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428 F.

2d 1071
138 U.S.App.D.C. 369

Ethel JAVINS, Appellant,

Rudolph SAUNDERS, Appellant,
Stanley GROSS, Appellant,
Nos. 22405, 22406, 22409.

United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit.

Argued Jan. 16, 1970.
Decided May 7, 1970.

Mr. Edmund E. Fleming, Boston, Mass., for appellants.

Mr. Herman Miller, Washington, D.C., for appellee.
Mrs. Caryl S. Terry, Washington, D.C., filed a brief on behalf of
Washington Planning and Housing Association as amicus curiae urging
Mrs. Margaret F. Ewing, Mrs. Florence Wagman Roisman and Mrs.
Patricia M. Wald, Washington, D.C., filed a brief on behalf of
Neighborhood Legal Services Program as amicus curiae urging reversal.
Messrs. Myron Moskovitz and Peter Honigsberg filed a brief on behalf of
National Housing Law Project as amicus curiae urging reversal.
Before WRIGHT, McGOWAN and ROBB, Circuit Judges.
J. SKELLY WRIGHT, Circuit Judge:

These cases present the question whether housing code 1 violations which arise
during the term of a lease have any effect upon the tenant's obligation to pay
rent. The Landlord and Tenant Branch of the District of Columbia Court of
General Sessions ruled proof of such violations inadmissible when proffered as
a defense to an eviction action for nonpayment of rent. The District of
Columbia Court of Appeals upheld this ruling. Saunders v. First National
Realty Corp., 245 A.2d 836 (1968).

Because of the importance of the question presented, we granted appeallants'

petitions for leave to appeal. We now reverse and hold that a warranty of
habitability, measured by the standards set out in the Housing Regulations for
the District of Columbia, is implied by operation of law into leases of urban
dwelling units covered by those Regulations and that breach of this warranty
gives rise to the usual remedies for breach of contract.

* The facts revealed by the record are simple. By separate written leases,2 each
of the appellants rented an apartment in a three-building apartment complex in
Northwest Washington known as Clifton Terrace. The landlord, First National
Realty Corporation, filed separate actions in the Landlord and Tenant Branch of
the Court of General Sessions on April 8, 1966, seeking possession on the
ground that each of the appellants had defaulted in the payment of rent due for
the month of April. The tenants, appellants here, admitted that they had not
paid the landlord any rent for April. However, they alleged numerous
violations of the Housing Regulations as 'an equitable defense or (a) claim by
way of recoupment or set-off in an amount equal to the rent claim,' as provided
in the rules of the Court of General Sessions.3 They offered to prove

'that there are approximately 1500 violations of the Housing Regulations of the
District of Columbia in the building at Clifton Terrace, where Defendant
resides some affecting the premises of this Defendant directly, others indirectly,
and all tending to establish a course of conduct of violation of the Housing
Regulations to the damage of Defendants * * *.'

Settled Statement of Proceedings and Evidence, p. 2 (1966). Appellants

conceded at trial, however, that this offer of proof reached only violations
which had arisen since the term of the lease had commenced. The Court of
General Sessions refused appellants' offer of proof4 and entered judgment for
the landlord. The District of Columbia Court of Appeals affirmed, rejecting the
argument made by appellants that the landlord was under a contractual duty to
maintain the premises in compliance with the Housing Regulations. Saunders v.
First National Realty Corp., supra, 245 A.2d at 838.5


Since, in traditional analysis, a lease was the conveyance of an interest in land,

courts have usually utilized the special rules governing real property
transactions to resolve controversies involving leases. However, as the Supreme
Court has noted in another context, 'the body of private property law * * *,
more than almost any other branch of law, has been shaped by distinctions
whose validity is largely historical.'6 Courts have a duty to reappraise old
doctrines in the light of the facts and values of contemporary life-- particularly
old common law doctrines which the courts themselves created and developed.7
As we have said before, 'The continued vitality of the common law * * *
depends upon its ability to reflect contemporary community values and ethics.'8

The assumption of landlord-tenant law, derived from feudal property law, that a
lease primarily conveyed to the tenant an interest in land may have been
reasonable in a rural, agrarian society; it may continue to be reasonable in some
leases involving farming or commercial land. In these cases, the value of the
lease to the tenant is the land itself. But in the case of the modern apartment
dweller, the value of the lease is that it gives him a place to live. The city
dweller who seeks to lease an apartment on the third floor of a tenement has
little interest in the land 30 or 40 feet below, or even in the bare right to
possession within the four walls of his apartment. When American city
dwellers, both rich and poor, seek 'shelter' today, they seek a well known
package of goods and services 9 -- a package which includes not merely walls
and ceilings, but also adequate heat, light and ventilation, serviceable plumbing
facilities, secure windows and doors, proper sanitation, and proper

Professor Powell summarizes the present state of the law:

'* * * The complexities of city life, and the proliferated problems of modern
society in general, have created new problems for lessors and lessees and these
have been commonly handled by specific clauses inserted in leases. This
growth in the number and detail of specific lease covenants has reintroduced
into the law of estates for years a predominantly contractual ingredient. In
practice, the law today concerning estates for years consists chiefly of rules
determining the construction and effect of lease covenants. * * *'10


Ironically, however, the rules governing the construction and interpretation of

'predominantly contractual' obligations in leases have too often remained rooted
in old property law.


