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250 F.3d 60 (1st Cir.



MARIO SAAVEDRA, Defendant, Appellant.
No. 99-1631

United States Court of Appeals For the First Circuit

Heard March 6, 2001
Decided May 22, 2001


[Hon. Jose Antonio Fuste, U.S. District Judge]
George F. Gormley for appellant.
Nelson Perez-Sosa, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom
Guillermo Gil, United States Attorney, and Jorge E. Vega-Pacheco,
Assistant United States Attorney, Chief, Criminal Division, were on brief
for appellee.
Before Torruella, Chief Judge, Coffin and Campbell, Senior Circuit
CAMPBELL, Senior Circuit Judge.

Defendant Mario Saavedra's five-day jury trial ended with a verdict of guilty on
all three of the following counts: (1) conspiring to possess with intent to
distribute multi-kilogram quantities of cocaine on board a vessel subject to
United States jurisdiction in violation of 46 U.S.C. 1903; (2) conspiring to
import cocaine into the United States from a place outside thereof in violation
of 21 U.S.C. 963; and (3) attempting to import cocaine into the United States,
also in violation of 21 U.S.C. 963. Saavedra was sentenced on each count to
324 months in prison, the sentences to run concurrently. He appeals, asserting
various errors by the district court. We affirm.


The drug conspiracy at issue involved the transportation of cocaine aboard the
M/V DAYBREAK, a vessel registered in the state of Florida. After many false
starts (due to mechanical troubles, missed contacts and customs difficulties in
different ports of call), the vessel finally stalled completely on July 26, 1994,
off the coast of Puerto Rico. The crew (which did not include the defendant,
who was not on board) was rescued by the United States Coast Guard. The
Coast Guard found over 297 kilos of cocaine on the M/V DAYBREAK and
arrested its crew of three. These crew members eventually cooperated with the
government, naming Maria Saavedra and a man named Christopher Munoz as
the leaders in the drug smuggling operation. An indictment issued against both
Saavedra and Munoz on November 15, 1995. 1

Although not on board the DAYBREAK when the Coast Guard seized it,
Saavedra did not dispute his participation in the drug smuggling operation. He
admitted helping Munoz with the logistics of the venture, primarily from his
home in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. Saavedra's duties included
looking after the vessel's mechanical systems and serving as liaison between
the crew and Munoz. Saavedra acknowledged a past history with the United
States Drug Enforcement Agency ("DEA"). He had served time in federal
prison in the late 1980s and early 1990s for drug smuggling (after which he was
deported to his home in the Dominican Republic) and, prior to that, he had
served as a paid informant for the DEA aiding in surveilling and curtailing drug
smuggling operations into the United States through Central and South

Saavedra's chief defense at trial was that based on assurances from Munoz, he
thought that he and Munoz were participating in the drug venture in order once
again to aid the DEA -- in particular a DEA agent named Kazerowsky in the
investigation of drug smuggling operations into the United States. Saavedra
testified that Munoz had spoken with Agent Kazerowsky and that Munoz had
instructed Saavedra that when the M/V DAYBREAK arrived in Puerto Rico, he
was to inform Agent Kazerowsky that the vessel was carrying about 270 kilos
of cocaine in cargo. Allegedly, Agent Kazerowsky would "take it from there."

By convicting Saavedra, the jury indicated that it was unimpressed with his
defense that he thought he was working undercover for the DEA. Substantial
evidence at trial provided an ample basis for the jury's non-acceptance of
Saavedra's contention along these lines. Agent Kazerowsky testified that he had
not been involved with Saavedra and Munoz in the instant smuggling venture.2
Another DEA agent testified that when Saavedra was first detained in Puerto

Rico after his extradition, he said nothing about a DEA investigation and
claimed only to be helping Munoz fix the boat. Also, Saavedra admitted at trial
that "this time" he was not being paid by the DEA for his purported informant
role. He further admitted that the Munoz team of which he was a member was
to retain the proceeds from the sale of 15-20 kilos of the cocaine -- the
difference between the amount allegedly to be disgorged to the DEA and the
total amount actually on board the M/V DAYBREAK.

