United States Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit

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829 F.

2d 1501

Olan Randle ROBISON, Petitioner-Appellant,

Gary MAYNARD, Warden, Oklahoma State Penitentiary,
McAlester, Oklahoma; Larry Meachum, Superintendent,
Department of Corrections, State of Oklahoma; and Attorney
General of the State of Oklahoma, Respondents-Appellees.
No. 86-2087.

United States Court of Appeals,

Tenth Circuit.
Sept. 25, 1987.
Rehearing Denied Nov. 13, 1987.

Randy Alan Bauman, Oklahoma City, Okl., for petitioner-appellant.

Robert A. Nance, Asst. Atty. Gen., Deputy Chief, Federal Div. (Michael
C. Turpen, Atty. Gen. of Okl.), Oklahoma City, Okl., for respondentsappellees.
Before MOORE, SETH, and TACHA, Circuit Judges.
JOHN P. MOORE, Circuit Judge.

This is an appeal from an order denying federal habeas corpus to a state

prisoner. Olan Randle Robison (Petitioner) sought relief from his conviction of
three counts of first degree murder upon which three death sentences were
imposed in Stephens County, Oklahoma.1 Petitioner raises several issues,
including denial of the right to offer evidence in mitigation of the death penalty;
prosecutorial misconduct; the introduction of testimony by witnesses whose
statements were taken under hypnosis; and denial of the right to effective
assistance of counsel. Finding need for further development of facts on the
issue of the effectiveness of Petitioner's state appellate counsel, we remand for
the purpose of a limited evidentiary hearing. We affirm on the remaining
issues, however.

Respondents have defended some of the issues raised on appeal on the grounds

Respondents have defended some of the issues raised on appeal on the grounds
of procedural bypass. Because the issues could have been raised in the state
appeal but were not, the Oklahoma courts considered the issues waived and
refused to decide them in the postconviction proceedings. Accordingly,
Respondents argue, the federal court is barred from entertaining them.
Respondents raised the same defense in the federal district court which held to
the contrary. Respondents did not appeal from this ruling; hence, the issue
cannot be raised as an argument on appeal. 28 U.S.C. Sec. 2107; Fed.R.App.P.
3. See also Averitt v. Southland Motor Inn, 720 F.2d 1178, 1180 (10th


At dusk, on June 12, 1980, Petitioner and two accomplices drove in a car
belonging to Petitioner's girlfriend, Sharon Briscoe, to the residence of Averil
Bourque, Robert Swinford, and Julie Lovejoy in search of valuable gold
jewelry they believed belonged to Ms. Bourque. Entering the house, the trio
found Ms. Lovejoy, at whom Petitioner fired a single shot in the head, killing
her instantly. Petitioner then went to a room occupied by Ms. Bourque and Mr.
Swinford where he gained entry by smashing a locked door. Petitioner
encountered Ms. Bourque and fired shots into her body and head. These
wounds were not immediately fatal, because Petitioner later told a friend that
one of his accomplices "finished her off" with two bullets between the eyes.
Mr. Swinford, in an apparent effort to avert death, grasped Petitioner from
behind in a "bear-hug," but Petitioner was able to fire a mortal shot into Mr.
Swinford's side. After Mr. Swinford collapsed, Petitioner fired another shot
into Mr. Swinford's prostrate body.

Petitioner and his accomplices then ransacked the house but failed to find
several items of gold jewelry hidden under Ms. Bourque's body. Nonetheless,
they took other items, including photographs of Ms. Bourque and Mr.

Returning to Ms. Briscoe's car, the trio started to back onto the roadway only to
find another car bearing down upon them. The driver of that car, Terry
Henderson, later identified the Briscoe car and testified defendant was riding in
the front passenger seat. Testimony revealed investigators attempted to enhance
Ms. Henderson's recall of the encounter with the use of hypnosis.2

Petitioner and his friends returned to the Briscoe home from which they had set
out, arriving in a state of high agitation. Petitioner instructed the group to pack
for an immediate trip to Texas. Meanwhile, the photographs of the victims were

displayed in the midst of laughter from the Petitioner and others. Petitioner then
removed a bloodstained shirt and later had his niece clean a bloodstain from his

Upon arrival in Texas, Petitioner, in the company of one of his accomplices and
Patricia Higdon, disposed of one of the weapons and a suitcase taken from the
murder scene. Ms. Higdon later testified that Petitioner threw a .380 caliber
automatic pistol off a bridge into water below. Police divers subsequently
recovered from the spot described by Ms. Higdon a .380 pistol identified as the
murder weapon.