Some courts have realized that certain of the old rules of property law
governing leases are inappropriate for today's transactions. In order to reach
results more in accord with the legitimate expectations of the parties and the
standards of the community, courts have been gradually introducing more
modern precepts of contract law in interpreting leases.11 Proceeding piecemeal
has, however, led to confusion where 'decisions are frequently conflicting, not
because of a healthy disagreement on social policy, but because of the lingering
impact of rules whose policies are long since dead.'12


In our judgment the trend toward treating leases as contracts is wise and well
considered. Our holding in this case reflects a belief that leases of urban
dwelling units should be interpreted and construed like any other contract.13


Modern contract law has recognized that the buyer of goods and services in an
industrialized society must rely upon the skill and honesty of the supplier to
assure that goods and services purchased are of adequate quality.14 In
interpreting most contracts, courts have sought to protect the legitimate
expectations of the buyer and have steadily widened the seller's responsibility
for the quality of goods and services through implied warranties of fitness and
merchantability.15 Thus without any special agreement a merchant will be held
to warrant that his goods are fit for the ordinary purposes for which such goods
are used and that they are at least of reasonably average quality. Moreover, if
the supplier has been notified that goods are required for a specific purpose, he
will be held to warrant that any goods sold are fit for that purpose. These
implied warranties have become widely accepted and well established features
of the common law, supported by the overwhelming body of case law.16 Today
most states as well as the District of Columbia17 have codified and enacted
these warranties into statute, as to the sale of goods, in the Uniform
Commercial Code.


Implied warranties of quality have not been limited to cases involving sales.
The consumer renting a chattel, paying for services, or buying a combination of
goods and services must rely upon the skill and honesty of the supplier to at
least the same extent as a purchaser of goods. Courts have not hesitated to find
implied warranties of fitness and merchantability in such situations.18 In most
areas product liability law has moved far beyond 'mere' implied warranties
running between two parties in privity with each other.19


The rigid doctrines of real property law have tended to inhibit the application of



implied warranties to transactions involving real estate.20 Now, however, courts

have begun to hold sellers and developers of real property responsible for the
quality of their product.21 For example, builders of new homes have recently
been held liable to purchasers for improper construction on the ground that the
builders had breached an implied warranty of fitness.22 In other cases courts
have held builders of new homes liable for breach of an implied warranty that
all local building regulations had been complied with.23 And following the
developments in other areas, very recent decisions24 and commentary25 suggest
the possible extension of liability to parties other than the immediate seller for
improper construction of residential real estate.
Despite this trend in the sale of real estate, many courts have been unwilling to
imply warranties of quality, specifically a warranty of habitability, into leases
of apartments. Recent decisions have offered no convincing explanation for
their refusal;26 rather they have relied without discussion upon the old common
law rule that the lessor is not obligated to repair unless he covenants to do so in
the written lease contract.27 However, the Supreme Courts of at least two states,
in recent and well reasoned opinions, have held landlords to implied warranties
of quality in housing leases. Lemle v. Breeden, S.Ct.Hawaii, 462 P.2d 470
(1969); Reste Realty Corp. v. Cooper, 53 N.J. 444, 251 A.2d 268 (1969). See
also Pines v. Perssion, 14 Wis.2d 590, 111 N.W.2d 409 (1961). In our
judgment, the old no-repair rule cannot coexist with the obligations imposed on
the landlord by a typical modern housing code, and must be abandoned28 in
favor of an implied warranty of habitability.29 In the District of Columbia, the
standards of this warranty are set out in the Housing Regulations.


A. In our judgment the common law itself must recognize the landlord's
obligation to keep his premises in a habitable condition. This conclusion is
compelled by three separate considerations. First, we believe that the old rule
was based on certain factual assumptions which are no longer true; on its own
terms, it can no longer be justified. Second, we believe that the consumer
protection cases discussed above require that the old rule be abandoned in order
to bring residential landlord-tenant law into harmony with the principles on
which those cases rest. Third, we think that the nature of today's urban housing
market also dictates abandonment of the old rule.


The common law rule absolving the lessor of all obligation to repair originated
in the early Middle Ages.30 Such a rule was perhaps well suited to an agrarian
economy; the land was more important31 than whatever small living structure
was included in the leasehold, and the tenant farmer was fully capable of

making repairs himself.32 These historical facts were the basis on which the
common law constructed its rule; they also provided the necessary prerequisites
for its application.33

Court decisions in the late 1800's began to recognize that the factual
assumptions of the common law were no longer accurate in some cases. For
example, the common law, since it assumed that the land was the most
important part of the leasehold, required a tenant to pay rent even if any
building on the land was destroyed.34 Faced with such a rule and the ludicrous
results it produced, in 1863 the New York Court of Appeals declined to hold
that an upper story tenant was obliged to continue paying rent after his
apartment building burned down.35 The court simply pointed out that the urban
tenant had no interest in the land, only in the attached building.


