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United States Court of Appeals

Tenth Circuit


APR 29 2003





Shaggy; URIEL MARTINEZ, aka Duke;
DELCID, aka Stranger; ERNEST
aka Lefty; BYRON ZAMORA, aka
Trigger; OSCAR VILLA, aka Wino;
ROGER PRECIADO, aka Cartoon;
NAJAR, aka Stalker; JASON
TAYLOR, aka Yogie; URIEL
GALLARDO, aka Cyclone; NEAL
POLUS, aka Troy Thompson, aka Evil;
FRANK LARA, aka Spooky,

No. 01-2186


The majority opinion is published only because the dissent is published.


Movant - Appellant.
Amicus Curiae.
(D.C. No. 95-CR-538-MV)
Submitted on the Briefs:**
Mark Jarmie and Jason Bowles, Sharp and Jarmie, P.A., Albuquerque, New Mexico, for
Movant-Appellant Thomas L. English.
David Weaver, Vinson & Elkins L.L.P., Austin, Texas, for Amicus National Association
for Assistant United States Attorneys.
Before SEYMOUR, BALDOCK and BRISCOE, Circuit Judges.
BRISCOE, Circuit Judge.

After examining the briefs and appellate record, the panel determined
unanimously that oral argument would not materially assist the determination of this
appeal. See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2)(C); 10th Cir. R. 34.1(G). We therefore ordered the
case submitted without oral argument.


Thomas L. English, a former Assistant United States Attorney, seeks review of a

district court post-judgment order allegedly censuring him for misconduct in connection
with his handling of a material witness in United States v. Gonzales, 95-CR-538 (D.
N.M.). We dismiss the appeal for lack of standing.
Gonzales was a complex, highly intense criminal prosecution in which the
government charged twenty-three members of an Albuquerque street gang with various
gang-related crimes including murder, attempted murder, drug trafficking, racketeering,
and conspiracy. English was the lead prosecutor. During the discovery stage, the district
court issued an order suppressing the testimony of a material witness as a sanction for
prosecutorial violations. Specifically, the district court found that the government had
improperly coerced the testimony of the witness by issuing an arrest warrant that could be
avoided if she cooperated, and that English had misrepresented to the court the extent of
the governments contact with and control over the witness in order to avoid producing
her to defense counsel.
The government filed an interlocutory appeal from the district courts suppression
order, and we affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. United States v.
Gonzales, 164 F.3d 1285, 1293 (10th Cir. 1999). We rejected the district courts
determination that the government had improperly coerced the material witness, id. at
1289-91, but affirmed the district courts conclusion that the government had

misrepresented the extent of its contact with and control over the witness and interfered
with defense access to her. Id. at 1292. Further, we concluded that the sanction of
suppressing the witness testimony was too severe and remanded to the district court for
consideration of lesser sanctions, such as allowing the witness to be redeposed by
defense at government expense, censuring or fining the government attorneys involved in
the misconduct, or recommending disciplinary proceedings against the government
attorneys involved. Id. at 1293.
Following remand, the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of New Mexico
commenced inquiry into a complaint filed against English by defense counsel. The
Disciplinary Board, after conducting an investigation of English based on his purported
violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct in connection with Gonzales, issued an
opinion finding there was insufficient evidence to support probable cause that he had
engaged in misconduct.
Approximately nine months after the Board completed its investigation, the district
court conducted an in camera hearing to determine whether personal sanctions should be
imposed against English. By this time, the defendants in Gonzales had pled guilty and
had been sentenced. At the in camera hearing, English apologized for any actions on his
part that might have led the court to believe he was not respecting its authority. English
also submitted a copy of the Disciplinary Boards report to the court. A representative for
the defendants stated that the question of sanctions was for the court to decide and the

defendants would make no recommendation regarding the matter. The district court
stated that the case had been difficult for all parties involved, and that English and the
other government attorneys had not made it easier with their tactics. The court also noted
that defense counsel had caused their share of problems with repeated allegations of
prosecutorial misconduct, many of which were unfounded. The court stated its belief that
everyone had learned from the experience and concluded there would be no further
sanctions imposed in this matter. Aplt. App., Exh. 10 at 619.
Approximately three months later, the district court issued an order memorializing
the in camera hearing. The order began by restating the relevant facts, and then stated:
As the Court stated from the bench, this was a very difficult and
trying case for everyone involved. However, the fact that this case was very
tense and emotional does not absolve those who are entrusted with the
power and authority of the State of their responsibilities as Officers of the
Court. Armed with the power to deprive people of their liberty, the
Government has a duty to ensure justice. The Government is not simply an
adversary. The Governments focus should not be to win at all costs, but to
advance integrity and fairness in our legal system.
While this Court does not approve of the conduct of the Government
in this case, this Court does not wish to prolong this matter any further.
Counsel for the defendants did not take a position on the sanctions this
Court is to impose. The Assistant United States Attorney has been before
the State Disciplinary Board for his conduct in this case, and has suffered
the consequences of his conduct in his community of fellow prosecutors as
well as in the defense community. The Court trusts that the Government
has learned from this experience, and in future cases will use its power not
simply to gain the best advantage, but to make decisions that advance the
fairness and integrity expected of those of us entrusted with the awesome
power to decide peoples lives. Therefore, the Court declines to impose
Aplt. App., Exh. 1 at 448-49. English, on his own behalf, filed a motion asking the

