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647 F.

2d 91
7 Fed. R. Evid. Serv. 1490

UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,

Benjamin Thomas TISDALE, III and Tim Bryan Tisdale,
Nos. 78-1988, 78-1989.

United States Court of Appeals,

Tenth Circuit.
Argued and Submitted Nov. 26, 1979.
Decided March 24, 1981.
Rehearing Denied in No. 78-1989 June 1, 1981.

R. Raymond Twohig, Jr., Asst. Federal Public Defender, Albuquerque, N.

M., for defendant-appellant Benjamin Thomas Tisdale, III.
Anthony F. Renzo, Denver, Colo., for defendant-appellant Tim Bryan
Richard J. Smith, Asst. U. S. Atty. (R. E. Thompson, U. S. Atty.,
Albuquerque, N. M., with him on brief), for plaintiff-appellee.
Before SETH, Chief Judge, HOLLOWAY, Circuit Judge, and BROWN,
District Judge* .
SETH, Chief Judge.

These two cases were consolidated for argument and disposition. The two
defendants were charged and convicted by a jury on two counts for the
interstate transportation of stolen property and the sale of stolen goods. The
item of property on which the charge was based was an antique silver tea set
which was stolen in Denver City, Texas and sold to an undercover agent in
Albuquerque. The tea set was unique, had enamel work on it, was made in
Russia by a silversmith whose name appeared thereon and whose work was
recognized by antique dealers. The basic issue concerns the admission into
evidence over defendants' objection of a tape recording of a meeting at which

both defendants were present, an informer, and a Bob Scott. The objection to
this tape was based on the statements of defendant Tim Tisdale that he had 500
pounds of marijuana to sell. The statement was made during the course of the
meeting, after the tea set which he brought to the meeting had been unwrapped.
The marijuana statement was followed by other references to the sale of the tea

Other errors urged are directed to the giving of a "recently stolen" property
instruction, the refusal of a motion during trial for a severance, testimony of a
statement by defendant Tim Tisdale that when burglarizing a home he had seen
a Rembrandt painting but did not steal it, and testimony that he had taken an
undercover agent on a tour of Albuquerque to "case" jewelry stores. The tape
covered one meeting when the defendants arrived in Albuquerque with the tea
set and it was shown to the informer. The meeting was to discuss its sale, and
the conversation included the marijuana reference. Testimony as to other
discussions at other places referred to the other illegal acts.

In the taped conversation Tim Tisdale suggested to the informer that he show
"it" (the tea set) to "him" (the prospective purchaser, an undercover agent). The
informer said, "Let me get back with him." Then Tim Tisdale said, "Yeah, I've
got 500 pounds of weed too. If you can move that." The "weed" was discussed.
Then the conversation returned to the tea set and its purchaser. Again, this was
one conversation and one meeting with both defendants present.

The defense advanced to the charges was that it all was an innocent transaction.
The taped conversation demonstrated, as did the other conversations, that the
defendants were prepared to sell illicit goods and there was no mistake. It
demonstrated that the transaction was not an innocent one and it was
appropriate that the jury was made aware of all the circumstances. The
evidence showed place and intent. The trial court's ruling under Rule 404 of the
Federal Rules of Evidence was correct. It is apparent that under Rules 404 and
403 the trial judge had to balance the danger of prejudice against the probative
value of the testimony. When all circumstances are considered it was not error
to have admitted the reference to marijuana in the tapes nor references to the
other acts challenged.

Rule 403 says that the evidence "may be excluded." It may be excluded "if its
probative value is substantially outweighed by danger of unfair prejudice." This
is, of course, any evidence not just that relating to other incidents. The
prejudice must be "unfair."

The trial judge did not admonish the jury as to the limited purpose for which

The trial judge did not admonish the jury as to the limited purpose for which
the evidence was admitted and defendants made no request that this be done.
The court gave full and complete instructions as to the tape at the conclusion of
the trial.