Another line of cases created an exception to the no-repair rule for short term
leases of furnished dwellings.36 The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, a
court not known for its willingness to depart from the common law, supported
this exception, pointing out:


'* * * (A) different rule should apply to one who hires a furnished room, or a
furnished house, for a few days, or a few weeks or months. Its fitness for
immediate use of a particular kind, as indicated by its appointments, is a far
more important element entering into the contract than when there is a mere
lease of real estate. One who lets for a short term a house provided with all
furnishings and appointments for immediate residence may be supposed to
contract in reference to a well-understood purpose of the hirer to use it as a
habitation. * * * It would be unreasonable to hold, under such circumstances,
that the landlord does not impliedly agree that what he is letting is a house
suitable for occupation in its condition at the time. * * *'37


These as well as other similar cases38 demonstrate that some courts began some
time ago to question the common law's assumptions that the land was the most
important feature of a leasehold and that the tenant could feasibly make any
necessary repairs himself. Where those assumptions no longer reflect
contemporary housing patterns, the courts have created exceptions to the
general rule that landlords have no duty to keep their premises in repair.


It is overdue for courts to admit that these assumptions are no longer true with
regard to all urban housing. Today's urban39 tenants, the vast majority of whom
live in multiple dwelling houses, are interested, not in the land, but solely in 'a
house suitable for occupation.' Furthermore, today's city dweller usually has a

single, specialized skill unrelated to maintenance work; he is unable to make

repairs like the 'jack-of-all-trades' farmer who was the common law's model of
the lessee.40 Further, unlike his agrarian predecessor who often remained on
one piece of land for his entire life, urban tenants today are more mobile than
ever before. A tenant's tenure in a specific apartment will often not be sufficient
to justify efforts at repairs. In addition, the increasing complexity of today's
dwellings renders them much more difficult to repair than the structures of
earlier times. In a multiple dwelling repair may require access to equipment and
areas in the control of the landlord. Low and middle income tenants, even if
they were interested in making repairs, would be unable to obtain any financing
for major repairs since they have no long-term interest in the property.

Our approach to the common law of landlord and tenant ought to be aided by
principles derived from the consumer protection cases referred to above.41 In a
lease contract, a tenant seeks to purchase from his landlord shelter for a
specified period of time. The landlord sells housing as a commercial
businessman and has much greater opportunity, incentive and capacity to
inspect and maintain the condition of his building. Moreover, the tenant must
rely upon the skill and bona fides of his landlord at least as much as a car buyer
must rely upon the car manufacturer. In dealing with major problems, such as
heating, plumbing, electrical or structural defects, the tenant's position
corresponds precisely with 'the ordinary consumer who cannot be expected to
have the knowledge or capacity or even the opportunity to make adequate
inspection of mechanical instrumentalities, like automobiles, and to decide for
himself whether they are reasonably fit for the designed purpose.' Henningsen
v. Bloomfield Motors, Inc., 32 N.J. 358, 375, 161 A.2d 69, 78 (1960).42


Since a lease contract specifies a particular period of time during which the
tenant has a right to use his apartment for shelter, he may legitimately expect
that the apartment will be fit for habitation for the time period for which it is
rented. We point out that in the present cases there is no allegation that
appellants' apartments were in poor condition or in violation of the housing
code at the commencement of the leases.43 Since the lessees continue to pay the
same rent, they were entitled to expect that the landlord would continue to keep
the premises in their beginning condition during the lease term. It is precisely
such expectations that the law now recognizes as deserving of formal, legal


Even beyond the rationale of traditional products liability law, the relationship
of landlord and tenant suggests further compelling reasons for the law's
protection of the tenants' legitimate expectations of quality. The inequality in
bargaining power between landlord and tenant has been well documented.44

Tenants have very little leverage to enforce demands for better housing.
Various impediments to competition in the rental housing market, such as racial
and class discrimination 45 and standardized form leases,46 mean that landlords
place tenants in a take it or leave it situation. The increasingly severe shortage47
of adequate housing further increases the landlord's bargaining power and
escalates the need for maintaining and improving the existing stock. Finally,
the findings by various studies of the social impact of bad housing has led to
the realization that poor housing is detrimental to the whole society, not merely
to the unlucky ones who must suffer the daily indignity of living in a slum.48

Thus we are led by our inspection of the relevant legal principles and
precedents to the conclusion that the old common law rule imposing an
obligation upon the lessee to repair during the lease term was really never
intended to apply to residential urban leaseholds. Contract principles
established in other areas of the law provide a more rational framework for the
apportionment of landlord-tenant responsibilities; they strongly suggest that a
warranty of habitability be implied into all contracts49 for urban dwellings.


