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Project Charter


Project Charter

To ensure the successful implementation of our project, the first step is to

develop the project charter. This charter contains some background information of
Tylers Cable Company and an explanation of how this project came to be. The charter
also contains the goals, objectives, scope, budgetary limitations, sponsor and
stakeholder information, project team structure, and the approach the project team
intends to take to meet the deliverables of the project.
Background Information
Tylers Cable Company (TCC) is a contract cable company for Bright Homes
Networks and was established in 2004. As one of the largest contractors in the central
Florida area, TCC includes more than 100 technicians and 60 employees. TCC focuses
on getting the job done the right way the first time and prides itself on customer service
it provides for the community. TCC handles all services, from alarms, core cable,
internet, and wireless and land line phone services. TCC technicians go through training
courses to be well-defined cable technicians and are NCTIS certified, a requirement of
Bright House Networks. TCC prides itself in working with Bright House Networks
service technicians in the hubs for Bright House and we assist Bright House certified
technicians by running fiber optics cable and assist them with specialized equipment
that is necessary to continue to have Bright House Networks working correctly
throughout central Florida.
TCC employees support the technicians with billing, escalations, management,
and check-in to improve the Bright House quality for customers. TCC holds the number
one rating in central Florida for providing quality customer service. Bright House


Networks motto, Hello Friend ensures that every job is completed as though we are
working for our friends and families; each job is completed correctly the first time.
Statement of Needs
The problem Tylers Cable Company is experiencing is the lack of ability to have
a paperless environment when dealing with billing. The use of paper dailies of
technician work has made it possible for multiple human errors and billing errors. To fix
this issue, TCC has formulated a project idea that includes consideration of using a
cloud-like system that allows technicians to enter billing information via a new system
that will include the work order and job information and assist with submitting this
information to payroll and check-in. This system will help remove the issue of human
errors and lost dailies that are hurting billable paying jobs for the company. This new
system will increase moral and allow technicians to view their productivity each week
and upcoming checks that were unable to be seen with the use of paper dailies.
The Penguin Data Project will allow for a transition from paper dailies to an online
database system.
Goals and Objectives
The main objective of the Penguin Data Project at TCC is to improve
communications by switching to an online system that includes a database, which will
give TCC the ability to manage its multiple sites and locations. The goal is to make the
transition from paper dailies to an online database that will serve the company with
modules for human resources that will create a paperless department; the database will
also make operations work more efficiently. TCC will be able to tap into the data,


allowing for easy access to track billing and can allow the promotion of information to all
its locations.
Over the next three months, the project team will accomplish these objectives by
setting up training for employees to assist with the transition from a paper-system into
an online database, which will bring the company into an up-to-date service and allow
TCC a savings on time and money. The company TCC will use for this transition is
Penguin Data (Workforce Management, Inc.). Penguin Data will show TCC how to run
the business via the internet. From human resources to payroll, the Penguin Data
Project will simplify this transition by offering training and updating the company as
Project Scope
The purpose of the Penguin Data Project is to transition from paper dailies to an
online system. This project meets TCCs need for a paperless process and improve
productivity and profitability.
The project will include:
The project will include the installation of the software, hardware, and manpower
needed for the transition. Penguin Data will provide the software and help desk to assist
with any problems that may arise after implementation and will keep TCC updated of
improvements made. Penguin Data will assist TCC with training of employees and
technicians; these employees are critical to the success of the project.
The project will not include:
The Penguin Data Project will not include what the budget does not call for. Any
new office locations will not be included in this project implementation. Should any new


project additions come to light, they will need to be approved by the project manager
and sponsor because of possible changes to the budget. Penguin Data will be
responsible for the maintenance of this system.
Budgetary Limitations
This project is set to implement an online database with a cloud-like system for
TCC. The project team will submit an accurate estimate that will include the finances
needed for the software and hardware materials, payroll for technical staff, consulting
fees, and training costs. It is estimated that each technician will need a tablet with Wi-Fi
capabilities to access the internet throughout central Florida. Servers will be installed for
all local offices. Penguin Data will provide the system backups as well as technical
support and updates.
Sponsors and Stakeholders
The sponsors and stakeholders will judge and help shape the Penguin Data
Projects success. TCC needs to be able to meet the sponsors and stakeholders
expectations when designing a new project. Team members, customers, and
community members generally make up the sponsors and stakeholders for the
company. TCC stockholders will also require information about new projects but they
are not always directly involved in the processes. The project must meet their
expectations and level of importance. The Penguin Data Project is an upgrade for the
company so planning is vital. There will be a determination of the importance level of
each stakeholder that determines organizational and political terms. The stakeholders
must be familiar with the projects planning, control, and all assurances once
implementation begins.


Project Team Structure

The project team will outline the project requirements and assign to each team
member. This will include creating a schedule, allocating resources, determine
applicable costs, determine the evaluation process performance, evaluation of product
performance, and how overall customer satisfaction should be determined. A project
schedule will be determined and individual components should be placed in a
hierarchical structure. This will help the team with communication to maintain a steady
flow through implementation of the project. The project manager will oversee the roles
and responsibilities of the project and team members. By assigning roles to different
personnel, the confusion of responsibilities and accountability can be eliminated. This
gives the project manager the ability to perform effective evaluations of the project and
the team for future projects.
The project management team for the Penguin Data Project is a diverse group of
five individuals with a variety of expertise, which will enhance the success of the project.
Cardell White, the Sales Manager, is experienced in sales and collections while working
closely with accounting and human resources for TCC contracts. Sue Graham, the
Customer Service Manager, is experienced in customer service and conducts
troubleshooting for TCC. Sue will lead the focus groups for TCC, which will result in
increased customer satisfaction. Cherry Meers, the Accounting Manager, is experienced
in accounting and payroll. Cherrys background in customer service, corporate training,
human resources, and IT networking makes her a valuable asset to the company.
Melissa Andrus, the Project Manager, is experienced in managing projects for the
company and keeps up with compliance issues on both a state and national level. Tyler


Hobson, the Senior Manager, has ten years experience with TCC and works closely
with human resources and database operations.
Project Approach
The Penguin Data Project is created to improve TCCs communications by
switching to an online system that includes a database, which will give TCC the ability to
manage its multiple sites and locations. To meet this goal the Project Management
Team will need to create a project proposal to present to the stakeholders. This
proposal will need to include, researching the time it will take to complete the project, all
cost including equipment, software, training, and labor, and the project scope. Once the
proposal has been accepted, the Project Management Team will need to create the
project plan.
The approach to this project will include the following:

Monitoring the team progress including time management, objectives, and


Keeping records of any adjustments or adding a new requirement

Communication- team communication, completed tasks, updates,

changes, weekly meetings, and monitoring tasks in progress.

All project adjustments must be communicated and documented.

Develop a preliminary plan that tracks objectives and if deliverables have

been met.

Create a Software Development Team.

Research costs associated with equipment, software, labor, and time.


Meet deliverables by creating a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) which

will define the scope of the project and the tasks that need to be

Create a Business Requirement Document (BRD) that will set the

expectations of for the project goal.

Monitoring of allocation and cost resources.

A Gantt chart to measure milestones.

Progress reports to stakeholders and project team members.

A method for tracking if objectives have been met.

A method to determine the project success or how it ends.

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