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The Mystery of God's Providence

Dear Partner:
A study on the life of Joseph... so applicable today to the
Body of Christ. God's infinite plan and purpose for each one
of us begins to unfold as we delve into the life of a true
servant of God.
God's Grace extended to each of us regardless of the
circumstances, knowing that He alone controls every aspect
of our lives. We CANNOT CONTROL what other people do to
us, but with His Grace we CAN CONTROL our response.
Each circumstance and experience no matter how
devastating can be reversed for our own good.
All things work together for good to them that
love the Lord and are the called according to His
purpose. (Romans 8:28).

Paul F. Crouch,
Trinity Broadcasting Network, Inc.

The Mystery of Gods Providence

Paul E. Billheimer
President Emeritus
Great Commission Foundation, Inc.


A Television Series Broadcast
by Satellite over
Trinity Broadcasting Network

Tyndale House
Publishers, Inc.
Wheaton, Illinois

Fourth printing, September 1984

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 82-62072
ISBN 0-8423-4664-3, paper
Copyright 1983 by Paul E. Billheimer
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America


My thanks to:
Judy Alsop and Norma Aspin for many hours of
Maria Kearns for valuable editorial assistance,
and John Rimer for manuscript reproduction.


This volume is lovingly dedicated to our borrowed daughter,

Norma Aspin, and her son, Brad, whom the Lord gave to us shortly
after our arrival in Southern California.

Norma was reared in the Catholic faith. So far as she

knows, there had never been a Bible in the home for
generations. She had never regularly attended mass in her
adult life.
When Brad was but a baby, his father became a hopeless
alcoholic and was mentally ill as a result. This forced Norma
to support and rear her son alone. Life was not kind to her.
She endured many cruel and severe hardships through the
During the summer of 1977, she accidentally flipped her
TV dial to TBN, channel 40, and saw an elderly couple
teaching from a book, Don't Waste Your Sorrows. Sorrows!
What is valuable about sorrows? She had plenty of them. But
the things they were saying spoke to her heart and aroused a
great hunger to know more of what they were talking about.
She did the most absurd thing of her lifeshe wrote to a
religious telecaster asking for an appointment.

The Mystery of Gods Providence

During that memorable interview, both Norma and Brad

heard the way of salvation explained, step by step, until they
learned how to confess their sins, repent, and receive
forgiveness from the Lord Jesus Christ. Both of them
experienced a glorious new birth right there in our living
room. Their joy knew no bounds.
From that night forward, they simply clung to us. They
returned again and again to ask questions and to receive new
instructions; we coached them concerning their Bible reading
and personal prayer life. Everything was new to them, but
they were walking inches off the ground. They were,
indeed, in heavenly places.
That was five years ago. Since that time they have made
themselves our servants for Jesus' sake. They have truly
become our family and look after us as though we were
their very own parents. We could not carry on the ministry
which the Lord has given us except for the loving assistance
they provide both in our domestic needs and also in many
hours of manuscript typing.
Brad was fourteen years of age when he and his mother
found Jesus. As he grew older and matured more in his walk
with the Lord, he received a great burden for his father's
salvation. A search for his father led to a shabby nursing
home in the slum area.
Brad regularly visited his father, explaining the way of
salvation. One day, he had the joy of leading his father to
Jesus and helping him to repent and receive forgiveness.
When the time came for Brad and Norma to be baptized,
Brad's father insisted upon joining them. He gave much
evidence of real sorrow for sin. Some time later, when Brad
and his mother went to the home to deliver a Christmas gift,
they found him dying. He no longer knew anyone. How
thankful they were to have found him and to have led him to


Very early in the year 1980, Norma's mother went to be

with the Lord. Several months before this glorious homegoing, Norma had the great joy of leading her mother in the
prayer of repentance, and her mother then rested her faith in
Him. At the time of her passing, she rallied from a period
during which she did not know her family, opened her eyes,
and recognized them; then, looking above their heads, she
said, I think I am going now. Don't worry. Everything is all
right. She closed her eyes and was gonewith Him.
At this writing, Norma and Brad continue their
invaluable service to us, to the Lord, and to His Body.



Chapter One
The Mystery of God's Providence...........................................23
Chapter Two
Ultimate Goal of the Universe................................................29
Chapter Three
The Word of God Rather Than a Horoscope..........................35
Chapter Four
A Needs Be for Pain.............................................................39
Chapter Five
A Right Reaction.....................................................................43
Chapter Six
Unhurt by Fetters...................................................................49
Chapter Seven
It Was Better for Joseph.........................................................55

Chapter Eight
Through the Ages, One Eternal Purpose Runs......................59
Chapter Nine
Sudden Fulfillment.................................................................63
Chapter Ten
God Uses Most Only Broken Men..........................................67
Chapter Eleven
Maturity Requires Time.........................................................73
Chapter Twelve
The Eternal Dimension of Time.............................................77
Chapter Thirteen
Failure Sometimes Serves Better Than Success...................81
Chapter Fourteen
A Word From Spurgeon..........................................................85
Chapter Fifteen
Therefore, Failure Is Sometimes Better Than Success.........89


I was delighted to be invited to prepare the Foreword for

this message on the life of Joseph by my dear friend and
brother, Paul E. Billheimer. To my mind, this man's pen is so
anointed by the Holy Spirit that it engraves the truth of God
on men's hearts.
This book has to do with an Israeli lad who went from
dying in the bottom of a well pit in Dothan to become the
Prime Minister of Egypt. But watch and see what our brother
does with this story. In a manner too realistic for comfort, he
takes Joseph's shoes from off his feet and puts them on the
feet of the reader. When you begin looking at your trials,
wearing Joseph's shoesit does something to your spirit.
Your attitude toward trials and testing undergoes a great
I loved the book. I found myself asking the Lord to get it
into the hands of every Christian who will respond to it,
making changes in his attitude toward the things that God
allows in his life.
I also found myself thinking of the awful days that exist
even now for the suffering Church behind the Iron and

The Mystery of Gods Providence

Bamboo Curtains, testings that may come to us before the

Lord returns. Many of us may be falsely accused and, as a
result, be thrown into prison. In such a case, we may be
tempted to feel that returning good for evil just doesn't work.
Ah, if we are wearing Joseph's shoes, we will see that it
does work. No matter how dark the present may appear, the
Lord is in complete command of the situation. His timing is
different from ours because we want relief right now.
When we finally learn that even in the midst of the.
deepest mysteries of His providences, God is in full control,
nothing in this world can shake us or our faith. When we
really are wearing Joseph's shoes, we, too, will be able to
say, As for you, ye thought evil against me; but God
meant it unto good (Genesis 50:20). At last, every mystery
will have become plain in the glorious light of His presence.
Dr. C. S. Lovett



The story of Joseph is a study in identity. Very few bornagain believers understand who they are. This story suggests
two basic theses which illuminate the question.
Amy Carmichael says that nothing anyone can do to us
can injure us unless we allow it to cause a wrong reaction in
our own spirits. Only our reaction can bless or burn. Because
all reactions are subjective, they are under our control. Since
the only thing that can harm us is something subject to our
authority, we never need to suffer damage, no matter what
others may do to us (Romans 5:17). Therefore, every bornagain person is a king and is in training for a throne.
This brings into focus the second thesis. Because of our
fabulous identity, God deals with us on the very same
principles as those on which He dealt with Joseph. Since
Joseph was a member of the messianic family, one who
preserved, protected, and sustained it, the average Bible
student assumes that he had a special identity and held a
special place in God's prophetic order. In one sense this is
true, but an even greater distinction belongs to the born-again
members of the family of God. The Messiah came for one

The Mystery of Gods Providence

glorious purpose: to woo, win, and train the members of

Christ's church and prepare them to become His Bride. The
world, and much of the Church, does not know this, but the
universe is romantic. It was created entirely for the purpose of
romance. Joseph himself came into being for this reason. And
the living and active members of the Bridehood, the actual
personnel of the future Bride, are the ones who give meaning
and significance to the Bride's predecessors or family.
Without them, Joseph would be a blank. Therefore, each
member of the Bride, now called the Church and the Body of
Christ, is as fully involved in God's eternal enterprise as
Joseph himself or any member of the messianic nation. All
born-again people, as members of the future Bride of Christ,
are fully as significant, important, and of as great
consequence in God's ongoing undertakings, adventures, and
creative endeavors as any intelligence in the universe. This is
difficult to comprehend, but because God is no respecter of
persons (Acts 10:34; 1 Peter 1:17), He is just as willing and
anxious to do great, mighty, and supernatural things through
one as through another.
God included the story of Joseph in the Bible to establish
the identity of every believer. It is a pattern of the method,
manner, and technique He uses in the preparation of each
member of His future Bride. Through this biblical story God
is saying to each of us, See what I will do for you when you
allow me to work unhindered in your life. God is using the
same principles in preparing you for eternal rank as those He
used in preparing Joseph for rulership in Egypt. Read and
discover for yourself God's formula for exalted rank in the
ages to come.



Very few of us are original. Most of us are products of our

past. We owe much to our heritage, our history, our culture.
In the strictest sense, probably the only characters in history
who can claim true originality are the authors of Holy Writ
and their originality is the result of the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit.
For no prophecy recorded in Scripture was ever
thought up by the prophet himself. It was the Holy
Spirit within these godly men who gave them true
messages from God (2 Peter 1:20, 21, The Living

All truth that is absolutely original is in the written Word

of God because the Holy Spirit alone is the source of all truth.
He is called the Spirit of truth (John 16:13). Therefore,
no one, not even the sacred writers, can claim absolute
However, in a modified and accommodated sense, all
genuine truth that is communicated, quickened, made alive
and real to any human spirit is original because it was
authored and energized by the Holy Spirit.

The Mystery of Gods Providence

I wish to give proper credit for the truths and messages

which I share with you. I am deeply indebted to many
sources. I owe much to the works of John Wesley, Alexander
Maclaren, Stuart Holden, J. R. Miller, A. B. Simpson, Amy
Carmichael, Watchman Nee, and many others. For much of
the emphasis in this series, I am indebted to a book on the
life of Joseph by J. R. Miller. I am grateful for the insights
and some of the language gleaned from his book which, by
the help of the Spirit, has been grist for my own spiritual
One of the most important and challenging theses of this
study is one stated by Amy Carmichael: Nothing anyone can
do to us can injure us unless we submit to a wrong reaction.
She says that the eternal essence of a thing, a situation, or
circumstance is not in the thing itself but in our reaction to
it. It is not what anyone does to us that injures us but it is
the way we take it, the spirit in which we react. Only our
reaction can bless or burn. We may not control what other
people do to us but, by God's grace, we can control our
response. Since the only thing that can harm us is something
under our control (i. e., our reaction), we never need to suffer
damage no matter what others may do. This gives meaning to
Romans 5:17:
For if by one man's offence death reigned by one;
much more they which receive abundance of grace
and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by
one, Jesus Christ.