We cannot see that marijuana is so different as an illicit good for sale, from the
stolen tea set, the jewelry store tour, the burglary, and the other actions which
related to or grew out of the meeting, and demonstrated the circumstances
surrounding the meetings. The whole relationship was important for the jury in
its evaluation of the innocence of the transaction. We cannot say that mention
of marijuana is different or so unusual as to outweigh the probative value of all
the circumstances as determined by the trial court.

We have commented before on the changes brought about by Rule 404 of the
Federal Rules of Evidence, and noted the change from the starting position of
exclusion "unless" to admission "unless." This is a significant change and is
important in the examination of cases decided before the change in the Rules.
The defendants have not demonstrated that any "unless" element is present to
overcome the "admission." The evidence was properly admitted under Rule
404. The standards were discussed starting with United States v. Nolan, 551
F.2d 266 (10th Cir.), and need not be repeated here. See United States v.
Lucero, 601 F.2d 1147 (10th Cir.).

The "recently stolen" instruction was given, as mentioned, and the defendants
assert that the lapse of time between the date of the theft and the first evidence
that the tea set was in their possession was too long to permit the giving of the
instruction. This was a period of about sixteen months. We cannot agree
because the tea set was unique, it was very unusual, and bore inscriptions
showing its age and origin. It was something which could not be disposed of
easily or quickly. The defendant Tim Tisdale remarked to the informer, who
had indicated that the tea set could be sold: "We basically never had an outlet
for this type of stuff before." The tea set was delivered by defendants in a bag
which had been stolen from the house at the time the tea set had been taken.
We must hold that despite the long interval the particular circumstances made
the giving of the instruction proper. During the course of the instruction on
recently stolen property the court twice reminded the jury that the defendant
need not take the stand to explain possession. The court said also:

10 will always bear in mind that the law never imposes upon a defendant in a
criminal case the burden or duty of calling any witnesses or producing any evidence.
It is the exclusive province of the Jury to determine whether the facts and

circumstances shown by the evidence in the case warrant any inference which the
law permits you to draw from possession of recently-stolen property. If any
possession the accused may have had of recently-stolen property is consistent with
innocence, or if you entertain reasonable doubt of guilt, you must acquit the accused.

We find no error in the other points advanced by the defendants including the
motion for continuance, for severance, and the urging that there was a conflict
by reason of the fact that the one retained attorney represented both brothers.
An attorney for each had been appointed. Then an attorney was retained. As to
the conflict point we find no conflict shown by the record and no possibility of
prejudice or conflict. Cuyler v. Sullivan, 446 U.S. 335, 100 S.Ct. 1708, 64
L.Ed.2d 333 (1980), does not lead to a contrary result. See also Holloway v.
Arkansas, 435 U.S. 475, 98 S.Ct. 1173, 55 L.Ed.2d 426 and United States v.
Warledo, 557 F.2d 721 (10th Cir.). The statement of defendants' attorney
demonstrates that no issue arose.


A further reference must be made to the admission of the tapes into evidence.
With the availability of discovery the defendant also assumes an obligation or
duty. This duty is to call to the attention of the trial court before trial issues as
were here raised at trial as to the tape. It is apparent that much of the tape was
admissible beyond question, but that a question did exist as to the marijuana
statement. The attorney for defendants had a duty to raise this issue before trial
by a pre-trial motion as the rules contemplate. The matter could have then been
considered and if necessary the reference could have been omitted. But this was
not done and it became a possible trial error. Long before trial the defendant
had moved for discovery and the Government advised the court that Rule 16
material would be furnished. The attorney indicated that he knew what was in
the tape as he said as part of his objection: "I have some idea as to what the
tape recordings purportedly contain." It should be pointed out that the attorney
who tried the case was in the firm but not the attorney who was scheduled to
try the case. In instances where it is apparent that an objection has been
intentionally saved for trial, or where the trial attorney did not regard it of
sufficient importance to raise before trial, we will consider it to have been


HOLLOWAY, Circuit Judge, dissenting:


I respectfully dissent. To me the controlling issue is the admission in evidence

of the discussion of the possible sale by defendant Tim Tisdale of 500 pounds

of marijuana and the use of marijuana by him. This evidence is said to be

admissible under Rule 404(b), F.R.E., to show intent and knowledge that the tea
set was stolen property and was presented at trial through tapes and a transcript,
Exs. 11, 12, and 13. To me, that part of the tape and transcript was unnecessary
for purposes of the prosecution, was of a wholly different sort of conduct, and
highly prejudicial. It could easily have been omitted, and refusal to do so calls
for a new trial in my judgment.

