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OData Protocol JSON Format Standards Support

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[MS-ODATAJSON] v20130808
OData Protocol JSON Format Standards Support Document
Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation.
Release: Thursday, August 8, 2013

Revision Summary







Released new document.



No change

No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of

the technical content.

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[MS-ODATAJSON] v20130808
OData Protocol JSON Format Standards Support Document
Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation.
Release: Thursday, August 8, 2013


Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Glossary ............................................................................................................... 4
1.2 References ............................................................................................................ 4
1.2.1 Normative References ....................................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Informative References ..................................................................................... 4
1.3 Microsoft Implementations ...................................................................................... 5
1.4 Standards Support Requirements ............................................................................ 5
1.5 Notation ............................................................................................................... 5

Standards Support Statements ................................................................................. 6

2.1 Normative Variations .............................................................................................. 6
2.1.1 Section 3.1.1 odata.metadata=minimal............................................................... 6
2.1.2 Section 3.1.2 odata.metadata=full ..................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Section 3.1.3 odata.metadata=none ................................................................... 6
2.1.4 Section 4.1 Header Content-Type ....................................................................... 6
2.1.5 Section 4.2 Message Body ................................................................................. 6
2.1.6 Section 4.3 Relative URLs .................................................................................. 7
2.1.7 Section 4.5.1 odata.metadata ............................................................................ 7
2.1.8 Section 4.5.3 Annotation odata.type ................................................................... 7
2.1.9 Section 4.5.6 Annotation odata.deltaLink ............................................................ 8
2.1.10 Section 4.5.8 Annotation odata.editLink and odata.readLink ................................ 8
2.1.11 Section 4.5.9 Annotation odata.kind ................................................................. 8
2.1.12 Section 4.5.11 Annotation odata.navigationLink and odata.associationLink ............ 8
2.1.13 Section 5 Service Document ............................................................................ 9
2.1.14 Section 7.1 Primitive Value .............................................................................. 9
2.1.15 Section 13 Resource Reference ........................................................................ 9
2.1.16 Section 14 Delta Response ............................................................................ 10
2.1.17 Section 17 Action Parameters ........................................................................ 10
2.1.18 Section 19 Error Response ............................................................................. 10
2.2 Clarifications ....................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Error Handling ..................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Security .............................................................................................................. 10

Change Tracking..................................................................................................... 11

Index ..................................................................................................................... 12

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[MS-ODATAJSON] v20130808
OData Protocol JSON Format Standards Support Document
Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation.
Release: Thursday, August 8, 2013

OData Protocol JSON Format Standards Support Document provides a statement of standards
support for the Open Data (OData) protocol. This document describes the variations in the
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format between the specified Microsoft implementations and
the "OData JSON Format Version 4.0" [ODataJSON4.0] Standards document.
The OData protocol comprises a set of specifications for representing and interacting with structured
content. The core specifications for the OData Protocol are specified in "Open Data Protocol (OData)"
[MS-ODATA]. The [ODataJSON4.0] Standards document is an extension of the OData core protocol
and defines representations for the OData requests and responses by using a JSON format.
This document is intended for use in conjunction with the Microsoft technical specifications, publicly
available standards specifications, network programming art, and Microsoft distributed systems
concepts. It assumes that the reader is either familiar with the aforementioned material or has
immediate access to it.
A Standards Support document does not require the use of Microsoft programming tools or
programming environments in order to implement the standard. Developers who have access to
Microsoft programming tools and environments are free to take advantage of them.



The following terms are defined in [MS-ODATA]:

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
The following terms are specific to this document:
MAY, SHOULD, MUST, SHOULD NOT, MUST NOT: These terms (in all caps) are used as
described in [RFC2119]. All statements of optional behavior use either MAY, SHOULD, or




Normative References

We conduct frequent surveys of the normative references to assure their continued availability. If
you have any issue with finding a normative reference, please contact [email protected]. We
will assist you in finding the relevant information. Please check the archive site,, as an
additional source.
[ODataJSON4.0] OASIS, "OData JSON Format Version 4.0", OASIS Committee Specification Draft 01
/ Public Review Draft 01, April 2013,
[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC
2119, March 1997,


Informative References

[MS-ODATA] Microsoft Corporation, "Open Data Protocol (OData)".