B. We believe, in any event, that the District's housing code requires that a
warranty of habitability be implied in the leases of all housing that it covers.
The housing code-- formally designated the Housing Regulations of the District
of Columbia-- was established and authorized by the Commissioners of the
District of Columbia on August 11, 1955. 50 Since that time, the code has been
updated by numerous orders of the Commissioners. The 75 pages of the
Regulations provide a comprehensive regulatory scheme setting forth in some
detail: (a) the standards which housing in the District of Columbia must meet;51
(b) which party, the lessor or the lessee, must meet each standard; and (c) a
system of inspections, notifications and criminal penalties. The Regulations
themselves are silent on the question of private remedies.


Two previous decisions of this court, however, have held that the Housing
Regulations create legal rights and duties enforceable in tort by private parties.
In Whetzel v. Jess Fisher Management Co., 108 U.S.App.D.C. 385, 282 F.2d
943 (1960), we followed the leading case of Altz v. Lieberson, 233 N.Y. 16,
134 N.E. 703 (1922), in holding (1) that the housing code altered the common
law rule and imposed a duty to repair upon the landlord, and (2) that a right of
action accrued to a tenant injured by the landlord's breach of this duty. As Judge
Cardozo wrote in Lieberson:


'* * * We may be sure that the framers of this statute, when regulating
tenement life, had uppermost in thought the care of those who are unable to
care for themselves. The Legislature must have known that unless repairs in the

rooms of the poor were made by the landlord, they would not be made by any
one. The duty imposed became commensurate with the need. The right to seek
redress is not limited to the city or its officers. The right extends to all whom
there was a purpose to protect. * * *'

134 N.E. at 704. Recently, in Kanelos v. Kettler, 132 U.S.App.D.C. 133, 135,
406 F.2d 951, 953 (1968), we reaffirmed our position in Whetzel, holding that
'the Housing Regulations did impose maintenance obligations upon appellee
(landlord) which he was not free to ignore.'52


The District of Columbia Court of Appeals gave further effect to the Housing
Regulations in Brown v. Southall Realty Co., 237 A.2d 834 (1968). There the
landlord knew at the time the lease was signed that housing code violations
existed which rendered the apartment 'unsafe and unsanitary.' Viewing the lease
as a contract, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals held that the premises
were let in violation of Sections 230453 and 250154 of the Regulations and that
the lease, therefore, was void as an illegal contract. In the light of Brown, it is
clear not only that the housing code creates privately enforceable duties as held
in Whetzel, but that the basic validity of every housing contract depends upon
substantial compliance with the housing code at the beginning of the lease
term. The Brown court relied particularly upon Section 2501 of the Regulations
which provides:


'Every premises accommodating one or more habitations shall be maintained

and kept in repair so as to provide decent living accommodations for the
occupants. This part of this Code contemplates more than mere basic repairs
and maintenance to keep out the elements; its purpose is to include repairs and
maintenance designed to make a premises or neighborhood healthy and safe.'


By its terms, this section applies to maintenance and repair during the lease
term. Under the Brown holding, serious failure to comply with this section
before the lease term begins renders the contract void. We think it untenable to
find that this section has no effect on the contract after it has been signed. To
the contrary, by signing the lease the landlord has undertaken a continuing
obligation to the tenant to maintain the premises in accordance with all
applicable law.


This principle of implied warranty is well established. Courts often imply

relevant law into contracts to provide a remedy for any damage caused by one
party's illegal conduct. 55 In a case closely analogous to the present ones, the
Illinois Supreme Court held that a builder who constructed a house in violation

of the Chicago building code had breached his contract with the buyer:

'* * * The law existing at the time and place of the making of the contract is
deemed a part of the contract, as though expressly referred to or incorporated in
it. * * *


'The rationale for this rule is that the parties to the contract would have
expressed that which the law implies 'had they not supposed that it was
unnecessary to speak of it because the law provided for it.' * * * Consequently,
the courts, in construing the existing law as part of the express contract, are not
reading into the contract provisions different from those expressed and intended
by the parties, as defendants contend, but are merely construing the contract in
accordance with the intent of the parties.'56


We follow the Illinois court in holding that the housing code must be read into
housing contracts-- a holding also required by the purposes and the structure of
the code itself.57 The duties imposed by the Housing Regulations may not be
waived or shifted by agreement if the Regulations specifically place the duty
upon the lessor.58 Criminal penalties are provided if these duties are ignored.
This regulatory structure was established by the Commissioners because, in
their judgment, the grave conditions in the housing market required serious
action. Yet official enforcement of the housing code has been far from
uniformly effective.59 Innumerable studies have documented the desperate
condition of rental housing in the District of Columbia and in the nation. In
view of these circumstances, we think the conclusion reached by the Supreme
Court of Wisconsin as to the effect of a housing code on the old common law
rule cannot be avoided:


'* * * The legislature has made a policy judgment-- that it is socially (and
politically) desirable to impose these duties on a property owner-- which has
rendered the old common law rule obsolete. To follow the old rule of no
implied warranty of habitability in leases would, in our opinion, be inconsistent
with the current legislative policy concerning housing standards. * * *'60


We therefore hold that the Housing Regulations imply a warranty of

habitability, measured by the standards which they set out, into leases of all
housing that they cover.


