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United States Court of Appeals
Tenth Circuit


January 21, 2014


Elisabeth A. Shumaker
Clerk of Court


Plaintiff - Appellee,

No. 12-1239


Defendant - Appellant.

Appeal from the United States District Court

for the District of Colorado
(D.C. No. 1:10-CR-00455-WYD-1)

Thomas L. Kirsch, II, (Steffen N. Johnson, Washington, DC; Michael A. Skokna,

Andrew J. Yahkind, Benjamin L. Ellison, Chicago, Illinois, with him on the brief) of
Winston & Strawn LLP, Chicago, Illinois, for Defendant - Appellant
James C. Murphy, Assistant U.S. Attorney, (John F. Walsh, United States Attorney,
Jaime A. Pena, Tim R. Neff, Assistant U.S. Attorneys, with him on the brief) U.S.
Attorneys Office, District of Colorado, Denver, Colorado, for Plaintiff - Appellee
Before KELLY, McKAY, and O'BRIEN, Circuit Judges.

OBRIEN, Circuit Judge.

John Schulte appeals from his conviction on one charge of making a false
statement to the government. See 18 U.S.C. 1001(a). The charge alleged he made five

false statements during a voluntary interview with a United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) agent while a search warrant was being executed at the offices of
Schultes employer, Spectranetics. Schulte claims two of the charged statements were
not false, and therefore, cannot support the verdict as a matter of law. As to all five
statements, he contends the government failed to prove both his intent to supply false
information and the materiality of the statements to the governments investigation. We
find no error and affirm.
Because the jury found Schulte guilty, we draw the facts from the evidence
presented at trial in the light most favorable to the government. United States v. Rufai,
732 F.3d 1175, 1188 (10th Cir. 2013). Schulte was the Chief Executive Officer of
Spectranetics, located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The company primarily
developed, manufactured, and marketed laser-based medical devices for use in
procedures to remove blockage in coronary (heart) arteries and peripheral arteries
(usually located in the patients leg). Schulte was CEO from January 2003 through
October 2008. During this time, Spectranetics sought to expand its product line to
include devices made by other manufacturers which would provide a good fit with
Spectranetics products. To that end, Schulte and various other Spectranetics employees
engaged in discussions with manufacturing companies in the United States and abroad.
Schultes statements concerned two potential product expansions. The first was a
guidewire designed to puncture through a severe artery blockage known as chronic total


occlusion.1 The guidewire was designed and manufactured by a Japanese company,

Future Medical Design, Ltd. (FMD). The second product was a balloon angioplasty
catheter which was placed into an artery to expand its circumference to remove blockage.
This product was designed and manufactured by Bavarian Medizin Technologie (BMT)
in Germany.
A. FMD Guidewire
The negotiations between Spectranetics and FMD began in early 2005 and
continued through the end of 2007. On at least three occasions, Schulte travelled to
Japan to meet with FMD President, Tsuyoshi Terashi, and was given guidewire samples
to bring back to the United States. The first visit occurred in July 2005, when Schulte
received a prototype coronary wire. In late September/early October 2005, FMD shipped
50 guidewires of various specifications to Spectranetics. Although FMDs facilities and
products were approved by Japanese authorities, they had not been approved by the FDA.
Spectranetics planned to file the necessary information for such approval. Prior to filing
for approval, however, Schulte asked Dr. Bruce Murphy, one of Spectranetics advising
physicians, to evaluate the guidewires after he had used them in patients. Spectranetics
received a second shipment of ten peripheral guidewires in November 2005. These wires
were also sent to Dr. Murphy for evaluation. It is undisputed Murphy placed FMDs
wires in five patients in November 2005, although the parties dispute whether he knew

A total occlusion of the artery is a blockage so severe that there is almost no

blood flow beyond the blockage.

the product was not FDA-approved at that time. As reported to Schulte, the evaluation of
the guidewire was very positive.
Schulte again visited FMD in August 2006. At that time, he was given samples of
new peripheral guidewires to bring back with him for bench evaluation. Schultes third
visit to FMDs facilities occurred in the summer of 2007; he returned with samples of the
newest design. Disagreements over pricing stalled negotiations, but even so,
Spectranetics submitted a 510(k) request for approval of the guidewires with the FDA
under the market name Quick-Cross guidewires. 2 (Appellants Appx. Vol. V at 192021.) The FDA requested additional information to complete the approval process. When
Spectranetics did not respond, the FDA considered the 510(k) application withdrawn. In
October 2007, Spectranetics notified FMD it was cancelling further business dealings as
of January 1, 2008.

