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Praise for This Book

Dr. Mahmoud M. Ayoub, Professor of Islamic Studies and

Christian-Muslim Relations Hartford Seminary, Hartford CT:
(This book) by Ace Knight is an engaging analysis of the
life and mission of the two kindred religious personages, John
the Baptist (Yahya) and Jesus (Isa). Even though the central
argument of the book, namely that the man who was hung on the
cross was John and not Jesus, may be academically open to
question as it rests on circumstantial evidence, the book will add
much to the discussion of an epoch-making event that has shaped
world history.
The book is informative and entertaining. It is certainly
worth reading.
Dr. Harte Weiner, Lead Editor, Ph.D., Stanford University:
Ace Knight is a first generation American of Albanian
descent. He is devoted to a few things. One is his family, another
is his religion, and yet a third is intellectual and spiritual
religious inquiry. His book is a tribute to this devotion and
inquiry. It is a brilliant and original look at the Gospels and the
Quran, as well as the earlier Mosaic texts. In this book, the selftaught Knight, with no formal education, points out linguistic
and spiritual parallels between generations of key characters in
three religious histories. A devout and inquiring Muslim, using
the close reading of the Quran as his guide, Knight, is able to
look back at the central story of the crucifixion through a new
lens, the Muslim lens, using key passages from a number of
religious scriptures to build a fascinating new argument. His
thoughts, insights and interpretations are remarkable, profound,
and leave the reader in awe.

Ace Knight notices that a son is born to the prophet
Zachariah at about the same time as a son is born to Mary. He
systematically and spellbindingly leads us through the parallels
between these two prophets, the second of whom we have come
to know as Jesus. Both are raised in secrecy, and bring prophesy
and healing. Both are spared somehow the decree of Herod at
birth, only to befall religious ostracism and apparent physical
mutilation beheading/crucifixion at the time of apparent earthly
Knight takes us through the similarities in these
prophets lives, their coming into the lives of their parents, as the
sons had done, in response to prayer, or in the unlikely moment,

for Mary, of her chastity. The coming together of Zachariah and

Mary is cemented with the former shielding Mary from harm as
her foster-father. Knight brings us back further in scriptural
history to draw other such parallels when it comes to prophets,
and he draws upon the Arabic roots of the names of these
figures, from Adam to Zachariahs son, to convince the reader of
his novel contribution to scriptural reading. But Im not going to
give that away! For that, you must read the book yourself!
This book is slim, but both erudite and yet easy to
follow, in its step by step progression through the many
scriptures, seemingly so familiar is Ace Knight with every
passage, the apt ones come easily to mind for him, and strike an
immediate cord in us, no matter how familiar or unfamiliar we
are with the text and story. And yet, this book is no recipe for
persuasion. It is much more sophisticated than that. Written in a
devout and true Muslim spirit, it is alsoas mentioned at the
beginning of this reviewan inquiry and a wholly new
contribution to that body of sculptural scholarship.
Ace Knight advances a theory which sheds an entirely
novel light on the views that are commonplace today, and,
through an examination of linguistics, passages, intent, and
meaning, causes us to re-examine, in an exciting, clue-ridden
way, what we have assumed to be true about the three major
religions for centuries, concentrating on his own Muslim faith.
Dr. Jay R. Crook, author of The Bible: An Islamic Perspective:
Ace Knights controversial book, vigorously challenges
the conventional view of John the Baptist as little more than the
baptizer of Jesus and the herald of his messiahship. The result of
years of study, it expounds his revolutionary theories about the
life, work, and significance of the neglected prophet.
The John/Yahya that Knights work brings forth from
the shadows of history is a major prophet in his own right, with
an independent stature and mission. The book is a thoughtprovoking and fascinating re-examination of the prophets place
in history.
Award-winning journalist Tim King:
If all of Ace Knights research and the conclusions he
draws from it prove to be valid, then the traditional view of John
the Baptist/Yahya, both scholarly and conventional, Jewish,
Christian and Muslim, will be subjected to a tidal wave of
revision and reconsideration. This will also affect most extant
translations of the Quran into English, with the exception of The

Sublime Quran by Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar which incorporates all of

his results that relate to Quranic verses.
Additionally, the great collections of medieval Islamic
commentaries, both Sunni and Shiah, which often repeat such
colorful Biblical stories as the beheading of John the Baptist,
will have to be viewed more critically. Such revisionism is sure
to meet with a strong opposition.
Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar, Chicago:
There are two methods of gaining knowledge in the
great religious traditions of the world in general, and Islam, in
particular. One method is knowledge that is imitated (taqlid) or
transmitted by hearsay from generation to generation like the
sciences of language, history and law. With this method, a
person never asks Why? but accepts what is taught by an
authority. In the Islamic tradition this leads to ijtihad, ijtihad
specifically referring to developing expertise in jurisprudence
(fiqh) to the level of being able to use independent judgment in
understanding Islamic law (Shariah). Such a person is known as
a mujtahid. Whoever is not a mujtahid, whoever has not reached
that level, must imitate or follow a person who has, whether
that person is dead (Sunni Muslims) or alive (Shia Muslims).

The second method of gaining knowledge is what is of
most interest to us in this book review, that of tahqiq or
intellectual knowledge where one may have a teacher for
guidance but it is knowledge that cannot be passed from one
generation to another. Each person has to discover it for himself
or herself by polishing the heart, by becoming a person who
sees with the eye of Oneness or tawhid, a person who deeply
senses his responsibility to God, His creation and His humanity.
The person who gains knowledge with this method is
called a seeker of truth (muhaqqiq). Intellectual knowledge
(tahqiq) builds on transmitted knowledge but goes deeper.
Transmitted knowledge includes memorizers of the Quran and
the Hadith but only with intellectual knowledge can one
understand what God and the Prophet are saying. Those who
lack this intellectual endeavor have, one might say, not sought
the means to see with the eye of Oneness. Questions like
why are not the only ones that the intellect of the seeker of
truth asks because the underlying distinction is to think, to think
for oneself, and not to stop at imitation alone. 
Not everyone has been burdened with this capacity as
the Quran says in 2:286, but one person who has is Ace Knight.
He is a seeker of truth, seeker of the Reality (haqq), a person

who has verified knowledge, not on the basis of imitating the

opinion of others, but on the basis of having realized the truth for
himself as well as being one who acts in accord with haqq, all
the time realizing his belief in the One God, the one creation and
the one humanity. A faith tradition may survive without a living
mujtahid, but it rapidly disappears without a living muhaqqiq.
Without a living seeker of truth, a seeker of reality, the faith
tradition cannot remain faithful to its principles because it cannot
understand those principles.

A faith tradition may survive without a living mujtahid,
but it rapidly disappears without a living muhaqqiq. Without a
living seeker of truth, a seeker of reality, the faith tradition
cannot remain faithful to its principles because it cannot
understand those principles. A
 ce Knights basic premise is to
follow the Quran and the New Testament which all assert that
Jesus is the Messiah. However according to the Quran and the
Hadith, it only appeared to the people who bore witness to the
Messiah that he had been crucified.
In reality, according to the intellectual endeavor of the
author, it was he who lives (Yahya), the Concealer of Secrets
(hasura), as the Quran refers to him who was placed on the cross
and lived, a view held by early Christian Gnostics as well, but
later declared to be a heresy. The Concealer of Secrets concealed
the secret of his identity and that of the Messiah in order to save
the Messiah. The Messiah was then allowed to carry on his
prophetic mission (perhaps traveling even as far as Kashmir where
many believe that he is buried).

At the same time that Mary retired to a sanctuary,

Zechariah becoming her protector, Zechariah prayed for an heir.
The son of Mary was close in age to the son of man (the
Concealer of Secrets fathered by Zechariah). They may have
even been cousins who resembled one another. They both began
their prophetic mission around the same time yet neither
revealed themselves as to who they actually were. The author
traces these and other parallels in the lives of the son of Mary
and the son of man for a fascinating read. In the great tradition of
seekers of truth in the past, Ace Knight brings harmony to
ancient mysteries. He shows the possibility of how thing may be
in the Presence of the Oneness of God and he does so through
scriptures the Quran, Hadith and the New Testament. This is a
book that should be read by everyone who wants to discern the
Reality of the story of the Messiah. 

M. Dennis Paul Ph.D., Creator of Thought Addiction programs:

I am impressed with the amount of detail Ace, as well
his editor and good friend Jay Crook, have used in composing
this remarkable thesis. No easy task, Ace sets about trying to
justify, clarify, and rectify, as applicable, the disparities within
various retellings of the history of John the Baptist and his
relationship to Jesus the Christ. It is apparent to some that
political movements of the time either changed, restricted or
completely eliminated various contributions to the bible. It is
conceivable that all such scriptural offerings in all the various
religions underwent various pressures of a similar type.
Ace opens several windows with which to air questions
and suggestions that might lead to greater reasoning, awareness
and understanding part of a great gift we often take for granted
(or, in some cases, refuse to employ). It is telling that some men
will welcome a flame with which they may explore caverns of
thought previously cursed by darkness while others will curse
the flame and cling to the walls of darkness swearing that this is
all there is... and all that should be. My brother Ace is most
definitely the former.
Lisa Spaulding, journalist and researcher:
It is said that history is written by the winners. As one
engaged in research and journalism and who keeps that old saw
in mind, I am always interested in new ideas and new interpretations of accepted truths. This carefully researched study of one
of the most important events in human history certainly answers
to both of those interests.
The author re-examines the conventional ideas about the
relationship between the Baptist and the Christ that most people
have accepted for centuries as gospel truth. He uncovers manifest discrepancies in the biblical narratives that have dominated
European and even Muslim thought and, moreover, between
them and lesser-known external sources such as the writings of
The calm logic of his analyses overturn convention and
lead inexorably to startling new visions of John and Jesus and
even the Passion itself.
This is a well-written and interesting book. It is
recommended reading for those interested in redressing the
distortions of history written by the winners.


Roger H. Sigal, Trial Attorney Tucson, Arizona:

Mr. Knight has reflected an unparalleled inner
commitment towards becoming a more spiritually-evolved and
God-devoted person, and towards unraveling the truths and
myths behind the Islamic, Judaic and Christian theologies. This
substantial piece of scholarship is the result of the years of
devotion to which Mr. Knight has dedicated himself, towards
understanding, questioning, and seeking new perspectives on the
religious traditions and issues of our times.
Professor P. Dreier/Encore Music Academy:
A More Likely Scenario. An Inspiring Read.
A well written and well thought out alternative to what
was at best a problematic and most likely fictitious account of
the personalities involved in the crucifixion. Knights evidence
to support his supposition is very strong, much stronger than can
be found in the new testament. A very enlightening and
entertaining read.


Born in 1974 of Albanian descent, Ace Knight is largely selfeducated in Islam. He attended classes in New Jersey about
religious tenets and the doctrinal differences among the various
Islamic sects under the tutelage of a shaykh. While there, he
participated by giving lectures on Christian doctrines. He also
studied the proper recitation of the Quran to such a degree of
proficiency that he was selected to perform the call to prayer
because of the excellence of his voice and pronunciation.
His eagerness to learn more about Islam motivated him to travel
to North Africa in order to engage in dialogue with various
scholars there. Since then, he has been working in the study,
research, and writing about things Islamic, with a special interest
in comparative religion. He developed a particular interest in the
prophet Yahya (John the Baptist). In 2008, he published his Ihya
al-Nabi Yahya, from which the present, more comprehensive
study of Yahya has evolved.
Knights work on some key words in the Quran has been
referenced in Dr. Laleh Bakhtiars The Concordance of the
Sublime Quran, a supplemental study resulting from translation
of the Quran, The Sublime Quran, the first such translation by an
American Muslim woman. His work motivated Dr. Jay R. Crook
to write the essay Rethinking John the Baptist.


Toni L. Taylor is a visionary artist whose work travels through
the realms of fantasy and mysticism. She feels a special kinship
with the mysteries of Ancient Egypt as well as the spirit of
Native America. Goddess imagery is represented powerfully in
her collection and as a lover of all things celestial; the beauty and
limitlessness of the cosmos often finds its way into her
Tonis creative history includes commercial illustration, the
fantasy and visionary facets of fine art, scenic painting and she
now has a new passion for creating copper wire sculptures. Her
fine oil paintings are inspired by her beliefs, desires, and inner
visions. Always attracted to the unusual, her subjects will range
from angels, whom she deeply believes in, to dragonsand she
will be quick to tell you her beloved dragons are benevolent and
wiseas are the rest of her characters. She says of her work,
When people view my creations, I want them to feel as though
theyre taking a journey of the mind while tapping into the
ethereal and otherworldly. My desire is to touch some part of
their souls, allowing them to dream their dreams, stimulate their
own imaginations while elevating their spirits.
Having had no formal training, Toni considers herself life
taught and her gift a blessing from God/Universe. She was born
to be an artist, beginning at the tender age of three with crayons.
Now her preferred mediums are oil and pencil. Her professional
career began in 1985 with a cover for Heavy Metal Magazine, of
which she was an avid collector. She was commissioned for
another in 1991. Since then she has worked with various clients
such as The Miller Brewing Company, Marvel Comics, Black
Enterprise Magazine, MBIEaston Press, Inner Traditions
Destiny Books, U.S. Games, American Kennel Club, PolyGram,
GRP, RCA, EMI, Island Records, Creative Kingdoms Magic
Quest and as a scenic artist at Disney and Universal Studios
among other projects.

She contributed her scenic skills to both installations of The

Wizarding World of Harry Potter Hogsmeade and Gringotts
Bank in Daigon Alley. Toni especially enjoys catering to private
collectors. She teaches private art lessons and workshops to
aspiring students from beginners and intermediates. Her work
has been shown at local galleries such as Avalon Island, City
Arts Factory, Om Lab Gallery, Orlando Museum of Art, the
Shakespeare Theatre in Loch Haven, Caf Tu Tu Tango, The
Hyder Gallery and Gods & Monsters in Orlando. Toni is also
self-published with 18 images in print and 24 greeting cards with
astrological, angelic and goddess imagery. She includes portraits
and custom murals in her repertoire and has exhibited her work
at galleries, conventions and festivals from Boston to Dallas.
Bill Moyers once asked Joseph Campbell, a scholar, writer and
the preeminent authority on mythology before his passing, Who
interprets the divinity in nature for us today? Who are our
shamans? Who interprets unseen things for us?
Campbell replied, It is the function of the artist to do this. The
artist is the one who communicates myth for today. He added,
If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that
has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life that you
ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are, if
you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment,
that life within you all the time.
Contact: Phone: 407-515-0885 ~ Email: [email protected]



Ace Knight
Edited and Annotated by
Jay R. Crook, Ph.D.


The Black Prophet: He Lives 2008-2016, Ace Knight

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior permission of the publishers.

Cover Art by Toni L. Taylor

Published by
Ace Knight
[email protected]




Was Chief Yahya/John the Baptist Beheaded?
Shubbiha, Mistaken Identity?



The Message
Another Look
The Return of the Messengers
Who Is Who?
The Disciples
The Final Act to Provoke the Jews
A Striking Resemblance








John the Baptist has been misrepresented by scholars

of both Christianity and Islam.
Ace Knight


In this book, Ace Knight offers a fresh interpretation of
the momentous events on a hillock beyond the walls of
Jerusalem nearly two millennia ago: the Crucifixion. Knight asks
disconcerting questions about the received version of gospel
history and gives free rein to his inquisitive nature. Many of
his ideas and speculations will strike the casual reader schooled
in the ancient Biblical traditions with which they conflict as
unhistorical, impossible, and unbelievable. Yet, when
questioning established premises, the impossible may often be
shown to be possible, as Socrates was fond of doing.
Mr. Knight does not claim to be proving anything,
except that with some speculation and reinterpretation of the
Biblical record and relevant Quranic texts, when coupled with a
few remarks from Josephus, the whole traditional version of the
Crucifixion can be seen in a different light. Knight throws new
ideas and new possibilities at the reader, asking only that they be
considered. Like a barrage of rockets shot into the moonless
night sky, some flaring more brightly than the others, some of
his speculations are more plausible than others, but all are
provocative and worth thinking about. His is the first innovative
interpretation of the Crucifixion since Dr. Hugh Schonfield
looked at it two generations ago.
Beyond that, Knight has taken upon himself the task of
redressing the imbalance between the gospel Jesus and the
gospel John the Baptist and, in our opinion, has done so with
justice on his side. The gospel writers diminished John in order
to exalt Jesus and transform him into a superhuman, divine
entity. While their motives are understandable, the researcher
who seeks to explore unanswered questions and obscure
competitors to the demigod they were creating, is
understandably frustrated and can only mourn the lost evidence.
This is particularly true for John the Baptist. In the New
Testament, he is a minor figure, his purpose is to introduce and
validate the mission of his kinsman Jesus as the Messiah.
Knight asks why was John the Baptist so used by the
gospellers and then dismissed to the limbo of silence, together

with the Essenes who, though a considerable presence in the

Palestine of the day, are not even mentioned by them? He was
intrigued by that question and began to study the references to
John, gradually conceiving unprovable, but provocative theories.
His work became known to a mutual friend, the author of a
number of valuable books and articles on various aspects of
Islamica, Dr. Laleh Bakhtiarwho also became interested in
John the Baptist, and through her, I was introduced to him. At
first, I was rather skeptical, but was persuaded to look into the
historical injustice done to John. (He is much better served in the
Quran than he is in the Bible.) Having trusted her instincts over
the years in such things in my own literary projects, and with her
continuous encouragement and suggestions, I set to work. The
result of my own inquiry, the monograph Rethinking John the
Baptist, is appended to the present volume.
Meanwhile, Ace Knight continued his own research,
examining new evidence while elaborating and working out his
theories and speculations. The results of this work constitute the
main portion of this volume that is dedicated to the rehabilitation
of the repute and stature of that much neglected prophet, John
the Baptist, known in the Islamic world as Yahya. I was pleased
to be chosen as his editor and annotator for this book.
The reader may note that when Jesus and John are
mentioned in their Biblical and Western context in this book,
they are referred to as John and Jesus, or John the Baptist and
Jesus the Christ. However, in an Islamic context the Quranic
names are generally used: for John, Yahya; and for Jesus Isa. We
hope that this does not cause undo confusion.
We have used Pickthalls admirable translation as the
starting point for all of the translations of Quranic verses.
However, we have made one consistent change in his work:
substituting the English God for the Arabic Allah to avoid
the invidious connotation that Jews, Christians, and Muslims are
talking about different Supreme Beings. (After all, Christian
Arabs also call God Allah.) We have also made some
modifications based upon Knights interpretations.
We have used the Revised Standard Version of the Holy
Bible (RSV) as the basis for Biblical quotations. We have also

consulted other translations of the Bible, principally the King

James Version (KJV) and the scholarly Jerusalem Bible (JB).
We have also had occasion to refer to the Hebrew text with
parallel English translation issued by the Hebrew Publishing
Company of New York.
In our Biblical quotations we have restored the
distinction between second-person singular thou and plural
pronouns ye (with attendant verb changes), because we feel
strongly that an important distinction is often lost by ignoring
this difference. Is the addressee an individual or a group? Many
times in order to clarify the matter we have had to refer back to
the KJV, the magnificent prose of whichthough not so
accurate in places as that of the RSVmaintains that distinction.
However, when the Bible is being quoted in the context of a
direct quotation taken from another source, we have usually
respected the authors usage in such matters, though on occasion
we have also made some alterations in punctuation and
capitalization of a minor nature to improve readability.
Biblical quotations are designated in the standard
fashion, using the abbreviated name of the book, the chapter,
colon, and verse or verses. The fourth verse of chapter one of
Genesis = Gen. 1:4. The abbreviations used to designate the
various books of the Bible will be found in the list following this
Foreword. As in the case of the Quran, we are responsible for the
final form of the quotations.
Italics are used in quotations from the Quran, for names
of Biblical books and other writings when they occur in our text,
especially where there is likely to be confusion between the
name of the writer and his work as, for example: The disciple
Matthew is the putative author of Matthew. The phrase May
the blessings and peace of God be upon him! uttered following
the Prophets name and similar phrases honoring other Prophets
and the Companions are not indicated in our text, but should be
uttered by the Muslim reader either aloud or in his heart when
they occur.
We would remind the reader that this contains both fact
and speculative theory. We hope that we have made the
difference between the two clear in the text and notes. We do not

claim to have said the last word about John the Baptist, but we
offer our opinions and speculations in the hope that we may
stimulate others to join us in the project to restore John/Yahya to
his proper rank and dignity among the prophets. And God knows


Abbreviations for the Books of the Bible

Old Testament
1 Samuel
2 Samuel
1 Kings
2 Kings
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles
Song of Solomon

1 Sam.
2 Sam.
1 K.
2 K.
1 Ch.
2 Ch.


New Testament
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John

1 Cor.
2 Cor.
1 Th.
1 Th.
1 Tim.
2 Tim.
1 P.
2 P.
1 Jn.
2 Jn.
3 Jn.


Other Abbreviations

Besides the standard conventional and bibliographical

abbreviations, a few less familiar ones have also been used in the text:

= Hijri, Lunar
= Hijri, Solar
= Arabic
= Before Common
Era (= BC)
= circa (about,
= Common Era (= AD)


= chapter
= died
= reigned
= verse
= verses




The Quran mentions the prophets as having special
names and qualities. For example, Prophet Muhammad is called
the Seal of the Prophets (Q. 33:40) and a mercy for the worlds
(Q. 21:107).
Abraham is called Imam (Q. 2:124), the friend of God
(Q. 4:125), a model to the world (Q. 16:120), one who is
forbearing and repentant (Q. 11:74), a monotheist (Q. 16:123).
Isaac is also given the quality of an Imam (Q. 21:73)
who has power of vision (Q. 38:45).
Aaron is called a minister (Q. 20:29); he is blessed with
eloquence (Q. 28:34) and he is sent with signs and manifest
authority (Q. 23:45).
David is called a vicegerent on the earth (Q. 38:26) who
has power and wisdom (Q. 2:251); a man of strength (Q. 38:17).
Solomon is a king (Q. 38:35); he is taught the speech of
birds and is bestowed with all things (Q. 27:16).
Joseph is a ruler (Q. 12:88) and one who interprets
dreams and visions (Q. 12:21), a man of truth (Q. 12:46),
concealed as a treasure (Q. 12:19).
Jacob is also called Imam (Q. 21:73). He is given the
power of vision (Q. 38:45).
Jesus is called the Messiah (Q. 3:45). He spoke in the
cradle (Q. 3:46) and is a sign to humanity and a mercy from God
(Q. 19:21).
These are all prophets whose lives are familiar to us.
What about the Prophet Yahya/John the Baptist? What have we
been taught about this prophet who has been overlooked and
misrepresented? One reason he has been overlooked is that there
are five words used in the Quran to describe Prophet Yahya that
have been misinterpreted in translations of the Quran.
The first is the word hasur, used in the Quran (Q. 3:3,

usually translated as chaste. My research shows that the Arabic

word hasur does not mean chaste with regard to Yahya; rather,
it means a concealer of secrets.
Why the mistake in translation and commentary? As
there was no extensive information given in the Quran about the
life of Prophet Yahya nor in the Traditions (Hadith), the
commentators turned to Christian tradition and simply repeated
what they found there.
That said, in fact the commentators of the Quran have
placed considerable emphasis on this word. Al-Tabari interprets
the word hasur to mean one who abstains from sexual intercourse with women. He then reports a Tradition on the authority
of Said ibn al-Musayyab which has Prophet Muhammad
commenting on this: Everyone of the sons of Adam shall come
on the Day of Resurrection with a sin (of sexual impropriety)
except Yahya bin Zechariah. Then, picking up a tiny straw, he
continued, this is because his generative organ was no bigger
then this straw (implying that he was impotent).
Does this mean that even the prophets other than Yahya
will be raised up with this sin of sexual impropriety? How can
we accept that this was said by such a modest human being as
the Prophet of Islam, comparing a straw to another prophets
generative organ and perhaps implying that Yahya was
Another commentator, Ibn Kathir, a renowned Islamic
scholar, rejects this view and adds: This would be a defect and a
blemish unworthy of prophets. He then mentions that it was not
that he had no sexual relations with women, but that he had no
illegal sexual relations with them. Indeed, the whole discussion
is unseemly.
It is known that prophets of God are immune from major
sins, so this statement makes no sense at all when interpreting
the word hasur. In addition, I would like to mention the fact that
in his commentary, Ibn Kathir says he (Yahya) probably married
and had children. He said this on the basis of what was related in
the Quran of the prayer of Zachariah.
There are several reasons why interpreting hasur in this
context as chaste or celibate, as has been done by many

commentators, is a misinterpretation:
First of all, there is another word in the Quran for
chaste and that is muhsin. As God used a different word,
hasur, it must imply something different.
Secondly, God says in the Quran that Islam did not bring
Monasticism, but that it was something that they (the Christians)
invented. (Q. 57:27) Also: And verily We sent messengers (to
mankind) before thee, and We appointed for them wives and
offspring, and it was not given to any messenger that he should
bring a portent save by Gods leave. For everything there is a
time prescribed. (Q. 13:38)
This definitely does not recommendation monasticism.
Furthermore, we find in the Traditions that the Prophet said that
there is no monasticism in Islam. Therefore, God would not have
sent a Prophet who was celibate. In addition, it is contrary to the
famous exhortation in the Torah to go forth and multiply.
Thirdly, Yahyas father, Zechariah prayed for a protector
who would provide descendants (dhurriyah) for his family:
Zachariah called to his Lord, saying: My Lord! Bestow on me
good offspring from Thy presence; truly, Thou art hearing
supplication. (Q. 3:38) God gave him Yahya. God would not
have sent a son to Zechariah who would not carry on the line of
Jacobs descendants because then God would not have answered
the prayer of Zechariah.
The word hasur is used once in the Quran and that is in
regard to the Prophet Yahya. A major Arabic-English lexicon,
that of Edward William Lane (Taj al-Arus) states that when
hasur is used alone, it means concealer of secrets.
In his translation of Ibn al-Arabis Book of the Fabulous
Gryphon, Elmore also translates the Arabic hasur as concealer of
secrets. In the referenced passage, chaste would not have been
The second word that has been misinterpreted is waliy
(Q. 19:5) which in this verse and many other places in the Quran
means protector or guardian, rather than heir or

