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A film treatment of the life story of Malcolm Sue.

From a background of extreme poverty in mainland China and an obsession with martial
arts, a Chinese migrant teen arrives in 1950s Australia during the era of the White Australia
Policy to go on and become a notoriously flamboyant and feared underworld character.
With the backdrop of Queenslands Fortitude Valley (The Valley), MALCOLMS remarkable
true story shows the journey one man is forced to take in order to achieve a state of
HUMILITY. The viewer watches MALCOLM rise from humble beginnings to achieve sudden
wealth and notoriety. By this time an arrogant, egotistical character has formed. The sudden
loss of all his wealth and later disownment from his family, forces MALCOLM to come to
terms with mistakes made in his past.
Opening Scene Example:
Mainland China, Post World War 2, 1946.
The room of a sparsely furnished traditional Chinese dwelling
A 5 year old Chinese boy hangs from rope tied to his wrists underneath a wooden stair well.
His arms are extended over his head and he is unable, with his feet, to touch the wooden
floor beneath him. Wearing nothing but a pair of loosely fitting shorts the boy is sweating
with cuts and abrasions on his small, wiry upper body and face. His lower lip appears
particularly swollen and bleeds slightly. His jaw tightens as the blow of a leather strap is felt
on his back. A lean Asian man in his 30s is beating him and yelling in Cantonese. It is the
boys father. The boy is the main character MALCOLM SUE. MALCOLM doesnt cry or
whimper but instead hangs expressionless as he takes the beating. It is not the first time he
has been beaten in such a way and knows it wont be his last. Despite the inevitable
beatings that will follow, he cant wait to get escape his home life to get back onto the
Immediately the viewer begins to sympathise with the main character. MALCOLMS family,
which included his younger brother HENRY (4 years) and younger sister NANCY (12 months),
mother LE and father NORMAN, all lived in a 10sqm area designated as a kitchen, detached
from the main house of MALCOLMS paternal grandmother. Friction based on religious
beliefs between his mother (a devout Christian) and his grandmother (Buddhist) makes
MALCOLM at an early age feel the need to escape his home life.

Post World War 2, British Ruled Hong Kong 1947.

MALCOLM was 6 years of age. His whole family had fled Mainland China, due mainly to
NORMANS role in the army fighting the civil war against Communism. They had little
possessions and they started to rent a space in the shanty village that had formed due to
the mass exodus from Chinas Communist regime. Thousands of people lived in make shift
dwellings constructed from tin and timber, with mud floors. No utility services were
available. MALCOLMS father, NORMAN, had a small business renting comic books and
novels to the public. The streets of Hong Kong were filled with Hawkers and street
merchants, the majority of them coming from the mainland with no possessions or money;
they struggled desperately to make a living. MALCOLMS task was to collect rationed water
daily from the government regulated well. At only six years of age he carried two large
buckets of water over three kilometres
Scenario Example:
The setting is a dark alley-way in Hong Kong. It is late at night as 5 wiry Asian children peer
from around corners and bins looking towards a dimly lit doorway. The doorway is a
entrance to one of many brothels in the area. MALCOLM is one of these children and at ten
years of age, has already been on the streets long enough to learn how to survive. A
confident, mischievous child, he is the ring leader of his small street gang. An Asian man in
his 40s appears from inside. He is dressed in a police uniform and is obviously intoxicated. It
is the local Policeman, who uses his authority to frequent the same brothel nightly, free of
charge. The children wait patiently. The previous night the Policeman had kicked over and
destroyed the few possessions the children had managed to accumulate over time. It was
the final straw in the abuse they received from the Officer over the past year. The
Policeman stumbled out and leans against the building. Lighting a cigarette he slowly makes
his way, stumbling out towards the street. Two of the eldest children around 10 11 years
of age creep silently behind him carrying a large hessian sack. When they are within range
they throw the sack over the Policemans head and pull it down to below his waist. The
heavily intoxicated man struggles as the remaining three children come running out with
sticks to beat the disorientated Policeman. Screaming abuse they swipe away at the body
within the sack and escape swiftly into the night before the Officer is able to re-orientate