As Ashley Boam, branch chief for the FDAs regulatory oversight of medical
devices, explained, [m]edical devices are usually classified as Class I, Class II or Class
III, depending upon the level or risk that they pose to a patient. (Appellants Appx Vol.
III at 1066.) Class I is the lowest risk and would include bandages, gauze [and] tongue
depressors. (Id.) While Class I devices do not need FDA approval before they can be
sold in the United States, Class II, moderate risk devices, and Class III, high risk devices
require FDA approval prior to being sold in the United States. The devices at issue here
are Class II. The common name of the FDA marketing application for Class II devices is
called a 510(k), which is taken from the section of the statute that describes that type of
application. (Id. at 1068.) If a manufacturer wants to study a Class II device in human
subjects and that device presents a significant risk to the patient, an investigational device
exemption (IDE) . . . approved by FDA is needed before that device can be used in
human patients. (Id.) Spectranetics did not apply for an IDE before Murphy used the
wires in humans.


B. BMT Balloon Catheter

BMT manufactured medical devices for customers worldwide. Each device was
made to the customers specifications and then distributed under the customers label. In
2007, Schulte began negotiations with Knut Sauerteig, BMTs managing director,
regarding a line of BMT balloon catheters. These catheters were not distributed in the
United States and the balloons under discussion were not approved in Europe or by the
FDA. In October 2007, BMT sent Spectranetics a shipment to be used in clinical studies
(used on human patients) prior to FDA approval. A Spectranetics employee developed a
one-page form entitled BMT PTA Catheter Product Evaluation to record the
physicians comments. (Appellants Appx Vol. VIII at 3290.) By e-mail, Schulte
approved the form stating, [O]n the money. I look forward to the results. (Appellants
Appx Vol. III at 1282.)
At the end of October, Schulte and others met with Sauerteig in Washington D.C.
They discussed the positive clinical evaluations from two physicians, Dr. Craig Walker
and Dr. Robert Gallino. Again, there was contradicting testimony as to whether the
doctors knew the devices were not approved in the United States. Negotiations between
the two companies continued into 2008, but were formally terminated in January 2009.
C. Internal Investigation
On April 1, 2008, a former employee contacted the Spectranetics employee
hotline. He complained of unethical practices, including the use of unapproved German
and Japanese devices in patients. Emile Geisenheimer, chairman of Spectranetics Board


of Directors, telephoned Schulte and told him about the allegations. Schulte denied any
use of the devices in humans and stated he had ordered the devices only for bench testing
in the United States. Spectranetics Board hired an outside law firm to conduct an
internal investigation to determine the truth of the allegations. Lawyers from the firm
interviewed Schulte and other Spectranetics employees over the next few months and
Schulte and Geisenheimer spoke frequently during the investigation. Schulte steadfastly
maintained the devices had not been used in human patients. In August 2008,
Spectranetics general counsel ended the Boards investigation.
D. FDA Search Warrant
In July 2008, three former employees and one current employee brought their
allegations to the FDA. The employees provided internal company e-mails and the BMT
evaluation forms as proof of Spectranetics illegal conduct under Schultes direction.
FDA investigator Dan Burke was assigned to lead the investigation. The employees
information led to a search warrant which FDA executed on September 8, 2008.
Burke, along with 30-40 officers from the FDA and other federal agents, arrived
unannounced at Spectranetics offices at approximately 9:15 a.m. The first hour was
chaotic. (Appellants Appx Vol. V at 2257.) After immediate business concerns were
addressed, Schulte and other key employees agreed to be interviewed. Burke conducted
Schultes interview in the presence of Special Agent Rob Cruz and Spectranetics
corporate counsel. Although Cruz and general counsel were both called out of the
interview at certain times, they were present for much of the questioning. According to


