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918 F.

2d 128

VALLEY NATIONAL BANK, a Banking Corporation,

James ABDNOR, in his capacity as Administrator of the Small
Business Administration, an agency of the United
States Government, Defendant-Appellee.
No. 89-1078.

United States Court of Appeals,

Tenth Circuit.
Nov. 6, 1990.

Steven R. Rider, Rider & Woulf, Aurora, Colo. (Charles S. Unfug, Greeley,
Colo., on the brief), for plaintiff-appellant.

Gary Fox, Sp. Asst. U.S. Atty., Washington, D.C., (Amy Golen, Sp. Asst. U.S.
Atty., Washington, D.C.; Michael J. Norton, U.S. Atty., and J. Greg Whitehair,
Asst. U.S. Atty., on the brief), for defendant-appellee.

Before BRORBY and ANDERSON, Circuit Judges, and THEIS,* District


THEIS, District Judge.

Plaintiff Valley National Bank ("the Bank" or "VNB") appeals from a judgment
rendered after a bench trial. The dispute involves the refusal of defendant Small
Business Administration ("SBA") to purchase its guaranteed portion of a
defaulted loan. Our jurisdiction is conferred by 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1291. We


The agreement between the parties was made pursuant to the SBA's authority
under 15 U.S.C. Sec. 636 to participate in guaranteed loans to small businesses
that would otherwise be unable to secure a loan from a lending institution.
Upon approval of a loan, the SBA will enter into a "deferred participation"

agreement, whereby it will purchase from the lending bank a portion of a loan
in the event of default. The SBA and VNB executed a blanket "Loan Guaranty
Agreement" in 1983 intended to govern future specific loans to be guaranteed
by the SBA. The particular loan underlying this dispute was for a guaranty of
90% deferred participation and was finalized on April 22, 1986.

The nature of the enterprise underlying the guaranteed loan at issue was a cattle
operation owned by Ed and Charlotte Miller under the name of Eagle Limousin
Superior Genetics ("Eagle Limousin"). The Millers owned a herd of Limousin
cattle, which are considered to be genetically superior to other commercial
cattle. The operation for which the Millers sought financing was a new and
innovative procedure whereby the superior offspring of the Limousin cattle
could be produced at a much faster rate than normal. This procedure involved
the artificial insemination of a donor Limousin cow and subsequent "embryo
transfer." After artificial insemination, the resulting embryos could be flushed
out of the "donor" cow and transferred to several non-Limousin "host" cows. In
this way, a limited number of Limousin cows could be impregnated several
times a year, and their genetic offspring could be brought to term by other

The enterprise proposed by the Millers required a large amount of working

capital to expand the already faltering Eagle Limousin operation. The Millers
owned only Limousin cattle and proposed to lease a herd of host cows from
other cattle operations. The venture also required certain additional equipment.
The VNB had made a previous loan to the Millers that was outstanding at the
time the Millers proposed the embryo transfer enterprise. Presumably because
they already faced default on the prior loan, the Millers did not qualify for an
additional loan, and the Bank attempted to enlist the approval of the SBA for a
guaranteed loan. The SBA initially rejected the Millers' application but after
reconsideration gave its approval for a loan in the amount of $332,800. The
Bank made disbursements for the total amount of the loan from April 22, 1986
through November 22, 1986.

Although a limited number of embryos were successfully transferred, no

Limousin calves were brought to term in this manner. The loan went into
default on or about January 1, 1987, and the Bank made a demand for payment
upon the SBA on June 1, 1987. The Bank contended that SBA was obligated to
honor its agreement to guaranty the outstanding portion of the loan, which
amounted to approximately $300,000. SBA defended by alleging that the Bank
had failed to comply with the terms of the parties' agreement, thus discharging
the SBA guaranty. The district court made oral findings of fact and conclusions
of law to the effect that the Bank had violated the guaranty agreement, and that

this violation excused SBA of its obligation to purchase the loan.