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[MS-ODATAJSON] v20130808
OData Protocol JSON Format Standards Support Document
Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation.
Release: Thursday, August 8, 2013


Microsoft Implementations

Windows Server 2012 R2 operating system


Standards Support Requirements

An OData implementation that is fully compliant with the OData standard implements all mandatory
features and optionally implements any optional features.
[ODataJSON4.0] defines conformance for the OData protocol. This conformance is defined as
support for all features in the document except the following:
Features that are called out as optional.
The following table lists the sections of [ODataJSON4.0] that are considered normative and that are
considered informative.




1 and 2


3 through 21


Appendices A and B



The following notations are used to identify clarifications in section 2.2.




This notation identifies a clarification of ambiguity in the target specification. This includes
imprecise statements, omitted information, discrepancies, and errata. This does not include
data formatting clarifications.


This notation identifies an intended point of variability in the target specification, such as the
use of MAY, SHOULD, or RECOMMENDED. This does not include extensibility points.


Because the use of extensibility points (such as optional implementation-specific data) could
impair interoperability, this notation identifies such points in the target specification.

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[MS-ODATAJSON] v20130808
OData Protocol JSON Format Standards Support Document
Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation.
Release: Thursday, August 8, 2013

Standards Support Statements


Normative Variations

The following subsections detail the normative variations from [ODataJSON4.0].


Section 3.1.1 odata.metadata=minimal

The specification states the following:

The client MAY specify odata.metadata=minimal to indicate that the server SHOULD remove
computable control information from the payload wherever possible.

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature. The
parameter value is odata=minimalmetadata.


Section 3.1.2 odata.metadata=full

The specification states the following:

The client MAY specify odata.metadata=full to include all control information explicitly
in the payload. The service MUST return all metadata in this case.

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature. The
parameter value is odata=fullmetadata.


Section 3.1.3 odata.metadata=none

The specification states the following:

The client MAY specify odata.metadata=none in order to request that the service omit control

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature. The
parameter value is odata=nometadata.


Section 4.1 Header Content-Type

The specification states the following:

Responses MUST add the odata.metadata parameter with the same value that was specified
in the Accept header of the request. If no value was specified in the Accept header,
odata.metadata=minimal MUST be used.

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature. The
default value is odata=minimalmetadata.


Section 4.2 Message Body

The specification states the following:

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[MS-ODATAJSON] v20130808
OData Protocol JSON Format Standards Support Document
Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation.
Release: Thursday, August 8, 2013

Each message body MUST be represented as a single JSON object. This object is either the
representation of an entity, an entity reference or a complex type instance, or it contains
a name/value pair ... .

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature. Entity
reference is not supported.


Section 4.3 Relative URLs

The specification states the following:

URLs present in a payload (whether request or response) MAY be represented as relative URLs
to the metadata URL.

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature. The
annotation is odata.navigationLinkUrl. Example:
"odata.metadata": "$metadata#Customers/@Element",
"odata.editLink": "Customers('ALFKI')",
"[email protected]":"Customers('ALFKI')/Orders",


Section 4.5.1 odata.metadata

The specification states the following:

The odata.metadata annotation MUST also be included for entities whose entity set cannot be
determined from the metadata URL of the collection. This URL MAY be absolute or relative to
the metadata URL of the collection.
The odata.metadata annotation MUST also be applied to navigation links for navigation
properties not described in the metadata of the containing type. In this case the metadata
URL MAY be relative to the metadata URL describing the parent entity and becomes the root
metadata URL for the related entity or collection.

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature. The
odata.metadata annotation is not applied to individual entities within a collection or to navigation


Section 4.5.3 Annotation odata.type

The specification states the following:

If the odata.type annotation is present, its value MUST be the namespace- or alias-qualified
name of the instances type, in which case the type MUST be defined by the root of the
current metadata URL, otherwise it MUST be a full URL to a metadata document with the
namespace- or alias-qualified name of the instances type appended as a URL fragment.

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[MS-ODATAJSON] v20130808
OData Protocol JSON Format Standards Support Document
Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation.
Release: Thursday, August 8, 2013

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature. The
odata.type annotation is never a full URL to a metadata document and always references a type
defined by the root of the metadata URL.