Below decks in a heavily bunked cargo ship heading towards Post World War 2 Australia, 95
Asian migrants move frantically to dispose of any knives or weaponry they have in their
possession. MALCOLM is now 13 years old and on board with his younger brother HENRY.
They are on their way to meet their father NORMAN, who had left several years before to
start a new life in Australia. MALCOLMS mother LE and younger siblings NANCY and BEN
remain in Hong Kong.
HENRY is 11 years old and very much the younger, less confident character. At such an
early age MALCOLM is given the responsibility of keeping HENRY safe. Their relationship
remains this way into adulthood with HENRY taking the lead from MALCOLM throughout
his life. Less confident and less successful, HENRY later grows to resent living in
MALCOLMS shadow.
MALCOLMS heart races as he tries to compute the chaos around him. Whilst on the board
the ship he was involved in an altercation and stabbed William Chong, the 19 year old son of
a wealthy, famous, Chinese martial arts family.
Scenario Example:

Being now in Australian waters, just off Cairns, the ships captain has decided to cut the
journey to Sydney short to enable customs to investigate the stabbing. This is how
MALCOLM begins his life in Australia and it forebodes a violent future
Flash- forward: the scene is a late-night Asian restaurant in Brisbane in 1956. MALCOLM and
his younger brother HENRY are working in their Fathers business alongside their Fathers
Caucasian mistress, Kathy. Life in Australia is in stark contrast to their existence in Asia. With
his mother and younger siblings still in Hong Kong, MALCOLM and HENRY are well aware of
the necessity to earn money to enable their passage. Racism is a part of daily life. Over the
next two years MALCOLMS passion to learn how to fight is further motivated by the
frequent racially motivated attacks that occur on a regular basis inside the restaurant.
MALCOLMS father, NORMAN, held a senior position in the Chinese army, fighting the
Japanese and later fighting in the civil war against the Communist Party. Upon the victory
of the Communist Party, he was forced to flee China. He used large amounts of alcohol
and opium to escape the stresses of everyday life. Whilst being a strict disciplinarian, lack
of control in his own life failed to provide the guidance or authority that MALCOLM
MALCOLMS troubled home-life and day to day experiences at school as well as interactions
with the Australian public (as a recent immigrant) are featured. He came across the good

and bad elements that Australia had to offer during the time of The White Australia Policy.
Included in this is his introduction to the Queensland Police Force.
Scenario Example: After yet another fight brakes out in the restaurant between MALCOLM,
and his younger brother HENRY, and some bikie patrons, the police come to take MALCOLM
and one of the bikie members away in their car. It is evening and the police stop the car to
release the bikie. They proceeded to the nearby park where they pull MALCOLM from the
car and stick a revolver in his mouth telling him unequivocally to go home.
These experiences motivate MALCOLM to become heavily involved with the Chinese Martial
Arts community. During this time he trains religiously and as a result of racial tensions, finds
himself frequently fighting in the restaurant. Refusing to be a victim in any circumstance,
MALCOLMS character as a fighter has now began to take form. Extreme violence is a
regular occurrence.
Scenario Example: Whilst cooking in the kitchen at his fathers business, MALCOLM hears
the screams of his brother from inside the restaurant. Yet another fight has broken out.
Henry is being held and beaten by a number of gang members. Using all his skills MALCOLM
begins to fight off the attackers. The fight leads to MALCOLM and HENRY beating the
individual over the head with a steel pole before he is dragged away. They later found out
that the man was an escaped convict and to avoid the police he fled whilst being treated
and as a result he bled to death in a park.
Extreme violence including severe stabbings and beatings cannot be understated. All true
accounts cannot be dismissed as mere brawling.
Scenario Example: Another incident in the Restaurant. MALCOLM finds himself restrained
from helping his younger brother Henry from being beaten by a number of individuals. Out
of desperation MALCOLM broke free, sliced open the stomach of one of the attackers with a
cooking cleaver exposing his victims intestines. Shortly after this incident MALCOLM
witnesses an attempted gang rape of a thirteen year old girl within the Restaurant during
daylight hours again by local bikie members. All these experiences impact on MALCOLM and
helped to form his character as a fighter.
It is the mid 1970s and MALCOLM has reached the pinnacle of his success. MALCOLM is
dressed in the fashion of the time and has grown a moustache. At the age of 34, he has
wealth beyond his wildest imagination.
Encouraged by his private student and later good friend STEPHAN AKERY, MALCOLM opens
STEPHAN, is a successful businessman with a chain of hair salons and is of Lebanese
decent. Stephan becomes MALCOLMS great friend and provides guidance in matters
relating to business a world that is still somewhat foreign to him. He is a constant

