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The suits are replevin and involve the title to two large consignments of hides, which the plaintiff
in error claims to own as assignee of Martinez & Co., a partnership engaged in business in the city of
Torreon, Mexico, but which the defendant in error claims to own by purchase from the Finnegan-Brown
Company, a Texas corporation which it is alleged purchased the hides in Mexico from General Francisco
Villa on January 3, 1914.
Judgments were rendered for the defendants, which were affirmed by the Court of Errors and
Appeals and are brought to the New Jersey Court on the theory that the claim of title to the hides by the
defendant in error is invalid because based upon a purchase from General Villa, who, it is urged,
confiscated them contrary to the provisions of the Hague Convention of 1907 respecting the laws and
customs of war on land; that the judgment of the state court denied to the plaintiff in error this right which
he 'set up and claimed' under the Hague Convention or treaty; and that this denial gives him the right of
review in this court.
Moreover, these hides were seized by the Carranza government, then engaged in civil war and
sold to an American firm which brought them to New Jersey. The petitioner claims that the seizure was
invalid. However, at the time of the seizure, the Carranza government controlled about two-thirds of
Mexico but there was no government in that country recognized by the United States. On October 19,
1915, recognized the Carranza regime as a de facto government and on August 31, 1917 as de jure
WON the seizure is valid provided that the government is a de jure government.
When a government which originates in revolution or revolt is recognized by the political
department of our government as the de [246 U.S. 297, 303] jure government of the country in which it
is established, such recognition is retroactive in effect and validates all the actions and conduct of the
government so recognized from the commencement of its existence.
To these principles we must add that: 'Every sovereign state is bound to respect the independence
of every other sovereign state, and the courts of one country will not sit in judgment on the acts of the
government of another done within its own territory. Redress of grievances by reason of such acts must be
obtained through the means open to be available of by sovereign powers as between themselves.'
'The principle that the conduct of one independent government cannot be successfully questioned
in the courts of another is as applicable to a case involving the title to property brought within the custody
of a court, such as we have here, as it was held to be to the cases cited, in which claims for damages were
based upon acts done in a foreign country, for it rests at last upon the highest [246 U.S. 297, 304]
considerations of international comity and expediency. To permit the validity of the acts of one sovereign
state to be reexamined and perhaps condemned by the courts of another would very certainly 'imperil the
amicable relations between governments and vex the peace of nations

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