hypotheses with the same label but different start or end times should be
collapsed or not. If the difference exceeds   frames, they are represented as two distinct hy-
potheses, if not, they are collapsed into one. The final step of joining edges spanned by a single
edge is performed in order to ensure that all individual edges incident from a node cover the
same temporal interval. The join operation can formally be defined as follows: given a path
…ªÇȯk Arwv ~sv·qrSvByrÊÉËv ˆ ˆ Š_ˆv¤ÓÔ¯ÓÔÓ  _Š ‰P̜ÍBv _‰v·q‰P̜ÍBvy‰P̜Í3É3É construct an edge with start node  _r and end node
 _‰ , a weight ·”ÇÏÎÑÐ
ÕwÖL×ÊØ and a label yÇÛyr
Ü݈ ˆˆ¤ÜÞy‰3ÌœÍ , where Ü is a concatenation operator.
The combination of word sequences into a word graph is schematically shown in Figure 4.5.

A positive side-effect of this combination method is that the complexity of this algorithm is

ߟ¯k  ‡ É
linear as opposed to the quadratic complexity of the dynamic programming alignment algorithm
which is used in ROVER. String alignment via dynamic programming has the complexity
in time, where   is the length of the longer of the two sequences which are to be aligned. In
our algorithm, two basic operations need to be carried out for each entry in the list (of length
 ªà«á ) of lattice entries: finding a start node and finding an end node. In each of these steps,
only a small number of word graph nodes in the immediate vicinity of the current time stamp is
considered for attaching the word lattice entry – the precise number of node candidates varies
but is not dependent on the length of the list of lattice entries. With respect to the complexity of
the algorithm, the number of candidate nodes can therefore be considered a constant . Thus, the â
time complexity of our algorithm is ߟ¯P¯ JàáªÉPâtÉ , where   and á are the lengths of the two word
sequences, respectively. The initial sorting procedure applied to the union of the word lattice
4.5 Combination 101

entries can be done in ߟ¯3¯k ãà\áªÉykäx偯k ãà\áªÉ3É time, thus the entire algorithm is below quadratic
complexity. If only two word sequences are considered, this may not be of great significance;
however, if more than two word sequences are to be combined, e.g. in the case of combining the
outputs from more than two recognizers or when combining N-best sequences, the advantages
quickly become obvious.

After the word graph has been constructed, it is traversed in search of the best-scoring path,
which is assumed to correspond to the best word sequence. This search is performed by
breadth-first graph traversal which, at each node, evaluates all edges incident from that node.

Word Graph Rescoring

1: æ
set = 0, string = ç
2: while æJèêé (the number of nodes in the graph) do
3: for each edge † ë incident from  äìí†î do
4: compute the score ·Þë
5: end for
6: select the edge † ë with minimum ·Þë
7: æ
set to the index of the end node of † ë
8: set string = string ÜÝïðë
9: end while
10: return string as the best word sequence

In the rescoring experiments the edge scores were computed from the acoustic log-likelihoods
output by each system, language model scores (optional) and confidence values (optional). Var-
ious normalization procedures had to be applied to the acoustic likelihoods: first, since the de-
coder outputs acoustic likelihoods which have been accumulated over all frames in the the word,
they need to be normalized by the duration of the word. This can be done in the linear domain
(i.e. dividing the likelihood by the number of frames in the word) or in the log domain (subtract-
ing the logarithm of the duration). Additionally, the likelihoods from the two different systems
need to be normalized since (as explained above) they are not directly comparable – in particular,
the likelihoods in the AF system are globally lower than in the MFCC system. This normaliza-
tion can be achieved by applying scaling factors ñ ñ
and (1 - ) to the likelihoods from the different
systems. The values for these scaling factors were determined by a search over all possible val-
ues in the range [0,1]. Language model information is represented in terms of the bigram scores
at each node transition. The confidence values were computed by generating multiple decodings
(a total number of ten decodings was used for the present experiments) of the test set for both the
102 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition


27.97% 2.30% 7.25% 18.43%

Table 4.11: Lowest word error rate obtained using word-level rescoring.

acoustic and articulatory system, respectively, while varying the language model scaling factor
(‘language model jitter’). The number of times each word in the best-scoring decoding appeared
in all other decodings, divided by the total number of decodings, was then used as a confidence
value for that word.
The best result was obtained using linearly normalized acoustic likelihoods and language model
scores. The optimal scaling factor for the AF and MFCC systems turned out to be 0.7 and
0.3, respectively. The word error rate obtained by this constellation was 27.97%, which is a
significant improvement over the MFCC baseline word error rate.
Whereas the use of context information in the form of language model scores generally led
to an improvement, it was found that confidence values were less useful. The reason for this
may be that the confidence values were derived using a very simple procedure and were not
accurate enough in order to further improve results. However, confidence values might turn out
to be helpful if more sophisticated confidence estimation methods were used. Furthermore, the
rescoring procedure proved fairly sensitive to different normalization schemes applied to the
acoustic log-likelihoods. For successful word-level combination it is crucial that the all of the
individual factors contributing to the word hypothesis scores, as well as their relative weights,
are optimized.

4.5.3 Feature-Level Combination

We have seen in the preceding sections that recognizer combination at the state or word-level
involves a fair amount of computational effort for large-vocabulary systems. In each case two
complete systems have to be trained before their decisions can be combined. In the case of
word-level rescoring the combination procedure takes place at the post-processing stage; thus,
in addition to training, two complete recognition passes have to be carried out as well. How can
we take advantage of the fact that the AF system provides information complementary to that in
the MFCC system without having to go undergo the effort of double training and/or recognition
procedures? The obvious choice is to combine the acoustic and the articulatory representations at
the feature level, i.e. the recognition system is based on a combined feature space which includes
both MFCCs and AFs. However, it would be too impractical to simply use all MFCCs and AFs
jointly at this level as this would lead to a prohibitively large feature space of 65 dimensions.
We therefore need to select a subset of the union of the sets of MFCC features and articulatory
4.5 Combination 103


33.30% 2.06% 9.44% 21.79%

Table 4.12: Word error rates obtained by PCA on the joint MFCC+AF feature space.