We review the trial court's findings of fact under the clearly erroneous standard.
Fed.R.Civ.P. 52; United States v. United States Gypsum Co., 333 U.S. 364,
395, 68 S.Ct. 525, 541-42, 92 L.Ed. 746 (1948). The trial court's finding of a
material breach of contract is a question of fact that is controlled by this
standard of review. Chaparral Resources, Inc. v. Monsanto Co., 849 F.2d 1286,
1289 (10th Cir.1988); Eastern Illinois Trust & Sav. Bank v. Sanders, 826 F.2d
615, 616 (7th Cir.1987). However, the appellate court is in as good a position
as the trial court to interpret a written document. DeBoer Construction, Inc. v.
Reliance Ins. Co., 540 F.2d 486, 495 (10th Cir.1976), cert. denied, 429 U.S.
1041, 97 S.Ct. 741, 50 L.Ed.2d 753 (1977); see also Southwestern Stationery &
Bank Supply, Inc. v. Harris Corp., 624 F.2d 168, 170 (10th Cir.1980). Thus,
questions of interpretation are not limited by the clearly erroneous standard
unless the trial court relied on extrinsic evidence for its interpretation of an
ambiguous written contract. Cavic v. Pioneer Astro Indus., Inc., 825 F.2d 1421,
1424 (10th Cir.1987).


As with the trial court, we look first to the written agreement of the parties to
determine the bargained-for objectives of the parties. The written agreement of
the parties is reflected primarily in the 1983 blanket Loan Guaranty Agreement
and in the April 7, 1986 Authorization and Loan Agreement covering this
specific loan. The 1983 agreement provides that "[a]ll servicing actions shall be
the responsibility of the holder who shall follow accepted standards of loan
servicing employed by prudent lenders generally,...." R.Vol. I, Doc. 1, Eht. A, p
6. The April 1986 Authorization agreement further states that it is subject to the
provisions of the 1983 guaranty agreement between the Bank and the SBA.
R.Vol. I, Doc. 1, Eht. B, p 2(a). In addition, the 1983 blanket agreement
expressly subjects guaranteed loans by the SBA "to SBA's Rules and
Regulations as promulgated from time to time." The parties agree that the
critical regulation governing this dispute is found at 13 C.F.R. Sec. 120.202-5:

12 shall be released from obligation to purchase its share of the guaranteed loan
unless the Lender has substantially complied with all of the provisions of these
regulations, the Guaranty Agreement and the Loan Authorization, and has not failed
to disclose material facts, and has made no material misrepresentations to SBA with
respect to the loan; or upon the happening of any one or more of the following
13 Defective Closing. Failure of the Lender to close and disburse the loan
substantially in accordance with the terms and requirements of the loan instruments

(including the loan authorization), or to service the loan in a prudent manner, either
of which may result in a substantial loss on the loan; ....

Accordingly, the primary issue addressed during trial was whether VNB had
serviced the loan to the Millers in a manner employed by prudent lenders


The trial court found that the evidence was "clear and convincing" that the
Bank had failed to follow reasonably prudent banking methods, citing several
factors in support of this conclusion: the Bank took no measures to verify the
number of successful embryo transfers and made no effort to verify that any of
the transferred embryos, in which the Bank held a first lien interest, were
brought to term; the Bank failed to perfect its security interest in the unborn
cattle or to ascertain what interest the owners of the host cattle would have in
the unborn embryos; after the Bank had discovered in October 19862 that the
Millers had deceived it as to the number of actual successful embryo
transplants, the Bank did not inform SBA and indeed continued to pay out
additional disbursements to the Millers; the Bank did not know the location of
the Millers' existing Limousin cattle, nor did it make any effort to locate,
identify or inspect these cattle, which served to secure a second lien held by the
SBA on this loan3 ; the Bank took no action after the Millers had failed to
submit financial statements as required under the agreement. Considering these
various omissions, the trial court concluded that the Bank not only failed to
follow reasonably prudent banking methods in servicing the Miller loan, but
that it acted with "gross negligence" and "almost reckless indifference."