Petitioner and his accomplices were eventually arrested and tried. After
deliberating some three and a half hours, the jury returned guilty verdicts on
each count. The next day, in accordance with Oklahoma's statutory bifurcated
procedure, the same jury was called upon to consider imposition of the death

In this second phase, neither side called witnesses.3 Nevertheless, upon the
prosecution's motion, the trial court admitted all the evidence from the first
phase for consideration by the jury. Counsel for both sides made their
summations, and the jury retired to deliberate. In accordance with state
procedure, the jury was called upon to make findings of aggravating and
mitigating circumstances. The jury found the existence of three aggravating
circumstances which applied to all three killings: (1) Petitioner was previously
convicted of a felony involving the use or threat of violence to a person; (2)
Petitioner knowingly created a risk of death to more than one person; and (3)
Petitioner probably would commit criminal acts of violence that would
constitute a continuing threat to society. In the case of Ms. Bourque, the jury
also found the killing was "especially heinous, atrocious or cruel." No
mitigating circumstances were found to exist. Upon these specific findings, the
jury returned death verdicts on all three counts.


During an en camera discussion with the state trial judge prior to the sentencing
phase of the trial, the district attorney moved for an order instructing witnesses
"not to express any kind of an opinion, to be asked any kind of a question or
express any kind of opinion as to whether or not they feel the death penalty
should be imposed." Chief defense counsel responded that he was disposed to
call "relatives" of Averil Bourque and Sheila Lovejoy who had "expressed to
me a desire to ask the jury not to impose the death penalty in this case."4 The
defense contended this testimony would present proper mitigating factors for

the consideration of the jury. The trial court granted the State's motion on the
ground that allowing the testimony "would be no more proper" than allowing
the State to put on testimony that the penalty should be invoked.

Petitioner contends the refusal of this testimony deprived him of due process,
citing Skipper v. South Carolina, 476 U.S. 1, 106 S.Ct. 1669, 90 L.Ed.2d 1
(1986). He contends that one of the reasons underlying imposition of the death
penalty is the sanction of retribution. Assuming the validity of that contention,
Petitioner argues testimony of a family member of the victim urging the jury to
reject the death penalty would have been strong evidence mitigating that


In our view, the answer to this issue turns upon the relevancy of the evidence in
the context in which it would have been presented. Additionally, we are
disinclined towards Petitioner's argument because the obvious consequence of
allowing this kind of testimony by the defense would be to permit the State to
present witnesses who would testify the penalty should be imposed, thus
reducing the trial to a contest of irrelevant opinions.


Even though the Oklahoma law mandates presentation of "any mitigating

circumstances" in the sentencing phase of a capital trial, Okla.Stat.Ann. tit. 21,
Sec. 701.10, our consideration of the issue in the context of the federal
constitution is constrained by the limitation of relevance. In short, the
Petitioner's federal constitutional guarantees give him the right to present "any
aspect of [his] character or record and any of the circumstances of the offense
that the defendant proffers as a basis for a sentence less than death." Lockett v.
Ohio, 438 U.S. 586, 604, 98 S.Ct. 2954, 2965, 57 L.Ed.2d 973 (1978). Yet, the
corollary to that rule is the exhortation that the sentencer may not refuse to
consider or be precluded from considering "any relevant mitigating evidence."
Eddings v. Oklahoma, 455 U.S. 104, 114, 102 S.Ct. 869, 877, 71 L.Ed.2d 1
(emphasis added).


We are thus initially confronted with the question of whether the testimony of a
victim's relative who did not wish the death sentence imposed is relevant to the
issue of mitigation.5 As Petitioner acknowledges, relevant evidence is that
which tends to make the existence of a fact more probable or less probable than
it would be without the evidence. Fed.R.Evid. 401. Translated into terms which
relate to the issues before a sentencing jury, relevant mitigating evidence is that
which suggests the penalty should not be imposed. Additionally, however, the
universe of that evidence is circumscribed by Lockett's holding that mitigating
evidence is that which applies to either the character or record of the defendant
or to any of the circumstances of the offense.


Petitioner seeks to expand the universe with evidence which the state judge
correctly perceived to be misdirected. An individual's personal opinion of how
the sentencing jury should acquit its responsibility, even though supported by
reasons, relates to neither the character or record of the defendant nor to the
circumstances of the offense. Such testimony, at best, would be a gossamer veil
which would blur the jury's focus on the issue it must decide.


Moreover, allowing any person to opine whether the death penalty should be
invoked would interfere with the jury's performance of its duty to exercise the
conscience of the community. Because the offense was committed not against
the victim but against the community as a whole, in Oklahoma only the
community, speaking through the jury, has the right to determine what
punishment should be administered.