features. Principal Components Analysis

As a first attempt at reducing the combined feature space while retaining as much information
as possible we applied Principal Components Analysis (see Section 3.2.3). The transformation
matrix ò was derived from the combined MFCC+AF feature vectors – subsequently, the 39
largest principal components were selected for the new system. These covered 97.6% of the
variance. A complete system was then trained on the basis of these principal components, using
a 256-class codebook with full covariance matrices. Table 4.12 shows the result. The word error
rate of 33.30% is significantly worse than either of the word error rates obtained by the baseline
systems. An explanation for this might be the negative interaction between embedded training
and a representation in terms of principal components which was already observed in Chapter
3. Discriminative Feature Selection

The objective of this study is not only to improve the performance of a speech recognition sys-
tem by adding articulatory information but also to analyze what information, if any, articulatory
features can yield in addition to standard speech features. For this reason, it seemed desirable to
additionally apply a selection method which would allow us to retain the interpretations of the
individual feature vector components. One such feature selection method was the information-
theoretic selection algorithm presented in Section 3.2.3. The selection criterion was to eliminate
those features whose elimination changes the overall conditional distribution of the classes ó
given the feature set ô , ˜õ ¯Só÷ö ôŸÉ , as little as possible. In the subsequent combination experi-
ments, however, we saw that combination works best when the resulting probability distribution
is as discriminative as possible, i.e. the true class is distinguished as well as possible from the
incorrect classes. How can we define a feature selection procedure that takes account of this fact
and selects a feature subset which is maximally discriminative?

One discriminative feature selection method was presented by Bocchieri & Wilpon [14]. The
intention of their study was to select the most significant components from a standard feature
vector composed of 12 LPC coefficients, their first and second derivatives, plus the first and
second derivatives of the frame energy. Under their approach the selection of a feature subset
104 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

is based on rank-ordering the features with respect to an optimization criterion and then choos-
ing the é most significant features. The optimization criterion which they employed can be
interpreted as the maximization of the ratio of the between-class distance to the within-class
distance. The feature selection method was developed within a Gaussian mixture acoustic mod-
eling framework; the distance of observations to acoustic models is therefore expressed in terms
of the likelihood computed by evaluating the Gaussian mixtures. More precisely, the distance of
a feature vector component øœ³ to a single Gaussian pdf ù with diagonal covariance is defined

ú ‡
¯Êøœ³~ûBùLÉJÇNüŸý ¯øœ³¼¿³ÿ þ³ÿ É 

where þ³ÿ is the  ‚² component of the mean vector of ù and ³ ÿ is the    ‚²  component of the
variance vector of ù . Thus, the distance of each feature to the model is computed by evaluating
the exponent of a one-dimensional Gaussian pdf.
In order to compute these distance values, the training data was aligned to the reference tran-
scriptions at the phone level. For any given phone, the distance values of the feature vector
components were evaluated only with respect to the largest (highest-scoring) mixture compo-
nent of the corresponding phone model. The final rank-ordering according to the distance values
then determined the optimal feature set. The application of this method to speech recognition on
small corpora like TIMIT and TI digits enabled the authors to reduce the number of parameters
by a factor of 2 without any significant loss in word recognition performance.
This feature selection method was directly applicable to our Gaussian mixture based recognition
system. In order to apply it to the present task of selecting the most discriminative subset of the
MFCC+AF feature set, a simple bootstrap system was trained based on the 65-dimensional
combined MFCC+AF feature space. To speed up development, only 256 classes and diagonal
covariance matrices were used. An algorithm similar to the feature selection method described
above was then applied to a representative subset (about 30%) of the training data using the
acoustic models of the bootstrap system. This data subset was aligned at the state level with
the sequence of acoustic models based on the reference transcription. The distance values were
then computed for each frame, using the parameters of the codebook pdfs and the weights of
the HMM state aligned to that frame. The distance values for the correct model vs. the incorrect
models at each frame were averaged over the entire data set; finally the 39 features were selected
which showed the smallest ratio of correct vs. incorrect distance values.

Only diagonal covariance matrices were used in this study.
4.5 Combination 105

The precise selection algorithm is as follows:

Discriminative Feature Selection

1: for each frame do

2: for each acoustic model do ù
3: evaluate the mixture of Gaussians, using the shared codebook and state-dependent
4: select the largest (highest-scoring) mixture component á
5: ú
for each feature vector component   do
6: compute ¯ $ûáªÉ (as in Equation 4.22)
7: ù ú ú
if is the correct model for this frame then
8: add ¯ $ûáªÉ to ¯ (É k´S‰w‰1¶

9: else ú ú
10: add ¯ $ûáªÉ to ¯ (É1 ´.‰w‰w¶

11: end if
12: end for
13: end for
14: end for
15: select the top â features which minimize
ú k¯  (É ´.‰w‰1¶
¯ (ɹ ´.‰w‰1¶ (4.23)

The application of this selection algorithm with the purpose of selecting the 39 most discrim-
inative features eliminated most of the articulatory features; only the features vowel, fricative,
labial, coronal, glottal, -round and low were retained. Of the 39 MFCC features, the follow-
ing coefficients were discarded: the zero’th and second basis coefficients,  and  q‡ , the first
derivatives of the first, second, third and fourth basis coefficients, ¾ÍËûq‡ û û  , and
the second derivative of the fourth coefficient,  . The remaining features were then used to
train up a combined system with a 256-class codebook with full covariance matrices. The final
system achieved a word error rate of 31.08%, which was higher than either of the word error
rates obtained by the baseline systems.