We do not find the trial court's conclusions on this issue to be clearly erroneous.
Indeed, a review of the record submitted on appeal reveals substantial evidence
to support the finding that the Bank did not act reasonably with respect to the
loan. See also Citizens Marine Nat'l Bank v. United States Dep't of Commerce,
854 F.2d 223, 228 (7th Cir.1988) (cumulative effect of various imprudent acts
by bank excused SBA from honoring guaranty agreement), cert. denied sub
nom., Bank One, Stevens Point, NA v. United States Dep't of Commerce, 489
U.S. 1053, 109 S.Ct. 1312, 103 L.Ed.2d 582 (1989); Pittsburgh Nat'l Bank v.
Abdnor, 898 F.2d 334 (3d Cir.1990) (bank failed to service loan prudently by
delaying the cashing of a check). The Bank calls attention to the fact that there
were no specific provisions in the Loan Authorization Agreement that required
the measures not taken by the Bank. This argument assumes that all actions
defining the prudent lender must be specifically set forth in the agreement
before they may be expected of the Bank. Although the 1986 Loan
Authorization Agreement did impose some specific servicing actions upon the
Bank, this does not preclude the possibility that other unspecified actions might

also be required of the prudent lender. A contrary interpretation would require

us to ignore as mere surplusage the contractual requirement of prudent
servicing. The Bank also argues that it serviced the Miller loan with the same
level of attention and professionalism as it uses in servicing other non-SBA
loans. This argument ignores that the Loan Agreement establishes the standard
governing the Bank's conduct with respect to SBA loans to be that of "prudent
lenders generally." This contractual standard is also consistent with the SBA's
Standard Operating Procedure ("S.O.P.") 50-50-3 p 62(b), which states that
"each lender is expected to administer the SBA guaranteed loans in its portfolio
with at least the same level of case control, attention and professionalism that it
applies to its direct (non-SBA) loan portfolio." (emphasis added). Thus, even
assuming the validity of the Bank's assertion, it is no defense that the Bank
may normally service its non-SBA loans in an imprudent manner.

The Bank alleges that the trial court's interpretation of the parties' agreement
violated the parol evidence rule by relying on evidence extrinsic to the written
documents forming the contract. Specifically, the trial court referred to a letter
introduced over plaintiff's objections from Mr. Patterson, the president of VNB,
to Mr. Muller of the SBA. In this letter, which predated the April 7, 1986
Authorization Agreement, Mr. Patterson assured Mr. Muller that the Bank
would consult with the owners of any host cows and obtain a written
understanding from these prospective commercial cow operators regarding the
Bank's security interest in the embryos. Mr. Patterson also stated that the Bank
would search the county records for any liens on the host cows and, if liens
were found, would obtain "a written acknowledgment" of the Millers'
ownership of the embryos and the Bank's security interest in the embryos. The
Bank took none of these actions.


Plaintiff's argument has no merit. Although the trial court referred to the letter
written by the Bank's president to the SBA, it did not do so to alter or contradict
the terms of the parties' written agreement. Rather, the letter was merely one
piece of evidence considered by the trial court to aid in its factual inquiry into
the specific actions required of the prudent lender. If a contractual term is
ambiguous, resort may be had to extrinsic evidence to determine the meaning of
that term. Devine v. Ladd Petroleum Corp., 805 F.2d 348, 349 (10th Cir.1986);
Amoco Prod. Co. v. Western Slope Gas Co., 754 F.2d 303, 309 (10th
Cir.1985). The trial court did no violence to the parol evidence rule by
considering this letter for the purpose of ascertaining the appropriate conduct of
"prudent lenders generally."


We next consider the trial court's conclusion that the Bank's various forms of
inaction excused the SBA from buying its guaranteed portion of the loan. The

Bank argues that the SBA may refuse to honor its guaranty agreement only
when the specific acts or inaction on the part of the Bank resulted in an
identifiable and substantial loss. The trial court interpreted the agreement so as
not to require that a specific loss on the loan be traceable to the Bank's
negligent servicing. In support of its position, the Bank relies on language
contained in the governing regulation and on the SBA's own written procedure.
Among the events excusing the SBA from its guaranty obligation is the lender's
failure "to close and disburse the loan substantially in accordance with the
terms and requirements of the loan instruments ... or to service the loan in a
prudent manner, either of which may result in a substantial loss on the loan." 13
C.F.R. Sec. 120.202-5(a) (emphasis added). This language is repeated in S.O.P.
50-50-3 p 76(a), which states that the SBA may deny liability if the lender fails
"to close/disburse substantially in compliance with the Authorization or
servicing in a substantially negligent manner, either of which may result in a
substantial loss on the loan." The Bank contends that the loss on the loan would
have resulted even if it had serviced the loan in the manner found wanting by
the trial court. According to plaintiff, the Bank could not have prevented the
ultimate loss on the loan by performing the various acts cited by the trial court,
because the only reasons for the failure of Eagle Limousin were Miller's
dishonesty and the inherent risk in this experimental venture.

