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587 F.

2d 66

Lewis C. BURTON et al., Plaintiffs-Appellants,

al., Defendants-Appellees.
No. 78-1211.

United States Court of Appeals,

First Circuit.
Submitted Sept. 7, 1978.
Decided Nov. 20, 1978.

David Berman, Medford, Mass., on brief for appellants.

Robert P. Rudolph and Rudolph & Andrews, Georgetown, Mass., on brief
for appellees.
Before COFFIN, Chief Judge, CAMPBELL and BOWNES, Circuit
BOWNES, Circuit Judge.

This case comes to us by way of a motion to dismiss granted by the district

court. At issue is whether the system of appointment of members of the
Whittier Regional Vocational Technical School District (Whittier District) by
the local school committees of its constituent municipalities deprives the
residents of Haverhill of equal protection of the law and violates the
constitutional mandate of "one person one vote."

Plaintiffs-appellants, residents of the City of Haverhill1 brought a 1983 civil

rights action seeking an injunction prohibiting the Whittier District from
continuing to select its governing committee in the manner required by
Mass.Stat.1969, ch. 381.

There is and can be no dispute as to the basic operative facts.

The Whittier District is composed of two cities and nine towns. It is governed
by a district school committee, which consists of two representatives each from
the cities of Haverhill and Newburyport and one representative from each of the
nine towns. The total population of the District is 111,433. Haverhill, with
45,643 residents, comprises about 41% Of the District's population. The district
school committee representatives are appointed by the local school committees
of the constituent municipalities who are elected by the residents of the
individual cities and towns. The residents of the City of Haverhill voted by a
four and one-half to one margin to become a participating member of the
Whittier District.

We first consider appellants' equal protection claim which is based on the

premise that, since there are some vocational school districts similar to Whittier
which statutorily choose their committees by popular vote and others who use a
system of proportional representation, the residents of Haverhill are being
denied equal protection of the law.2

We look first to the enabling legislation. Before a regional school district can be
established in Massachusetts, a regional school district planning board must
first be created to determine the need for such a district and to study its
organization, operation and control. Mass.Gen.Laws ch. 71 14 and 14A. If
the regional planning board recommends the establishment of a regional school

7 shall submit a proposed agreement or agreements setting forth as to each

alternative recommendation, if such be made, the following:
8 The number, composition, method of selection, and terms of office of the
members of the regional district school committee.

Mass.Gen.Laws ch. 71, 14B. The recommendation of the regional planning

board and the proposed agreement is then submitted for voter approval to each
municipality comprising the proposed district. Mass.Gen. Laws ch. 71 15.
The agreement pertinent here, after being approved by each of the
municipalities comprising the Whittier District, was enacted into law.
Mass.Stat.1969, ch. 381 1.3 The agreement specifically provided:The member
or members of the Committee from each city and town shall be appointed by
the local school committee of each respective city or town, and such members
may be but need not be members of such local school committee.


Section I(A).


It is to be noted that neither the enabling act nor any Massachusetts statute
imposes upon regional school districts the method of selecting its school
committee. This is left entirely to the voters of each town and city comprising
the district. This theme is repeated in the statute authorizing district trustees for
independent vocational schools, providing that the trustees shall consist, "either
of the chairman and two other members of the school committees of each town,
to be appointed by such committees, or of three residents of each, to be elected
by the towns." Mass.Gen.Laws ch. 74 4.


The Whittier agreement allows for amendment, Section VII, and specifically
provides for withdrawal of a member municipality, Section IX. Appellants
argue that the withdrawal provisions are illusory because, since the agreement
was approved by state statute, it "would probably require an act of the General
Court to legalize any cessation of the City of Haverhill from the district." We
are not in a position to pass judgment on this assertion, but note that neither the
amendment nor withdrawal provisions seem unfair or unduly onerous.
Appellants also argue that the requirement that a withdrawing municipality
"shall remain liable to the district for its share of the indebtedness of the
District outstanding at the time of such withdrawal, and for interest thereon, to
the same extent and in the same manner as though the municipality had not
withdrawn from the District." Section IX(A), is draconian and deters
withdrawal. We find nothing unreasonably harsh in this provision. Indeed, it
would seem the only way a district could ensure long-term financing for school


In sum, we are asked by appellants to declare unconstitutional on equal

protection grounds a state law that allows municipalities comprising a regional
school district to decide how the members of the governing school committee
should be selected: by appointment, election or combination of both. In Sailors
v. Board of Education, 387 U.S. 105, 87 S.Ct. 1549, 18 L.Ed.2d 650 (1967), the
Supreme Court found nothing unconstitutional in a Michigan statute providing
that county school boards be chosen by delegates from the local school boards
who had been elected by the voters of each community. The Court stated: "At
least as respects nonlegislative officers, a State can appoint local officials or
elect them or combine the elective and appointive systems as was done here."
Id. at 111, 87 S.Ct. at 1553.


