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VoluBle VI by

John Bennett Boddie


Copyright 1962 by

John Bennett Boddie

Previous Books by Author








v. ~

John Berme tt Boddie


The Bush .and Williams families were compiled by Dr. Ben Holtzclaw.

LEWIS WILLIA,MS 0 N N EMOND CO., VA., and CHOWAN CO., N. C. was probably the immigrant to this country. He may have made several trips to and from England to Virginia, as land was claimed for his transportation by three different individuals in 1679 and 1680, all for land in ISLE OF WIGHT CO. , V Ao

(Va. Patent Bk. 7, pp.14, 16, and 20). He had been settled in Nansemond Co. several years before the above date howeve ~ as in 1677, he signed the so-called 'Second Grievances of Nansemond Co. rr along with more than 100 other inhabitants of the county, askin redne, £01: tb py. Pc '"P 0 t QL.wb~ b .... ~_-"_'"--+.......I

Uo 1U born about 1645-50, and

died in Chowan Co. , • C. in 17 7. His wife was named MARY, an she survived him until after 1720. LEWIS WILLIAMS was granted 100 acres in Nansemond County adjoining Richard Peirce April 24, 1682 (Patent Book 7, p.170). He claimed land for the im ortation of ROWL. ND ILLIA.MS_, among others, and\ROW-\ LAND WILLIAMS was probably a brothe~ This ROWLAND WIL~:rv1-S--dit:!d-m--IS-LE-er.F·-WrC;-ff·r-C - ., VA., in 1679, leaving a '

son George Williams, who died in 1744, leaving issue, and a daughter MARY, who was married to CHARLES BAKER by

1. 689 (Chapm an t1 I. of W. Wills" ~__pp. 26 and 112 ~;=-:A=--J1-D__:_t-h--'e''--r---'b:--r-o---'"''''

ther or insman may have been JOHN WILLIAMS, who le In

Isle of Wight Co. in 1692, leaving a large family; as LEWIS WILLIAMS in his will left a bequest to a grandson of this JOHN

WIL MS, namel , JOHN WILLIA 5 0 WILLIlflVlS. LEWIS WILLIAMS owned land on Craney Creek in the Upper Parish of Nansemond, which he deeded to Aaron Blanch-

~rd, and the latter deeded it to John Parker in 1707 (Henings

Statutes", 4, p. 528).

LEWIS WILLIA,M 'was granted land in North Carolina as

,early as 1697, and continued to live there until his death in Chowa~ Co. in 1717 .. He was on the rent roll of Chowan Co. in 1700 WIth 650 acres of land, was a vestryman of the Southwest Parish

, ~f Chowan Precinct, and was attacked by the Meherrin Indians ~n 1707 and wounded, though he drove the Indians away. These tac ts are shown by the following records:


225 (1) Colonial and State Records of N. C. , Vol. 2, p.208. LEWIS WILLIAMS Vestryman of Southwestern Parish, Chowan Precinct. (2) Same, Vol. I, pp.659-60. June 17, 1707, it is stated that LEWIS WILLIAMS is engaged in a dispute with the Meherrin Indians, that the latter have attacked him in his house, and that "his life is doubted and his family in danger" .

(3) Same, Vol.2, p.643. Reference to the same dispute, and LEWIS WILLIAMS is said to have driven the Indians away.

(4) N. C., Hist. and Gen. Reg. , Vol. I, p.5. LEWIS WILLIAMS was granted 640 acres on the Chowan River May 15, 1697, and the tract was conveyed to Peter Parker of Nansemond Co., by WILLIAM WILLIAMS of Isle of Wight Co., Va., Oct. 26, 1706. The land was conveyed to WILLIAM WILLIAMS by John White, Sr , , to whom WILLIAMS sold it in 1700 (same, p.85).

(5) Same, p.85. July 1, 1701, LEWIS WILLIAMS to John Markwell of Isle of Wight Co , , Va., deed.

(6) Same, p.89. Dec. 7, 1703, LEWIS WILLIAMS and MARY his wife to Dennis Macklendon tract of land called Mount Pleasant on Wicocon Creek.