district court to reconsider its order. English argued that the district courts order
constituted a criminal contempt sanction because it operated as a public censure. He also
complained that he did not receive notice that the in camera hearing would operate as a
criminal contempt proceeding, and therefore he had not been allowed to present his side
of the matter to the district court. He further argued that the only evidence before the
court were the materials he submitted and those materials mandated a finding in his favor
on the issue of misconduct. The district court denied Englishs motion in a written order
issued June 3, 2001. The court concluded its April 18, 2001, order did not sanction
English. Instead, it concluded that order simply reiterate[d] the background of the case,
stat[ed] previous findings that were made about the Governments conduct . . . and
restate[d] in written form what the Court stated from the bench (to which the Government
did not object at the time it was said). Aplt. App., Exh. 3 at 510. English seeks
appellate review of the district courts orders issued April 18 and June 3, 2001.
The threshold, and ultimately determinative, issue is whether the district courts
orders rise to the level of a sanction.1 Because we conclude they do not, we in turn
conclude that English has nothing from which to appeal. In other words, we conclude
that English was not injured in the legal sense by those orders and therefore lacks

There is no doubt that the order from which English seeks to appeal is final for
purposes of 28 U.S.C. 1291, and that Englishs appeal is post-judgment.


standing to appeal.
The Circuits are divided over whether a courts written decision finding attorney
misconduct, but not specifically imposing any type of sanctions (monetary or otherwise),
is appealable. On one end of the spectrum is the Seventh Circuit, which has held that an
attorney may not appeal from an order that finds misconduct but does not result in
monetary liability, despite the potential effects of the finding on the attorneys
professional reputation. See Clark Equip. Co. v. Lift Parts Mfg. Co., 972 F.2d 817, 820
(7th Cir. 1992). On the other end of the spectrum is the Fifth Circuit, which has held that
a written order finding an attorney engaged in professional misconduct, but not imposing
monetary liability or other sanctions, constitutes an appealable injury. See Walker v. City
of Mesquite, 129 F.3d 831, 832-33 (5th Cir. 1997) (stating the importance of an
attorneys professional reputation, and the imperative to defend it when necessary,
obviates the need for a finding of monetary liability or other punishment as a requisite for
. . . appeal). Other circuits lie somewhere between. See Weissman v. Quail Lodge, Inc.,
179 F.3d 1194, 1199 (9th Cir. 1999) (concluding that a formal finding of a violation of a
specific rule of ethical conduct is akin to an explicit pronouncement of a reprimand and is
thus appealable); In re Williams, 156 F.3d 86, 92 (1st Cir. 1998) (concluding that only
judicial comments expressly identified as reprimands or sanctions are appealable);
Sullivan v. Comm. on Admissions & Grievances, 395 F.2d 954, 956 (D.C. Cir. 1967)
(holding a district courts written finding that attorney violated several judicial canons,

but declining to impose sanctions, was appealable). Although we have held that
[c]ounsel have standing to appeal orders that directly aggrieve them, Weeks v. Indep.
Sch. Dist., 230 F.3d 1201, 1207 (10th Cir. 2000), we have not decided whether an
attorney is directly aggrieved by an order simply finding misconduct on his or her part.
We find it unnecessary to decide the issue here given the facts of this case. Even if
we were to adopt the Fifth Circuits position in Walker, i.e., that a written finding of
professional misconduct is sufficient to provide an attorney standing to appeal, it is
apparent there was no such finding in the orders that English now seeks to challenge. In
its April 18, 2001, order, the district court reviewed its earlier findings and stated that the
governments focus should not be to win at all costs but to advance integrity and fairness
in the legal system. The court stated that it did not approve of the governments conduct
and hoped it had learned from the experience, and in the future would use its power not to
gain the best advantage, but to make decisions which would advance fairness and
integrity. Importantly, and contrary to Englishs assertions, the district court made no
new factual findings in its order, and instead restated its earlier findings (made in
1997). Although English argues the courts restatement of its earlier findings constitutes
a reimposition of sanctions, he cites no authority for this proposition other than an
obscure reference to defamation law which has no bearing on this case. Likewise, there
were no new findings of misconduct in the courts June 3, 2001, order rejecting
Englishs motion for reconsideration.

As a final matter, we reject the dissents suggestion that English was previously
unable to fully contest this matter or was otherwise denied due process. Dissent at 16.
When the district court issued its original suppression order, the government filed a
timely interlocutory appeal challenging that order. Although the district courts order
included findings of misconduct on the part of English, English did not timely seek to
intervene in the governments interlocutory appeal in order to challenge those findings,
but instead waited to file a motion to intervene after this courts decision was issued. See
generally Penthouse Intl Ltd. v. Playboy Enterprises, Inc., 663 F.2d 371, 385-86, 392 (2d
Cir. 1981) (allowing an attorney to intervene on appeal to contest the district courts
finding of misconduct which was part of its reasoning in dismissing a complaint for
discovery abuses). On remand, English made no effort to seek an evidentiary hearing, but
instead proffered the record of the state disciplinary proceeding in an attempt to rebut the
district courts findings that he had engaged in misconduct. Further, English made no
attempt to appeal the findings of misconduct (i.e., those contained in the district courts
suppression order) after final judgment was entered by the district court. See generally
Cunningham v. Hamilton County, 527 U.S. 198, 209-10 (1999) (concluding that sanction
orders are typically appealable only after final judgment is entered).
The appeal is DISMISSED.