In the recording which was played to the jury (Ex. 12) Tim Tisdale specifically
discussed 500 pounds of the marijuana he was trying to "move"; where it came
from; a particular time frame during which the marijuana would or could be
available; particular buyers; the competition; a price term and delivery; and he
said that he, Tim, had been using marijuana himself. (II R. 167-69). There were
specific, timely objections to this evidence on the ground of prejudice. (II R.
65-66, 139-45; see also 82, 102-06).


I would hold that admission of this evidence was prejudicial error. The
Government's generalized argument that the whole conversation was "logically
linked" to the crimes charged is unpersuasive. (Brief of Appellee, 21). There
was one long conversation involved, but that does not establish that the
discussion of illicit dealing in marijuana met the test of Rule 404(b) to show
motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan or knowledge and the like with
respect to the tea set transaction. The marijuana matter was not similar to
dealing in the stolen tea set as were the other references to stolen jewelry and
burglarizing jewelry stores. Thus it was not evidence of unlawful activity of a
closely related type as in United States v. Nolan, 551 F.2d 266, 271-72 (10th
Cir.), cert. denied, 434 U.S. 904, 98 S.Ct. 302, 54 L.Ed.2d 191 (evidence of
prior importation of hashish into England by similar concealment methods held
admissible in prosecution for importation of marijuana into the United States).
It injected sensitive evidence of a very different type of offense. Its effect was
thus merely the showing of a general criminal character or trait to prove action
in conformity therewith, which Rule 404(b), F.R.E., specifically prohibits.
United States v. Mann, 590 F.2d 361, 368-371 (1st Cir.); see United States v.
Nolan, supra, 551 F.2d at 271; United States v. Burkhart, 458 F.2d 201, 204
(10th Cir.). And although the evidence may all come from one connected
report, the prejudicial portion should have been excised. E. g., Kilarjian v.
Horvath, 379 F.2d 547, 548 (2d Cir.); see United States v. Lucero, 601 F.2d
1147, 1149 (10th Cir.).


The rule of special importance here is Rule 403, F.R.E. which provides:


Although relevant, evidence may be excluded if its probative value is

substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice, confusion of the

issues, or misleading the jury, or by considerations of undue delay, waste of
time, or needless presentation of cumulative evidence. (Emphasis added).

The Rule applies with special force here. The evidence objected to showed the
contemplation of a large marijuana transaction which would be a felony, and
there were repeated references to it, as well as an obscenity referring to the use
of marijuana by Tim Tisdale. (II R. 167-69). This evoked the general odium felt
toward such transactions, with a potential for prejudicing the jury. See United
States v. Johnson, 495 F.2d 242, 245 (10th Cir.); Harless v. Boyle-Midway Div.
American Home Products, 594 F.2d 1051, 1058 (5th Cir.). The repeated
references to marijuana were " precisely the type of highly prejudicial evidence
that should be excluded under Federal Rule of Evidence 403." Harless v.
Boyle-Midway Div. American Home Products, supra, 594 F.2d at 1058; United
States v. Cook, 538 F.2d 1000, 1003 (3rd Cir.); and see United States v.
Partyka, 544 F.2d 345, 347 (8th Cir.) (referring to the prejudicial effect of
evidence of possession of 500 pounds of marijuana). Significantly, the jurors
showed special concern about the contents of the transcript of the tape
recording which contained the references to marijuana transactions, inter alia.1


