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TODAY at 3pm

Missionary Visit and Revival Meeting

June 26, 2016

featuring Dr. Kathy Walk,

Founder and Executive Director


of Hope International Services


Please join us for a Missionary Visit & Revival Meeting at

Aldersgate! This is an exciting opportunity to hear Dr. Kathy Walk,
Founder and Executive Director of Hope International Services, at
Aldersgate UMC TODAY from 3-6pm followed by dinner at 6:30pm.
Joining Dr. Kathy in sharing messages will also be Aldersgate
member, Eric Mugunda. There will be wonderful messages,
fellowship, and exciting African singing and dancing! ALL are
encouraged to attend any portion of this amazing weekend that
you can! Please contact Kathy Morse at [email protected] or
757.681.2089 to find out how you can help! For more information
on Dr. Kathy please visit For more







Whos ready for Vacation Bible School? June 27th-30th from

5:30-8pm well be journeying through Egypt
with Joseph as he goes from prison to palace.
To register your children, grandchildren, etc.
please visit our online registration at
To sign-up as a volunteer please join the group
'VBS Volunteers' on The City.

Pastoral Care
Rev. Don MacNicoll, Assistant Pastor for congregational Care, and
Rachel Miller, Director of Ministries with Young People, are available for
pastor care calls. Call the church office at 434.973.5806 or feel free to
email them directly: Rev. MacNicoll ([email protected]) or Rachel
([email protected]).

On June 4th, our beautiful church was senselessly vandalized.

Fortunately, we have insurance but the $900 deductible is an
unbudgeted expense and the church is considering an investment to
upgrade building security.
The pastoral transition has created additional unbudgeted expenses
including parsonage repairs and moving expenses for the relocation of
Pastor Rob and his family to Cville.

Office space sought for ministry to refugees

I am seeking a single office on the bus route in Charlottesville/
Albemarle County for our ministry to refugees: ARISE (Alliance for
Refugee and Immigrant Support and Education). We do not have
the funds to pay rent, so we are seeking donated space. If you
have a business (or know of a business) that has a vacant office
that isnt otherwise being used, please consider contributing the





[email protected]


962.6333. Thank you, Fay Painter.

A Note of Thanks
Aldersgate is truly blessed to have a number of members who
generously donated a lot of hard work and monetary gifts in the
past few weeks to get the parsonage ready for Pastor Rob and his
family. Sincere and heartfelt thanks to everyone involved!"

We are all eager for Pastor Robs arrival and are optimistic about the
future of Aldersgate and its ministries, including the prospect of
reaching people who will be moving into the 1,500+ homes along the
29N corridor (in the Brookhill, North Pointe, and Hollymead Town
Center housing developments). In the meantime, if every member gave
$20 more each week through Labor Day, we would make up the
shortfall. This is the level of commitment, on average, that it will take.
We appeal to your generosity and request further support from all
those who are able to give, whether it is contributing an additional onetime gift, increasing your weekly offering, and/or catching up on your
pledges. Finally, we ask that you please pray for our churchs financial
Your brothers and sisters in Christ,
Bob Forrest, Lucas Ohlendorf, Kearby Chen, Susan Painter, Fay Painter,
Rebecca Wagner, Greg Brown

Giving 2016

Pastoral Transition Timeline

A message from the Stewardship Team, Aldersgate UMC (June 2016)

Dear fellow members and friends,
We want to be very straightforward to make you aware that our 2016
offerings and financial gifts have been insufficient to meet the daily
expenses and on-going commitments of our church. As a result, we have
been forced to rely on our cash reserves in order to continue Aldersgates
mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our
world. While the refinancing of the church mortgage is expected to provide
some relief by reducing our monthly payments, the loan approval and
closing process will take 60 to 90 days to complete, by which time our cash
reserves may be depleted.
The following are some reasons why we are in this financial situation:
We began this year with $37,030 less cash reserves than the beginning
of the previous year: $83,472 vs. $120,502 in 2015. As of June 1, our cash
reserves were $52,753.
Our monthly expenses average about $65,000, which are
approximately comprised of:

$30,000 mortgage and building expenses

$25,000 payroll expenses
$7,500 conference & district apportionments
$2,500 spiritual growth expenses (including worship services, missions &
outreach, Sunday school, office expenses, hospitality, etc.)

