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Request for Proposal (RFP)
[Direct Bank Initiatives -0]

Document Release: November 14, 2009


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RFP Introduction..........................................................................................................3
1.1 Background...........................................................................................................3
1.2 RFP Organization..................................................................................................3
1.3 Objectives..............................................................................................................3
Vendor Instructions......................................................................................................6
2.1 Intention to Bid.....................................................................................................6
2.2 General Proposal Instructions...............................................................................6
Proposal Sections Format..............................................................................6
2.3 Vendor Inquiries Point of Contact......................................................................7
2.4 Bank Liability.......................................................................................................7
2.5 Confidentiality......................................................................................................7
2.6 Rejection of Proposals..........................................................................................7
2.7 Communications...................................................................................................8
Contacts with BANK Personnel....................................................................8
News Releases...............................................................................................8
Disclosure of Proposal Contents....................................................................8
Project Scope of Work.................................................................................................9
Vendor and Proposal Requirements...........................................................................15
4.1 Transmittal Letter................................................................................................15
4.2 Executive Summary............................................................................................15
4.3 Company Information.........................................................................................15
4.4 Past Experience...................................................................................................15
Financial Proposal (to be packaged separately).........................................................17
5.1 Pricing Considerations........................................................................................17
5.2 Agreement Pricing Structure...............................................................................18
5.3 Milestones...........................................................................................................19
5.4 Time and Material Rates.....................................................................................19
Vendor Questionnaire................................................................................................20
Appendix A Project Plan.................................................................................................23


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1 RFP Introduction
1.1 Background
Retail Banking is one of the fast growing business units in Bank. The services provided
by the existing Internet Banking system covers the traditional Online Banking with rich
features for the mass customers. However, the Direct Banking Solution that is envisioned
to be launched is targeted with highly interactive website with enhanced look and feel for
providing a limited subset of traditional banking services.

The presentation layer to be built on new-generation technology with more

interactive and flexible user interface website, which can be easily coupled with
existing interfaces and back-end systems of Bank.
The customers are classified as Silver Members (Having a Profile but no Banking
Relationship) and Gold Members (Having a Profile and a Banking Relationship).
Unless specified otherwise, the term Members or Customer shall refer to both
Silver and Gold members. The members will access a social community website
which features chats, discussion forms, financial tools & applications and
promotion banners etc.

1.2 RFP Organization

Bank is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced World-class vendors to provide
a comprehensive Direct Banking Solutions with highly interactive website with flexible
features to access banking functionality.
The intent of this RFP is to set the specifications, requirements, options, and general
terms and conditions for all services for which Bank is requesting bids and to solicit
detailed proposals from selected vendors that include proposed costs and service
descriptions in the format specified herein. It is Banks expressed intent to include all
material representations provided in the Vendors RFP response in the contract for
The vendor must be able to provide the services listed under the scope and ensure that the
committed improvements are achieved.
This document states the general terms for the proposal submission and the services to be
provided by the prospective vendor.

1.3 Objectives
The primary objective is a comprehensive solution for Bank to directly acquire, track and
service customers, through the Internet, mobile or call center channels. The goals for the
required solution are to provide:
The integrated system which should capture, analyze, track, and report all Direct Banking
related processes. These processes include application processing, disbursals tracking and
maintenance, and reporting. The process scope would include leads, sales, portfolio,
customer profile, employer / dealer / developer profile, and collateral profile.

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The presentation layer should have an exceptional User Experience - the

easy look and feel online Direct Banking to the customer through a highly
interactive website with user-friendly interface with a WOW factor.
It should also have the capabilities of coupling and decoupling with
existing middle layer, other interfaces and backend systems.
Social Community This will enable the customer to discuss with other
DB members/customers. The links to the Social communities to be placed
in order for members / customers to easily navigate to their respective
social network. The social network should also be used to promote Bank
products to attract members to become customers.
Financial Tools This will enable the customer to compare the DB
product profits with other Banking Services including EMI calculator.
These tools would also allow customers to enter their preferred pool of
funds and select (drag and drop) various product offerings into a basket for
further calculation.
DB Online can be portable to Internet over various devices (PDA, Mobile,
Desktop etc). This would allow customers to access the Direct Banking
Services using different channels and medium including Smart Phones,
Hand Held devices and other devices connecting to internet.
In addition, Direct Banking is to be capable of capturing, storing,
processing large quantities of data and features products like loan, credit
cards and should be flexible to facilitate changes or additions or
enhancements in the requirements at a future date [as different phases] in
the presentation layer.
The presentation layer should be capable of reading from and writing to
the existing Core Banking System, and any other Systems maintained by
the Bank including Third party utility payments.
The solution should have the option to include an integrated CRM
(Customer Relationship Management) module. Alternatively, it should be
able to easily integrated with the Banks standard CRM which is Oracle
The solution should capture the user inputs and pass on to the existing
middle tier/business tier in the form of Value Objects. It should be able to
display the data in the presentation layer which is passed from middle
tier/business tier in the form of Value Objects.
The presentation layer should validate the user inputs using client side
scripting languages.