The residents of Haverhill voted to enter into a regional school district

agreement which, among other things, provided for the appointment of its
governing committee by its member school boards. The fact that other school
districts under Massachusetts law have opted for selecting district committees

by election does not deprive the citizens of Haverhill of equal protection of the

"(T)he concept of equal protection has been traditionally viewed as requiring

the uniform treatment of persons standing in the same relation to the
governmental action questioned or challenged." Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U.S.
533, 565, 84 S.Ct. 1362, 1383, 12 L.Ed.2d 506 (1964).


As the court below pointed out, a similar argument on equal protection was
presented in Ortiz v. Hernandez Colon, 385 F.Supp. 111 (D.C.P.R.1974),
Vacated and remanded for consideration of mootness, 429 U.S. 1031, 97 S.Ct.
721, 50 L.Ed.2d 742 (1977), and the court responded: "To argue that voting
strength is 'diluted', under equal protection analysis, implies that one group of
citizens has more voting power than another group Within the same constituent
assembly." Id. at 114. (emphasis ours). To paraphrase the observation in Ortiz,
it is no violation of equal protection that residents of other regional school
districts may have more direct control over their regional school committees
than do residents of the Whittier District. Id. at 114.


The law being challenged is not mandatory; it is permissive. It does not

discriminate in favor of or against one or a group of regional school districts. If
the City of Haverhill now feels that the district agreement puts an unfair burden
on it, it can either withdraw or seek help from the Massachusetts Legislature.
Clearly, however, there is no equal protection right implicated.


The next issue is whether the constitutional requirement of "one person-one

vote" has been violated.


Appellants urge that, because the City of Haverhill has 41% Of the district's
population, but only 15% (2 out of 13) representation on the district committee,
the voting rights of its citizens have been infringed. It is clear that on a
population basis the City of Haverhill's representation strength on the district
committee is diluted in comparison with that of the other municipalities. The
question is whether this dilution violates constitutional standards. We think not.


In Sailors v. Board of Education, supra, 387 U.S. 105, 87 S.Ct. 1549, 18

L.Ed.2d 650, the Court upheld as constitutional a Michigan statute providing
that delegates from local school boards, not the school electors, select the
members of the county school board. The Court held:

If we assume Arguendo that where a State provides for an election of a local official

or agency whether administrative legislative, or judicial the requirements of Gray v.

Sanders, 372 U.S. 368, (83 S.Ct. 801, 9 L.Ed.2d 821) and Reynolds v. Sims must be
met, no question of that character is presented. For while there was an election here
for the local school board, no constitutional complaint is raised respecting that
election. Since the choice of members of the county school board did not involve an
election and since none was required for these nonlegislative offices, the principle of
"one man, one vote" has no relevancy.

Id. at 111, 87 S.Ct. at 1553.


Appellants try to avoid the impact of Sailors on the grounds that the Michigan
statute restricted the county school board's power to determine how much the
constituent municipalities should contribute to the school district, while, under
Massachusetts law, the financing power of the committee is "virtually unlimited
and unreviewable." There is no need to analyze the respective state statutes to
refute this argument because the Supreme Court in Sailors, supra, at 110 n.7, 87
S.Ct. 1549, noted, as appellants concede, that the statutory authority of the
county school board included the preparation of an annual budget and levy of
taxes. Appellants' state statutory contention is only wishful thinking.