There may be various reasons for this increase in word error rate: first, it may be the case that
the bootstrap system is not accurate enough to begin with: the combined feature space has 65 di-
mensions but the codebook only contains 256 classes with diagonal covariance matrices, which
may lead to a poor modeling performance. This is also evidenced by the fact that the bootstrap
106 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

system achieved a fairly high word error rate of 32.23%. Second, the frequencies of different
models were not taken into account explicitly. Since this is a supervised selection algorithm
which takes into account information about the model identity, different models could in princi-
ple be weighted or de-weighted selectively, e.g. according to their frequency or their information
content. If no weighting is used, frequent models contribute more strongly to the selection pro-
cedure than infrequent models. This may not be desirable. As an example, consider particular
applications, such as word spotting or speech understanding, where it may be necessary to cor-
rectly recognize certain infrequent but highly informative words. In these cases the contributions
from the acoustic models in these words could be weighted more strongly. On a more general
note, models could always be weighted with respect to their relevance for higher-level distinc-
tions. If, for instance, the recognition task consists of a spelling task involving highly similar
alphabet letters such as b, c, d, e, g etc. it is obvious that the distinctive information is provided
by the initial consonant. It is therefore important that the feature set is designed such that it can
accurately discriminate between these consonants.
A third reason for the drop in performance may be the fact that this feature selection method does
not take into account the statistical dependencies between features – although the features may
be discriminative when considered in isolation, the resulting overall feature set may be highly
redundant. An optimal selection method should therefore be based on a criterion which jointly
minimizes redundancy and maximizes discriminability.
Nevertheless, this feature selection method yields some interesting insights into the kind of infor-
mation which articulatory features may provide in addition to standard MFCC features. Compare
the set of articulatory features which were retained by the selection algorithm, vowel, fricative,
labial, velar, glottal, -round and low, to the plot of the diagonals of the phone confusion matri-
ces (Figure 4.1 on page 88). We can see that the phones which are recognized more correctly by
the AF system include the rounded vowels /o,O,2:,9,u:,y:,Y/, and the consonants /k,g,N,b,v,h/.
These show a correspondence with the above features in that one or several of these features can
be used to define the phones. For instance, it is likely that particular feature values for vowel and
-round are picked out by the system to discriminate between rounded and unrounded vowels.
Similarly, the consonantal place features labial, velar, and glottal may help to more accurately
identify the phones /k,g,N,b,v,h/.

4.6 Experiments on Noisy Data

In order to verify the observations made in Chapter 3 about the performance of articulatory
features in noise, additional experiments on noisy data were conducted using the Verbmobil
database. Since noisy test data was not included in the distribution of the corpus, it was artifi-
4.6 Experiments on Noisy Data 107


MFCC pink 30 dB 36.93% 1.66% 15.37% 19.90% +27%
AF pink 30 dB 39.20% 1.58% 15.88% 21.73% +29%
MFCC pink 20 dB 56.18% 2.06% 26.19% 27.93% +93%
AF pink 20 dB 58.34% 1.83% 26.54% 29.96% +91%
MFCC pink 10 dB 82.94% 0.39% 48.46% 34.09% +185%
AF pink 10 dB 86.54% 0.17% 50.47% 35.81% +184%
MFCC pink 0 dB 98.76% 0.00% 93.40% 5.36% +240%
AF pink 0 dB 97.84% 0.00% 88.22% 9.62% +221%

Table 4.13: Word error rates obtained on the Verbmobil test set, clean speech with added pink
noise. Delta values indicate the relative increase in word error rate compared to the
results on the clean test set.

cially generated by adding different noise signals from the Noisex database [119] to the clean
speech signals. Specifically, pink noise or babble noise (a recording of 100 people talking in a
canteen) were added to the signal at various SNRs, viz. 0, 10, 20 and 30 dB.
Training was in each case carried out on clean speech; tests were performed on noisy speech.
Other than the usual channel adaptation by cepstral mean subtraction mentioned above, no noise
adaptation was performed in either the articulatory or the acoustic system. Tables 4.13 and 4.14
show the word error rates obtained by the different systems across different acoustic conditions,
as well as the increase in word error rate relative to the clean test condition.
In general, the word error rates increase drastically with decreasing signal-to-noise ratio.
Whereas the increase is moderate at a high SNR (30 dB), system performance declines rapidly
at 10 or 0 dB SNR. In the latter two cases the large number of deletions vs. the small number
of insertions is explained by the fact that many of the actual reference words are replaced by
noise models in the recognition output, which are not taken into consideration by the dynamic
programming scoring module.
We can see that the AF system performs worse than the MFCC system in almost all test condi-
tions. Under highly noisy conditions (0 and 10 dB SNR) the AF system shows a smaller relative
increase in word error rate compared to the clean test condition than the MFCC system, both
on pink noise and babble noise. It should be observed, however, that both systems exhibit a
very poor performance in these cases in general; the extremely high word error rates of over
90% indicate that hardly anything has been recognized correctly. Thus, it is questionable if the
difference in relative degradation is meaningful at all in this context.
Finally, let us take a look at how a combined system performs under these conditions. Since
108 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition


MFCC babble 30 dB 30.08% 1.71% 8.74% 19.64% +4%
AF babble 30 dB 32.57% 1.80% 10.42% 20.35% +7%
MFCC babble 20 dB 40.37% 2.53% 13.85% 23.99% +39%
AF babble 20 dB 41.77% 1.61% 14.72% 25.44% +37%
MFCC babble 10 dB 65.57% 1.01% 30.78% 33.78% +125%
AF babble 10 dB 74.68% 0.54% 38.95% 35.19% +145%
MFCC babble 0 dB 93.95% 0.06% 73.38% 20.51% +223%
AF babble 0 dB 96.03% 0.00% 81.62% 14.41% +215%

Table 4.14: Word error rates obtained on the Verbmobil test set, clean speech with added babble
noise. Delta values indicate the relative increase in word error rate compared to the
results on the clean test set.


pink 30 dB 35.53% 2.17% 13.24% 20.12%
pink 20 dB 54.32% 2.81% 22.57% 28.94%
pink 10 dB 81.08% 0.64% 45.28% 19.56%
pink 0 dB 98.45% 0.00% 92.41% 6.04%

Table 4.15: Word error rates obtained on the Verbmobil test set, clean speech with added pink
noise, state-level combined system.

state-level combination yielded the best results on the clean test set this method was also used
for combination experiments on the noisy test sets. As before, normalized likelihoods were com-
bined by means of a weighted product rule, using a weight of 0.8 for the MFCC system and 0.2
for the AF system. Tables 4.15 and 4.16 present the word error rates obtained by the combined
acoustic/articulatory system. Those word error rates which constitute significant improvements
compared to the better of the two baseline systems are shown in boldface. We can see that, with
the exception of the 0 dB SNR pink noise test condition, the combined system always achieves
a significant reduction in word error rate.
4.7 Summary and Discussion 109


babble 30dB 28.41% 2.56% 6.95% 18.89%
babble 20dB 34.96% 2.81% 9.41% 22.74%
babble 10dB 64.05% 1.58% 27.21% 35.53%
babble 0dB 93.09% 0.06% 74.32% 18.71%

Table 4.16: Word error rates obtained on the Verbmobil test set, clean speech with added babble
noise, state-level combined system.