In short, we cannot agree with Petitioner's contention that any testimony a

defendant believes would make the jury less likely to return a death verdict
must be allowed to satisfy the dictates of federal due process. The broad range
of facts admissible under the Eddings delineation of mitigating evidence must
focus on the persona of the defendant or on the fabric of the crime of which he
has been convicted. We can find no justification for broadening that focus.6


Indeed, the Supreme Court has recently underscored the need for narrowing the
scope of the evidence affecting the sentencing decision by preventing the state
from disclosing the impact the crime has on the victim's surviving relatives. In
Booth v. Maryland, --- U.S. ----, 107 S.Ct. 2529, 2533, 96 L.Ed.2d 440 (1987),
the Court declared that admissibility of sentencing evidence must be made to
depend upon whether it "has some bearing on the defendant's 'personal
responsibility and moral guilt.' " Quoting Enmund v. Florida, 458 U.S. 782,
801, 102 S.Ct. 3368, 3378, 73 L.Ed.2d 1140 (1982). The Court pointed out that
the jury's sentencing decision must be focused upon the defendant as a
"uniquely individual human bein[g]." Booth, 107 S.Ct. at 2533 (quoting
Woodson v. North Carolina, 428 U.S. 280, 304, 96 S.Ct. 2978, 2991, 49
L.Ed.2d 944 (1976)). Hence, the Court added, factors which are unrelated to
the culpability of the defendant and which focus on the impact that the
defendant's crime has on others are irrelevant to the issue of punishment and
might result in the jury reaching its verdict in an arbitrary manner.


More in point here, the Court also observed that "the degree to which a family
is willing and able to express its grief is irrelevant to the decision whether a
defendant, who may merit the death penalty, should live or die." Booth, 107
S.Ct. at 2534. Even though expressed in a case in which the direction of the
evidence was favorable to the prosecution, we believe the lesson taught in

Booth is equally applicable here because the underlying reasoning for limiting
the scope of the evidence allows for no distinction between misdirected
evidence offered by either party. Indeed, the Court stated, "[n]or is there any
justification for permitting such a decision [life or death] to turn on the
perception that the victim was a sterling member of the community rather than
someone of questionable character." Id.

In sum, the jury must be provided with evidence that will lead it to a principled
determination without any hint of arbitrariness. We conclude the testimony
offered by the defense in this instance was calculated to incite arbitrary
response, thus it was properly excluded, and the exclusion provides no basis for
granting relief.


Petitioner claims that the use of hypnosis by the State to enhance the recall of
two persons who later testified constitutes "highly prejudicial constitutional
error." Advocating a per se harm rule for exclusion of such evidence, Petitioner
maintains that dangers inherent in the use of hypnosis as well as the denial of
the right of confrontation mandate relief from the judgment of conviction.


Terry Henderson was hypnotized to aid in her recall of precisely what she
observed as she drove past the victims' house on the night of the murder. At
trial, Ms. Henderson was examined by both sides about the hypnotic session,
and the jury was given the opportunity to assess her credibility as a
consequence. Nonetheless, on appeal, the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
determined that her in-court identification of Petitioner was inadmissible, but
due to the overwhelming evidence against him, the court concluded the error
was not grave enough to require reversal. Robison v. State, 677 P.2d 1080
(Okla.Cr.1984). Petitioner contests this result, claiming that Ms. Henderson
was the only eyewitness who placed him at the scene of the murder; hence, her
testimony could not be considered harmless.


To properly understand this issue, one must put Ms. Henderson's testimony in
context. Petitioner suggests in his brief that Ms. Henderson was unable to
identify him until she was hypnotized. The record indicates otherwise.


Before Ms. Henderson made any in-court identifications, defense counsel asked
for a bench conference. That conference was not reported, but because the trial
judge immediately convened a chambers hearing at which defense counsel

conducted voir dire of Ms. Henderson, we must assume Petitioner's trial

counsel anticipated and objected to the identification.

During the ensuing examination, Ms. Henderson related that she had contacted
the sheriff's office and reported she had seen a vehicle emerging from the
driveway of the victims' home. During an interrogation which followed, she
described "the kind of car it was" and its "actions" in the driveway. She added,
"also I told them that I had a brief glance of the man on the passenger side."
When asked why she was placed under hypnosis, she stated, "Well, they just
said they might--that I might could (sic) remember a few details about possibly
the vehicle and such that I had seen that night."


Ms. Henderson also stated that she could remember what she was asked under
hypnosis, and she recalled, "They told me most--most of the things they said
was to tell what you saw and then they asked me some brief questions about the
vehicle and such, but mostly it was telling what I seen, the actions and the car I
had seen."7 Then the following occurred:

27 While under hypnosis do you recall what description of any individuals you
28 Yes. I--the same description that I've had all along was that he was dark hair,
mustache. Possibly a beard. I didn't know at the time whether he had a beard.


30 Miss Henderson, it's very important that you try to recall whether or not you--how
you described the individuals in this vehicle ...?
31 Well, as I say (sic) before, I cannot describe the driver because it was dark that
night, and my lights did not catch the driver but I did see the view of the man on the
passenger side of the car and he had shoulder--a little bit around the shoulder length
hair, dark, brushed back from the face, and mustache and sideburns, some sideburns
and I'm not for (sic) sure about the beard. And the reason I'm not for (sic) sure is
because of his shoulder, the way he was turned it blocked that part of the face off.
He had a slender face.


33 All right. Do you remember how you described the passenger at the hypnosis
session?A. Yes. The same way I've described him to you here.


