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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 200987

August 20, 2014


RONALDO BAYAN y NERI, Accused-Appellant.
On appeal is the Decision of the Court of Appeals promulgated on 19 July 2011 affirming the
conviction by the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City, Branch 82, of appellant Ronaldo Bayan
y Neri for violation of Section 5, Article II of Republic Act No. 9165 and sentencing him to suffer life
imprisonment and to pay a P500,000.00 fine.

Appellant was charged following a "buy-bust" operation.

The accusatory portion of the Information against appellant reads:
That on or about the 5th day of July 2003, in Quezon City, Philippines, the said accused, not
authorized by law to sell, dispense, deliver, transport or distribute any dangerous drug, did then and
there, willfully and unlawfully sell, dispense, deliver, transport, distribute or act as broker in the said
transaction, zeropoint zero three (0.03) grams of Methylamphetamine Hydrochlorideknown as
Shabu, a dangerous drug.

When arraigned, appellant pleaded not guilty. Trial ensued.

The prosecution presented as witnesses PO2 Emeterio Mendoza, Jr. (PO2 Mendoza), who acted as
poseur-buyer, and PO3 Ferdinand de Guzman (PO3 de Guzman), a back-up operative who assisted
PO2 Mendoza. Their testimonies sought to establish the following facts:
Police operatives from the Station Drug Enforcement Unit (SDEU) of the Novaliches Police Station
conducted a buy-bust operation on 5 July 2003 based on a tip from an informant thata certain
Ronaldo Bayan and Irene Bayan (Irene) were engaged in illegal drug trade in BarangayCapri,
Novaliches, Quezon City. The team leader, PO3 de Guzman, narrated that the buy-bust team
conducted a surveillance at BarangayCapri where they were able to confirm that an illegal drug
activity was ongoing in the house of appellant. PO2 Mendoza prepared the pre-operation report
which was submitted to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency. PO2 Mendoza was assigned as
the poseur-buyer while PO3 de Guzmanacted as one of his backups. At about 7:40 p.m. of the same
day, the team proceeded to the target place. The buy-bust team was strategically positioned in the
area while the informant and PO2 Mendoza went directly to the house of appellant. When appellant
opened the door, the informant introduced PO2 Mendoza to appellant as the buyer of shabu.
Appellants live-in partner, Irene, was likewise present during the introduction. PO2 Mendoza readily
gave the 100-peso bill to appellant in exchange for the small plastic sachet containing shabu.

Immediately after the exchange, PO2 Mendoza placed his hand on appellants shoulder, introduced
himself as a police officer and arrested appellant. Irene meanwhile tried to escape but PO3 de
Guzman was able to arrest her. PO3 de Guzmanrecovered from Irenes possession dried marijuana
leaves wrapped in a newspaper.Appellant and Irene were brought to the police station where PO2
Mendoza put his markings "EM" on the plastic sachet he received from appellant. Thereafter, they
brought the plastic sachet to the crime laboratory.

The forensic chemist issued anInitial Laboratory Report which revealed that the heat-sealed
transparent plastic sachet with markings "EM" containing 0.03 gram of white crystalline substance
was found positive for shabu.

In his defense, appellant denied the charge against him. He claimed that he and Irene were walking
on their way home when they were blocked by five men at the corner of Guyabano Street and
Amparo Capri Street. Appellant recognized one of them as Isagani Mateo, who frequently displaces
them whenever they sell inthe market. The five men frisked, handcuffed, and brought them to Station
4, Novaliches, Quezon City. Thereat, they were asked to remove their clothes and they were frisked
again. Appellant saw a sachet of shabuand marijuanaon top of a table. They were forced by one of
the policeman to point to the objects under threat of physical harm, while their photographs were
being taken. They were also asked to sign a document which they were not able to read. Later that
night, they were brought to the fiscals office for inquest without the presence of counsel.

