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United States Court of Appeals

Tenth Circuit


MAR 22 2001






Plaintiff - Appellee,

No. 00-4113

Defendant - Appellant.
(D.C. No. 99-CR-382-K)
Christopher B. Chaney, Assistant United States Attorney (Paul M. Warner, United
States Attorney, on the brief), Salt Lake City, Utah, for Plaintiff - Appellee.
Dixon D. Hindley, Salt Lake City, Utah, for Defendant - Appellant.
Before KELLY, HOLLOWAY, and HENRY, Circuit Judges.
KELLY, Circuit Judge.

Defendant-Appellant Roger Gardner appeals his conviction under 16

U.S.C. 3372(a)(1), 3373(d)(2). Our jurisdiction arises under 28 U.S.C.
1291, and we reverse because the jury instructions did not sufficiently instruct
the jury as to how it should consider uncorroborated accomplice testimony.

In the light most favorable to the government,

United States v. Vallo , __

F.3d __, 2001 WL 55521, at *3 (10th Cir. Jan. 23, 2001), we summarize the
evidence adduced at trial. In January 1997, Mr. Gardner was driving Dorene
Arthur in her pickup truck north of Whiterocks, Utah, on Whiterocks Road near
the state fish hatchery. Sometime after sunset, a herd of elk crossed in front of
the truck. Mr. Gardner pulled the truck to the side of the road, retrieved Ms.
Arthurs gun from the truck, and shot and killed one of the larger bulls in the
herd. Mr. Gardner and Ms. Arthur then returned to Ms. Arthurs home.
In Ms. Arthurs truck, Mr. Gardner drove Laif Thornton, Ms. Arthurs son,
and Ronnie Ross back to where the elk had been shot. It was disputed as to
whether Ms. Arthur also returned with Mr. Gardner or remained at home. The
elk was near an opening in a fence that ran along the east side of the road. Mr.
Gardner, Mr. Ross and Mr. Thornton loaded the elk onto the truck. The elk had
not been tagged. Eventually, either Ms. Arthur or Mr. Thornton butchered the
elk, which Ms. Arthurs family later ate.
On the night of February 1, 1997, in the course of breaking up a party at
Ms. Arthurs residence, a Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) police officer and
Uintah County Sheriff deputies discovered an untagged elk carcass in Ms.

Arthurs shed. Early the next morning, a Utah State Division of Wildlife
Resources conservation officer visited Ms. Arthurs home. Mr. Thornton initially
denied even the existence of the elk. After discovering the elk in the shed, the
conservation officer asked if anyone had paperwork, such as a permit or tag, for
the elk. Mr. Gardner, Ms. Arthur, and Mr. Thornton were present, but
unresponsive to the conservation officers inquiry. However, out of Mr.
Gardners presence and while assisting the conservation officer load the elk onto
his truck, Mr. Thornton told the officer that Mr. Gardner had shot the elk. The
conservation officer advised Mr. Thornton that he could be criminally charged
and Mr. Thornton expressed concern that the gun and truck would be taken. Ms.
Arthur told the conservation officer that her brother, Charles, had shot the elk
during hunting season. At trial, Ms. Arthur did not recall having said that
Charles had shot the elk.
Later that morning, the conservation officer, joined by an investigator,
returned to Ms. Arthurs residence and interviewed Ms. Arthur and Mr. Thornton.
Ms. Arthur and Mr. Thornton each stated that the elk was shot with Ms. Arthurs
gun and transported in her truck. They also disclosed where the elk had been
shot. The interviews, somewhere between thirty minutes to an hour in length,
were tape-recorded and summarized in a one-page report. However, the tape was
later lost. In the area where Ms. Arthur and Mr. Thornton stated the elk had been

shot, the conservation officer and investigator discovered what appeared to be elk
remains. The remains were located approximately 100 yards east of Whiterock
Road at the end of a trail of faint tire prints that passed through an opening in a
barbed-wire fence.
After concluding that the elk had been shot on tribal land, the conservation
officer and investigator turned the investigation over to the Ute Tribe Fish and
Wildlife Department. In mid-February, the departments acting assistant director
and a tribal fish and game officer

interviewed Ms. Arthur and Mr. Thornton.