Given the jury's adverse resolution of this factual issue, Saavedra's claim to
have been aiding the DEA cannot serve as an effective ground for challenging
his conviction on appeal. Accordingly, Saavedra now argues that the
government failed to prove a supposedly essential element of the first count of
the indictment, namely, that Saavedra knew the M/V DAYBREAK to be a
"vessel of the United States" or otherwise "subject to the jurisdiction of the
United States." 46 U.S.C. 1903(a). Saavedra also argues that the court's jury
instructions were, in context, prejudicially confusing as between the crimes of
conspiring to import and attempting to import cocaine (Counts II and III) and
the crime of conspiring to possess with intent to distribute cocaine on board a
vessel subject to United States jurisdiction (Count I).

Section 1903 of Title 46 of the United States Code, the substantive criminal
statute allegedly violated by the conspiracy charged in the first count of the
indictment, provides that "[i]t is unlawful for any person on board a vessel of
the United States, or on board a vessel subject to the jurisdiction of the United
States, . . . to knowingly or intentionally manufacture or distribute, or to possess
with intent to manufacture or distribute, a controlled substance." 46 U.S.C.
1903(a).3 While conceding that the government's proof was "overwhelming"
that the M/V DAYBREAK was a "vessel of the United States,"4 Saavedra
contends that the government erred in failing to prove, as an additional element
of the conspiracy, that he actually knew that the vessel was "of the United
States" or otherwise subject to United States jurisdiction. Because no evidence
was put before the jury of Saavedra's knowledge, he contends that the district
court committed reversible error in not granting his motion for acquittal based
on an insufficiency of the evidence to convict him of participating in a
conspiracy to violate 46 U.S.C. 1903.

In support of his contention that a conspirator's knowledge of United States

jurisdiction over the vessel must be alleged and proven beyond a reasonable
doubt, Saavedra points to the fact that in 1996, after his arrest, the substantive
statute was amended to include the following statement: "Jurisdiction of the

United States with respect to vessels subject to this chapter is not an element of
any offense. All jurisdictional issues arising under this chapter are preliminary
questions of law to be determined solely by the trial judge." 46 U.S.C. 1903(f)
(1996). Defendant argues that this statutory amendment shows that prior to
1996, the jurisdictional requirement was an elementof the criminal offense the
government had to prove to the jury beyond a reasonable doubt.

But assuming this is so - that before 1996 it was for the jury to pass upon the
jurisdiction of the United States with respect to the vessel and that this was an
element of the crime - the statute neither then nor now expressly made
defendant's knowledge that a vessel belonged to or was otherwise subject to the
jurisdiction of the United States either an element of the crime or a
jurisdictional prerequisite to conviction. Cf. United States v. Guerrero, 114 F.3d
332, 339 & n.9 (1st Cir. 1997) (stating that the first element of 46 U.S.C.
1903(a), as it stood in 1995, "requires the government to prove that the [vessel]
was 'a vessel subject to the jurisdiction of the United States'"); United States v.
Passos-Paternina, 918 F.2d 979, 981 (1st Cir. 1990) (stating only that the jury
determines the jurisdictional question under 1903).5


Not only is there no mention in 1903 that a defendant must know of the
vessel's nationality, but the wording of the statute suggests Congress's
deliberate omission of any such requirement. The plain language of the statute
proscribes being "on board a vessel of the United States or . . . subject to the
jurisdiction of the United States[] . . . [and] . . . knowingly or intentionally
manufactur[ing] or distribut[ing] or possess[ing] with intent to . . . distribute . . .
a controlled substance." 46 U.S.C. 1903(a)(1996)(emphasis added). The
placement of the word "knowingly" before the acts of manufacturing,
distributing and possessing and not before the phrase "on board a vessel of the
United States or . . . subject to the jurisdiction of the United States" indicates
that knowledge of United States jurisdiction over the vessel is not an additional
element of the crime. See, e.g., Lopez-Soto v. Hawayek, 175 F.3d 170, 172 (1st
Cir. 1999) ("We start our search for the meaning of the words that Congress
wrote with an appraisal of the statutory text and structure, mindful that if the
plain language of the statute points unerringly in a single direction, an inquiring
court ordinarily should look no further.") (citation omitted). Had Congress
wanted to make defendant's knowledge of United States jurisdiction over the
vessel an element of the crime, it could readily have inserted "knowingly"
before "on board" as it did before "manufacture or distribute, or to possess."
"Courts in applying criminal laws generally must follow the plain and
unambiguous meaning of the statutory language." United States v. Albertini,
472 U.S. 675, 680 (1985). "'[O]nly the most extraordinary showing of contrary
intentions' in the legislative history will justify a departure from that language."