On 20 February 2007, the RTC rendered a Decision finding appellant guilty of violation of Section 5,
Article II of Republic Act No. 9165 and sentencing him to suffer life imprisonment and to pay
a P500,000.00 fine. Irene was likewise found guilty for violation of Section 11, Article II of Republic
Act No. 9165 and was sentenced to suffer the indeterminate penalty of imprisonment of twelve
(12)years and one (1) day as minimum to thirteen (13) years as maximum and to pay a fine in the
amount P300,000.00. The trial court gave credence to the testimonies of the members of the buybust team.

After receiving a copy of the trial court's Decision, the two accused seasonably filed a Notice of
Appeal before the Court of Appeals. On 19 July 2011, the appellate court acquitted Irene for
violation of Section 11, Article II of Republic Act No. 9165 but appellants conviction was affirmed in

The appellate court held that the prosecution established the consummation of the sale through the
testimony of the poseur-buyer.
Appellant appealed his conviction before this Court, adopting the same arguments in his Brief before
the Court of Appeals.
Appellant maintains that the prosecution failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt the guilt of
appellant dueto the glaring inconsistencies in the testimonies of the prosecutions witnesses.
Appellant points out that PO2 Mendoza spoke of an alleged informant while PO3 de Guzman
mentioned a concerned citizen who called the police station to inform them of an illegal drug trade.
Appellant asserts that the prosecution failed to present the buy-bust money as proof of the illegal
sale of shabu. Appellant argues that since the buy-bust money was the consideration of the alleged
sale, failure to adduce it in evidence is tantamount to failure to establish the elements of the crime.
Appellants arguments deserve scant consideration. Jurisprudence dictates that minor
inconsistencies do not affect the credibility of the witness. We have held that "discrepancies and
inconsistencies in the testimonies of witnesses referring to minor details, and not in actuality
touching upon the central fact of the crime, do not impair their credibility. Testimonies of witnesses

need only corroborate each other on important and relevant details concerning the principal
occurrence. In fact, such minor inconsistencies may even serve to strengthen the witnesses
credibility as they negate any suspicion that the testimonies have been rehearsed."

Failure to present the buy-bust money is not fatal to the prosecutions cause. It is not indispensable
in drugcases since it is merely corroborative evidence, and the absence thereof does not create a
hiatus inthe evidence for the prosecution provided the sale of dangerous drugs is adequately proven
and the drug subject of the transaction ispresented before the court. Neither law nor jurisprudence
requires the presentation of any money used in the buy-bust operation.

In every prosecution for illegal sale of shabu, the following elements must be sufficiently proved: (1)
the identity of the buyer and the seller, the object and the consideration; and (2) the delivery of the
thing sold and the payment therefor. Indeed, all these elements were duly established.

Appellant was caught in flagrante delictoselling shabuthrough a buy-bust operation conducted by the
operatives of SDEU of the Novaliches Police Station.
The poseur-buyer, PO2 Mendoza, positively testified that the sale took place and appellant was the
author thereof, thus:
Q: What happened after you were tasked as poseur-buyer?
A: We proceeded to the subject of our operation.
Q: Where was that?
A: No. 17 Guyabano Street, Barangay [Capril], Novaliches, Quezon City.
Q: What time was that, what time did you arrive there?
A: About 7:40.
7:40 in the evening? A: Yes, your Honor.
What happened when you arrived there?
A: The informant introduced me to Ronaldo Bayan.
Q: Where did you get contact with the subject?
A: At No. 17 Guyabano Street.
Q: How were you introduced to the subject by the informant?
A: I was introduced as buyer of shabu.

Q: To whom?
A: Ronaldo Bayan, sir.
Q: Is this Ronaldo Bayan inside this courtroom?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: Can you point to him?
The witness is going to a man inyellow shirt who answered by the name of?
Who were present when you were introduced by the informant to Ronaldo Bayan?
A: The live-in partner, Irene Bayan, me, the informant and Ronaldo Bayan, your Honor.
Is this Irene Bayan inside this courtroom?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: Can you point to her?
The witness is [pointing] to a woman who answered by the name of?
Irene Bayan.