Since this is true, no one ever needs to be the victim of

circumstances. Every son of God is a king and may realize
and demonstrate his kingship. Because by God's grace he can
control his own reaction, he never needs to be subject to the
whims of anyone else. He has the power, by controlling his
own reaction, to cause all things to work together for his
good, because when his own reaction is correct, he grows in


all of the graces of the Spirit. He is blessed. He is made

This is the lesson which we may learn from Joseph. We
will call attention to this truth many times. When, with the
Spirit's help, we learn to live by this principle, we have it
made, as the saying goes. This is our aim in this study.
It is most important to remember that this truth applies,
not primarily in time, but in eternity. Joseph's life proves
that it is valid in time, in the present throbbing moment, but
its primary application is to the eternal sphere.
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment,
worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal
weight of glory; while we look not at the things which
are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the
things which are seen are temporal; but the things
which are not seen are eternal (2 Corinthians 4:17,
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present
time are not worthy to be compared with the glory
which shall be revealed in us (Romans 8:18).

Both the temporal and eternal dimensions of this truth

are demonstrated in the story of Joseph's life. We pray you
will follow these lessons and discover for yourself many
principles that you can develop and use in your own trials
and circumstances.




Thy judgments are a great deep (Psalm 36:6).

Because God's judgments are so full of mystery, because

it is so difficult for the finite mind to fathom them, we are in
danger of discounting their wisdom and even doubting the
intelligence behind them. Most of us are tempted, when
calamity comes, to regard it as purely accidental. Very few of
us have the faith of the writer of these lines based on
Romans 8:28, All things work together for good to them
that love the Lord:
For every pain that we must bear,
For every sorrow, every care,
There is a reason.
For every falsehood that is said,
For every teardrop that is shed,
There is a reason.
For every grief, for every trial,
For every weary, lonely mile,


The Mystery of Gods Providence

There is a reason.
But if we trust Him as we should,
All will work out for our good;
God knows the reason.

When we can have that faith; when we can but know

there is a needs be for each pain; when we can be convinced
that there is an intelligence and a design in the
circumstances of our lives, that there is indeed and in fact a
divinity that shapes our ends, rough- hew them how we will
(Shakespeare), then we can not only submit, but we can
welcome joyfully, triumphantly, and victoriously whatever
life brings, whether of joy or of sorrow.


Mystery! Think of it for a moment. What is mystery?
Mystery does not mean absence of design. Mystery does not
mean the lack of intelligence. It means that the design is
deep, profound, hidden. Even though we cannot see it, the
plot is there; the purpose is there; intelligence is there. It
may be intelligence that transcends our power to discover
and discern, but it is there. Mystery does not mean that
motive is absent. It only means that it is more vast,
boundless, and significant. Isn't that the reason that mystery
is so fascinating? A mystery story, a mystery playthat is
what makes it a thriller, the mystery in it.
I wonder if we looked at the mystery of lifeat the
mystery of God's dealings with us from that angle our lives
would not have more thrill in them. That is the reason
mystery is so fascinating. It is because there is an intelligent
plot and a comprehensive plan that contains many facets, has
many threads. It is so deep, so well thought out, that for the
time being we are unable to fathom any design, any
understandable purpose. We know that underneath,

The Mystery of God's Providence

something is going on which later will become plain.


Where there is no mystery, there is no plot. Deep mystery
means a great plot. A great mind is behind it. This is
especially true with mysteries of a life that is yielded to God.
This is what the Psalmist meant when he said in Psalm 36:6:
Thy judgments are a great deep. He had reference to
God's dealings with His people. Not many of us can discern it
but God has a pattern, a plan, a blueprint by which He works
in every life. Nobody is left out. Because that plot, that plan,
or that blueprint is so great, so deep, so involved, so intricate
and far-reaching, it is hard to understand. It is difficult to
fathom. We cannot see through it. Because we cannot see
through it, because it is so complicated, so minutely detailed,
and because it covers such a vast expanse, we are in danger
of deciding there is no plot at all. Yet, beloved, much thought
has gone into God's plan, and God's blueprint, and God's
prototype for your life and mine. Infinite intelligence drew
that plan and not one detail was overlooked. It requires
training and skill to read any blueprint. Not only does it
require training and skill, including years of preparation, it
also requires education, practice, and faith to read and
understand God's blueprints. Only those who are skilled in
faith, who believe in the supernatural, are able to discern the
plot in God's dealings with His people. Those who lack this
discernment see no purpose, no motive, no intelligence in the
course of human events. But those whose eyes have been
quickened by faith can understand and say with confidence:
Behind my life the Weaver stands;
And works His wondrous will.
I leave it in His all-wise hands,
And trust His perfect skill.
Should mystery enshroud His plan,

The Mystery of Gods Providence

And my short sight be dimmed,
I will not try the whole to scan,
But leave each thread with Him.


One of the mysteries of God's dealings with us is that we
do not yet see the completed picture, the finished plan. The
plot of a story may not become clear until the end of the book.
We have to read the last chapter, the last page, sometimes
the very last sentence, before we can understand the motive.
Just so it is in God's dealings with us. We cannot see the
reason, we cannot comprehend and fathom the plot and the
mystery because we have not read far enough. Let us not
make hasty judgments, beloved, for God is not yet through.
The book is not yet finished.


Most of us have watched a chalk artist draw a picture. It
may be a landscape or a character sketch. Have you ever
noticed how meaningless it is in the beginning? He makes a
number of marks or unsightly blots upon the paper. We
cannot yet see any design or any plan in the picture. We do
not see any reason or any meaning. There is nothing
attractive, and if we have never watched him before we may
have a feeling of disappointment. Various shapes and colors
are thrown upon the easel, apparently without
discrimination. It makes no sense. There is no beauty, no
coordination. But as we watch, the plot thickensa mark
here, a dash of color there, a stroke here or thereand
gradually a motif begins to appear. Maybe just one little
twist of the chalk gives the first clue, possibly only a dot and,
presto, the plan unfolds. When the picture is completed we
see that there was a reason for every little mark and every

The Mystery of God's Providence

little dash of color, that it all fits into the plan that was in
the mind of the artist in the beginning. What seemed like
meaningless chicken tracks at first, we now discover were a
part of a gorgeous sunset or a beautiful face. So it is with
God's plans and judgments. As the Psalmist said, Thy
judgments are a great deep. They are full of mystery
because the picture is incomplete. The story has not yet been


This has been clearly illustrated in the life of Joseph. Let
us not think that God dealt with Joseph on the basis of any
peculiar principle. Not everyone believes this, but God is no
respecter of persons (Acts 10:34; 1 Peter 1:17), and the
principles by which He dealt with Joseph so long ago are the
same as those by which He deals with us all. You may find
this difficult to accept but it is basic to the understanding of
the story. We are all an integral part of God's plan for the
ages. We may think today that our spiritual circumstances
are so limited that the principles God used in dealing with
Joseph have no application whatever to the circumstances of
our lives. That is a fatal mistake. It is the result of our failure
to understand our identity as a member of the Body and
Bride of Christ.




Perhaps you are one who doubts that God deals with us
today on the same principles upon which He dealt with
Joseph so long ago. An unknown poet has said: Through the
ages one eternal purpose runs. Although these are not the
words of Scripture, they define an important scriptural law.
As revealed in the closing chapters of Revelation, the
ultimate goal of the universe is the Church, later to be the
Bride, united and reigning with Christ. All events of biblical
history which precede the glorious climax of the ages are
occupied with and directed toward that one end. There are
various stages of development but the enterprise is one
unified whole. From the creation of the universe to the
eternal ages, the goal of all of God's aims, purposes, and
actions is oneonly one: the selection and preparation of an
eternal companion for the Son. This is the only biblical or
rational explanation of existence. It follows, therefore, that
every single operation, project, or event which occurs at any
stage of development and which contributes to the ultimate
goal is an intrinsic part and parcel of the same process. All

The Mystery of Gods Providence

work that contributes to the same end is the same sort of

Joseph, Moses, Samuel, and the Prophets made
contributions to the eternal project in the initial or early
stages of the program. That project was the preparation and
development of the messianic nation through whom the
Messiah came. The Messiah came for one and only one
purpose: to give birth to His Church, thus to obtain His
Bride. The Church age marks the consummation of God's
plan to select and train the members of His Bridehood.
Therefore, this present age and its participants cannot be less
important than the preceding stages.


This is the basis for the statement that God deals with
those who form the ultimate goal and constitute the final
object of His eternal purpose upon the same principles upon
which He dealt with Joseph. This is God's way of telling us
that His relationship with us is personal, individualistic,
intimate, and exclusive and is just as authentically relevant
as it is with all others of any day or age in history. Some who
believe that Jesus is the same, still believe that the day of
miracles is past and that God's supernatural acts recorded in
the Bible have only historical significance. These people do
not deny the truth of the Word but they interpret it as
relevant only to the past. Others believe that through the
ages one eternal purpose runs and all that God ever did in
any age He is just as able, willing, and committed to do
today. They believe that all of His mighty acts recorded in
the Word are there as examples of the way He works in every
age when faith is present. This is what they mean by
claiming that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and
For whatsoever things were written aforetime

Ultimate Goal of the Universe

were written for our learning, that we through
patience and comfort of the scriptures might have
hope (Romans 15:4).

No one has to believe anything I say to keep on good

terms with me, but when you believe this, you will be able to
put yourself in Joseph's place and to see your face in this
mirror. Many believe that in every age, God meets us on the
highest spiritual level on which we can meet Him.
Would God have given space in His Word to the story of
Joseph merely as history? According to 1 Corinthians 10:11
we who constitute the Church are those upon whom the
fulfillment of the ages has come (NIV). I believe this
present generation is engaged in the final fulfillment of God's
vision and purpose. Therefore, the principles by which He
dealt with Joseph are in no sense obsolete or outdated. If so,
He deals with us on these same eternal principles.