4.7 Summary and Discussion

In this chapter we have presented an articulatory feature based recognizer for a large-vocabulary
conversational recognition task, viz. the German Verbmobil corpus. Contrary to the study pre-
sented in the previous chapter, which was carried out in the hybrid HMM/ANN modeling
paradigm, the experiments in this chapter were based on a tied-mixture HMM acoustic modeling
approach. We have seen that the AF system is capable of achieving a recognition performance
close to that of the MFCC baseline system (30.47% vs. 29.03%); however, the difference of
1.44% was statistically significant. The error analyses applied to the two systems showed that
the major cause of this difference seemed to be the larger number of confusions between different
acoustic models in the AF system. Further analyses indicated that the cause of these confusions
may be the poorer separability of phonetic classes in articulatory feature space compared to the
acoustic feature space, which naturally influences the capability of the system of discriminating
between different models at higher levels, i.e. phone and word recognition.

What are the reasons for the fuzzier phone class distributions in articulatory space? One potential
cause may be the high degree of quantization inherent in the articulatory feature representation.
The articulatory feature networks map the preprocessed acoustic signal (which, in this case, has
39 dimensions) to a set of 26 broad articulatory classes. This quantization is in some cases cer-
tainly inadequate: vowels, for instance, are classified as either high, mid, or low, front or back,
and rounded or unrounded. Considering the wide range of possible vowel spectra, this classifi-
cation may be too coarse to preserve all the information encoded in the acoustic representation.
Obviously, this loss of information did not crucially affect recognition performance on the small-
vocabulary task described in Chapter 3. However, in the case of large-vocabulary recognition is
seems to be important to use a more fine-grained representation which enables the higher-level
recognition modules to maintain distinctions between a large number of lexical items. In view of
the strongly simplified articulatory speech signal representation, it even is somewhat surprising
that the AF system still achieves a reasonable recognition rate – however, this may be due to
the high accuracy of the feature detection networks which yields a fairly robust, although not
110 4 Articulatory Features for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition

necessarily discriminative, representation.

In spite of the fact that the articulatory representation does not seem to be sufficient in itself for
large-vocabulary speech recognition (at least within the predominant Gaussian mixture/HMM
modeling paradigm), we have seen that it does provide information which is not contained in the
standard MFCC representation. From the phone confusion characteristics and the discriminative
feature selection experiment we can tentatively conclude that this type of information is related
to place of articulation features as well as features describing lip rounding. It is interesting to
note that most of these features, e.g. velar and glottal, are heavily context-dependent – it may
thus be the case that the use of temporal context at the first classification level in the AF system
leads to more reliable scores for these features and thereby to a more accurate identification of
the phones which they characterize.
The combination of the AF and MFCC based recognition systems at the HMM state level and
at the word level yielded significant improvements over the MFCC baseline system in both
cases. The absolute improvements were 1.62% (state-level combination) and 1.06% (word-level
combination), respectively. By contrast, the feature-level combination methods which were in-
vestigated, PCA and discriminative feature selection both led to significant increases in word
error rate. In addition to the possible explanations mentioned above (interactions between PCA
and embedded training, feature selection without taking account of the statistical dependen-
cies between features, etc.), some problems might be posed by the joint distributional modeling
required when systems are combined at the feature level. MFCC features have near Gaussian
distributions which can be modeled well with a moderately- sized Gaussian codebook. In the
joint feature space, by contrast, the class distributions may look more complicated and require a
larger number of mixture components than was used in the experiments described above.
Chapter 5


In this chapter we will give a summary of the work presented in the course of this thesis and
evaluate the results in the light of our initial hypotheses about the use of articulatory features
in speech recognition. We conclude with suggestions about possible future work in this area of
speech research.

5.1 Summary and Discussion

We began this thesis by describing the various shortcomings of current state-of-the-art speech
recognition systems, viz. lack of noise robustness, inaccurate bottom-up acoustic modeling, sen-
sitivity to conversational speech phenomena, and rigid language model constraints. We then
expounded the articulatory feature based approach to acoustic modeling and explained its pos-
sible contributions to solving the first two of these problems. In particular, we mentioned its
potential for more accurate bottom-up statistical classification, the possibilities if offers for se-
lective processing of different aspects of speech sounds, as well as for improved coarticulatory
modeling, and, finally, the greater robustness of articulatory features towards speaker variability
and noise.
Previous approaches to employing articulatory representations in speech recognition were dis-
cussed and evaluated. It was found that, to a large extent, many of these approaches were aban-
doned prematurely – specifically, they failed to address the potential of articulatory representa-
tions in adverse acoustic environments and their application to large vocabulary speech recog-
nition. In addition to this, they did not provide detailed analyses of the characteristic differences
between articulatory and standard acoustic speech representations, and, as a consequence, did
not offer principled strategies for combining them. These questions were subsequently addressed
in two application studies.
In the first study, carried out within the hybrid HMM/ANN paradigm, we described the appli-
cation of the articulatory approach to a small-vocabulary continuous numbers recognition task
112 5 Conclusions

(OGI Numbers95) on band-limited (telephone) speech. In addition to the unmodified clean test
set, reverberant speech and speech corrupted by pink noise were used as test conditions. We
observed that the acoustic and articulatory systems did not exhibit any significant quantitative
differences in clean conditions; in reverberant and noisy speech, however, the articulatory system
superseded the acoustic baseline system. The relative improvements over the baseline system in
highly noisy conditions (10 dB and 0 dB SNR), 8.3% and 13.1%, respectively, were statistically

Furthermore, it was shown that the acoustic and articulatory systems extract different infor-
mation from the speech signal. Although these differences were not amenable to an overall
interpretation in phonetic or articulatory terms, they demonstrated the potential for recognizer
combination. Various frame-level combination strategies were investigated. It was found that the
best results in terms of the tradeoff between training/testing requirements and recognition rate
were obtained by simple linear combinations of the posterior phone probabilities at the frame-
level. Of the four combination schemes which were tested (product, averaging, max, min), the
product and the min schemes turned out to be the most successful. An analysis showed that these
rules enhance the discriminability of the phone classifier most by producing sharp, low-entropy
phone probability distributions in the case of correct decisions and flatter, high-entropy distribu-
tions in the case of incorrect classifications. This in turn led to a better differentiation of correct
and incorrect hypotheses at the word level. Significant improvements of the word error rate were
obtained across all acoustic conditions by product rule combination.