Gerald T. Elmore, Islamic Sainthood in the Fullness of Time, Brill

1999, p. 482


successor. Waliy can also refer to the Levites, as they were

Protectors or Guardians of sacred places.
In this specific case, Zechariah prayed to his Lord: And
truly I have feared my defenders after me and my wife has been
a barren woman. So bestow on me from that which proceeds
from Thy Presence a protector (waliy). In Q. 3:39, Zachariahs
prayer is answered, ...God, giveth thee glad tidings of (a son
whose name is) Yahya (who cometh) to confirm a word from
God, and (he will be) a chief (sayyid), and concealer of secrets
(hasur), a prophet of the righteous. Thus John became the waliy
protector or guardian of Mary and Jesus. It can also imply
that John is safeguarding revelation as a whole.
It is commonly thought that Zachariah was simply
asking for a son; however, this misconception may be corrected
by reading further on in the text. After receiving this good news,
Zachariah asked, O my Lord! How shall I have a son, when age
hath touched me already and my wife is barren? Zachariah was
asking how this would be possible as he had not even
contemplated being blessed with a son in his old age, and that
with a barren wife.
Compare this with Mary who said, when she was given
good news of a son, How shall I have a son when no man has
touched me? (Q. 3:47) Both Zechariah and Mary were asking
about the possibility of such a thing. If Zachariah were asking for
a son, as has been suggested by many scholars of Islam, than
why did he ask such a question when God informed him of the
impending birth?
The truth is that Zachariah was not asking for a son
explicitly. He was asking God to send him a divinely appointed
protector, from the same place whence Maryam received her
provisions (rizq); hence Give me from thy presence a protector
(waliy) (Q. 19:5, 3:38).
The third word that is misinterpreted is fard in Q. 21:89:
And mention Zechariah when he cried out to his Lord: My
Lord! Forsake me not unassisted (fard) and Thou art the Best of
the ones who inherit.
It is usually translated as childless or heir, but the
same reasoning applies as above. The word unqualified refers to

the fact that Zechariah did not want to be left alone without any
protector. He feared for those who would defend him and his
honor after he died; that they would be left without a protector
and thereby could not defend his honor.
The fourth misinterpreted word in relation to Prophet
Yahya is sayyid. Prophet Yahya is referred to as a sayyid, chief
in the Quran. The commentators have interpreted this to mean
that he was a scholar of religious law, a wise man, a noble wise
and pious man, and so forth.
This was a prophet of God. Knowledge and wisdom
were given to him by his Lord. The title given to Yahya by his
Lord shows that Prophet Yahya is one who has spiritual
authority over his people and not noble or honorable as this
word is usually translated. Honor and nobility are good qualities,
but they fail to indicate that Prophet Yahya was also given a role
of leadership by his Lord.
Moreover, why has the title of Sayyid not been
exclusively reserved for the prophet Yahya as is the title Messiah
for Jesus? If one were to say Messehu Muhammad, Muslims
would quickly respond astagfurullah (seeking forgiveness as if
one had committed a huge mistake). They would insist that this
title is exclusively for the son of Mary.
Would it not be fair to ask why then is the title Sayyid,
given by God, not exclusive for the prophet Yahya? Keep in
mind that technically, any of the prophets, messengers, and
righteous servants of God can be called Messiah: as it means
one who is anointed or appointed for divine service.
That being said, no one has the right to be called Sayyid
in this meaning, not the so-called descendants of Muhammad,
and most certainly not the Prophet Muhammad himself. This, in
my opinion, would be a great injustice, Quranically speaking.
It should also be noted that the word sayyid shares the
same root as sud meaning black. I see Prophet Yahya as the
Black Chief who has inherited the House of Jacob; hence, The
Black Prophet. The word also signifies greater or greatest in


estimation, rank, or dignity (aswadu).2

The fifth word is hanan which means mercy, which is
part of the compound name Yuhanan (in English John),
meaning God is Merciful. The word hanan is used once in the
Quran (Q. 19:13) and that is in reference to Chief Yahya: And
continuous mercy (hanan) from Us and purity This is
singularly appropriate to the circumstances of the Prophet
The names Yahya and Yuhanan are not the same as
many assume. They have two entirely different roots. Hanan and
the hannah both derive from the Semitic root h n n. While the
word hannah means mercy or tenderness, the root word for
Yahya is h y y. It means life or he lives. One does not need
to be a linguist to see the obvious difference.
In addition, I would like also to mention that this name
and attribute given to Prophet Yahya can also be found in Sabian
literature. The Sabians are mentioned in the Quran in verses (Q.
2:62), (Q. 5:69) and (Q. 22:17) and in their canonical prayer
book we find Yahya Yuhanna.
It has been known that it was the practice of the Sabians
to have two names, a real name and a special name. According to
the Sabians, this prophets real name was Yahya (he lives) and
his lay name was Yuhanna (John).
Prophet Yahya is the only one who was given this name,
as the Quran clearly states: O Zechariah! Truly We give thee
the good tidings of a boy; his name will be Yahya (he who lives)
and We assign it not as a namesake (samiy) for anyone before.
Again, another word that we need to pay attention to is
samiy. It is used twice in the Quran, once in reference to Chief
Yahya (Q. 19:7) O Zechariah! Truly We give thee the good
tidings of a boy; his name will be Yahya and We assign it not as
a namesake for anyone before.
The other time it is used is in reference to God.
...Knowest thou any namesake (samiy) for Him [God]? (Q.
19:65) In the famous Arabic lexicon Lisan al-Arab, the root s m

See also the root s m w discussed below in connection with Chief

Yahya/John the Baptist.


w means elevation or highness.


We are told by an early historian, Josephus, that Chief
Yahya/John the Baptist was put to death because of his political
importance. The belief that he was executed is probably related
to the New Testament story of his beheading at the behest of
Salome, a story the truth of which we reject. Josephus does not
mention the manner of his death.
Others have stated that he was beheaded. If it be true that
Chief Yahya was put to death by Herod Antipas on the suspicion
of planning an insurrection, as Josephus indicates, the punishment would not have been beheading. Under Roman law, only
Roman citizens were sentenced to beheading. Any non-Roman
citizen was sentenced to death by crucifixion for such activity.
This was the case with Jesus, a non-Roman citizen,
being accused of treason and sentenced to crucifixion. In
addition, we see that when Paul was sentenced to die, he pleaded
that he was a Roman citizen so that he would be beheaded and
not crucified (Acts 22:27-28).
Certainly, if it was the case that Chief Yahyas followers
were many, spread far and wide, as it has been reported by some,
and that Josephus mentions that the Jews were greatly moved by
his words, and that Herod Antipas feared that Chief Yahyas
influence over the masses would cause a rebellious uprising
leading to a revolt by the Jews against the Romans (Antiquities
18:5.2 116-119), then this would be in accord with the practice
of capital punishment of such criminals under Roman law. That
is, that non-Roman citizens be crucified.
As far as his being beheaded by Antipas, now believed
to be a fiction, we know that records show Herod the Great lost
his power to execute anyone. It is also known that he had to
bring those whom he wanted to execute to the Roman

authorities, as he had lost his title of Caesars Friend.

With that in mind, there is nothing whatsoever showing
that this power to execute prisoners was ever restored to his
heirs, one of whom was Herod Antipas. If Antipas had wanted to
execute Chief Yahya/John the Baptist, he most likely would have
needed permission from Rome to do so. If this be true, then the
punishment would have to have been crucifixion and not
beheading as this was reserved for Roman citizens.
Would it be fair to say that the High Priest Caiaphas,
who was endorsed by Rome, had a problem with this new Black
Chief whom the masses were flocking to see by the River
Jordan? Would it be fair to say that Chief Yahya/John the Baptist
threatened not only the throne of Antipas, but also the Jewish
religious establishment?
Would it be fair to say that both Antipas and Caiaphas
conspired together to do away with Chief Yahya? That thee
Sanhedrin and Antipas could not execute anyone should be kept
in mind. Would it be fair to say that Chief/Yahya was arrested
and brought before Pilate?
The Prophet Yahya could not have been beheaded as has
been stated by Muslim and Christian scholars. With regard to
Jesus, in the Quran we read: Peace on me the day I was born,
the day that I die, and the day I will be raised up again. (Q.
The verse states that Jesus was given safety and security
in these three situations. But what about the son of Zechariah?
We find the same description for him as we find for Jesus:
Peace on him the day he is born, the day he dies, and the day he
is raised up again. (Q. 19:15)
How does the supposed beheading of this prophet fit in
with the above Quranic verse of one given peace by his Lord?
We find in the commentary of Ibn Kathir that Yahya was also
given safety and security in these three situations, but the book
speciously ascribed to Ibn Kathir, Stories of the Prophets, agrees
with the Gospel accounts of Chief Yahyas being beheaded and
the serving of his head on a platter.
How do we explain the beheading of this Prophet of
God? How, then, is he one who was safe and secure? Are we

to say that God saved Jesus, but abandoned Yahya? Is this divine
Josephuss account of the imprisonment and execution
of Yahya/John the Baptist would place it in the middle of the
fourth decade, say 35 or 36 AD and therefore years after the
events of the supposed crucifixion of Jesus, not before.
In The New Testament: An Islamic Perspective, Crook writes,
Josephus evidence creates a colossal chronological
problem of enormous consequences.
That is still true. Since we also know that while the
gospels portray John in their narratives primarily to introduce
and testify to Jesus superior stature, we also know from
Josephus, that John/Yahya was a major player on the Palestinian
stage, not just a walk-on to herald the messiahship of Jesus.
Subsequently, Pontius Pilate and Caiaphas were both
removed in 36 AD. Where does the supposed crucifixion of
Jesus fit in here exactly? The two principal characters in the
gospels responsible for allegedly crucifying Jesus were no longer
in power.3
Consider the following examples of the way God dealt
with his prophets: And, certainly, Noah cried out to Us. And
how excellent were the ones who answer! And We delivered him
and his people from tremendous distress. And We made his
offspringthey, the ones who remain. And We left for him to
say with the later ones: Peace be on Noah among the worlds. (Q.
About Prophets Moses and Aaron: And, certainly, We
showed Our grace to Moses and Aaron. And We delivered them
and their folk from the tremendous distress and helped them so
that they, they had been the ones who are victors. And We gave
them the manifest Book and guided them to the straight path. We
left for them a good name with the later ones: Peace be on Moses
and Aaron! (Q 37:114-120)
About Prophet Lot: Truly, he was of Our servants, ones
who believe. And, truly, Lot was of the ones who are sent. We

Roman governor Pontius PilateAnt. XVIII, iv, 2; Caiaphas the High

PriestAnt. XVIII, iv, 3


delivered him and his people, one and all, but an old woman of
the ones who stay behind. Again, We destroyed the others. (Q.
About Prophet Jonah: Then, the great fish engulfed him
while he was one who is answerable. If he had not been of the
ones who glorify, he would have lingered in expectation in its
belly until the Day they are raised up. (Q. 37:142-144)
All of them, plus Jesus, and Muhammadas far as we
know, all the prophets mentioned by name in the Quran were
delivered from their enemies. Yet, the Prophet Yahya, whose
name ironically means He Lives, is popularly supposed to
have been put to death. Clearly, you can see how this story of the
beheading creates an inconsistency with a text believed by
Muslims all over the world to be internally consistent.
It is my belief that Prophet Yahya was possibly put on
the cross and not Jesus. However, he did not die on the cross. By
Gods giving him the name of Yahya (he who lives) in the
Quran and the Quranic fact that the Messiah was not crucified,
but it appeared to the people as such, the Quran is telling us that
that person was Chief Yahya (The Black Prophet).
Chief Yahya survives as he lives out the words from
God of peace be upon him as was the case with Prophet
Abraham when he was thrown in the fire yet he was saved, We
said: O fire! Be coolness and peace for Abraham! (21:69);
hence: Peace be on Abraham! Thus We give recompense to the
ones who are doers of good! (37:110)
Chief Yahya died a natural death at some later time, as
did Jesus. It is my belief from my understanding of the Quran
that Yahya was raised up in honor (rafaa) as was Jesus. Because
this is not mentioned in the Quran, it does not mean that it could
not have happened this way.
Again, we must turn to the Quran and its divine
wisdom to receive understanding. When one compares Isa/Jesus
and Yahya/John, we can observe that Jesus has been mentioned
in detail, whereas John has not.
Here are some examples for one to consider:
The Quran tells us that Jesus was sent to the children of
Israel, but John is not mentioned as being sent to them. Was John

sent to the children of Israel? Of course he was.

Jesus in the Quran preaches to the children of Israel, but
John is not mentioned. Did John preach to the children of Israel?
Of course he did. We are told that Jesus had disciples, but Johns
are not mentioned. Did he have disciples? Of course he did. We
are told that Jesus received the Gospel (Injil), but Johns
revelation was not specified, but he was told to hold onto the
scripture with might. Did John receive scripture from his Lord as
did Jesus? Of course he did.
Because John is not mentioned in similar circumstances,
it does not mean that he was not as favored as Jesus.
Countless works have been published pertaining to the
false crucifixion of the son of Mary by Muslims, yet the false
beheading of the son of Zachariah is largely ignored, why?



And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah
Jesus son of Mary, God s MessengerThey slew him not nor
crucified him, but it appeared so (shubbiha) unto them; and lo!
Those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have
no knowledge thereof save pursuit of conjecture; they slew him
not for certain.(Q. 4:157)
Although Muslims believe in the words of God, that the
son of Mary was neither killed nor crucified, they too ask
questions about the circumstances of the crucifixion and the
identity of the victim if, indeed, there was one and the whole
crucifixion was not an illusion.
In common with the early Christian sects that doubted
the reality of the crucifixion, Muslims also have proposed many
theories about who may have been crucified in place of Jesus.
We find the commentators of the Quran offering contradictory
theories about this. Some say it was a companion of Jesus who
volunteered to be crucified in his place.
This theory can be found in the famous commentary of
the Quran by Ibn Kathir. In it, he mentions a strong chain of
narrative going back to Ibn Abbas, who is known in the Islamic
world as a great interpreter of the Quran.
Yet in the commentary of Ibn Abbas, it is reported that
he said: God destroyed their man Tatianos... God made
Tatianos look like Jesus and so they killed him instead of him
[Jesus]... certainly they did not kill him, thereby contradicting
the Ibn Kathirs version noted above.
So, clearly we can see the conflict in the commentaries. Others
say it was Simon of Cyrene, a Roman soldier, or even that it was
Judas Iscariot. This last theory is found in the Gospel of
Barnabas. Unfortunately, there is no factual evidence to prove
any of these theories.
The Quran challenges us, Say: Bring your proof if ye

have been speakers of the truth! (Q. 2:111) Consequently, with

so many different and incompatible traditions flying about, the
matter of the true meaning of the Quranic verse cannot be
considered closed and one may feel free to argue other
possibilities, as I shall do below.
So, who was the man who was identified, tried, and put
on the cross? We are told in the Quran that it was not the son of
Mary, but someone (or something) resembling him (shubbiha).
Who would likely to have resembled him more than a relative? If
not Jesus, could it have been his cousin Yahya?
The victim does not die on the cross but is taken down
from the cross when the Roman soldiers mistakenly think that he
is dead. An indication of this may be found in Mark where we
read that a certain Joseph of Arimathea went to Pontius Pilate,
the Roman governor of Judaea, and asked for the body of a man
on the cross whom many assume to have been Jesus.
What is interesting to note is that he asks to take down
the body (soma), while Pontius Pilate had told him to take the
corpse (ptoma). There are many signs in the New Testament that
suggest that the man crucified that day did not die on the cross.
What does all this mean? Keep in mind that Yahya in
Arabic suggests life: he lives. The victim survives and
continues to teach in secret after this ordeal. God tells Yahya,
hold fast the Book (Q. 19:12). What does this mean? It suggests
that Yahya may have been given a special book or task and will
face great opposition.
All Muslims agree that Jesus did not die on the cross;
rather, what the witnesses of the crucifixion saw was a
deception, a similitude, or a substitution. It is my belief that it
was a case of mistaken identity.
By using the method of explaining the Quran by the
Quran, (as should be done with regards to the crucifixion in
relation to the word shubbiha), I examined this word shubbiha
more closely, and if there were anyone more similar or shared
any kind of resemblance to Jesus, it would have been Yahya, the
son of Zechariah, and no one else.
Here are some of those distinct similarities:

Both were born miraculously: (About Yahya) He said: My

Lord! How can I have a son when age hath overtaken me
already and my wife is barren? (The angel) answered:
So (it will be). God doeth what He will. (Q. 3:40) and
(about Jesus): She said: My Lord! How can I have a
child when no mortal hath touched me? He said: So (it
will be). God createth what He will. If He decreeth a
thing, He saith unto it only: Be! and it is. (Q. 3:47)
Both were given unique names: And the angels called to him
as he stood praying in the sanctuary: God giveth thee
glad tidings of (a son whose name is) Yahya, (who
cometh) to confirm a word from God, chief, concealer
[of secrets], a prophet of the righteous (Q. 3:39) and he
whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary,
illustrious in the world and the Hereafter, and one of
those brought near (unto God). (Q. 3:45)
Both were given significant titles by God: Yahya: ...Chief,
concealer of secrets, a prophet of the righteous (Q. 3:39)
and Jesus whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of
Mary, illustrious in the world and the Hereafter, and one
of those brought near (unto God). (Q. 3:45)
Both Yahya and Jesus received mercy: In regard to Yahya:
and mercy from Our presence, and purity; and he
was devout. (Q. 19:13) and in regard to Jesus: ...and a
mercy from Us, and it is a thing ordained. (Q. 19:21)
Both were prophets of God: In regard to Yahya: a prophet
of the righteous. (Q. 3:39) and Jesus: He spake: Lo! I
am the servant of God. He hath given me the Scripture
and hath appointed me a Prophet. (Q. 19:30)
Both were righteous: Yahya: ...a prophet of the righteous.
(Q. 3:39) and Jesus: ...and he is of the righteous. (Q.
3:46) Both were given sagacity: Yahya: And we gave
him wisdom when a child. (Q. 19:12), Jesus: And He
will teach him the Scripture and wisdom... (Q. 3:48)
Both were associated with the Word of God: Yahya: ...who
confirms a Word from God (Q. 3:39); Jesus: God
gives glad tidings of a Word from Him. (Q. 3:45) Both
were respectful to their parents: Yahya: ...and (he was)

dutiful toward his parents; (Q. 19:14) Jesus: And

(God) hath made me dutiful toward her who bore me.
(Q. 19:32)
Both were humble: Yahya: And he was not arrogant,
rebellious. (Q. 19:14) Jesus: and (God) hath not
made me arrogant, villainous. (Q. 19:32)
Both were saved as infants from death; both were unknown
when they returned. One baptized with water (Yahya)
and the other with the Holy Spirit (Jesus). Both had
followers and disciples; both were sinless; and both were
sent to the Children of Israel. Both finished and completed their missions successfully and were elevated and
honored with Gods peace: Yahya: Peace be upon him
the day he was born, and the day he dies and the day he
shall be raised alive! (Q. 19:15) and Jesus: Peace be
upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the
day I shall be raised alive! (Q. 19:33)
Moreover, there are parallels in the conditions of Mary
and Zechariah. Both reacted with incredulity when given the
news of their future offspring: Zechariah: (Zechariah) said: My
Lord! How can I have a son when my wife is barren and I have
reached inform old age? (Q. 19:40; see also Q. 3:40) Mary:
(Mary) said: How can I have a son when no mortal hath
touched me, neither have I been unchaste? (Q. 19:20; see also
Q. 3:45)
If anyone was substituted for Jesus, as has been
suggested above, then the substitute must have been Yahya. One
cannot dismiss the implications of the circumstantial evidence
which points to the Prophet Yahya and explains why it was
possible to mistake the identity of one for the other. There is no
factual evidence for the belief that it was any of the other men
mentioned in the commentaries when explaining this verse: Q.
Keep in mind that the word shubbiha also has the
meaning of to be doubtful, dubious, uncertain, or obscure.
Circumstantial evidence may be weaker than fact in a court of
law, but when facts are absent, strong circumstantial evidence is

often enough to prevail.

This brings us to the question of the mistaken identity.
Turning to the New Testament, we read in John: And this is the
testimony of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from
Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? He confessed, he did not
deny, but confessed, I am not the Christ. And they asked him,
What then? Art thou Elijah? He said, I am not. Art thou the
prophet? And he answered, No. They said to him then, Who
art thou? Let us have an answer for those who sent us. What dost
thou say about thyself? He said, I am the voice of one crying in
the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as the
prophet Isaiah said. (Jn. 1:19-23)
It is quite clear from this passage that John was causing
quite a stir; why else would the Jews be sending their priests and
Levites to him? His position of authority is confirmed in the
Quran with the title chief (sayyid), given to him not by man,
but by God (Q. 3:39). Zachariah had prayed to God for a
protector (wali) from His Presence. (Q. 19:5)
The Arabic word so used in the Quran in this context
denotes one with authority. Yahyas prominence is well known
from the passages about him in The Antiquities of Josephus, as
well as in other traditions. Yet, perhaps the most important part
of this passage is that he does not mention his name. He conceals
his identity from them; hence, the Quranic reference to him as
Let us continue with John:
Now they had been sent from the Pharisees. They asked
him, Then why art thou baptizing, if thou be neither the Christ,
nor Elijah, nor the prophet? John answered them, I baptize with
water; but among you is one whom ye do not know, even he who
comes after me, the thong of whose sandal I am not worthy to
untie. This took place in Bethany beyond the Jordan, where
John was baptizing. (Jn. 1:24-28)
This passage would indicate that, in addition to his
baptizing, his powerful preaching was of a special kind, and not
as it was usually heard by the Jews.
It also appears that what he was saying touched upon

something they had found in their traditions concerning the signs

of a messiah; hence, the gospel passage: and all men questioned
in their hearts concerning John, whether perhaps he were the
Messiah. (Lk. 3:15)
If we look more closely, not only had John not revealed
his own identity, but he also had not disclosed the identity of his
contemporary, Jesus. Note, too, that the people mentioned by
Luke must have thought that the man they had just met was
worthy of consideration as a potential messiah, so much so that
they wondered about his real identity.
One cannot miss the appearance that John is concealing
something (hasur) here. Why is that? Though the messiah is
present, he is not to be revealed. There is a reason for this, that
is, if we follow scriptures.
According to the Quran, after the birth of Jesus, when
Mary brought her infant to her people, they accused her of
fornication. This accusation is also recorded in extra-Biblical
Jewish tradition. Does this have anything to do with Jesuss
identity not being revealed?
According to Jewish law, and the daughter of a priest, if
she profanes herself by playing the harlot, profanes her father;
she shall be burned with fire. (Lev. 21:9)
If the accusation mentioned in the Quran against Mary
were true, then accordingly, Jesus would have been labeled
illegitimate. Jewish law states that no bastard shall not enter the
assembly of the Lord, even to the tenth generation, none of his
descendants shall enter the assembly of the Lord. (Deut. 23:2)
With such threats overhanging them, would Mary and
Jesus have revealed themselves publicly after their return to
Palestine? Would they have ever revealed themselves to anyone?
Jesus never revealed his identity just as John never
revealed his. That is why we never find in the gospels either of
them mentioning their own names. Little wonder that Jesus is
also mysterious to the point that today some even deny the
reality of his very existence.
That Jesus was present, but not known, does not remove
him from the picture. He continued his mission in secret, while
John filled the office of chief (sayyid) and protector (wali).

He was designated as such by God and given command over his

What does this have to do with shubbiha? As was
mentioned above, the Jews did not know who Jesus and John
were. Johns own testimony is sufficient. We have also shown
above from the text of the Quran the complementary natures of
Jesus and Yahya.
One can see that it was quite possible for one to be
mistaken for the other. It was Johns authority and reputation
that certain factions among the Jews wished to do away with. It
is for this reason that I believe that John the Baptist was put on
the cross. Consider the meaning of shubbiha in this context.
None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be
forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar:
Knowest thou not that Allah hath power over all things? (Q.



And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah Isa (Jesus)4
son of Mary, Gods messengerThey slew him not nor crucified
him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! Those who disagree
concerning it are in doubt thereof, they have no knowledge
thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for
certain. (Q. 4:157)
The above-quoted verse of the Quran is a message to us

Concerning the Arabic name of Jesus (Isa), some Western critics

have suggested that the form of Jesus name is a kind of mocking fraud
perpetrated upon the Prophet by the Jews. According to this theory, the
Jews, who were contemptuous of Jesus, taught the Prophet a slightly
modified form of Esau, the despised brother of Jacob and the
progenitor of several of Israels Biblical enemies, especially Edom and
Edoms hated representatives in Roman times, the Herodians. While it
is true that thus far the form Isa has not been found in written form
anywhere earlier than in the Quran, it is astonishing to think that the
Makkan Arabs (including, according to Tradition, the Prophet himself),
who had frequent commercial contact through trade with Christian
Palestine and Syria, would not have known the name of the central
figure of the Christian faith in some form or other, and would not have
remarked or complained that the form Isa was unfamiliar or unknown
to them. The riddle of the origin of the form Isa remains unsolved, but
such a postulated Jewish joke or insult could not have passed
unnoticed. Jeffrey suggests that the form may have been influenced by
Nestorian pronunciation of Yeshu, and the form Ysw has been found in
pre-Islamic inscriptions. The form Jesus is Greek and is a variation of
Joshua, a name very common among Jews of the Roman period.
(NTAIP, p. 168)


that rejects the Christian belief that the son of Mary was
crucified. The Quran further states that it appeared so unto
them. Those who differ in it are full of doubts with no definite
knowledge and they follow conjecture. We are assured that they
slew him not. Christians reject the assertion in this verse, as it
contradicts the central tenet of Christian faith. They reply that
they have their own proofs and records, pointing principally to
the four canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
and other writings in the New Testament.
To my surprise, after a careful examination of these
gospels, I have found what may be a case of mistaken identity.
The mistake was made under the assumption that a messiah had
been killed; however, quite possibly, I believe, he was not the
son of Mary. It is my thesis that this may, in fact, have been the
case. An examination of the gospels will show that the Temple
authorities, as well as others, were uncertain as to who the
Messiah really was. Thus, the Quran states, but it appeared
so to them. If we accept the possibility of a mistaken identity,
then the question becomes: who was really put on the cross, if
not the son of Mary? I hope to explore this problem in these
Although Muslims believe in the words of God, that the
son of Mary was neither killed nor crucified, they too ask
questions about the circumstances of the crucifixion and the
identity of the victim if, indeed, there was one and the whole
crucifixion was not an illusion.
Muhammad Asad writes: Thus, the Quran
categorically denies the story of the crucifixion of Jesus. There
exist, among Muslims, many fanciful legends telling us that at
the last moment God substituted for Jesus a person closely
resembling him (according to some accounts, that person was
Judas), who was subsequently crucified in his place. However,
none of these legends finds the slightest support in the Quran or
in authentic Traditions, and the stories produced in this
connection by the classical commentators must be summarily
rejected. They represent no more than confused attempts at
harmonizing the Quranic statement that Jesus was not
crucified with the graphic description, in the Gospels, of his
The story of the crucifixion as such has been succinctly

explained in the Quranic phrase wa-lakin shubbiha lahum, which I

render as but it only appeared to them as if it had been so implying that in the course of time, long after the time of Jesus, a
legend had somehow grown up (possibly under the thenpowerful influence of Mithraistic beliefs) to the effect that he
had died on the cross in order to atone for the original sin with
which mankind is allegedly burdened; and this legend became so
firmly established among the latter-day followers of Jesus that
even his enemies, the Jews, began to believe italbeit in a
derogatory sense (for crucifixion was, in those times, a heinous
form of death penalty reserved for the lowest of criminals). This,
to my mind, is the only satisfactory explanation of the phrase walakin shubbiha lahum [but it appeared so unto them], the more so
as the expression shubbiha li is idiomatically synonymous with
khuyyila li, (a thing) became a fancied image to me, i.e., in my
mindin other words, (it) seemed to me.5
In common with the early Christian sects that doubted
the reality of the crucifixion, Muslims also have proposed many
theories about who may have been crucified in place of Jesus.
We find the commentators of the Quran offering contradictory
theories about this. Some say it was a companion of Jesus who
volunteered to be crucified in his place. This theory can be found
in the famous commentary of the Quran by Ibn Kathir.6 In it, he

This is Dr. Muhammad Asads version of the Legend Theory. Dr.