Therefore, let us remember this: God put the story of
Joseph in the Bible, among other things, for the purpose of
teaching us how He deals with us when we work with Him as
Joseph did. God is saying through Joseph's life, See what I
will do for you if you will yield to me as Joseph did and if you
will take things that come to you as Joseph took the things
that came to him. Beloved, if the principles that God used in
dealing with Joseph are the very same that He uses in dealing
with us, He will do similar things for us, provided we allow
Him. The only reason we understand God's dealings with
such men as Joseph and Job is that we have before us the
completed picture, the finished story. By studying God's
dealings with these men, we can see that every little detail
was planned and had its place. We can see plainly a definite
design, but we can see it only because we have the whole
story before us. Remember that Joseph and Job could not see

The Mystery of Gods Providence

the plan when they were in the midst of their suffering and
distress, because the picture was not finished. To them it
was just like the chalk picture we were talking about a
moment ago.
God is telling us through these recorded experiences that
He is working with us in the same way and that when the
whole story is complete, we shall see the meaning of each
portion of the plan which now seems so mysterious to us, and
we shall approve it all. We will look back and see that we
could not have afforded to miss even one little part of the
plan. As Anna Shipton has said concerning David,
One thrill of anguish and fear; one blessing unmarked
or unpriced; one difficulty or danger evaded: How great
would have been our loss in that thrilling psalmody in
which God's people today find the expression of their grief
or of their praise.


It is a mystery now. We cannot understand it. Our lives
do not make sense to us. This thing through which we are
passing, this sorrow, this disappointment, the perfidy of
traitorous friends, the deception of people around us, the
cruelty that seems to come so undeservedall of this is a
part of a plot that is grandly conceived and brilliantly
implemented. It hurts. It pains us. It is just like one of those
dark blots that was placed on the picture which we watched.
First it is ugly, but when the picture is completed it stands
out in beauty and splendor. Without it something would have
been missing, something would have been lacking. So the
poet has said:
Not till the loom is silent, and the shuttles cease to fly,
Shall God unfold the pattern and explain the reason


Ultimate Goal of the Universe

The dark threads were as needful in the Master's
skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern which
He planned.

I know it is difficult for us now to see that there is any

plan, any reason, any justification for the hurt and the
sorrow, for the disappointment, for the grief; but God, the
great Master-Painter, knows what He is doing, and when it
is finished, we shall see there was a needs be for every part
of the picture.




We may understand better the mystery that enshrouds

God's providences and dealings with us as we see in the life
of Joseph the why of that mystery in his life. Why is it that
God keeps things from us? How often we would like to pull
aside the curtain and look down into the future, so that we
might choose our own way and avoid the rough paths. As we
study the life of Joseph, we see one of the reasons why God
hides so much of the future from us.
One of the reasons some go to clairvoyant specialists such
as fortune tellers, palm readers, and mediums is that we
think if we knew the future, we could make our own
decisions and use our own judgment instead of trusting God's
guidance and wisdom. Genuine faith in God would enable us
to say with the songwriter, I may not know the way I go, but
O! I know my guide. Beware of putting your faith in such
uncertain portents as seers, mediums, and stargazers. The
Word of God, not your horoscope, has the divinely inspired
answer to questions.


The Mystery of Gods Providence


Suppose Joseph had been told, on his way to Dothan, how
his brothers would treat himthat he was to be placed in a
pit and later sold as a slave into Egypt. Do you think he
would have gone on? Would you have gone on under those
conditions and circumstances? I think most of us would have
turned back, and I think perhaps Joseph would have turned
back. If Joseph had been told what was going to take place at
Dothan and he had turned back, how different the story
would have been. Joseph would have lost all the bright future
which lay beyond the cruel treatment. Think also what
Joseph's family would have lost and furthermore what the
world would have missed.
Dr. J. R. Miller, in his little book on the story of Joseph,
has said, It would not be well for us to know what is before
us. We would often meddle with God's plans and spoil them,
marring our own future and harming others. Nothing can
really go wrong with us if He is leading us and we are quietly
following Him. Though He takes us through pain,
misfortune, and suffering, it is because that is the path to
true blessing and good.

Someone has tried to imagine how different Joseph's life
story could have been and has tried to illustrate it like this:
Let us suppose someone outside of our universe was looking
down upon the Hebrew lad in the hands of the Midianites.
Joseph, being an active and ingenious lad, escaped from the
caravan the first night after his brothers had sold him. He
had just reached the outer edge of the camp when a dog
began to bark and awakened the men who were in charge of
him, and he was returned to captivity.
However, the person looking on from outside our

The Word of God Rather Than a Horoscope

universe, according to this imaginary story, wanted to kill

the dog before he had awakened the camp. In that case
Joseph would have gotten away and would have reached
home in safety. Great sorrow would have been avoided on
Joseph's part. But when the man who was looking on wanted
to kill the dog, the guardian angel stood there and would not
permit him, saying, Hands off! In order to let him see the
evil of interference, the guardian angel took the man into a
world where he could try the experiment and see its results.
There the dog was killed and Joseph reached home in safety.
His father rejoiced and his brothers were comforted. It
certainly seemed a better way than the other. But when the
famine came there was no Joseph in Egypt to foretell it and
to prepare for it. There was no food laid up in the
storehouses. Palestine and Egypt were devastated by
starvation. Great numbers died and the savage Hittites
destroyed those whom the famine had spared. Civilization
was set back centuries. Egypt was blotted out. Greece and
Rome remained in a barbarous state. The history of the
whole world was changed and countless evils came; all
because a man in his ignorance killed a dog, saving a boy
from present trouble to his own and the world's great future
loss. Dr. Miller says, We would better keep our hands off
God's providences. Many a beautiful plan of His is spoiled by
human meddling.


Peter wanted to keep Jesus away from the Cross. Of
course we know he couldn't, but suppose he had done so
what would have been the result? No doubt, many a time
shortsighted love has kept a life from hardship, sacrifice, and
suffering, thereby blighting or marring a destiny, a plan of
We are likely to pity the boy Joseph as we see him enter

The Mystery of Gods Providence

this period of humiliation by being sold as a slave and then

cast into irons. We see, if human pity could have rescued him
from the sad part of his life, that the glorious part that
followed would have been lost. Few truths are more
sustaining to Christian faith than thisthat our times are in
God's hands. We forget it too often. When life brings hard
things to endure, when our own plans are broken, sometimes
we fret, but someday we shall see that God knew best.
If we could see beyond today, as God can see,
If all the clouds could roll away, the shadows flee,
For present griefs we would not fret;
Each sorrow we should soon forget,
For many joys are waiting yet,
For you and me.
If we could know beyond today, as God doth know,
Why dearest treasures pass away, and tears must flow, And why
the darkness leads to light,
Why dreary paths would soon grow bright;
Some day life's wrongs will be made right;
Faith tells us so.
If we could see, if we could know, we often say:
But God, in love, a veil doth throw across our way;
We cannot see what lies before,
And so we cling to Him the more;
He leads us till this life is o'er;
Trust and obey.

Author Unknown




We are going to see, as the poet has said, that there is a

needs be for each pain and each difficulty in Joseph's life.
God is thereby trying to teach us that there is likewise a
needs be for many unwelcome things which come into our
lives. He is saying that if we meet them in the same spirit in
which Joseph met his, God will work for us in the same way
as He worked for Joseph. The great victory that Joseph
obtained was that he came through his difficulty, his thirteen
years of humiliation, unhurt. Because his reaction was right,
he came out without yielding to the temptation to bitterness,
which would have destroyed God's plan for him and the
Hebrew race.
Think of the sense of wrong which must have filled his
heart as he remembered the treatment he received from his
brothers. They had torn him away from his home; they had
been about to kill him; they had sold him as a slave. Surely it
was difficult to keep a heart sweet and free from resentment
with such a consciousness of injustice in the soul. It is
difficult to conceive of a condition more discouraging. It was a

The Mystery of Gods Providence

sore test of character to which Joseph was exposed. The

treatment he had received from his brothers would make
almost anyone vengeful. The circumstances would be enough
to crush very nearly any spirit.


There are few men who pass through such experiences of
injustice and cruelty as those Joseph met, and still keep their
hearts sweet and gentle, their faith in God bright and clear,
their spirits brave and strong. It showed the healthiness and
wholesomeness of Joseph's nature as he passed through the
galling and trying experiences with his spirit unhurt. He was
kept from being soured toward people. He did not grow
morbid, sullen, or disheartened. Though a slave, he accepted
his position with cheerfulness and entered heartily into his
new life, doing his duty so well that he soon became overseer
in his master's house. He wasted no time or strength in
weeping over his misfortune or plotting revenge. He did not
grieve over his wrongs nor debase himself by self-pity.
One of the most miserable and unmanly emotions one can
entertain is self-pity. He did not burn out the love of his heart
in vindictive and resentful feeling. He did not brood over his
wrongs. He looked forward and not back. These are the
things that injure the spirit and the spirit is the real person.
If your spirit takes no injury, then you yourself are not
injured. What God is telling us in the story of Joseph is that
we are not actually subject to any human personality or set
of circumstances. Who is he that will harm you, if ye be
followers of that which is good? (1 Peter 3:13), that is, if
you are victorious in your spirit and your reaction.
Let your conversation be without covetousness;
and be content with such things as ye have: for he
hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So
that we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, and I

A Needs Be for Pain

will not fear what man shall do unto me (Hebrews
13:5, 6).

Only what injures our spirit actually injures us.


Perhaps someone is saying, I can't help the way I feel.
When people wrong me, how can I control my reaction? Mrs.
Hannah Whitehall Smith, in her little book The Christian's
Secret of a Happy Life, has given us the secret. She says that
the will is the man; that is, the will, not the emotions, is
the fundamental identifying essence of the person or
personality. When you are first wronged you may not be able
easily to control your emotions, but everyone, unless he is
demon possessed, is able to control his will. When you suffer
injustice, your emotions may react, but if you will to will
God's will, then your reaction is correct no matter how you
feel. If you continue to will God's will, which is always to
forgive, eventually your emotions will harmonize with your
will. That is victory. This apparently was the way Joseph
controlled his reaction.


This, beloved, is one of the secrets of Joseph's final
exaltation. With hatred all about him, he kept love in his
heart. In the midst of injuries, wrongs, and injustices, his
spirit was forgiving. Unforgiveness, resentment, holding a
grudge, all are self-destructive. With a thousand things that
tended to discourage and dishearten him, to break his spirit,
still he refused to be discouraged. The fact that other men
lived unworthily was but a stronger reason why he should
live honorably. That he was treated cruelly and wickedly was
fresh reason why he should give to others about him the best
service of love and unselfishness. That his condition was

The Mystery of Gods Providence

hard was to him a new motive for living heroically and nobly.
Joseph is thus preaching to us that it is not what others do to
us that injures us, but only our reaction to it. Let us not miss
the lesson.