Ms. Arthur showed the assistant director the shed where the elk had been stored.
With the assistance of the state officers report, the tribal officers located elk
remains beyond an opening in a fence on the east side of Whiterocks Road.
According to the 1996-97 Ute Tribe Hunting Proclamation, elk hunting was
permitted only between September 21 and October 20 during daylight. A permit
and membership in the Ute Tribe were required. A carcass could be transported
only by a permit holder, and only after the animal had been tagged.
On February 9 or 10, Norman Cambridge, a realty specialist with the BIA
and the Uintah and Ouray Reservation, visited the location of the remains. He
testified that the land on which the remains were found and the surrounding area,
except for the nearby state fish hatchery, was tribal land.

Hereinafter collectively referred to as the tribal officers.


There was conflicting testimony as to the orientation of the remains with

reference to the hatchery. The conservation officer described the location as onefifth of a mile south of the state fish hatchery; the investigator described the
location as one-fifth of a mile south of the hatchery turnoff. In sharp contrast,
Ms. Arthur, the BIA realty specialist, and both tribal officers testified that the
location was northeast of the hatchery. The assistant director of the tribal fish
and wildlife department testified that the state officers misstated the kill site
location because of the way the road runs kind of north out east. I Supp. R. at
Sometime during the early hours of February 2, Mr. Gardner urged Mr.
Thornton not to disclose the shooting to the authorities. On at least two
occasions thereafter, Mr. Gardner told Mr. Thornton that he should have kept
[his] mouth shut. I Supp. R. at 168;

see also id. at 170. In both instances, Mr.

Thornton testified that he felt threatened, in part because Mr. Gardner had been
On October 18, 1999, Mr. Gardner was charged with illegally transporting,
receiving and acquiring an elk taken in violation of Ute Tribe regulations, 16
U.S.C. 3372(a)(1), 3373(d)(2), and attempted witness tampering. 18 U.S.C.
1512(c)(2). After a jury trial, Mr. Gardner was found guilty of violating 16
U.S.C. 3372(a)(1), 3373(d)(2) of the Lacey Act and was sentenced to nine

months imprisonment, to be followed by one year of supervised release. Mr.

Gardner was also ordered to pay a $500 fine, $750 in restitution, and a $25
victim assessment fee. This appeal followed.

A. Jurisdiction
Mr. Gardner first argues that the district court lacked jurisdiction because
the government failed to plead and prove two essential jurisdictional elements for
a 16 U.S.C. 3372(a)(1) violationnamely, that Mr. Gardner was not an Indian
and that the crime affected interstate commerce. We review issues of jurisdiction
de novo. United States v. Cuch , 79 F.3d 987, 990 (10th Cir. 1996).
As for Indian status, Mr. Gardner argues that under 18 U.S.C. 1152 and
our decision in United States v. Prentiss , 206 F.3d 960 (10th Cir. 2000),

rehg en

banc granted , No. 98-2040 (10th Cir. June 19, 2000), the government was
required to plead and prove that Mr. Gardner was not an Indian.

We disagree.

18 U.S.C. 1152 extends the the general laws of the United States as to the
punishment of offenses committed in any place within the sole and exclusive

This is the same issue we addressed in Prentiss and which is currently

before this court on rehearing. We consider Prentiss as it applies to this case
because the panel decision was not vacated, 10th Cir. R. 35.6; however, we need
not address this issue.


jurisdiction of the United States, except the District of Columbia, . . . to the

Indian country, subject to a few exceptions.

Id. Because the Lacey Act is not a

general law[] of the United States as to the punishment of offenses committed in

any place within the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, 18
U.S.C. 1152, and because 16 U.S.C. 3372 applies to actions on state and
Indian land, 18 U.S.C. 1152 is not applicable to Lacey Act violations.