Burkes testimony, Schulte said: he was never supplied FMD guidewires while in Japan
and did not physically carry guidewires with him when he returned to the United States;
he was not aware his staff or consultants provided FMD guidewires to Bruce Murphy for
use in human patients; he never physically provided BMT balloons to Dr. Robert Gallino
or Dr. Craig Walker for use in human patients; and when asked if this testing [was] done
by rogue employees, Schulte said, I dont know. (Appellants Appx Vol. V at 2221,
2223-24, 2225, 2227.) When shown the BMT evaluation forms with the testing results,
Schulte said he had never seen the forms before. (Id. at 2225-26.)
Because Burke did not feel Schulte was being truthful, he provided Schulte an
advisement form containing the language of 18 U.S.C. 1001(a) which states, in relevant
[W]hoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive,
legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States,
knowingly and willfully -- . . . . makes any materially false, fictitious, or
fraudulent statement or representation . . . . shall be fined under this title
[and] imprisoned not more than 5 years. . . .
This was followed by a sentence reading: I have read and understand the provisions and
penalties of this law. (Appellants Appx Vol. VIII at 3281.) Schulte read the form and
signed it. He told Burke he did not want to change any of his statements.
Later that day, Schulte called Chairman Geisenheimer. Schulte was distraught
and said he had been reviewing his e-mails and realized his statements to the FDA agents
were not accurate. (Appellants Appx Vol. VI at 2341.) Geisenheimer told him to
immediately contact the federal agents to correct the record and to get his own lawyer.

Geisenheimer testified it was incredible to me that one needs to review their e-mails to
know whether they were knowledgeable of facts. (Id. at 2341.) According to
Schultes statements about those balloons and wires changed from not
having any knowledge of it to certainly believing that they were never used
in humans, to acknowledging that they were imported, and if anything, this
was a misdemeanor, that the doctors knew about it, that . . . senior
colleagues, executives of the company knew about it, and its common in
the industry because these were low technology devices, et cetera.
(Id. at 2358-59.) Geisenheimer, however, said the use of unapproved devices was not
common in the industry; he had never encountered it before in [his] 40 years in the
medical device industry. (Id. at 2359.)
E. Schultes Corrections
Schulte, through his attorneys, provided three letters correcting his interview
statements. On September 9, 2008, his attorneys faxed a letter to Burke. It said, in part:
In thinking about the questions you asked concerning guidewires, Mr. Schulte promptly
went back to check his records. This further review has refreshed Mr. Schultes
recollection that in early July[] 2005, Mr. Schulte returned from FMD with a single
demonstration sample. (Appellants Appx Vol. VIII at 3304.) The second letter, sent
on September 22, 2008, attached an e-mail chain showing Schultes knowledge of the
proposed BMT evaluation form. The letter said:
Mr. Schulte believes Special Agent Burke showed Mr. Schulte the same or
similar versions of this form, which had handwriting as though the forms
had been filled out in whole or in part.


To clarify, Mr. Schulte still does not believe he had ever seen the
completed forms before the interview. . . . Based on Mr. Schultes
subsequent review of this matter, however, it appears he had seen an earlier
version of the form which did not bear the handwriting on the forms
Special Agent Burke displayed.
(Id. at 3305-06.) The third letter, dated January 16, 2009, was sent to the Assistant
United States Attorney. It explained Schultes files suggest[ed] that Mr. Schulte brought
a small number of FMD guidewires into the United States on two additional occasions,
in August 2006 and early July 2007. (Id. at 3308.)
Schulte and others were charged in a twelve-count indictment alleging: (1)
conspiracy to defraud the United States; (2) false statements; (3) introduction and receipt
of adulterated and misbranded devices into interstate commerce; and (4) aiding and
abetting. After 15 days of trial, the jury acquitted him on all counts except Count II, false
statements. On that charge, the jury unanimously agreed Schulte knew at least one of the
following statements he made was false:
Statement One, Schulte told Special Agent Burke that he was never given
FMD guidewires while in Japan and did not physically carry any with him
when returning to the United States.
Statement Two, Schulte told Special Agent Burke that the FMD guidewires
provided to physicians were not provided for use in human patients.
Statement Three, Schulte told Special Agent Burke that he was not aware
that FMD guidewires were provided to [Dr. Bruce Murphy] by members of
his staff or by [a consultant] for use inside human patients.
Statement Four, Schulte told Special Agent Burke that he did not know that
[Dr. Craig Walker] or [Dr. Robert Gallino] [was] supplied BMT balloons


by employees to use inside human patients.