In a word, we are to live victoriously, truly, nobly,
sweetly, cheerfully, songfully, in spite of whatever may be
uncongenial in our condition because only a wrong reaction
can do us permanent harm. Without forgiveness, Joseph
would have been totally disqualified for the duties of
rulership. No one can lord it over a person who has learned
to control his reaction to injustice. He is a king.
At that early period, in some supernatural way, God had
illuminated Joseph's spirit and convinced him that because
God is Love, agape love is the most powerful force in the
universe. Even today, with the full illumination of the gospel,
not all of us have discovered this. This is the secret God is
telling us through the story of Joseph.




In an effort to discover the key to God's dealings with us

we continue our study of the mystery of God's providence as
revealed in the life of Joseph. As we have said, God is
preaching to us through the record of His dealings with
Joseph. We believe that God is the same yesterday, today,
and forever and that there is no respect of persons with Him.
Therefore, in God's providential dealings in Joseph's life may
be found the key to the principles by which He deals with us.


Let us notice some of the important principles exhibited
in Joseph's life. Take, for instance, his silence under false
accusation. Here is a real test of character. Not many of us
are up to this standard but it seems that Joseph went to
prison without telling Potiphar any of the facts of the case.
Joseph's temptress, in her disappointment and anger,
charged him with most dishonorable behavior. Under this
accusation, Joseph was seized and cast into prison, but there
is no evidence that he said one word to Potiphar to turn

The Mystery of Gods Providence

suspicion upon his accusing wife. He seems to have thought

of protecting Potiphar's home and position. Rather than lay a
stain upon it, he would go to the dungeon under false
charges, leaving to God the vindication of his own honor and
the proving of his own innocence.
Beloved, God is here preaching to us. He sets forth this
principle of silence under false accusation as one of the
standards of integrity which He values most highly and
which He must see developed in the life of the man that He
honors. It has been said, For his purity, you will find his
equal one among a thousand (speaking of Joseph); for his
mercy, scarcely one. By a word he could have told Potiphar
the whole story, but apparently rather than speak that word,
he allowed the dishonoring accusations to rest undenied.
Nothing is harder than to live under false charges which
bring upon one suspicion and condemnation and which, by
breaking silence, one could cast off. There are persons who do
live thus, bearing reproach and odium to shield others.
Joseph had resisted temptation in order to be loyal to
Potiphar. Now Potiphar thinks him guilty of the very
baseness which, for love of him, he had scorned to commit.
Yet in all of this, Joseph's apparent confidence that the
universe was under God's benevolent control and that agape
love is the most powerful force extantthis enabled him to
keep his heart sweet and loving.


Here is the secret of Joseph's final exaltation: a right
reaction. It was the fact that he kept sweet. He did not grow
bitter. This is the real battle of all life, beloved: to keep the
heart loving, to keep resentment out of the spirit, to keep a
right reaction in the unfortunate experiences of life.
Not everyone knows this, but yielding to a wrong spirit
binds the hands of the Holy Spirit and prevents His

A Right Reaction

benevolent operation in one's behalf. It always injures the

person harboring the wrong spirit more than its object.
Joseph lay now in a dungeon. Perhaps many would look at
Joseph and think he was a fool. The average man of the
world, not knowing what was coming out of this, even today,
would call Joseph a fool. But Joseph did not take things out
of God's hands. Evidently he believed that God is in control
and that as the Psalmist said, My times are in thy hand
(Psalms 31:15). What a comfort it is to know that He
[Jesus] regulates the universe by the mighty power of
his command (Hebrews 1:3 The Living Bible) and that all
things, both good and apparently evil, are working together
for the good of those who love the Lord (Romans 8:28). What
a joy to know that nothing can come to a child of God without
His permission and that almighty love never permits
anything that is not for the good of the loved one. Do all of us
who profess to be Spirit-filled live by this faith?


Here is another thought which has been suggested.
Joseph's loss through doing right was nothing in comparison
with what he would have lost had he done the wickedness to
which he was tempted. What would have happened if Joseph
had yielded to temptation and had connived with Potiphar's
wife? I know that some would have thought that was a way
of getting Joseph out of his slavery, but sin always has a way
of finding us out and it would have found Joseph out
(Numbers 32:23).
According to Proverbs 6:32, 33, the sin of adultery is selfdestructive; that is, it produces a permanent, irrecoverable
A man who commits adultery lacks judgment;
whoever does so destroys himself. Blows and
disgrace are his lot; and his shame will never be

The Mystery of Gods Providence

wiped away.

Joseph was living in a cesspool of iniquity. This

temptation was Satan's way of ruining him and defeating
God's plan for the nurture of the messianic nation. Satan
sought then to use sex sin to defeat God's ultimate goal in the
creation of the universe to select and train an eternal
companion for the Son. Today it may be that the greatest
threat to obtaining that goal is the sameillicit sex. Many
believe that Hollywood is Satan's most notorious ally and his
most successful instrument in corrupting the world and
staining and tarnishing the Bride.
It has been said that Joseph's prison gloom, deep as it
was, was as noon-day compared with what would have been
the darkness of his soul under the blight of evil and the
bitterness of remorse. The chains that hung about him in his
dungeon were but light fetters compared with the chains
which would have bound his soul had he yielded to the
temptation. Though in a prison, his feet hurt by iron, he was
a free man, because his conscience was free and his heart
was pure. It requires faith to believe this, but it is better to
suffer any loss, bear any sacrifice, than to sin against God.
No fear of consequences should ever drive us to do a wrong
thing. Better be hurled down from a high place for doing
right than win worldly honor by doing wrong. Better lose our
right hand than lose our purity of soul. Better rot in prison
than be eaten by remorse (Matthew 18:8; Mark 9:43).


Believe it or not, there is something good beyond each
distressing experience of life if we do not permit a wrong
reaction and allow bitterness to enter into our own soul. God
is getting us ready for a time of service both here and
hereafter that we could never have otherwise. Joseph came
through all the painful experiences of his life without

A Right Reaction

becoming hateful or cynical. The noble soul within him rose

superior to all the effects of the misfortune and the wrong
under which he was suffering. He did not lie down in despair
and he was always superior to his conditions and his
circumstances because of his faith that agape love is the most
powerful force in the universe.
We have reminded you before and, in reminding you, we
have reminded ourselves that God is preaching to us through
Joseph, telling us that He deals with us on the very same
principles by which He dealt with Joseph. We have our life's
prisonswe have our humiliationswe have our fetterswe
have our frustrations. There are times when the chains are
upon us; there are times when we, too, are placed under false
accusation, wrong, and injustice. If we are able to keep sweet
through all, if our reaction is correct, we too shall find
something good on the other side.




While the fetters did hurt Joseph's ankles and feet, they
did not hurt his soul. He refused to yield to resentment,
retaliation, or revenge. He was inwardly triumphant over all
the wrongs, injustices, false accusations, and sufferings. He
experienced in his period of humiliation a time of growth, of
discipline, of training. When he was finally summoned from
the prison to sit beside the king, so well was he fitted for
greatness that he did not grow dizzy when he stood on this
pinnacle of honor and fame.

Any one of us may become the innocent victim of
calumny. Though blameless, we may have to endure false
accusations. As Christians what should we do in such a case?
Of course, all cases are not alike. In some instances,
vindication may be possible and it may not always be wrong
for us to seek it. Sometimes we cannot do even that. In cases
like Joseph's, when we cannot free ourselves from false


The Mystery of Gods Providence

accusations without bringing dishonor and suffering upon

others or when there are circumstances which we cannot
explain to the satisfaction of others, then what are we to do?
A study of Joseph's experiences teaches us that we are to do
as he didsuffer in silence and in patience. Like Jesus, he
left all in God's hands, doing nothing himself to right the
wrong. Because he believed that all things are working
together for the good of those who love God, he triumphed
over all injustice, self-will, and rebellion.


There is a verse in the 37th Psalm which gives us a lesson
and a promise:
Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him;
and he shall bring it to pass. And he shall bring forth
thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as
the noonday.

Joseph committed his way into the Lord's hands that

terrible day when he was falsely accused. He kept his hands
off. He was three years under the black cloud of accusations
by Potiphar's wife. But then he came forth into the light and
there was not a stain upon his soul.
Those were hard years for Joseph, as were all those
thirteen years, from the day the boy was sold to the passing
caravan till he was summoned by Pharaoh and lifted to
honor. But hard as they were, they did not hurt him because
his reactions were right. That is a wonderful lesson. How
often, under mild irritations and pinpricks of criticism and
slander we grow vengeful, hard, and cynical and are tempted
to say that virtue does not pay. Joseph remained gentle,
beautiful, and sweet under all of the trials of those years
under all the wrong, cruelty, heartlessness, injustice,
inhumanity from his brothers, then slavery, degradation,

Unhurt by Fetters

false accusations, and shame. Some of us can hardly keep

sweet under imaginary slights and the common frictions and
microscopic hurts and grievances. Some of us grow morbid
and misanthropic if a friend omits some simple amenity.
Somebody ignores us, maybe forgets to speak; we feel we are
not appreciated. When a friend fails to call when we
expected, we grow disenchanted and disillusioned and run off
to get someone to soothe our ego and sympathize with our
self-pity and self-love.

The noble bearing of Joseph teaches us how to be superior
to all circumstances and conditions, to all unkind or unjust
treatment. That is the great lesson of life. If you are going to
resent, resist, and be unforgiving in every change of social
temperature, every variation of experience, your spirit
running up and down like the mercury in the thermometer
with the fluctuations of the atmosphere, you are going to
have a sorry time of it, and in the process may lose eternal
rank. We must aspire to live unaffected by circumstances,
and Joseph has shown us how. Morbidity is sickly living.
Discouragement is not divine. We must be strong in the grace
of God. We must be unconquerable through Him that loved
us. We must put misfortune, adversities, personal injuries,
suffering, and trials under our feet and use them for stepping
stones. We must conquer ourselves. We must keep the heart
sweet, gentle, brave, strong, loving, forgiving, full of hope
under the worst that the years can bring. Then when we are
suddenly wanted for a great duty we shall be prepared for it
just as Joseph was. All of this is a part of our training for rulership. It is
the opportunity to practice and grow in agape love.