In the present cases, the landlord sued for possession for nonpayment of rent.

Under contract principles, 61 however, the tenant's obligation to pay rent is

dependent upon the landlord's performance of his obligations, including his
warranty to maintain the premises in habitable condition. In order to determine
whether any rent is owed to the landlord, the tenants must be given an
opportunity to prove the housing code violations alleged as breach of the
landlord's warranty.62

At trial, the finder of fact must make two findings: (1) whether the alleged
violations63 existed during the period for which past due rent is claimed, and
(2) what portion, if any or all, of the tenant's obligation to pay rent was
suspended by the landlord's breach. If no part of the tenant's rental obligation is
found to have been suspended, then a judgment for possession may issue
forthwith. On the other hand, if the jury determines that the entire rental
obligation has been extinguished by the landlord's total breach, then the action
for possession on the ground of nonpayment must fail.64


The jury may find that part of the tenant's rental obligation has been suspended
but that part of the unpaid back rent is indeed owed to the landlord.65 In these
circumstances, no judgment for possession should issue if the tenant agrees to
pay the partial rent found to be due.66 If the tenant refuses to pay the partial
amount, a judgment for possession may then be entered.


The judgment of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals is reversed and the
cases are remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.67


So ordered.


Circuit Judge ROBB concurs in the result and in Parts IV-B and V of the

Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia (1956)

A clause in the lease provided that the tenant waived the statutory 30-day
notice to quit. 45 D.C.Code 908 (1967) expressly permits waiver of this notice.
Appellants' answer put in issue the validity of the waivers. In view of our
disposition, we have no occasion to pass upon this aspect of the case

Rule 4(c) of the Landlord and Tenant Branch of the Court of General Sessions

'In suits in this branch for recovery of possession of property in which the basis
of recovery of possession is nonpayment of rent, tenants may set up an
equitable defense or claim by way of recoupment or set-off in an amount equal
to the rent claim. No counterclaim may be filed unless plaintiff asks for money
judgment for rent. The exclusion of prosecution of any claims in this branch
shall be without prejudice to the prosecution of any claims in other branches of
the court.'
Appellants have sought only to defeat the landlord's action; they have not as yet
claimed any money damages for the landlord's alleged breach of contract.
Under Rule 4(c) supra, they may not counterclaim for money damages if the
landlord seeks only possession and no money judgment, as it has done here. For
the considerations to be applied in determining whether this rule conforms 'as
nearly as may be practicable' to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure as
required by 13 D.C.Code 101 (1967), see McKelton v Bruno, 138
U.S.App.D.C. , 428 F.2d 718 (decided February 17, 1970).

According to established procedure, this case was submitted to both the District
of Columbia Court of Appeals and this court on the basis of a sparse 'Settled
Statement of Proceedings and Evidence,' as approved by both parties and the
trial judge. Unfortunately, the court's ruling on the offer of proof was made
from the bench, and the basis of the ruling is not reflected in the 'Settled
Statement.' We have recently noted the inadequacy of such records for review
by an appellate court. Lee v. Habib, 137 U.S.App.D.C. 403, 424 F.2d 891

In the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, appellee urged that these cases
were moot on the basis of events occurring since the landlord initiated this
litigation. The D.C. Court of Appeals held that the cases were not moot.
Saunders v. First National Realty Co., 245 A.2d 836, 837 (1968). Appellee has
not argued mootness here, and in any event we follow the ruling of the D.C.
Court of Appeals on this point

Jones v. United States, 362 U.S. 257, 266, 80 S.Ct. 725, 733, 4 L.Ed.2d 697

See Spencer v. General Hospital of the District of Columbia, 138 U.S.App.D.C.

48, 53, 425 F.2d 479, 484 (1969) (en banc); Schipper v. Levitt & Sons, Inc., 44
N.J. 70, 90, 207 A.2d 314, 325 (1965). Cf. 11 S. Williston, Contracts 1393A at
461 (3d ed. W. Jaeger 1968) ('Most of the leading jurisdictions have not
hesitated to undo a judicially committed blunder * * * by employing the same
means-- judicial decisions') and cases cited therein at n. 20

Whetzel v. Jess Fisher Management Co., 108 U.S.App.D.C. 385, 388, 282 F.2d

943, 946 (1960)


See, e.g., National Commission on Urban Problems, Building the American

City 9 (1968). The extensive standards set out in the Housing Regulations
provide a good guide to community expectations


2 R. Powell, Real Property P221(1) at 179 (1967)


E.g., Medico-Dental Building Co. v. Horton & Converse, 21 Cal.2d 411, 418,
132 P.2d 457, 462 (1942). See also 1 American Law of Property 3.11 at 202205 (A. Casner ed. 1952); Note, The California Lease-- Contract or
Conveyance?, 4 Stan.L.Rev. 244 (1952); Friedman, The Nature of a Lease in
New York, 33 Cornell L.Q. 165 (1947)