companion of MALCOLMS side for the next few years, travelling overseas with MALCOLM
and training daily as his private student. His character provides not only guidance but a
bouncing board for MALCOLMS ideas and aspirations. They both go through divorces
together and discuss all matters of life. (A character that can be used to highlight
MALCOLMS mental state and thoughts throughout this time period)
He now heads the Malcolm Sue Kung Fu School, the largest Martial Arts school in the
Southern Hemisphere, with schools located throughout Queensland. MALCOLM and his
eldest son GAWAIN are training to become pilots. MALCOLM is in the process of purchasing
an aircraft to fly around his various schools located throughout Queensland. MALCOLMS
reputation as a martial arts expert has led him to take on private students. Often receiving
$10,000 as minimum instalments for private lessons, MALCOLM has started to accumulate
Influential allies have paved the way for MALCOLMs success.
JACK HING is another character that will help illustrate some of MALCOLMS character traits.
A Chinese migrant in his late 30s of slender, medium build. A confident personality with
high standing within the Chinese Community, he has established himself within
Queenslands Fortitude Valley.
A prominent restaurateur in The Valley has also befriended MALCOLM. He introduces
MALCOLM to Brisbanes elite, including DAN MONAHAN, a high level professional within
Australias banking sector. The three share a common interest - chasing Women.
Property transactions in The Valley have allowed MALCOLM to flaunt his newly acquired
wealth and his close association with Terry Lewis, Queenslands Police Commissioner has led
to MALCOLM legally acquiring hand guns via a private detectives license. MALCOLM gains
notoriety for wearing the handguns in public. Cathay Pacific stewardesses frequent the
restaurant he owns; he makes a habit of unbuttoning his jacket to expose his newly
acquired side arms. Women are his drug. Unbeknown to others, the main motivation for
acquiring the guns was to impress the women he has now surrounded himself with.
Other than working in his fathers restaurant one of MALCOLMS many jobs during this
period of time was working as a bookies assistant. This experience has given him a taste for
gambling on horses. He has purchased a race horse and called it Kung Fu King. His
Lamborghini is frequently seen parked in the VIP section at the races, and MALCOLM
becomes well known for his extravagant gambling habit.
During this time he also owns a security company. His security company is headed by his
eldest son GAWAIN and also holds a feared reputation. GAWAIN is being nurtured to take
over his fathers empire. Compensating for his own impoverished childhood, MALCOLM
indulges GWAIN, for example giving him a new Ferrari for his nineteenth birthday.