01-2186, United States v. Gonzales

BALDOCK, Circuit Judge, dissenting.
Former Assistant United States Attorney Thomas English seeks review of district
court post-judgment orders allegedly censuring him for misconduct in connection with
his handling of a material witness in United States v. Gonzales, 95-CR-538 (D.N.M.,
filed Oct. 18, 1995). In a decision dismissing the appeal, the Court holds Attorney
English was not injured in the legal sense by those orders and therefore lacks standing
to appeal. Courts Op. at 6-7. Because I believe the language of the district courts
orders constituted a sanction sufficiently injurious to give Attorney English standing to
appeal, I dissent.
The factual background necessary to begin understanding this appeal is set forth
in United States v. Gonzales, 164 F.3d 1285 (10th Cir. 1999). Gonzales was a complex,
highly intense criminal prosecution in which the Government charged twenty-three
members of an Albuquerque street gang with various gang-related crimes including
murder, attempted murder, drug trafficking, racketeering, and conspiracy. Attorney
English was the Governments lead prosecutor. During the discovery stage, defense
counsel moved to dismiss certain counts of the indictment due to unconscionable
and outrageous government conduct surrounding a material witness. Without prior
hearing, the district court entered a twenty-two page order limiting at trial the material
witness testimony as a sanction for purportedly ongoing prosecutorial misconduct.

The order criticized both the Government and Attorney English. Upon the Governments
motion to reconsider, the court entered a 119-page order suppressing the witness
statements and barring her testimony.
On interlocutory appeal pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 3731, this Court upheld
the district courts decision to sanction the Government, repeatedly specifying English
by name, for what, in the Courts opinion, were obvious violations of district court
discovery orders directing the Government to provide face-to-face access to its
confidential witnesses.1 The opinion described the Governments conduct as the
As we acknowledged in Gonzales, 164 F.3d at 1291, the Federal Rules of
Criminal Procedure do not require such face-to-face encounters. See Fed. R. Crim. P.
16. Indeed, criminal defendants are entitled to rather limited discovery under federal law.
See Degen v. United States, 517 U.S. 820, 825 (1996). The record in this case, however,
reveals the district court, in its supervisory power, entered discovery orders exceeding
the requirements of the federal discovery rules which the Government never challenged
on appeal. The district court admitted the Governments discovery obligations here are
not based on Rule 16. In addition to requiring the aforesaid encounters, the district
court, for instance, required the Government to provide defense counsel addresses and
in-person access to witnesses who had been placed in the Witness Security Program to
protect them from Defendants. The court further required the Government to provide
defense counsel, within two days of an interview, any information that an agent had
obtained from a person about the case regardless of whether the Government intended
to use that person as a witness or had prepared a report. But see id. (criminal defendants
have no general right to obtain statements of Government witnesses before they testify).
Such a requirement may very well contravene the mandatory language of the Jencks Act,
18 U.S.C. 3500. While a criminal court possesses some inherent discovery power, see,
e.g., United States v. Golyansky, 291 F.3d 1245, 1248-49 (10th Cir. 2002) (upholding
discovery order requiring disclosure of Brady material as it became available), such
power is not unlimited. The Supreme Court has explained it is well established that
even a sensible and efficient use of the supervisory power is invalid if it conflicts with . . .
statutory provisions. To allow otherwise would confer on the judiciary discretionary
power to disregard the considered limitations of the law it is charged with enforcing.


product of flagrant bad faith and noted Defendants ability to prepare for trial was
prejudiced by the governments obstruction of access to the subject witness. Gonzales,
164 F.3d at 1292. But the Court did not share the district courts view that prejudice
to Defendants was irreparable. The Court therefore reversed the district courts choice
of the most severe available sanction, i.e., complete suppression of the witness
statements and trial testimony, and remanded for consideration of less severe sanctions
including possible censure or referral to disciplinary authorities. Id. at 1292-93.
The Government moved unsuccessfully for panel rehearing, arguing the Court
relied on inaccurate facts in citing Attorney English for misconduct. English also filed
an unsuccessful pro se motion for leave to intervene before this Court. In his motion,
English argued (1) he had not been a party before the district court; (2) he had no notice
this Court would censure him so harshly; (3) he was not represented by counsel; and

Bank of Nova Scotia v. United States, 487 U.S. 250, 254 (1988) (internal brackets,
ellipses, quotations, and citations omitted); see also United States v. Widgery, 778
F.2d 325, 329 (7th Cir. 1985) (Easterbrook, J.) (The supervisory power is part of
the common law, and no court has a common law power to disregard a rule or statute
that was within the authority of Congress to enact.); United States v. Simpson, 927
F.2d 1088, 1090 (9th Cir. 1991) (Kozinski, J.) (The supervisory power simply does
not give the courts the authority to make up the rules as they go, imposing limits on
the executive according to whim or will.). This Circuit has not addressed to what
extent a district court possesses supervisory power in criminal matters to order
discovery beyond the limits of Rule 16 or other federal law. Cf. United States v.
United States District Court, 717 F.2d 478, 480-82 (9th Cir. 1983) (Kennedy, J.,)
(holding the Freedom of Information Act did not extend the scope of discovery
under Fed. R. Crim. P. 16 and issuing a writ of mandamus directing the district
court to limit discovery consistent with Rule 16).