Today, God uses these principles in training us for high

The Mystery of Gods Providence

service and for rulership in the afterwards. In the case of

Joseph there were many, many things which would have
made most of us bitter, which would have broken our spirits
and caused us to surrender to resentment, but which he
overcame by a right reaction. Only a close personal
relationship with God made this possible. Because of this he
came through unhurt. His spirit was still strong and sweet.
He was triumphant over all the circumstances that would
have made the ordinary person despondent and hopeless.
Only a deep devotional life brought him through without
despair. God is telling us through this experience that if we
will take the worst that life can bring, without growing hard
and cynical, rebellious and resentful, God has something
good in store for us, because love grows only through
adversity, through testing.

There is much in Joseph's experience that would have
made the ordinary person misanthropic. Take for instance
the butler: Joseph interpreted the butler's dream and told
him that he would soon be restored to his master's favor and
asked him to remember him when he was restored to his
former position. Doubtless, he hoped that the butler, whom
he had befriended, would try to do something to get him out
of prison. The butler promised.
Two whole years went by and Joseph was still in prison.
The butler had forgotten, but Joseph did not grow pessimistic
even then. He could have said, Yes, this is the reward that I
get for helping somebody. He could have said, Virtue does
not pay. This idea of returning good for evil just doesn't
work. He could have grown resentful at this point. He had
hoped that the butler, who was in close contact with
Pharaoh, would have spoken to him and have had Joseph
released. Can you imagine how disappointed he must have

Unhurt by Fetters

felt as the days went by, lengthening into weeks and months
and then finally into years, until he realized that he had been
Yet he did not grow sullen, unforgiving, or vengeful. How
could Joseph, or any other person, retain his inner peace and
quietness under these conditions? There is only one answer.
He had to be convinced that Romans 8:28 is true and that
Almighty Love is regulating the universe (Hebrews 1:3).
Joseph had to believe that my times are in thy hand (Psalm
31:15). Only this faith could have enabled Joseph to keep his
sanity and triumph over such deception, perfidy, and foul
play. Believe it or not, this faith is as valid today as it was




Strange as it may seem, in the end it was better for

Joseph that the butler did forget about him, that the butler
did not speak to the king for so long a time. This is what
might have occurred: Had the butler made intercession for
Joseph at once and had Pharaoh listened to the plea and set
Joseph free at that time, Joseph could not have gone back to
Potiphar's house. He would probably have been sold away
from the city, for he was still Potiphar's slave; or he might
have been set free to return to Hebron. In any case, he would
not likely have been available when he was needed to
interpret Pharaoh's dream. What then would have been the

Dr. Miller says that his career would have ended in
obscurity. Perhaps he would never have been heard of again
and this charming story would never have been written.
Pharaoh's dreams would have had no interpreter. The years
of plenty would have come and passed, leaving no

The Mystery of Gods Providence

storehouses filled for the famine years which followed. In the

terrible distress of those years the family of Jacob, with its
holy Seed, might have perished from the earth. The
ingratitude of the butler, inexcusable as it was, left Joseph in
the prison where he suffered unjustly, but God was keeping
him close at hand until the moment came when he would be
needed for work of stupendous importance. While God's
purposes were slowly ripening in the world outside, Joseph's
character also was ripening into strength and self-discipline
within the dungeon walls.


Notice this remarkable statement by Dr. Miller: So we
see again in the wonderful providence of God how every link
of the chain fits into its own place with most delicate
precision. Nothing comes a moment too soon. Nothing lags.
God's providence is like God's nature. Among the stars there
are no haphazard movements. Men calculate transits,
eclipses, conjunctions a thousand years ahead and know to
the smallest fraction of a second that the calculations will be
verified. The sun never rises late. No star sets too early. So
in providence everything comes in its set time. God's clock is
never a second slow.
Can this be chance? Can nature's perfect adjustments be
chance? Can the wonderful beauty and beneficence of
providence be chance? A mere endless succession of happy
blessed coincidences? Oh, no, there is a God whose hand
moves the machinery of the universe, and that God is our
Father. He [the Son] regulates the universe by the
mighty power of his command (Hebrews 1:3, The Living
Bible). The hands that are pierced do move the wheels of
human history and mold the circumstances of individual
lives. Nothing is left to pure accident. All things are working
together for the good, not only of Joseph, not only of

It Was Better for Joseph

characters in the Bible, but of everyone who loves the Lord.

There is a heart beating at the center of all things
(Maclaren). He who has ears to hear cannot but hear it.
Thus in Joseph's life every smallest event was wrought
into the final result with perfect adaptation. The inhuman
wickedness of his brothers in selling him, the foul lie of
Potiphar's wife which sent him to a dungeon, the ingratitude
of the butler which left him friendless and forgotten for two
years in prisonall these wrongs by others were by the
divine touch transmuted into blessings as Joseph kept sweet
and free from cynicism, and accepted the severe discipline
and training. We need to remember, however, that everything
depended upon his reaction.




Some of us may say, That was all right for Joseph, but it
just doesn't work today. Listen to Dr. J. R. Miller, who Says,
Shall we suppose that Joseph's life was in God's hands in
any exceptional sense? Is there any less of God's providence
in our life than there was in the life of that Hebrew lad? If
God's Word is true there is not. Through the ages one
eternal purpose runs. Unless God's Word is a fake, God
deals with the least of us on the very same principle He used
with Joseph (2 Chronicles 19:7; Romans 2:11, 8:28;
Ephesians 6:7-9; Colossians 3:23-25). If we will meet the
hurts of life, the injustices and the wrongs, in the same spirit
Joseph met them, the same results shall be ours. We shall be
fitted for high duty and high service as we live with the same
faith with which Joseph lived.
Dr. Miller says, He did not see the providence at the
time. Not until afterward did the dark clouds disclose their
silver lining or the rough iron fetters reveal themselves as
gold. Not until afterward shall we see that our
disappointments, hardships, trials, misfortune, and the

The Mystery of Gods Providence

wrongs done to us by others were all made parts of God's

providence toward us. Not until afterwardbut the
afterward is sure if only we firmly and faithfully follow
Christ and keep our own hands off.
God works slowly and is never in a hurry because he
doesn't need to be. The light which shines from this story of
Joseph ought to shine into a great many lives today with its
beam of cheer and hope for those who are waiting amid
discouraging circumstances. The heart of God is beating and
the hand of God is working in each life's experiences.
Perhaps the hour for full revelation has not yet come on the
dial of the clock of God. Perhaps someone reading this
message now finds it impossible to believe that there is
anything significant in his life and circumstances. Satan
wants everyone to believe this. That thought is inspired by
him. It stems from the pit. It is Satan's effort to rob you of
initiative and drive you to supine surrender, to total
discouragement, and eternal loss. Do not accept this slander
upon God's character. God loves you as fully as He ever loved
anyone. He has as wonderful a plan for your life as he had for
The Word of God teaches that there is no respect of
persons with God (Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9;
Colossians 3:24, 25). In this last passage Paul is speaking of
slaves. Slaves seem to be the most oppressed and degraded
class of all people. Yet because God is the Supreme Ruler and
loves everyone equally, even a slave has as much opportunity
for reward, advancement, and honor as anyone else in the
ultimate kingdom. Addressing slaves, he says,
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the
Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye
shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye
serve the Lord Christ. But he that doeth wrong shall
receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there
is no respect of persons.

Through the Ages, One Eternal Purpose Runs

Thus the scales of Eternal justice are so finely tuned and perfectly
balanced that even a slave may so serve God as to be equal in eternal rank
with the greatest saint. Hallelujah!
Sometime when all life's lessons have been learned,
And Sun and Stars forever more have set,
The things which our weak judgments here have spurned,
The things oer which we've grieved with lashes wet,
Shall flash before us out of life's dark night,
As stars shine most in deeper tints of blue.
And we shall see how all Gods plans are right,
And how what seemed reproof was love most true.


As a young man, just at the threshold of life, I was
stricken with a deadly disease, tuberculosis of the chest,
abdomen, and lower bowel. All of my hopes, dreams, and
plans were dashed. All of my castles, built so high that they
pierced the blue of the sky, came tumbling about my ears and
lay shattered at my feet. While I was in what was known as
St. Peter's Ward, the ward for terminal patients of the
Veteran's Bureau Hospital in Johnson City, Tennessee, and
not expected to live, my mother sent me the lines quoted
That has been many years ago now. I thought at the time,
That is a beautiful sentimentif it only could be true. But
as I look back over the years which have intervened I can see,
perhaps only partially, only dimly, yet I can see with an everincreasing illumination the truth of those lines. I thought
then that it was a good escape psychology but not logical. I
thought it was one of those things which is conjured up for
the comfort of those who have been frustrated and have no
other comfort. I am sorry it took so long for God to teach me


The Mystery of Gods Providence

this lesson, even partiallythat all God's plans are right,

that God's clock of providence is just as accurate as His clock
in nature, and that in truth all things are accurately working
for good to them who love the Lord.
In the letter which carried these lines, my mother told me
that God had assured her that He was going to heal me of
this deadly disease. At that time my faith in the
supernatural was so small that I felt pity for my mother's
irrationality. It was more than three years before God was
able to illuminate my crass unbelief and surprise me by a
miracle that has continued for over fifty-five years. All of my
ministry since that time is based upon and is the result of
that affliction and my supernatural healing, restoration, and
lifelong service. I could not have afforded to miss one drop of
the distilled hardship, sacrifice, and discipline.
Out of the presses of pain
Cometh the soul's best wine.
And the eyes that have shed no rain
Can shed but little shine.


In considering the providence of God as revealed in the
life of Joseph, we have seen that not one link in the chain
could have been spared. We have seen that even though it
seemed a cruel thing for Joseph to suffer at the hands of his
brothers and at the hands of Potiphar's wife, and then finally
at the hand of the butler who forgot him, yet each of these
apparent cruelties was a link in the chain of divine
providence, none of which Joseph could have afforded to




At last a turning point was reached. When God's work in

his life was complete and when historical events were on
target, Joseph suddenly came, after years of preparation and
training, to a place of high service. The way seemed long
from the pit of Dothan to the steps of Egypt's throne. The
dreams of the Hebrew boy were long in coming true. The
experiences were hard and tended to crush and destroy the
young life. Those thirteen years out of the golden prime of life
seemed wasted. Yet we should notice that all this time, in all
these experiences, God was training the man for his work.
The butler's dream came true in three days. He did not
have to wait very long to realize the fulfillment of his dream,
but that was because there was not very much of it when it
was fulfilled. It took thirteen years for Joseph's dreams to be
realized, and that was because his dreams were so
magnificent and far-reaching. If a man's work is of small
importance, he can be prepared for it in a little while. When
he has a great mission to fulfill, it may require a long time to
fit him for it.