Statement Five, Special Agent Burke showed Schulte a copy of the
evaluation forms entitled BMT PTA Catheter Product Evaluation, and
Schulte told Special Agent Burke that he had never seen the forms.
(Appellants Appx Vol. I at 101-02 (capitalization modified and numbering added).)
Because neither party requested a special verdict form, the jury did not specify which
statement or statements it unanimously found to be false.
Schulte filed a post-trial motion seeking a judgment of acquittal or a new trial. He
claimed there was insufficient evidence to prove Statements Four and Five were false.
He further argued there was insufficient evidence to show any statement was material to
the investigation or that he knowingly made a false statement. The motion was denied.
Schulte contends the government failed to prove his intent to supply false
information and the materiality of the information to the governments investigation. We
To convict Schulte under 1001, the government must prove:
First, the defendant made a false statement or representation to the
government, specifically as detailed in Count Two of the Indictment.
Second, the defendant made the statement knowing it was false.
Third, the defendant made the statement willfully, that is deliberately,
voluntarily and intentionally.
Fourth, the statement was made in a matter within the jurisdiction of the
Executive Branch of the United States.

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And [F]ifth, the statement was material to the United States Food and Drug
(Appellants Appx Vol. VII at 3043-44.)
A. False Statement
1. Preservation
On appeal, Schulte argues Statements Four and Five were based on a legally
deficient theory of liabilityone that violates both 1001 and the First Amendment.
(Appellants Br. at 16.) The government claims Schulte did not raise this error below.
Instead, he merely claimed there was insufficient evidence to prove these statements were
false. Therefore, according to the government, our review must be for plain error.
United States v. DeChristopher, 695 F.3d 1082, 1091 (10th Cir. 2012) (Defendant did
not raise this specific argument in his Rule 29 motion, meaning we review it only for
plain error.).
We agree with the government. In his motion for acquittal or a new trial, Schulte
argued the government failed to prove his statements were false. Regarding Statement
Five, Schultes argument to the district court consisted of the following sentence:
Because there is absolutely no evidence that Schulte had ever seen the completed,
handwritten BMT Evaluation Forms, Statement Five was not false. (Appellants Appx
Vol. I at 249.) He made no mention of the First Amendment or any other constitutional
argument. As to Statement Four, Schulte claimed, Burkes subjective interpretation of
what Schultes responses to other questions meant cannot support proof of falsity beyond

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a reasonable doubt. (Id. at 248). He never argued Statements Four and Five should not
have gone to the jury because of a legal error.
The legal analysis of his argument to the district court varies significantly from his
argument on appealand has significant consequences. If Statements Four or Five were
merely unsupported by the evidence, Schultes conviction will stand if there was
sufficient evidence demonstrating any one of his remaining statements were false (and
otherwise within the requirements of the statute). See Griffin v. United States, 502 U.S.
46, 56-57 (1991) (quoting Turner v. United States, 396 U.S. 398, 420 (1970) ([W]hen a
jury returns a guilty verdict on an indictment charging several acts in the conjunctive . . .
the verdict stands if the evidence is sufficient with respect to any one of the acts
charged.). On the other hand, if it was legal error to submit Statements Four or Five to
the jury, then Schultes conviction must be vacated as it could be based on a statement
which did not qualify under the statute. Griffin, 502 U.S. at 59.
As the Supreme Court explained:
Jurors are not generally equipped to determine whether a particular theory
of conviction submitted to them is contrary to law whether, for example,
the action in question is protected by the Constitution, is time barred, or
fails to come within the statutory definition of the crime. When, therefore,
jurors have been left the option of relying upon a legally inadequate theory,
there is no reason to think that their own intelligence and expertise will
save them from that error. Quite the opposite is true, however, when they
have been left the option of relying upon a factually inadequate theory,
since jurors are well equipped to analyze the evidence.