(4) he had been unable to defend his interest in his professional reputation because the
Government feared he would become a witness and thus unable to continue as lead
prosecutor in the case.
Following remand, the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of New
Mexico commenced inquiry into the matter on the complaint of defense counsel.
Over the course of nearly a year, the Board conducted, consistent with due process,
a complete investigation of Attorney English based on his purported violation of
numerous Rules of Professional Conduct in connection with Gonzales. See, e.g.,
N.M. Rules Ann. 16-303 (Candor toward the tribunal); 16-304 (Fairness to opposing
party and counsel); 16-404 (Dealing with unrepresented persons); 16-804 (Misconduct).
The Board concluded the evidence was insufficient to support a finding of probable
cause that Attorney English had engaged in misconduct before the district court. In a
report favorable to Attorney English, a copy of which is attached hereto as an
Appendix, the Chief Disciplinary Counsel for the Board found, among other things, that
English did not make knowing misrepresentations to the district court and did not
interfere with defense counsels access to the subject witness.2 The report further found:
Mr. English did as much as was humanly possible to comply with the courts discovery
orders and facilitate the exchange of information. Disciplinary Counsel wrote:

Although the report originally was confidential, Attorney English has made it a
part of the public record in this case.


I am not attempting to overrule the courts; it is merely that what a judge

may find exasperating is not necessarily evidence that one has intentionally
failed to expedite litigation, obstructed a partys access to evidence or
disobeyed an obligation under procedural rules in violation of the Rules
of Professional Conduct.[3]
Nine months after the Board issued its report exonerating Attorney English, the
district court, on January 26, 2001, held an in camera hearing on remand to determine
whether or not personal sanctions should be imposed on Mr. Thomas L. English,
Assistant United States Attorney. At the time of the hearing, all Defendants in the
Gonzales case had pled guilty and had been sentenced. During the hearing, English
submitted the Disciplinary Boards report to the court without objection from defense
counsel. The district court, after thanking English, informed him [t]here will be no
further sanctions imposed in this matter.
At the hearing, the Government and defense counsel submitted a two page
stipulated order to the district court (a point overlooked by this Court) which asked the
court to find that no fine, censure of any kind, or other sanction is appropriate against
any of the government attorneys involved in this matter. The court did not enter the
order. Instead, three months later, the district court, without further hearing and without
warning, issued a written order on the matter which this Court in my opinion inaccurately
After the Board issued its report, Attorney English, now represented by
counsel, unsuccessfully filed a Petition for Relief Under the All Writs Act, and
for a Writ of Error Coram Nobis or Other Extraordinary Writ, or in the Alternative,
a Motion to Recall the Mandate Seeking Review of this Courts Opinion in United
States v. Gonzales, 164 F.3d 1285 (10th Cir. 1999).


characterizes as memorializing the in camera hearing. Courts Op. at 5.

The district court noted the Disciplinary Board had found insufficient evidence
to establish a violation of ethical rules, and reiterated that no sanction shall issue
against Attorney English. But the court did not stop there. Quoting its original order
suppressing the subject witness statement and barring her testimony, the court referred
to the Governments course of conduct in pursuing this most serious of prosecutions
that has forced the Court to issue countless admonitions and lesser sanctions in response
to the Governments misconduct, . . . as well as misrepresentations made in open court
. . . by lead Government counsel that interfered with Defendants court-ordered access
to [the subject witness]. The district court noted this Courts approval of its findings
on appeal and stated:
While this Court does not approve of the conduct of the Government in this
case, this Court does not wish to prolong this matter any further. . . . The
Assistant United States Attorney has been before the State Disciplinary
Board for his conduct in this case, and has suffered the consequences of his
conduct in his community of fellow prosecutors as well as in the defense
community. The Court trusts that the Government has learned from this
experience, and in future cases will use its power not simply to gain the
best advantage, but to make decisions that advance fairness and integrity
expected of those of us entrusted with the awesome power to decide
peoples lives. Therefore, the Court declines to impose sanctions.
Attorney English filed a motion to reconsider the foregoing order which the
district court construed as a motion to alter or amend under Fed. R. Civ. P. 59(e).
English characterized the court order as both a public censure and a harsh,
punitive, sanction against him. In denying the motion, the court responded:

The Court has found that the Government committed misconduct in

the course of the Gonzales case. The Tenth Circuit upheld that finding.
The Government apparently wishes for this Court to reverse its previous
findings, as well as those of the Tenth Circuit, in order to exonerate him.
The Court decided not to impose sanctions, but it will not, and did not
decide to, reverse its previous findings.
The Court is correct in initially addressing its jurisdiction over Attorney Englishs
appeal.4 I agree with the Court that the jurisdictional question is whether the district
courts orders in fact constitute sanction orders, for if they do not, then English has
nothing from which to appeal. In other words, if English was not sanctioned, he
was not injured in the legal sense and has no standing to appeal.5
A sanction order against counsel generally is appealable only after entry
of final judgment, and then only as a final decision under 28 U.S.C. 1291. Law
v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn, 134 F.3d 1025, 1029 (10th Cir. 1998); G.J.B.
& Assoc., Inc. v. Singleton, 913 F.2d 824, 829 (10th Cir. 1990). Englishs appeal is
post-judgment and the decision he appeals from is final.