The Mystery of Gods Providence

Although it is difficult not to grow impatient in God's

school because of the slow advancement, it may help us to
remember that the longer the time God takes with our
training and the harder the discipline, the larger will be life's
service when it is finished. We do not know how much Joseph
recognized of the providence of God in those slow years. We
do not know how sorely his faith was tested, but I am
personally convinced that he had his ups and downs too, his
times of sore testing. Although he may have had little
glimpses of the fact that God was preparing him for
something immense, I have no doubt there were many times
when Joseph's spirit was very low and his faith painfully
tried. There were doubtless many times when he was
tempted to grow hard, bitter, and cynical; but, thank God, his
hope was unconquerable, his courage unwavering.


You may be tempted to doubt it, but God is trying to
speak to you and me through this experience, telling us that
we are no less the object of God's providence than was
Joseph. Here is an exciting and thrilling truth. If we really
accept our condition as God's appointment, we may read
God's will for us clearly in each day's unfolding as if the
divine finger wrote it for us clearly in each day's
circumstances, as if the divine hand wrote it for us on a sheet
of paper under our eye. When we do this we shall cease our
restless struggling. We shall no longer fight so hard for our
own way, which, because of our fallen condition, is usually
the way of our flesh. If our will is fully yielded we shall see
God in everything and everything in God. Even the hurts,
even the disappointments that could not in themselves be
God's will we shall see as links in the chain of exaltation to
higher and nobler service. And they will be, providing our
reactions are right. When we triumph in this way we are

Sudden Fulfillment

growing in agape love and developing character for eternal

rank and rulership.
Did you ever stop to think that God's providences are a
Bible for you and for each of us? As Oswald Chambers has
said, You are the will of God. That is, you are if you are
fully submitted and remain victorious in your reactions. Our
perspective is so limited that we cannot see what God is
doing, but the providences of God in our lives are His Bible
for us, if we are sufficiently meek. In disappointments, in
sorrow, in loss, in the suffering of injuries at the hands of
others, in the midst of pain and trial, to be able to say God is
teaching me some new lessons, training me for some new
duties, bringing out in me some new beauty of character, that
is to accept the providences of God as our Bible (Miller).
To those of us who have not discovered Romans 8:28, life
is only a mass of tangled and knotted threads, a can of
worms, a snarl of crises with neither rhyme nor reason, a
series of accidents without meaning. For many of us, life is
composed of inscrutable providence and baffling mysteries.
Remember that one incident left out in Joseph's strange
career would have broken the chain and spoiled all. So it is in
every life. All the events are necessary to fit us for a place for
which God is preparing us both now and in the afterwards,
that is, in eternity. If we doubt this, it is because we do not
know who we are.
We are unaware of our identity.




Sometimes the only way God can work real brokenness in

us is by our failure. The human spirit is so immense, so
magnificent, so monumental, so rich in potential that
without grace it aspires to be a God. All self-will is the result
of the desire for self-worship, to be one's own god. The
human spirit is the only spirit in the universe that was
created in the image of God. Because of this it has greater
potential than angels, archangels, cherubim or seraphim, or
any other created being. Because fallen and infected with the
virus that caused Satan's destruction, the human spirit
retains the satanic aspiration to be equal with deity. This is
why God uses for His greater purposes only meek people,
people that have been broken, emptied of themselves,
delivered from their unholy ambition to dethrone God. This is
why it has been said that whole, unbruised, unbroken men
are of little use to God (Miller). Because the world worships
success, sometimes the only way God can break us is by
This may be a surprise to some, but God is more

The Mystery of Gods Providence

interested in the worker than the work. Without the worker,

the work is nothing, a cipher. God created the universe for one
purpose, peoplepeople created in His image to prepare for
rulership with Him in the ages to come. He is interested in
the outer universe only as it relates to His purpose to obtain
an eternal companion called the Bride. This is why He is
interested in the worker rather than the work. He will go to
any length to produce a man or a woman who will serve His
purpose in eternity. Very few people, even born-again people,
understand that eternity is the object and recipient of all
that transpires in time. Time is the crucible of eternity.
No one is prepared to rule until he is broken, made
pliable, submissive, responsive to God's will and purpose.
God cannot use for His purpose unbroken men who are still
rebellious. He will spend a lifetime to bring a man or a
woman into real submission. Sometimes the only way He can
do that is by failure. If necessary, He may allow a work that
He has raised up and blessed to fail in order to discipline a
successful leader into brokenness.


It is doubtful that a spiritual leader can be used of God in
developing selfless character and agape love in others if he
has not himself been truly broken, delivered from selfcenteredness by a deep work of the Cross.
God must create brokenness in the leader before He can
develop it in his followers. The Christian leader who is not
truly broken cannot produce this quality in his disciples. One
always begets children, both natural and spiritual, in his own
image. Our danger is to worship a successful enterprise, even
a spiritual enterprise.
Oswald Chambers says, Beware of any work for God
which enables you to evade concentration upon God. A great

God Uses Most Only Broken Men

many Christian workers worship their work. In Luke 10:20

Jesus told the disciples not to rejoice in successful service
(like the casting out of demons), yet this seems to be the one
thing in which many of us rejoice. In Matthew 7:22, 23 Jesus
warns against depending upon that kind of power. Many of
us have the numerical viewso many souls saved, sanctified,
filled with the Spirit, or healed. Jesus says that relationship
with Him is the truly important thing:
Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but
rejoice that your names are written in heaven (Luke

Without relationship all apparently successful works are

false. And relationship is maintained only by a deep
devotional life. Prayer is the only thing Satan cannot
handle (Jack Taylor). This is because prayer is the only
thing that releases the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy
Spirit is the only power that binds and controls Satan. He is
the only person who can prevent the answer to God-inspired


Any apparent success that arises out of anything but a
deep prayer relationship is spurious. This is why God is
interested in the worker rather than the work and in
relationship rather than success. Success without
relationship is counterfeit. Success without relationship has
no influence in the spirit realm. It will be destroyed in the
flame of judgment. One's effectiveness in the spirit realm is in
direct proportion to his relationship, and his relationship is
maintained only by time alone with God and His Word.
Alone with God, the world forbidden,
Alone with God, oh, blest retreat!
Alone with God, and in Him hidden,

The Mystery of Gods Providence

To hold with Him communion sweet.

When a spiritual leader falls into the trap of worshiping

apparent success and fails in his devotional life, God may
allow the work to fail in order to discipline the leader and
restore the relationship. The important thing is not the work
we may feel we are doing but the relationship we maintain.
When relationship is maintained, God's purpose is being
accomplished even though visible results may seem lacking.
Today most of us are enamored with success. We have a
success complex. Perhaps you are asking, what is wrong with
success? That depends upon your definition. Only God's
conception of success is valid. The world's ideal of success is
I have seen the wicked in great power, and
spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed
away, and lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he
could not be found (Psalms 37:35, 36).
Love not the world, neither the things that are in
the world. If any man love the world, the love of the
Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the
lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the
pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but
he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever (1 John
2:15, 17).

Success that is only temporal is a farce, a deception. God's

ideal of success is found in Joshua 1:8:
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy
mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and
night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all
that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy
way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good

God Uses Most Only Broken Men

God is the supreme authority on success in the universe.

Only His ideal and principles of success will survive the
ravages of time and the crash of worlds. The only real success
is to use earth and its fading sweets as an apprenticeship for
learning agape love because that is the qualification for high
rank in eternity.




It does not require much thought nor time to draw the

plan for a simple building, such as a chicken coop, barn, or
common dwelling, but it requires a long time to conceive the
plan and draw the blueprint for a skyscraper, a cathedral, or
some other magnificent architectural structure. Because
God's plans and plots for your life and mine are so
magnificent, so far-reaching, and so involved, it requires time
for them to mature. The suspense and mystery connected
with those plots and plans must be endured for a longer time,
if anything great is to be accomplished through us. To change
the figure, a mushroom comes up overnight, but it requires a
hundred years for an oak to mature.


We are often mystified at the methods God uses in
developing us for a great work and sometimes apparent
failure is a part of God's training and discipline. Strange as it
may seem, apparent failure seems to be an instrument in
God's hands in preparing His people for larger service.

The Mystery of Gods Providence

Failure! We never could think of failure as a part of God's

plan for us. The world worships success, and not only the
world but much of the organized church. But for thirteen
years Joseph was an apparent failure so far as the fulfillment
of his dreams was concerned. Visible success impresses men,
but it impresses neither Satan nor God. Nevertheless we are
taught today that success is the important thing.
Not many of us believe this theology, but a man may be
greater in failure than in success. I wonder how many of us
are willing to risk failure in order to have God's best. All the
heroes of faith faced impossible hazards. I imagine that if we
could have lived in Enoch's day, we would have thought that
his life was a fiasco. As far as the Word reveals, Enoch's
public relations apparently were a fizzle, a flop, a dud. Three
hundred years an apparent dropout. But what a climax
marked the end of those years! Although long gone, for
thousands of years Enoch has been preaching and is still
preaching to the world. Apparent failure was a part of his
preparation and a part of his training.
Look at Abraham and Lot. From Lot's standpoint,
Abraham was a washout, a faux pas, an utter failure. Lot
was the sensation as the world would judge. Lot may have
been under the influence of the worldly philosophy of that
day which is very similar to the worldly philosophy of this
day. This popular philosophy counsels, Promote yourself, be
a public relations expert, polish your image, publicize your
name. You can't accomplish anything unless you are popular,
unless you are in the public eye. Has not this philosophy
invaded the organized church? Lot pitched his tent toward
Sodom, went down there, and was elected mayor.
You can imagine how sorry he felt for Abraham living out
there in the desolate heights of Hebron, living a stern, severe
life of separation from the world. Lot may have said to
Abraham, Abraham, you can't do much good, living out

Maturity Requires Time

there like that. Get yourself a public relations man. Build up

your image. Sometimes we may discover that prayer is
where the action is, that it is more important to make prayer
our main business than to be a skilled public relations expert.
There came a day when Lot made this discovery. The
shadowy kings of the East came in and burned Sodom, and
Lot lost everything. Who was it then that came to his rescue?
Who was it that saved the day? It was Abraham, living out in
the heights of communion with God. It was Abraham, the
separated. He maintained divine relationship. While all of us
dread failure, it may be a part of God's discipline and
training for us. Lot had to learn the hard way.