Defense objections to the testimony of Ms. Henderson were overruled, and

testimony was resumed before the jury. In the course of direct examination, Ms.
Henderson described the passenger in the car in the same way she had earlier in
her voir dire. She then identified Petitioner as that passenger. Crossexamination on her identification took this course:

35 Can you tell this jury, Miss Henderson, with all certainty that you can muster that
Olan Randle Robison is the guy you saw in that car on the night of June the 12th?
A. At this time there is no doubt in my mind.


38 All right. Do you recall me asking you that question at Preliminary Hearing about
whether you can say for (sic) positive that-A. Yes, I do.
Q. Do you remember the answer that you gave?
A. Yes, I do.
Q. And what did you say?
43 I said that--well, I'm not for (sic) sure of the exact words I used, I said that he
resembled him, but I wasn't for (sic) positive, and the reason I said that was because
I had a question about the beard.
Q. And what question did you have about the beard?
45 Because I couldn't figure out why if I could tell there was a mustache, why I
couldn't tell there was a beard, since it would be so noticeable, but now I know why.
46 Do you know the person--but you still don't know whether that person had a
beard or not do you?
A. No, because you couldn't see that part of his face. It was covered by his shoulder.

As we now perceive this record, Ms. Henderson's testimony was confusing, but
not confused. In her mind, she recalled the person she saw in the passenger seat
of the vehicle, and she was hesitant only about whether he was bearded. When
she realized the person's shoulder hid his entire face from view, she understood
and resolved the cause of her perplexity. We find nothing in the record
indicating that Ms. Henderson's resolution was a consequence of hypnosis or

that her identification of the Petitioner was the product of the hypnotic session.

Nonetheless, the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals decided as a matter of

state law that the admission of her testimony was erroneous, holding that
statements made under hypnosis are inadmissible when offered as the truth.
Robison, 677 P.2d at 1085. Yet, viewing the entirety of the evidence, the court
concluded the admission of Ms. Henderson's in-court testimony was harmless.
With that conclusion we agree beyond a reasonable doubt, Chapman v.
California, 386 U.S. 18, 87 S.Ct. 824, 17 L.Ed.2d 705 (1967); Wiley v. Rayl,
767 F.2d 679 (10th Cir.1985).


If one considers the direct and inferential evidence of Petitioner's guilt, one
must conclude that at best the testimony of Ms. Henderson was cumulative.
Indeed, her identification even pales in contrast with Petitioner's incriminating
admissions to his friends detailing the crime and his participation. Those
admissions, together with his appearance in Ms. Briscoe's home in an agitated
state attired in a bloodstained shirt and boot possessing pictures of two of the
victims; his precipitous flight to Texas; and his possession and disposal of the
murder weapon were strong circumstances of his guilt. We therefore find no
grounds for relief on this issue.


The testimony of Ms. Higdon represents a different problem, however. The trial
testimony did not disclose the fact of her pretrial hypnosis, although defense
counsel was in possession of a report indicating the fact of the hypnotic session.
Thus, the testimony of Ms. Higdon at least nominally did not violate
Oklahoma's exclusionary rule.


Prior to the hypnotic session, Ms. Higdon had been interviewed and had
described a number of details surrounding the night of the crime and
subsequent events. In part, she told of being in a car with Petitioner and one of
his accomplices when Petitioner disposed of the murder weapon. Ms. Higdon
was able to give only a general description of the locale where the gun was
thrown away; therefore, interrogators attempted to enhance her recall of that
place through the medium of hypnosis.


The results of that session were at best equivocal because her statement did not
vary materially from the statement she had given previously. Moreover, the
habeas court found that the mere fact Ms. Higdon was hypnotized did not
render her testimony prejudicial to Petitioner because she attempted to "slant"

her testimony at trial to favor Petitioner. There is ample support in the record
for this conclusion. Indeed, other than the academic argument that admission of
the testimony of one exposed to hypnosis is per se harmful, Petitioner has failed
to demonstrate prejudice resulting from Ms. Higdon's posthypnotic testimony.

While Petitioner's arguments regarding the forensic use of hypnosis have some
appeal, we cannot accept the suggestion that constitutional error arises from the
very fact a person testifies after a hypnotic session in which the person's recall
is examined. Indeed, in a case decided in the recently concluded term, the
Supreme Court leads us to that conclusion.


In Rock v. Arkansas, --- U.S. ----, 107 S.Ct. 2704, 97 L.Ed.2d 37 (1987), in
which a defendant's use of her own posthypnotic testimony was prevented by a
state's proscription of hypnotically refreshed recollection, the Supreme Court
considered the per se rule Petitioner advocates here. Although the issue before
the Court was predicated on a defendant's constitutional right to testify in her
own defense, the Court noted the state followed a rule which makes
inadmissible any posthypnotic testimony. The Court stated:


In establishing its per se rule, the Arkansas Supreme Court simply followed the
approach taken by a number of States that have decided that hypnotically
enhanced testimony should be excluded at trial on the ground that it tends to be


We are not now prepared to endorse without qualifications the use of hypnosis
as an investigative tool; scientific understanding of the phenomenon and of the
means to control the effect of hypnosis is still in its infancy.... A State's
legitimate interest in barring unreliable evidence [however] does not extend to
per se exclusions that may be reliable in an individual case.