Refinancing the loan on our church building was approved at the

special charge conference on June 6 and we have proceeded with a loan
application to potentially decrease our interest rate from 7.02% to 4.25%
and reduce our monthly payments by nearly $7,000. However, this change
is not expected to take effect until September.
As of June 1, there is a $38,000 deficit in offerings and tithes. When
compared to previous years, worship attendance at both services
combined has not changed significantly, however, the number of donors
have decreased:



2016 (YTD)











As you may already know, Rev. Scott Davis, Aldersgate's Lead Pastor, has
been appointed to serve as the District Superintendent of the Lynchburg
District beginning July 1, 2016. Rev. Rob Robertson, Lead Pastor of
Charity United Methodist Church in Virginia Beach, has been appointed
as Aldersgate's new Lead Pastor beginning July 1, 2016. Below are
several key dates and events during this time of transition. Please put
them on your calendars:
TODAY, June 26 Rev. Ed Winkler, retired United Methodist pastor who
recently served Wesley Memorial UMC here in Charlottesville, preaches
at 9:00 and 11:00.
Rev. Rob Robertson to begin ministry as AUMC's Lead Pastor
Friday, July 1

First Sunday for Rev. Rob Robertson Sunday, July 3, 9:00 and 11:00
Super Sip n Chat with welcome cakes at both services
Welcome Ice Cream Social for Rev. Rob Robertson
Saturday, July 9, 2:00 PM-4:00 PM at AUMC
Ice cream, drinks and some toppings provided. Sign up for additional
desserts and toppings will be available.
For further information please contact the Transition Team:
Billie Campbell, Chair, Church Council ([email protected]; 434975-5298), Laura Nelson, Lay Leader ([email protected]; 434-9781954), Joan Forrest, Co-Chair, Staff Parish Relations Committee
([email protected]; 434-974-6650), Pat Daniel, Co-Chair, Staff
Parish Relations Committee ([email protected]; 434-975-1363),
Susan Painter, Lay Member to Annual Conference
([email protected]; 434-987-5448)

Summer Bible Study

Joseph: Beyond the Coat of Many Colors by Mary Englund Murphy
covers eight topics from sibling rivalry to walking by faith. It is a
practical application of the faith journey of Joseph and his family.
We now have three groups meeting: one at 10:00 am on Sunday
between the services, Sisters in Scripture on Sundays at 10:00 am
in the Reed Room (new faces always welcome, contact Kathy
Morse at [email protected]), and an online group on
Monday evenings at 8:30 pm.
If you are interested in leading, hosting, or participating in the
book study reply to this message on The City or email Mike
Thornton at [email protected]. Please indicate if you
are interested in participating (which time) or leading or hosting
another group. No experience is necessary and we will all be
working around vacations come join a group!

Volunteer Receptionists Two Positions Open

Each weekday from 11:30am to 2:30pm, Aldersgate has a friendly
face (or faces) in our office narthex to answer phone calls, receive
packages, and welcome guests who come through the door. This
is perfect for best friends, spouses, and individuals who would like
to spend a few hours a week in service to our community. We
currently have openings on Mondays and Thursdays, so if you
would like to volunteer, please contact Amy OBrien, Church
Administrator, at 434.973.5806 or [email protected] for
more information.

Help Wanted Offering Counter Volunteers

The Church needs Offering Counter Volunteers that are available
for 1-2 hours (immediately following the 11AM worship service)
for two Sundays each month. There is an initial commitment of
one year (due to the training required), however, schedules can be
flexible month-to-month to accommodate vacations and other
commitments. Please contact Betty Muri ([email protected])

Name Tag Sundays

Please help Pastor Rob and his family learn who we are. In the
next few weeks, let's all try to wear our name tags. Don't have
one? Just add your name to the list on the table outside the
Sanctuary and we'll make one for you. There are magnets for the
tags to avoid pinholes in your clothing, and there will be some peel
-off tags you can use, too. Thank you! The Pastor Transition Team

if you are interested or have any questions.

Called Charge Conference July 18th at 7:15pm

A called charge conference has been called by the Charlottesville
District Superintendent, Danny Kesner, at Aldersgate Church on
Monday, July 18th at 7:15 p.m. The sole business of the called
charged conference will be to set the accountable reimbursement
fund and parsonage exclusion for Aldersgate Church's new pastor,
Rob Robertson.

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