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Please see below the proposed Solution Roll-out plan (please ensure your
financial proposal refers to the following phases when quoting for solution
development costs, licenses and other professional services

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2 Vendor Instructions

Intention to Bid

If your company intends to respond to this RFP, please forward a written

acknowledgement to the contact below:

2.2 General Proposal Instructions

The intent of this RFP is to set forth the specifications, requirements, options, and general
terms and conditions for all services for which Bank is requesting bids and to solicit
detailed proposals from selected vendors that include proposed costs and service
descriptions in the format specified herein. It is Banks expressed intent to include all
material representations provided in the Vendors RFP response in the contract for
The vendor must be able to provide the services listed under the scope and ensure that the
commitments are delivered upon.
This document states the general terms for the proposal submission and the services to be
provided by the prospective vendor.
Your proposal must include all required responses contained within the RFP and all
appendices must be completed in their entirety.
This RFP, your submitted proposal, all appendices and attachments, stated terms and
conditions will become part of the resultant contract.

Proposal Sections Format

Sections of the proposal must be clearly labeled and pages numbered consecutively for
ease of review. Vendors responses must be provided in the same sequence as the
questions asked. Vendor must restate questions followed by its response to that question.
If a question is not applicable, or if the Vendor has no response, state so. References to
documentation provided in support of the Technical Proposal should have appropriate
page number and reference. Proposals not providing the appropriate page number and
reference will be considered to have no appropriate reference material included for that
particular question or statement. Proposals must conform to the following format. Failure
to do so will result in disqualification.
The proposal must be submitted as three (3) separately sealed packages:
1. Package number 1 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL
2. Package number 2 FINANACIAL PROPOSAL
3. Package number 3 RESUMES
Bank requires that each vendor include three paper copies of their RFP response packages
plus one copy on diskette or CD-ROM of the typed text of the response document (In
Microsoft Word format).

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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: All pricing details, including any soft copy, must be submitted in a separate
sealed envelope marked Financial Proposal. This envelope must be identified by the
Vendor name, RFP reference and the date submitted.
No pricing information whatsoever is to appear in the general or technical response


Vendor Inquiries Point of Contact

Any questions, requests for clarification or requests for data in connection with this
procurement shall be made to:


Bank Liability

The vendor agrees that any cost incurred in responding to this request, or in support of
activities associated with this request, is to be borne by the vendor. Bank shall incur no
liability or obligation by reason of the issuance of this RFP or by the actions of anyone
relative thereto. All decisions made by Bank are final and binding. By submitting a
response, vendors agree to unconditionally accept the conclusions.
The issuance of this RFP and the acceptance of proposals do not bind or impose legal
obligation upon Bank or the Vendor(s) in any way, nor does it limit Banks right to
negotiate in its best interest with any Vendor.
Bank shall not be responsible or liable for any costs incurred by the vendor in the
preparation and submission of the bid and proposal.



All information contained in this RFP is considered to be the exclusive property of Bank.
Recipients of this RFP are not to disclose any information contained within this RFP
unless such information is publicly available. This RFP is provided for the sole purpose
of enabling the vendor to develop a response.
All bid responses will be treated as confidential by Bank. Vendors must understand and
agree that all records, data, and documentation associated with Bank are considered to be
proprietary and confidential.
The Vendor will be expected to sign and abide by a non-disclosure agreement.
Release of any information to the public concerning this request may render the Vendors
offer null and void. Any Vendor not adhering to the guidelines of the RFP may be
eliminated from further consideration.


Rejection of Proposals


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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bank reserve the right to reject any or all bids or proposals which are deemed to be nonresponsive, late in submission or unsatisfactory in any way. Bank shall have no
obligation to award a contract for work, goods and/or services as a result of this RFP.




Contacts with BANK Personnel

From the issue date of this RFP until a winning Vendor is selected, all contacts with
BANK personnel, or appointed consultants concerning this RFP, proposals, and the
evaluation process must be approved through the appointed contact. Any violation of this
condition is cause for BANK to reject the Vendors proposal. If it is later discovered that
any violations have occurred, BANK may reject any proposal or terminate any contract
awarded pursuant to this RFP.

News Releases

Given the ramifications this project may have on BANK personnel and the community,
BANK reserves the right to review and approve all news releases pertaining to this RFP.
The winning Vendor will submit such news releases in writing for approval prior to their
issuance to the Issuing Officer.
BANK reserves the right to make presentations related to this project to any audience
with or without the participation of the winning Vendor.