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In his reply brief, Schulte argues he alerted the court to the essential issue, and
therefore, his failure to specifically define the error does not result in forfeiture.
(Appellants Reply Br. at 4.) However, we see nothing in Schultes district court brief
which would put either the district court or the government on notice of a claim of legal
error, as described by the Supreme Court in Griffin, as opposed to the failure to adduce
sufficient evidence of falsity. Therefore, we review Schultes claim of legal error for
plain error. He must demonstrate (1) error that is (2) plain, (3) affects substantial rights,
and (4) seriously affects the fairness, integrity, or public reputation of judicial
proceedings. DeChristopher, 696 F.3d at 1091.

The Supreme Court also distinguished legal error from insufficiency of the
evidence as follows:
In one sense legal error includes inadequacy of evidence namely, when
the phrase is used as a term of art to designate those mistakes that it is the
business of judges (in jury cases) and of appellate courts to identify and
correct. In this sense legal error occurs when a jury, properly instructed
as to the law, convicts on the basis of evidence that no reasonable person
could regard as sufficient. But in another sense a more natural and less
artful sense the term legal error means a mistake about the law, as
opposed to a mistake concerning the weight or the factual import of the
evidence. . . . [W]e are using legal error in the latter sense.
Griffin, 502 U.S. at 59.

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2. Legal Error Fundamental Ambiguity

Whether the question itself is unable to legally support a perjury or false statement
conviction depends on whether it contains a fundamental ambiguity. United States v.
Strohm, 671 F.3d 1173, 1178 (10th Cir. 2011). We review claims that a question is
fundamentally ambiguous de novo. Id. at 1179.4
A question is fundamentally ambiguous in narrow circumstances. To
qualify, the question must lack a meaning about which men of ordinary
intellect could agree, nor one which could be used with mutual
understanding by a questioner and answerer unless it were defined at the
time it were sought and offered as testimony. That is, the question itself is
excessively vague, making it impossible to knowwithout guessingthe
meaning of the question and whether a witness intended to make a false
Id. at 1179 (quoting United States v. Farmer, 137 F.3d 1265, 1269 (10th Cir. 1998)).
The purpose of the rule of fundamental ambiguity is three-fold, namely, to (1) preclude
convictions grounded on surmise or conjecture; (2) prevent witnesses from unfairly
bearing the risks of inadequate examination; and (3) encourage witnesses to testify (or at
least not discourage them from doing so). Farmer, 137 F.3d at 1269. Fundamental
ambiguity is the exception, not the rule. Id. Given the nature of language, in hindsight,

While our precedent addresses perjury convictions, courts routinely apply the
fundamental ambiguity analysis to analogous charges for various types of false
statements. See, e.g., United States v. Brooks, 681 F.3d 678, 706 (5th Cir. 2012) (false
natural gas price reporting), cert. denied, 133 S. Ct. 839 (2013); United States v. Sarwari,
669 F.3d 401, 407 (4th Cir. 2012) (false statement on passport application); United States
v. Mubayyid, 658 F.3d 35, 61 (1st Cir. 2011) (false statement to FBI agent), cert. denied,
132 S. Ct. 2378 (2012); United States v. Ahmed, 472 F.3d 427, 433 (6th Cir. 2006) (false
statement of federal employment application).
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many questions could be susceptible to differing interpretations. Simply plumbing a