(7) Same, p.85. Nicholas Crisp to Edward Smithwick land bought of Dave Perkins and wife Mary Sept. 26, sd. Mary being one of the heirs of RoberfWalburton, deed.; the deed is signed by LEWIS and MARY WILLIAMS, which may indicate that MARY was his second wife, the former wife of DAVE PERKINS. However, LEWIS and MARY WILLIAMS may have signed as witnesses.

(8) Same p. 92. April 9, 1701, John Giles and Philarete his wife of Isle of Wight Co., Va., to LEWIS WILLIAMS 500 acres granted to Thomas Woodward in 1663.

(9) Same, p.94. April 6, 1708, LEWIS WILLIAMS to son-in-law and daughter, JAMES and ELIZABETH RUTLAND 100 acres. (10) Same, p.99. Oct.19, 1713, LEWIS WILLIAMS and MARY his wife deed 300 acres on Deep Creek.

(~1) S.ame, p.290. Sept. p7, 1715, LEWIS WILLIAMS and MARY hIS WIfe to Benjamin Wood.

(12) Same, p.304. LEWIS WILUAMS 650 acres, Chowan Co., Rent Roll 1700.

(13) Same, p.621, Mar.18, 1717, MARY WILLIAMS, relict of

LEWIS WI LLl~..-D.t!~S-t-g_J--A-lV'I-E£-R-1J-T-LAJSLU.- -,----:--------,

(14) N. c. Dept. of IIist. and Archives, N. C. Wills 1663-1789,

~ol. 34 p.68. WILl I QE-LE of Chowan Precinct,

iOatecl ct. , 1716 and nroved Anril 16 17 : son ANTHONY "-WILLIAMS and MARTHA his wife land, etc , , then to grandson LEWIS WILLIAMS; grandson JOHN JONES 100 acres; grandson

LEWIS JONES 100 acres; grandson CHARLES SOWELL 100 acres; randson_JOHN PATl:HETTJ 00 acres; JOHN WILL M::'.> ~~of. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, deed. 5 pounds; daughter PRIS\"".1LLA W ST 1 nrLaftp OP ease of wife MAR ; wife MARY; grandson JOHN WILLIAMS; grandson LEWIS WILLIAMS my

ea-ne anas-ilver shlrt ouekle; wife MAR Y and son ANTHONY,


(15) ChowanCo. Deeds, 1714-35 (24.029), p.323. PETER WEST


and PRiSCILLA his wife to MARY WILL_tAlVIS 300 acres, Oct.

26, 1 722 .. ° W· ·°11· .. d

From the above records it appears that LeWiS 1 lam s an

Mary his wife (unless she was his second wife, widow ofI?ave Perkins and daughter of Robert Walburton) had the fo Ilowtng children:

1. ANTHQNY WILLIAMS, b. ca. 1675 (see later).

2. A DA UGHTER who m. JONES. The husban~ seems to, have been JOHN JONES, who died in Chowan Co. m 1734. HIS will, dated August 6, 1734, mentions sons JOHN, LEWIS, and SAMUEL, and makes his wife and son JOHN exrs. (Hathaway I, p.327).

3. MARTHA WILLIAMS m. CHARLES SOWELL, who died in 1739. The will of Charles Sowell of Bertie Precinct, dated Nov. 25, 1738 and probated at the Feb. Court, 1739. mentions sons RICHARD, THOMAS, LEWIS and CHARLES; daughters ELIZABETH, HANNAH, MARY and SARAH SOWELL; wife and exx. MARTHA (Grimes "Abstracts" J p.352)

4. A DAUGHTER who m. PATCHETT. This was probably JOHN PATCHETT. who died in Chowan Co. in 1711. His will, dated March 19, 1710/11, mentions wife ELIZABETH; son JOHN the land betwixt my father-in-law and Henry Bonner; my three daughters; father-in-law executor (Hathaway I, p. 69. ) ELIZABETH, wife of JOHN PATCHETT, could not have been the daughter of LEWIS WILLIAMS, however, for his daughter ELIZABETH married JAMES RUTLAND. Perhaps ELIZABETH was a second wife of JOHN PATCHETT; or else LEWIS WILLIAMS' daughter married JOHN PATCHETT, JR. J not JOHN PATCHETT, SR.