Kessler, The Protection of the Consumer Under Modern Sales Law, 74 Yale
L.J. 262, 263 (1964)


This approach does not deny the possible importance of the fact that land is
involved in a transaction. The interpretation and construction of contracts
between private parties has always required courts to be sensitive and
responsive to myriad different factors. We believe contract doctrines allow
courts to be properly sensitive to all relevant factors in interpreting lease
We also intend no alteration of statutory or case law definitions of the term 'real
property' for purposes of statutes or decisions on recordation, descent,
conveyancing, creditors' rights, etc. We contemplate only that contract law is to
determine the rights and obligations of the parties to the lease agreement, as
between themselves. The civil law has always viewed the lease as a contract,
and in our judgment that perspective has proved superior to that of the common
law. See 2 M. Planiol, Treatise on the Civil Law 1663 et seq. (1959); 11
La.Stat.Ann., Civil Code, Art. 2669 (1952).


See generally 8 S. Williston, Contracts 983-989 (3d ed. W. Jaeger 1964); W.

Prosser, Torts 95 (3d ed. 1964)


See Jaeger, Warranties of Merchantability and Fitness for Use, 16 Rutgers

L.Rev. 493 (1962); Uniform Commercial Code 2-314, 2-315 (1968)




28 D.C.Code Subtitle I (1967)


Farnsworth, Implied Warranties of Quality in Non-Sales Cases, 57

Colum.L.Rev. 653 (1957). See Cintrone v. Hertz Truck Leasing & Rental
Service, 45 N.J. 434, 212 A.2d 769 (1965); 2 F. Harper & F. James, Torts 28.19
at 1577 n. 5 and n. 6 (1956)

See, e.g., Henningsen v. Bloomfield Motors, Inc., 32 N.J. 358, 161 A.2d 69
(1960); Goldberg v. Kollsman Instrument Corp., 12 N.Y.2d 432, 240 N.Y.S.2d
592, 191 N.E.2d 81 (1963). See generally Prosser, The Assault Upon the
Citadel (Strict Liability to the Consumer), 69 Yale L.J. 1099 (1960); Jaeger,
Product Liability: The Constructive Warranty, 39 Notre Dame Lawyer 501


See Fegeas v. Sherill, 218 Md. 472, 147 A.2d 223 (1958); 7 S. Williston,
Contracts 926 at 800-801, 926A (3d ed. W. Jaeger 1963)


See generally Bearman, Caveat Emptor in Sale of Realty-- Recent Assaults

Upon the Rule, 14 Vand.L.Rev. 541 (1961); Dunham, Vendor's Obligation as to
Fitness of Land for a Particular Purpose, 37 Minn.L.Rev. 108 (1953)


See Waggoner v. Midwestern Development, Inc., S.D., 154 N.W.2d 803

(1967); Bethlahmy v. Bechtel, 91 Idaho 55, 415 P.2d 698 (1969); Schipper v.
Levitt & Sons, Inc., supra Note 7; Carpenter v. Donohoe, 154 Colo. 78, 388
P.2d 399 (1964); Loraso v. Custom Built Homes, Inc., La.App., 144 So.2d 459
(1962). Other cases still continue the older limitation on the vendor's liability to
homes sold before construction is complete. See, e.g., Hoye v. Century
Builders, 52 Wash.2d 830, 329 P.2d 474 (1958)


See Schiro v. W. E. Gould & Co., 18 Ill.2d 538, 165 N.E.2d 286 (1960);
Annot., 110 A.L.R. 1048 (1937)


Connor v. Great Western Savings and Loan Ass'n, 69 Cal.2d 850, 73 Cal.Rptr.
369, 447 P.2d 609 (1968) (in bank) (Traynor, Ch. J.). Chief Justice Traynor's
excellent opinion utilizes tort doctrines to extend liability beyond the
immediate seller


Comment, Liability of the Institutional Lender for Structural Defects in New

Housing, 35 U.Chi.L.Rev. 739 (1968)


E.g., Kearse v. Spaulding, 406 Pa. 140, 176 A.2d 450 (1962); Susskind v. 1136
Tenants Corp., 43 Misc.2d 588, 251 N.Y.S.2d 321 (1964); Rubinger v. Del
Monte, N.Y.S.Ct., App.T., 217 N.Y.S.2d 792 (1961)


The cases which recite this old rule are legion. A representative sampling is
cited in 32 Am.Jur. Landlord and Tenant 655 n. 14 (1941)


As far as tort liability is concerned, we have previously held that the old
common law rule has been changed by passage of the housing code and that the
landlord has a duty to maintain reasonably safe premises. See Note 52 infra


Although the present cases involve written leases, we think there is no

particular significance in this fact. The landlord's warranty is implied in oral
and written leases for all types of tenancies


The rule was 'settled' by 1485. 3 W. Holdsworth, A History of English Law

122-123 (6th ed. 1934). The common law rule discussed in text originated in
the even older rule prohibiting the tenant from committing waste. The writ of
waste expanded as the tenant's right to possession grew stronger. Eventually, in
order to protect the landowner's reversionary interest, the tenant became
obligated to make repairs and liable to eviction and damages if he failed to do
so. Ibid