GAWAINS character at this stage is immature, unsure and somewhat arrogant. He enjoys
the status of being MALCOLM SUES eldest son and despite his age, he is Si-Fu (teacher) to
the students of the MALCOM SUE Kung Fu School.
In the mid to late 70s Fortitude Valley was at the the height of police corruption. It was
prior to the infamous Fitzgerald Inquiry. Prostitution, drugs and gambling were rife.
MALCOLMS flamboyance was at a pinnacle. His love of women and power was insatiable.
Such public attention led to an increasing amount of speculation as to his involvement in
drug trafficking. Due to his exposure to drugs as a child in China, and living with his opium
smoking father MALCOLM has developed a hatred for all illegal substances in fact, he had
little tolerance for intoxicated people.
Fortnightly flights to Papua New Guinea caught the attention of customs officers. One of
these officials would later join the police force and would be heavily involved in
investigating MALCOLM under the suspicion of Drug Trafficking. The irony of the situation
was that MALCOLM travelled to New Guinea to train the PNG Police Force. He was given a
place to stay in which some basic belongings, including clothes were kept, eliminating the
need to bring luggage.
Police surveillance was now focused on MALCOLM. Images of MALCOLM delivering alcohol
and gifts to the commissioner Terry Lewis from the back of his gold Lamborghini were being
recorded. After speaking to his contacts within the Police Force MALCOLM was given the
unofficial go ahead to run a Chinese Gambling House. Every night members from all
around Brisbanes Asian community were gambling above the Malcolm Sue Kung Fu School.
MALCOLM was approach by a police officer who monitored the valley to open an Asian
Brothel, he declined. The gambling house proved to create enough problems
Scenario Example: It is another evening in The Valley, MALCOLM, groomed in his early
eighties attire, is upstairs in his office within the Malcolm Sue Kung Fu School. His phone
rings and he receives an anonymous call telling him to write off a debt that is owing to the
gambling house from a Vietnamese patron. He looks out the window as directed and sees a
sedan below filled with men. They open the windows and hold out rifles and shotguns as a
display of force. They then drive off. Malcolm is furious. He immediately calls some
employees of his security company and tells them each to bring firearms and a security dog
and to meet him at the School
MALCOLM is now driving with three Caucasian men. All men are armed and an Alsatian dog
is present. They are heading to the house of the individual who owes the money. He knows
who threatened him and he is seeking retribution.
They arrive at the house and approach the door. They knock and as the door is opening they
force their way in. MALCOLM grabs the young man and throws him to the floor. He rips the
phone out of the wall and stands over him. In a threatening stance he demands to be told

the whereabouts of the individual who owes his gambling house money. The three other
men that MALCOLM had brought with him are standing in the background, each carrying a
firearm. The dog is barking with excitement. The young man is obviously panicked and
frightened and explains he is a relative of the wanted man and is not sure where he is; he
thinks he may be in one of several places
MALCOLM is in the front passenger seat. The car is being driven by one of his security
guards with another two guards sitting on either side of the young man who MALCOLM had
thrown to the floor earlier. The guards are students of the now infamous Malcolm Sue Kung
Fu School, they are loyal to MALCOLM. The Alsatian sits at the feet of one of the guards.
They are searching for the man who had caused MALCOLM to be threatened earlier that
A movie theatre in China Town Brisbane.
Lights are turned on during the screening of a movie as MALCOLM, the three guards and
dog storm in pushing ahead the young man from the previous encounter. They have been
told the man in question might be in the crowd. Malcolms reputation causes enough fear
that the patrons remain relatively quiet and compliant. After thorough searching they have
still not found who they are after
The drive continues as before. They are going from one possible location to the next.
MALCOLM feels invincible. He is confident when on the offensive. His contacts with the
Queensland Police Force and reputation in The Valley provide him with an aura of
lawlessness, whilst his confidence in his ability to fight, further fuel his actions.
Police have now been informed of a possible kidnapping involving 2 Asians and 3 Caucasian
armed men. The car is spotted and several Police cars surround MALCOLMS vehicle. A
Police vehicle suddenly appears and blocks the car off and the sedan comes to a sudden
stop. Guns are drawn by the Police officers, as they push forward aggressively from the
front and now rear of MALCOLMS sedan.
MALCOLMS notoriety has made him a target to certain elements within the Queensland
Police Force. His friendship with the Police Commissioner Terry Lewis, along with a license
to carry firearms and lack of cooperation from the supposed kidnap victim, all reinforce
MALCOLMS perception (and a perception of others), of being above the law. To the
frustration of the Police Officers involved, he is released, but not forgotten
Trips back to China are frequent. His insatiable appetite for martial arts leads MALCOLM to
travelling all around Asia searching for Grandmaster after Grandmaster. Training with his
former teacher in Hong Kong and with the infamous Yip Sui only builds MALCOLMS
confidence in his ability to fight further, as he surpasses his mentors. He travels to places
such as Korea, Japan to Mongolia and back to China, leaving no stone unturned in his