question for post hoc ambiguity will not defeat a perjury conviction where the evidence
demonstrates the defendant understood the question in context and gave a knowingly
false answer. Strohm, 671 F.3d at 1178.
In other words, a fundamental ambiguity cannot be the basis for a false statement
conviction because a person cannot knowingly give a false reply to a question that defies
interpretation despite its context. Thus, the context of the question is critically
important. Farmer, 137 F.3d at 1269. The situation in Farmer is instructive. There, the
defendant, while a witness at a pretrial hearing, had the following exchange with the
Q. Prior to your coming to testify here today, did you speak to anyone
about your testimony here today?
A. No, just the attorney asked me if I would-you know, verifying that I
would come.
Q. When was that?
A. Well, I called the office this morning, which I didn't speak with him. Oh,
I did too. I spoke with an investigator, a federal investigator.
Q. Have you talked to Mr. McMahon, the Defendant about your testimony
here today?
A. No.
Q. When is the last time you talked to Mr. McMahon?
A. I talked to him-well, I believe it was yesterday. I am not real sure. It was
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yesterday or the day before. He called and I talked to him briefly on the
Id. at 1266-67 (emphasis added). In a later interview, she told an investigator she had
spoken with McMahon about her testimony on the day prior to the pretrial hearing. She
was charged and convicted of perjury based on her testimony at the pretrial hearing.
The defendant challenged her conviction based on the ambiguity of the
prosecutors questions. She claimed she understood the prosecutors use of the phrase
here today to refer to whether she had spoken with McMahon on the day of the pretrial
hearing, and thus answered the question truthfully. Id. at 1267. Although we did not
decide whether the question was fundamentally ambiguous or merely arguably
ambiguous, we found it impossible to discern whether here today referred to either
when she talked to the defendant or to her testimony. Id. at 1270. The context of the
exchange was the key to our decision to reverse her conviction. Read in its entirety, the
context of the questions and answers was consistent with her understanding of the
question, not the governments interpretation. See id. at 1270.
Considering Burkes questions in light of the testimony as a whole, the
questions leading to Statements Four and Five were not fundamentally ambiguous. Id. at
1269. Agent Burke testified as follows: after he and Schulte covered Schultes
background, they discussed the FMD project. Schulte said the FMD guidewires were not
provided to physicians for use in human patients by members of his staff or by a
consultant. Turning to the BMT project, Schulte said he was currently in negotiations

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with a company in Germany. Burke asked Schulte if there were any BMT balloons on
site. He replied there may have been at one time for use in glass models. (Appellants
Appx Vol. V at 2224.) Burke continued:
I asked him if he ever physically provided BMT balloons to Dr. Robert
Gallino or Dr. Craig Walker for use in human patients, and he said that he
had not. But he added that he recalled that they were possibly, those
doctors were possibly at Spectranetics on site for use in glass models, to use
those in glass models.
I showed him the forms, and we went over the forms. He said he had never
seen the forms before.
I asked him . . . does this look like . . . these products were used in humans,
and he said, yes, it did. He acknowledged that based on the responses, it
looked like the balloons were in fact used in humans.
He . . . again said he had never seen the forms before.
He said that . . . other personnel were in charge of the BMT project. And
then I asked him, well, then, was this testing done by rogue employees?
And I remember him very distinctly saying I dont know.
(Id. at 2225-27.)
Burke explained he didnt differentiate if [the form] was filled out or not filled
out. It was the form. . . . [Schulte] said he had never seen it before. (Id. at 2234.)
When again asked about the use of BMT balloons in human patients, Burke said:
[B]ased on my questioning, particularly involving the BMT PTA catheter
evaluation forms, . . . I asked him if the testing was done by rogue
employees. And he said, I dont know. And so what was conveyed to me
was that he did not know that Craig Walker and Rob Gallino were supplied
these . . . BMT balloons by employees for use in human patients.
(Id. at 2237-38.)

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Burkes testimony was not the only evidence establishing the context of the
interview. Memorandums and notes of the interview were also presented. These notes
reflect, prior to the questions about the evaluation forms, Schulte had affirmatively stated
he had not provided the BMT balloons for use in patients. According to Cruzs notes:5
Schulte was asked if BMT balloons were provided to doctors, and he
claimed No.
Schulte was shown a[n] evaluation form used by SPECTRANETICS for
doctors to fill out and asked if he was aware of the form. He claimed No
he was not.
(Appellants Appx Vol. VIII at 3288) (emphasis added).
Schulte claims Burkes testimony shows, as to Statement Four, he was never asked
directly whether any employees had supplied balloons to Drs. Gallino or Walker. He was
asked whether rogue employees had done the testing. Therefore, he truthfully replied
he did not know. As to Statement Five, Schulte maintains because Burke did not
distinguish between the completed and uncompleted forms, he truthfully stated he had
never seen the completed forms. But this ignores the contextual evidence.
If the jury accepted Cruzs notes, whether Schulte had seen that particular form
before was not the question. While Schultes interpretation of the question may not be
unreasonable, it changes the actual question from whether he was aware of the form to
whether he was aware of this completed form. And even accepting this interpretation,
the evidence showing he had approved the form, and the later conversations discussing