Disclosure of Proposal Contents

Technical and Cost information provided in proposals will be held in confidence and,
except for the winning Vendors proposal, will not be revealed or discussed with
competitors. The proposal of the selected Vendor, however, becomes part of any contract
entered into. All other material submitted with the proposal becomes the property of
BANK. Proposals submitted to BANK will be reviewed and evaluated by members of the
RFP Committee. BANK has the right to use any or all ideas presented in any reply to this
RFP. Selection or rejection of the proposal does not affect this right.


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3 Project Scope of Work

The required solutions should contain the below functionalities:



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Silver Member Social Networking customers uses features like chat, discussion
forums, news, product information and videos, access to financial tools and
calculators, etc
Gold Members Online banking users who access all of the above plus have a
Savings or Fixed Deposit account with the bank and avail of funds transfer, utility
payments, account summary, credit cards and other traditional banking services.
User access restriction based on customer type as describe above..
Financial Tools:
The following are the sample proposed financial tools:
Fixed Deposit / Savings Account calculator
EMI Calculator for Mortgage, Personal Loan, Auto Loan
Mutual Fund Calculators
Calculator for Credit Card (BTF, Cash Advance)
These calculators should be with simple look and feel and in case of any
clarification customer/member can view an instructional video or contact a
support agent online via chat facility.
Parameterized Limits system for Direct Banking transactions. For example, this
should impose both user defined and bank defined limits on the maximum amount
that will be transferred, withdrawn or remitted.
Direct Banking Online Look and feel.
DB online should have browser compatibility to browser from various OS and
web browsers. In the Direct Banking environment the following options should
populate to the customer,
Important News
Others (About Us, Contact Us, etc)
Promotion Banners
Members discussion forum
Forgot password
Financial Tools:
Online Chat: Members can have online chat with Customer service
representatives to get to know more about the products and services.
Demo Video: User can play a video to get know the navigation of the
online functionalities.
Email: There will be inbox features to keep track the members enquires
with Customer service representative.
Calculator: Members can calculate the outcome values and can compare
the Banking service with other competitors.


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Open Account: Members can open the account from their login to get the
full featured services. The below mentioned signup process will be
applied. This will allow converting the member to customer.
Gold Members - Registered customer can get full access of registered members
and additional to the functionality of account services, transaction services. The
user interface should be flexible enough to communicate with middle layer to
capture and display the data from existing backend systems.
The following functionalities are provided to these users,
Direct Banking Transactions
Account Statements
Account Self Services
Utility Payments
Funds Transfer
Two factor authentication sending auth code to customers
mobile number.
Direct Banking BackOffice to access reports and approve requests.

Member/Customer Signup
Forgot Password
Call Centre, CRM interfacing

Proposed Business Flow. Please note, these flows are draft versions provided for
illustration only and subject to change based on business requirements. The
proposed solution should have the flexibility to easily incorporate changes in
business flow.


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4 Vendor and Proposal Requirements

4.1 Transmittal Letter
The transmittal letter must contain the identity of the individual(s) authorized to commit
the vendor to a contract, identity of the individuals(s) who can be contacted regarding
proposal content, identity of any proposed sub-contractors, time validity of offer, etc.
It must also contain a statement that the proposal meets the specifications of each
subsection of the RFP.
An officer of the vendor must sign the letter.

4.2 Executive Summary

The executive summary must be a brief profile of the vendor and an explanation of how
the vendors strategic direction will benefit Bank.
Make special note of the assumptions that were made during the preparation of the

4.3 Company Information

Provide a concise profile of your organization to include the following:
Full legal name and commercial registration details

Business address.

Organization structure.

Financial viability. Include audited financial statements for the past three
(3) years.

Relevant experience.

Unique qualifications for performing the requested work.

The same information shall be supplied for the company's representative or agent in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Vendors shall provide AT LEAST one primary point of contact, including phone
numbers, e-mail addresses and any other contact information you choose to give (e.g.
Mobile #). The primary contact shall be able to provide us with any additional
information we may require.

4.4 Past Experience

Provide detailed examples of experience gained within the past 5 years, of the
issuance of this RFP relative to the proposing vendor, sub-contractors and team
members that demonstrate the teams ability to manage and successfully perform


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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tasks and that substantially demonstrates relevancy to the requirements of this RFP.
Descriptions must include:

Client Contact Information

Integrator Contact Information


Annual Sales Revenue

Clients Key Business Drivers

# of Business Entities, locations and Users

Duration of Engagement

Solution Set: Software Applications Used (include release level)

Functionality & Modules

Software and Hardware Platform

Implementation/Rollout Strategy

Size and Configuration of Project Team

Original Budget vs. Actual Budget

Contract Type

Business Benefits Realized

Performance Measures Used

Lessons Learned

Include reference for 3 clients.