Asads reference: See Qamus, art. khayala, as well as Lane II, 833, and
IV, 1500. (Muhammad Asad, The Message of the Quran.)
There are other theories, such as the Swoon Theory.
According to this theory, Jesus was crucified, but did not die. He
apparently swooned on the cross and was later revived, perhaps as part
of a conspiracy to save him.
There is nothing in the major hadith literature about the
Commentary of Ibn Kathir (Tafsir Ibn Kathir): the most popular of
the Arabic commentaries. It was written by Al-Hafiz Ismail bin Umar
bin Kathir (1302-1372 CE), who taught traditions and history at
Damascus. In addition to his famous Commmentary, he also produced a
universal history. The English translation used in our text was made by
a number of scholars and specialists for the Darussalam in Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia, and published about 2000 CE. Regretably, it is not a


mentions a strong chain of narrative7 going back to Ibn Abbas,8

who is known in the Islamic world as a great interpreter of the
Yet in the commentary of Ibn Abbas, it is reported that
he said: God destroyed their man Tatianos9 God made
Tatianos look like Jesus and so they killed him instead of him
[Jesus] certainly they did not kill him,10 thereby contradicting
complete translation and is styled a summarization. In addition, some
material has been omitted for editorial reasons.
chain of narrative Ar. sanad: the chain of authorities going back to
the Prophet or his Companions upon which the reliability of a tradition
is based.
Ibn Abbas, a Companion of the Prophet, died 687 CE. Abdullah was
the son of Abbas, an uncle of the Prophet. He was born just three years
before the Hijrah. When the Prophet died, Abdullah was thus only
thirteen years old. Born in 3 BH (618-619 CE).
The 11th century Persian commentator Surabadi gives us his
version of this story: when Gabriel came to carry off Jesus, Jesus
(who appears in this tradition to have been imprisoned with his
disciples) asked which of them would volunteer to be crucified in his
place. Only Simon volunteered. Then Jesus named Simon as his
successor. Simon was then transformed into the image of Jesus. When
they came to take Simon, thinking he was Jesus, this image of Jesus
was transferred to the executioner. Simon fled, while the executioner
was executed in his place, and the people disputed about it. The ending
of both versions, with the people disputing about what happened, is to
explain the ending of the Quranic verse: those who disagree concerning
it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of
a conjecture; they slew him not for certain (Q. 4:157). (NTAIP, pp.
298-9) (See also Note 7 below.)
Tatianos (or Tatyanus): Probably Titus, the Roman general who
destroyed the Jerusalem Temple in 70 CE. He went on to become the
ruler of the Roman Empire, reigning from 79 to 81 CE.
Commentary for Q. 4:157 from Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir ibn Abbas:
Attributed variously to the Companion Abdullah Ibn Abbas (d.
68/687) and to Muhammad ibn Yaqub al-Firuzabadi (d. 817/1414),
Tanwir al-Miqbas is one of the most pivotal works for understanding the
environment which influenced the development of Quranic exegesis.
Despite its uncertain authorship and its reliance on the controversial
Israiliyatt or Israelite stories, Tanwir al-Miqbas nevertheless offers
readers valuable insight into the circulation and exchange of popular
ideas between Islam, Judaism and Christianity during the formative


the Ibn Kathirs version noted above. We can clearly see a

conflict in the commentaries. Others say it was Simon of
Cyrene,11 a Roman soldier, or even that it was Judas Iscariot.
This last theory is found in the Gospel of Barnabas.12
phase of Islamic exegesis.
The 11th century Persian Commentator Surabadi gives a fuller
version of this tale: In his version, Herod, the king of the Jews, had
locked Jesus up and erected a gallows for a public execution. When the
time appointed for the execution arrived, Tatyanus the executioner
entered the cell to bring out Jesus. Gabriel came, carried Jesus away
through an aperture, and transported him to the fourth heaven. Then he
caused Tatyanus to assume the outward form of Jesus. When he came
out of the cell and told the people that Jesus had escaped, the people
looked at him and said that he was himself Jesus. He tried to fight off
the people with magic, but failed and was executed. After this was
over, the people looked about for the executioner and then began to
have doubts. (NTAIP, p. 298.) (See also Note 5 above.)
It has been suggested that the absence of the pericope about Simon
of Cyrenes bearing Jesus cross in John and Johns emphatic statement
that Jesus went out bearing his own cross (Jn. 19:17) is a refutation
of the Gnostic tradition that Simon of Cyrene was crucified instead of
Jesus. That story was already in circulation by the last decade of the 1st
century CE, if not earlier. Proof of the antiquity of this story is found in
the writings of early fathers of the church. Irenaeus (c. 130-200 CE)
mentions the teaching of the Gnostic heretic Basilides who was active
about 120 CE: that (Jesus) had not suffered and that a certain Simon of
Cyrene had been compelled to carry his cross for him and that this man
was crucified through ignorance and error, having been changed in
form by him so that it should be thought that he was Jesus himself.
(NTAIP, p. 302.)
The Gospel of Barnabas: Almost certainly not by the Barnabas
mentioned by Paul in the New Testament. The manuscript that was the
basis of [the] edition was an Italian 16th century CE Venetian copy of
an earlier Tuscan manuscript. No Greek or Latin texts are known to
exist and there is no manuscript evidence that pushes the history of the
text nearer to the time of the putative author, St. Barnabas, the
companion of Paul, who was active in the 1st century CE. The Raggs
[the editors] cite a reference to a 100-years Jubilee as a clue that the
gospel may have been written some time between 1300 and 1350 CE.
The first Church jubilee was held in 1300 and the Church originally
planned to hold a jubilee every century. However, in 1350, another
jubilee was held and the interval was changed to every 50 years. This


Unfortunately, there is no factual evidence to prove any of these

theories. The Quran challenges us: Prepare your proof if ye are
truthful. (Q. 2:111) Consequently, with so many different and
incompatible traditions flying about, the matter of the true
meaning of the Quranic verse cannot be considered closed and
one may feel free to argue other possibilities, as I shall do below.

points to a date of composition between 1300 and 1350 CE. (NTAIP,

p. 160.)
In Barnabas, Judas is transformed into the image of Jesus and
mistaken for him by the other disciples. It was he who was arrested and
brought before Pilate, condemned and crucified and buried in the tomb
arranged by Joseph of Arimathaea. (See David Sox, The Gospel of
Barnabas, pp. 44-47.)


Let the People of the Gospel judge by that
which God hath revealed therein.
Whoso judgeth not by that which God hath revealed;
such are evil-doers. (Q. 5:47)
Both the New Testament and the Quran tell us about
those personages whose lives in first-century CE Palestine were
destined to affect the course of history and were milestones in
the moral and religious development of mankind: Zechariah and
Elizabeth, and Mary, and their sons John the Baptist, and Jesus
the Christ. The gospels, purporting to be history, tell their stories
in a roughly chronological order while the Quran refers to them
anecdotally, as to stories well-known, but stressing the moral and
theological implications of the situations described. Therefore,
let us first take another look at these materials, with an eye
towards signs and hints that may presage a crucial later case of
mistaken identity.
The New Testament narratives that lead to the passion
and the cross begin with a series of birth stories about two of the
major figures in the drama: John the Baptist and Jesus the Christ.
The Quran, however, deems the birth of Mary worthy of
mention. Logically, her birth would have preceded those of the
two prophets, so we shall begin with that:
(Remember) when the wife of Imran said: My Lord! I
have vowed unto Thee what is in my belly as a consecrated
(offering). Accept it from me. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the
Hearer, the Knower. And when she was delivered, she said: My
Lord! I am delivered of a femaleGod knew best of what she
was deliveredthe male is not as the female; and lo! I have
named her Mary, and lo! I crave Thy protection for her and for
her offspring from Satan the outcast. (Q. 3:35-36)
If we reflect upon this verse, we can see the first case of
mistaken identity. The mother of Mary expected a male child,
but instead she was delivered of a female. She was mistaken as
to the gender of the child in her womb. In this verse, we read that

God knew what she brought forth, in other words it was a divine
plan already decreed. Yet, as we shall see, that which started as a
mistaken identity will persist as such. Those who adhere to the
message of their Lord and are wise will be the ones who
prevailliberated or set free from erroneous beliefs.
Now, Zechariah was a righteous servant of God and was
in His favor:
And they [Zechariah and his wife] were both righteous
before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of
the Lord blameless. (Lk. 1: 6)
And Zechariah and Yahya (John)13 and Jesus and Elias:
each one was of the righteous. (Q. 6:85)
Because of his virtuous character, Zechariah had the
good fortune to become the guardian of Mary14: This is of the
tidings of things hidden We reveal unto thee. Thou wast not
present with them when they threw their pens (to know) which of
them should take control of Mary nor wast thou present with
them when they quarreled (thereupon). (Q. 3:44)15
Ibn Kathir relates the story of Zechariahs becoming
Marys guardian in this manner: Ibn Jarir recorded that
Yahya: The Quran refers to John the Baptist by this name. It should
also be remarked that Johns name in Arabic, Yahya, is applied only to
John the Baptist and not to any of the other Biblical Johns called
Yuhana or Yuhanan in Arabic. The form is pre-Islamic and probably
derived from Christian Arabic usage. (Yahya, EI, Vol. XI, p. 249.)
The name would appear to be related to the root h-y-y or h-y-w
meaning, to quicken, animate, give live to (especially the fourth form
of the verb). It may have referred to his mothers quickened womb
and perhaps is in the nature of an epithet. John, despite the shared
guttural =, has a quite different meaning in the original Hebrew:
Jehovah has been gracious. (John, NCBD, p. 288 and elsewhere.)
However, Smith translates it as Jehovahs gift. (BD-Smith, p. 304.)
(NTAIP, p. 193.)
Knight holds that Zechariah became both the guardian of Mary and
the Word.
A majority of commentators take this verse as referring to Zechariah,
as does Knight. However, others, including Maulana Muhammad Ali
and the present editor, believe it refers to Joseph, later the husband of
Mary, based upon the narrative in the apocryphal Birth Gospel of Mary.


Ikrimah said, Maryams [Marys] mother left with Maryam,

carrying her in her infant cloth, and took her to the rabbis from
the offspring of Aaron, the brother of Musa. They were
responsible for taking care of Bayt al-Maqdis (the Masjid) at that
time, just as there were those who took care of the Kabah.
Maryams mother said to them, Take this child whom I vowed
[to serve the Masjid], I have set her free, since she is my
daughter, for no menstruating woman should enter the Masjid,
and I shall not take her back home. They said, She is the
daughter of our Imam, as Imran used to lead them in prayer,
who took care of our sacrificial rituals. Zakariyya [Zechariah]
said, Give her to me, for her maternal aunt is my wife. They
said, Our hearts cannot bear that you take her, for she is the
daughter of our Imam.
So they conducted a lottery with the pens with which
they wrote the Tawrah, and Zakariyya won the lottery and took
Maryam into his care. Ikrimah, As-Suddi, Qatadah, Ar-Rabi
bin Anas, and several others said that the rabbis went into the
Jordan river and conducted a lottery there, deciding to throw
their pens into the river. The pen that remained afloat and idle
would indicate that its owner would take care of Maryam. When
they threw their pens into the river, the water took all the pens
under, except Zakariyyas pen, which remained afloat in its
place. Zakariyya was also their master, chief, scholar, Imam and
Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be on him and the rest
of the Prophets.16

Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Commentary of Ibn Kathir) for Q. 3:44. It should be

pointed out that all Muslim commentators are not in agreement about
the identity of the man who was selected by these means to be Marys
guardian. A majority say it was Zechariah; however, other
identifications have also been proposed. The casting of pens or quills is
not mentioned in the Bible, but the tradition is found in The Gospel of
the Birth of Mary which was known in the 4th century CE and quite
probably earlier. In it, Joseph, not Zechariah, is made her guardian:
Among the rest there was a man named Joseph, of the house and
family of David, a person very far advanced in years, who drew back
his rod, when every one besides presented his. So that when nothing
appeared agreeable to the heavenly voice, the high priest judged it
proper to consult God again, who answered that he to whom the Virgin
was to be betrothed was the only person of those who were brought
together, who had not brought his rod. Joseph was therefore betrayed.


Thus, Zechariah, the righteous servant of God, became

the guardian of Mary.
Now, after the child Mary had been in Zechariahs care
for some time, he came to notice something unusual: And her
Lord accepted her with full acceptance and vouchsafed to her a
goodly growth: and made Zechariah her guardian. Whenever
Zechariah went into the sanctuary where she was, he found that
she had sustenance. He said: O Mary! Whence cometh unto
thee this? She answered: It is from God. God giveth without
stint to whom He will. (Q. 3:37)
Thus Zechariah observed the miraculous sign of
provisions17 bestowed upon Mary by her Lord. Could it be
possible that Zechariah also witnessed something more
extraordinary in that? Could it be possible thatas a priest and a
For, when he did bring his rod, and a dove coming from Heaven
pitched [alighted] upon the top of it, every one plainly saw, that the
Virgin was to be betrothed to him: Accordingly, the usual ceremonies
of betrothing being over, he returned to his own city of Bethlehem, to
set his house in order, and make the needful provisions for the
marriage. (Mary 6:1-6) (Quoted in NTAIP, p. 205.)
If the verse does refer to Joseph (otherwise unnamed in the
Quran), as some scholars believe, it would not relate to her infancy, but
rather to her circumstances at a more mature, childbearing age.
provisions (Ar. rizq): or sustenance. Many translators interpret
this to mean food; however, others believe that it refers to spiritual
provisions and enlightenment, as does Knight.
Nisaburi interprets Mary's heavenly provisions as follows:
These were provisions of the revelations of the unknown (futuhat alghayb) with which God nourishes His servants, those who spend their
nights with him and not with anyone of the creatures. This is in
accordance with the prophets saying, I spend the night with my Lord,
and He provides me with nourishment of food and drink. The Phrase
God surely provides whomsoever he wills without reckoning means
that which she did not reckon, such as a child without a father, fruits
without a tree, miracles without prophethood, and divine sciences (AlUlum al-Laduniyah) without any intermediary. (Nisaburi, III, p. 186)
(Cited by Mahmoud M. Ayoub, p. 183.)
Ibn Arabis interpretation of this verse is essentially similar to
that of Nisaburi (Ibn Arabi, I, p. 182) (Cited by Mahmoud M. Ayoub,
p. 183.)


prophet18 of God very familiar with the scripturesZechariah

realized that she would deliver the expected Messiah? At once,
he turned to his lord and prayed: Then Zechariah prayed unto his
Lord and said: My Lord! Bestow upon me of the Thy bounty
goodly offspring.19 Lo! Thou art the Hearer of Prayer. (Q. 3:38)
Here Zechariah is not asking for a physical descendant
but for a divinely appointed protector (this will be explained
below) who would inherit from him and from Jacob. Quite
possibly those who followed the divine plan would keep the faith
and integrity of Zechariah and Jacob. Just as we today a majority
of non-Arab Muslims cannot claim physical descent from
Abraham, yet we may claim it as our spiritual inheritance. We
have spiritually inherited the faith of Abraham; hence, we are his
descendants through faith if not by blood; that is more valuable
than blood alone without faith, for there is no superiority of an
Arab over a non-Arab, and vice versa.20

In Islam, Zechariah, the father of John, is counted among the

prophets. The Old Testament minor prophet of the same name is not
mentioned in the Quran.
dhurriyah offspring: While this is usually thought of as physical
children or descendants, Knight interprets this to mean spiritual
progeny as well. Qurtubi understands, as do most classical
commentators, the word progeny (dhurriyah) to mean not only
descendants, but also the followers of a prophet. He thus quotes Ibn
Abbas who said, The people of the house of Abraham and Imran are
the people of faith among their descendants, as well as the family of
Muhammad. God says, Surely the men most worthy of Abraham are
those who have followed him, this prophet [i.e., Muhammad] and the
people of faith (Q. 3:68). It is also said that the family of Abraham are
Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the twelve patriarchs. Muhammad is also of
the house of Abraham. (Qurtubi, IV, p.62) (Cited by Mahmoud M.
Ayoub, pp. 86-87.)
And from the mouth of the prophet Yahya: Who warned you
to flee from the wrath to come? Bear fruit in keeping with repentance.
And do not presume to say to yourselves, We have Abraham as our
father, for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children
for Abraham. Even now, the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every
tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into
the fire. (Mt. 3:7-10) Clearly one can inherit the house of Abraham
through faith. Spiritual descent in this case as well with dhurriyah.
All of you belong to Adam and Adam is (made) of earth. There is
no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab and for a non-Arab over an


What prompted Zechariah to make such a request at that

time? Let us compare the above with this passage from Surah
Maryam in the Quran to get a better understanding:
A mention of the mercy of thy Lord unto His servant
Zechariah when he cried unto his Lord a cry in secret, saying:
My Lord: Lo! My bones wax feeble and my head is shining with
gray hair, and I have never been unblest in prayer to Thee, my
Lord. Lo! I fear my defenders after me, since my wife is barren.
Give me from Thy presence a protector21 who shall inherit of me
and inherit of the house of Jacob. And make him, my Lord,
acceptable (unto Thee). (Q. 19:2-6)
Contrary to the common belief, it is obvious that he was
not asking for a son,22 but rather asking for a protector to come
from the same source from which Mary was given her
provisions, for he foresaw that they would all be in need of
protection in the future.
With respect to the inheritance of Zechariah and the
House of Jacob, Zechariah did not want his legacy to be cut off.
Perhaps this protector would preserve and honor him and the
House of Jacob.
Zechariahs prayers were answered by his Lord: And
Zechariah, when he cried unto his Lord: My Lord! Leave me not
unassisted,23 though Thou art the best of inheritors. Then We
heard his prayer, and bestowed upon him Yahya, and cured his
wife for him. Lo! They used to vie, one with the other, in good
deeds, and they cried unto Us in longing and in fear, and were
submissive unto Us. (Q. 21: 89-90)
Arab; nor for a red-coloured over a black-coloured and for a blackskinned over a red-skinned except in piety. Verily, the noblest among
you is he who is most pious. Orations of Muhammad, the Prophet of
Islam, p. 96.
See Knight, Ihya al-Nabi Yahya, p.2, for more about this word.
The usual interpretation of Zechariahs prayer is that he was doing
just that; however, Knight believes that he was asking for a divinelyappointed protector, as he could not have anticipated the birth of a son
in his old age with a barren wife. Why then the question: How can I
have a son? (Q. 3:40; 19: 8)
See Knight, Ihya al-Nabi Yahya, (pp. 2,3,10,11) for comments about
this word.


And the angels called to him as he stood praying in the

sanctuary: God giveth thee glad tidings of Yahya, to confirm a
word from God, and (he will be) a chief and concealer (of
secrets) and a prophet of the righteous. (Q. 3:39)
Zechariah was informed that his son Yahya would be
marked by distinction: O Zechariah! Lo! We bring thee tidings
of a son whose name will be Yahya; We have not given that
name to anyone before. (Q. 19:7) The name God gave to the son
of Zechariah has significance.24 Hearing this, Zechariah reacted
with natural amazement: He said: O my Lord! How shall I have
son, when age hath touched me already and my wife is barren?
It shall be thus; God doeth what he will. (Q. 3:40)
One can only imagine the feelings of excitement and
wonder at that moment running through the mind and soul of
Zechariah. He asks his lord, How shall I have a son?
He said: O my Lord! Appoint a sign for me, (The
angel) said: Thy sign (will be that thou shalt not speak unto
mankind three days except by gesture,25 Remember the Lord
much, and praise (Him) in the early hours of night and
morning. (Q. 3:41)
And when Yahya was born, he proved to be a blessing to
his parents and the special recipient of divine wisdom and mercy
befitting a future prophet: [To his son came the command]:
O Yahya! Take hold of the Scripture with might. And we gave
him wisdom when a child and mercy26 from Our presence, and
purity; and he was devout and dutiful toward his parents. And he
Again, another word that we need to pay attention to is sam\y. It is
used twice in the Quran, once in reference to Yahya: O Zechariah!
Truly We give thee the good tidings of a boy; his name will be Yahya
and We assign it not as a namesake (samiy) for anyone before. (Q.
19:7) The other time it is used is in reference to God. Knowest thou
any namesake (samiy) for Him [God]? (Q. 19:65) In the famous Arabic
lexicon Lisan al-Arab, the root s m w means elevation or highness.
See Knight, Ihya al-Nabi Yahya, p. 3.
gesture: Arabic ramz.
mercy (Ar. hanan): interestingly, the Hebrew cognate of the Arabic
word in the Quranic verse forms the second element in the compound
name Yo-hanan, God (has been) gracious/merciful/ compassionate,
which is the origin of John in English. See Knight, Ihya al-Nabi
Yahya, p. 3, for a discussion of hanan.


was not arrogant, rebellious. Peace be upon him the day he was
born, and the day he dieth and the day he shall be raised alive.
(Q. 19:12-15)
In the New Testament, Luke gives the most remarkable
account of the birth of John, hinting both at the uniqueness of his
name and his future importance:
Now the time came for Elizabeth to be delivered, and
she gave birth to a son. And her neighbors and kinsfolk heard
that the Lord had shown great mercy to her, and they rejoiced
with her. And on the eighth day they came to circumcise the
child; and they would have named him Zechariah after his father,
but his mother said: Not so; he shall be called John. And they
said to her: None of thy kindred is called by this name. And
they made signs to his father, inquiring what he would have him
called. And he asked for a writing tablet, and wrote: His name is
John. And they all marveled.
And immediately [Zechariahs] mouth was opened and
his tongue loosed, and he spoke, blessing God. And fear came on
all their neighbors. And all these things were talked about
through all the hill country of Judaea; and all who heard them
laid them up in their hearts, saying: What then will this child
be? For the hand of the Lord was with him.
And his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy
Spirit, and prophesied, saying:
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,
for He has visited and redeemed His people,
and has raised up a horn of salvation for us
in the house of His servant David,
as He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets
from of old,
that we should be saved from our enemies,
and from the hand of all who hate us;
to perform the mercy promised to our fathers,
and to remember his holy covenant,
the oath which He swore to our father Abraham,
to grant us that we, being delivered
from the hand of our enemies,
might serve Him without fear,

in holiness and righteousness before Him

all the days of our life. (Lk. 1: 57-75)
Professor Kee writes: In this first part, the prophecy
stresses the fulfillment of Jewish eschatological hopes
Throughout this section of the poem the child John is seen to
fulfill the typical expectation of a nationalistic Jewish
Messiah.27 Thus, John was seen by his father as a possible
Messiah. It is a tantalizing indication of Johns greater historical
stature that somehow survived the general diminishment of his
importance in the New Testament.
In the second part of his fathers prophesy, John is
relegated to being merely the forerunner of Christ, the traditional
Pauline view of his role in religious history:
And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet
of the Most High;
for thou shalt go before the Lord to prepare his ways,
to give knowledge of salvation to His people
in the forgiveness of their sins,
through the tender mercy of our God,
when the day shall dawn upon us from on high
to give light to those who sit in darkness
and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the way of peace. (Lk. 1: 76-79)28

The complete text of Prof. Kees comments about this passage is as

follows: In this first part, the prophecy stresses the fulfillment of
Jewish eschatological hopes. God has visited his people with salvation
and redemption. The horn of salvation is a symbolic way to refer to the
power of God (cf. 1 Sam. 2:10). All the predictions of the prophets
shall be fulfilled, and the covenant with Abraham will be remembered.
The enemies who are being overthrown would be identified as the
Romans by the Jewish interpreter, but for Luke they are the foes of
Christ, or the persecutors of the church. Throughout this section of the
poem the child John is seen to fulfill the typical expectation of a
nationalistic Jewish Messiah. The author of the commentary on
Matthew was Prof. Howard Clark Kee. (Laymon, p. 675.)
Comments Prof. Kee: In this 2nd part, John is presented under the
Christian interpretation as the forerunner of the Messiah, the prophet of
the end time who will prepare the way of the Lord. Here the Elijah
motif of Mal. 4:5 is taken up, and the Lord in vs. 76 is no doubt to be


Lukes birth narrative of John closes with a positive view

of his growing up: And the child grew and became strong in
spirit, and he was in the wilderness till the day of his
manifestation to Israel. (Lk. 57-80)
Let us now turn to the story of the birth of Jesus. God, in
His infinite mercy, tells us the story of Mary and her son in some
detail. First is the announcement:
In the Quran, revelation came to Mary, praising her:
And when the angels said: O Mary! Lo! God hath
chosen thee and made thee pure, and hath preferred thee above
(all) the women of creation. O Mary! Be obedient to thy Lord,
prostrate thyself and bow with those who bow (in worship). (Q.
This was soon followed by another revelation, this once
conveying awesome news:
(And remember) when the angels said: O Mary! Lo!
God giveth thee glad tidings of a word from him, whose name is
the Messiah Isa son of Mary, illustrious in the world and the
Hereafter, and one of those brought near (unto God). He will
speak unto mankind in his cradle and in his manhood, and he is
of the righteous. (Q. 45-46)
The announcement by the angels perplexed Mary, for
she was as yet an unwed virgin: She said: My Lord! How can I
have a child when no mortal hath touched me? He said: So (it
will be). God createth what He will. If He decreeth a thing, He
saith unto it only: Be! and it is. (Q. 3:47)
The prophecy about the future role of the man-child with
whom she will be blessed continues: And He will teach him the
Scripture and wisdom, and the Torah and the Gospel, and will
make him a messenger unto the Children of Israel, (saying): Lo!
I come unto you with a sign from your Lord. Lo! I fashion for
you out of clay the likeness of a bird, and I breathe into it and it
identified as Jesus. The main feature of this preparation is to make way
for Gods saving and redemptive action. Vs. 78 is difficult to translate,
but the meaning is clear: with the prophetic activity of John the
messianic age has dawned. The idea of Gods revelation symbolized by
light is typical (cf. Isa. 9:2), while the concept of the rising of the sun of
righteousness is found in Mal. 4:2. (Laymon, p. 675.)