Burke did not testify as to the specific question he asked Schulte when he
produced the evaluation form.
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the reactions of the doctors after using the BMT balloon shows he was aware of the
completed form. Similarly, given Schultes denials of any knowledge of the clinical use
of the BMT balloons, Burkes use of the term rogue employee does not obfuscate the
meaning of his question. In light of Schultes previous statements, if an employee had
initiated the testing it would necessarily have been a rogue employee.
Thus, the questions could be mutually understood by Burke and Schulte within the
context in which they were asked. We do not diminish the importance of clear, precise
questioning as a foundation for a false statement or perjury charge. Strohm, 761 F.3d at
1178. In this case, however, it was a question for the jury whether Schulte interpreted the
questions as he claimed. See Farmer, 137 F.3d at 1269 ([I]n most instances, the
meaning of a prosecutors question and the truthfulness of a defendant's answer are best
left to the jury.). There was no error, let alone plain error in the district courts denial of
Schultes motions for acquittal and for a new trial based on fundamental ambiguity.
B. Sufficiency of the Evidence
Even if there was no legal error, Schulte argues the government failed: (1) to
present sufficient evidence Statements Four and Five were false; (2) to prove any of his
statements were made with intention of providing false information; and (3) to prove any
statement was material to the FDA investigation. To determine whether evidence is
sufficient to support a conviction, we review all the evidence in the light most favorable
to the government to determine whether a reasonable jury might find the defendant guilty
beyond a reasonable doubt. United States v. Migliaccio, 34 F.3d 1517, 1521 (10th Cir.

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1994). Because his conviction will be affirmed if any one of Schultes statements meets
each element of the charge, for the sake of brevity we address only Statement Four.
1. Sufficient Evidence Schulte Knew Statement Four Was False.
Schulte maintains the government did not negate his reasonable interpretation of
Burkes question. An arguably ambiguous question is one which contains more than one
reasonable interpretation. Strohm, 671 F.3d at 1181. When a question is arguably
ambiguous, a witness can still intend, and in fact give, a response that was literally
false. Strohm, 671 F.3d at 1181. We review a conviction based on an arguably
ambiguous question to determine whether the government presented evidence sufficient
to negate the defendants alleged understanding of the question. Id.
Schulte relies on United States v. Migliaccio, where the government accused a
doctor of using incorrect medical terminology in order to mislead a government agency
to receive payment. 34 F.3d at 1523. The doctor argued the relevant medical terms and
the reporting requirements were ambiguous, that his interpretations were reasonable, and
his reasonable compliance therefore negated his intent to deceive. We said:
In cases arising under 18 U.S.C. 1001, which criminalizes making false
statements to a government agency, the government bears the burden to
negate any reasonable interpretations that would make a defendants
statement factually correct where reporting requirements are
ambiguous. . . . It necessarily follows that, where the evidence supports a
defendants position, the jury must be instructed concerning reasonable
interpretations of ambiguous requirements and the governments ensuing
Id. at 1325 (citations omitted). We reversed and remanded for a new trial.