The second application study was concerned with large-vocabulary conversational speech recog-
nition (the German Verbmobil corpus). This study differed from the previous application in
terms of the language (German vs. American English), the vocabulary size ( 5300 vs. 32), the
speech signal quality (full-bandwidth vs. telephone speech), the speech mode (spontaneous di-
alogues vs. continuous numbers), and the recognition system (tied-mixture HMMs vs. hybrid
HMM/ANN modeling). The word error rates of the acoustic and articulatory baseline systems
were fairly close; however, the acoustic system exceeded the articulatory system by 1.44%,
which was statistically significant. A subsequent error analysis revealed that most of the errors
in the articulatory system were caused by confusions between different acoustic models. Again,
it was shown that the information provided by the articulatory system was partially different
from that in the acoustic system.

State-level combination techniques similar to those used in the pilot study yielded a signifi-
cant improvement over the acoustic baseline of 1.62%. Additionally, word-level and feature-
level combination schemes were investigated. The word-level combination scheme was based
on combining the best word sequences emitted by the acoustic and articulatory systems into
a word graph and searching the best path among these hypotheses. This technique also led to
5.1 Summary and Discussion 113

Corpus Acoustic Test Acoustic Articulatory Combined

Condition System System System
clean 8.4% 8.9% 7.3%
reverberant 24.7% 23.7% 21.1%
Numbers95 pink noise, 30 dB 17.2% 17.4% 15.1%
pink noise, 20 dB 22.8% 21.7% 18.8%
pink noise, 10 dB 32.7% 30.0% 28.3%
pink noise, 0 dB 50.2% 43.6% 41.6%
clean 29.03% 30.47% 27.41%
babble noise, 30 dB 30.08% 32.57% 28.41%
babble noise, 20 dB 40.37% 41.77% 34.96%
babble noise, 10 dB 65.57% 74.68% 64.05%
Verbmobil babble noise, 0 dB 93.95% 96.03% 93.09%
pink noise, 30 dB 36.93% 39.20% 35.53%
pink noise, 20 dB 56.18% 58.34% 54.32%
pink noise, 10 dB 82.94% 86.54% 81.08%
pink noise, 0 dB 98.76% 97.84% 98.45%

Table 5.1: Summary of quantitative results.

a significant, albeit somewhat smaller, improvement over the acoustic baseline of 1.06%. The
main problem with this method turned out to be the normalization of the acoustic likelihoods
which formed part of the word hypothesis scores in the combined word graph. Feature-level
combination involved (a) Principal Component Analysis, as a standard feature-space reduction
and optimization technique, and (b) a discriminative feature selection algorithm. Both methods
led to an increase in word error rate.

Finally, the performance of these systems was tested on variants of the clean test set corrupted by
added pink or babble noise. It was found that the performance of the acoustic system exceeded
that of the acoustic baseline system in most cases. A system combining model scores at the state
level, however, obtained significant improvements over the better of the two baseline systems in
almost all conditions. Table 5.1 summarizes the most important quantitative results obtained in
this thesis.

Let us review our initial hypotheses in the light of the experimental evidence we have gathered.

The first of these hypotheses was that a cascaded classification scheme with a set of articulatory
feature classifiers at the first level and a combining module at the second level should lead
to a better classification accuracy of the entire the bottom-up acoustic modeling component.
114 5 Conclusions

This prediction was shown to be largely correct in the first application study. All articulatory
recognizers achieved a higher accuracy than the single-step phone classifier. Although this did
not lead to a higher phone classification accuracy of the overall articulatory classifier in clean
conditions, it did produce a significantly higher classification accuracy in reverberant and noisy

No conclusive evidence in support of the effectiveness of the decompositional modeling ap-

proach could be gained from the large-vocabulary experiments. This may have several reasons:
as mentioned in the beginning, the success of this approach depends on a variety of factors, such
as the accuracy of the individual first-level classifiers, the correlation among their errors, and the
sensitivity of the higher-level combination module to estimation errors in the lower-level classi-
fiers. An important difference to the experiments carried out in the hybrid modeling paradigm is
the type of higher-level classifiers, i.e. a Gaussian mixture classifier as opposed to an MLP. In the
case of an MLP, the weights for each input feature (i.e. for each articulatory feature score) can be
adjusted directly with respect to the class discriminant functions. In the Gaussian mixture classi-
fier, by contrast, the individual features are not weighted according to this criterion. Instead, the
classifier attempts to most closely approximate the distribution of the articulatory features scores
by a mixture of normal distributions where all first-level classifier outputs contribute equally to
computing the likelihoods of individual mixture components.

The second hypothesis was that the articulatory approach should provide for greater robustness
in noise. This assumption is not entirely separable from the first hypothesis as greater robustness
may also be induced by decompositional classification. Further contributing factors, however,
might be the use of temporal context at the lowest classification level, the greater insensitivity
of articulatory features to noise per se, as well as the focus on relative as opposed to absolute
frequency patterns. Again, we saw this hypothesis confirmed in the numbers recognition pilot
study but not in the large-vocabulary study. However, it was the case in both studies that a com-
bination of the acoustic and articulatory representations led to improvements over the acoustic
baseline in noisy conditions, showing that some of the articulatory information is beneficial in