is a bird, by Gods leave. I heal him who was born blind, and the
leper, and I raise the dead, by Gods leave. And I announce unto
you what ye eat and what ye store up in your houses. Lo! herein
verily is a portent for you, if ye are to be believers. And (I come)
confirming that which was before me of the Torah, and to make
lawful some of that which was forbidden unto you. I come unto
you with a sign from your Lord, so keep your duty to God and
obey me. Lo! God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him.
That is a straight path. (Q. 3:48-51)
And make mention of Mary in the Scripture, when she
had withdrawn from her people to a chamber looking East, and
had chosen seclusion from them. Then, We sent unto her Our
Spirit and it assumed for her the likeness of a perfect man. She
said: Lo! I seek refuge in the Beneficent One from thee, if thou
art God- fearing. He said: I am only a messenger of thy Lord,
that I may bestow on thee a faultless son. She said: How can I
have a son when no mortal hath touched me, neither have I been
unchaste? He said: So (it will be). Thy Lord saith: It is easy for
Me. And (it will be) that We may make of him a revelation for
mankind and a mercy from Us, and it is a thing ordained. (Q.
Presumably after some time, though the next verses
follow directly upon the preceding, Mary conceived and gave
birth to her son:
And she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a
far place. And the pangs of childbirth drove her unto the trunk of
the palm-tree. She said: Oh, would that I had died ere this and
had become a thing of naught, forgotten! Then (one) cried unto
her from below her, saying: Grieve not! Thy Lord hath placed a
rivulet beneath thee, And shake the trunk of the palm-tree toward
thee, thou wilt cause ripe dates to fall upon thee. So eat and
drink and be consoled. And if thou meetest any mortal, say: Lo! I
have vowed a fast unto the Beneficent, and may not speak this
day to any mortal. (Q. 19:22-26)
Again, after an unspecified interval, Mary displayed her
Then she brought him to her own folk, carrying him.
They said: O Mary! Thou hast come with an amazing thing. O
sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a wicked man nor was thy
mother a harlot. Then she pointed to him. They said: How can

we talk to one who is in the cradle, a young boy? He spake:

Lo! I am the servant of God. He hath given me the Scripture and
hath appointed me a Prophet, and hath made me blessed
wheresoever I may be, and hath enjoined upon me prayer and
almsgiving so long as I remain alive. And He (hath made me)
dutiful toward her who bore me, and hath not made me arrogant,
unblest. Peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die, and
the day I shall be raised alive! Such was Isa, son of Mary: (this
is) a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt. (Q.
Let us now look at the traditional Biblical account of the
birth of Jesus. According to Matthew, King Herod received news
from the wise men that a king of the Jews had been born: Now
when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of
Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to
Jerusalem, saying, Where is he who has been born king of the
Jews? For we have seen his star in the East, and have come to
worship him. (Mt. 2:1-2)
Hearing this disturbed Herod so much that he gathered
the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and inquired of them
where the Messiah was to be born: They told him: In
Bethlehem of Judaea; for so it is written by the prophet: And
thou, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least
among the My people Israel. (Mt. 2:5-6)
Matthew goes on to tell us that Herod summoned the
wise men secretly and learned the exact time the star appeared.
He then sent them into Bethlehem to search diligently rulers of
Judah; for from thee shall come a ruler who will govern for the
child, and to report to him as soon as they had found him, so that
he might go and pay his respects to him (Mt. 2:7-8).
Herod apparently did not understand that there is no
hiding of intentions from God:
Hast thou not seen that God knoweth all that is in the
heavens and all that is in the earth? There is no secret
conference of three but He is their fourth, nor of five but He is
their sixth, nor of less than that or more but He is with them
wheresoever they may be; and afterward, on the Day of
Resurrection, He will inform them of what they did. Lo! God is
Knower of all things. (Q. 58:7)

So, after this secret meeting with King Herod, the wise
men went off and found the child: and going into the house
they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and
worshipped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him
gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. (Mt. 2:11)
The wise men, however, were warned in a dream not to
go back to Herod, and they returned to their own country by
taking another route (Mt. 2:12).
Then, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph29 in a
dream, saying: Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to
Egypt, and remain there till I tell you; for Herod is about to
search for the child, to destroy him. (Mt. 2:13)
When Herod realized that the wise men had deceived
him, he became furious: He sent and killed all the male children
in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or
under, according to the time which he had ascertained from the
wise men. (Mt. 2:16)
In another version of the story of the visit of the wise
men, Zechariah is involved. It states that when Jesus was born,
Zoroastrian priests (Magi)30 from Iran, had traveled to Judaea,
following the special star that shone in the heavens. They first
went to Herod, the King of the Jews, and asked about the child.
Herod became suspicious of the newborn child of whom they
spoke and asked them to let him know when they found him.
The Magi realized that Herod wanted to have the baby killed.
Once they found Jesus, they left their gifts and then traveled
back to Persia without telling Herod. After some time had
passed, Herod, realizing that they would not return, turned to
Zechariah for news, thinking that it might be the son of
Zechariah who would overthrow his rule.31 As the Quran tells us:

The husband of Mary, not Joseph the son of Jacob of the Old
Testament. In Knights opinion, Mary was unmarried at that time.
Zoroastrian priests or Magi: Their number is not mentioned in the
New Testament, but in Western Christianity, their number is
traditionally three. However, Oriental tradition prefers twelve. (DB)
In the 2nd-century CE apocryphal Protevangelium of James, we read:
Then Herod turned to Johns father, Zechariah:
Now Herod sought for John, and sent officers to Zechariah
[at the altar], saying: Where hast thou hidden thy son? And he


Is it ever so, that, when there cometh unto you a messenger (from
God) with that which ye yourselves desire not, ye grow arrogant
and some ye disbelieve and some ye slay? (Q. 2:87)
If the reason given above for the flight to Egypt not be
true, then it may have been necessary for Jesus and Mary to flee
Palestine for another reason: the allegation that his mother Mary
had committed a fornication of which Jesus was the product.
This slander is referred to in the Quran and appears in early
Jewish sources.32 For Mary, who had Levite roots,33 a horrible
answered and said unto them: I am a minister of God and attend
continually upon the temple of the Lord. I know not where my son is.
And the officers departed and told Herod all of these things. Then
Herod was wroth and said: His son is to be king over Israel? [The text
continues with a description of the martyrdom of the father of John,
probably a confusion with the story of the Zechariah son of Baruch
mentioned by Josephus who is said to have been brutally slain in the
According to these accounts, Herod had strong reason to
suspect that the son of Zechariah might be the prophesied royal
messiah. (James, p. 48.)
According to Luke (Lk. 1: 5, 36), Mary was kin to Elizabeth (her
cousin), the wife of Zechariah. Zechariah was a descendant of the
Levite Abijah division, while Elizabeth was a descendant of Aaron,
also a Levite. This firmly establishes her Levite connections. It is well
known that the assertion that Jesus was of the House of David and
therefore had Davidic ancestry posed a dilemma for early Christians
who believed in the literal interpretation of Lukes and Matthews
stories of the virgin birth. Since, if Jesus had simply been the
acknowledged son of Joseph, who was of the tribe of Judah and the
House of David, there would have been no problem. The virgin birth of
Jesus was and still is believed by millions to be the result of some sort
of divine intervention in which no human male was involved. How then
to connect Jesus to the House of David? Simple, just make Mary a
Judahite descendant of David. Is there any foundation for this in
Scripture? After all, Luke makes it pretty clear that Mary is a Levite.
With a little ingenuity, the Levite Mary can easily be made a
Judahite. Several verses are cited to prove this conundrum. For
example, the oldest (pre-gospel) reference that proves her Davidic
credentials is found in Pauls epistle to the Romans (c. 56-7 CE):
the gospel concerning His Son, who was descended from David
according to the flesh (Rom. 1:3) Mary is not mentioned, nor is she


death was possible, for Mosaic Law states: And the daughter of
any priest, if she profanes herself by playing the harlot, profanes
her father; she shall be burned with fire. (Lev. 21:9)
As for her son Jesus, if deemed illegitimate because of
the mystery surrounding his birth, there awaited a kind of
excommunication. States the Mosaic Law: No bastard shall
enter the assembly of the Lord, even to the tenth generation none
of his descendants shall enter the assembly of the Lord. (Deut.
Was this what Zechariah had feared? What were his
people going to do in the following years that would have
prompted him to cry out for a protector? Is it possible that
Zechariah knew that his people, the contemporary Children of
Israel, would not believe in what the son of Mary was to convey
to them, and that they would not accept him as a messenger,
prophet, much less the Messiah?
Yes, Zechariah knew his scripture very well. That which
Zechariah feared came to pass: and because of their disbelief
and of their speaking against Mary a tremendous calumny (Q.
Zechariah knew that his son had a special mission and
had to be protected until he grew to manhood; hence the hiding
of Yahya until he was called forth to preach and show himself
before Israel. This would assure Zechariah that one day his son
would direct his people back to the straight path. Moreover, if
we look closely, this was all part of a divine plan that had to be
kept secret until the time was ripe for its fulfillment. That was
the reason that Zechariah was commanded to remain silent even
though he was not struck dumb thy sign is that thou, with
in 2 Timothy (attributed to Paul, most probably spuriously):
Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, descended from David,
as preached in my gospel (2 Tim. 2:8). Yet these are cited as
evidence of Marys Davidic lineage. In what manner? Since Jesus did
not have a human father, and the Bible says that he was of the House of
David, therefore his mother must have been of the House of David,
Q.E.D! Students of deductive logic may smile at the obvious flaw in
such a syllogism.
Knight holds that Jesus was a spiritual descendant of David.
(See Note 13 above.)
In Islamic tradition, Mary is the daughter of a priest.


no bodily defect, shalt not speak unto mankind three nights. (Q.
19:10)and for Marys parallel vow not to talk to any human
being that day: Lo! I have vowed a fast unto the Beneficent, and
may not speak this day to any mortal. (Q. 19:26)
Thus, when questioned of the whereabouts of said child,
Zechariah remained mute and probably made a gesture (Q. 3:41)
of shrugging his shoulders implying he did not know, as he was
sworn to a vow of secrecy by his Lord.
Whether true or not, with such threats overhanging them
for any reason, would Mary and Jesus have revealed themselves
publicly after their return to Palestine? Would they have ever
revealed themselves to anyone? We shall return to this question
In the context of the infant massacre, Matthew does not
mention the son of Zechariah, though he also fit the criteria of a
man-child of two years or under. All mention of his birth is left
out in this gospel, although his birth story is related in the first
chapter of Luke. According to Luke, there were two miraculous
births, one to Mary, and the other to Elizabeth and Zechariah.
Why does Matthew mention one and not the other? In his eyes,
was not the son of Zechariah just as important? As our
discussion moves forward, it will be shown just how important
the son of Zechariah may have been in the whole messianic
In the case of John, if the story of Herod the Greats
order to kill all male children under the age of two not be true,
there may have been another reason to flee. The Sabians34 have
recorded in their sacred writings that a Jewish priest at the time
of Herod the Great had a dream in which it was foretold that he
would be overthrown by the son of Elizabeth (i.e., Yahya), so
Herod wanted him killed. In the 2nd-century CE apocryphal
Protevangelium of James, we read:
But Elizabeth, when she heard that [Herods men]
sought for John, took him and went up into the hill-country and
looked about her where she should hide him: and there was no

Sabians: Thought by Maulana Muhammad Ali and others to be

identical with the Mandaeans of lower Mesopotamia for whom John
the Baptist became a major figure in their writings and theology. (See
Note 90 below.)


hiding-place. And Elizabeth groaned and said with a loud voice:

O mountain of God, receive thou a mother with a child. For
Elizabeth was not able to go up. And immediately the mountain
clave asunder and took her in. And there was a light shining
always for them: for an angel of the Lord was with them,
keeping watch over them.35
We learn from Luke that Jesus mother Mary and Johns
mother Elizabeth were kinswomen (Lk. 1:36). It follows, then,
that John and Jesus were also kinsmencousins, John being the
elder by about six months. Both were reportedly taken away
from the regions of their births as infants for their own safety,
Jesus to Egypt to escape the wrath of Herod and John to the hillcountry also beyond Herods reach.
The son of Zechariah is not mentioned in Matthews
account of the infant massacre. It is at this point, I believe, the
first cover-up by the opponents of Gods plan begins. The rescue
of the son of Zechariah from King Herods wrath has been
ignored. Who rescued him and how did he end up in the
wilderness before his sudden appearance by the River Jordan?
While the Bible diminishes the role of John in this critical period
of religious history, the Quran emphasizes, stressing his special
qualities as quoted above. Someone must have saved this child
who was given importance by God in the Quran, and that person
was probably his mother Elizabeth, with the complicity of his
father, if he were still alive.
It should also be noted that according to the Quran, just
as Zechariah had been ordered to be silent in order not to divulge
the role of his future son Yahya, Mary, after the birth of her son,
was also not to discuss her situation. She was the only witness to
the identity of the Messiah. It is also my belief that Mary
secluded herself from the Children of Israel. This is the reason
why we do not find anyone in the gospels accusing Mary of
playing the harlot, and her son as an illegitimate child. If they
had calumniated Mary, then they would have revealed the
identity of her son. There is no other reason why they are told to
be silent, and God knows best. Mary from that point has been

James, p. 48.


silenced and veiled forever. Even the text of the New Testament
has little to say about Mary after the birth story.
As mentioned above, the Quran tells us that Mary was
accused of playing the harlot and according to Jewish law she
could be burned to death for her crime (Lev. 21:9) This is
probably the reason why Mary cried out: Oh, would that I had
died ere this and had become a thing of naught, forgotten! (Q.
How can she explain herself? The mercy of God stands
by her every step of the way; it allowed her son to speak and
bring her comfort not to grieve: Grieve not! Thy Lord hath
placed a rivulet beneath thee, and shake the trunk of the palmtree toward thee, thou wilt cause ripe dates to fall upon thee. So
eat and drink and be consoled (Q. 19:24-26)
God protected her:
and how I restrained the Children of Israel from
(harming) thee when thou camest unto them with clear proofs,
and those of them who disbelieved exclaimed: This is naught
else than mere magic (Q. 5:110)
And He made of her and her son a Sign:
And We made the son of Mary and his mother a portent,
and We gave them refuge on a height, a place of flocks and
watersprings. (Q. 23:50)
This is the strongest Quranic evidence that Mary and her
son were under divine protection, the protection sought by the
mother of Mary (Q. 3:36) and Zechariah (Q. 19:5) in their
prayers. They were given safety and security at an undisclosed
location. If the surrounding Israelites had known Mary and her
sons true identity, how can we explain no mention of the charge
of her sons illegitimacy in the four Gospels? If they knew who
she and her son were, they would certainly have brought forth
this objection against him. It is my belief that they did not reveal
themselves to the Children of Israel upon their return to



The years passed and the two servants of God grew to
manhood. They were dispatched by their Lord to perform their
missions and they returned to Palestine. Both prophets, Yahya
and Jesus, began their missions to preach when they were in their
late twenties or early thirties, Yahya preceding Jesus by several
months (according to the gospels). Neither did anyone recognize
them, nor did they disclose who they were to anyone. Herod
Antipas36 and the Romans heard stories of a man who was
baptizing people and of a man who was performing miracles.
Herod Antipas suspected that one of these two could be the one
who would end his power, information probably passed down to
him from his now-deceased father, Herod the Great. Herod
Antipas resolved to arrest one of themhim who was the
prophesied Messiah.
According to Luke, the word of God came to John
the son of Zechariah in the wilderness and he went into all the
region about the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance.
(Lk. 3:2-3) He had been keeping away from mankind as the son
of Mary still was. Now John was told to come out of the
darkness and into the light. Matthew 3:1 says that he began with
the dire warning: Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at
hand! (Mt. 3:2) From then on, he began to preach to the people
and attract followers and disciples.
Mark writes: As it is written in Isaiah the prophet,
Behold I send My messenger before thy face, who shall prepare
the way; the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the
way of the Lord, make his paths straight! (Mk. 1:2-3)37 That
messenger was Yahya (John). Yahya did not reveal his own

Herod Antipas: not to be confused with his father Herod the Great (d.
4 BCE). When after the death of his father the kingdom was divided,
his inheritance was Galilee (northern Palestine) and Peraea (a territory
east of Jordan River) where he reigned from 4 BCE to 39 CE.
A voice cries: In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make
straight in the desert a highway for our God. (Is. 40:3) The verse from
Isaiah quoted by Mark is actually from the section of Isaiah called the
Second Isaiah (Is. 40-66) and dates from the time of Cyrus in mid6th century BCE. The prophet Isaiah who gives his name to the book
was active in Judah some two centuries earlier.


name, nor did he reveal the name of the Messiah who was
among them and who kept himself secret. For this, he earned the
epithet applied to him in the Quran hasur that is, concealer (of
Mark continues with a hint of Johns tremendous
popularity and a description of the prophet himself: John the
baptizer appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of
repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And there went out to him
all the country of Judaea, and all the people of Jerusalem; and
they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their
sins. Now, John was clothed with camels hairs, and had a
leather girdle around his waist, and ate locusts and wild honey.
(Mk. 1:4-6)
Then Mark uses John to introduce the appearance of
Jesus: And he preached, saying, After me comes he who is
mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to
stoop down and untie. I have baptized you with water; but he
will baptize you the Holy Spirit. (Mk. 1:4-8)
John had begun his work by baptizing the people. His
teachings astonished the people, so much so that Luke tells us:
All the people were in expectation, and all men questioned in
their hearts concerning John, whether perhaps he were the
Christ. (Lk. 3:15) We have already seen above that his father
Zechariah had prophesied about him as though he were the
expected Messiah (Lk. 1:67-75).
Now, to the common folk who were being baptized, the
son of Zechariah was a gentle and mild-tempered man, but his
demeanor changed upon seeing the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Matthew tells us that he reprimanded them with harsh words as if
he were provoking them: You brood of vipers! Who warned
you to flee from the wrath to come? Bear fruit in keeping with
repentance. And do not presume to say to yourselves, We have
Abraham as our father, for I tell you, God is able from these
stones to raise up children for Abraham.38 Even now, the axe is
laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that does not
bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. (Mt. 3:710)
This was, in fact, what John was doing. He provoked the

See Note 15 above.


delegation sent by the priests and the Levites to assess him so

that in John 1:19, they surrounded him, inquiring of him his
identity. The son of Zechariah testified: I am not the Christ.
And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elijah? He said, I
am not. Art thou the Prophet? And he answered, No. So they
said to him, Who art thou? We need to give an answer to those
who sent us. What dost thou say about thyself? He said, I am
the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, Make straight the
way of the Lord (Jn. 1:20-23)
Notice that the son of Zechariah did not reveal his true
identity to those learned men. It is clear that they did not know
that he was the son of Zechariah. If they had, why would they
have asked such questions about his identity? The answer is
simple: Jesus and Yahya had left when they were infants and
when they returned, they were adults. Who could have known
them after so many years had passed? Another thing to keep in
mind is that nowhere in the New Testament do we find either of
the two, Jesus nor Yahya, revealing their actual names to
anyone. The people referred to both of them as either lord or
However, there is, as we shall see, a way to distinguish
between the two.
Yet the question remains, why John did not reveal his
true identity. The answer is that he knew his mission, and that
required that his true identity should be withheld. In the Quran,
we read the following command by God to his righteous servant:
O Yahya, take hold of the Scripture with might, and We gave
him wisdom when a child. (Q. 19:12) To which scripture does
the verse refer? According to the Tafsir of Ibn Kathir, we are
This also implies what is not mentioned, that this
promised boy was born and he was Yahya. There is also the
implication that God taught him the Book, the Torah which they
used to study among themselves. The Prophets who were sent to
the Jews used to rule according to the Torah, as did the scholars
and rabbis among them. He was still young in age when God
gave him this knowledge. This is the reason that God mentioned
it. Because of how God favored him and his parents, He says, (O
Yahya! Hold fast to the Scripture [the Tawrah]) This means,

Learn the Book with strength.' In other words, learn it well,

with zeal and studious effort.39
Why must the presumption be that the scripture he is
told to take hold of with might only refers to the Torah? We read
in the Quran the following: And He will teach him [the son of
Mary] the Scripture and wisdom, and the Torah and the Gospel.
(Q. 3:48)
Here we are told that God taught the son of Mary the
Law [Torah] and the Gospel [Injil]. But, what was this Scripture
and Wisdom that God also taught him? It is my belief that this
scripture and wisdom were nothing less than the instructions to
the son of Mary about his prophetic mission. And as the son of
Zechariah was the son of Marys ally and aide, it should be
assumed that he too had been given such a scripture (or
instructions) and wisdom, as was done with Moses and his
kinsman and aide Aaron. It requires no stretch of the imagination
to presume that the son of Zechariah, as a prophet, was also
given such a scripture. The Quran tells us that all the prophets
came with a scripture:
Mankind were one community, and God sent (unto them)
prophets as bearers of good tidings and as warners, and
revealed therewith the Scripture with the truth that it might judge
between mankind concerning that wherein they differed. And
only those unto whom (the Scripture) was given differed
concerning it, after clear proofs had come unto them, through
hatred one of another. And God by His Will guided those who
believe unto the truth of that concerning which they differed.
God guideth whom He will unto a straight path. (Q. 2:213)
The son of Mary and the son of Zechariah each brought
his own message and wisdom that confirmed existing scripture.
Consider Moses and Aaron, but at the same time they were also
of one purpose. In the Quran, we are told that Aaron was a
prophet: And We bestowed upon him of Our mercy his brother
Aaron, a Prophet (also). (Q. 19:53)
As a prophet, Aaron was also given that which was
given to Moses: And We verily gave Moses and Aaron the
Criterion (of right and wrong) and a light and a Reminder for

Tafsir of Ibn Kathir.


those who keep from evil (Q. 21:48)

And in another place: And We verily gave grace unto
Moses and Aaron, and saved them and their people from the
great distress, and helped them so that they became the victors.
And We gave them the clear Scripture and showed them the right
path. And We left for them among the later folk (the salutation):
Peace be unto Moses and Aaron! (Q. 37:114-120)
It is my belief that there can only be one reason for the
son of Zechariahs being told to take hold of the scripture with
might; it is that he will be the one they would assume to be the
messiah, and it is he who would be the one to face the great
opposition, not the son of Mary as most assume. The son of
Mary and the son of Zechariah became alter egos to some
degree. This will be shown below. Nothing of our revelation
(even a single verse) do we abrogate or cause be forgotten, but
we bring (in place) one better or the like thereof. Knowest thou
not that God is Able to do all things? (Q. 2:106)
The son of Zechariah had his instructions, and this
prophet of God would in no manner deviate from the divine plan.
He stood by the words of his Lord. The reason for withholding
his real identity will become clearer as the story moves forward.
And so the interrogation continued: Why then dost
thou baptize if thou art not the Messiah, Elijah, nor that
prophet? John answered them, I baptize with water, but among
you stands one whom ye do not know, the thongs of whose
sandals I am not worthy to untie. (Jn. 1: 25-27) The Synoptic
gospels40 have John say, I baptize with water, but he who
comes after me baptizes with the Holy Spirit. (e.g., Mk. 1:8)
Here the son of Zechariah alludes to his contemporary, the son of
Mary, who is amongst them also, and who has not revealed
himself. He gives them a distinguishing feature: his baptizing.
After the learned men finished interrogating the son of
Zechariah, the son of Mary appeared before the son of Zechariah
for baptism, that is, spiritual involvement. It is my belief that at

Synoptic Gospels: synoptic means having a common view.

Matthew, Mark, and Luke have affinities that have long been
recognized and which set them apart from John. Together they are
called the Synoptic Gospels. (NTAIP, p. 90.)


this point the two prophets of God conversed about their

respective missions and how they were to be implemented. This
was a critical point, as this would be the first and last time they
would show themselves together before anyone.
Matthew tells us that the son of Zechariah was moved by
this, and said, I must be baptized by thee, and thou comest to
me? To which Jesus replied, Let it be so now, for it is fitting
for us to fulfill all righteousness. (Mt. 3:14-15) With the people
and the learned men looking on, it is clear here that the son of
Mary was not to be revealed, but to remain unknown. The son of
Zechariah was to continue his public ministry and remain the
leader. In other words, let it be so now, was the signal that the
divine plan was now underway.
The Quran confirms the position and status of the son of
Zechariah: And the angels called to him (Zechariah) as he stood
praying in the sanctuary: God giveth thee glad tidings of (a son
whose name is) Yahya, (who cometh) to confirm a word from
God, chief (sayyid), concealer (of secrets) hasur), a prophet of
the righteous Q. 3:39)
Let us examine these Quranic epithets for Yahya more
closely: The first is chief (sayyid). In his Commentary, Ibn
Kathir reports the following concerning this word sayyid,
meaning of: Abu Al-Aliyah, Ar-Rabi bin Anas, Qatadah and
Said bin Jubayr said that Gods statemen, (and sayyid) means a
wise man. Ibn Abbas, Ath-Thawri and Ad-Dahhak said that
sayyid means, the noble, wise and pious man. Said bin AlMusayyib said that sayyid is the scholar and faqih. Atiyah said
that sayyid is the man noble in behavior and piety. Ikrimah
said that it refers to a person who is not overcome by anger,
while Ibn Zayd said that it refers to the noble man. Mujahid
said that sayyid means, honored by God.41
In the Quran, the Prophet Yahya is referred to as sayyid
(chief). The commentators have interpreted this to mean that he
was a scholar of religious law, a wise man, a noble wise and
pious man, etc. However, this was a prophet of God; intuitive
knowledge and wisdom were given to him by his Lord. The
epithet given to Yahya indicates that he was one endowed with

Tafsir of Ibn Kathir.


authority over his people and not noble or honorable, as this

word is usually translated. Honor and nobility are praiseworthy
qualities, but they fail to connote that God had given Yahya a
role of leadership.42
The second is concealer (of secrets) (hasur): The
passage quoted from Ibn Kathir above continues: Gods
statement [and hasur] does not mean he refrains from sexual
relations with women, but that he is immune from illegal sexual
relations. This does not mean that he does not marry women and
have legal sexual relations with them.43
The word hasur is usually translated as chaste. My
research shows that the Arabic word hasur does not mean
chaste with respect to the Prophet Yahya. Why this preference
for chaste in translation of and commentary on the Quran? As
there was no extensive information given in the Quran about the
life of Prophet Yahya nor in the Sunnah, the Muslim
commentators turned to Christian writings and simply repeated,
with some adjustments, what they found there.
Commentators on the Quran have placed much emphasis
on this issue. Tabari interprets the word (hasur) to mean: one who
abstains from sexual intercourse with women. He then reports a
Tradition on the authority of Said ibn al-Musayyab which has
Prophet Muhammad saying the following: Everyone of the
sons of Adam shall come on the Day of Resurrection with a sin
(of sexual impropriety) except Yahya bin Zechariah. Then
picking up a tiny straw, he continued, this is because his
generative organ was no bigger then this straw (implying that he
was impotent).44
Does this mean that even the prophets other than Yahya
would be raised up guilty of the sin of sexual impropriety? How
can we accept that this was said by such a modest human being,
comparing a straw to another prophets generative organ? Was
Yahya impotent? According to other commentatorsfor
example Ibn Kathir, who is considered a renowned scholar of
Islam, rejects this view and further states: This would be a
defect and a blemish unworthy of prophets. He then mentions

Knight, Ihya al-Nabi Yahya, pp. 2-3.