Rock, 107 S.Ct. at 2712, 2714.


We thus conclude that use of any posthypnotic testimony is not per se a

constitutional error. A reviewing court must determine whether safeguards have
been employed to insure reliability of the testimony to make it admissible. Id.
The state court found the existence of the safeguards in the state-mandated
procedure under which Ms. Higdon was examined.8 In the absence of contrary
evidence (and we find none here), this finding is entitled to a presumption of
correctness. 28 U.S.C. Sec. 2254(d); Sumner v. Mata, 455 U.S. 591, 102 S.Ct.
1303, 71 L.Ed.2d 480 (1982).


It is noteworthy that the testimony of Ms. Higdon which Petitioner counts as

"extremely damaging" was not the subject of the hypnotic session. There is no
evidence to even suggest that this testimony was made unreliable by hypnosis;
therefore, in light of Rock v. Arkansas, we cannot accept Petitioner's hypothesis
that the introduction of her testimony resulted in constitutional error.


Petitioner contends that the courtroom conduct of the state district attorney
deprived him of a fair trial. He maintains the prosecutor "repeatedly engaged in
outrageously improper argument and conduct" throughout his remarks to the
jury in both phases of the trial. Petitioner states the prosecutor improperly
attempted to provoke the jury's sympathy for the victims.9 Included in the
conduct cited are references to the district attorney's suggestion that the jury
"turn the coin" on the Petitioner so that every time the defense mentioned the
Petitioner, the jury would think of the victims. Petitioner argues the prosecutor
attempted to blunt the jury's responsibility by arguing Petitioner had "punched
his own ticket."


The standard upon which we are to judge the issue of prosecutorial misconduct
is set forth in Donnelly v. DeChristoforo, 416 U.S. 637, 94 S.Ct. 1868, 40
L.Ed.2d 431 (1974).10 In that case, the Court held that prosecutorial misconduct
in a state court violates a criminal defendant's federal constitutional rights only
if the prosecutor's actions so infect the trial with unfairness as to make the
resulting conviction a denial of due process. Viewing the Petitioner's contention
in the light of this standard, the federal district court concluded that even if the
prosecutor's actions, which were indeed questionable, had been halted by the
trial court, there is no reasonable probability the outcome of the trial would
have been different. We agree, and therefore conclude, as a matter of federal
law, the required infectious conduct was not present in this case. Coleman v.
Brown, 802 F.2d 1227 (10th Cir.1986).


As we noted, the evidence against Petitioner was strong. Because of that

evidence, we are unable to say, as a matter of federal constitutional law, that the
antics of the prosecutor or his statements to the jury could have tipped the
scales in favor of the prosecution. Indeed, as we shall later discuss, defense
counsel testified at the state postconviction hearing that he thought the district
attorney was prejudicing himself in the eyes of the jury by his conduct. Our
review of the record leads us to the conclusion that surmise was not unjustified.
Nevertheless, within the confines of our scope of review, and viewing the
conduct of the prosecutor in the light of all surrounding circumstances, we
conclude because of the overwhelming nature of the evidence aligned against

the Petitioner, the jury must have been swayed by the facts and not the conduct
of counsel, even though that conduct was questionable.

Petitioner has challenged the Oklahoma statute permitting a jury to find as an

aggravating circumstance that a killing was "especially heinous, atrocious, or
cruel." We have held the statute constitutionally deficient in our en banc ruling
in Cartwright v. Maynard, 822 F.2d 1477 (10th Cir.1987). Accordingly, the
death sentence given petitioner for the killing of Averil Bourque cannot stand.
Nonetheless, we do not believe this consequence mandates total relief.


The constitutional implications of the invalid statute exist only for the sentence
to which the statute was applied. Since the jury was not instructed to consider
whether the killings of the other two victims were "especially heinous,
atrocious, or cruel," its verdicts on those crimes cannot be impeached on that
ground. Following oral argument here, Petitioner has contended the instruction
regarding the killing of Averil Bourque had a "spill-over" effect on the jury,
thus necessitating vacation of the remaining verdicts. We find no justification
for that argument in the record, hence we decline the invitation to so rule.


Petitioner raises the effectiveness of his trial and appellate counsel, claiming
because of their failures to raise or preserve many issues, he was denied his
right to counsel. Petitioner was represented on appeal to the Court of Criminal
Appeals by counsel different from those who represented him at trial.


