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382 F.

2d 395

SPEED FASTNERS, INC., a corporation, now doing business

as the Speed Fastners, Inc., a foreign corporation, a division of
Elco Tool and Screw Corporation, Appellant,
Ray NEWSOM and American Employers Insurance Company,
No. 8827.

United States Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit.

September 26, 1967.

Paul C. Duncan, Oklahoma City, Okl. (Robert S. Baker and Pierce,

Duncan, Couch & Hendrickson, Oklahoma City, Okl., of counsel, on the
brief), for appellant.
Don Manners, Oklahoma City, Okl. (James D. Grigsby, Oklahoma City,
Okl. of counsel, on the brief), for appellees.
BREITENSTEIN, Circuit Judge.

The jury awarded appellee-plaintiff Newsom $100,000 in damages for injuries

received in an industrial accident occurring in Oklahoma. A fellow workman
was using a powder-loaded gun to drive studs through a steel I-beam for the
purpose of attaching a 2 6 piece of wood thereto. The head and shank of the
stud separated with the shank ricocheting out of the wood and striking the
plaintiff. Suit was brought against the manufacturer of the stud, appellantdefendant Speed Fastners, Inc., on the theory of breach of both express and
implied warranties. Jurisdiction is based on diversity.

Plaintiff was a carpenter foreman employed by Oak Creek Development

Company in the construction of an Oklahoma City motel. On the day of the
accident plaintiff adjusted the gun and gave it to a fellow employee, Gilbert

Hensley, for use. Hensley had difficulty in getting the desired penetration and
changed to a heavier powder charge and a shorter plunger setting. The effect of
these changes was to increase the driving force of the gun.

The ricocheting shank of the stud hit plaintiff in the abdomen and lodged in a
nerve center of the pelvic region. According to the medical testimony, it cannot
be removed safely. The gun used by Hensley was a "Ramset" which is
manufactured by a competitor of defendant Speed Fastners. The powder charge
was contained in "Omark" cartridges, the product of another manufacturer. No
claim is made by either party of a defect in the gun or the cartridge.

Speed Fastner asserts that the evidence does not establish that the stud which
separated was manufactured by it. Both Ramset and Speed Fastner studs were
used on the job and in the area where Hensley was working separated heads of
both types were found. On the day of the accident a quantity of Speed Fastner
studs had been delivered to the employer. Plaintiff testified positively that
Hensley was using Speed Fastner studs. Hensley did not say what brand he was
using. He said that the studs and shells were brought out to him and that he put
them in the nail pocket of his apron. He described the studs thus:

"There's some that's an inch-and-a-half nail, that there was a in a red and
white box, and they had a little plastic affair around them to keep them from
going a little white plastic farrow [ferrule], to keep them from going through
the gun."

Speed Fastner studs come in a red and white box. No showing was made of the
type of box for Ramset studs. Speed Fastner studs have a white plastic ring or
ferrule around the shank about midway between the head and the point. Ramset
studs have a red plastic cap which covers the point and extends a short distance
up the shank. Although the plaintiff's self-serving statement may be suspect, it
finds support in the quoted testimony of Hensley. Taken together, they amount
to more than a scintilla and are sufficient to justify the submission to the jury of
the question of identity of the stud. The jury resolved that issue in favor of the
plaintiff and we cannot say as a matter of law that the verdict was wrong in this

The plaintiff's theory is that the manufacturer of the stud is liable under either
an express or an implied warranty. The court submitted the case to the jury on
each theory and specifically instructed that the plaintiff need not prove
negligence on the part of the manufacturer.

On the question of express warranty, the evidence is that, prior to the accident,
some unknown person gave to the plaintiff a copy of a pamphlet which was
issued by the manufacturer and which described certain of its products. Failure
to prove agency of the distributor of the pamphlet is said to be unimportant
because the pamphlet was an advertisement to the public and, hence, within the
modern concept of express warranty.1 The point is unimportant because the
representations were made to the plaintiff not to the purchasing employer.
There is no showing that the plaintiff had or exercised any control or right of
suggestion over the purchase of studs. He supplied his crew with the studs
furnished by the employer.