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5 Financial Proposal (to be packaged separately)

This section outlines the instructions to be followed by the Vendor in providing pricing for the services described in this RFP. The
Vendor is required to complete and submit all applicable pricing schedules. The Vendor must clearly state all terms and conditions
associated with the proposed prices.
Bank has several expectations of each Vendor regarding its pricing of the services included in this RFP. These include:
The Vendor will submit and provide the best market rates available for the services requested.

Bank further expect that the Vendor will not include sub- or per-service Minimum Commitments in its proposal.

5.1 Pricing Considerations

The following are some of the key points that need to be considered by the vendor while preparing the agreement pricing:
The Vendor stipulates and agrees that the price, rates, and charges included in this proposal represent the totality of charges for
the services proposed in the Vendors response to this RFP. Bank will not be obligated to pay any charges that are not
expressly stated in this proposal.

Vendors are required to include a time and materials rate for calculating the cost of a change in scope should the Bank desire to
vary the initial contract terms. The T&M rates shall be specific to the level of service offered.

Bank will have some penalty clauses in the contract to control the vendor & to fund any additional work that needs to be done
as a result of the vendors failure to deliver its commitment.


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5.2 Agreement Pricing Structure

Complete the below table to categorize the total price:


Comprehensive solution package

Professional Services
Yearly Support and Maintenance
Other (list)
*Provide detailed breakdown for each item as necessary.


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Total Price (in USD)




Include each milestone/deliverable indicated in the SOW along with their associated due
dates, estimated in weeks from kick-off date, and associated fees.
Weeks from
Price (USD)



Time and Material Rates

Include the rates for various roles, should an extension or change order be required.

Daily Rate


Project Manager
Senior Consultant
Senior Developer
* Listed roles are for illustrative purposes. Enlist roles as per your organization.


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6 Vendor Questionnaire
This section outlines the questionnaire to be followed by the Vendor in providing the
weightage/comments for the requirements described in this RFP.







Is it built using Microsoft technology?

Is it built using J2EE technology?
What technology/framework will you use for the
website? (Ex. Struts, Spring framework).
Is the server farm supported on Web server?
Is the server farm supported on App server?
Any add-ons required at the browser on client PCs.
Is there any dependency on any particular piece of
software - is it DB/OS/Web server/Browser
Is it a framework or an off-the-shelf product?
What is the ease of customization? Any built-in tool
How are sensitive data passed from one page to
another page? What encryption methodology is used?
Is HTTPS used? Can we configure which pages are
to use HTTPS and which ones to use HTTP?
Does it support single sign-on?
Network Efficiency
Does the application do efficiently over a wide area
network without requiring large bandwidth?
Does the application do efficiently to play
video/audio files which are stored in web server?
Does the application do efficiently text over online
chat with customer care representative?
Any benchmarking done to clearly estimate network
bandwidth requirements?
Is the traffic between clients to the application
server/web server encrypted conforming to 3DES or
higher encryption standards?

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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Load Balancing





What kind of load balancing is supported for web

Does the web server have any load balancing of its
Has any external load balancing solution been used
in any of your implementation?
Is the application cluster-aware?
Any cluster solution is recommended?









Do you recommend the minimum infrastructure

requirement? - H/W, DB, etc
Any benchmarking done? Result published?
Any accompanying tool for conducting stress test?
Does the application provide performance statistics?
Is the solution interface capable of interfacing with
other existing systems?
Is interfacing with external systems a defined layer or
is it part of the application server?
Is it XML-based?
Can the application interact with any web service?
Can the solution expose certain functionality as a
web service?
Availability of APIs?
Does the solution come with its own monitoring tool
- for administration purposes?
Does the solution come with any archival
mechanism? Can the retention period of data be
defined as a parameter?
How has disaster recovery/business continuity been
achieved in other implementations?

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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is there any audit trail of the user activities - can this
be parameterized?
Is it a CPU intensive/Memory intensive solution?
Licensing - is it on named-user basis or on
concurrent user basis?
Mechanism adopted for enhancement/patch delivery
- release method in place? Do we have to wait for
general release? How is this managed?
Source Code - is it part of deliverable?
Documentation - what extent of documentation is
How efficient Local support is? And what kind of
queries/issues they can handle?
Can we have phase wise and/or big bang approach
for deployment?
Is there any supporting application to use/view
Archive data? Is it part of the deliverables?
Do you have data migration tool available?
Bank has EMC SAN solution and uses SRDF for
data replication - can the application use this
infrastructure for D/R?
Any audit trail available for system admin users


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Appendix A Project Plan

Vendor must include a high-level project plan depicting your implementation approach
including: schedule, work streams, activities, duration, milestones and dependencies.


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