Our review of this issue is guided by Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668,
687, 104 S.Ct. 2052, ----, 80 L.Ed.2d 674 (1984), which held that in order to
succeed on a claim of incompetent counsel, a defendant must show that
counsel's performance was deficient and that the deficiency prejudiced his
defense. The first component of the test requires the petitioner show "that
counsel made errors so serious that counsel was not functioning as the 'counsel'
guaranteed the defendant by the Sixth Amendment." Id. The second component
requires a "showing that counsel's errors were so serious as to deprive the
defendant of a fair trial, a trial whose result is reliable." Id. The measure against
which these components are judged is that of an objective standard of
reasonableness. Judging the reasonableness of counsel's performance requires

68 effort be made to eliminate the distorting effects of hindsight, to reconstruct

the circumstances of counsel's challenged conduct, and to evaluate the conduct from
counsel's perspective at the time. Because of the difficulties inherent in making the
evaluation, a court must indulge a strong presumption that counsel's conduct falls
within the wide range of reasonable professional assistance; that is, the defendant
must overcome the presumption that, under the circumstances, the challenged action
"might be considered sound trial strategy."

Strickland, 466 U.S. at 689, 104 S.Ct. at 2065 (citation omitted). The Court
instructed that one who contends counsel was ineffective must first specifically
delineate the acts or omissions of counsel which were not reasonably
competent. Then, a reviewing court must judge those specific instances in light
of all circumstances in the case in which those acts or omissions were allegedly
outside the wide range of professionally competent assistance. Within the
context of that review "strategic choices made after thorough investigation of
law and facts relevant to plausible options are virtually unchallengeable."
Strickland, 466 U.S. at 690, 104 S.Ct. at 2066. Finally, the Court added, even if
counsel's actions do not meet the standard of reasonableness, a judgment of
conviction must not be set aside if those actions had no effect on the judgment.
That result can occur only when the defendant shows "there is a reasonable
probability that, but for counsel's unprofessional errors, the result of the
proceeding would have been different. A reasonable probability is a probability
sufficient to undermine confidence in the outcome." Strickland, 466 U.S. at
694, 104 S.Ct. at 2068. This test is not to be made in a vacuum, however, as the
Court added the reviewing court must presume, in the absence of evidence to
the contrary, that the judge or jury acted according to law. Moreover, the
determination of the ineffectiveness claim must be governed by the totality of
the evidence before the jury.


Petitioner has met the first burden of particularizing the errors of counsel. He
claims trial counsel was inept in failing to object to the actions of the
prosecutor; in failing to object to the testimony of hypnotized witnesses; and in
failing to make objections necessary to preserve issues for appeal. Petitioner
also argues trial counsel failed to properly prepare for and conduct the second
phase proceedings and, in particular, in failing to call witnesses in mitigation.
After reviewing the record, we find some of these contentions factually


First, as previously noted, trial counsel did object to the testimony of Ms.
Henderson. Unfortunately, the colloquy between court and counsel was not
reported; therefore, it is impossible to determine the argument made in support
of the objection, but it is clear the trial court allowed Ms. Henderson's

testimony over an objection based upon her hypnotic interview. Second, we

believe it a mischaracterization of the record to claim trial counsel called no
witnesses in the second phase. Even though it was on the prosecution's motion,
all the evidence in the first phase, including that given by defendant's witnesses
who testified about his lack of sobriety on the night of the crime and the
physical effects that alcohol and chemical ingestion had on his ability to
function, was admitted in the second phase. It was defense counsel's strategic
choice to predicate his plea for mitigation upon Petitioner's diminished
capacity, and evidence in support of that plea was admitted, allowing counsel to
make the argument to the jury.

Petitioner now claims other witnesses who would have testified to his loving
and peaceful nature could have been called. Yet, during the state postconviction
proceedings, trial counsel testified he did not want the jury to know of
Petitioner's criminal history; therefore, he eschewed making Petitioner's
character an issue. In light of the cross-examination of those suggested
witnesses conducted at the postconviction hearing, the stratagem was not
unfounded. Those called to testify were cross-examined about their knowledge
of his criminal history, his predilection for intoxicants, his apparent inability to
hold employment, and his failure to provide support for his minor children. All
claimed a general lack of knowledge of those facts, even though they are
evident in the testimony of others. In short, it is evident the mitigating value of
this line of testimony would have been substantially, if not altogether,
diminished through impeachment. Accordingly, we cannot say trial counsel
was inept because he failed to call Petitioner's family members and friends. Cf.
Coleman, 802 F.2d at 1235.


Trial counsel also testified that he did not object to the tactics of the district
attorney for two reasons. First, he did not think the prosecutor was helping his
case by his actions. Indeed, he thought to the contrary. Second, he believed the
jury would not look favorably on objections. Whether this reasoning was valid
is largely problematical at this juncture, but looking at the situation at the time
it was faced by counsel, the reasons for his failure to object are not unfounded.


Despite Petitioner's arguments, we are unable to say that even if trial counsel
had made the suggested objections, had called the suggested witnesses, and had
done those things hindsight suggests he should have done, the jury would have
entertained a reasonable doubt regarding Petitioner's guilt. Accordingly, we
cannot conclude he was deprived of adequate representation by his trial
counsel. Cartwright v. Maynard, 802 F.2d 1203 (10th Cir.1986), on rehearing
en banc, 822 F.2d 1477.