Compare Bolte v. Home Ins. Co., 744 F.2d 572 (7th Cir. 1984). In Bolte, the
district court found two insurance defense attorneys had concealed a defense witness
identity and statements. The court described their conduct as reprehensible, but
imposed no formal sanction upon them. The Seventh Circuit dismissed the attorneys
direct appeal for lack of a final decision. Judge Posner broadly reasoned, perhaps
correctly in the abstract, that Congress, in making final decisions of district courts
appealable in 28 U.S.C. 1291, [did not] mean[] to allow people who were not even
parties to a lawsuit in the district court to appeal from a wounding or critical or even
palpably injurious comment or finding by a district judge. Id. at 573. Boltes reasoning,
which may reflect distaste for the [attorneys] position or lack of concern with injury
of the nature alleged has been labeled dubious. 15A Charles A. Wright, Arthur R.
Miller, & Edward H. Cooper, Federal Practice and Procedure 3902.1, at 130-31 &
n.52 (1992). Given Boltes holding, the court did not definitively resolve whether the
stigma of being accused by a federal judge of reprehensible conduct is [in itself] injury
enough to satisfy the standing requirement in Article III of the Constitution. Bolte,


As the Court notes, the circuits are divided over whether a courts written decision
finding attorney misconduct alone, though not formally labeled a sanction, is appealable.
In a case similar to this, the D.C. Circuit held a written order finding an attorney violated
ethical rules, but not formally imposing sanctions, constituted an appealable injury.
Sullivan v. Committee on Admissions and Grievances, 395 F.2d 954 (D.C. Cir. 1967)
(Burger, J.). As in this instance, the District Court concluded for appropriate reasons
not to impose sanctions in this case. However, the District Court . . . determined that
[the attorney] was guilty of proscribed conduct and this determination plainly reflect[ed]
adversely on his professional reputation. . . . The D.C. Circuit concluded this
reputational damage gave the attorney standing to appeal. Id. at 956.
The Fifth Circuit reached a like conclusion in another similar case. In Walker
v. City of Mesquite, 129 F.3d 831, 832 (5th Cir. 1997), the district court found an
attorney engaged in blatant misconduct by violating his obligation of candor to the
court. Like here, the court levied no other sanction against the attorney. Rejecting the
744 F.2d at 573. The court suggested it might by analogy to the injury on which the
tort of defamation is based. Id. Similarly, the Seventh Circuit decision which the Court
cites, Clark Equip. Co. v. Lift Parts Mfg. Co., 972 F.2d 817, 820 (7th Cir. 1992), did not
turn on standing but rather relied exclusively on Bolte (i.e., the lack of a final decision) to
hold an attorney may not appeal from an order that finds misconduct but does not result
in monetary liability, despite the potential reputational effects. The Federal Circuit
recently questioned both Bolte and Clark Equipment. Precision Specialty Metals, Inc.
v. United States, 315 F.3d 1346, 1350-53 (Fed. Cir. 2003) (holding a courts formal
reprimand of an attorney for misconduct appealable).

argument that an attorneys diminished reputation was not a cognizable injury for
purposes of appeal, the Fifth Circuit wrote:
In the case at bar [the attorney] was reprimanded sternly and found guilty
of blatant misconduct. The reprimand must be seen as a blot on [the
attorneys] professional record with a potential to limit his advancement
in governmental service and impair his entering into otherwise inviting
private practice. We therefore . . . hold that the importance of an attorneys
professional reputation, and the imperative to defend it when necessary,
obviates the need for a finding of monetary liability or other punishment
as a requisite for appeal of a court order finding professional misconduct.
Id. at 832-33.
Taking a different approach, a divided panel of the First Circuit disagreed with the
Fifth Circuit in In re Williams, 156 F.3d 86 (1st Cir. 1998). The district court affirmed
the factual finding of the bankruptcy court that two government tax attorneys failed to
comply with discovery requests. The bankruptcy court harshly criticized the attorneys,
characterizing their conduct as obstructionist and unjustified. Id. at 88. The First
Circuit dismissed the attorneys appeal, holding [w]ords alone constitute an appealable
sanction only if they are expressly identified as a reprimand. Id. at 92.
Mindful that every pejorative expression or criticism by a court of a lawyer is
not subject to appeal, the dissent viewed the bankruptcy courts words as not a mere
finding of fact, but an ultimate statement of censure, intended to punish counsel. Id.
at 96 (Rosenn, J., dissenting). The dissent protested: Denying [attorneys] the right to
an appeal in a matter impugning their character, competence or integrity . . . and which
publicly and harshly censures them merely because the chastisement is not expressly a

formal reprimand exalts form over substance. Id. at 99.