Id. (quoting Garcia v. United States, 469 U.S. 70, 75 (1984)). No such showing
has been made here.

We add that to require a knowing drug smuggler to also know whether his
vessel is under United States jurisdiction would make the statute virtually
unenforceable in some instances. A vessel may be "of the United States," or
otherwise be subject to United States jurisdiction, for a variety of reasons,
federal or qualifying state documentation being only two. For example, under
46 U.S.C. 1903(c)(1)(E), a foreign nation's consent to United States
jurisdiction over a vessel in the former's territorial waters may be "obtained by
radio, telephone or similar oral or electronic means and is conclusively proved
by certification of the Secretary of State or the Secretary's designee." 46 U.S.C.
1903(c)(1). A crew person aboard the drug smuggling vessel might well not
know whether the nation-state in whose waters the vessel was operating had
consented to the enforcement of United States law by the United States. See
also 46 U.S.C. 1903(b)(2)(D) (defining "vessel of the United States" as a
"vessel owned in whole or in part by . . . a corporation created under the laws of
the United States or any State . . . "); 46 U.S.C. 1903(c)(1)(C) (defining
"vessel subject to the jurisdiction of the United States" as "a vessel registered in
a foreign nation where the flag nation has consented or waived objection to the
enforcement of United States law by the United States"). A defendant's
knowledge of one or another of the foregoing factors would, in many cases, be
difficult if not impossible to prove.


We conclude that defendant's interpretation requiring a conspirator to have

known that the M/V DAYBREAK was a "vessel of the United States" or was
otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the United States is incorrect, being both
implausible and contrary to the plain language of 46 U.S.C. 1903, which calls
for no such knowledge. All the government had to prove jurisdictionally was
that the United States did in fact have jurisdiction over the vessel at issue. This
the government accomplished without any dispute, because, as noted earlier,
see supra note 4, the evidence at trial was uncontradicted that the M/V
DAYBREAK was registered in Florida, and was therefore a "vessel of the
United States" as defined by 46 U.S.C. 1903(b), hence within United States
jurisdiction. Defendant's conviction under Count I is affirmed.


Defendant's last two claims of error are equally lacking in merit. Both concern
the accuracy of the district court's jury instructions and neither was preserved
below. We therefore review for plain error. See United States v. SavinonAcosta, 232 F.3d 265, 268 (1st Cir. 2000).


Defendant complains that the district court's instructions to the jury were
plainly erroneous in two ways. First, he contends that it was error not to instruct
the jury that in order to convict it must find beyond a reasonable doubt that
Saavedra knew that the vessel on board which he was conspiring to distribute
cocaine was a vessel over which the United States had jurisdiction. For reasons
we have discussed above, there is no such requirement; defendant's contention
on this score is simply incorrect. Second, defendant contends that the jury
instructions on the crimes of importation (conspiring to import and to attempt
to import cocaine, Counts II and III under 21 U.S.C. 963) and the crime of
conspiring to possess with intent to distribute cocaine on board a vessel subject
to United States jurisdiction (Count I under 46 U.S.C. 1903) were
prejudicially confusing. On this theory, Saavedra contends that (1) had the
jurors believed that he was working for the DEA, and (2) had they not been
misled by the instructions that he contends insufficiently distinguished between
the two crimes, he would have been acquitted of possession with intent to
distribute all of the 297 kilos aboard the M/V DAYBREAK, leaving him
responsible only for the importation of 15-20 kilos that he and his team planned
to import and sell as compensation for their roles in the venture. This would
have resulted in a much reduced sentence from the 324 months that he received
for the 297 kilos of cocaine on all three counts.


The government admits that elements of Count I and Count II overlap (as they
are both conspiracy charges). Nevertheless, the government argues, the district
court's instructions on each of these charges were correct. Indeed, the defendant
does not contest the accuracy of the instructions, only that in the peculiar
circumstances of this case the overlap of elements and instructions thereon
prejudiced his defense to Count I (that he had authority to possess 270 kilos
aboard the vessel as he was aiding the DEA in their investigations). In other
words, defendant claims that despite accurate instructions, by not treating the
two conspiracies separately in the instructions to the jury, that is, serially, the
district court confused the jury and allowed them to convict on conspiracy to
possess with intent to distribute for Count I once they found a conspiracy to
import for Count II.