The major goal then was to identify the kind of information provided by the AF system in addi-
tion to standard speech features. This is important in so far as knowledge about this information
may result in a more accurate and specialized design of feature detectors or in an improvement
of, or extensions to, current preprocessing techniques with the goal of incorporating this infor-
mation. To this end we applied a discriminative feature selection algorithm with the objective
of selecting that subset of the combined acoustic and articulatory feature set which would pro-
vide the best discrimination among phone models. Although most articulatory features were
discarded by this process, seven features were retained, most of which describe consonantal
5.2 Future Work 115

place of articulation categories. It was noticeable that most of these features were correlated
with those phones which were also classified more accurately in the baseline AF system. These
conclusions are, naturally, tentative and need to be corroborated by further experimental evi-
dence. However, it seems very likely that the information which is provided by the AF system
involves information about highly context-dependent aspects of speech sounds which cannot
be distinguished very well on the basis of individual acoustic feature vectors. Two important
factors may be the inclusion of temporal context at the level of articulatory feature probability
estimation (which may be more effective than simply including delta coefficients), or the focus
of articulatory feature classifiers on relative as opposed to absolute frequency information.
So far, most of the work on articulatory representations in ASR has been directed at extracting
articulatory features or parameters from the raw or preprocessed acoustic signal. The behavior
of these parameters in a complex speech recognition system, by contrast, has been studied less
intensively, if at all. This thesis is, to our knowledge, the first comprehensive study which has
tested and analyzed articulatory feature based recognition systems across different languages,
different recognition tasks, different modeling paradigms, and different acoustic conditions. The
main conclusions to be drawn from these analyses is that

• it is possible for articulatory feature based systems to achieve a performance comparable

to that of state-of-the art acoustic systems,
• in certain deteriorated acoustic conditions (telephone speech, noise) and on small vocab-
ulary they may show a distinctly superior performance,
• articulatory features provide information which is partially complementary to the infor-
mation provided by commonly used acoustic representations,
• in most cases, the combination of acoustic and articulatory feature representations leads
to a better system performance.

These facts should be sufficient to put articulatory representations “back on the map” for auto-
matic speech recognition.

5.2 Future Work

There remain a number of issues which could not be entirely resolved within the scope of this
thesis and which deserve additional research. We will discuss each of these in turn, starting with
the “low-level” aspects of the AF system and proceeding to the top level. At the lowest level,
i.e. at the level of mapping the acoustic signal to articulatory feature scores, several things might
116 5 Conclusions

be improved. As we already noted before, specialized acoustic feature extractors may be used as
front-ends for different articulatory classifiers. The classifier for voicing features, for instance,
might benefit most from a front-end which computes e.g. the zero-crossing rate, normalized
log energy or the ratio of the energy in low vs. high frequency bands. Various speech analysis
studies have examined combinations of specialized feature extractors with statistical classifiers
for certain articulatory features, such as voicing [8, 52], nasality [101], or vowel height [9]. The
feature detection error rates reported in these studies generally are below 5%. It should be noted,
however, that very small databases were used for these experiments, e.g. 30 speaker-dependent
sentences from the Resource Management database in [52]. Similarly low error rates might
therefore not be obtained if these or comparable methods were applied to the corpora used in
this thesis. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume that specialized feature extraction front-ends
will improve feature recognition. At the same time, speech enhancement or noise compensation
algorithms could be applied selectively to different feature classifiers at this level.
Further optimizations can also be made to the classifiers chosen to extract articulatory features.
Although MLPs have shown a good performance across all recognition conditions investigated
in this study, there may be some features, especially in the place feature group, which are
not amenable to classification by an MLP. More powerful classifiers, such as Support-Vector-
Machines [117], recently applied to the detection of phonetic features by [92], might yield better
results since they can be trained in such a way as to find global instead of local minima with re-
spect to the error criterion.
Even with respect to our MLP classifiers not all possibilities of optimization were exhausted.
In particular, no restriction was made on the continuity of the output of a given MLP across
time. An explicit continuity constraint could be integrated in the form of a different objective
function used during training. As mentioned in Chapter 3, the objective function we use is the
mean-squared error between the network output ø and the target  :

üŸ¯Êø û~É Ç”üŸý ¯øb¼tÉ ‡  (5.1)

Another criterion could be used instead which seeks to jointly minimize the mean-squared er-
ror between the network output and the target and the mean-squared error between the current
output and the previous (or   previous) output(s). Both these components could additionally be
weighted, leading to the following objective function
¯Êø! ¹û" 1û3ø! ̜ÍËû ˆˆ ˆ ûPø! Ìí³+ÉJǔüŸý ñq¯ø! _¼" É ‡ à$# %î'&_Í ¯ø˜¼ø! ÌíîkÉ ‡  (5.2)

where   is the temporal window on the network output ø , ø! and " are output and target at time ² ,
and ñ and # are the weights for the different terms of the function. An objective function of this
form might prevent strong frame-to-frame oscillations of the MLP outputs. A similar smoothing
5.2 Future Work 117



Figure 5.1: Simple Bayesian network structure for acoustic/articulatory dependencies.

function is also used in articulatory codebook lookup in the context of transformation-based

acoustic-articulatory mapping [100, 104].

Throughout this thesis we have been using a parallel arrangement of neural network feature
classifiers without any explicit dependency relations between the different networks or between
individual features. The reason for this was that the higher-level classifier should be able to learn
any restrictions on feature co-occurrences automatically during training. However, statistical
dependency relations between individual features or entire feature groups might be exploited
when estimating the articulatory feature probabilities themselves. For instance, the probabilities
of the features in the rounding group might be dependent on those in the voicing group, or
the manner features might be dependent on place features. This can conveniently be expressed
using a graphical dependency model, where nodes represent random variables and (directed)
arcs represent conditional dependence relations between these variables [98, 65]. An arc going
from node A to node B means that B is conditionally dependent on A. Consider first Figure 5.1.
The root node in the graph is associated with a random variable ) , representing the acoustic
feature vector. The other variables, * ,

, , , and + represent random variables for the outputs
of the voicing, manner, place, front-back and rounding network, respectively. In Figure 5.1, all
network outputs depend on the acoustic variable ) but not on each other; they are conditionally
independent of each other given ) . In Figure 5.2, however, additional dependencies between
the articulatory variables have been introduced, so that the place variable , for instance, is now

dependent on both and ) . These additional dependencies can be specified heuristically, or
they can be learnt in a data-driven way, using standard model selection techniques (see e.g. [59,
58] for Bayesian Network structure learning). If multiple dependencies were taken into account,
articulatory feature probability estimation might become more robust.