Section 4.5.6 Annotation odata.deltaLink

The specification states the following:

The odata.deltaLink annotation contains a URL that can be used to retrieve changes to
the current set of results.

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) does not support this feature.


Section 4.5.8 Annotation odata.editLink and odata.readLink

The specification states the following:

The odata.editLink annotation contains a URL that can be used to read, update, or delete
the entity. It MUST appear for updatable entities if odata.metadata=full is requested or
if its value differs from the value of the
The odata.readLink annotation contains a URL that can be used to read the entity. It MUST
appear if odata.metadata=full is requested and its value differs from the value of the and the odata.editlink is not present.

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature. The
editlink is always written in full metadata, and the readlink is never written.


Section 4.5.9 Annotation odata.kind

The specification states the following:

The odata.kind annotation is used to differentiate the kind of entry represented by
the JSON object ... .

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) does not support this feature.


Section 4.5.11 Annotation odata.navigationLink and odata.associationLink

The specification states the following:

The odata.navigationLink annotation contains a URL that can be used to retrieve an entity or
collection of entities related to the current entity via a navigation property.
The odata.associationLink annotation contains a URL that can be used to retrieve a reference
to an entity or a collection of references to entities related to the current entity via a
navigation property.

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature. The
annotations are odata.navigationLinkUrl and odata.associationLinkUrl.

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[MS-ODATAJSON] v20130808
OData Protocol JSON Format Standards Support Document
Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation.
Release: Thursday, August 8, 2013


Section 5 Service Document

The specification states the following:

JSON objects representing an entity set MAY contain an additional name/value pair with
name kind and a value of EntitySet.
JSON objects representing a function or action import MUST contain this name/value pair
with a value of FunctionImport or ActionImport, respectively.
JSON objects representing a named entity MUST contain this name/value pair with a value
of Entity.
JSON objects representing a related service document MUST contain this name/value pair
with a value of ServiceDocument.

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature. Only
JSON objects representing an entity set are supported, and the kind property is not supported on
objects within the representation of a Service Document.


Section 7.1 Primitive Value

The specification states the following:

Values of type Edm.Binary, Edm.Date, Edm.DateTimeOffset, Edm.Duration, Edm.Guid, and
Edm.TimeOfDay as well as enumeration values are represented as JSON strings whose content
satisfies the rules binaryValue, dateValue, dateTimeOffsetValue, durationValue, guidValue,
timeOfDayValue, and enumValue, respectively, in [OData-ABNF].

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature. The
Date, Duration, and TimeOfDay primitive types, as well as enumeration values, are not supported.
The following additional primitive types, which are not defined in the specification, are supported:


Section 13 Resource Reference

The specification states the following:

A resource reference is a reference to an entity or a property of an entity. Resource
references referring to an entity are called entity references.

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature.
Resource reference is not supported. Links are represented using a name/value pair named "url" as
in the following example:

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[MS-ODATAJSON] v20130808
OData Protocol JSON Format Standards Support Document
Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation.
Release: Thursday, August 8, 2013


Section 14 Delta Response

The specification states the following:

Responses from a delta request are returned as a JSON object.

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) does not support the representation
of Delta Responses.


Section 17 Action Parameters

The specification states the following:

Action parameter values MUST be encoded in a single JSON object in the request body.

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) does not support this feature.


Section 19 Error Response

The specification states the following:

This object MUST contain name/value pairs with the names code and message, and it MAY contain
name/value pairs with the names target, details and innererror.

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature.
Name/value pairs for target and details are not supported.





Error Handling





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[MS-ODATAJSON] v20130808
OData Protocol JSON Format Standards Support Document
Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation.
Release: Thursday, August 8, 2013

Change Tracking
No table of changes is available. The document is either new or has had no changes since its last

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[MS-ODATAJSON] v20130808
OData Protocol JSON Format Standards Support Document
Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation.
Release: Thursday, August 8, 2013

Change tracking 11
Clarifications 10

Error handling 10

Glossary 4

Implementations 5
Informative references 4
Introduction 4

Microsoft implementations 5

Normative references 4
Normative variations 6
Notation 5

informative 4
normative 4

Security 10
Standards support requirements 5

Tracking changes 11

normative 6

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[MS-ODATAJSON] v20130808
OData Protocol JSON Format Standards Support Document
Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation.
Release: Thursday, August 8, 2013

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