There was a statement in the instructions that the tape of the communication
"has been admitted into evidence for the sole purpose, as it might be probative
in your minds, of establishing motive, intent or knowledge on the part of the
defendants as to the acts alleged in the indictment. It is not to be considered for
any other purpose." (II R. 254-55). Nevertheless the damaging discussion
remained in evidence as heard by the jury. Despite the instruction, the danger
of prejudice was too great and the admission of the prejudicial discussion of
marijuana should be held erroneous. See United States v. Cook, supra, 538
F.2d at 1002, 1004-05; United States v. Puco, 453 F.2d 539, 542 (2d Cir.).2 The
Government's case rested considerably on inferences and circumstantial
evidence, particularly as to the crucial element in both counts of knowledge that
the tea set was stolen property. Because of the potential for prejudice from the
repeated references to the marijuana dealings, such evidence of uncharged
wrongs should have been excised. See United States v. Lucero, 601 F.2d 1147,
1149 (10th Cir.).


Moreover, I cannot agree with the majority that the enactment of the Federal
Rules of Evidence, particularly Rule 404(b), made a significant change in the
law. In United States v. Thomas, 632 F.2d 837, 845 (10th Cir. 1980), cert.
denied sub nom. Harris v. United States, -- U.S. --, 101 S.Ct. 373, 66 L.Ed.2d
227, we said in discussing Rule 404(b) that "(t)he similar offense rule and its
ramifications have not been changed remarkably as a consequence of the

adoption of the Rules of Evidence." This view is supported by the legislative

history. See, e. g., 2 Weinstein's Evidence, 404-4 and 404-5 (1980); 22 C.
Wright and K. Graham, Federal Practice and Procedure, 5239 at 439 (1978).

Lastly, I cannot agree that there was any waiver of the objection to the
prejudicial material on the tapes. Some time before the introduction of the
material there was an objection and discussion of the problem during the trial
by counsel for the Government and for defendants before the judge. (II R. 6566). In fact, the trial judge acknowledged that "I have a problem with the
marihuana. As far as the rest of it is concerned, I don't have a problem. The
marijuana is not a related type of item." (II R. 66). At that point, Government
counsel indicated he could "work around" the problem. Later the objection was
overruled and that portion of the tape was played.


It is true that Government counsel complained that the material had been
furnished, that nothing had been done earlier by defense counsel about the
objectionable parts, and that the trial judge also said it could have been taken
care of at other times. (Id. at 142-44). Nevertheless, the objection had been
plainly made and excising the objectionable part of the tape and transcript,
which troubled the court, was not a difficult problem. (II R. 167-69). There was
no evidentiary matter requiring a motion to suppress illegally obtained evidence
before trial under Rule 12(b)(3) and Rule 41(f), F.R.Crim.P. This was simply
an objection that the material was prejudicial, irrelevant and immaterial under
the evidence rules and counsel made a clear, timely objection.


For these reasons I would grant a new trial.

The Honorable Wesley E. Brown of the United States District Court for the
District of Kansas, sitting by designation

The jurors sent a note to the trial judge requesting a copy of the indictment, the
instructions and the transcript of the tape recording. The judge replied by a note
that he was sending in the indictment and instructions but that they should rely
on their memories for the contents of the tape or the transcript. (I R. 82)

For cases reversing because of the ineffectiveness of a curative instruction see

United States v. Warledo, 557 F.2d 721, 724-26 and n.1 (10th Cir.);
Government of Virgin Islands v. Toto, 529 F.2d 278, 282-84 (3d Cir.) (unless
the appellate court believes it "highly probable" that the error did not affect the
judgment, it should reverse); De Jong v. United States, 381 F.2d 725 (9th Cir.);
United States v. Nemeth, 430 F.2d 704, 705 (6th Cir.). In this connection the

jurors' particular concern with the tape recording, already mentioned, becomes
extremely important. Because of this concern it is difficult to say with
assurance that the prejudicial matters did not harm these defendants

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