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Schulte does not claim the jury instructions were flawed, but challenges the
sufficiency of the evidence negating his reasonable interpretation of Burkes question.
Burke asked if Schulte did not provide the balloons, was it done by rogue employees?
Schulte said he didnt know. Schulte claims he answered truthfully because Burke only
used the term rogue employees and Schulte did not remember any of his employees
providing the BMT balloons to doctors at the time he answered the question. We find the
evidence is sufficient for the jury to conclude he knew his answer was false.
As discussed above, there was an abundance of evidence contradicting Schultes
faulty memory. Numerous witnesses testified about their conversations with Schulte
regarding the clinical use of the BMT balloons, including Sauerteig, who testified the
shipment of balloons was sent because Schulte wanted to test them in clinical studies
before reaching a supply agreement. Moreover, Schulte had been specifically questioned
about the same issues during the recent internal investigation and had several
conversations with Spectranetics Board Chairman Geisenheimer on this subject. Finally,
he had approved an evaluation form to assess physicians reactions to the product.
Geisenheimer testified that he found Schultes forgetfulness incredible. It appears the
jury agreed.
In addition, the term rogue employees was used only after Schulte stated he did
not provide the balloons for clinical use. In the context of Burkes questions and
Schultes previous answers, rogue could only be understood to mean employees who

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had acted without Schultes permission and against the companys policies. Thus, unlike
Migliaccio, the evidence sufficiently negated Schultes explanation.
Schulte also claims his prompt and voluntary recantations, precluded a finding
he knowingly and willingly provided false statements to the FDA. (Appellants Br. at 42
n.9.) According to Schulte, as he became aware of the inaccuracies in his statements to
Burke, he corrected and clarified his statements. He asserts [i]t is not plausible that
Schulte would willfully give false information to the Government, only to turn around
and correct those errors only days later. (Id. at 42.) However, even though Schulte
testified he remembered the clinical use of the devices when he corrected his
statements in September 2008, none of his prompt recantations included an admission
he knew his employees gave the BMT balloons to the doctors at his direction. In sum,
the record contains sufficient evidence to support the jurys determination that, beyond a
reasonable doubt, Statement Four was deliberately false.6
2. Whether Statement Four Was Material to the Investigation
Schulte also maintains the governments evidence was insufficient to show his
statements were material to the investigation. [T]o establish materiality under 1001,
the government must show that the statement had a natural tendency to influence, or [be]
capable of influencing, the decision of the decisionmaking body to which it was
addressed. United States v. Gordon, 710 F.3d 1124, 1144-45 (10th Cir.), (quoting

Because we find the evidence sufficient to support his conviction, we need not
address Schultes lenity argument.
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United States v. Gaudin, 515 U.S. 506, 509 (1995)) cert. denied, 134 S. Ct. 617 (2013).
Materiality is a mixed question of law and fact. Gaudin, 515 U.S. at 511-12.
Deciding whether a statement is material requires the determination of at least
two subsidiary questions of purely historical fact: (a) what statement was made? and
(b) what decision was the agency trying to make? Id. at 512. Schulte contends his
statements were not material because Burke had already reviewed the e-mails and the
decision to investigate Spectranetics had already been made. In addition, Burke had
already decided who he wanted to interview. Thus, in Schultes view, his statements did
not have the capacity to influence any government decision.
This argument fails to account for the nascent quality of the investigation. As
Burke testified, he had received information from the whistleblowers and was trying to
confirm the information he received and learn the scope of the questionable activities.
(Appellants Appx Vol. V at 2229.) The FDA, charged with protecting citizens health,
was trying to ascertain the number and type of unapproved devices placed into human
patients. Schultes statements misdirected the focus of the investigation from a company
policy soliciting clinical trials to the possible, but unknown activities of individual
employees. See Gordon, 710 F.3d at 1145 (statement by attorney that he had no
knowledge of potentially illegal conduct could have influenced the agencys decision on
how to craft its investigative focus); see also United States v. Oldbear, 568 F.3d 814,
825 (10th Cir.2009) (holding that a false statement made to an FBI agent that the
defendant had no information regarding the matter under investigation was material
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under 1001(a)(2) because the statement related to an issue important to the underlying
investigation). [F]or testimony to be material, it need not have an actual effect; it
merely must be capable of influenc[e]. See United States v. Hasan, 609 F.3d 1121, 1140
(10th Cir. 2010) (quotation marks omitted). Given Schultes position in the company and
his ability to explain the purpose and use of the devices prior to FDA approval, the jury
was provided sufficient evidence to find, beyond a reasonable doubt, Schultes statements
could have influenced the agency.

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