6. PRISCILLA WILLIAMS m. COL. PETER WEST. PETER WEST was a Justice of Bertie Co. in 1742 and is called COL. PETER WEST at about the same time (Hathaway, II, pp.199 and 620). He died in Bertie Co. in 1751. His will, dated July 31, 1749 and probated at the May Court, 1751, mentions his daughter SARAH; daughter ELI.~ABETH COTTEN; son PETER, and grandson WILLIAM WEST.

ANTHONY WILLIAMS (LEWIS) was born about 1675 in Nans~mond Co., Va., and died in 1718 in Chowan Co., N. C.: His WIfe was MARTHA BUSH, daughter of WILLIAM BUSH OF CHOW~~ CO. ~SEE BUSH FAMILY). On July 17, 1713, ANTHONY

.. ~LIA S and ~ARTHA his wife deeded to George Wi nn land ~tIcf7iater feU Into Bertie Co. (Hathaway I, p. 101); and on July

L '. 3, ANTHONY WILLIAMS assigned a patent to Robert

anler, except 150 acres sold to John Beverly and 150 acres

~I~i.° g~orge Winns (sam a, p.l02). ANTHONY WILLIAM3' Aprol'C TED DEC.3, 1717 and probated in Chowan Co. at the LE~IS ~~~u:~718, leaves his property as follows: eldest son


WILLIA~~It'L~ll three), daughter SARAH WILLIA.MS, son MARTHA dAMS (land), daughter MARY WILLIAMS, wife

, aughter ELINORE WILLIAMS; wife MARTHA and

227 brother-in-:-law JOHN EA~LY, executors. The eldest ~on, LE-W ... IS WILLtAM:3, apparently died young, as the second son, ANTHONY WILLIAMS appears as son and heir in later deeds in Bertie Co. All the daughters were unmarried at the time of ANTHONY WILLIAM'S death. One of them a.pparently married

a BEVERLY, as ANTHONY WILLIAMS II mentions his "COUSINfI in his will in 1 752.


1. LEWIS WILLIAMS, apparently d. s.p.

2. ANTHONY WILLIAMS b. ca. 1700 (see later).

3. JOHN WILLIAMS moved to Duplin Co., N. C. with his brother ANTHONY. He may be identical with a JOHN WILLIAMS who married ANN SANDERS, sister of JOHN SANDERS of Onslow Co , , and who died in New Hanover Co. in 1769. The will of JOHN SANDERS of Onslow Co . , dated Jan. 6, 1732/3 and probated April 3, 1733 leaves his property to his brother ROBERT SANDERS; STEPHEN, EASTER and RICHARD WILLIAMS, sons


of his uncle, STEPHEN HOWARD; and sister ANN WILLIAMS (Grimes "Abstracts", p.325). JOHN WILLIAMS of New Hanover Co , , in his will dated July 13, 1 760~ and probated at the April Court, 1769, mentions his wife RACHEL, second son NEHEMIAH, third son STEPHEN, and "all my children". The eldest surviving son and heir seems to have been JAMES WILLIAMS who deeded land to his brother, STEPHEN, in 1 771 (New Hanover Book "G", p.198).


5. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, apparently moved to Duplin Co. , N. C. with his brothers, ANTHONY and JOHNj and appears there in a deed in 1751 as "WILLIAM WILLIAMS, SR." (Duplin D. B. 2, p.99)



ANTHONY WILLIAM:-) (ANTHONY, LEWIS) was born about 1700 in Chowan Co , , N.C., and died in Duplin Co. in 1752. His wife was named MARY, but her maiden name is uncertain. It may possibly have been WILLIS, as ANTHONY WILLIAM.S calls his eldest son STEPHEN WILLIS at the beginning of hIS will. He also states in the will that his father-in-law is to live on the plantation as long as he wishes, which indicates that the old gentleman was still living in 1751.