States v. Cowboy , 694 F.2d 1228, 1234 (10th Cir. 1982). Accordingly, the nonIndian status of the defendant is not an essential element of jurisdiction for a 16
U.S.C. 3372 violation.
Mr. Gardners argument that effect on interstate commerce is an essential
element is contrary to the plain language of 16 U.S.C. 3372(a)(1), which
applies when wildlife taken in violation of

tribal law is transported, received, or

acquired. It is only necessary to plead and prove an interstate commerce nexus

where 3372(a)(2) is implicated.

See 16 U.S.C. 3372(a)(2) (It is unlawful for

any personto import, export, transport, sell, receive, acquire, or purchase in

interstate or foreign commerce(A) any fish or wildlife taken, possessed,
transported, or sold in violation of any law or regulation of any State . . . .). In
light of this conclusion, we need not address the governments argument that Mr.
Gardner did not properly object to the district courts 3372(a)(1) jury

B. Brady Violation
Mr. Gardner next challenges the district courts denial of his motion to
dismiss under Brady v. Maryland , 373 U.S. 83 (1963). Mr. Gardner argued that
the government violated

Brady because it lost or destroyed the tape upon which

the conservation officer and investigators interview of Ms. Arthur and Mr.
Thornton was recorded. Mr. Gardner asserted that the tape was exculpatory
because Ms. Arthur stated in that interview that someone other than Mr. Gardner
shot the elk.
Because the tape was lost and no longer in the governments possession,
California v. Trombetta , 467 U.S. 479 (1984), and

Arizona v. Youngblood , 488

U.S. 51 (1988), control. United States v. Gomez , 191 F.3d 1214, 1218 (10th Cir.
1999). Brady addresses only evidence still in the possession of the government.
We review the district courts denial of the motion to dismiss for clear
error. United States v. Parker , 72 F.3d 1444, 1451 (10th Cir. 1995). Having
reviewed the testimony in the

Brady hearing, IV R. at 5-67, and the district

courts resolution of the issue, I R., doc. 72, we cannot say the district courts
denial of Mr. Gardners motion to dismiss was clearly erroneous.

Mr. Gardner

utterly failed to demonstrate that the tape was constitutionally material,

Trombetta , 467 U.S. at 489, and, assuming materiality,

that the government acted

in bad faith. Youngblood , 488 U.S. at 58. The very premise of Mr. Gardners
materiality argumentthat the tape contained exculpatory evidenceis faulty.
Ms. Arthurs statement, made during the conservation officers first visit, was
tape-recorded. IV R. at 29-30, 33, 37-38 (


Brady hearing); V R. at 57 (trial). In

any event, that statement was tendered to the jury through the testimony of the
conservation officer. Furthermore, there was no evidence that the officers acted
in bad faith. The loss of the tape was, at worst, the product of negligence.
Youngblood , 488 U.S. at 58; see also Parker , 72 F.3d at 1452 (Mere negligence
is not sufficient to establish . . . bad faith.).
C. Mr. Gardners Proffered Accomplice Witness Instruction
Mr. Gardner argues that the district court erred in failing to instruct the
jury that it should weigh the testimony of Ms. Arthur and Mr. Thornton as that of
alleged accomplices with caution and care. Mr. Gardner also makes brief
reference to evidence regarding Mr. Thorntons drinking habits, but does not
present an argument as to why the district courts failure to give an alcohol abuse
instruction was error. We therefore only address the district courts refusal to
submit the tendered accomplice witness instruction to the jury.

Gross v.

Burggraf Constr. Co. , 53 F.3d 1531, 1547 (10th Cir. 1995)

[I]f the testimony of an accomplice is uncorroborated, the court must
instruct the jury that testimony of accomplices must be carefully scrutinized,

weighed with great care, and received with caution.