Appellants' position does have some slight substance, however, if it is

construed to be that, because of its financing powers, the Whittier School
District is a legislative body and that, therefore, Sailors does not apply. Sailors
did explicitly differentiate between local legislative and administrative officials
and its holding was limited to nonlegislative officers. "At least as respects
nonlegislative officers, a State can appoint local officials or elect them or
combine the elective and appointive system as was done here." Id. at 111, 87
S.Ct. at 1553. The Court cast doubt on the continuing validity of this distinction
in Hadley v. Junior College District, 397 U.S. 50, 55-56, 90 S.Ct. 791, 795, 25
L.Ed.2d 45 (1970):

25has also been urged that we distinguish for apportionment purposes between
elections for "legislative" officials and those for "administrative" officers. Such a
suggestion would leave courts with an equally unmanageable principle since
governmental activities "cannot easily be classified in the neat categories favored by
civics texts," Avery v. Midland County, supra, 390 U.S. 474 at 482, (88 S.Ct. 1114,
20 L.Ed.2d 45) and it must also be rejected.

Hadley held that the Missouri apportionment law providing for the election of
six trustees of a consolidated junior college district, but limiting the Kansas
City School District to 50% Of the total number of trustees was
unconstitutional because it violated the principle enunciated in Avery v.

Midland County, 390 U.S. 474, 88 S.Ct. 1114, 20 L.Ed.2d 45 (1968), that a
qualified voter in a local election has a constitutional right to have his vote
counted with substantially the same weight as that of any other voter in the
same geographic area served by the elected officials. The key to Hadley is the
following language.
27 consistent theme of those decisions (prior election cases) is that the right to vote
in an election is protected by the United States Constitution against dilution or
debasement. While the particular offices involved in these cases have varied, in each
case a constant factor is the decision of the government to have citizens participate
individually by ballot in the selection of certain people who carry out government

Id. 397 U.S. at 54, 90 S.Ct. at 794.


Here, we do not have a decision, either by the state or the district, to have the
people vote for the members of the district committee. The basic theme of
Sailors, which is directly on point here, was reiterated in Hadley.

30 have also held that where a State chooses to select members of an official body
by appointment rather than election, and that choice does not itself offend the
Constitution, the fact that each official does not "represent" the same number of
people does not deny those people equal protection of the laws. Sailors v. Board of
Education, 387 U.S. 105, (87 S.Ct. 1549, 18 L.Ed.2d 650) (1967); Cf. Fortson v.
Morris, 385 U.S. 231, (87 S.Ct. 446, 17 L.Ed.2d 330) (1966).

Hadley, supra, at 58, 90 S.Ct. at 796.


This case is not unlike that of Rosenthal v. Board of Central High School
District No. 3, 385 F.Supp. 223 (E.D.N.Y.1974), Aff'd 420 U.S. 985, 95 S.Ct.
1418, 43 L.Ed.2d 667 (1975), in which a two-tier system of selecting Board of
Education members was held constitutionally sound. In Rosenthal, the voters in
each of the local school districts elected the members of their own Board of
Education. The members of each component board then appointed two of its
members to the central board. The plaintiff, as a resident of the most populous
component district, contended, as the residents of the City of Haverhill do here,
that this was an unconstitutional dilution of his vote. The Rosenthal court
reviewed Sailors and Hadley stating:

33 emphasis we put on popular election as the test echoes the Supreme Court's
recognition that the crucial factor in the application of Fourteenth Amendment
considerations to any apportionment scheme is that the officials whose election is

challenged must have been elected by popular vote.


Id. at 226.


Haverhill knew when it ratified the Whittier agreement that its representation
on the district committee would not be in proportion to its population and that
the committee members would be selected by the constituent municipalities,
not elected. No voting rights were taken away from the residents of Haverhill,
nor was there any violation of the "one person-one vote" constitutional


The judgment of the district court is affirmed.

They include the mayor, city council members, school committee members,
residents of the City of Haverhill, and the City of Haverhill itself

Although appellees dispute the factual basis of this claim and particularly as to
proportional representation in the other districts named by appellants in the
complaint, we must, because of the granting of the motion to dismiss accept
appellants' allegations as factually supported and take the allegations of the
complaint at face value. California Transport v. Trucking Unlimited, 404 U.S.
508, 515, 92 S.Ct. 609, 30 L.Ed.2d 642 (1971)

Mass.Stat.1969, ch. 381, 1, in relevant part states:

The cities of Haverhill and Newburyport and the towns of Amesbury,
Georgetown, Groveland, Ipswich, Newbury, Rowley, Salisbury and West
Newbury are hereby erected and constituted a vocational regional school
district pursuant to the provisions of chapter one hundred and fifty-six of the
acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-seven and the agreement signed by the
members of the regional school district planning board . . . and dated the
twenty-sixth day of July, nineteen hundred and sixty-seven.

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