ANTHONY WILLIAMS lived in Bertie Co. J N. C. until after 1735, as indicated by the following deeds from Bertie Co , :

(1) D. B. "C", p.108. May 13, 1729, ANTHONY WILLIAMS of Bertie to PETER WEST all interest in the land left to PRISCILLA WEST by my grandfather, LEWIS WILLIAMS.

(2) D. B. "D", p. 267. Dec. 27, 1735, John Jones of Edgecombe

Co. to ANTHONY WILLIAMS 560 acres on Buck Swamp. f

(3) B.B. "G", p.235. Dec.29. 1749, ANTHONY WILLIA~S~ New Hanover Co. appoints his friend John Wynns of BertIe o. his attorney to acknowledge a deed to John Baker, son and legatee of Henry Baker, d e cd , , for 100 acres, part of a patent for 1170 acres granted my grandfather, LEWIS WILLIAMS.

~28 /. " ,

.-& '. ..', n . ' ,'" .'J

AN'fHONY WILLIAMS was granted 64.0. ~C!'rl~~:·~~I~~~~H~ .. never Co. Sept. 25, 1741 (CSR 4.602); 93 aeresl~Cf~SV!~:~~Q'. ~cty

22, 1741 (CSR. 4. 704); and 200 ~cres mOre,ltli Ne.~.~.~.~ove.r.

April 11, 1749 (CSR 4.950). Thls land fellinto };)~pt!11. Co .. o.n

the organization of that county. !\NTHONY WILLIAM,S.,atnd ,hIS brother JOHN WILLIAMS, were among the men who . attended upon th~ alarm at Wilmington" Sept. 4, 1748 ,in the Spanish Wa~ (CSR 22.284). ANTHONY WILLIAMS was paid for 3 days ser-vice, JOHN for 4 days. ANTHONY WILLIAMS was also appointed as

one of the Commissioners to select a place for the Court house

of Duplin Co. in 1751 (CSR 25.246). He died soon after this.

His will, dated July 3, 1751 and probated at the April Court,

1752 in Duplin Co. (N.C. Dept. of Arch. and Hist. , N .. C. wills 1663-1789, Vol. 34, p , 46) mentions son, STEPHEN WILLIS (see later); wife; brother JOHN WILLIAMS; son BENJAMIN WILLIAMS (under 19); daughter MAR Y POWELL, wife of MOSES POWELL; daughter PENELLIPY WILLIAMS; daughter PHERIBE WILLIAMS; daughter EASTER WILLIAMS; daughter SIVILITY WILLIAMS; grandson CADER POWELL; cousin ANTHONY BEVERLY (under age); wife MABY WILLIAMS; father-in-law to have a sufficient maintenance in the family during his pleasure; friends Job Brooks and William Mairs, extrs.

Stephen Willis Williams, Jr., son of Anthony and his wife Easter of Onslow County on Jan. 13 J 1760, sold to William Barnes part of a tract of 300 acres on Burnecourt Swamp granted t~ ANTHONY WILLIAMS Sept. 25, 1 743, and left to STEPHEN by hIS father ~N.THONy. (Duplin D. B. 3-113)

Stephen Wi Il iarn s first wife was EASTER SHAKLEFORD daughter ::>f JOHN SHAKELFORD of Onslow County. John was born Apr i.l 9, 1712; married Ann (name not known) of Carteret County, Dec.30, 1730 and died April 23, 1778. Ann was born March ~O, 1714, died April 6, 1782.

d. 'I'hei r children were! (1) Sarah Shakelford b May 2 1787' led Feb 5 1756' ,., , h d) d' , marrled Lott Williams, son of Ann (White-

Bea. a~,e Williams. Lott and Sarah Williams had: (1)

enjarmr, s b 1754' (2) A "

W'U' '., nn WIlliams Ann Whitehead .~43 (2) Jame.s Fillyaw of Onslow Cou~ty. (See H. S. F.

wh dP ). <;aptaln Shakleford had seven other children

ose of bIrth are given in W & M (2) 91)

Captain John Sh k If p. .

the war ali l' a e ord was captain of a militia company in

the soldiera:~ ~i 1757, James How,:r~ was his ensign; and among Sanders Cha 1 s Scornpany were WIlham Williams, Robert

and Step'hen Wr'lel~ anders, Stephen Williams, James Denson

1 lam s , Jr.