obsession to find a style or individual he can learn from. His eldest son GAWAIN joins him in
China for brief periods of time
Scenario Example: Outside the entrance of a 5 star hotel in Hong Kong. It is early evening
and the streets are crowded with people. Street hawkers are prevalent along with food
vendors and stall owners. MALCOLM and his eldest son GAWAIN walk out of the hotel and
into the street looking fresh and groomed, anticipating a night of gambling and womanising.
GAWAINS character has now formed. He enjoys his father company and reputation as
well as his own status within the Martial Arts community. He has been taught the
playboy lifestyle from his father. Flamboyancy and excessive spending are what he
enjoys the most.
Near the hotel is an elderly man dressed in tattered street clothing. He has set up a stall
advertising his ability to read faces- not an uncommon act on the streets of Hong Kong at
the time. MALCOLM and GAWAIN, being in no particular rush, approach for a reading and
pay the required fee. MALCOLM introduces himself and GAWAIN as brothers. The man
starts his reading by staring at both faces. After some time, he pauses and looks away.
MALCOLM not really paying that much attention notices the delay and asks for a response.
GAWAIN is filled with youthful enthusiasm, being a man in his early 20s in a foreign land.
The man is further pushed to respond by MALCOLM. He corrects the statement that the two
are brothers stating that GAWAIN is MALCOLMS son. He further states that GAWAIN will
betray him. He looks away as MALCOLM laughs at him, grabbing GAWAIN as he turns to
leave. This incident forebodes what will eventuate.
Scenario Example: A Foggy morning in Mainland China at the foothills of rural village.
Here MALCOLMS obsession with fighting and Martial Arts is further highlighted. It shows
he will stop at nothing to make sure his fighting art is the most effective in the World. It is
the one constant in his life. His often private dedication to training provides him with a
type of escape from the stresses placed upon him during the Fitzgerald Enquiry.
MALCOM is sleeping in a basic rural guest house, with dirt sand floors when he is woken by
what sounds similar to a stampede of horses or cattle. He pushes open the wooden shutters
of his window to see the monks of Shoaling leaving the temple and going for their morning
scuttle through the picturesque surrounding mountains. He falls back on the bed exhausted
after a two day journey across rural China from the city of Zheng Zhou. He drifts off only to
be awakened by the monks stomping return. MALCOLM jumps up and yells to alert the
interpreter he has hired who is currently staying in the adjoining room. The dialect spoken
here is unfamiliar to MALCOLMS Cantonese native tongue. They both dress and leave the
motel to make their way up the dirt street towards the Shoaling Temple. MALCOLM has
spent the last twenty years perfecting his fighting art. Unconventional, giving little care to
tradition, MALCOLMS style is focused solely on effectiveness in real life fighting. He has at