Three of seven active judges on the First Circuit dissented from denial of the
attorneys request for rehearing en banc. That dissent aptly noted among other things
that [b]eing branded unethical or incompetent by a federal judge can essentially destroy
a lawyers career. Williams v. United States, 158 F.3d 50, 50 (1st Cir. 1998) (Lynch,
J., dissenting from denial of rehg en banc). Like the panel dissent, the dissent from
denial of rehearing en banc also criticized the opinions formalism: This sort of
formalism, which has been abandoned in so many areas of the law . . . seems especially
inappropriate in an area which the premise of any appeal is likely to be the assertion that
the order was issued by an intemperate decisionmaker. Id. at 51.
Two decisions from the Ninth Circuit are also noteworthy. Weissman v. Quail
Lodge, Inc., 179 F.3d 1194 (9th Cir. 1999) relied on Williams to conclude that a district
courts disparaging comments about counsel did not alone constitute an appealable
sanction against him. The attorney intervened on behalf of a client to object to a class
action settlement. The court entered an order finding the attorneys intervention reflects
a serious lack of professionalism and good judgment. Id. at 1196. The court described
his objections as groundless, contrived and misplaced. Id. Rejecting the notion the
courts words constituted a formal reprimand, the Ninth Circuit decline[d] to find . . .
that any time a court includes critical words about an attorneys conduct in an order,
those words constitute a formal reprimand. Id. at 1199.

The Ninth Circuit subsequently narrowed Weissmans reach in United States v.

Talao, 222 F.3d 1133 (9th Cir. 2000). The district court found an attorney had violated
the California Rule of Professional Conduct prohibiting ex parte communications with
a represented party. The Ninth Circuit drew a line between routine judicial commentary
and commentary that is inordinately injurious to a lawyers reputation, id. at 1137,
and held the courts finding, although not formally labeled a sanction, constituted an
appealable sanction order:
Weismann and Williams . . . do not determine our jurisdiction in this case.
Those cases addressed only instances in which mere judicial criticism
constitutes an appealable sanction. The district court . . . , however, did
more than use words alone or render routine judicial commentary.
Rather the district court made a finding and reached a legal conclusion
that [the attorney] knowingly and wilfully violated a specific rule of
ethical conduct. Such a finding, per se, constitutes a sanction. The
district courts disposition bears a greater resemblance to a reprimand
than to a commentary merely critical of inappropriate attorney behavior.
. . . If the courts formal finding is permitted to stand, it is likely to
stigmatize [the attorney] among her colleagues and . . . could have a
serious detrimental effect on her career. . . . We have no reluctance
in concluding that the district courts finding of an ethical violation
by [the attorney] is an appealable sanction.
Id. at 1137-38.
An attorneys professional reputation undoubtedly is his or her most valuable
asset. See, e.g., Cooter & Gell v. Hartmarx Corp., 496 U.S. 384, 413 (1990) (Stevens,
J., concurring in part) (I still believe that most lawyers are wise enough to know that
their most precious asset is their professional reputation.). Findings of serious ethical

misconduct can cast dark shadows over an attorneys career. See, e.g., McBryde v.
Committee to Review Circuit Council Conduct, 264 F.3d 52, 81 (D.C. Cir. 2001) (noting
that an attorneys interest in an untarnished reputation is greater than the mere loss of
money.). Accordingly, I reject the proposition that before an order asserting counsels
ethical misconduct constitutes an appealable sanction, a court must either impose
monetary penalties or label findings of such misconduct a formal reprimand or censure.
Stripped to essentials this proposition would maintain that an attorney has more of a
reason and interest in appealing the imposition of a $100 fine than appealing a finding
and declaration by a court that counsel is an unprofessional lawyer prone to engage in
blatant misconduct. Walker, 129 F.3d at 832. Monetary sanctions only affect ones
bank account; linguistic sanctions can pierce the heart and reputation of the lawyer
at whom they are aimed and, in the long run, probably will strike the lawyers bank
account as well. Williams, 156 F.3d at 97 (Rosenn, J., dissenting).
In no way do I mean to imply that every negative comment or observation
from a judges pen about an attorneys conduct or performance is appealable. See, e.g.,
Weissman, 179 F.3d at 1199. It is not. But demanding the requisite formality the First
Circuit imposed in Williams simply is unfair to the overwhelming majority of attorneys
who conduct themselves in accordance with rules of professional responsibility and ably
serve as officers of the court. Under Williams rationale, a court presumably could find
an attorney engaged in outrageous, even felonious misconduct, while insulating its

findings, justifiable or otherwise, from appellate review by refraining from labeling

them a sanction:
[T]here are few checks on what judges say about counsel other than the
judges own prudence. A lawyer attempting to pursue a clients interest
zealously may, if faced with an arbitrary judge or a judge who has an
erroneous view of the facts, end up with a blot on his or her record that
will never be erasedunless an appeal is possible to correct the problem.
Williams v. United States, 158 F.3d 50, 50 (1st Cir. 1998) (Lynch, J., dissenting from
denial of rehg en banc). Needless to say, [a]rmed with life tenure and broad discretion,
a [federal] judge can do great harm to a lawyers career, while the attorney has virtually
no recourse at all. Steve Lubet, Just Who Made Federal Judges God?, Chic. Trib., Aug.
10, 2001, at 23. I am satisfied that an attorneys ability to fight reputational damage
arising from a court order should not be dependent on how the court labels that order.
Criticism that this approach is unworkable and tantamount to declaring
open season on trial judges is misplaced. See Williams, 156 F.3d at 91. The D.C.
Circuit, in a case where a disciplinary committee found ethical rules violations but
did not formally impose sanctions, adopted the same approach over thirty years ago.
Sullivan, 395 F.2d at 954. The problems the First Circuit foresaw in Williams have not
materialized. I believe the Williams approach is more akin to declaring open season
on trial attorneys. The possibility of appellate review is a proper check in those rare
instances where a federal court is too willing to unilaterally issue an idle reprimand.
Meanwhile, an attorneys self interest directs that he or she appeal only where the