As we saw in Chapter 3 the feature-phone mapping benefits from large temporal contexts. This
suggests that units larger than phones should be used for the integration of AF probabilities. An
obvious candidate would be the syllable. However, there are a number of problems associated
118 5 Conclusions


Figure 5.2: Bayesian network structure with added dependencies between articulatory variables.

with using syllable-sized units in statistical speech recognition. The most severe of these prob-
lems is that larger subword units go hand in hand with a reduced amount of training material for
each unit, leading to undertraining of the majority of models. This problem can be circumvented
by using a combined system which uses syllable-sized models for only the most frequent sylla-
bles and phone models elsewhere [50]; however, this already constitutes a severe compromise
with respect to the temporal modeling power. A further possibility might be the use of diphones
as a unit intermediate between phones and syllables, or shifting to an entirely different modeling
paradigm, such as segmental models [95]. A segmental model tries to approximate the joint dis-
tribution of a variable length-sequence of feature vectors ,.- ˆ ˆˆ û/,10 given the length   and some
model :›
…±¯ ,.-û ˆ ˆˆ û/,10ö  $û»›¤É (5.3)

This can be represented as

Â32 4 ³t¯, 0- ÊÉ …±¯k  ö ›¤É (5.4)

 ³t¯ 0 É
i.e. it can be factorized into the observation probability 32 4 , - for the sequence of feature
ˆ ˆ ˆû
vectors ,.- /,50 and the duration distribution …±¯  ö ›¤É
. Segmental models are not restricted to any
particular type of unit; thus, › could be a syllable model and ,.- ˆ ˆ ˆû/,50 could be a sequence of
articulatory feature vectors.
As far as the combination of acoustic and AF representations, or of models based on these
representations, is concerned, it has become clear that discriminative combination algorithms
offer the greatest potential for successful combination. In the context of state-level or word-level
combination, combination weights could be used which are trained discriminatively, in order
to minimize the classification error or to maximize the distance between models’ (state, word,
sentence models) posterior probabilities. Discriminative training algorithms have recently been
studied in some detail [10, 22, 109]. It has been shown that, in the majority of cases, they lead
5.2 Future Work 119

to an improvement over conventional Maximum-Likelihood training. Thus, it is to be expected

that these methods would also yield good results when applied to training combination weights.
It has become clear in the course of this thesis that one major advantage of the AF approach
might be the decompositional classification aspect, which leads to greater statistical robustness
in certain situations, such as acoustically deteriorated speech. However, the particular approach
we have suggested is suboptimal in that it makes heuristic assumptions about the type of sub-
phonemic components that are extracted from the acoustic signal at the first classification stage:
we are assuming the existence of certain articulatory components based on our knowledge about
human speech production. However, as evidenced by the comparatively low detection rates for
certain articulatory features as opposed to others (e.g. the best detection rate for dental was
57.03% , compared to 79.78% for velar on the Numbers95 corpus) these assumptions may not
always correspond closely to reality. The same criticism can in principle be leveled against
the other decompositional approach to acoustic modeling we mentioned in this thesis, viz. the
subband approach, which incorporates heuristic assumptions about the number and bandwidths
of frequency subbands. The optimal solution would be a form of data-driven decompositional
acoustic modeling – the number and the type of subphonemic components should be extracted
from the data rather than specified in advance. This could be done, for instance, by using a mul-
tiple clustering procedure to arrive at subphonemic “features” or classes. The idea is to subject
the acoustic data to several parallel unsupervised clustering procedures which are distinguished
by different clustering criteria or different initial transformations of the data, such as different
feature extractions algorithms, or filters with different temporal resolutions. The resulting clus-
ters would then be assigned abstract identifiers (e.g. numbers) and the data would be relabeled in
terms of these identifiers. A set of classifiers could then be trained on these “features” and their
outputs could be combined in analogy to the AF or subband approach. The recognition of these
“features” should be fairly accurate because they are known to form clusters in the input space.
If the number of final classes in each codebook derived by clustering is smaller than the number
of subword units, advantage can be taken of the same data-sharing properties which are charac-
teristic of articulatory features. Thus, this method would combine the advantages of being able
to exploit training data in an optimal way and being able to focus on classes which are known to
have corresponding clusters in the input space. Potentially, this type of clustering could also be
applied across different acoustic conditions to yield a “feature” set which is maximally robust in
the presence of highly variable input data. This or other ways of detecting the salient properties
of speech in a self-organized, data-driven way may eventually become the method of choice for
devising robust classification schemes.
120 5 Conclusions
Chapter A


zero fifteen
oh sixteen
one seventeen
two eighteen
three nineteen
four twenty
five thirty
six forty
seven fifty
eight sixty
nine seventy
ten eighty
eleven ninety
twelve hundred
thirteen uh
fourteen um

Table A.1: Word list of the Numbers95 corpus

122 A Appendix

Phone Features Description

i: +voice, vowel, high, front,-round, -central Miete
I +voice, vowel, high, front,-round, +central Mitte
y: +voice, vowel, high, front, +round, -central Hüte
Y +voice, vowel, high, front, +round, +central Hütte
e: +voice, vowel, mid, front, -round, -central Beet
E +voice, vowel, low, front, -round, +central Bett
E: +voice, vowel, low, front, -round, -central Räte
a: +voice, vowel, low, back, -round, -central Rat
a +voice, vowel, low, back, -round, +central Ratte
6 +voice, vowel, low, -round, +central Retter
@ +voice, vowel, mid, -round, +central Ratte
u: +voice, vowel, high, back, +round, -central Mut
U +voice, vowel, high, back, +round, +central Mutter
o: +voice, vowel, mid, back, +round, -central Boot
O +voice, vowel, mid, back, +round, +central Motte
p -voice, stop, labial Pein
b +voice, stop, labial Bein
t -voice, stop, coronal Tank
d +voice, stop, coronal Dank
k -voice, stop, velar Kuß
g +voice, stop, velar Guß
Q -voice, stop, glottal
f -voice, fricative, labial vier
v +voice, fricative, labial wir
s -voice, fricative, coronal Rose
z +voice, fricative, coronal Roß
S -voice, fricative, palatal Schule
Z +voice, fricative, palatal Ingenieur
C -voice, fricative, high ich
j +voice, fricative, high ja
x -voice, fricative, velar ach
h -voice, fricative, glottal hallo
m +voice, nasal, labial mein
n +voice, nasal, coronal neun
N +voice, nasal, velar Gesang
r +voice, fricative, velar rot
l +voice, lateral, coronal Halle

Table A.2: Phone-feature conversion table for German. Phone transcriptions are in SAMPA no-
A.0 123

