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United States Court of Appeals

Tenth Circuit

June 12, 2006

Elisabeth A. Shumaker
Clerk of Court



No. 05-6307


(D.C. No. CIV-04-1535-M )

RON W ARD, Director of the

Oklahoma Department of Corrections,

(W . D. Okla.)



Before K ELLY, M cK AY, and LUCERO, Circuit Judges.

Petitioner shot and killed two brothers, Robert and David M artinez, on the
evening of M arch 19, 2000. At the time of the shooting, David M artinez was
living with his girlfriend, Tracie M unoz, next door to Petitioner. During the
evening, Petitioner and his next-door neighbors crossed paths outdoors.
Petitioner called, H ey good-looking, over to Tracie, w hich upset David
M artinez. R eport and R ecommendation, 3 (W .D. Okla., July 26, 2005). An
altercation broke out between the Petitioner and the M artinez brothers, resulting
in Petitioner shooting and killing them.
Petitioner, a state prisoner appearing pro se, seeks habeas relief pursuant to
28 U.S.C. 2254. Petitioner was convicted in Oklahoma state court of First

Degree M urder in the death of Robert M artinez (Count I) and First Degree
M anslaughter in the death of David M artinez (Count II). Petitioner was sentenced
to life imprisonment on Count I and a term of four years on Count II.
Petitioner appealed his conviction to the Oklahoma Court of Criminal
Appeals, which affirmed his conviction. Petitioner then sought post-conviction
relief in the state district court, alleging insufficiency of the evidence and
ineffective assistance of counsel. The District Court of Oklahoma County, State
of Oklahoma, vacated the conviction on Count I, M urder in the First Degree, and
granted Petitioner a new trial on that count. The State of Oklahoma then appealed
the district court order to the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals, which
vacated the district courts grant of post-conviction relief.
In this habeas action, Petitioner raises three grounds for relief: 1) the state
presented insufficient evidence to support Petitioners conviction of Count I; 2)
trial counsel was ineffective for failing to request a lesser-included-offense
instruction and appellate counsel was ineffective for failing to raise that issue on
direct appeal; 3) trial counsel was ineffective in agreeing to the exclusion of
certain evidence at trial and in failing to take remedial steps concerning a
sleeping juror. The District Court for the W estern District of Oklahoma, adopting
the recommendation of the magistrate judge, denied the petition and did not grant
Petitioner a certificate of appealability.
In Petitioners first ground for relief, he argues that it was inconsistent for

the jury to find that he had killed the first victim, Robert M artinez, with malice
aforethought but had acted in the heat of passion when he killed the second
victim, David M artinez. However, the first-degree murder conviction is
supported by sufficient evidence. Petitioner explained to the police that he knew
Robert M artinez had not been the brother who had kicked him on the ground, yet
he fired, shooting Robert M artinez in the face and back, whereas Petitioner
described his state of mind when faced with David M artinez as having lost it
and went crazy. Report and Recommendation, supra, at 11.
In Petitioners second ground for relief, he contends that he received
ineffective assistance of appellate counsel because counsel failed to raise an
ineffective assistance of trial counsel claim on direct appeal. Petitioner raised
this claim at the state level. Report and Recommendation, supra, at 12. He
contends that trial counsel was ineffective for not requesting a lesser-includedoffense instruction on M anslaughter by Resisting Criminal Attempt as to Count I
in the death of Robert M artinez. The magistrate judge, applying the Strickland v.
Washington, 466 U.S. 668 (1984), test, stated that Petitioner cannot demonstrate
that but for counsels failure to request an instruction on M anslaughter by
Resisting Criminal Attempt the result of the proceedings would have been
different. Report and Recommendation, supra, at 15. The magistrate judge
considered Petitioners ineffective assistance of trial and appellate counsel claims
to be without merit. Id. at 18.

In his third ground for relief, Petitioner raises additional claims of

ineffective assistance of trial counsel, which he also pursued in his direct appeal.
He claims that trial counsel erroneously agreed to redact a portion of Petitioners
videotaped interview with police where he mentioned that he knew of the
M artinez brothers gang involvement. Petitioner also claims that trial counsel
failed to take appropriate remedial steps when a juror allegedly fell asleep during
trial. The magistrate judge reviewed the record as to these claims and determined
that the allegations of prejudice were insufficient to meet the Strickland test. Id.
at 19-20. Specifically, the jury was presented with additional evidence of the
M artinez brothers criminal activity apart from Petitioners videotaped discussion
and there was no trial record that trial counsel was ever made aware of a sleeping
Petitioner now seeks from this court a certificate of appealability. The
issues he raises on appeal are identical to those brought before the district court.
To grant a certificate of appealability, Petitioner must make a substantial
showing of the denial of a constitutional right. 28 U.S.C. 2253(c)(2) (1994).
To meet this burden, Petitioner must demonstrate that reasonable jurists could
debate whether (or, for that matter, agree that) the petition should have been
resolved in a different manner or that the issues presented were adequate to
deserve encouragement to proceed further. Slack v. M cDaniel, 529 U.S. 473,
484 (2000) (quotation omitted).

W e have carefully reviewed Petitioners brief, the magistrate judges

recommendations, the district courts disposition, and the record on appeal.
Nothing in the facts, the record on appeal, or Petitioners filing raises an issue
which meets our standard for the grant of a certificate of appealability. For
substantially the same reasons set forth by the magistrate judge in its Report and
Recommendation of July 26, 2005, and the district courts orders of August 18,
2005, and September 26, 2005, we cannot say that reasonable jurists could
debate whether (or, for that matter, agree that) the petition should have been
resolved in a different manner. Id.
Accordingly, we D EN Y Petitioners request for a certificate of
appealability and DISM ISS the appeal.
Entered for the Court

M onroe G. M cKay
Circuit Judge


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