The land was so central to the original common law conception of a leasehold
that rent was viewed as 'issuing' from the land: 'The governing idea is that the
land is bound to pay the rent * * *. We may almost go to the length of saying
that the land pays it through (the tenant's) hand.' 2 F. Pollock & F. Maitland,
The History of English Law 131 (2d ed. 1923)


Many later judicial opinions have added another justification of the old
common law rule. They have invoked the timeworn cry of caveat emptor and
argued that a lessee has the opportunity to inspect the premises. On the basis of
his inspection, the tenant must then take the premises 'as is,' according to this
reasoning. As an historical matter, the opportunity to inspect was not thought
important when the rule was first devised. See Note 30 supra. To the extent the
no-repair rule rests on caveat emptor, see page 1079, infra


Even the old common law courts responded with a different rule for a landlordtenant relationship which did not conform to the model of the usual agrarian
lease. Much more substantial obligations were placed upon the keepers of inns
(the only multiple dwelling houses known to the common law). Their guests
were interested solely in shelter and could not be expected to make their own
repairs. 'The modern apartment dweller more closely resembles the guest in an
inn than he resembles an agrarian tenant, but the law has not generally
recognized the similarity.' J. Levi, P. Hablutzel, L. Rosenberg & J. White,
Model Residential Landlord-Tenant Code 6-7 (Tent. Draft 1969)


Paradine v. Jane, Aleyn 26, 82 Eng.Rep. 897 (K.B. 1947); 1 American Law of
Property, supra Note 11, 3.103


Graves v. Berdan, 26 N.Y. 498 (1863)


1 American Law of Property, supra Note 11, 3.45 at 267-268, and cases cited


Ingalls v. Hobbs, 156 Mass. 348, 31 N.E. 286 (1892)


The cases developing the doctrines of 'quiet enjoyment' and 'constructive

eviction' are the most important. See 2 R. Powell, supra Note 10, P225(3). See
also Gladden v. Walker & Dunlop, 83 U.S.App.D.C. 224, 168 F.2d 321 (1948)
(landlord has duty to maintain portions of apartment 'under his control'
including plumbing, heating and electrical systems); J. D. Young Corp. v.
McClintic, Tex.Civ.App., 26 S.W.2d 460 (1930) (implied covenant of fitness in
lease of building under construction); Steefel x. Rothschild, 179 N.Y. 273, 72
N.E. 112 (1904) (duty to disclose latent defects)


In 1968 more than two thirds of America's people lived in the 228 largest
metropolitan areas. Only 5.2% Lived on farms. The World Almanac 1970 at
251 (L. Long ed.). More than 98% Of all housing starts in 1968 were non-farm.
Id. at 313


See J. Levi et al., supra Note 33, at 6


See Part III, supra


Nor should the average tenant be thought capable of 'inspecting' plaster,

floorboards, roofing, kitchen appliances, etc. To the extent, however, that some
defects are obvious, the law must take note of the present housing shortage.
Tenants may have no real alternative but to accept such housing with the
expectation that the landlord will make necessary repairs. Where this is so,
caveat emptor must of necessity be rejected


In Brown v. Southall Realty Co., 237 A.2d 834 (1968), the District of
Columbia Court of Appeals held that unsafe and unsanitary conditions existing
at the beginning of the tenancy and known to the landlord rendered any lease of
those premises illegal and void


See Edwards v. Habib, 130 U.S.App.D.C. 126, 140, 397 F.2d 687, 701 (1968);
2 R. Powell, supra Note 10, P221(1) at 183; President's Committee on Urban
Housing, A Decent Home 96 (1968)


President's Committee, supra Note 44, at 96; National Commission, supra Note
9, at 18-19; G. Sternlieb, The Tenement Landlord 71 (1966)


R.Powell, supra Note 10, P221(1) at 183 n. 13


See generally President's Committee, supra Note 44


A. Schorr, Slums and Insecurity (1963); J. Levi, et al., supra Note 33, at 7-8


We need not consider the provisions of the written lease governing repairs
since this implied warranty of the landlord could not be excluded. See
Henningsen v. Bloomfield Motors, Inc., supra Note 19; Kay v. Cain, 81
U.S.App.D.C. 24, 25, 154 F.2d 305, 306 (1946). See also Note 58, infra


2 D.C.Register 47 (1955)


These include standards for nursing homes and other similar institutions. The
full scheme of the Regulations is set out in Whetzel v. Fisher Management Co.,
supra Note 8


Kanelos and Whetzel have effectively overruled, on the basis of the enactment
of the housing code, Bewles v. Mahoney, 91 U.S.App.D.C. 155, 202 F.2d 320
(1952) (two to one decision, Judge Bazelon dissenting)


'No person shall rent or offer to rent any habitation, or the furnishings thereof,
unless such habitation and its furnishings are in a clean, safe and sanitary
condition, in repair, and free from rodents or vermin.'