Captain Shakelfo d' d h

20 1734 . r s aug t e r , Easter or Esther born Dec

6,' 1761.' marrIed Stephen Williams Jr. ca. 1751 and died April

Stephen William sm' d '

known, died in 0 1 a'r r re ~econdly Martha, last name un-

probated July 17~: ow o>Co.unty in 1788. His will dated Jan. 1788,

MARTHA 6 Y , me ntrons son STEPHEN (see later)" wife

N ' oungest childr .. N .' I

athan and Peninah' fen, aorn i , Mary, Samuel, Patience,

Hosea. ' our sons: Paul, Daniel, Hezikiah, and


It was stated previously that John Williams, son of Anthony and Martha (Bush) Williams," m_arri_ed Anne, sister of John Sanders of Onslow, who died in 1733 .. ThisJohn Williams, in his will in New Hanover in 1760, mentions his son STEPHEN WIL-

LIAMS and " All my children" ". "

Mary Sanders, evidently of this family, on Oct. 21, 1786, married Stephen Hains, with STEPHEN WILLIAMS as security. Stephen Haines sometimes spelled ':~ane.s"! does not seem to be related to any of the Haynes f'arn i Ii e s In North Carolina. In the Onslow Court minutes Oct. 1745, James Foyle,. Esq. produces John Hains, orphan to Fincer Hains, which received the approbation of the court. In July 1747 John Hanes sold to :Henry Smeeting of the county of Road Island a small lot of land in that colony. It is a fair possibility that he m1ay be the father of Stephen Hains of Newbern, which was a thriving port of entry in

those days.

The Census of 1800 for Craven shows Stephen Hains, under 45, 1 son under 26, 1 daughter under 2'6, wife over 45. There was no Census in 1810 and he does not show in 1820'. The order book of Craven, June 17 ~ 1807, mentions "Stephen Harns , late Sheriff of Craven". The book was checked several years later with nothing found. He may have died or moved away.

Their daughter Johanna Haines, born Nov. 1787 in Newber-n, which is shown on her tombstone in Mobile, Alabama" mar-r-ied William Sanders ca.1807. They moved to Edgefield County" South Carolina, where William Sanders died in 1815,. His win was as follows:

William Sanders oral will; late of Edgefield District, Oct. 4, 1805;

All property to be sold and equally divided between wife and child (William), provided child comes to maturity; except a negro woman by the name of Sylvia and a negro child by name

of Pizarus which were made over to me by STEPHEN WILLIAMS, are to remain in the hands of my sister MARTHA WILLIAMS.

These were the words spoken by said deceased WiJliam, Sanders in the presence of us. Our names: John Lenn, John X Adams, Wm. X Adams.

M~s. Johanna (Hains) Sanders, born in Newbe e r , North Caro lma , Nov. 1787, died in Mobile, Alabama, Nov.3, 1874~ S~e married secondly Milton Travis Perryman~ born in Edgeheld, South Carolina, Sept.28, 1794, died in Mobile, Alabama, Sept.26, 1871. (See Perryman, V. H. G. -139).


MARTHA, wife of ANTHONY WILLIAMS I, was the daughter of WILLIAM HUSH and wife MARTHA of CHOWAN CO., N. C. The fOllowing early Bushes appear in Virginia prior to 1650.

(1) JOHN BUSH, Gent •. of KICCOUGHTAN, came to VIR~NIA in 1618 with his wife, ELIZABETH, and two children, c.AR~ and ELIZABETH and was granted 300 acres at Elizabeth Lty In 1624. (Nugent" Cavaliers and Pioneers", p , 5). He was

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