Phone Features Phone Features

b +voice, stop, labial, nil, nil m +voice, nasal, labial, nil, nil
6 d +voice, stop, coronal, nil, nil em +voice, nasal, labial, nil, nil
g +voice, stop, velar, nil, nil 6 n +voice, nasal, coronal, nil, nil
p -voice, stop, labial, nil, nil nx +voice, approximant, coronal, nil, nil
6 t -voice, stop, coronal, nil, nil ng +voice, nasal, velar, nil, nil
6 k -voice, stop, velar, nil, nil en +voice, nasal, coronal, nil, nil
dx +voice, stop, coronal, nil, nil 6 l +voice, lateral, coronal, nil, nil
bcl +voice, stop, labial, nil, nil el +voice, lateral, coronal, nil, nil
6 dcl +voice, stop, coronal, nil, nil 6 r +voice, approximant, retroflex, nil, nil
gcl +voice, stop, velar, nil, nil 6 w +voice, approximant, labial, nil, nil
pcl -voice, stop, labial, nil, nil y +voice, approximant, high, nil, nil
6 tcl -voice, stop, coronal, nil, nil 6 hh -voice, fricative, glottal, nil, nil
6 kcl -voice, stop, velar, nil, nil 6 hv +voice, fricative, glottal, nil, nil
jh +voice, fricative, high, nil, nil 6 iy +voice, vowel, high, front, -round
ch -voice, fricative, high, nil, nil 6 ih +voice, vowel, high, front, -round
6 s -voice, fricative, coronal, nil, nil 6 eh +voice, vowel, mid, front, -round
sh -voice, fricative, high, nil, nil 6 ey +voice, vowel, mid, front, -round
6 z +voice, fricative, coronal, nil, nil ae +voice, vowel, low, front, -round
zh +voice, fricative, high, nil, nil aa +voice, vowel, low, back, -round
6 f -voice, fricative, labial, nil, nil aw +voice, vowel, low, back, +round
6 th -voice, fricative, dent, nil, nil 6 ay +voice, vowel, low, front, -round
6 v +voice, fricative, labial, nil, nil 6 ah +voice, vowel, mid, back, -round
dh +voice, fricative, dent, nil, nil 6 ao +voice, vowel, low, back, +round
oy +voice, vowel, low, back, -round 6 ow +voice, vowel, mid, back, +round
uh +voice, vowel, high, back, -round 6 uw +voice, vowel, high, back, +round
6 er +voice, vowel, retroflex, nil, -round axr +voice, vowel, mid, nil, -round
6 ax +voice, vowel, mid, back, -round ix +voice, vowel, high, front, -round
6 h# sil, sil, sil, sil, sil q -voice, vowel, glottal, nil, nil

Table A.3: Phone-feature conversion table for Numbers95. Phone transcriptions are in the ICSI
phonetic alphabet.
124 A Appendix

ICSI Phone Set

Symbol Description Symbol Description
p pea em bottom
t tea en button
k key nx winner
pcl p closure l like
tcl t closure el bottle
kcl k closure r right
b bee er bird
d day axr butter
g gay y yes
bcl b closure w wire
dcl d closure iy beet
gcl g closure ih bib
ch choke ey bait
dx dirty eh bet
jh joke ae bat
th thin aa father
dh then ao bought
f fish ah but
v vote ow boat
s sound uh book
z zoo uw boot
sh shout ix debit
zh azure aw out
hh hay ay bite
hv ahead oy boy
m moon ax about
n noon h# silence
ng sing

Table A.4: ICSI phone set

A.0 125

Phone Features Phone Features

i: +voice, vowel, high, front,-round I +voice, vowel, high, front,-round
y: +voice, vowel, high, front, +round Y +voice, vowel, high, front, +round
e: +voice, vowel, mid, front, -round E +voice, vowel, low, front, -round
E: +voice, vowel, low, front, -round, -central a: +voice, vowel, low, back, -round
a +voice, vowel, low, back, -round, +central 6 +voice, vowel, low, -round, +central
@ +voice, vowel, mid, -round, +central u: +voice, vowel, high, back, +round
U +voice, vowel, high, back, +round o: +voice, vowel, mid, back, +round
O +voice, vowel, mid, back, +round, +central p -voice, stop, labial, nil, nil
b +voice, stop, labial, nil, nil t -voice, stop, coronal, nil, nil
d +voice, stop, coronal, nil, nil k -voice, stop, velar, nil, nil
g +voice, stop, velar, nil, nil Q -voice, stop, glottal, nil, nil
f -voice, fricative, labial, nil, nil v +voice, fricative, labial, nil, nil
s -voice, fricative, coronal, nil, nil z +voice, fricative, coronal, nil, nil
S -voice, fricative, palatal, nil, nil Z +voice, fricative, palatal, nil, nil
C -voice, fricative, high, nil, nil j +voice, fricative, high, nil, nil
x -voice, fricative, velar, nil, nil h -voice, fricative, glottal, nil, nil
m +voice, nasal, labial, nil, nil n +voice, nasal, coronal, nil, nil
N +voice, nasal, velar, nil, nil r +voice, fricative, velar, nil, nil
l +voice, lateral, coronal, nil, nil

Table A.5: Phone-feature conversion table for German. Phone transcriptions are in SAMPA no-
Phone +voi -voi sil vo stop fric son lab cor pal vel glo hi mid lo +ro -ro r-nil front back f-nil lax ten tl-nil
A Appendix

sil 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NIB 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
a: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
e 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
e: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
E 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
E: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
i 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
i: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
I 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
o 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
o: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
O 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
2: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
9 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
u 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
u: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
U 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
y 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
y: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
Y 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
@ 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
6 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
m 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
n 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
N 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
p 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
t 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
k 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
b 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
d 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
g 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
f 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
s 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
S 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
z 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
Z 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
C 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
x 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
v 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
j 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
h 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
l 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
r 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
Table A.6: Phonetic features used to compute phone distance in error analysis: voiced (+voi), voiceless (-voi), silence (sil), vowel (vo), stop,
fricative (fric), sonorant (son), labial (lab), coronal (cor), palatal (pal), velar (vel), glottal (glo), high (hi), mid, low (lo), rounded
(+ro), unrounded (-ro), neither (r-nil), front, back, neither (f-nil), lax, tense (ten), neigher (tl-nil)

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