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Civil Procedure Code 1908
Framing of Issues: O XIV
Filing of suit itself amounts to demand.
Whether the defend his discharged his liabilities.
Jurisdiction, Limitation, Res Judicata is the mixed question of law and fact.
Limitation: Question of law Three years completed. Fact: whether it has extended
Res Judicata:
TNVAT S77 Civil Court has no Jurisdiction.
Sec 34 of Sarfasei act
Pure of question of law alone can be framed as Preliminary Issue.
Lease: Sec 105 Transfer of right to enjoy for a consideration.
Tenant by sufferance. Tenant in possession after giving notice by the landlord
without receiving rent.
Tenant by holder Tenant in possession after giving notice with receiving rent
License: Sec 52 of Easement Act: A meager right to do on property
Leave and License: Cellphone Tower is an example
Litmus Test: To find out whether it is lease or license.
Section 2:
Decree: Short form of Judgment
Formal expression of adjudication of judgment which determines the rights of
the parties.
Sec 144. O VII R 11 also decree
Sec 47 is now not a decree.
Section 2 (12) MESNE Profit:
Section 9 Jurisdiction
Art 226 Extra ordinary, Original Jurisdiction.
Art 227 Revision Jurisdiction
Admiralty Jurisdiction Letter Patent.
Consultative Jurisdiction. ( district Court in trust Matters)
Impliedly barred.
Apportionment ( to divide the compensation amount in land acquisition
Religious ceremony if the old right is den
AIR 1969 SC 78
Even though it has expressly barred by statue if the rule is ultra virus to
statue then it can be challenged in Civil Court.
Section 10: Res subjudice Stay of Suit: Trail of the subsequently instituted suit
only can be stayed.
Section 11: Res Judicata:

Nemo Debet bis vexari pro una et eadem Causa ( No man should be
vexed twice for the same cause)
Interest reipublicae ut sit finis litium ( it is the interest of the state that
there should be an end of litigation)
Res Judicata pro veritate accupitus ( A judicial decision must be accepted
as correct)
EX CAPTIA Res Judicata A single decision is enough
Explanation IV: Constructive Res Judicata Any matter which might and ought to have
been made ground of defence or attack in such former suit shall be deemed to have been a
matter directly and substantially in issue in such suit.
Place of Suing: Sec 16:
Section 50, 51 and 52 Legal representative
Return of Plaint O VII Rule 10A
Arm Chair Theory Will
The self acquired property of Raman Which is 1 acre has bequeathed on 2000 by the way of
will to lava and kusha.

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