courts words are especially damaging to the attorneys reputation and perhaps
unjustified. This is because an attorney appealing a reprimand takes the risk that
this court, reaching the merits, will agree that the sanction is justified thus giving
the sanction far more force than it would have had if it had come from a trial judge
unendorsed by a reviewing court. Williams, 158 F.3d at 51 (Lynch, J., dissenting from
denial of rehg en banc).
Unlike the Court, I conclude the district courts unequivocal language
in its written orders on remand constitutes a sanction sufficiently injurious to Attorney
Englishs professional reputation to provide him standing to appeal. See Weeks v.
Independent Sch. Dist. No. I-89, 230 F.3d 1201, 1207 (10th Cir. 2000) (Counsel have
standing to appeal orders that directly aggrieve them.).6 The Courts conclusion that
the district courts two post-judgment orders made no new factual findings of
misconduct, Courts Op. at 8, seems patently unfair given that Attorney English was
previously unable to fully contest this matter. See supra at 4. Moreover, the Courts
decision disregards our duty to review questions of ethical misconduct within the
The district court in Weeks disqualified plaintiffs counsel from participating
in the litigation due to improper ex parte communications. We held counsel had standing
to appeal the disqualification order based on injury to her professional reputation. The
disqualification order is a sanction directly affecting [counsel], and a favorable court
decision would likely provide at least some redress from the injury from the sanction
because it could help ameliorate the damage to her professional reputation from the
sanction order. Weeks, 230 F.3d at 1207.


parameters of due process. To be sure, the courts orders state no sanction shall issue.
See Sullivan, 395 F.2d at 956. A careful reading of the orders, however, convinces me
that their substance trumps their form. See Bolte v. Home Ins. Co., 744 F.2d 572, 573
(7th Cir. 1984) ([A]lthough sanctions in the usual sense were not imposed, the judges
refusal to vacate his earlier finding of misconduct imposed or confirmed a sanction of
sorts, in a realistic though not formal sense, on the lawyers.).
Without explanation, the district courts orders all but ignore the New Mexico
Supreme Court Disciplinary Boards findingsfindings made after full and fair
investigation. The district courts written orders plainly reprimand Attorney English
a second time for blatant ethical misconduct and an abuse of power. While not referring
specifically to English by name or citing the applicable rules of professional conduct,
the court refers to misrepresentations made in open court . . . by lead Government
counsel that interfered with Defendants court-ordered access to [the subject witness].
By all accounts, the district court engaged in more than routine judicial commentary.
Talao, 222 F.3d at 1137. No citation to authority is necessary to conclude that such
misrepresentation violates long established rules of professional conduct. Insistence
upon candor to the court is perhaps the most important ethical precept of all.7
The district court further notes Attorney English used his power simply to gain

Notably, neither Williams nor Weissman involved findings of intentional

misrepresentation to the court.


the best advantage, and consequently suffered for his misconduct: The Assistant
United States Attorney has been before the State Disciplinary Board for his conduct in
this case, and has suffered the consequences of his conduct in his community of fellow
prosecutors as well as in the defense community.8 The district courts orders served not
only to emphasize the courts prior findings of ethical misconduct and to illustrate the
courts disagreement with the Disciplinary Boards contrary findings, but also to
strike another blow to Attorney Englishs professional reputation. And yet this Court
concludes Attorney English was not sufficiently injured to provide him standing to
appeal. The language of the district courts orders did much more than memorializ[e][]
the in camera hearing. Courts Op. at 5. The orders adjudge Attorney English unethical.
For these reasons, I believe Attorney English has standing to maintain this appeal, and
now proceed to the merits.
Matters of attorney discipline by their very nature often come to us
outside the common adversarial context. I am mindful that no one has recorded

Attorneys under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice (DOJ) must

report to their supervisors any statement by a judge or magistrate indicating a belief
that misconduct by a Department employee has occurred. United States Attorneys
Manual, 1-4.120(A). Whenever a judge or magistrate makes a finding that a DOJ
attorney has engaged in misconduct, the attorney must immediately report the finding
to the DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility regardless whether the matter is
regarded as serious or non-serious. Id. 14.120(B). Needless to say, a court may
do much damage to an attorneys career within DOJ.


opposition to Attorney Englishs request for relief in this case, and thus I proceed
cautiously. The proper starting point is to consider the source of the district courts power
to sanction Attorney English for noncompliance with pretrial discovery orders extending
beyond the requirements of criminal rules and statutes. See Gonzales, 164 F.3d at 1291
(noting Fed. R. Crim. P. 16 is inapplicable here because it does not require the
government to make its witnesses available for defense interviews.).
Assuming the district court legitimately imposed such orders (a question not
before the Court, see supra n.1), the courts ability to enforce those orders rests in its
inherent power. Whether exercised in a civil or criminal context, [t]he inherent
powers of federal courts are those which are necessary to the exercise of all others.
Roadway Express, Inc. v. Piper, 447 U.S. 752, 764 (1980). Because inherent powers
are shielded from direct democratic controls, they must be exercised with restraint
and discretion. Id.
The extent of these powers must be delimited with care, for there is a
danger of overreaching when one branch of the Government, without
benefit of cooperation or correction from others, undertakes to define
its own authority. In many instances the inherent powers of the courts
may be controlled or overridden by statute or rule. Principles of deference
counsel restraint in resorting to inherent power, and require its use to be
a reasonable response to the problems and needs that provoke it.
Degen v. United States, 517 U.S. 820, 823-24 (1996). The conceded power of federal
district courts to supervise the conduct of attorneys should not be used as a means to

substantially alter federal criminal law practice. Grievance Committee v. Simels,