Petitioner also raises the lack of effectiveness of his state-appointed appellate

counsel. The federal district court found "appellate counsel's failure to raise
every non-frivolous ground for relief does not, in itself, constitute ineffective
assistance of appellate counsel." With that general proposition we agree, but
there is a nagging circumstance involved here that makes the habeas court's
conclusion unsatisfying.


We have already stated the antics of the prosecutor did not rise to the
dimensions of constitutional error. Nevertheless, it is unassailable that similar
antics, indeed even those previously performed by the same prosecutor, have
been held by the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals to warrant appellate
relief as a matter of state law. In Scott v. State, 649 P.2d 560 (Okla.Cr.1982),
district attorney Burns (the prosecutor here) was chided for improperly
appealing to the sympathies of the jury and representing himself as the
spokesman for the deceased in a manner similar to his conduct in this case.
Acting in its supervisory capacity over the conduct of state trials, the court
granted relief to the defendant, even though objections to the arguments were
sustained by the trial court, because the Court of Criminal Appeals refused to
"close our eyes to such behavior." Scott, 649 P.2d at 564. In Tobler v. State,
688 P.2d 350 (Okla.Cr.1984), again, acting in its supervisory capacity, the
court granted a new trial because Mr. Burn's pleas for sympathy through the
use of his "turn of the coin" argument so infected the fairness of the first trial
reversal was mandated as a matter of fundamental error ! "The behavior of
District Attorney Tony R. Burns can only be termed outrageous." Tobler, 688
P.2d at 353. While we cannot and would not put ourselves in the position of an
Oklahoma court ruling on this issue, nor can we hypothesize the outcome in
this instance, it would nevertheless facially appear a reversal is conceivable,
had Petitioner's appellate counsel raised the issue.


Two circumstances persist as further concerns, however. First, we do not know

why the issue was not raised on the appeal from the judgment of conviction.11
Appellate counsel was not called at the state postconviction hearing, and the
habeas court's treatment of the issue eliminated the possibility of calling him in
the federal court. Yet, the issue still nags, and it does not appear frivolous.
Second, perhaps appellate counsel believed trial counsel's failure to object and
thus preserve the issue was a compelling reason for not challenging the
prosecutor's conduct.


We cannot, however, ignore the fact that this same prosecutor engaged in
substantially the same conduct after the Oklahoma state courts had specifically

determined that the conduct was infirm. The Oklahoma Court of Criminal
Appeals said on July 20, 1982:

The vindication of community outrage has been criticized by this Court recently
in Franks v. State, 636 P.2d 361 (1981). The statements now before us are
reprehensible for the reason that the prosecutor has attempted to cast himself in
a light which is inaccurate. He does not represent the victim, the jurors, nor the
interests of society. His duty is to prosecute the defendant for a crime against
the victim, in violation of society's laws, and in which the jurors are the
determiners of fact.


Scott, 649 P.2d at 564. In this case Prosecutor Burns repeated the tactics
denounced months before in Scott, saying:

I81asked you in the beginning of this trial to turn that coin over and you think about
the three victims in this crime; when he says Randle Robison, I hope that you
remember the names of Averil Bourque, Robert Leon Swinford and Sheila Julie
Lovejoy. Thank you. (Tr. 1206)
82is personal between Randle Robison and those three dead people, and I speak for
those three dead people right now because there is nobody else to speak for them,
and I want you to remember their names. When you go into that jury room, and if
you can vote not for the death penalty, then I want you to remember the names of
those three people because there is [sic] three lives to weigh against one, and there is
not just three lives, its the way their were taken. (Tr. 1218)
83 last thing I will say to you in this trial, because this case is yours right now, the
last thing I'll say to you in this trial are the names of those three people. This is not
my case. It's not the case of the police officers who worked so hard in it. Robert
Leon Swinford, Sheila Julie Lovejoy, and Averil Borque. Thank you your Honor.
(Tr. 1219)

Under these circumstances--rare in the sequence of litigation--where the

Oklahoma court had granted other defendants relief from the same kind of
conduct by the same district attorney, we must inquire why appellate counsel
chose not to raise the issue of prosecutorial misconduct. Even though trial
counsel did not object to that conduct, similar behavior was regarded as plain
error by the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals. Tobler, 688 P.2d at 353.
Indeed, it is almost inconceivable to assume an appellate court's willingness to
stand upon a mechanistic application of a procedural rule to thwart
consideration of a legitimate appellate issue in a death penalty case. Without an
answer to our inquiry, we deem it impossible to perform an adequate Strickland


At this juncture, it is important to interject consideration of the issue of

procedural bypass. We originally have noted our conclusion that Respondents
have not preserved the issue for this case by failure to appeal the district court's
adverse ruling. Nonetheless, we would simply note here even were the defense
properly before us, we would maintain our concern over the issue of appellate
counsel's representation based on the present record. Because an exegesis on
the subject is presently unnecessary, we simply state that it is our belief that
Petitioner has met the cause and actual prejudice test established in Wainwright
v. Sykes, 433 U.S. 72, 97 S.Ct. 2497, 53 L.Ed.2d 594 (1977), and reiterated in
Reed v. Ross, 468 U.S. 1, 104 S.Ct. 2901, 82 L.Ed.2d 1 (1984). The allegation
of inadequacy meets the cause test, and the facial probability of a reversal
meets the actual prejudice test with, at least, a degree of sufficiency to mandate
further inquiry in the context of this case. Compare Andrews v. Shulsen, 802
F.2d 1256 (10th Cir.1986).