In any event, the record does not establish a breach of an express warranty as
the cause of the accident. The plaintiff relies on statements in the pamphlet that
there is an elimination of the possibility of an overdriven stud and of the
possibility of a ricochet. Such statements in the pamphlet refer to a "Safti-Flite
Speed Fastner" gun not to the studs. The only pertinent references to the
studs are that they are "aus-tempered" and "tested by Pittsburgh Testing
Laboratory." The studs were made of "Tempered Martensite." The terms "austempered" and "Tempered Martensite" refer to a manufacturing process. There
is no evidence that one process is better than the other. The studs were not
tested in the Pittsburgh Laboratory but no connection is shown between the
lack of such testing and the separation of the head and shank of the stud.


Oklahoma has the Uniform Commercial Code. It provides that express

warranties are created by an affirmation of fact or promise which becomes a
part of the bargain and by a description of the goods which is made a part of the
bargain.2 The plaintiff did not buy the studs. Nothing shows that the employer
when purchasing the studs relied on any statement in the pamphlet, any
promise, or any description of the product. Without regard to the privity
question, the proof fails to establish an express warranty and the submission of
that issue to the jury is prejudicial and reversible error.


The implied warranty issue is more difficult. The Uniform Commercial Code,
adopted in Oklahoma, provides for an implied warranty of merchantability.3


The first question is whether the manufacturer's liability extends to a person

who is neither a purchaser nor a user. Under the Oklahoma law the warranty
extends "to any natural person who is in the family or household of his buyer or
who is a guest in his home."4 The manufacturer argues that this clause has the
effect of excluding all those not within the mentioned categories. We are
convinced that this was not the legislative intent.5


The plaintiff was neither the buyer nor the user. The buyer was his employer
and the user was a fellow workman. The plaintiff insists that in the situation
presented the principle of strict liability applies and that even a bystander might
recover. The manufacturer argues that, except in food and drink cases,
Oklahoma has never applied the theory of strict liability in implied warranty
cases. It points out that in Marathon Battery Company v. Kilpatrick, Okl., 418
P.2d 900, the Oklahoma Supreme Court extended to a purchaser from a retailer
the right to recover against the manufacturer for breach of implied warranty but
did not extend that right to a person who was neither a purchaser nor user. No
Oklahoma decision has considered the specific issue with which we are


The extension of a manufacturer's liability to anyone injured by a product not

suitable for the use intended has been the subject of much discussion.6 In
general, privity is not essential where an implied warranty is imposed by the
law on the basis of public policy. We believe that the injured employee stands
in the shoes of his employer and that his cause of action based on implied
warranty is not barred by the shield of privity.7 The manufacturers know that
most businesses are carried on through employees who will actually use the
product purchased by their employers. In the absence of an Oklahoma decision
to the contrary, we are satisfied that the employee may sue on the theory of
implied warranty.


The issue then narrows to consideration of whether the evidence sustains a

finding of breach of implied warranty. The aforementioned decision in
Marathon Battery Company v. Kilpatrick, Okl., 418 P.2d 900, is pertinent. A
manufacturer was sued under the theory of implied warranty by a purchaser for
injuries sustained as the result of an explosion of a dry-cell battery. The defense
was that the battery could not explode. No negligence of manufacture or design
was shown. The Oklahoma Supreme Court held that:


"* * * the manufacturer's liability was established when it was shown that the
plaintiff was injured while using the battery for the purpose intended by reason
of a defect as to which he was not aware, and could not have ascertained by
examination." 8


The defect claimed here is the separation of the head from the shank of the
stud. The separation could have been caused either by a defective stud or by an
overcharge in, and improper setting of, the gun. An expert for the plaintiff
testified that the separation was caused by a tensile failure. He said that the
Rockwell Hardness Test showed "industrial strength somewhat below the
optimum hardness," but declined to say that this condition caused the failure.

He also found "inclusions" in the studs and testified that: "I believe they were
weaker than they should have been to sustain the stress required to maintain the
nail from breaking at the head." Defense experts gave contradictory testimony.

Thus, our case is somewhat stronger than Marathon. There no defect in the
battery was shown. It simply exploded. Here the fact of separation is bolstered
by expert testimony of insufficient tensile strength. It is enough to sustain
liability unless the separation was caused by improper use.


We have here an inherently dangerous product. Although our concern is with a

stud rather than with the gun or cartridge, the stud was designed, made, and
sold for the use to which it was put. The possibility of separation and ricochet
may not be disregarded.9 The stud is harmless in itself, but, when used for the
purpose intended, it is a component of a lethal weapon.