United States v. Hill , 627

F.2d 1052, 1053 (10th Cir. 1980) (internal quotations and citation omitted);
accord United States v. Owens , 460 F.2d 268, 269 (10th Cir. 1972).
instruct the jury is reversible error.

Hill , 627 F.2d at 1055 (quoting

Failure to so
Owens ,

460 F.2d at 269). We review an instruction de novo when an objection was

made at trial, as is the case here.

United States v. Wiktor , 146 F.3d 815, 817

(10th Cir. 1998). Accomplice testimony is uncorroborated when the testimony .

. . is the only testimony directly tying the defendant into the criminal transaction .
. . . United States v. Williams , 463 F.2d 393, 395 (10th Cir. 1972);


Owens , 460 F.2d at 269.

Ms. Arthur and Mr. Thornton were accomplices.

See United States v.

Simmons , 503 F.2d 831, 837 (5th Cir. 1974) (If a witness is subject to
indictment as a principal or accessory to the offense for which the defendant is
charged, he is an accomplice. (citations omitted)). As explained, in the course
of her testimony, Ms. Arthur admitted that she witnessed Mr. Gardner shoot the
elk, and there was evidence, although controverted, that Ms. Arthur went with
Mr. Gardner to retrieve the elk, butchered the elk, and that her family ate the elk.
Ms. Arthur also acknowledged that the elk was shot with her gun and that the elk
was transported in her truck. Mr. Thornton admitted that he helped retrieve and
transport the elk. Both Ms. Arthur and Mr. Thornton were aware they could be
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criminally charged for their actions.

Ms. Arthur and Mr. Thorntons testimony was uncorroborated. While the
tire tracks and elk remains near Whiterocks Road, and the elk carcass in Ms.
Arthurs shed certainly serve[d] to promote their trustworthiness, there was no
evidence adduced at trial beyond Ms. Arthur and Mr. Thorntons testimony that
tied Mr. Gardner to the crime.

Owens , 460 F.2d at 269. Therefore, because Mr.

Gardners conviction was based solely upon uncorroborated accomplice

testimony, a cautionary jury instruction was required.
In Hill , we held that the district courts general witness credibility
instruction was not sufficiently cautionary. 627 F.2d at 1054-55. Because the
instruction submitted to the jury in this case is nearly identical in substance to the
instruction submitted in

Hill , 3 and because the instruction is the only instruction

In Hill , the jury was instructed:

Ladies and gentlemen, you are the judges of the facts, of the weight
of the evidence, and of the credibility of the witnesses. In
determining such weight or credit, you may consider the interest, if
any, which a witness may have in the result of the trial, the relation
of the witness to the parties, the bias or prejudice, if any has been
apparent, the candor, fairness, intelligence and demeanor of the
witness, the ability of the witness to remember and relate past
occurrences, means of observation, and opportunity of knowing the
matters about which the witness has testified.
Id. at 1054. In this case, the jury was instructed:
Now, I have said that you must consider all of the evidence.
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at all relevant to accomplice witness testimony, we must conclude that the

instruction was insufficient. We need not address the other outstanding issues.
We have reviewed the entire trial record and conclude that under proper
instruction the evidence would have been sufficient to support a conviction for
the charged offenses.

See United States v. Smith , 82 F.3d 1564, 1567 (10th Cir.

1996). Accordingly, Mr. Gardners conviction must be reversed and the case
remanded for a new trial.

This does not mean, however, that you must accept all of the
evidence as true or accurate.
I have already indicated that you are the sole judges of the
credibility or believability of each witness and the weight to be
given to their testimony. In weighing the testimony of the witnesses
you should consider their relationship to the government or the
defendant; their interest, if any, in the outcome of the case; their
manner of testifying; their opportunity to observe or acquire
knowledge concerning the facts about which they testified; their
candor, fairness, intelligence; evidence regarding the general
reputation of the witness for truth and veracity; and the extent to
which they have been supported or contradicted by other credible
evidence. You may, in short, accept or reject the testimony of any
witness in whole or in part.
I R. doc. 76 (No. 7).
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