Because of our concern, we believe the federal district court should have made
a factual inquiry into the reasons behind appellate counsel's failure to raise what
might be viewed a forgone ground upon which a new trial could have been
obtained. At the same time, we have examined the remaining issues raised by
the Petitioner and conclude they were properly decided by the district court for
the reasons expressed in its opinion.


The judgment of the district court is AFFIRMED IN PART and REVERSED

IN PART and REMANDED for the purpose of conducting an evidentiary
hearing into the reasons why Petitioner's state appellate counsel did not raise
the issue of prosecutorial misconduct in the state appeal and for further
determination of the issue of adequate representation in light of the evidence
produced. In addition, the district court shall enter a declaratory judgment that
the death sentence on the court relating to Ms. Bourque is invalid and
unenforceable. Cf. Chaney v. Brown, 730 F.2d 1334, 1358 (10th Cir. 1984).

Petitioner has received both direct and postconviction review of his sentences in
the courts of the state. The record before the federal district court and that here
on appeal contains the entire transcript of the trial as well as the evidence taken
and the arguments heard in the state postconviction proceeding

Hypnosis was also used in the interrogation of another witness, but use of the
procedure was not disclosed in her testimony. Petitioner predicates an argument

of constitutional error on the hypnosis of this witness as well, as we shall

discuss in part III

The State did introduce a copy of a judgment of conviction indicating

Petitioner's prior conviction of the crime of armed robbery

During the course of the state postconviction hearing, defense counsel testified
that he had discussed with Petitioner the possibility of "putting on the one
witness who was related to one of the victims." At the same hearing, co-counsel
testified: "I believe that this particular witness, who was a sister of one of the
victims, ... certainly didn't want him to get the death penalty." From this
testimony, we assume the representation that "relatives " would be called was
an inaccurate representation and that only one person was available as a witness

Petitioner suggests that because this witness testified in the first phase, she must
have known him well enough to testify to mitigating circumstances beyond her
personal desires. While the record indicates Ms. Lovejoy's sister, Mary Bridget
Davis, testified in the first phase as a defense witness, she was not identified as
the witness defense counsel had planned to call in the second phase. Moreover,
the only testimony the state judge precluded was that of an unidentified relative
who was not permitted to testify that the death penalty should not be invoked.
That witness was not otherwise prevented by the court's ruling from testifying
to any other mitigating circumstances. Petitioner's argument is thus rendered

Petitioner also argues that proscription of the opinion evidence was in violation
of Okla.Stat.Ann. tit. 21, Sec. 701.10; hence he was denied due process.
Oklahoma has interpreted the statute to apply only to relevant evidence. Chaney
v. State, 612 P.2d 269 (Okla.Cr.1980). Since Petitioner's basic premise is
invalid, we will not give further consideration to the argument

Petitioner suggests this answer indicates the possibility officers prompted Ms.
Henderson's recall. We do not agree. Taking the statement in context, we
conclude it was an inarticulate reference to instructions given by the
interrogator to recall her observations

The state judge found that (1) there was a written record of the "substance" of
Ms. Higdon's prehypnotic recall; (2) that record was preserved; (3) the trial
testimony did not vary from the prehypnotic statement; (4) the hypnosis was
"performed in a manner designed to minimize danger of contamination"; (5) a
written record of the hypnotic session was made and maintained

We note in passing that one example of allegedly shameless theatrics appears at

least justifiable by the record. In the closing argument in phase two, the district

attorney threw himself on his knees before the jury to illustrate the attitude of
one of the victims at the time of her death. It is suggested that he was trying to
indicate she was pleading for her life, but the record indicates he was trying to
demonstrate her posture at the time the bullet entered her body. This
demonstration is supported by the testimony of the prosecution's pathologist
who indicated the course of the bullet through the victim's body suggested she
might have been postured on her knees when shot

See also Darden v. Wainwright, 477 U.S. 187, 106 S.Ct. 2464, 91 L.Ed.2d 144


We note here that Respondent argues Petitioner did not raise the issue of the
adequacy of his appellate counsel in the appeal from the state denial of
postconviction relief. That argument is not supported by the record. The copy
of the "Petition in Error" filed with the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals,
which is appended to the amended petition for a writ of habeas corpus, contains
a claim that the state court erred in failing to grant relief on the ground "that
petitioner was denied his right to effective assistance of counsel on appeal."

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