See infra


See cases cited in Annot., 110 A.L.R. 1048 (1937)


Schiro v. W. E. Gould & Co., supra Note 23, 18 Ill.2d at 544, 165 N.E.2d at
290. As a general proposition, it is undoubtedly true that parties to a contract
intend that applicable law will be complied with by both sides. We recognize,
however, that reading statutory provisions into private contracts may have little
factual support in the intentions of the particular parties now before us. But, for
reasons of public policy, warranties are often implied into contracts by
operation of law in order to meet generally prevailing standards of honesty and
fair dealing. When the public policy has been enacted into law like the housing
code, that policy will usually have deep roots in the expectations and intentions
of most people. See Costigan, Implied-in-Fact Contracts and Mutual Assent, 33
Harv.L.Rev. 376, 383-385 (1920)


'The housing and sanitary codes, especially in light of Congress' explicit

direction for their enactment, indicate a strong and pervasive congressional
concern to secure for the city's slum dwellers decent, or at least safe and
sanitary, places to live.' Edwards v. Habib, supra Note 44, 130 U.S.App.D.C. at
139, 397 F.2d at 700


Any private agreement to shift the duties would be illegal and unenforceable.
The precedents dealing with industrial safety statutes are directly in point:
'* * * The only question remaining is whether the courts will enforce or
recognize as against a servant an agreement express or implied on his part to
waive the performance of a statutory duty of the master imposed for the
protection of the servant, and in the interest of the public, and enforceable by
criminal prosecution. We do not think they will. To do so would be to nullify
the object of the statute. * * *'
Narramore v. Cleveland, C., C. & St. L.Ry. Co., 6 Cir., 96 F. 298, 302 (1899).
See W. Prosser, Torts 67 at 468-469 (3d ed. 1964) and cases cited therein.


See Gribetz & Grad, Housing Code Fnforcement: Sanctions and Remedies, 66
Colum.L.Rev. 1254 (1966); Note, Enforcement of Municipal Housing Codes,
78 Harv.L.Rev. 801 (1965)


Pines v. Perssion, 14 Wis.2d 590, 596, 111 N.W.2d 409, 412-413 (1961).
Accord, Buckner v. Azulai, 251 Cal.App.2d Supp. 1013, 59 Cal.Rptr. 806


In extending all contract remedies for breach to the parties to a lease, we

include an action for specific performance of the landlord's implied warranty of


To be relevant, of course, the violations must affect the tenant's apartment or

common areas which the tenant uses. Moreover, the contract principle that no
one may benefit from his own wrong will allow the landlord to defend by
proving the damage was caused by the tenant's wrongful action. However,
violations resulting from inadequate repairs or materials which disintegrate
under normal use would not be assignable to the tenant. Also we agree with the
District of Columbia Court of Appeals that the tenant's private rights do not
depend on official inspection or official finding of violation by the city
government. Diamond Housing Corp. v. Robinson, 257 A.2d 492, 494 (1969)


The jury should be instructed that one or two minor violations standing alone
which do not affect habitability are de minimis and would not entitle the tenant
to a reduction in rent


As soon as the landlord made the necessary repairs rent would again become
due. Our holding, of course, affects only eviction for nonpayment of rent. The
landlord is free to seek eviction at the termination of the lease or on any other
legal ground


In George Y. Worthington & Son Management Corp. v. Levy, 204 A.2d 334,
336 (1964), the District of Columbia Court of Appeals approved a similar
'In actions for possession of real property by reason of default in rent, where no
money judgment for the back rent is sought, it is nevertheless proper practice
for the trial court to specifically find the amount of rent in arrears. * * *'


Compare Molyneaux v. Town House, Inc., D.C.C.A., 195 A.2d 744 (1963). A
jury finding that the landlord had failed to live up to all of his obligations would
operate as a conclusive finding that the tenant was entitled to equitable relief
under Molyneaux


Appellants in the present cases offered to pay rent into the registry of the court
during the present action. We think this is an excellent protective procedure. If
the tenant defends against an action for possession on the basis of breach of the
landlord's warranty of habitability, the trial court may require the tenant to
make future rent payments into the registry of the court as they become due;
such a procedure would be appropriate only while the tenant remains in
possession. The escrowed money will, however, represent rent for the period
between the time the landlord files suit and the time the case comes to trial. In
the normal course of litigation, the only factual question at trial would be the
condition of the apartment during the time the landlord alleged rent was due
and not paid
As a general rule, the escrowed money should be apportioned between the
landlord and the tenant after trial on the basis of the finding of rent actually due
for the period at issue in the suit. To insure fair apportionment, however, we
think either party should be permitted to amend its complaint or answer at any
time before trial, to allege a change in the condition of the apartment. In this
event, the finder of fact should make a separate finding as to the condition of
the apartment at the time at which the amendment was filed. This new finding
will have no effect upon the original action; it will only affect the distribution
of the escrowed rent paid after the filing of the amendment.

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