Tafsir of Ibn Kathir.
Tafsir of Tabari, cited by Mahmoud M. Ayoub in his The Quran and
Its Interpreters, p. 109.


that it was not that Yahya had no sexual relations with women,
but that he had no unlawful sexual relations with them. Why
make mention of this? It is well known that the prophets of God
are innocent of major sins, so this statement about Yahya makes
no sense at all when interpreting the word, hasur. Moreover, in
his commentary, Ibn Kathir says he (Yahya) probably married
and had children.
There are several reasons why interpreting hasur as
chaste here is inappropriate: God says in the Quran that Islam
did not bring monasticism, but that it was something that they
(the Christians) invented. (Q. 57:27) Also, And verily We sent
messengers (to mankind) before thee, and We appointed for them
wives and offspring, and it was not given to any messenger that
he should bring a portent save by Gods leave. For everything
there is a time prescribed. (Q. 13:38) This is definitely not a
recommendation for monasticism. Furthermore, we find in the
Traditions that the Prophet said that there is no monasticism in
Islam. Therefore, God would not have sent a Prophet who was
celibate. In addition, to be celibate is against the Jewish
exhortation to go forth and multiply.
The word hasur is used but once in the Quran and that is
in regard to the Prophet Yahya. Well-known Arabic lexicons
state that when hasur is used alone, it means concealer.45 The
Prophet Yahya as a concealer (of secrets) will play a very
special role in the life of Jesus.
Many, if not all, translations of the Quran render the word
sayyid in Q. 3:39 as noble, as the meaning can refer to
nobility, and hasur as chaste. However, after scrutinizing these
words in their Quranic context, I find that these words as
interpreted by the above mentioned scholars diminish the power
of this prophets identity, character, and status, and especially his

A major Arabic-English Lexicon, that of Edward William Lane

(based upon Taj al-Arus) states that when hasur is used alone, it means
concealer [of secrets]. In his translation, of Ibn al-Arabi's Book of the
Fabulous Gryphon, Elmore also translates the Arabic hasur as
concealer [of secrets]. In the referenced passage, chaste would not
have been appropriate (Q 3:39). (Gerald T. Elmore, Islamic Sainthood
in the Fullness of Time, p. 482.) See also Knight, Ihya al-Nabi Yahya,
pp. 1-2.


role in the messianic story. Although the Quran gives us but a

brief description of the son of Zechariah, it does make mention
certain key points, his position, status, role, and unique name that
are clues to his real greatness that distinguish him from all others
before him. As we proceed, we shall point out these
characteristics of the son of Zechariah and bring to light some of
his long-hidden qualities and distinctions, God willing.
The Children of Israel had rejected the signs of God at the
first appearance of Mary with her newborn son, and God said the
unbelievers planned, and God said He too planned, and that He
is the best of planners. As stated above, the Quran described the
son of Mary in detail, but they rejected the signs of God, and
upon their return as adults, the son of Mary became a hidden
secret, and the son of Zechariah now exposed and fully detailed.


From the beginning, we are told by both the Bible and
the Quran that these two prophets of God are not to be generally
Mary screened (secreted) herself from her people.
Zechariah cries to his lord in secret.
A certain Joseph takes the son of Mary (as a child)
secretly into Egypt.
The wise men did not give information of the childs
whereabouts to King Herod; they kept it secret by departing for
their own country.
Zechariah and Mary swore a vow of secrecy.
The son of Zechariah did not reveal himself by the
Jordan, thus keeping his true identity secret.
The son of Zechariah did not reveal the son of Mary
while baptizing him, thus keeping him secret.
One may ask, why all this secrecy? It was simply
because a divine plan was being implemented. The Children of
Israel, as the scriptures tell us, attempted to kill prophets and
righteous men of God; hence the secrecy. As the Quran tells us:
We made a covenant of old with the Children of Israel and We
sent unto them messengers. As often as a messenger came unto
them with that which their souls desired not, (they became
rebellious). Some (of them) they denied and some they slew. They
thought no harm would come of it, so they were willfully blind
and deaf. And afterward God turned (in mercy) toward them.
Now (even after that) are many of them willfully blind and deaf.
God is Seer of what they do. (Q. 5:70-71)
The rebellious nature of the Children of Israel is decried
in the Bible:
Ye have been rebellious against the Lord from the day
that I knew you. (Deut. 9:24)
For I know how rebellious and stubborn ye are; behold,
while I am yet alive with you, today ye have been rebellious
against the Lord; how much more after my death! (Deut. 31:24)
They have stirred me to jealousy with what is no god;
they have provoked me with their idols. So, I will stir them to

jealousy with those who are no people; I will provoke them with
a foolish nation. (Deut. 32:21)
For this reason, it is written in Matthew that the kingdom
of heaven was now being taken from them [Children of Israel]
and given to another nation, perhaps the Arabs: Therefore I tell
you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given
to a nation producing the fruits of it. When the chief priests and
the Pharisees heard his parables, they perceived that he was
speaking about them. (Mt. 21:4345) That is, that the kingdom
of God would be taken from them and given to another people.46
What was this foolish nation that are called not a
people that inherited this Kingdom of God? Was it not the
Arabs, who in the words of Thomas Carlyle, have been
Roaming unnoticed in its desert since the creation of the
world? History tells us that Alexander the Great, the Romans,
the Persians, and the Egyptians all passed them by. In the 6th
century CE, the Arab Prophet [Muhammad] emerged to deliver
the message (the Quran) that would transform what was once a
foolish and unnoticed nation into a mighty kingdom: The Islamic
Nation. One man, one book, one global followingOneness and

Christian exegetes, of course, interpret this verse to mean the transfer

would be to the Christian church. However, Knight interprets this as a
prophecy of the passing of the kingdom of God to the Muslims some
five and one-half centuries later. Similarly, the identity of foolish
nation mentioned in Deut. 32:21 (in the section known as the Song of
Moses) is uncertain. Some Biblical commentators think it is the
Philistines; Knight takes it to be a foreshadowing of the rise of Islam
among the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula. The Quran refers to this
disobedience too: Those of the Children of Israel who went astray were
cursed by the tongue of David, and of Jesus, son of Mary. That was
because they rebelled and used to transgress. They restrained not one
another from the wickedness they did. Verily evil was that which they
used to do! (Q. 5:78-79) See also the following text.
It may be interesting to look at the birth narrative of the Prophet
Muhammad by the early (11th-century CE) Persian commentator Abu
Bakr Atiq Nishaburi Surabadi celebrating the Prophets future eminence
and impact upon the world. It is a part of his commentary on Surah alNajm (Q. 53 - The Star) and is translated from his Persian Commentary
on the Quran. Safiyah, the daughter of Abd al-Muttalib and the
Messengers aunt, is telling the story:


Say: O God! Owner of Sovereignty! Thou givest

sovereignty unto whom Thou wilt, and Thou withdrawest
sovereignty from whom Thou wilt. Thou exaltest whom Thou
wilt, and Thou abasest whom Thou wilt. In Thy hand is the good.
Lo! Thou art Able to do all things. (Q. 3:26)
The son of Mary was doing a service for God, and was
sent among the Children of Israel as a moral example. In the
Quran, we read the following: He is nothing but a servant on
whom We bestowed favour, and We made him an example for the
Children of Israel. (Q. 43:59) The Quran does not mention that
the son of Zechariah [Yahya] was one who was also sent as an
example to the children of Israel, but it is clear that he was.
Their divinely appointed mission was, among other
things, the setting of an example with which no mortal could
At that hour [of the Prophets birth], all the surface of the
earth became green with plants; all the trees put forth leaves and
blossoms; and all the fountains of the earth flowed with water. All the
afflicted found solace; all the sick found cure; all the perplexed found
tranquility; and all the pregnant delivered their burdens. A cry filled the
kingdom of the seven heavens and the earth: The unlettered Arabian
Hashimite Prophet is born, the Seal of the Prophets! Without
exception, all the idols of the world fell on their faces and the fires of
the Magians were extinguished. Not a cross was left standing anywhere
on earth. Not a temple of idol-worship was left that had not been
shaken by earthquakes. The palace of Chosroes was shattered, all the
synagogues trembled, and all the demons were alarmed, (wondering)
what had happened.
Iblis trembled on his throne on an island in the sea and the
throne was overturned. He fell from his throne with a loud cry; then he
shouted so that all the demons of the world heard him and turned in his
direction. His throne remained overturned for forty days. The demons
shook with fear and asked: What shall we do? What has happened?
Iblis answered: That person is born for whose sake I was ordered to
prostrate myself before Adam. That person is born who is the cause of
my falling into this state. That person is born for whose sake the two
existences and the two worlds were created. He shall change religions,
he shall smash the false idols, he shall expel Satan, and he shall
declare God, the Merciful, to be One!
And all the wild beasts of the world turned to one another
with the good news: Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of God
be upon him, is come! (excerpted from NTAIP, pp. 243-4.)


deflect. The son of Mary and the son of Zechariah would

demonstrate that the Children of Israel would revert to their
traditional pattern of attacking and persecuting the prophets and
righteous men of God. Their actions would be recorded as
evidence against them. God knew that among them there were
factions plotting to kill the Messiah. The secrecy would impede
the progress of their plans. In the Quran, we read the following:
And they (the disbelievers) planned, and God planned (against
them): and God is the best of planners. (Q. 3:54)48


Writes Maulana Muhammad Ali in his notes to his translation of The

Holy Quran: Makr is explained by R as the turning of another with
ingenuity or skill from that which he aims at, and he considers makr as
of two sorts, a good one and an evil one. Therefore, the best
interpretation of the work makara (including both sorts) is that adopted
by [Taj al-Arus], viz. he exercised craft, cunning, art, or skill in the
management or ordering of affairs with excellent consideration or
deliberation, and ability to manage according to his own free will
[Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane]. The idea of the
plan being contrived for an evil purpose or clandestinely, which is
included in the significance of the word, has led many to take the idea
at its exclusive significance, which is not the case. Makara-llahu may
also signify that All[h recompensed or requited them for their makr [Taj
al-Arus; Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane]. According
to some, its original significance is the gathering of an affair and its
strengthening [Al-Tafsir al-Kabir (Commentary) by Imam Fakhr al-Din
R[z\]. All these explanations show that it is the equivalent of the word
plan, the good or evil nature of the plan being dependent on the object
or doers intention. Allah is called here Khair al-makirin or Best of
planners, the qualifying word khair being inapplicable to an evil
object. (Note 434, Quran-MMA, pp. 146-7.)
The Jews planned to put Jesus to death by crucifixion, and
Allah made a plan to frustrate their plans; and Allahs plan was
successful, i.e. he was saved from death on the cross (Note 435,
Quran-MMA, P. 147.)


Now that we know the two prophets were implementing
Gods plan, how can we determine which are the words of the
son of Zechariah, and which are those of the son of Mary?
According to the first chapter of John, the people of Judah did
not know either of them. As described above, both had left
Judaea as infants and returned as adults. According to John, the
son of Zechariah never revealed his true identity, and John
further refers to the son of Mary as one who stood among them
whom ye do not know (Jn. 1:26).
So, how do we know who is who? It should be noted
that the gospels in question were not written until long after the
son of Mary and the son of Zechariah had departed from
Palestine. These anonymous writers of Matthew, Mark, Luke,
and John were not disciples, nor did they personally know the
son of Mary or the son of Zechariah. The four gospels were
composed by their author based upon collections of sayings and
traditions and put into the form of the narratives we now find in
the four gospels of the New Testament. Perhaps we should look
a little deeply into the history of New Testament writings under
Modern Biblical scholars believe that all of the books
and letters [in the present New Testament] were written between
51 and c. 150 CE, and that the earliest writings are not the
gospels as one might suppose, but rather the genuine letters of
Paul The oldest of the gospels, that of Mark, is believed to
have been penned in Rome between 70 and 75 CE; that is, about
two generations after the events of the crucifixion which are
generally believed to have taken place c. 30 CE.
The second gospel in point of chronology is thought to
be Matthew, written between 85 and 90 CE, probably at Antioch
[then in Syria, now in Turkey]. Lukes more comprehensive
work Luke-Acts, including a history of the early church and its
missionary activities in addition to a biography of Jesus, was
probably finished between 85 and 95 CE. The fourth and latest
gospel was that of John. There is much dispute about its date,
with present estimates ranging between 95 and 115 CE. The
provenance of Luke-Acts and John is not definitely known.

The Book of Revelation, originally attributed to John,

the author of the fourth gospel, was written about 96 CE, and the
Epistle of James came shortly after. First Peter may have been
written between 80 and 96 CE, but the three letters of John
(falsely ascribed to the disciple of that name as is the gospel by
the same unknown author) were composed between 100 and 110
CE. Pauls authorship of three more letters ascribed to him (1 &
2 Timothy and Titus) is now denied by modern scholarship.49
They could have been written between 100 and 140 CE. Jude
was written sometime between 125 and 150 CE; and 2 Peter,
believed to be the latest work included in the New Testament,
dates from about 150 CE.50
How does this affect the authenticity and authority of the
fourfold Gospel? Despite the perhaps gratuitous assertion to be
found in Johnthat the writer was a witness of at least some of
the events of the life of Jesus (Jn. 19:35; 21:24), modern
scholarship is virtually unanimous in the opinion that none of the
authors of the gospels were actual observers of any part of the
life of Jesus. At best, the gospel evidence is second-hand, what
would be called hearsay in a court of law today. It is also
colored by the rapid evolution of theological ideas in the crucible
of two generations of tumult, war, and strife in Palestine
followed by the amazingly rapid triumph of the Pauline theology
that strove to accommodate Jesus to Graeco-Roman culture by
Hellenizing him. Moreover, the multiplicity of variant readings
and simple errors in the earliest manuscripts attest a lack of
standards and supervision in the copying and transmission of the
texts in the crucial period before Christianity became a major
religious force in the Roman Empire, further compromising the
testimony of the gospels.
In addition to the recognition that we are dealing with
interpretation and not objective history (if there is any such
thing), we must remember, as we have already pointed out
several times, that we are working from reminiscences,
translated by the putative authors of the gospels. Though the
original language of the Fourfold Gospel was Greek, Jesus
taught in Aramaic with excursions into liturgical Hebrew, just as
modern Persian-speaking preacher might cite a Quranic text in

See Trawick-NT, pp. 134-6.

NTAIP, pp. 86-87.


Arabic and then expound upon it in Persian for the edification of

his audience.51
This brief look at some aspects of the textual history of
the New Testament is perhaps devastating enough to any
attempt to get behind the New Testament and to observe the
historical Jesus, a Jesus who would, Muslims confidently feel, be
in harmony with the Jesus found in the Quran.52 The same
would apply to the largely ignored story of John the Baptist who
is perhaps more honored in the Quran than in the Bible.53 Given
the uncertain historicity of the life and deeds of Jesus proffered
in the Bible, one should not be criticized for indulging in his own
speculations about the course and significance of the life and
deeds of John the Baptist.
Thus, the question becomes, how can we distinguish the
sayings of the son of Zechariah from those of the son of Mary?
Nowhere in the four Gospels do the son of Mary and the son of
Zechariah identify themselves by name. Both are addressed as
either rabbi or teacher; never by name. It is the gospel
writers active years after these two prophets had departed from
the scene who made the assumptions of their identity.

NTAIP, p. 117.
NTAIP, p. 118.
With respect to authenticity and authority of its basic text, vis--vis
Christianity and Judaism, Islam is in a unique position. Even if the
historicity of parts of the Hadith literature cannot withstand the critical
apparatus of textual and especially form criticism, Islam still possesses
a firm foundation from which to work: the Holy Quran. While modern
scholarship has destroyed much of the historical basis for Christian
faith, it has been unable to affect the basic integrity of the text of the
Quran, the foundation of Islamic faith. One may accept or reject its
mission, debate its meaning and interpretation, postulate source
theories, and dispute its divine origin, but the fact of the Quran remains
unaffected. Clearly, it is the task of Muslim scholarship to return to the
Quran and resume the task of elucidating its meaning with every means
at our disposal: the traditional disciplines of textual criticism, as well as
the newer disciplines of archeology, comparative religion,
anthropology, etc. In this task, the Traditions stand in a secondary
position, but still have great importance as witnesses in Islam. They
may be used as evidence for proof, but not without some cautious


Both prophets of God were blessed with wisdom, and

they used that wisdom. As long as their identities were kept
secret, they would complete their missions successfully. The
Children of Israel were not privy to the divine plan. An epithet
that has many Christian and non-Christian scholars perplexed is
son of man. It is the popular Christian belief that Jesus was the
son of man, but this would be incorrect it is if one believes in the
virgin birth. Jesus was born without a father so that would make
him the son of woman;54 hence, the Quranic epithet frequently
used for Jesus: son of Mary. Since Jesus was not a son of
man in the literal sense, what are we left with? Yes, Yahya! He
was born to Zechariah, and this title can only be applied to him.
The son of Zechariah is the true son of man.
The Jewish prophecies about the messiah postulated that
he would be of the seed of David. The Christian belief that Jesus
was the son of David would be impossible in my view, if one
accepts the virgin birth. However, this omission would not
exclude him from being a spiritual descendant of David.
Prophets are brothers to one another, hence Jesus could have
been a spiritual descendant of David, but so could John the
Baptist for that matter. The original meaning of the word
messiah is anointed. Both John and Jesus were anointed by
God, therefore, is it possible that both were Messiahs? The act of
God in creating Jesus without a human father could be seen as a
stratagem to throw the Jews into confusion from the beginning.
This device makes it clear that God was doing something new.
Since, according to the gospels, Josephnor any other
mortalwas not his father, the son of Mary had no paternal
ancestry. It is well established that in Jewish tradition and
custom, genealogy was traced through the male line; but the son
of Marys genealogy is only on the maternal side. The
genealogies offered by Matthew and Luke end with Joseph who,
according to most interpretations of the New Testament, was not
the father of Jesus. The son of Zechariah called himself son of
man so as not to confuse him with the son of Mary, but also to
identify him when he comes in his glory. Consider the following

Ibn Kathir also points out that Jesus is called the son of Mary to
signify that he had no father (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. II, pp. 39-40).
Cited by Mahmoud M. Ayoub, p. 132). Knight refers to this situation
when he refers to the son of Mary as the son of woman.


verses from the Quran: And mention Zechariah when he cried

unto his Lord: My Lord! Leave me not unassisted, though Thou
art the Best of inheritors. (Q. 21:89)
In another place in the Quran, Zechariah cried unto
his Lord a cry in secret, saying: My Lord! Lo! the bones of me
wax feeble and my head is shining with grey hair, and I have
never been unblest in prayer to Thee, my Lord. Lo! I fear my
defenders after me, since my wife is barren. Oh, give me from
Thy presence a protector who shall inherit of me and inherit
(also) of the house of Jacob. And make him, my Lord, acceptable
(unto Thee). (Q. 19: 3-6)
What did the son of Zechariah inherit? It was not
worldly property;55 rather, it was a spiritual kingdom.56

See Num. 18:8-20 for an extensive discussion of the rights and duties
of the Levites, Num. 26:62 for [the Levites] were not numbered
among the people of Israel, because there was no inheritance given to
them among the people of Israel; Deut. 9:20 Therefore Levi has no
portion or inheritance with his brothers; and the Lord is in his
inheritance Deut. 12:12 and the Levite that is within your towns,
since he has no portion or inheritance with you. Deut. 14:27 and
thou shalt not forsake the Levite who is within thy towns, for he has no
portion or inheritance with thee. There are more references to this
legal condition in the Old Testament, but let these suffice.
Knight believes that Yahyas inheritance was the great office of
Abraham, through Jacob and Zechariah who followed the monotheistic
creed of Abraham. All the prophets proclaimed the Unity of the One
God. It was Yahyas responsibility to guard and preach the authentic
tradition of Abraham. According to Knight, all the prophets descended
from Isaac were called guardians of the faith (of Abraham).
Unfortunately, the message was susceptible to the corrupting influences
of Gods opponents. (See the warning of Moses about this: Deut:
31:25-29.) Therefore, prophets were sent in succession (muttabi>]n) to
restore the Abrahamic tradition all the way to the time of Yahya and
Isa. But the corruption of the message did not cease and God
suspended the prophetic succession through Isaac and became the
Guardian of His revelation. Lo! We, even We, reveal the Reminder, and
lo! We verily are its Guardian. (Q. 15:9) God favored mankind with a
last prophet of the seed of Abraham and Ishmael, the Prophet
Muhammad, who was the seal of the prophets, and the final
representative of the office of Abraham: This day I perfected your


Unfortunately in Islamic literature, the traditions about

the son of Zechariah do not correspond to his important status
and role. In the book Stories of the Prophets ascribed to Ibn
Kathir, we find some traditions that derive from the
misinformation found in the gospels and to which commentators
have added their own embellishments:
There are quite a number of traditions told about John.
Ibn Asaker related that one time his parents were looking for him
and found him at the Jordan River. When they met him, they
wept sorely, seeing his great devotion to God, Great and
Ibn Wahb said that, according to Malik, grass was the
food of John Ibn Zakariyah [John son of Zechariah], and he wept
sorely in fear of God. A chain of narrators reported that Idris Al
Khawlawi said: Shall I not tell you he who had the best food? It
is John Ibn Zakariyah, who joined the beasts at dinner, fearing to
mix with men. Ibn Mubarak stated that Wahb Ibn Al-Ward
narrated that Zakariyah did not see his son for three days. He
found him weeping inside a grave which he had dug and in
which he resided. My son, I have been searching for you, and
you are dwelling in this grave weeping! O father, did you not
tell me that between Paradise and Hell is only a span, and it will
not be crossed except by tears of weepers? He said to him:
Weep then, my son. Then they wept together. Other narrations
say that John said: The dwellers of Paradise are sleepless out of
the sweetness of God's bounty; that is why the faithful must be
sleepless because of God's love in their hearts. How far between
the two luxuries, how far between them? They say John wept so
much that tears marked his cheeks. He found comfort in the open
and never cared about food.
Johns life as hermit is somewhat romanticized:
He ate leaves, herbs, and sometimes locusts. He slept
anywhere in the mountains or in holes in the ground. He
sometimes would find a lion or a bear as he entered a cave, but
being deeply absorbed in praising God, he never heeded them.
The beasts easily recognized John as the prophet who cared for
all the creatures, so they would leave the cave, bowing their
heads. John sometimes fed those beasts, out of mercy, from his
religion for you and completed My favor unto you, and chosen for you
a religion AL-ISLAM. (Q. 5:3)


food and was satisfied with prayers as food for his soul. He
would spend the night crying and praising God for His blessings.
When John called people to worship God, he made them cry out
of love and submission, arresting their hearts with the
truthfulness of his words.
Then the gratuitous fable about Salomes licentious
dancing seducing king Herod into granting her Johns head on a
A conflict took place between John and the authorities
at that time. A tyrant king, Herod Antipas, the ruler of Palestine,
was in love with Salome, his brother's daughter. He was planning
to marry his beautiful niece. The marriage was encouraged by
her mother and by some of the learned men of Zion, either out of
fear or to gain favor with the ruler. On hearing the ruler's plan,
John pronounced that such a marriage would be incestuous. He
would not approve it under any circumstance, as it was against
the Law of the Torah. John's pronouncement spread like wildfire.
Salome was angry, for it was her ambition to rule the kingdom
with her uncle. She plotted to achieve her aim. Dressing
attractively, she sang and danced before her uncle. Her arousing
Herod's lust. Embracing her, he offered to fulfill whatever she
desired. At once she told him: "I would love to have the head of
John, because he has defiled your honor and mine throughout the
land. If you grant me this wish, I shall be very happy and will
offer myself to you." Bewitched by her charm, he submitted to
her monstrous request. John was executed and his head was
brought to Salome. The cruel woman gloated with delight. But
the death of God's beloved prophet was avenged. Not only she,
but all the children of Israel were severely punished by invading
armies which destroyed their kingdom.57

Stories of the Prophets. Ibn Kathir, trans. By Sheikh Muhammad

Mustafa, pp. 328-31. This book is ascribed to Al-Imam Ibn Kathir
(810-870 CE). Were this ascription so, it would be of great value for
both scholars and the general public. Regrettably, the integrity of the
ascription is compromised by the contents of the Translators Note
which states: We have elected to simplify the translation to suit the
foreign reader. We deleted all the controversial passages; therefore, this
text covers most of the important points which are relevant today. If
this were not enough, sections from other works have been included
that are not from the hand of Ibn Kathir: For this reason we also


Is it possible that our Muslim savants have been so

influenced by the colorful Biblical story of John that they have
failed to recognize the special Quranic attributes for this prophet
of God? The Biblical tradition in many respects diminishes John
in order to enhance the role of Jesus; Muslims should not imitate
them in this. Here we are told that the son of Zechariah, who is
mentioned in the Quran, as well as in the Gospel of Luke, as one
with a powerful position in the divine plan; eating grass, herbs,
and sometimes locusts. He slept in the mountains and holes in
the ground. We are told that the beasts recognized the son of
Zechariah as a prophet and upon leaving their cave for him, they
left bowing their heads. It should also be noted that the same
book reports the fabricated story found in the gospels that the
son of Zechariah was beheaded.
I do not believe Ibn Kathir made such a statement for the
simple reason that in his Commentary of the Quran he states that
Yahya was given safety and security in three situationsbirth,
death, and raising on the resurrection. It is my belief that this
statement was inserted by another hand. If one reads the
introduction to this book, it will be quite obvious. Countless
works have been published pertaining to the false crucifixion of
the son of Mary by Muslims, yet the false beheading of the son
of Zechariah is largely ignored. Why?
The Prophet Yahya could not have been beheaded as has
been asserted by many Muslim and Christian scholars. With
regard to Jesus, in the Quran, we read: Peace on me the day I
was born, the day that I die, and the day I will be raised up
again. (Q. 19:33) The verse states that Jesus was given safety
and security in these three situations. But what about Yahya ibn
Zechariah? We find the same description for him as we find for
Jesus, Peace on him the day he is born, the day he dies, and the
day he is raised up again. (Q. 19:15)
How does the supposed beheading of Yahya fit in the
above Quranic verse of one given peace by his Lord? We find in
depended (sic) on some other sources by contemporary writers such as
The Stories of the Prophets by Sheikh Al Sharawy, Gods Prophets by
Ahmad Bahgat, and Selected Stories from the Quran. Though the
honesty of the translator in informing us of his methods is to be
commended, unfortunately there are no indications in the text regarding
the source of any particular passage one may be reading.


