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SECTION 34. Strategy
The Municipal Governments waste management approach shall be consistent with the
provisions of the 1991 Local Government Code (RA 7160), DILG Memorandum Circular
No. 96-119, and the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2001 (RA 9003), among
Pollution from land based sources constitute a serious threat to the environment and
may affect all sectors of society, in terms of hazard to health, contamination of food, loss
of biodiversity, and degradation of water resources. Appropriate measures shall be
promulgated and ordinances enacted, to:
a) Identify, designate and allocate land as solid waste final disposal site/ecological park
and strictly enforce the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Ordinance and its
implementing guidelines.

Ecological Solid Waste Management Plan CY-2015-2024: Categorized Sanitary

Landfill operational by 2018

b) A continuing information and education campaign shall be conducted by the

Municipal Government on waste management, specifically on waste reduction at
source, re-use and recycling.

Renewal of business permits

c) To review the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), in coordination with the

DENR for the Waste Disposal System of all Major Industrial Establishments and to
ensure that such establishment comply with environmental standards. Furthermore, the
same shall monitor and evaluate an annual compliance of ECC.

What is Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)?

How to require major industrial establishments to provide us with the EIA
Categorize the term Major Industrial Establishments
the same shall monitor and evaluate an annual compliance of ECC who is/are
the same? monitor and evaluation of the compliance of ECC is the function of
EMB investigators. Suggestion: compliant through a letter filed by a concerned
citizen or the Barangay council. Verify the same. Initial report to EMB

d) No entities are allowed to operate a waste final disposal facility aside from the Local
Government Unit. (Reference: Republic Act 9003)
e) The Comprehensive Waste Management Ordinance of the municipality shall be
strictly enforced. A continuing information and education campaign shall be done in

coordination with multimedia organizations, non-governmental organizations, and

academe to create awareness among the citizenry a social responsibility in the
maintenance of the integrity of the ecosystem.

Integrity of the ecosystem (IEC)

SECTION 35. Anti-Littering and Provision of Garbage Bins

The maintenance of cleanliness and sanitation in all parts of the municipality shall be a
primary concern of the Municipal Government of Maramag and its constituents.
Ordinances to this effect shall be strictly enforced. The Municipal Government shall
encourage all households and establishment operators to provide their own garbage
bins to be installed in strategic points within their premises.
The Municipal Government shall, thru its appropriate office/s, strictly monitor the
implementation of Solid Waste Management Program in all public and private places.
SECTION 36. Prohibition of Dumping of Solid Waste in Water Channels/Bodies and
Open Spaces
As precautionary measure against the dumping of solid wastes in water bodies/
channels and open spaces, the Municipal Government shall adopt/strengthen the
following measures through an ordinance:
a) Prohibit the disposal of waste materials into lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and other
water channels and open spaces.
b) Prohibit the construction of garbage dumpsites or industrial waste treatment facilities
that will be located at less than one kilometre away from a water body, channel or open
c) Implement measures against pollution as stipulated in Presidential Decree (PD)
No.1152 (the Philippine Environment Code of 1977), PD No. 600 Water Pollution
Control, and the Sanitation Code of the Philippines.
d) Enact ordinances that regulate the usage of plastic bags, styropor and the like as
packaging materials of purchased products.

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