48 F.3d 640, 644 (2d Cir. 1995). A court must remain mindful that its inherent power
is limited by the necessity giving rise to its exercise. Degen, 517 U.S. at 829.
In short, the inherent power springs from the well of necessity, and sparingly so.
Natural Gas Pipeline Co. v. Energy Gathering, Inc., 2 F.3d 1397, 1407 (5th Cir. 1993).
In this case, the district court entered its post judgment orders (1) after the district
court had already reprimanded English for his conduct, (2) after Defendants had pled
guilty and been sentenced, (3) after the New Mexico Supreme Courts Disciplinary
Board had exonerated English, and (4) after the court announced at hearing that no
further sanctions would issue. The district courts written orders serve no meaningful
purpose other than to pour new salt into old wounds. In short, the district courts postjudgment orders sternly denouncing Attorney Englishs conduct were unnecessary at
that stage of the proceedings and thus beyond the courts inherent power to issue.
I am well aware that this Court also disapproved of Attorney Englishs
apparent misconduct at the discovery stage. Gonzales, 164 F.3d at 1291-92. At that
time, we suggested, among other things, recommending disciplinary proceedings against
the government attorneys involved. Id. at 1293. That is precisely what occurred, albeit
on the complaint of defense counsel. Thereafter, for the first and only time in this case,
an independent, impartial Disciplinary Board investigated the alleged misconduct with

all the procedural safeguards necessary to ensure a fair decision. This Court should not
lightly disregard the Disciplinary Boards findings and conclusions made after thorough
inquiry where our prior decision was based on a limited record.9 While not conclusively
binding on a federal court, a state supreme courts determination in a disciplinary matter
brings title deeds of high respect. Theard v. United States, 354 U.S. 278, 282 (1957).
Andrew L. Kaufmann, Judicial Ethics: The Less-Often Asked Questions, 64 Wash. L.
Rev. 851, 864 (1989), provides the proper perspective:
Public criticism of a lawyer in an opinion in which the court does not
undertake the job of fact-finding with all the procedural safeguards
involved in a disciplinary proceeding may destroy or severely damage
a lawyers reputation. When the lawyer has no chance to defend, the mere
mention of the fact of reference to disciplinary authorities is problematic,
especially if accompanied by an unfavorable characterization of the
lawyers conduct.
A court that has the power but is unwilling to undertake the disciplinary process itself,
either directly or through a master (or other body appointed by it), should be very

Whether the law of the case doctrine applies to questions of fact is uncertain.
Johnson v. Champion, 288 F.3d 1215, 1226 (10th Cir. 2002). Even if the doctrine does
apply to such questions, however, I do not believe it binds the Court in this case given
the intervening change in circumstances, namely the Disciplinary Boards findings and
conclusions. Law of the case principles are not absolute. See Kennedy v. Lubar, 273
F.3d 1293, 1299 (10th Cir. 2001). The doctrine is to be applied at the sound discretion
of the court to effectuate the proper administration of justice. United States v. GamaBastidas, 222 F.3d 779, 785 (10th Cir. 2000) (internal quotations omitted). Reasons
for departing from the law of the case include (1) an intervening change in controlling
law, (2) the availability of new evidence, (3) the need to correct clear error, and (4) the
need to prevent manifest injustice. See Kennedy, 273 F.3d at 1299 n.6. Given the
Boards findings, the latter three reasons seem particularly relevant here.


cautious about specific comments it makes about discipline. Id. at 866-67.

Indeed, a federal court unprepared to provide procedural safeguards to an attorney
in a case such as this should defer to the findings and conclusions of a state disciplinary
board where no good reason appears why those findings and conclusions should not be
accepted or given effect. See Selling v. Radford, 243 U.S. 46, 50 (1917); In re Gordon,
640 F.2d 1143, 1150 (10th Cir. 1981); see also Thread, 354 U.S. at 282 (stating that
Selling authoritatively expounded the recognition a federal court must accord a state
judgment of disbarment). Federal courts should defer to state court disciplinary findings
and conclusions unless an independent review of the state record reveals (1) a state
procedure that lacks due process because of failure to provide adequate notice and
opportunity to be heard, (2) an infirmity of proof, or (3) some other grave reason
why the federal court should not defer to the state proceedings. Selling, 243 U.S. at 51.
Selling remains the law today. See, e.g., In re Caranchini, 160 F.3d 420, 424-25 (8th
Cir. 1998). This Courts failure to require the district court to provide any explanation
for its refusal to defer to the findings of the State Disciplinary Board makes this case
all the more troubling.
For the foregoing reasons, I would hold Attorney English has sustained sufficient
reputational injury from the district courts post-judgment orders to establish his standing
to appeal. As to the merits, I would at a minimum strike from the record the district

courts orders herein dated April 18, 2001 and June 3, 2001 as beyond its inherent
authority. I would direct that the district courts statement following the in camera
hearing on January 26, 2001 that [t]here will be no further sanctions imposed in
this matter serve as its final order in this matter.
Accordingly, I dissent.


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