the commentary of Ibn Kathir that Yahya was also given safety
and security in these three situations, but the book speciously
ascribed to Ibn Kathir, Stories of the Prophets, agrees with the
Gospel accounts of Yahyas being beheaded and the serving of
his head on a platter. How do we explain the beheading of this
Prophet of God? How, then, is he one who was safe and
secure? Are we to say that God saved Jesus, but abandoned
Yahya? Is this divine justice? As far as we know, all the prophets
mentioned in the Quran were delivered from their enemies.58
Yet, the Prophet Yahya, whose name ironically means He Who
Lives, is popularly supposed to have been put to death. In my
opinion, this would create an inconsistency in the Quran.
In the gospels, John was supposedly beheaded during the
first year of the ministry of Jesus, c. 27 CE. This was done by
Herod Antipas because of a vengeful wife and at the behest of
her daughter Salome whose dancing had captivated him. In other

Noah cried to us, and we are the best to hear prayer. And We
delivered him and his people from the great calamity, and made his
progeny to endure. And We left for him among generations to come in
later times. Peace to Noah among the nations! (Q. 37:75-79)
And We bestowed Our favor on Moses and Aaron and We
delivered them and their people from Great Calamity. And we helped
them so they overcame. And We gave them the book which helps to
make things clear; And We guided them to the straight way. And We
left for them among generations a later time. Peace to Moses and
Aaron! (Q. 37:114-120)
So also was Lut among those who were sent. Behold! We
delivered him and his adherents, all except and old woman who was
among those who lagged behind: Then We destroyed the rest. (Q.
And the fish swallowed him while he was blameworthy; and
had he not been one of those who glorify God, he would have tarried in
its belly till the day when they are raised (Q. 37:142-4)
And lo! Elias was of those sent (to warn). When he said unto
his folk: Will ye not ward off (evil)? Will ye cry unto Baal and forsake
the best of Creators. God, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers?
But they denied him, so they surely will be haled forth (to the doom)
save single-minded worshippers of God. And We felt for him among the
later folk (the salutation): Peace be unto Elias! Lo! Thus do We reward
the good. Lo! He is one of Our believing servants. (Q. 37:123-132)
We said: O fire, be coolness and peace for Abraham, (Q.
21:69) Thus do We reward the good. (Q. 37:110)


words, it was a private crime, not a state affair. Josephus, who

mentions John the Baptist rather favorably in his Antiquities says
nothing about this lurid tale. Josephus does mention Johns
execution at Macherus on the order of Herod Antipas, but the
reasons are political, not personal. Moreover, putting Johns
death so early clashes with Josephus own independent account.
Crook writes: Accepting the death of John at Macherus
as an historical fact, Josephus gives us one firm date: Herod
Antipas defeat in battle at the hands of the Nabataean King
Aretas IV (rgd. 9 BCE to 40 CE), whose daughter Herod had
married and divorced. Angered by the perceived insult to his
family and honor by this repudiation of his close kin, Aretas
sought revenge by sending his troops into battle against Herods
army. That occurred in 36-37 CE. In the Biblical story, Johns
death is the direct result of his opposition to that marriage,
therefore the order of events is Herods divorce, his marriage to
Herodias, Johns criticism and death, and Aretas armed reprisal,
not mentioned in the Biblical tale, but strongly affirmed by the
evidence of Josephus. Consequently, the date of Johns death
could not have been later than the date of that battle, 36-37 CE.
The lower end of the dating is that of the New
Testament, which indicates a date up to two years before the
events of the Passion, usually given now as c. 29 CE. Thus,
according the Bible, John died c. 27-29 CE. Reconciling the
Bible and Josephus means that John died some time between
c.27 CE, the downward limit, and 36-37 CE, the upward limit, a
period of some ten years.
If we hold that the Bible is correct, Josephus is wrong
or, one might argue, that ten years had elapsed between the
Herods insult to Aretas family honor and that both are correct.
Since Josephus says only that Johns death occurred before the
battle of 36-37 CE, is it realistic to suppose that Aretas waited
ten years before avenging Herods insult?
We need not be that cautious. Prof. Eisenmann thinks
that Josephus text suggests a date of c. 36 CE for the death of
John.59 Josephus text supports a rapid scenario. Aretas, not
being obstructed by overzealous lawyers, would have sought to
restore the honor of his family in the old-fashioned way, with

Robert Eisenmann, James the Brother of Jesus.


swift, peremptory action, perhaps within a year or two of

Herods act of lse majest. That would make Prof. Eisenmans
suggested 36 CE quite plausible, superseding the traditional c. 27
CE based upon the Pauline New Testament. We think that the
implications of the words of Josephus present a serious challenge
to the received view, a view that is influenced by lingering ideas
of Biblical infallibility.60
How would this later date affect our discussion of
Knights theories, especially his suggestion that John was the
principal actor in the crucifixion, not Jesus? Put simply, it would
remove it from the realm of chronological impossibility to that of
chronological possibility. The alternative would require us to
shift the date of the Jesus Passion from 29 or 30 CE to a date
after 36 CE. However, here we encounter another problem. The
Biblical evidencethe only source of information that we have
about Paulindicates that he never met Jesus in person. His
conversion reputedly took place some time c. 34-36 CE. To
move the crucifixion to a date as late as 36 CE or later would
appear to be impossible.61
Thus, Josephus brief remarks give the lie to the whole
sordid gospel fabrication about the beheading of Yahya by a king
smitten by the dancing of his step-daughter. The tale is merely
another and most degrading instance of the covert trivialization
of John the reader finds in the gospel picture of him.
Though I agree with Josephus as to the date of the
Prophet Yahyas arrest, I do not agree with his statement that
Yahya was put to death. Josephus was not an eyewitness to this

The patient reader may be interested in the fate of Herod Antipas

after he had been defeated in battle by Aretas: at the urging of
Herodias, Herod sought from the Roman emperor Caligula (rgd. 37-41
CE) the title of king. The couple went to Rome for this purpose, but
Herodias brother Agrippa, coveting Herods territories, brought
charges against Herod. This resulted in Herods banishment to Gaul
(modern France) by Caligula, who was Agrippas friend, in 39 CE.
Herodias stayed with Herod and he died there in Lyons, far away from
Palestine. Herod Antipas had the longest reign of any Jewish ruler of
the Second Temple period, some 43 years. Aretas IV remained on his
throne until 40 CE.
Crook, Jay R, Rethinking John the Baptist. However, Knight believes
that there was no attempted crucifixion of Jesus, therefore 36 CE would
still be a possible date for a crucifixion of John.


execution, but was informed of second-hand, perhaps from

official records, for that was the way it was meant to appear.
What is interesting is that the date of Josephus account of
Yahyas arrest and alleged execution is about the same time as
that of the crucifixion of Jesus, 35 or 36 A.D. Of course, not
everyone agrees with such a late date for the crucifixion, most
putting it half a dozen years earlier, but some scholars have
begun rejecting the traditional chronology and have accepted the
good possibility of a later date.
Schonfield writes: When Jesus was baptised by John he
began to be about thirty years of age. So that in A.D. 35 he
would have been twenty-nine. Lukes system thus fits in with the
evidence of Josephus, on whom, as we have seen, he relies a
good deal. Matthew's chronology does not affect the date of the
ministry and crucifixion of Jesus: it only makes him a
considerably older man, born in 6-5 B.C. in the reign of Herod
the Great, who died in 4 B.C. Therefore at the date of his
crucifixion in A.D. 36 Jesus would have been about forty-one,
which would more nearly agree with John's Gospel, where the
Jews of Jerusalem say to Jesus, Thou art not yet fifty years
It is my belief that there was only one arrest and one
alleged execution and that was of John the Baptist who, I
believe, was put on the cross yet in some manner survived the
ordeal. If Jesus was crucified, how then do we explain the
absence of any mention of the event by Josephus? If, in fact, he

Schonfield, p. 257. The Jews then said to [Jesus], Thou art not yet
fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? (Jn. 8:57) The clear
implication is that Jesus was a man of middle age, in his forties. This
flies in the face of the tradition that depicts Jesus as comparatively
young, traditionally 33, at the time of the Passion. This anomaly and its
implications are usually passed over in commentaries. (NTAIP, p.
222) It is interesting to note that the word kahl is used only twice in the
Quran and both times in passages about Jesus: And (Jesus) will speak
unto mankind in his cradle and in his manhood (Q. 3:46) and: so
that thou [Jesus] speakest unto mankind in the cradle as in maturity
(Q. 5:110) the word translated as manhood in the first verse and
maturity in the second is the same, namely kahl. The dictionary
(Wehr) tells us that kahl is formed from a root meaning: to be mature,


was a sober historian and can be trusted in his reports of matters

which did not affect his personal reputation, how could he have
ignored this momentous event of the crucifixion of Jesus so
trumpeted by early Christians? It is my belief based on the
available evidence that there was only one arrest of a prominent
figure at that time and that figure was the Prophet Yahya. For
this reason, he is commented upon in the writings of Josephus. It
is also my belief that although Josephus does not mention the
manner of the Prophet Yahyas alleged execution, it would
probably have been by crucifixion. This was normal for
insurgents or potential insurgents in the Roman Empire, as
Herod Antipas viewed John the Baptist. We shall see why this
was also the sentence of the Prophet Yahya as we continue
I would like to remark that though Yahya is called the
Prophet of the Highest by his father Zechariah, also a prophet, it
seems that most scholars of both Christianity and Islam
(following his characterization in the traditions and most
commentaries) have portrayed him as a prophet of a lower rank
and have unjustly underestimated his important role in the
messianic story and in the development and spread of the
universal religion of the One God.


Knight, Ihya al-Nabi Yahya, pp. 4-5.


We know from the gospels that Jesus had disciples,
traditionally twelve in number, and that John also had an
unspecified number of disciples. Luke mentions the austere
behavior of Johns disciples (Lk. 5:33) and records that John sent
two of them to meet with Jesus (Lk. 7:18-22). Though the
disciples of Jesus were criticized by some for their laxity in the
performance of their expected religious obligations, they
probably represented the type of men attracted to such causes.
As the Bible gives no other information about Johns disciples,64
let us look at those of Jesus and we may gain some insight about
what sort of men the disciples of John may have been. These are
the names of the followers named in the gospels, following the
order given in the oldest gospel, Mark (Mk. 3:16-19):
1. Simon, surnamed Peter: According to the Synoptics,
Simon lived with his family in Capernaum on the northwestern
shore of the Sea of Galilee. He was a fisherman. John, however,
states that he was from Bethsaida at the northern end of the Sea
of Galilee, about 6 miles to the east. In the Synoptic gospels,
Simon and his brother Andrew were the first disciples to be
called by Jesus and was later called Peter (the rock) by him.
Simon-Peter was a Galilean, as was Jesus.
2. James, the son of Zebedee: A Galilean, the son of a
prosperous fisherman. Apparently he and his brother John were
in a kind of partnership with Simon-Peter and his brother

Johns disciples are mentioned several times in the gospels, none by

name except Andrew who, John tells us, defected with another
unnamed disciple from John to follow Jesus. Andrew also brought his
brother Simon Peter who later became Jesus most important disciple
(Jn. 1:40-42). In the tale of Salome and the beheading, Johns disciples
collected Johns body, buried and reported to Jesus (Mt. 14:2). In
another incident, John reports that a question of purification brought to
John by his disciples. This provides John with another opportunity
show the Baptist expanding upon his inferiority to Jesus (Jn. 3:25-36).
One can almost hear the smug satisfaction of the author of John as he
writes: Now when the Lord [Jesus] that the Pharisees had heard that
Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John (Jn. 4:1)


Andrew. All became disciples. Jesus nicknamed him son of

Thunder (Boanerges).65
3. John, the brother of James: Another son of Zebedee,
he shares the above description of his brother, including the
epithet Son of Thunder. However, he became much more
prominent in Christian tradition than James and was called the
beloved disciple. He should not be confused with the putative
author of John or John of Patmos, who is credited with the
writing of Revelation.
4. Andrew: According to John, Andrew, the brother of
Simon-Peter and also a fisherman, was at first a disciple of John
the Baptist, but left him for Jesus, also bringing his Simon-Peter
to him. Both became Jesus disciples at about the same time.
5. Philip: nothing much is known about his
circumstances other than that he was also from Bethsaida in
6. Bartholomew: Little is known about him save his
name. Bartholomew is really a patronymic meaning Son of
Tholmai. His given name may have been Nathanael, if the
Nathanael mentioned by John (who does not mention
Bartholomew) is same as the Bartholomew of the Synoptics
(who do not mention Nathanael). In that case, his full name
would have been Nathanael, son of Tholmai.
7. Matthew: A the tax collector (publican), collecting
dues and taxes from the Jews for their Roman masters. Another
Galilean, perhaps from Capernaum or its environs, he is depicted
in the gospels as being prosperous and he threw a lavish feast for
Jesus and his party that attract the disapproval of the Pharisees
and other Jews. His given name was probably Levi, the son of
Alphaeus (Mk. 2:9); Matthew (gift of God) appears to be
additional name possibly given by Jesus. Some believe that he
was the brother of James, son of Alphaeus, listed below (No. 9),
but there as strong circumstantial evidence against this
8. Thomas: Only his name is given by the Synoptics, he


Boanerges: the nickname bestowed upon the sons of Zebedee, James

and John, by Jesus, supposedly meaning sons of thunder. The word is
of uncertain etymology. (DB, Boanerges, p. 110.)
DB, Matthew, p. 630.


plays a greater role in John.67 There is a tradition that he was

born in Antioch, but nothing definite about his origins is
mentioned in the Bible.
9. James: A Galilean about whom little is known but
much is speculated. He was the son of Alphaeus and a fraternal
relationship with Matthew has been proposed. James may been
the father or brother of the apostle Judas who appears in LukeActs in place of Thaddeus (see below).
10. Thaddeus: Called by this name in Matthew and
Mark, this disciple is apparently the Judas (son or brother of
James, not Judas Iscariot) referred to by Luke and Acts. To add to
the confusion, he is also called Lebbaeus in some texts of the
New Testament. John makes no mention of him and the sum of
the Biblical information about him is his name. As the disciples
were in Galiee at the time of the calling, we may assume that he
was also a Galilean.
11. Simon, the Cananaean: Or Simon the Zealot,
Cananaean or Canaanite having that meaning. Simon is the only
to disciple of Jesus to have an overt connection with the
extremist Zealots who were partisans of Jewish independence
and the Law and were fierce opponents of Roman rule.
12. Judas Iscariot, the betrayer: After Peter, perhaps the
most famousor infamousof the disciples, he was the only

After the supposed crucifixion of Jesus, the first time he appeared to

the disciples, Thomas was absent. When they told him about the return
of Jesus, Thomas said: Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails,
and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand in his
side, I will not believe. Eight days later, his disciples were again in the
house, and Thomas was with them. The doors were shut, but Jesus
came and stood among them, and said, Peace be with you. Then he
said to Thomas, Put thy finger here, and see my hands; and put out thy
hand, and place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing.
Thomas answered him, My Lord and my God! Jesus said to him,
Hast thou believed because thou hast seen me? Blessed are those who
have not seen and yet believe. (Jn. 20:25-29) Hence, the expression
a doubting Thomas in English.
Incidentally, Thomas means twin [in Aramaic] and is a
cognate of the Arabic tawam. In John, the name Thomas is often
coupled with Didymus, which is simply a Greek translation meaning
twin. Thus Thomas called Didymus (Jn. 11:16, 21:11-12) = Twin
called Twin. NTAIP, p. 308 (note).


Judaean disciple. According to John, he was the treasurer of the

disciples (Jn. 12:5; 13:29). Various explanations have been given
for the term Iscariot,68 but if it be derived from the Latin word
sicarius (dagger-man) imported into Aramaic, this would
strongly imply that, like Simon the Cananaean, Judas too was a
Zealot. In John, he is referred to as Judas the son of Simon
Iscariot (Jn. 6:71; 13:26). Little else known about him, except
of course his role in the betrayal of Jesus to his enemies that led
to the events of the trial and crucifixion. More about him will be
said in the proper place below.
Thus the disciples of Jesus, according to the New
Testament. Except for Peter and Judas Iscariot, not much is
known about them as individuals save for a few scattered
incidents involving them. Whilst a majority of Christian
scholars deny any real connection between Jesus and the Zealots,
there is some room for speculation. It has been suggested that
Judas Iscariot, the alleged betrayer of Jesus, was a Zealot, and
that his surname Iscariot derives from Sicarii, although other
derivationshave been proposed. Putting aside the question of
Judas Iscariot, Jesus certainly had another connection with the
Zealots: one of his Twelve Disciples was explicitly called Simon
the Zealot (Lk. 6:15). These speculations become particularly
important when considering the events of the Passion Week69
We have given this review of the disciples in order to
give the reader an idea of the kind of person who was attracted to
such charismatic leaders as Jesus and John the Baptist. Because
the gospels are in praise of Jesus, we find much about him and

Such as man from Issachar (one of the ten ancient northern

Israelite tribes carried off by the Assyrians in 721 BCE), man of
Sychar (which would make him a Samaritan), man from Kerioth (by
breaking the word up into ish Kariot), and carrier of the scortea
(purse?). (Judas Iscariot, article by Thomas S. Kepler in DB, pp. 5356.)
NTAIP, p. 74. In another place, Crook writes: Mark comes down
squarely on the side of Paul and, as a consequence, Marks portrayal of
the disciples is biased and condescending, making them thickheaded
and incapable of understanding the Pauline subtleties that were, for
Mark, the true kerygma. (The kerygma is the doctrine of salvation
through Jesus Christ.) (NTAIP, p. 107.)


very little about John. The disparity is even greater with respect
to their respective disciples. Johns disciples are mentioned but
not named, except when a couple apparently defected from John
to Jesus. The rest were loyal and they even braved the wrath of
Herod Antipas to collect the body of John when he was allegedly
beheaded by Herod to please his wife and daughter. Though the
story is a probably fiction, the impression of Johns steadfast
disciples may not be. In any case, they were there and shared his
Though Paul never encountered the living Jesus,70 he
managed to insert himself among the surviving disciples of
Jesus, especially James (not the brother of Jesus), Peter, and
John. Their relations were not always cordial, especially with
Peter, and the Gospels written by Pauls followers reflect their
masters disdain for the real disciples who had walked, talked,
and eaten with Jesus. In their composition and editing of the
gospels, they reducedfor the most partthe disciples into a
group of slow dullards incapable of understanding Jesus. They
were to be compared with Pauls immediate perception of the
true nature of Christ and his mission through the illumination
of his vision. At the same time, Pauls followers imputed words
and actions to Jesus that validated Pauls abrogation of the
Mosaic Law.71
In the Quran, the following verses describe Jesus plea
for help and the willing response of his disciples. We may extend
its scope to illuminate the nature of Johns relationship with his
own disciples:

there is a major flaw in Lukes accounts of Pauls dramatic

conversion on the road to Damascus: Paul himself does not refer to it in
the authentic letters! We would have expected such things in the first
chapter of Galatians, but Pauls own words do not allude to it: But
when he who had set me apart before I was born, and had called me
through his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me, in order that I
might preach him to the Gentiles, I did not confer with flesh and
blood (Gal. 1:15-16) None of the incidents Luke lovingly describes,
not even the blindness, are confirmed by Pauls own words! Not only
that, but directly after this revelation Paul did not even head for
Damascus, butaccording to his own testimonyhe went straight to
Arabia (NTAIP. P. 421)
NTAIP, p. 421


[Isa] cried; Who will be my helpers in the cause of

God? The disciples said, We will be Gods helpers. We believe
in God and bear thou witness that we have surrendered (unto
Him). Our Lord! We believe in that which Thou hast revealed
and we follow him whom Thou hast sent. Enroll us among those
who witness (to the truth). (Q. 3:52-53)
Jesus disciples were almost all Galileans, northerners,
like himself, Judas being the conspicuous exception. This
becomes important when we consider the events at that critical
Passover Week. We may assume that Johns disciples were
probably drawn from Judaea and the regions close to the lower
Jordan valley, where he was active. We may also assume that the
disciples of both men were not so uncomprehending as the
gospels would like us to believe. Johns disciples would more
likely have been at home in the more sophisticated milieu of
southern Palestine and the lower Jordan region.
We do not read of Johns disciples performing miracles,
but considering the minimizing tone of the gospels with respect
to John, if they had done so, we probably would not have heard
about it. The gospel treatment of the disciples of Jesus was quite
different, for they were baptized by the Holy Spirit. When they
went out to perform miracles, they succeeded. For example, in
Luke, we read that the true disciples of the son of Mary said,
Lord, even the demons are subject to us in thy name. (Lk.
10:18) However, such success was not total, for they failed
abjectly to cure the boy possessed by the dumb spirit (Mk.
Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit. In the Quran 2:87,
we read the following: We gave unto Isa, son of Mary, clear
proofs (of Gods sovereignty), and We supported him with the
Holy Spirit. (Q. 2:87)
We are told here that the son of Mary was capable of
performing miracles, and that he was supported by the Holy
Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit and what does it mean that Jesus
was supported by the Holy Spirit?

This seems to be another Pauline disparagement of the abilities of

Jesus disciples.


According to Matthew and Luke, the Holy Spirit is none

other than the angel Gabriel. We read the following in Matthew
about the birth of the son of Mary: She [Mary] was found to be
with child of the Holy Spirit. (Mt. 1:18) Compare this with
Luke: In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God
to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin (Lk. 1:26) In the
Quran, too, the angel Gabriel is the Holy Spirit. Gabriel is
believed by Muslims to be the medium through which God
revealed the Quran to Prophet Muhammad. We read in the
Quran the following: Say (O Muhammad, to mankind): Who is
an enemy to Gabriel! For he it is who hath revealed (this
Scripture) to thy heart by God's leave, confirming that which
was (revealed) before it, and a guidance and glad tidings to
believers (Q. 2:97)
Compare this with another verse of the Quran: Say: The
Holy Spirit hath revealed it from thy Lord with truth, that it may
confirm (the faith of) those who believe, and as guidance and
good tidings for those who have surrendered (to God). (Q.
There is no doubt that Matthew and Luke, as well as the
Quran, recognize the Holy Spirit as being the angel Gabriel.
Being supported by the Holy Spirit is obvious; without the
support of Gabriel, Jesus could not have performed miracles
such as healing those who were born blind, raising the dead back
to life, cleansing those with leprosy, etc.
Now, the disciples of the son of Mary, as stated earlier,
were baptized with the Holy Spirit (the angel Gabriel).
According to another verse in the Quran, we read that when
Jesus was a child, he spoke in the cradle and foretold a sign from
his Lord to the Children of Israel: And will make him a
messenger unto the Children of Israel, (saying): Lo! I come unto
you with a sign from your Lord. Lo! I fashion for you out of clay
the likeness of a bird, and I breathe into it and it is a bird, by
God's leave.73 I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and
I raise the dead, by God's leave. And I announce unto you what

Knight points out that the miracle of the bird fashioned from clay by
Jesus and given life may be interpreted as a prophecy of his giving such
miraculous powers to his disciples, making them spiritual fliers. This
idea is also found in Sufi mysticism.


ye eat and what ye store up in your houses. Lo! herein verily is a

portent for you, if ye are to be believers. (Q. 3:49)
In the Quran, we read the following: And when I inspired the
disciples, (saying): Believe in Me and in My messenger, they
said: We believe. Bear witness that we have surrendered (unto
Thee). (Q. 5:111) It was God who inspired the true disciples of
Jesus and they declared their faith by submitting to the Lord of
the Worlds.
In the Quran, the disciples asked their master to show
them a miracle so as to be certain that what he said to them was
true and so that they could witness for themselves the
manifestation of his power: When the disciples said: O Isa, son
of Mary! Is thy Lord able to send down for us a table from
heaven? He said: Observe your duty to God, if ye are true
believers. (They said:) We wish to eat thereof, that we may
satisfy our hearts and know that thou hast spoken truth to us,
and that thereof we may be witnesses. (Q. 5:112-13)
Jesus replied with a prayer to God: Isa, son of Mary,
said: O God, Lord of us! Send down for us a table from heaven,
that it may be a feast for us, for the first of us and for the last of
us, and a sign from Thee. Give us sustenance, for Thou art the
Best of Sustainers. God said: Lo! I send it down for you. And
whoso disbelieveth of you afterward, him surely will I punish
with a punishment wherewith I have not punished any of (My)
creatures. (Q. 5:114-15)
After witnessing such things, can there be any doubt that
the disciples were of real and immovable faith? We believe the
same may be asserted for the disciples of Yahya.
According to Matthew, Jesus gave specific instructions
to his disciples. The true disciples of the son of Mary were not
faithless, as we have said above. The son of Mary instructed his
disciples as follows: Go nowhere among the Gentiles, and
enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of
the house of Israel.74 And preach as ye go, saying, The kingdom
of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse
lepers, cast out demons. Ye received without paying, give

Mt. 10:5.


without pay. Take no gold, nor silver, nor copper in your belts,
no bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff;
for the laborer deserves his food. (Mt. 10:5-10) Further we
read: A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above
his master; it is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and
the servant like his master (Mt. 10:24-25)
He empowered them to perform the miracles he himself
performed. They all received the same instructions. Thus, they
all became as one, a reflection of Gods Unity.
The message they were told to preach is of interest:
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. Is this not the same
message the son of Zechariah preached at the beginning of his
public career? Is there a connection? Why are they all
proclaiming the same message? We may recall that the son of
Mary deferred to the authority of the son of Zechariah when they
first met at the Jordan. This was so that the Temple authorities
would keep their eyes on the son of Zechariah. He was famous
for his use of this heavenly warning.
The son of Mary sent out his elect, and then turned to his
Lord and prayed: I have manifested Thy name to the men
whom Thou gavest me out of the world; Thine they were, and
Thou gavest them to me, and they have kept Thy word. Now
they know that everything that Thou hast given me is from Thee;
for I have given them the words which Thou gavest me, and they
have received them and know in truth that I came from Thee;
and they have believed that Thou didst send me. I am praying for
them; I am not praying for the world but for those whom Thou
hast given me, for they are Thine; all mine are Thine, and Thine
are mine, and I am glorified in them. And now I am no more in
the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to thee.
Holy Father, keep them in Thy name, which Thou hast given me,
that they may be one, even as we are one. (Jn. 17:6-11)75
The true disciples of the son of Mary were representatives of the Messiah; as such, they were just as genuine as he.