This defense must fail for several reasons. First, the language relied upon by the
Bank states that the SBA will be excused of liability if the negligent conduct
"may result in a substantial loss on the loan." 13 C.F.R. Sec. 120.202-5(a)
(emphasis added). In addition, S.O.P. 50-50-3 p 76(a) emphasizes that an actual
loss is not necessary, stating that "[t]he combination of a substantial failure by
participant which results, or may result, in a substantial loss" is a predicate to an
SBA denial of liability. Thus, the trial court's interpretation of the terms of the
agreement on this issue is supported by the regulations forming a part of the
agreement. Under the SBA regulations and policy statements relied upon by the
parties,4 it is sufficient if the lender's actions are of such a nature that they may
be expected to result in a substantial loss on the loan.


Even assuming the validity of the Bank's interpretation, the trial court found
that the Bank's failure to service this loan in a prudent manner did result in a
substantial loss. The trial court stated:

22 loss here resulted from the failure completely of Miller to carry out the venture
that was outlined in great detail in the submission to the SBA, to the bank and to the
SBA. All of this was contingent on--even the creation of the collateral that was really
to support this loan was contingent on good management by him of the existing herd
and of the efforts to increase the herd through the embryo transplant system. So what

happened here is a total failure of that venture through gross mismanagement by the
borrower without adequate control and monitoring by the lender bank, and that's a
loss. And it is the loss which excuses the SBA from its obligation to repurchase.

R.Vol. III, at 482. (emphasis added). It is clear that the trial court found that the
failure of the venture was due at least in part to the negligent servicing of the
Miller loan. The Bank concedes that the business failed because Miller did not
perform as promised. Reply brief at 15. And the trial court found a causal
connection between the failure of Miller to perform and the Bank's numerous
instances of inadequate monitoring of the loan. The Bank also discovered in
October 1986 that the Millers had performed only 50 embryo transfers,
contrary to their earlier representations to the president of VNB, yet the Bank
continued to make disbursements of approximately $57,000 after it had
discovered the misrepresentations of the Millers. Finally, the Bank's failure to
inform itself of the location of the Limousin herd and the failure to perfect the
second lien security interest in this herd resulted in the loss of this valuable
collateral. Given these considerations, we cannot say that the trial court clearly
erred in finding that the Bank materially breached its agreement with SBA,
thereby excusing SBA of its guaranty obligation.


The judgment of the district court is AFFIRMED.

The Honorable Frank G. Theis, District Judge, United States District Court for
the District of Kansas, sitting by designation

The trial court found no material omissions on the part of the Bank at the time
of SBA's approval of the loan that would excuse SBA from its guaranty
obligation. SBA does not challenge this finding on appeal

At trial the parties disputed the time at which the Bank discovered that the
Millers had misrepresented the number of successful embryo transfers. The
trial court expressly found that Mr. Patterson, the Bank's president, learned in
October 1986 that only 50 transplants had been successful, when at least 150 to
180 were necessary for the venture to succeed. Plaintiff does not challenge this
finding on appeal

The Limousin cattle herd serving as collateral for this loan was lost and had not
been accounted for as of the time of trial

We are aware that a contrary interpretation of SBA standard operating

procedure was upheld by the Seventh Circuit in Eastern Illinois Trust &

Savings Bank v. Sanders, 826 F.2d 615, 617 (7th Cir.1987) (a resulting
substantial loss on the loan is a prerequisite to repudiating an SBA guaranty). In
Eastern Illinois the court referred to S.O.P. 50-53-3 p 56, which is neither cited
by the parties nor provided for our review. In addition, the Eastern Illinois court
appears to have endorsed this interpretation as a finding of fact by the trial court
that was not clearly erroneous. Necessarily, we are unable to express a view on
the correctness of this interpretation of S.O.P. 50-53-3 p 56, and our review is
restricted to the documents and findings of fact before us

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