this stage travelled extensively through Asia, learning from some and challenging others,
who believe they have a more effective style of fighting. His years of constant assaults whilst
in Brisbane have taught him what reality is and what is showmanship or theory. The
Shoaling Temple is considered by many to contain the most highly regarded and feared
martial artists. MALCOLM has come to overturn this final stone in his relentless journey...
MALCOLM soon realises that the Shoaling monks have left the reality fighting behind long
ago in exchange for elaborate drills highlighting agility and showmanship. MALCOLMS
successful challenge leads to the start of what is later referred to as a cultural exchange
between the Malcolm Sue Kung Fu School and the monks of Shoaling. For the first time ever
the Shoaling Temple is opened to the west, initially only to MALCOMS students. MALCOLM
plants the seed that eventually leads to the Temple opening to the west through worldwide
touring acts and exposure to the cinema through individuals such as disciple, turned actor,
Jet Li. The monks realise that they can learn from MALCOLMS aggressive style of fighting,
that they have not been exposed largely due to the restrictions placed on fighting under the
Communist Regime
Failed marriage after failed marriage has led to MALCOLM spending more and more time in
Hong Kong and China. Despite constant warnings over the years from MALCOLM to never
interfere with other martial arts schools, GAWAIN is encouraged by his mother to forcibly
close down a school recently opened in Brisbane by two former instructors. The school is
insignificant against the established Malcolm Sue Kung Fu School; however, GAWAINS ego
is dented due to the fact that one of the two individuals involved was once a close friend of
the family. He turns up at the new school along with several current instructors to see the
rival instructors fleeing out the rear of the premises. He has achieved his gaol of intimidating
them and the school is closed down. One of the individuals later goes on to gives false
information that leads to a murder charge being laid against GAWAIN and initiates a police
investigation into MALCOLM for drug trafficking.
Its 1987 when MALCOLM receives a call from his eldest son GAWAIN informing him that
Queensland is undergoing an inquiry into police corruption. Accusations of MALCOLM being
involved in underworld crime, including drug trafficking, are found in articles throughout the
newspapers. GAWAIN is charged with murder. MALCOLMS close association with Police
Commissioner Terry Lewis and his highly visible lifestyle in The Valley has led to his trial
by media. Former close associates in the banking world are now fretting over monies lent
to MALCOLM to finance his various properties. The loans are called in over a two week
period and MALCOLMS fortune is crushed. MALCOLM is advised, by now appointed lawyers
organised by GAWAIN, to remain overseas. The authorities are notified as to his
whereabouts at all times. The media is frantic with Australias first major inquiry into Police
corruption. Individuals representing A Current Affair fly to Hong Kong to meet MALCOLM at
the Sheraton Hotel to negotiate a fee for an exclusive interview. Excessive legal fees eat up
what little monies remain, with the membership numbers within the various Malcolm Sue

Kung Fu Schools diminishing overnight; the future for MALCOLM and GAWAIN is bleak.
MALCOLMS family and friends abandon him. JACK HING and DAN MONAGHAN have their
own problems due to the Inquiry and now no longer wish to be associated with MALCOLM.
STEPHAN AKERY is the only one who comes forward to publically comment that MALCOLM
would in no way be guilty of any of the allegations made against him by the media. His
brother HENRY tired of living in MALCOLMS shadow approaches the press and publically
denounces MALCOLMS action labelling him the black sheep of the Sue family.
MALCOLMS personal and financial life crumbles as he remains in China on advice from his
lawyers. With no monies being sent from GAWAIN in Brisbane MALCOLM uses his Australian
passport and survives selling goods brought in from British ruled Hong Kong to Mainland
Communist China. GAWAINS charges are later dropped when the individual he was accused
of murdering turns up at the trial.
Trial by media has left MALCOLM financially destroyed. Not ever being charged with any
offence, MALCOLM packs up and moves to Perth to start again with GAWAIN and a handful
of loyal instructors. He wishes to leave behind the family that has abandoned him. It is not
long before the Malcolm Sue Kung Fu School prospers again. GAWAIN is left in charge.
MALCOLM moves to Christmas Island with his then wife which leads to yet another failed
marriage. Not deterred he marries again at the age of 65, this time to a Chinese woman 30
years his junior. Nights at the casino and travelling abroad now take up MALCOLMS life. All
assets and the business are signed over to GAWAIN. MALCOLM has resigned himself to the
fact that GAWAIN had lost interest years ago in furthering his martial arts tuition. As his
other siblings show no true interest, he never plans to teach again and assumes he will take
his accumulated knowledge to his grave, after all, in some regards his obsession with martial
arts has left him somewhat envied, isolated and alone. Set to continue a self indulgent
lifestyle with his new young bride, MALCOLM plans on living out his life with as much
pleasure as possible.
It is 2004 when GAWAIN informs MALCOLM that he would like him to attend the
relaunching of the Malcolm Sue Kung Fu School. MALCOLM has had little to do with the
school for many years now. He is now merely a figurehead to the students. The night arrives
and MALCOLM and the students are shocked when GAWAIN announces he has changed the
name to Ging Mo Academy. It was the final straw for many senior students who had for
years been frustrated with GAWAINS inability to further their learning. His manipulating
character and ill-treatment of instructors has left a bitter taste in many individuals mouths.
MALCOLM is hit with a thunderbolt: the next day when he is called by GAWAIN and told that
he is taking all the assets they had acquired, as well as the school and is told he did not
wanting any further contact with his father. Within 24 hours he had sent an instructor to
collect his car and the mobile he was using was cut off. With no assets in his name and such
a sudden shock of abandonment from his closest family member, MALCOLM and his new
wife TING, feel truly alone. Reconciling with Ting after being caught having an affair,