What happened after you were introduced to Ronaldo Bayan by the informant?
A: I gave the P100.00, sir.
A: Ronaldo Bayan, sir.
Q: You gave it to whom?
A: To Ronaldo Bayan, sir.
Q: What did this Ronaldo Bayan do after you handed him this P100.00?
A: He gave me shabu, sir.
Where was it contained?
A: Small plastic sachet, your Honor.
He gave you a small plastic sachet?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: What happened after he gaveyou a small plastic sachet?
A: I introduced myself as policeman.
Q: What happened after you introduced yourself asa policeman?
A: I placed my hand on his shoulder and introduced myself as a policeman and told him of his
mistake and of his rights.

Appellant produced the plastic sachet containing shabuand handed it to the poseur-buyer in
exchange forP100.00. This transaction was witnessed by PO3 de Guzman who acted as one of the
Furthermore, the prosecution was ableto preserve the integrity and evidentiary value of the said
illegal drugs. The prosecution was able to sufficiently establish the following circumstances showing
an unbroken chain of custody over the shabuthat was seized from herein accusedappellant: (1) P02
Mendoza, who acted as the poseur-buyer during the buybust operation, was the one who received
the transparent plastic sachet containing shabu from the appellant; (2) the said transparent plastic
sachet was then brought by PO2 Mendoza to the police station where he placed his initials
"EM"; (3) thereafter, said sachet was brought to the crime laboratory for examination; and (4) the
laboratory examination was conducted by Police Inspector Abraham Verde Tecson.





The result of the laboratory examination confirmed the presence of methylamphetamine

hydrochloride on the white crystalline substance inside the plastic sachet confiscated from appellant.

The delivery of the illicit drug to the poseur-buyer and the receipt by the seller of the marked money
successfully consummated the buy-bust transaction.
Appellants defense, which is predicated on a bare denial, deserves scant consideration in light of
the positive testimonies of the police officers. The defense of frame-up or denial in drug cases
requires strong and convincing evidence because of the presumption that the law enforcement
agencies acted in the regular performance of their official duties. Bare denials of appellant cannot
prevail over the positive testimonies of the three police officers. Moreover, there is no evidence of
any improper motive on the part of the police officers who conducted the buy-bust operation to
falsely testify against appellant.


Generally, factual findings of trial courts especially those which revolve matters of credibility of
witnesses deserve to be respected when no glaring errors bordering on a gross misapprehension of
the facts, or where no speculative, arbitrary and unsupported conclusions, can be gleaned from such
findings. The evaluation of the credibility of witnesses and their testimonies are best undertaken by
the trial court because of its unique opportunity to observe the witnessesdeportment, demeanor,
conduct and attitude under grilling examination.


We do not find any cogent reason to reverse the lower courts.

In fine, it has been established by proof beyond reasonable doubt that appellants sold shabu. Under
Section 5, Article II of Republic Act No. 9165, the penalty of life imprisonment to death and fine
ranging from P500,000.00 toP1,000,000.00 shall be imposed upon any person, who, unless
authorized by law, shall sell, trade, administer, dispense, deliver, give away to another, distribute
dispatch in transit or transport any dangerous drug, including any and all species of opium
poppyregardless of the quantity and purity involved. Hence, the trial court, as affirmed by the Court
of Appeals, correctly imposed the penalty of life imprisonment and a fine of P500,000.00.
WHEREFORE, the Decision dated 19 July 2011 of the Court of Appeals affirming the conviction of
appellant Ronaldo Bayan y Neri by the RTC of Quezon City, Branch 82 for violation of Section 5,
Article II of Republic Act No. 9165 and sentencing him to suffer the penalty of LIFE IMPRISONMENT
and to pay a fine of P500,000.00 is hereby AFFIRMED.
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice


Associate Justice

Associate Justice

I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case
was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.
Associate Justice
Second Division Chairperson

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