The short answer to Saavedra's argument is that the court did not commit plain
error simply because, in hindsight, instructions can be conceived that would
have better served the defense's strategy. The defense did not request
instructions of the type it now says should have been given. The instructions
actually given here were adequate and correct. Defendant falls far short of
pointing to the commission of plain error. See, e.g., United States v. Alicea, 205
F.3d 480, 484 (1st Cir. 2000) (stating that failing defendant's contemporaneous
objection at trial to the district court's jury instructions, an appellate court

reviews for plain error, a type of review that "entails inquiry into whether
affirmance would skew[ ] the fundamental fairness or basic integrity of the
proceeding below in some major respect so as to result in a miscarriage of
justice") (alterations in the original) (quotation marks and citations omitted).

Moreover, the failure of the jury to acquit Saavedra of the crime charged in
Count I can be attributed to the substantial proof contradicting Saavedra's claim
of cooperation with the DEA. As no inaccuracy in the jury charge has been
pointed to, nor was the evidence lacking in proof beyond reasonable doubt of
the government's case, there is no reason to upset the judgment below. See
United States v. Woodward, 149 F.3d 46, 68-69 (1st Cir. 1998) (stating that a
Court of Appeals looks "at the entire charge, in light of the evidence, and
determine[s] whether, taken as a whole, the court's instructions fairly and
adequately submit[ted] the issues in the case to the jury") (internal quotation
marks omitted) (alterations in the original).




Saavedra and Munoz were tried separately, in part because Saavedra was not
arraigned until 1997. This is because as of January 11, 1996, Saavedra was
incarcerated in the Netherlands awaiting trial on charges of cocaine
importation, charges different from those at issue here. In spring of 1997, he
was extradited to the United States, arrested and arraigned before the United
States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico for the crimes described in
the first paragraph of this opinion.

It was nevertheless undisputed that prior to Saavedra's incarceration for drug

smuggling in the late 1980s, Agent Kazerowsky had worked with and paid
Saavedra and Munoz as informants in other drug smuggling operations. After
being released from prison in 1991 and deported to the Dominican Republic, as
far as Kazerowsky knew, Saavedra had no further contact with the DEA.

Defendant was convicted under this statute pursuant to its subsection (j), which
states that "[a]ny person who attempts or conspires to commit any offense
defined in this chapter shall be subject to the same penalties as those prescribed
for the offense, the commission of which was the object of the attempt or
conspiracy." 46 U.S.C. 1903(j).

Among the bases for qualification as a "vessel of the United States" is

documentation under chapter 121 of Title 46 or numbering as provided in

chapter 123 of Title 46. See U.S.C. 1903(b)(1). Chapter 123 of Title 46
provides for the numbering of vessels by states with identification systems
approved by the United States Secretary of Transportation. See 46 U.S.C.
12301-12309. It is undisputed that the M/V DAYBREAK was registered at
relevant times in Florida, a state whose numbering system is approved by the
United States Secretary of Transportation. See 46 U.S.C. 12101(b)(1),
12302; 33 C.F.R. 173, App. A.

It is not uncommon for federal criminal statutes to contain jurisdictional

prerequisites which do not require defendant's knowledge of their fulfillment in
order to secure a conviction. See, e.g., 18 U.S.C. 922(g) (unlawful possession
of a firearm, which requires proof that the firearm has been transported through
interstate commerce). This court held in United States v. Corey, 207 F.3d 84,
88 (1st Cir. 2000), that the "interstate nexus" element required to convict under
922(g)(1) was met when the government demonstrated that defendant
possessed the shotgun in a state other than the one in which it was
manufactured, not that defendant had to know that the shotgun had in fact
traveled in interstate commerce. See also Scarborough v. United States, 431
U.S. 563, 575 (1977) (concluding that section 922(g) requires only "the
minimal nexus that the firearm have been, at some time, in interstate
commerce"). The federal bank robbery statute, 18 U.S.C. 2113 has a similar
jurisdictional aspect, requiring the bank's deposits be FDIC-insured. See 18
U.S.C. 2113(f)(defining "bank" as used in the statute as "any institution the
deposits of which are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation");
United States v. Mojica-Baez, 229 F.3d 292, 299 (1st Cir. 2000)(stating that
conviction under 18 U.S.C. 2113 requires "the government to prove that the
money taken during the robbery was insured by the FDIC," and not that the
defendant knew it was so insured).

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