This prayer epitomizes Johns sublime divinization of Jesus, an

interpretation of his mission which both Muslims and Jews reject.
Knight holds that Jesus gave the disciples the same powers that had
been given to him by God.


The son of Mary had no reason to reveal himself to anyone. His

disciples, as stated in the above verse, brought him the glory.
(And remember) when the angels said: O Mary! Lo! God giveth
thee glad tidings of a word from him, whose name is the
Messiah, Isa, son of Mary, illustrious in the world and the
Hereafter, and one of those brought near (unto God). (Q. 3:45)
The disciples taught the people as they were taught by
their master, the son of Mary. The Messiah and his mother Mary
were to be protected from the evil ones. Consider the saying of
Marys mother from the Quran, when Mary was delivered: Lo! I
crave Thy protection for her and for her offspring from Satan the
outcast. (Q. 3:36)
God prevented any harm from touching them: and
how I restrained the Children of Israel from (harming) thee
when thou camest unto them with clear proofs, and those of them
who disbelieved exclaimed: This is naught else than mere
magic Q. 5.110)
But God Almighty secured them: And We made the son
of Mary and his mother a portent, and We gave them refuge on a
height, a place of flocks and watersprings. (Q. 23:50)
The disciples went into all of Jerusalem, each in his own
direction, and did as the son of Mary instructed them. The
kingdom of heaven that they preached was now being realized
by the people. News of a messiah performing miracles spread
rapidly throughout Jerusalem. The Temple authorities received
word from every direction where a messiah was spotted.
Unaware of the divine plan, they must have been baffled as to
how one man could be in so many places at once!
Each disciple instructed his followers not to reveal his
identity. His mission was one of secrecy, and those who accepted
and believed were those who prospered: O ye who believe! Be
God's helpers, even as Isa son of Mary said unto the disciples:
Who are my helpers for God? They said: We are God's helpers.
And a party of the Children of Israel believed, while a party
disbelieved. Then We strengthened those who believed against
their foe, and they became the uppermost. (Q. 61:14)
It is my belief that the Temple authorities sent agents
into every town, village, and city in order to apprehend and to

deliver up any messianic claimant. When the people were

confronted by the officers, they were ordered to surrender him,
but to their surprise, the officers were faced with a dilemma. One
by one, a person would come forth and say: I am he until the
whole town, village, or city became a phalanx of would-be
messiahs. No one would give up his master. How could he?
Children who were born blind had been given sight, those with
leprosy had been cleansed, and the dead had been raised to life.
They were taught well by their masters. Consider the masters
words, according to the Mark: For whoever would save his life
will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the
gospels will save it. For what does it profit a man, to gain the
whole world and forfeit his life? For what can a man give in
return for his life? For whoever is ashamed of me and of my
words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the
Son of man also be ashamed, when he comes in the glory of his
Father with the holy angels. (Mk. 8:35-38)
We can barely imagine the loyalty and devotion given to
the disciples by the people who had been helped by them and
who were now driven by a different spirit. How wonderful it is
that the Quran calls those who followed the messiah nasara
supporters, helpers, those who aid and assist, and not Christians,
a name introduced long after the disappearance of the son of


Though Luke refers to the use of the term Christians in Antioch in

the early 40s CE (Acts 11:26), its use was apparently not welcomed by
the followers of Jesus, especially the Jewish Christians, and it took
nearly a century for it to be generally accepted by the now largely
gentile followers of Christ. (See DB article on Christian, pp. 137-39.)
Nasara is an Arabic plural of Nasirani meaning a Christian. The root
n s r has the general meaning of to help, to aid, to assist; and to
triumph. In Egypt, a noun derived from the root, mansar, is used for a
band of robbers. (Wehr)



Now that the son of Mary had his mission well
underway, the time had arrived for him to provoke the Jews into
action. Jesus first told his followers what would take place:
Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man will
be delivered to the chief priests and the scribes,77 and they will
condemn him to death, and deliver him to the Gentiles; and they
will mock him, and spit upon him, and scourge him, and kill
him; and after three days he will rise. (Mk. 10:33-34)
Well versed in the Scriptures, Jesus instructed his
followers to find a donkey for him so that he might fulfill the
prophecy in Zechariah: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion
thy king comes to thee. Triumphant and victorious is he, humble
and riding on an ass, on a colt the foal of an ass. (Zech. 9:9) As
he rode into Jerusalem, Matthew tells us that the people threw
branches in the way and were shouting: Hosanna to the son of
David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
Hosanna in the highest. (Mt. 21:9)
Luke tells us that some of the Pharisees in the crowd
complained to the master: Teacher, rebuke thy disciples. He
answered, I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would
cry out. (Lk. 19:39-40) Then, Luke continues with the masters
lament over the fate of Jerusalem: Would that even today thou
knewest the things that make for peace! But now they are hid
from thy eyes. For the days shall come upon thee, when thine
enemies will cast up a bank about thee and surround thee, and
hem thee in on every side, and dash thee to the ground, thou and
thy children within thee, and they will not leave one stone upon
another in thee; because thou didst not know the time of thy
visitation. (Lk. 19:42-44)
The synoptic gospels all relate that Jesus next entered
the Temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling
there. He overturned the tables of the moneychangers, and the

Knight believes that the son of Man here is a code word for John
the Baptist and that this presages the events on Calvary. See chapter
Who Is Who? for a discussion of the term son of man.


benches of those selling doves. He provoked them again with

harsh words: It is written, My house shall be a house of
prayer; but ye have made it a den of robbers. (Lk. 19:46)
Mark tells us that the chief priests and the teachers of the
law became enraged, and began looking for a way to kill the
master (Mk. 11:18). Then, Judas Iscariot went to the chief priests
and asked: What will ye give me if I deliver him to you? They
gave him thirty pieces of silver (Mt. 26:14-15). They needed
Judas to identify the master for them as Jesus was not well
known by sight in Jerusalem.
How is that they did not know which person was the
master? Did the master not speak in the synagogues and the
temples where the Jews worshipped? Why should Judas be
needed to identify him? Before his coming to Jerusalem for the
Passover, most of Jesus teaching had been outside of Jerusalem.
Moreover, the son of Mary and his disciples made it very
difficult for anyone to identify which one was the real Messiah.
The people who followed and supported the man whom they
believed to be the messiah were not willing to give up their
master, so the Temple authorities needed someone from the
inside to identify the man who posed a danger to them. They
wanted to be sure that they captured and executed the right man.
Therefore, Judas Iscariota Judaean who had associated with
the disciples of the son of Marywas the most qualified to
perform this task.
While the betrayer Judas Iscariot conspired with the
Temple authorities to identify the Messiah, the son of Mary
instructed his zealous followers at what is now known as the
Last Supper: But now, let him who has a purse take it, and
likewise a bag. And let him who has no sword sell his mantle
and buy one. For I tell you that this scripture must be fulfilled in
me, And he was reckoned with transgressors; for what is
written about me has its fulfillment. And they said, Look, Lord,
here are two swords. And he said to them, It is enough. (Lk.
Why were only two swords enough? The reason is that
he was not planning to engage in any major battle, but they
would be need to implement Gods plan.
After the supper, Jesus and his disciples retired to the

place called Gethsemane.78 At least a few of his followers were

now armed. There he simulated the appearance of one ready for
combat. While the disciples took up positions around the grove,
Jesus moved further up to be alone. This is what is called Jesus
Matthew relates: And taking with him Peter and the two
sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he
said to them, My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain
here, and watch with me. And going a little farther he fell on his
face and prayed, My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass
from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.
And he came to the disciples and found them sleeping;
and he said to Peter, So, couldst thou not watch with me one
hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation;
the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Again, for the
second time, he went away and prayed, My Father, if this
cannot pass unless I drink it, Thy will be done. And again he
came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy. So,
leaving them again, he went away and prayed for the third time,
saying the same words. (Mt. 26:37-44)
My interpretation of the following events may startle
many of my readers, as it contradicts the traditional historical
account found in the Gospels, but this is what I believe may have
happened when Jesus repeated his prayer that the cup be taken
away from him:
Unbeknown to the disciples and moments before Jesus

The exact site of Gethsemanemost commentators say the name

means oil pressis disputed, although it was almost certainly near or
about the place now pointed out to tourists and pilgrims. Besides
churches, there are a number of ancient olive trees, though probably not
ancient enough to have witnessed the events of the Passion. The
Synoptics do not call Gethsemane a garden, John does, but does not use
the name Gethsemane. Another minor (it was probably an olive grove
in which an oil-press was situated) conflict between the Synoptics and
It is interesting to note that only John omits this episode, skipping
from the entrance into the garden to the betrayal and arrest. Presumable
the authors vision of the divine Jesus was inconsistent with such a
display of human emotion facing death in such a situation.


had repeated his prayer, John the Baptist, perhaps accompanied

by a young acolyte,80 had entered the garden to meet with him,
their second public meeting together, the first having been the
baptism of Jesus by John at the Jordan River some three years
before. John came upon Jesus in profound prayer and heard the
words he uttered: If this cannot pass unless I drink it, Thy will
be done.
A voice called out that only John could hear: O Yahya,
take hold of the scripture with might.81 (Q. 19:12) Is this to

young acolyte: We have taken the liberty of proposing of our

solution to the mystery of the young man who appears suddenly in
Marks narrative: And a young man followed him, with nothing but a
linen cloth about his body; and they seized him, but he left the linen
cloth and ran away naked. (Mk. 14:51-52) None of the other
gospellers mentions him. Notes Nineham: Speculation about the
identity of the young man has been endless, and, in view of the
meagerness of our information, quite profitless(Nineham, p. 396.)
Despite Prof. Ninehams admonition, we suggest that there may be a
link between this man and John the Baptist. There will be more about
him below and he is also discussed below in Crooks Rethinking John
the Baptist, pp. 102-3.
The word khudh, translated as take hold of, comes from the word
akhadha which also carries the meanings of to take up, make ones
own, take over, and adopt. Knight asks the question: What will Yahya
take up, adopt, or make his own? It may be recalled that Zechariah
feared what his people would do after him, so he prayed to God for a
protector to aid and assist the son of Mary because some had
disbelieved in the miracle of Mary and made false charges against her.
God in His infinite mercy gave the good news to Zechariah of Yahya, a
chief and a concealer of secrets, who would protect the son of Mary
and to confirm a word from God (Q. 3:39). Not only is he told to take
hold of the scripture, but he was told hold it with might. It is he who
will face great opposition. Prophets are known for bringing their own
miracles. We know of Jesus but what could Yahyas be? It is my belief
that it is embodied in his name, Ya=y[: He who lives. Jesus was given
the power to raise the dead, but Yahya was himself the miracle of life,
that no one could take from him but God Himself. How else could he
have confirmed the word of God? Though they would try to kill him,
he would not die. It was only God who would be responsible for the
death and raising of Yahya, as He was for Jesus.
In the Book of John of the Mandaeans we read a version of his
immunity: Yahya, go forth from our city! Before thy voice quaked


hearten John as he takes the bitter cup of the impending ordeal

upon his own shoulders? The messages of the two prophets
complemented each other and now it was Gods decree that John
would take up the scripturethe missionfrom where Jesus had
left off as he disappeared from Palestine. John, perhaps the
priestly messiah, was to taste the bitter cup prepared for Jesus,
perhaps the royal messiah, as cupbearers in royal courts of old
were wont to do for their sovereigns. Cupbearers were the
confidants of the kings whom they served.82
Both knew that Gods decree must be fulfilled. John
understood what God wanted of him and when Jesus saw him,
Jesus too understood what must happen. They were both bearded
and bore a familial resemblance to each other. The moon was
full, but its light was perhaps dimmed by some clouds and the
deep shadows of the mature olive trees. Jesus rose somberly and
nodded to John. The two men embraced, perhaps for the last
time. In obedience to the decree of God, Jesus disappeared into
the darkness and left the city.
Thus, John was the protector of Jesus and at same time
of the word of God. He confirmed the word of God so the word
lived on after the departure of Jesus, now concealed after his
rejection by the Jews.83
the house of the people, at the sound of thy proclamations the temple
did quake, at the sound of thy discourse quaked the priests dome.
Thereon Yahya answered the priests of Jerusalem: Bring fire and burn
me, bring sword and hew me in pieces. But the priests in Jerusalem
answered to Yahya: Fire does not burn thee, O Yahya, for Lifes Name
has been uttered oer thee. A sword does not hew thee in pieces, O
Yahya, for Lifes Son rests here upon thee. And Life is Victorious.
(The Book of John, Mandaeans Chapter 10)
Knight comments that the Prophet Yahya becomes the embodiment
of a chief cupbearer, indeed, the most exalted cupbearer who ever
Knight believes that, while still an infant in his cradle, Jesus
prophesized the coming of a Messenger named Ahmad. This Ahmad
would reveal the truth about Jesus and John. And when Jesus son of
Mary said: O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of God unto
you, confirming that which was (revealed) before me in the Torah, and
bringing good tidings of a messenger who cometh after me, whose
name is the Praised One. (Q.61:6) The Praised One, of course, is the
Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be the peace and blessings of God!


John had accepted the cup. He warned the young man to

leave if he heard any commotion. The new disciple promised to
obey Johns words. He followed him as he walked down to the
place where the disciples were waiting.
Wrapped in a cloak against the coolness of the night air,
thereby conveniently concealing most of his features, he went
down to the dozing disciples of Jesus and spoke to them: Are
ye still sleeping and taking your rest? Behold, the hour is at
hand, and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.
Rise, let us be going; see, my betrayer is at hand. (Mt. 27:4546)
Once again, mistaken identity became a factor in the
lives of Gods envoys to Roman Palestine. The disciples, groggy
with sleep, assumed that Jesus was addressing them, whereas in
reality, it was Yahya, ready to assume the coming ordeal in
obedience to God.
The gospels tell us that Judas Iscariot arrived with a
band of men armed with swords and clubs and besieged the
master. Judas had told the men beforehand that he would identify
the master by kissing him.
After Judas Iscariot had kissed his master, Luke tells us
the master said: Judas, wouldst thou betray the son of man [the
son of Zechariah] with a kiss? (Lk. 22:48) When the disciples
saw what was going to happen, they said, Lord, should we
strike with our swords?
The gospels say that one of them struck the servant of
the high priest, cutting off his right ear. The master restrained
himself from doing any harm to anyone of them out of mercy.84
The master said to his zealous follower: Put thy sword back into
its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.
Thinkest thou that I cannot appeal to my Father,85 and he will at
once send me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then
should the scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so? (Mt.


See Knight, Ihya al-Nabi Yahya for hanan, p. 2.

While Christians are at ease addressing God as Father, Muslims
normally refrain from this practice, addressing Him by many names
(traditionally, ninety-nine): however, father is not one of them. God
is our Creator, our Lord, but not our father.


26:52-54)86 As we can see, both Jesus and John never planned to

fight their enemies, it was just a stratagem to implement the
divine plan. At this point, all the disciples forsook him and fled
except the young man who had accompanied John. He was
briefly seized, but managed to slip out of the grasp of his wouldbe captors and fled, leaving them holding only his linen wrap,
fleeing the scene as his master had ordered him to do.87
This is what I believe may have occurred on that crucial
evening at Gethsemane.
The reader may very well gasp at that idea that John
faced Herod Antipas, Pontius Pilate and the cross, not Jesus.
How can this be? he might exclaim, or: This is impossible!
Everyone knows that Jesus was on the cross! As one writer has
put such a reaction: The idea is so bizarre that one is tempted to
reject it out of handto say I dont believe it! But I have long
since learned never to close my mind to any possibility, no
matter how unlikely it might seem. To say I dont believe
without any evidence is to make as much an act of faith as is
made when one says I do believe.88
I sympathize with the readers dilemma. However,
remember that this is an exercise in reinterpretation and

Perhaps this refers to future events beyond Palestine, the transfer of

the torch of leadership of monotheistic believers in the One God from
the Israelites to the Arabs six centuries later with the divine
proclamation to the unlettered Prophet delivered by the angel Gabriel:
Read in the name of thy Lord! (Q. 96:1) See the chapter entitled
Secrecy above.
Was the linen cloth some sort of baptismal or initiatory gown?
Hippolytus states that both the person being baptized (catechumen) and
the officiating elder (presbyter) must stand naked in the water. The
mystery remains unresolved, but the Clementine fragments offer more
grist for the mills of speculation. (NTAIP, pp. 289-90.)
And this is what later may have happened: Later in mid-life,
the young man who had fled his pursuers in a linen wrap, would in turn
sojourn with a young Jew for several years who would become the
historian who would later give the lie to the Pauline story of Johns
beheading before the crucifixion at the order of Herod Antipas. John
would encounter the wrathful fear of the king at a later time. For the
young man was Banus and the future historian was Josephus.
Henry Lincoln, The Holy Place, Arcade Publishing, New York, 1991,
p. 81.)


speculation about shadowy events of nearly two thousand years

ago. Some aspects of my version of events may be more
plausible than others, but when we put aside preconceptions and
examine the inconsistencies in the received version of events,
there is plenty of room for all sorts of speculations, including
mine. Moreover, I believe that my theories are more consistent
with the brief statements of Josephus cited in the text above, as
well as the probabilities (and improbabilities) of the Biblical
Having said that, let us continue with the story of Yahya:
Then they seized John, thinking him Jesus, and put him
under arrest. He could have summoned twelve legions of angels
and all would have been over with, but he knew that the
scriptures must be fulfilled. The master (the son of Zechariah)
was then brought to the high priest, who questioned him about
his teaching. According to John, the master said: I have
spoken openly to the world, I always taught in synagogues and in
the Temple where all Jews come together. I have said nothing
secretly. Why do you ask me? Ask those who have heard me.
They know what I said. (Jn. 18:20-21)
John continues, saying that the masters words provoked
one of the guards to strike him in the face. The master said: If I
have spoken wrongly, bear witness to the wrong, but if I have
spoken rightly,89 why dost thou strike me? (Jn. 18:20-23) They
brought their witnesses together, but their testimonies did not
agree. And the high priest said to him, I adjure you by the
living God, tell us if thou art the Christ, the Son of God. (Mt.
26:63) The master replied to him: Thou hast said so. But I tell
thee, hereafter thou wilt see the Son of man seated at the right
hand of Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven. (Mt.
What could the son of Zechariah do? From the
beginning, he has told them that he was not the Messiah. Yet,
they believed that he was. So he told them what they wanted to
hear: Yes, it is as ye say In other words: Whatever you

speaking rightly: Compare with this from the Quran: God giveth
thee glad tidings of Yahya [John] confirming (musaddiqan) a Word
from God (Q. 3:39)


say. He then reminded them that in the future, they would see
the son of man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and
coming on the clouds of heaven. At that point, the high priest
became enraged at his words and then condemned him for
blasphemy, and the people said he was worthy of death.
When Judas Iscariot had seen that they had bound him
and sent him off to the governor, Pontius Pilate, he was struck
with remorse. He returned the money to the chief priests and
said: I have sinned in betraying innocent blood. (Mt. 27:4) In
other words, he had betrayed the wrong man. Judas Iscariot now
understood that the son of Zechariah was not the man with
whom he had broken bread at the Last Supper. He feared that
which would befall him and so he hanged himself. Had Judas the
betrayer suffered from a bad case of mistaken identity?
Next, according to Luke (Lk. 23:2), they brought the
master before Pontius Pilate. And they began to accuse him,
saying, We found this man perverting our nation, and
forbidding us to give tribute to Caesar, and saying that he
himself is the Messiah, a king. The son of Zechariah never
opposed taxes to Caesar. When he was asked if one should pay
tribute to Caesar, he replied: Render therefore to Caesar the
things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are Gods.
(Mt. 22:21) These words are appropriate to both Jesus and John.
John never claimed to be a messianic king. He testified
to this, according to John, at the beginning of his ministry, when
he stated: I am not the messiah. (Jn. 1:20) John knew that they
were asking about the royal messiah. He did not deceive them in
his answer, because he was the priestly messiah. But the Jews
had already decided his fate before his arrest. The high priest
Caiaphas said to them: ye do not understand that it is
expedient for you that one man should die for the people, and
that the whole nation should not perish. (Jn. 11:50)
The high priest condemned him for blasphemy, but now
in front of Pilate, they changed the charge to treason. Why would
they do that? Because to Pontius Pilate, it would not matter if the
master had said he was the son of God. Pontius Pilate was a
pagan who worshipped many gods; that posed no threat to
Rome. However, treason was quite another matter. John 18:3334 tells us that Pontius Pilate asked the master: Are you the
king of the Jews? The master replied: Dost thou say this of

thine own accord, or did others say it to thee about me? (Jn.
18:33-34) Does this not suggest confusion among the people
about his identity?
And the master (son of Zechariah) said further: My
kingship is not of this world; if my kingship were of this world,
my servants would fight, that I might not be handed over to the
Jews; but my kingship is not from the world. (Jn. 18:36)
Thus, the son of Zechariah refuted the charge of
claiming to be a worldly king. It was others who had testified
falsely about this claim. It is true that his mission was in some
way designed so that people might assume that he was the
Messiah; for this was his task. But he also had to tell the truth,
and that is why he denied claiming to be an earthly king.
Pilate then says to the master: So thou art a king
then? (Jn. 18:37)
Were the masters words not clear enough? The son of
Zechariah was claiming a heavenly kingdom, not a worldly one.
But he knew that the plan must proceed, and he must not deviate
from his script. So he agreed, and according John, he answered:
Thou sayest that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I
have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Every one
who is of the truth hears my voice. (Jn. 18:37)
Pontius Pilate, unaware of the divine plan, stood
perplexed and asked the son of Zechariah, What is truth?
Something about the son of Zechariah perplexed Pilate, and so
he came out to the Jews and said, I find no crime in him. (Jn.
18:38) Let us not forget that the son of Zechariah was sent as an
example to the Children of Israel and not the gentiles, yet here
this gentile, Pontius Pilate, recognizes his innocence and the
chief leaders of the Children of Israel pervert the heavenly
qualities given to him by God with false accusations and demand
that he be put to death. The gospels tell us that it was a custom
that at the time of the Passover that a prisoner would be released.
Pilate asked if they would want him to release the king of the
Jews. The people shouted, No, not he!
Mark tells us that the chief priests stirred up the crowd to
have Pontius Pilate release Barabbas instead. Pontius Pilate
asked the Jews: Do ye want me to release for you the King of
the Jews?" For he perceived that it was out of envy that the chief

priests had delivered him up. But the chief priests stirred up the
crowd to have him release for them Barabbas instead.
And Pilate again said to them, Then what shall I do with
the man whom you call the King of the Jews? And they cried
out again, Crucify him! And Pilate said to them, Why, what
evil has he done? But they shouted all the more, Crucify him!
(Mk. 9-14)
Matthew tells us that the wife of Pontius Pilate had a
dream. While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent
word to him, Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I
have suffered much over him today in a dream. (Mt. 27:19)
The gospels tell us that Pontius Pilate tried to persuade
the Jews to reconsider their intentions, saying them that this
mans actions did not warrant a death sentence, yet they were
persistent in demanding that the master be crucified. Pilate,
being pressured by the crowd, gave in and handed the master
[son of Zechariah] over to them to be crucified, but not before he
washed his hands of their treachery: So when Pilate saw that he
was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took
water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, I am
innocent of this mans blood; see to it yourselves. (Mt. 27:24)90
And so they put the master the son of Zechariah on the
cross believing him to be the son of Mary. Above his head they
wrote King of the Jews to mock him. John, however, tells us
that the inscription read Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews.
This, however, would be another case of mistaken identity.


Compare with Deut: 21:6-9: And all the elders of that city nearest to
the slain man shall wash their hands over the heifer whose neck was
broken in the valley; and they shall testify, Our hands did not shed this
blood, neither did our eyes see it shed. Forgive, O Lord, Thy people
Israel, whom Thou hast redeemed, and set not the guilt of innocent
blood in the midst of Thy people Israel; but let the guilt of blood be
forgiven them. So thou shall purge the guilt of innocent blood from thy
midst, when thou doest what is right in the sight of the Lord.


And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah
Isa son of Mary, Gods Messenger
They slew him not nor crucified him,
but it appeared so [shubbiha91] unto them; and lo!
Those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof;
they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of conjecture;
they slew him not for certain. (Q. 4:157)
So, who was the man who was identified, tried, and put
on the cross? We are told in the Quran that it was not the son of
Mary, but someone (or something) resembling him. Who would
likely to have resembled him more than his relative who was
also his ally and aid? Could it not have been the prophet Yahya?
All Muslims agree that Jesus did not die on the cross;
rather, what the witnesses of the crucifixion saw was a
deception, a similitude, or a substitution. By using the method of
explaining the Quran by the Quran, (as should be done with
regards to the crucifixion in relation to the word shubbiha), I
examined this word shubbiha more closely, and if there were
anyone more similar or shared any kind of resemblance to Jesus,
it would have been Yahya, the son of Zechariah, and no one else.
Here are some of those distinct similarities:
Both were born miraculously: (About Yahya) He said:
My Lord! How can I have a son when age hath overtaken me
already and my wife is barren? (The angel) answered: So (it
will be). God doeth what He will. (Q. 3:40) and (about Isa):
She said: My Lord! How can I have a child when no mortal
hath touched me? He said: So (it will be). God createth what

shubbiha is derived from an Arabic trilateral verbal root sh, b, h with

the general meaning of resemblance or resembling. It is the
masculine third-person singular of the Passive form of the Active Form
II verb shahhaba. Form II verbs are usually transitive and often
causative in meaning. In this case, the Active form means to make
equal or similar, to compare or liken. The Passive form, shubbiha,
means to be doubtful, dubious, uncertain, or obscure, to appear like or
as though.