Take Noah for instance. Look what a failure Noah was
from the viewpoint of his contemporaries. A preacher of
righteousness for 120 years. On one side of the fence alone
and the whole world on the other. A man standing on
principles which no one else, excepting his own family,
accepted. What a courageous man he must have been! You
and Iwell, many of us cave in as soon as we see the way the
wind is blowing. We conform. It may be that we have some
convictions, but we give them up under pressure. We sell out
cheaply. What weak-kneed people we are because we cannot
afford to fail!
Suppose Noah had conformed. What do you think would
have happened then? What a loss he himself would have
suffered! Think of the part Noah played in the new world and
in the ushering in of the Messiah. Sometimes failure is a part
of God's discipline and training to prepare for higher service.
Failure may be necessary to beat the stiff backbone of selfconfidence out of us. Only then can the supernatural take
When everything is going well, you may think you do not

The Mystery of Gods Providence

need a saint; but when things begin to go the other way, you
are going to want somebody to pray for you who has kept
himself unspotted from the world. Failure may be a part of
God's mysterious plan for your life too. Remember, Whole,
unbruised, unbroken men are of little use to God (Miller).

Perhaps Job is the best illustration of this point. In the
entire Old Testament there is no greater example of
temporary defeat. Only after Job was totally wiped out by
failure was he prepared for God's highest and best either for
himself or for the world. Only after his new revelation of God
enabled him to see himself as abhorrent, did he humble
himself in utter brokenness. Only then was he prepared
either for time or eternity.




As another example, let us look at Daniel. Think what a

failure Daniel appeared to be on his way to that den of lions.
Not many of us would have stood firm for principle in the
face of such a situation. But Daniel maintained his
relationship by his devotional life (Daniel 6:10). Some of us
would have said, Well, a little prudent compromise here is
better than to be too rigid and lose my neck, or my position,
or spoil my opportunity for advancement. Oh, for men of
principle today! God, give us men. I am preaching to myself.
Many of us are so wishy-washy. We have so few convictions
for which we will suffer. As soon as we see it is going to
pinch, our knees give way and we fall all over ourselves to
get in line with the prevailing sentiment.
God seldom uses a man like that. God uses men of strong
conviction. Practically every man in the Word of God that He
used in any important way was a man that was willing to
risk failure. A rare modern positive example is the hero of
the recent motion picture Chariots of Fire. It takes courage, I
know. Daniela failure! Noaha failure! EnochElijah

The Mystery of Gods Providence

Joball failures! By the world's standards, most of the

prophets were failures (Acts 7:52).


Then let us come down to the New Testament and think
of the Lord Jesus Christ. He lived for those few brief years
and then went to a death of shame. The thrust of the
wilderness temptation was to take a shortcut to success.
Suppose Jesus had worshiped successwhere would the
world be today? He saved others; himself he cannot
save (Mark 15:31). That is the epitome of failure. If one is
determined to save himself, he cannot save others.


Do you know where this spirit that worships success
originates? It comes from Satan. He worships success. He is
the promoter of the success syndrome. Satan does not oppose
success even in religion if it interferes or prevents
relationship, or if it prevents a deep devotional life. Satan
knows that if he can keep us from prayer by whatever
means, he is free to operate. Prayer is the only thing he
cannot handle (Jack Taylor). Therefore, he is not opposed to
our most grandiose schemes if they become a substitute for
prayer. If he can get a leader so involved in activity as to
interfere with his prayer life, Satan has won. This is his most
successful strategy.
Samuel Chadwick has said,
The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from
praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies,
prayerless work, and prayerless religion. He laughs at our
toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.

We say that we are not depending upon our own

endowments, abilities, or creative talent. But we deceive

The Eternal Dimension of Time

ourselves if we are neglecting relationship which is

maintained not by general religious activity, but only by a
life of prayer.
Some of us are unconsciously under the influence of
Satan's ideals. It is difficult for us to die to success. How
many gospel workers have compromised their deepest
convictions, because they were convinced they could not have
success without compromise. We feel that failure is a
disgrace. We are convinced that there can be no usefulness
apart from success as the world and our peers view it. Most
young gospel workers are bitten with this bug. We will use
any method short ofwell, short of actual open sin many
timesin order to achieve apparent success. All of us battle
with this temptation. And yet, because an eternal throne is
at stake, there is something greater than visible success, and
that is the development of high principle, the maturing of
holy character. The flesh may doubt this, but no matter how a
man succeeds, if he does not develop lofty, sublime, God-like
character, he has failed both in time and in eternity. But if he
has developed holy character, which is another name for
agape love, he has succeeded, no matter how else he has
failed. For that is the purpose that God has in mind in all His
dealings with usthe development of God-like character.
Character is the only real success because rank in eternity is
governed by it.


The study of Joseph teaches us that we are already living
in an eternal dimension here and now, because our life style,
including our attitudes, dispositions, and tempers, in other
words our reactions, are leaving a permanent deposit in our
character that is affecting our rulership rank in eternity.
Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is
working for us a far more exceeding and eternal

The Mystery of Gods Providence

weight of glory (2 Corinthians 4:17).

It was while Joseph was in prison that the iron entered

his soul. Without that he would not have been prepared for
the throne. This is also a figure for us. It must have been
with this conviction that G. Washington Gladden wrote these
courageous lines.
In the bitter waves of woe,
Beaten and tossed about
By the sullen winds that blow
From the desolate shores of doubt,
Where the anchors that faith has cast
Are dragging in the gale,
I am quietly holding fast
To the things that cannot fail.
And fierce though the fiends may fight,
And long though the angels hide,
I know that truth and right Have the universe on their side;
And that somewhere beyond the stars
Is a love that is better than fate.
When the night unlocks her bars
I shall see Himand I will wait.





God is much more interested in what we are than in what

we do, in what we become than in what we achieve. If failure
works better than success to make us unselfish, considerate,
sympathetic, and helpful to others, if it matures us in agape
love, then God may permit failure because our eternal
promotion is involved. May I repeat that for emphasis? If
failure serves better than success to make us unselfish,
considerate, sympathetic, and helpful to others, if it matures
us in agape love, then God may, in love to us, permit failure.
Holy character is, after all, selflessnessagape love. It
was while Joseph was in prison that the iron entered into his
soul, the iron of principle, the iron of holy purpose and holy
character. In all that God does with us, in all the puzzling
and bewildering vicissitudes of life, His purpose is the
development of Christlike character, of pure selflessness, of
agape love. Failure may be a better instrument to achieve
that in us than success. Follow the course of a man who has

The Mystery of Gods Providence

unbroken success and you will find that he is often arrogant,

overbearing, cocksure, full of selfishness and inconsideration
of others. If God is going to perfect Christlikeness in you and
in me, it may sometimes involve the failure of our ambition,
of our plans, of our dreams, of our hopes. I know it is
unwelcome, but if we ask for God's best, then we must be
prepared to face the process by which He works it out in our


Dr. J. R. Miller has said,
The object of all divine culture is to sanctify us and to
make us vessels meet for the Master's use. To this high and
glorious end, pleasure, gratification and success must
oftentimes be sacrificed. This is the true key to all the
mysteries of providence. Anything that hinders entire
consecration to Christ is working us harm and though it be
our tenderest joy, though it be our most cherished ambition,
it had better be withheld or taken away. Nothing should
hinder our consecration to the person of Christ alone, and
success is often such a hindrance. (Emphasis mine.)

Even success in God's work (strange as it may seem) may

sometimes absorb the heart's devotion which Christ Himself
longs for, and of which He alone is worthy. I know of nothing
that hurts the servant of God more than the feeling that he
has made a failure in his efforts to glorify God, or failed in
his efforts to advance His kingdom. How often ministers and
other gospel workers must face this prospect, including the
thought that the thing they tried to do to advance the
kingdom was a failure; it did not succeed.
I do not know of any sincere gospel worker who has not
passed through that death. And yet that very failure may be
a part of God's higher purpose to work in him a deeper

Failure Sometimes Serves Better Than Success

devotion to the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ and the

development of the love that equips for rulership in eternity.
How easy it is for one to become possessive of a work that
God has entrusted to his care. It is difficult to remain
devoted utterly to the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the
midst of acclaim, in the midst of the flush of accomplishment,
we are in danger of falling in love with our work more than
with Him for whom it is being done. Then our work, a
successful enterprise, a religious venture becomes our
unconscious idol and we sacrifice everything to that idol,
including peopleour loved ones, our colleagues, or anyone
else who gets in our way.


It may be that God will have to smash even the work
which He has raised up in order to keep us meek, humble,
broken, and devoted altogether to the Person of Christ. When
everything is going well, we are in mortal danger of
worshiping successeven more than we do the person of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Personally, I am afraid of it.
How often we pad our reports! How glowing we make
them! How often we tell of the revivals that we hold or the
work in which we are engaged in such a way as to reflect
credit and glory upon ourselves, instead of glorifying the
name of the Lord Jesus Christ. How much self-glory there
often is in our accounts of the work that is entrusted to us.
May the Spirit of God search us through and through.
May I repeat: even success in God's work may sometimes
absorb the heart's devotion for which Christ longs. God may
have to remove His favor from a work and allow it to fail in
order to produce a higher and a holier character in the
worker, thus preparing him for an eternal throne.
Defeat may serve as well as victory


The Mystery of Gods Providence

To shake the soul and let the glory out.
When the great oak is straining in the wind,
The boughs drink in new beauty, and the trunk
Sends down a deeper root on the windward side.
Only the soul that knows the mighty grief
Can know the mighty rapture.
Sorrows come
To stretch out spaces in the heart for joy.
Streams in the Desert




Dr. Charles Spurgeon was not unaware of the danger of

success. He said,
We have seen many professed Christians make
shipwrecks. In some few instances, it has been attributable
to overwhelming sorrows, but in ten cases to one, it has been
attributed to prosperity. Men grow rich and, of course, they
do not attend the little chapel they once went to. They
might go where the fashionable world worships. Men grow
rich and straightway they refuse to keep to the road of selfdenial, which once they so gladly trod. An insatiable
ambition has come over them and they fall, and great is the
sorrow which their fall brings to God. But a man in trouble,
a man who has failed, see how he prays. He cannot live now
without prayer. See how he reads the Bible now. He does not
care for worldly literature now. He cannot feed on whims
and fancies now. When a man has failed, when he is broken
and humiliated, then he sees the vanity of the world and its
reward. He holds the world with a very loose hand. He
wears the world as a loose garment. Now he becomes
heavenly- instead of earthly-minded. The world has lost its
attraction for him. (Emphasis mine. )

The Mystery of Gods Providence

Spurgeon joins the song writer who has seen the vanity of
worldly success:
The things of the world seem so small to me,
Of riches far greater I sing.
When the stars have grown old and the sun has grown cold,
I shall still be a child of the King.
Streams in the Desert

Haven't you found it this way in your own life? When all
is well and there is no cloud in the sky, when there are no
threatening circumstances and there is no opposition, then
you grow careless and neglect your prayer life and your
Bible. But when a heavy blow comes, and when the storms of
sorrow sweep over your soul, then you fly to the Lord Jesus.
Then you go to your knees. Then you go to the Word of God.
The magazine and the newspaper lose their attraction for
you. The things of this world seem to lose importance, and
you see the emptiness and vanity of all the emoluments of a
cruel, wicked, deceitful world. Your soul is driven to God.