MALCOLM goes through a life change. Adversity has brought MALCOLM closer to Ting than
he has ever been emotionally with anyone before and to both of their surprise Ting is now
pregnant. With no money other than he could borrow from a long time friend, MALCOLM,
in many ways, is back to his humble beginnings. He starts working in a country restaurant to
try and make ends meet. It is a far cry from the flamboyant life in The Valley all those
years ago. Bouts of depression set in. He worries for his wife and now new born son which
he names Happy. He still trains daily in his martial art, as he always has, especially in
stressful times. It is during this extreme low point of his life that MALCOLM receives a call
with a request for him to assassinate a business man in the Philippines for $1 million USD.
After some thought, due primarily to his financial desperation and personal strain,
MALCOLM declines the offer.
By coincidence he runs into an ex student of the Malcolm Sue Kung Fu School in Perth. He
hears of a small group of disenfranchised senior students still training but separate to the
now Ging Mo Academy. They have been pushed away by GAWAIN, who focuses now on
teaching children.
GAWAINS insecurities are highlighted. His reputation far exceeds his ability, and he goes
about distancing himself from those students that pose a threat to his martial arts ability.
His refusal to further advance his abilities under his fathers guidance has left him with no
other option. Unlike his father, GAWAIN has only been focussed on the business and
status that the school could provide.
Once again martial art enters MALCOLMS life. He tentatively begins training the small group
in a very casual way. Not really interested in the commitment required in teaching
MALCOLM finds himself being convinced to teach a handful of committed senior students at
the rear of his home. Still reluctant, MALCOLMS wife TING notices the dedication of two
students and encourages him to put in all his efforts to pass on his almost abandoned form
of fighting. The dedication of these two students wishing to reopen a Malcolm Sue Kung Fu
School sparks MALCOLMS passion once again. He takes them in as his private students, this
time free of charge and teaches them everything he wished to teach his eldest son GAWAIN
all those years ago. He holds nothing back, accepting them in as part of his newly formed
family. The next five years see much dedication to an extensive training regime. A new
school is formed called Malcolm Sue Defence Fighting symbolising the movement that
occurred a long time ago away from traditional Kung Fu. The School is small in numbers and
focuses on solely teaching adults real life self defence. The group is dedicated and the
school, through word of mouth, starts to slowly gather a cult following.
MALCOLM finds inner-peace. He is shown to reject any of the superficiality from his old
lifestyle. Trips to the casino have long ceased and he has a new found dedication to his wife
and son. At 70 years of age MALCOLM has learnt a hard lesson in what makes a human truly
feel fulfilled and happy. Whilst struggling financially, feels happier than ever. His passion for
continues in the newly formed school and he provides the school with the motto of

HUMILITY to symbolise the lesson he has learnt from his tumultuous life. His passion for
fighting, however, continues as his proficiency in the art-form stands second to none in the
world of Martial Arts.

2012 Malcolm Sue Defence Fighting Association - Perth, Western Australia. All Rights Reserved

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