The manufacturer says that the accident to the plaintiff resulted from misuse of
the equipment and that such misuse relieves it from liability. The claim of
misuse is based on the facts that Hensley used a stronger cartridge than that
prescribed by his superior and changed the plunger setting. The effect of these
changes was to secure greater striking power and greater penetration. Also they
imposed a greater strain on the tensile strength of the stud.


The stud was used for the "ordinary purposes" for which it was made and
sold,10 that is, to fasten a wooden board to a steel I-beam. When used for that
purpose, the head and the shank should not separate. The fact that they did
separate shows either that the stud was defective or that the gun was not used
properly. The question was one of fact for jury determination.11 We are
convinced that the submission of the case to the jury on the theory of implied
warranty was proper.


The final claim of the manufacturer is that the plaintiff was contributorily
negligent by his presence in an area where a ricochet was possible. We have
doubt whether contributory negligence is a defense to an action on implied
warranty.12 Our attention is called to no Oklahoma decision on the point. If the
defense is permissible in that state, the question of contributory negligence was
submitted to the jury and resolved against the manufacturer. The verdict is
supported by substantial evidence in this regard.


In view of our holding that the judgment must be reversed because the evidence
does not sustain a claim of express warranty, the question of misconduct of a
juror is moot.


Reversed and remanded for a new trial consistent with the views expressed


Of the District of Columbia Circuit, sitting by designation

See Connolly v. Hagi, 24 Conn.Sup. 198, 188 A.2d 884, 886, and Henningsen
v. Bloomfield Motors, Inc., 32 N.J. 358, 161 A.2d 69, 83, 84, 75 A.L.R.2d 1

12A Okl.St.Anno. 2-313(1) which reads: "Express warranties by the seller

are created as follows: (a) Any affirmation of fact or promise made by the
seller to the buyer which relates to the goods and becomes part of the basis of
the bargain creates an express warranty that the goods shall conform to the
affirmation or promise. (b) Any description of the goods which is made part of
the basis of the bargain creates an express warranty that the goods shall
conform to the description."

It is provided in 12A Okl.St.Anno. 2314 that "a warranty that goods shall be
merchantable is implied in a contract for their sale" and that: "Goods to be
merchantable must be at least such as * * * (c) are fit for the ordinary purposes
for which such goods are used; * * *." Section 2-315 covering implied
warranties of fitness for a particular purpose does not apply because we are
concerned with a use customarily made of a product

12A Okl.St.Anno. 2-318

In the comment following 2-318 appears the following: "3. This section
expressly includes as beneficiaries within its provisions the family, household,
and guests of the purchaser. Beyond this, the section is neutral and is not
intended to enlarge or restrict the developing case law on whether the seller's
warranties, given to his buyer who resells, extend to other persons in the
distributive chain."

See Prosser, Law of Torts, Ch. 19, 97, p. 672 et seq.; 2 Harper & James,
Torts, p. 1570 et seq.; and Restatement, Torts 2d 402A, p. 347 et seq. A
comprehensive annotation is found in 75 A.L.R. p. 49 et seq. In the Tenth
Circuit we have Burgess v. Montgomery Ward and Company, 10 Cir., 264 F.2d
395, and B. F. Goodrich Company v. Hammond, 10 Cir., 269 F.2d 501, both
Kansas cases, and Quick-Way Truck Shovel Co. v. Great American Insurance
Company, 10 Cir., 314 F.2d 702, affirming and adopting, D.C., 204 F.Supp.
847, a Colorado case concerned with an Idaho accident

See Delta Oxygen Company v. Scott, 238 Ark. 534, 383 S.W.2d 885, 893;
Childs v. Austin Supply Co., 408 Pa. 403, 184 A.2d 250, 252; and Peterson v.
Lamb Rubber Company, 54 Cal.2d 339, 5 Cal. Rptr. 863, 353 P.2d 575, 581

418 P.2d 915. Although this decision predated the adoption of the Uniform
Commercial Code by Oklahoma, nothing in the Code changes the principle
announced by the court

A defense witness who worked at the accident site as a glazier and who used
the type of equipment here under consideration testified as to the observance on
occasions of richochets


See 12A Okl.St.Anno. 2-314


Adams v. Scheib, 408 Pa. 452, 184 A.2d 700, 705


See Dallison v. Sears, Roebuck and Co., 10 Cir., 313 F.2d 343, 346

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