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The Importance of Physical Education

Within Physical Education progress is a key target for a student. Progress is the development
of an individual in a direction considered more beneficial than and superior to the previous
level. There are many ways that teachers or coaches can ensure their students progress
through physical education however for students to progress they need to have positive
attitudes towards physical activity and want to participate. Attitude is regarded as a construct
that, though not directly observable, precedes behaviour and guides choice and decisions for
action (Dismore and Bailey 2010).
Making the lessons fun and enjoyable or being a caring teacher and creating a good
relationship with the students are two different ways that ensure progress can be made. One
goal of physical education programmes has historically been the development of positive
attitudes (Siedentop 1991). Enjoyment can be defined as a more reflective process that
focusses on an internal evaluation of both the process and the projected outcome of an
activity and is regarded as helpful in fostering positive attitudes towards physical education
(Dismore and Bailey 2010). Progress can only be made if the students have a positive attitude
towards physical education, this way they will want to improve.
Subramaniam and Silverman (2002) carried out a qualitative study which revealed that
student enjoyment of physical education, for the most part was self-initiated, the researchers
found that those with positive attitudes towards physical education tended to take charge of
their engagement and enjoyment, whereas those with negative attitudes chose not to engage
in the task and enjoy themselves.
Consequently, this study is contradicting the fact that teachers need to make the lessons fun
and enjoyable so that the students want to engage, it is stating that it is down to the students
to have those positive attitudes to make them want to participate. Therefore, the teachers do
not need to make the lessons fun and enjoyable they need to however transfer their positive
attitudes over to the students so they are then able to enjoy themselves and progress.
In order for children and youth to develop a lifestyle of regular physical activity to maximize
the long-term health benefits, they need to be turned on to physical activity by making it
enjoyable (Coulter and Woods 2011). This will keep children coming back because of an
intrinsic desire to be physically active. Getting children to enjoy physical activity is not hard,
children are built to move and they want to move. The key is to understand what promotes,
this enjoyment, harness it and build it into our school experience for all children (Coulter and
Woods 2011).
When questioned both students and teachers voice a desire to engage in activities that are fun
(OReilly, Tompkins and Gallant, 2001). Many believe the promise of fun acts as a motivator;
it is seen to help draw students into an activity where they will learn skills that will enable
them to progress and pursue active, healthy lifestyles as adults.
Some educators have argued that making fun a stated goal for physical education classes
may in the long run trivialise the whole program (OReilly et al. 2001). This is because the
term fun can be defined in many different ways and misunderstood, the pocket oxford
dictionary defined fun as sport; amusement; jest. Therefore in this case sport is not meant
to be understood as athletic endeavour, but to make fun of or ridicule (OReilly et al. 2001).

Griffin (1993) however, argued that fun can be purposeful if there is an organising structure
that provides conditions emphasising skill development, realistic challenges and a deemphasis on winning. Fun is perceived to be an important factor in motivating students to
participate and if students are motivated to participate they are able to progress (OReilly et
al. 2001). As a result of this students are going to progress in their skills if teachers are able to
make their lessons fun for the students.
If a student and their teacher have built a good relationship through the teacher being caring
they are then able to enjoy the lessons together with the student feeling comfortable in a laid
back, fun environment. Teachers are able to help students progress in sport by exhibiting
caring behaviours. Luke and Sinclair (1991) believed that the nature of interaction from
teachers is a powerful influence on students positive and negative feelings toward
participation. If students have a positive feeling towards physical education they are going to
want to take part and progress throughout the different activities. Physical education students
become engaged in programs when they realise that the teachers care for them by taking an
interest in their lives (Ennis et al., 1997; Cothran & Ennis, 1999).
If the students have a good relationship with their teachers they are able to feel as
comfortable as they can when they are with them, these efforts help create an environment
that makes learning comfortable for the students. It also increases the likelihood that each
will develop an enjoyment of physical activity and want to progress (Larson & Silverman
Larson, Anne and Silverman, Stephen J. (2005) carried out a study on four teachers to find
out why they exhibited caring behaviours. Each believed that it naturally is part of their job as
a teacher to be caring. The teachers collectively felt strongly that physical education develops
and sustains positive self-esteem. To a large extent these teachers acted this way due to their
personal biography- they had all experienced positive physical activity while growing up and
had many role models. They then wanted to be their students role models with the ability to
motivate them to carry out a lifelong sport.
Ennis (1997) found that students expressed the importance of teachers establishing a personal
connection with them, that a personal connection to a teacher can lead to students feeling a
greater sense of school membership (Cothran & Ennis, 1999), and that caring relationships
between teachers and students can enhance possibility of these students engaging in physical
activity (Ennis, 1999), and therefore progressing. If a student is not motivated to participate
in class then they are not going to progress. Students identify teaching behaviours elicited by
physical education teachers to positively and negatively influence their attitude towards
physical education, participation in class and participation in regular activity (Noddings,
If a teacher succeeds their students will have a positive attitude towards physical activity,
they will want to participate in as many sports as possible, and also carry on a lifelong sport.
Nodding (1992) stated that brief words of encouragement and recognition to the students can
be characterised as confirmation an act of affirming and encouraging the best in others.
Providing confirmation is important for human development because during confirmation the
students will spot a better self and encourage their development. This encouragement of
development will therefore mean they will progress with their skills and knowledge further in
that certain activity.

In conclusion, the way teachers can get students to progress in physical education can be
either of the two methods explained or even both together. Firstly, understanding how
students form attitudes seems a key vehicle for improving their dispositions towards physical
education (Subramaniam and Silverman 2007). Secondly, a better understanding of these
attitudes can be used to make physical education a more valuable experience for students and
in doing so, can help produce better physically educated individuals (Graham, Holt and
Parker 1998). And finally promoting good attitudes towards physical education is an
important component in encouraging an active lifestyle among children and young people
(Ennis 1996). By exhibiting caring behaviour teachers are able to understand how students
form positive attitudes. By understanding how students form positive attitudes the teachers
will know what lessons to plan, and what the students enjoy about physical education so they
have fun and build up these positive attitudes further. Overall, teachers or coaches can use
either of these methods to create positive attitudes in their students towards physical
education to ensure their students participate and therefore progress within physical

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