Mr. Spurgeon says, I greatly question whether we grow
in purity much, except when we are in the furnace. How true
it is that we have to be driven, rather than drawn to God.
This, of course, is by reason of the hardness of our own
hearts. You know the furnace is the instrument that is used
to refine precious metals, and those metals can never be
refined as long as they are outside the furnace. It is when the
metal is in the heat, not when it is lying on the floor outside,
or in the hands of the smelter, that it is refined. It must go
into the furnace, it must go into the flame, if it is to be
purified. And so it is with us in our spiritual growth. It seems
that God cannot refine us except by heat. Iron cannot be
tempered except by fire.

A Word From Spurgeon

A village blacksmith said, When I am tempering a piece

of steel, I first heat it, hammer it, and then suddenly plunge
it into the bucket of cold water. I very soon find whether it
will take temper or go to pieces in the process. When I
discover after one or two tests that it is not going to allow
itself to be tempered, I throw it on the scrap heap and sell it
for a cent a pound when the junk man comes around.
So I find the Lord tests me, too, by fire and water and
heavy blows of His heavy hammer, and if I am not willing to
stand the test, or am not going to prove a fit subject for His
tempering process, I am afraid He may throw me on the
scrap heap.
When the fire is hottest, hold still, for there will be a
blessed afterward; with Job we may be able to say, When
he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold (Job 23:10).
Sainthood springs out of suffering. It takes eleven tons of
pressure on a piano to tune it. God will tune you to
harmonize with Heaven's keynote if you can stand the strain.
Things that hurt and things that mar
Shape the man for perfect praise;
Shock and strain and ruin are
Friendlier than the smiling days.


You remember, I am sure, that the prophet said of Israel,
I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. We
wonder why it is that God must appear so cruel as to choose
any of us in the furnace of trial. Well, if we are to be refined
and purified, God has to allow us to pass through the fire. Do
not be deceived, there is no other way. There is no other
method. God does not have any other way to refine us, just as
the smelter has no other way to refine metal. We must pass

The Mystery of Gods Providence

through the fire. And there is where we are to glorify the

Lord. When we yield to the fire's refining and purifying work,
that is when we are really glorifying God. God has to permit
the searching fires of persecution, misunderstanding,
criticism, ostracism, misrepresentation, misinformation, and
many other painful things in order to refine and purify us.
Pain's furnace heat within me quivers,
God's breath upon the flame doth blow;
And all my heart in anguish shivers
And trembles at the fiery glow;
And yet I whisper, As God will!
And in the hottest fire hold still.
He comes and lays my heart, all heated,
On the hard anvil, minded so
Into His own fair shape to beat it
With His great hammer, blow on blow;
And yet I whisper, As God will!
And at His heaviest blows hold still.
He takes my softened heart and beats it;
The sparks fly off at every blow;
He turns it o'er and o'er and heats it,
And lets it cool, and makes it glow;
And yet I whisper, As God will!
And in His mighty hand hold still.
Why should I murmur? for the sorrow
Thus only longer-lived would be;
The end may come and will tomorrow,
When God has done His work in me;
So I say, trusting, As God will!
And, trusting to the end, hold still.
Julius Sturm





Failure may be a part of God's necessary discipline. To

change the figure, most of us need the rod. Most of us must
have it. Few of us seem to learn obedience except through
suffering. We read that even the strong, pure Son of God
learned obedience by the things which He suffered (Hebrews
5:8). Even He, who had no rebellion in His heart, was said to
have learned obedience in that way. Thus pain is oftentimes
better for us than pleasure.
The cry of man's anguish went up to God,
Lord, take away pain:
The shadow that darkens the world thou hast made,
The close-coiling chain
That strangles the heart, the burden that weighs
On the wings that would soar,
Lord, take away pain from the world Thou hast made,
That it love Thee the more.


The Mystery of Gods Providence

Then answered the Lord to the cry of His world:
Shall I take away pain,
And with it the power of the soul to endure,
Made strong by the strain?
Shall I take away pity, that knits heart to heart,
And sacrifice high?
Will ye lose all your heroes that lift from the fire
White brows to the sky?
Shall I take away love that redeems with a price
And smiles at its loss?
Can you spare from your lives that would climb unto me
The Christ on His Cross?
Streams in the Desert


Loss and gain, sorrow and joy, disaster and deliverance
are often better because by a proper reaction to these things
holy character is made (Romans 5:3). Faith should know that
God's withholdings from us, when He does not give what we
ask, may produce richer blessings than opening to us all the
treasure houses at whose doors we stand and knock so
I am preaching to myself now. I would not have you think
that this does not come home to me with as much force as it
does to you. It is as necessary that I shall face the application
of this truth as it is that you face it. I dare not preach it to
you, unless I am willing that God shall hold me responsible
for what I say to you and see that it works out in my own life.
God alone knows the inner history of the souls of men.
Let us remember that the difficult things that come may
be a part of God's discipline to prepare us for larger and
greater service, not only here but in glory.


Therefore, Failure Is Sometimes Better Than Success

With God's permission, Satan is going to see to it that
each of us will be the victims of wrong treatment, of injury,
injustice, malevolence, misrepresentation, inequity, foul play,
and deceit. No one who wants God's best is immune. Satan
will engineer this in order to turn us against God and blame
Him. Satan means it for evil but God means it for good, and
He has the wit and wisdom to outsmart Satan and transform
his most diabolical schemes into the most sublime good if
and when our reaction is right. This is one of the most
significant lessons of the story of Joseph. He recognized this
and was able to forgive his brothers (Genesis 45). Suppose
Joseph had sought revenge. He would have lost the golden
opportunity of being a link in the chain of events that ushered
in the Messiah. All unforgiveness acts like a boomerang. That
kind of reaction injures the unforgiving person and robs him
of untold blessing.

When we understand that there are no second causes
operating in the life of a believer and that the God who
regulates the universe by the mighty power of His
command never permits anything to come to one of His
children that is not good, if and when his reaction is correct,
then we can easily forgive all offenses and offenders. When
we comprehend that even Satan is under God's control and
can do nothing without God's permission, then we see that
our times are in God's hand, not in Satan's. And even
our so-called foes are men which are Thy hand, O Lord, as
David said in Psalms 17:14.
One of the most glorious insights in the entire story is
revealed in Genesis 45:5, 8.
Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with

The Mystery of Gods Providence

yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send
me before you to preserve life.... So now it was not
you that sent me hither, but God.

Three times in four verses he traces his captivity to God.

Joseph was able to see God behind second causes. Then in
Genesis 50:20 he said,
But as for you, ye thought evil against me, but
God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this
day, to save many people alive.

This should prove to us that nothing that anyone does to

us can harm us when our reaction is right. Right reaction
will transform intended evil into good, not once but always in
every situation. Romans 8:28 will prove true in all
circumstances when we learn to accept everything as from
God and allow it to teach us deeper dimensions of agape love.
In a factory building there are wheels and gearings,
There are cranks and pulleys, beltings tight or slack
Some are whirling swiftly, some are turning slowly,
Some are thrusting forward, some are pulling back;
Some are smooth and silent, some are rough and noisy,
Pounding, rattling, clanking, moving with a jerk;
In a wild confusion in a seeming chaos,
Lifting, pushing, drivingbut they do their work.
From the mightiest level to the tiniest pinion,
All things move together for the purpose planned;
And behind the working is a mind controlling,
And a force directing, and a guiding hand.
So all things are working for the Lord's beloved;
Some things might be hurtful if alone they stood;
Some might seem to hinder; some might draw us backward;
But they work together, and they work for good.
All the thwarted longings, all the stern denials,

Therefore, Failure Is Sometimes Better Than Success

All the contradictions, hard to understand,
And the force that holds them, speeds them and retards them,
Stops and starts and guides them, is our Father's hand.
Annie Johnson Flint

The story of Joseph illustrates and confirms the truth of

Hebrews 1:3 (The Living Bible):
He [Jesus] regulates the universe by the mighty
power of his command .

Since this is absolutely true, nothing can go wrong in a

universe that He regulates because that universe is serving
His purpose. What comfort, what assurance, what a sense of
security for those who love God. The entire universe under
the Son's regulation is working together for their good. All
born-again lovers of God have it made, both for time and
eternity, because our times are in His hand (Psalm






Dr. Warren Wiersbe, former pastor of Moody Church, Chicago, III., said,
DESTINED FOR THE THRONE is the best book I have ever read on the true
meaning of prayer in the life of the believer and the church....
Paul Crouch, founder/president of Trinity Broadcasting Network, said: DESTINED
FOR THE THRONE has meant more to Jan and me than any other book, next to
the Bible.
Dr. Jack Taylor, evangelist/author, Fort Worth, Texas, said: I could not lay this
book aside until I had finished reading it. It speaks to the mystery of suffering as no
other book I have ever read.
Ras Robinson, editor of FULNESS magazine, Fort Worth, Texas, wrote: This
volume is a classic in Christian literature. It provides a viable platform for
Christian unity. Fellowship should be based upon relationship to Christ... rather
than upon a common theology....
This book discovers for us our weapons and the technique of their effective use in
spiritual warfare. Satan works only by bluff and deceit. He has no power except that
which we grant him by default.
In his Foreword, Dr. Ken Taylor says, How I wish I had this book in my early days.
How much spiritual suffering it might have saved me. The author adds: The only
people who have genuine authority over Satan are those who choose to stay on the


The Mystery of Gods Providence

Why does a loving God permit His children to suffer? The author suggests that
Gods children need to be broken before they can be made whole, specifically in four
areas: material possessions, domestic affections, physical health, and religious
attitudes. Our model is Job, who came forth as gold, refined and remolded for
complete restoration and a double blessing.
The story of Joseph illustrates how God brings ultimate good from what may appear
to be dire disasters. Nothing can go wrong in a universe that God regulates,
because that universe is serving His purpose.
What it means to be absent from the body and present with the Lord. The author
examines the implications of Scripture regarding the life after, and surmises that
romance is at the heart of all creation.


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