He will. If He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it only: Be! and it

is. (Q. 3:47)
Both were given unique names: And the angels called to
him as he stood praying in the sanctuary: God giveth thee glad
tidings of (a son whose name is) Yahya, (who cometh) to confirm
a word from God, chief, concealer [of secrets], a prophet of the
righteous (Q. 3:39) and he whose name is the Messiah, Isa, son
of Mary, illustrious in the world and the Hereafter, and one of
those brought near (unto God). (Q. 3:45)
Both were given significant titles by God: Yahya:
chief, concealer [of secrets], a prophet of the righteous (Q. 3:39)
and Isa whose name is the Messiah, Isa, son of Mary,
illustrious in the world and the Hereafter, and one of those
brought near (unto God). (Q. 3:45)
Both Yahya and Jesus received mercy: In regard to
Yahya: And mercy from Our presence, and purity; and he
was devout. (Q. 19:13) and in regard to Jesus: and a mercy
from Us, and it is a thing ordained. (Q. 19:21)
Both were prophets of God: In regard to Yahya: a
prophet of the righteous. (Q. 3:39) and Jesus: He spake: Lo! I
am the servant of God. He hath given me the Scripture and hath
appointed me a Prophet. (Q. 19:30)
Both were righteous: Yahya: a prophet of the
righteous. (Q. 3:39) and Jesus: and he is of the righteous. (Q.
Both were given sagacity: Yahya: And we gave him
wisdom when a child. (Q. 19:12), Jesus: And He will teach him
the Scripture and wisdom (Q. 3:48)
Both were associated with the Word of God: Yahya:
who confirms a Word from God (Q. 3:39); Jesus: God gives glad
tidings of a Word from Him. (Q. 3:45)
Both were respectful to their parents: Yahya: and (he
was) dutiful toward his parents (Q. 19:14); Isa: And (God) hath
made me dutiful toward her who bore me. (Q. 19:32)


Both were humble: Yahya: and he was not arrogant,

rebellious92 (Q. 19:14); Isa: and (God) hath not made me
arrogant, villainous.93 (Q. 19:32)
In addition, both were saved as infants from death94;
both were unknown when they returned to Judaea (Yahya) and to
Galilee (Jesus). One baptized with water (Yahya) and the other
with the Holy Spirit (Jesus). Both had followers and disciples;
both were sinless; and both were sent to the Children of Israel.
Both finished and completed their missions successfully and
were elevated and honored with God's peace: Yahya: Peace be
upon him the day he was born, and the day he dies and the day
he shall be raised alive! (Q. 19:15) and Jesus: Peace be upon me
the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be
raised alive! (Q. 19:33)95
The Prophet Yahya died a natural death at some later
time, as did Isa. From my understanding of the Quran, it is my
belief that Yahya was raised up in honor as was Isa. The Quran
does not offer comprehensive history and biography; rather, it
gives us significant moments. The Quran does not mention the
last days of Yahya, nor does it mention the last days of Moses or
Aaron, to name but a few. Therefore, because this is not
mentioned in the Quran, it does not mean it could not have
happened this way. Again, we must turn to the Quran and its
divine wisdom to receive understanding. When one compares
Isa with Yahya, we observe that Isa has been presented in
detail, whereas Yahya has not. Here are some examples for one
to consider: The Quran tells us that Jesus was sent to the children
of Israel, but Yahya is not mentioned as being sent to them. Was

rebellious: the Arabic is asiy. It is from a root connoting

disobedience and rebellion.
villainous: the Arabic is shaqiy. The word can mean being
miserable, wretched, unhappy, and also villainous, criminal, rogue, etc.
In the Bible, Matthew (Mt. 2: 7-19) tells of the dangers to the infant
Jesus posed by the fear and anger of Herod the Great that prompted the
flight to Egypt. In that apocrypha, we find that John the Baptist was
encompassed by the same threat and his mother Elizabeth fled to the
hill country with, not returning until it was deemed safe
(Protevangelium of James in James, M.R., The Apocryphal New
Testament, Oxford University Press, London (1953), p. 48.)
Knight, Ihya al-Nabi Yahya, pp. 8-9.


Yahya sent to the children of Israel? Of course he was. We are

told that Isa had disciples, but Yahyas are not mentioned. Did
he have disciples? Of course he did. We are told that Jesus
received the Gospel (Injil); Yahyas revelation was not specified,
but he was told to take hold of the scripture with might. Did
Yahya receive scripture from his Lord as did Isa? Of course he
did. Because Yahya is not mentioned in similar circumstances, it
does not mean that he was not as favored as Jesus. And God
knows best!

There are parallels in the conditions of Mary and

Zechariah. Both reacted with incredulity when given the news of
their future offspring: (Zechariah: (Zechariah) said: My Lord!
How can I have a son when my wife is barren and I have
reached inform old age? (Q. 19:40; see also Q. 3:40) Mary:
(Mary) said: How can I have a son when no mortal hath touched
me, neither have I been unchaste? (Q. 19:20; see also Q. 3:45)
If anyone was substituted for Jesus, as has been
suggested by a majority of Muslim commentators of the Quran,
then the substitute must have been Yahya. It is my belief that it
was not a substitution, but rather a case of mistaken identity in
reference to the Quranic phrase wa lakin shubbiha lahum. One
cannot dismiss the implications of the circumstantial evidence
which points to the Prophet Yahya and explains why it was
possible to mistake the identity of one for the other. There is no
factual evidence for the belief that it was any of the other men
mentioned in the commentaries when explaining this verse (Q.
4:157). Keep in mind that the word shubbiha also has the
meaning of to be doubtful, dubious, uncertain, or obscure.
Circumstantial evidence may be weaker than fact in a court of
law, but when facts are absent, strong circumstantial evidence is
often enough to prevail.
That Jesus was present, but not known, does not remove
him from the picture. He continued his mission in secret, while
John filled the office of chief (sayyid) and protector (waliy).
He was designated as such by God and given command over his

What does this have to do with shubbiha? As was

mentioned above, the Jews did not know who Jesus and John
were. Johns own testimony is sufficient.96 We have also shown
above from the text of the Quran the complementary natures of
Jesus and Yahya. One can see that it was quite possible for one
to be mistaken for the other. It was Johns authority and
reputation that they wished to do away with. It is for this reason
that I believe that John the Baptist was put on the cross, but did
not die.
Names are very important, especially when they are
applied to the prophets of God. Here are a few examples of their
Adam, meaning first blood in Arabic. The first letter of
the name is an alif, which is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet.
The second two letters combined equal dam, which means
blood in Arabic. The first blood created was A-dam. His
name also shows three stages of life. If we look at the Arabic
letters from left to right, we get the following: mim with a fathah
(which means opening) over the mim we get the word ma, which
means water. We made every living thing of water (Q. 21:30)
When we at the the letters dal and alif, we can see three stages of
life. Letter mim signifying the beginning, letter dil the middle,
and the letter alif signifying maturity. If we look at the letters
istarting from the letter alif, we can see the stages of decline:
Alif, dal, and mim.
The three-unit Muslim prayer is also instituted from the
beginning with this first man. The alif is the believer standing in
prayer; the dal is the believer sitting in prayer; and the mim is the
Muslim in the prostration (sajdah).
Abraham means father of a multitude, Abraham being
the father of the prophets.

And this is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent priests and
Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? He confessed, he
did not deny, but confessed, I am not the Christ. And they asked him,
What then? Art thou Elijah? He said, I am not. Art thou the
prophet? And he answered, No. They said to him then, Who art
thou? Let us have an answer for those who sent us. What sayest thou
about thyself? He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness,
Make straight the way of the Lord, as the prophet Isaiah said. (Jn.


Ishmael means to hear or to listen, literally God

heard the prayers of Abraham and Ishmael was born.
Isaac means laughter or he laughs; Abrahams wife
Sara laughed at the news that she will bear a child.
Moses means to draw out. He was drawn out of the
River Nile.
From the beginning, the son of Zechariah was given a
distinctive name by his Lord, one that foreshadows his special
role in the messianic story. This prophet of God has not yet been
given his just due by the world of Islamic scholarship. According
to the Quran, when Zechariah prayed for a protector, his prayers
were answered by God: O Zechariah! Lo! We bring thee tidings
of a son whose name is Yahya; we have given the same name to
none before (him). (Q. 19:7)
Why was his name significant? This name, Yahya, in
Arabic suggests life, and according to the gospels, we can see
signs that suggest life in this man they put on the cross that day.
Here are some of many references from the gospels that suggest
An angel of God came to strengthen him;
Assuring him that God will keep him alive!
When the spear was thrust into his body (Jn.
19:34), straight forth came water and blood because he
was alive!
Pontius Pilates wife has a dream, in which she was
shown that no harm should come to this just man; in other
words, he should be kept alive!
Pilate found the son of Zechariah not guilty. He should
be kept alive!
Joseph of Arimathaea asks Pontius Pilate to take down
from the cross a living body!
The sign of Jonah: For as Jonah was three days and
three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of man be
three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. (Mt. 12:38)
Though Yahya was put on the cross, he lived through the
ordeal as his ancestor Abraham, the Father of Multitudes, lived
through the blazing fire. We said: O fire, be coolness and peace
for Abraham, (Q. 21:69) Thus do We reward the good. (Q.

Also, consider the Book of John of the Mandaeans: 97
Fire does not burn thee, O Yahya,
for Lifes Name has been uttered oer thee.
A sword does not hew thee in pieces, O Yahya,
for Lifes Son rests here upon thee.
And Life is Victorious.


Mandaeans: sometimes called the Christians of St. John (the

Baptist). Members of a sect that still survives in southern Iraq. The
sect has affinities to dualistic Persian Manichaeism as well as
Gnosticism, and it reveres John the Baptist but regards Jesus as a false
messiah. They are noted for their bathing customs and the Arabs have
also called them Al-Mughtasilah, those who wash themselves.
(Muhammad Alis translation of the Holy Quran, Note 103). There is a
tradition that its founders were a group who emigrated to the
comparative safety of southern Mesopotamia, then ruled by the more
tolerant (or indifferent) Parthians. If this be true, it is possible that
disciples of John were among those who fled the oppressive Roman
rule. They may be the Sabians mentioned in the Quran, along with the
Jews and the Christians, as a People of the Book.


It was a case of mistaken identity. The Temple
authorities were under the assumption that the son of Zechariah
(Yahya) was the real Messiah, even though he denied it. And as
scripture tells us, there were some who wondered if Yahya were
the Messiah or not. His zealous disciples just gave more
credibility to the assumption. There were so many miracles and
wonders happening that the whole ordeal was puzzling to the
temple authorities. This was, however, what was planned from
the beginning. The son of Zechariah and the son of Mary knew
their scripture and they fulfilled it. They lived out the rest of
their lives on earth until their natural deaths.98
The son of Zechariah and the son of Mary knew the
resources of the temple authorities: the plan was to show by way
of example just how much the temple establishment had deviated
from the word of God and their indifference to Gods signs. The
son of Zechariah was the innocent decoy while the son of Mary,
strengthened by the Holy Spirit, set everything in motion. They
could not reach the son of Mary because they did not know who

If Josephus was misinformed about the fate of John at Macherus, by

no means an impossibility, and Johns disciples were successful in
spiriting him out of Palestine far from the authority of Rome and its
puppets, the Herodians, there is a fair degree of probability that he
made his way to lower Mesopotamia where he is revered to this day by
the Mandaeans, who are perhaps the Sabians mentioned in the Quran.
Many believe that his influence may be seen in their beliefs and the
practice of baptism.
And what of Jesus? What happened to him after his escape
from Palestine? Perhaps he too journeyed far from Roman rule. In
Srinagar, Kashmir, the visitor is shown the tomb of one Yuz Asaf. It
has been suggested that the Yuz is a corruption of some version of
Yashu (Joshua = Jesus). It is not inconceivable that there may be some
truth in the association of the tomb with Jesus. It would be fitting for
both of these prophets of God to end their days teaching and benefiting
the inhabitants of lands distant from Palestine where they were treated
with such malicious hostility by interests vested in the Roman status
quo: one in the cradle of civilization, Mesopotamia; the other in one of
its farthest outposts, the Himalayan roof of the world. And God knows


he was, but someone had to be held responsible. As the high

priest Caiaphas said: it is expedient for you that one man should
die for the people, and that the whole nation should not perish.
(Jn. 11:50)
From the beginning, they thought that Yahya was
withholding something from them. When they questioned him
about his identity, he told them that he was the voice of one
calling in the wilderness. When they finally arrested the son of
Zechariah, the plans for both sides were well under wayone
side to kill a messiah and the other to demonstrate by way of
example how innocent blood is taken in vain by the One Gods
We can still hear the voice of Yahya confirming a word
from God, but even more loudly: Make straight the way of the
God made a covenant of old with the Children of Israel
and We raised among them twelve chieftains, and God said: Lo!
I am with you. If ye establish worship and pay the poor-due, and
believe in My messengers and support them, and lend unto God
a kindly loan, surely I shall remit your sins, and surely I shall
bring you into Gardens underneath which rivers flow. Whoso
among you disbelieveth after this will go astray from a plain
And because of their breaking their covenant, We have
cursed them and made hard their hearts. They change words
from their context and forget a part of that whereof they were
admonished. Thou wilt not cease to discover treachery from all
save a few of them. But bear with them and pardon them. Lo!
God loveth the kindly.
And with those who say: Lo! we are Christians, We
made a covenant, but they forgot a part of that whereof they
were admonished. Therefore, We have stirred up enmity and
hatred among them till the Day of Resurrection, when God will
inform them of their handiwork.
O People of the Scripture! Now hath Our messenger

come unto you, expounding unto you much of that which ye used
to hide in the Scripture, and forgiving much. Now hath come
unto you light from God and plain Scripture, whereby God
guideth him who seeketh His good pleasure unto paths of peace.
He bringeth them out of darkness unto light by His decree, and
guideth them unto a straight path.99 (Q. 5:12-16)


straight path (Sirat Mustaqim): the straight path that the believer
(mumin), under Gods guidance, treads from the reception of his soul
until its delivery into the Presence of his Creator. Some five centuries
before John the Baptist and Jesus the Christ, the Second Isaiah sang of
it: prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a
highway for our God. (Is. 40:3) John the Baptist took up the cry and
proclaimed it anew on the banks of the River Jordan: Make straight
the way of the Lord! And six centuries later, it reverberated again
among the sere mountains of the Hijaz: Guide us on the Straight Path,
the path of those whom Thou hast favored; not of those who earn Thine
anger, nor of those who go astray. (Q. 1:6-7)


This Bibliography is a list of the books quoted, cited,
referred to, or consulted in the preparation of the text of The
Passion of the Baptist, Not the Christ. Some sources cited in the
text and notes are referred to by the code names in parentheses
after the bibliographical material.
Asad, Muhammad. The Message of the Quran. 2nd
edition, The Book Foundation, 2004.)

Ayoub, Mahmoud M.. The Quran and Its Interpreters.

Vol. II, Albany: State University of New York, 1992. (Mahmoud
Knight, Ace. Ihya al-Nabi Yahya (The Revival of the
Prophet Yahya). Franklin, MA: IMN Publishing, 2008.
Bible with the Apocrypha, The New English. Oxford
study edition. New York: Oxford Univ. Press. 1976. (NEB)
Bible, The Holy (King James Version). Cleveland:
World Publishing Co., undated, but conforming to edition of
1611. (KJV)
Bible, The Holy (Revised Standard Edition). Revised
1952. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1952. (RSV)
Bible, The Interpreters. 12 volumes. Nashville:
Abington Press, 1951-57. (IB)
Bible, The Jerusalem. Jones, Alexander, gen. ed.
Standard edition. London: Barton, Longman & Todd, 1966. (JB)
Bible, The Oxford Annotated. Revised Standard Version
- College edition. H.G. May and B.M. Metzger, eds. New York:
Oxford Univ. Press, 1962. (OxBible)
Bible: The Septuagint, Greek & English Old Testament
with the Apocrypha. Trans. Sir Launcelot Lee Brenton. London:
Samuel Bagster & Sons, 1976. (LXX)
Crook, Jay R. Rethinking John the Baptist, 2009.
Crook, Jay R. The New Testament: An Islamic
Perspective. Chicago: ABC International Group, 2nd edition,
2007. (NTAIP)

Eisenman, Robert. James the Brother of Jesus. New

York: Penguin Books, 1997. (Eisenman)

Elmore, Gerald T., Islamic Sainthood in the

Fullness of Time. Brill, 1999.
Encyclopdia of Islam, The. 11 vols. + indices. Leiden:
E.J. Brill, 1960-2002. (EI)
Hastings, James, ed. Dictionary of the Bible, rev. Ed.
Frederick C. Grant & H.H. Rowley. New York: Charles
Scribners Sons, 1963. (DB)
James, Montague Rhodes. The Apocryphal New
Testament. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1953. (James)
Josephus. Complete Works. Trans. William Whiston.
Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1967; orig. Published in
Edinburgh, 1867. (Josephus)
Laymon, Charles M., ed. The Interpreters One-Volume
Commentary on the Bible. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1971.
Lincoln, Henry. The Holy Place. Arcade Publishing,
New York, 1991.
Mandaean Book of John, The. Trans. G.R.S. Mead.
London: Watkins, 1924.
New Compact Bible Dictionary, The. T. Alton Bryant,
ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1967. (NCBD)
Nineham, D.E. Saint Mark. Pelican New Testament
Commentaries. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, revised 1969.
Orations of Muhammad. Trans. Maulana A.M.G.M. Md.
Ubaidul Akbar. Lahore: Shaikh Muhammad Ashraf, 1954.
Quran: Arberry, Arthur J. The Koran Interpreted.
London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1964. (Quran-Arberry)
Quran: Maududi, S. Abul Ala, commentator. The
Meaning of the Quran. Trans. Muhammad Akbar Muradpuri.
First 17 surahs in 6 vols. Lahore: Islamic Publications, 1971-73.
Quran: The Holy Quran. Trans. & commentary by
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, 2 vols., continuous pagination. Lahore: Sh.
Muhammad Ashraf, 1969. (Quran-Yusuf Ali)
Quran: The Holy Quran. Trans. & commentary by
Maulana Muhammad Ali. 5th edition. Lahore: Ahmadiyyah
Anjuman Ishaat Islam, 1963. (Quran-MMA)

Quran: The Koran. Trans. & annotated by George Sale.

London: Frederick Warne and Co, undated. (Quran-Sale)
Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1966. (Quran-Dawood)
Quran: The Meaning of the Glorious Koran. Trans.
Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall. New York: Mentor Books,
1953. (Quran-Pickthall)
Schonfield, Hugh J. The Passover Plot. New York:
Bantam Books, 1967. (Schonfield)
Smith, William. A Dictionary of the Bible. New York:
Bible House, 1900. (DB-1900)
Sox, David. The Gospel of Barnabas. London: George
Allen & Unwin, 1981. (Sox)
Stories of the Prophets. Ibn Kathir, trans. By Sheikh
Muhammad Mustafa Gemeah, El-Nour for Publishing,
Mansoura, pp. 328-31.
Surabadi, Abu Bakr Atiq Nishaburi. Stories From the
Holy Quran. Dr. Mahdavi, ed. Persian. No. 66 in Iranian Texts
Series. Tehran: Tehran Univ., AHS 1347. (Surabadi)
Tafsir ibn Kathir (abridged): Translated and abridged by
a group of scholars under the supervision of Sheikh SafiurRahman Al-Mubarakpuri (c. 2000).
Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir ibn Abbas. Trans. Mokrane
Trawick, Buckner B. The Bible as Literature: The New
Testament. Second edition. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1968.
Wehr, Hans. Arabic-English Dictionary. Trans. J.M.
Cowan. Beirut: Librairie du Liban, 1980. (Wehr)



Tim King: Ace, you mention that the Prophet Yahya (John the
Baptist) was not beheaded. Explain the words, The Quran does
not agree, and history never said it
Ace Knight: The Quran does not agreedoes not accept the
beheading of Yahya (PBUH). If a Muslim accepts this fabricated
story of the beheading, then he should know it is inconsistent
with the text of the Quran: God has sent down the fairest
discourse, a Book, one that is consistent in its often repeated
parts of the Quran by which shiver the skins of those who dread
their Lord. (Q. 39:23)
In the Quran, we read this verse with respect to Jesus (PBUH):
And peace be on me the day I was given birth and the day I die
and the day I will be raised up, living. (Q.19:33) When asked
what this means, the answer is quite obvious to a Muslim; that
God gave him security in these three circumstances; that is, God
saved him from the hands of his enemies. Now listen to the exact
words of the Quran regarding Prophet Yahya: And peace be on
him the day on which he was given birth and the day he dies and
the day he will be raised up, living. (Q. 19:15) The two
references are identical, except in the verse about Jesus, he is
speaking, while in the verse about the Prophet Yahya it is being
said by anotherGodabout him.
This particular verse about Yahya aroused my curiosity. Since
the most popular Quranic Commentary studied in the Muslim
World is that of Ibn Kathir (Tafsir Ibn Kathir), I turned to that to
see what has been said. I find the same things said about Jesus by
Muslims also said about Yahya, but here it is from the scholars
own mouth: that Yahya was given safety and security in these
three circumstances: birth, death, and being raised to life again.


I then took a look at the cover of a book, Stories of the Prophets,

the title of which seemed to imply that this was a selection of
stories from the much larger Commentary of Ibn Kathir. It states
by Ibn Kathir. One would assume that the book contains
stories translated into English by Sheikh Muhammad Mustafa
Gemeah from the complete Commentary of Ibn Kathir, much as
our colleague Dr. Crook has done in his series comparing the
Biblical and Islamic stories of the Prophets using the Persian
Quranic Commentary of Surabadi, The Bible: An Islamic
However, when I turned to the story of Yahya, I was shocked to
find that the text included a version of the New Testament story
of Yahyas beheading. Puzzled how does having ones head
being chopped off make one safe and secure? The Arabic
Commentary of Ibn Kathir does not contain the tale of the
beheading yet here it was in this book! A translator is not
supposed to intrude his own embellishments into a faithful
translation. I could not believe my eyes, Tim. I called my friend
Dr. Crook to see what he thought about this anomaly. As it
happened, he had a copy of the book. He got it down and began
to examine it. He asked me if I had read the Translators Note at
the beginning of the book? I confess that I had not, so he began
reading it to me. I mean, whoever reads the translators notes,
Tim King: (laughing): Right!
Ace Knight: As it happens I have it here. Let me read it for you;
listen and learn! "We have elected to simplify the translation to
suit the foreign reader. We deleted all the controversial passages;
therefore, this text covers most of the important points which are
relevant today If this were not bad enough, sections from other
works have been included that are not from the hand of Ibn
Kathir: For this reason we also depended on some other sources
by contemporary writers such as The Stories of the Prophets by
Sheikh Al Sharawy, Gods Prophets by Ahmad Baghat, and
Selected stories from the Quran, Sheikh Muhammad

Gemeah. All this under the banner of Imam Ibn Kathir. May
God denounce such misleading fabrications.
Tim King: Keep going, Ace.
Ace Knight: It is quite obvious what was meant by Ibn Kathir in
his commentary of this Quranic verse (Q. 19:15) about the
Prophet Yahyas being given peace by his Lord.
Tim King: It makes sense. Can you be more specific about what
the Quran says in this regard?
Ace Knight: God-willing! If we look in the Quran, we see that
other prophets were given peace, safety, and security as well.
Here are a few examples:
And, certainly, Noah cried out to Us. And how excellent were
the ones who answer! And We delivered him and his people
from tremendous distress. And We made his offspringthey, the
ones who remain. And We left for him to say with the later ones:
Peace be on Noah among the worlds. (Q. 37:79)
About Prophets Moses and Aaron:
And, certainly, We showed Our grace to Moses and Aaron. And
We delivered them and their folk from the tremendous distress
and helped them so that they, they had been the ones who are
victors. And We gave them the manifest Book and guided them
to the straight path. We left for them a good name with the later
ones: Peace be on Moses and Aaron! (HQ 37:114-120)
About Prophet Lot:
Truly, he was of Our servants, ones who believe. And, truly,
Lot was of the ones who are sent. We delivered him and his
people, one and all, but an old woman of the ones who stay
behind. Again, We destroyed the others. (Q. 37:133-136)
About Prophet Jonah:

Then, the great fish engulfed him while he was one who is
answerable. If he had not been of the ones who glorify, he would
have lingered in expectation in its belly until the Day they are
raised up. (Q. 37:142-144)
All of them, plus Jesus, and Muhammadas far as we know, all
the prophets mentioned by name in the Quran were delivered
from their enemies. Yet, the Prophet Yahya, whose name
ironically means He Who Lives, is popularly supposed to have
been put to death. Clearly, you can see how this story of the
beheading creates an inconsistency with a text believed by
muslims all over the world to be internally consistent.
Tim King: Right! Right! Ace, one question before I continue.
You say that Prophet Yahya was given peace by his Lord, but
your theory is that he was put on the cross in place of Jesus in a
case of Mistaken Identity. How does this fit in with the peace
and safety reported in the Quran with regard to other prophets?
Ace Knight: My theory that Prophet Yahya was put on the cross
would in no way compromise the peace of God given to other
prophets, such as Abraham who was given the same peace, but
thrown into the fire and rescued from it by the Almighty. We
said: O fire! Be coolness and peace for Abraham! (Q. 21:69)
Peace be on Abraham! Thus, We give recompense to the ones
who are doers of good. (Q. 37:109-110) I believe Prophet Yahya
was put on the cross, but he lived; hence, his name Yahya, he
who lives.
Tim King: Very interesting! As far as the Quran is concerned, it
is clear how the text implies a refutation of the story that John
was beheaded. This belief, that prophet Yahya was beheaded,
cannot be accepted. You also mention that history never said it.
Now, if I am not mistaken, Josephus, a first century Jewish
historian, in his Antiquities of the Jews makes mention that John
the Baptist (Prophet Yahya) was arrested and put to death. How
do you explain this?

Ace Knight: Interesting you make mention of this, Tim. First of

all, Josephus was not an eye witness to this event, but heard of it
from hearsay. He does, however, make mention of the arrest and
execution of Prophet Yahya. If the popular story circulating at
that time was that John the Baptist was beheaded, why then did
Josephus not make mention of the manner of his death? Simply
put, in his work, Josephus makes reference to many arrests and
executions of Jews by crucifixion. According to Josephus almost
half the Jewish population was crucified. We are told by
Josephus, that prophet Yahya was put to death because of his
political importance. If it be true that Prophet Yahya was put to
death by Herod Antipas on the suspicion of planning an
insurrection as Josephus indicates, the punishment would not
have been beheading. Under Roman law, only Roman citizens
were sentenced to beheading. Any non-Roman citizen was
sentenced to death by crucifixion for such activity. This was the
case with Jesus according to the gospel scholars, a non-Roman
citizen, being accused of treason and sentenced to crucifixion. In
addition, we see that when Paul was sentenced to die, he pleaded
that he was a Roman citizen so that he would be beheaded and
not crucified (Acts 22:27-28).
Ace Knight: Make sense?
Tim King: So far.
Ace Knight: Certainly, if it is the case that Prophet Yahyas
followers were many, spread far and wide, as it has been
reported by some, and that Josephus mentions that the Jews were
greatly moved by Prophet Yahyas words, and that Herod
Antipas feared that Yahyas influence over the masses would
cause a rebellious uprising leading to a revolt by the Jews against
the Romans (Antiquities 18:5.2 116-119), then this would be in
accord with the practice of capital punishment of said criminals
under Roman law; that is, that non-Roman citizens be crucified.
Ace Knight: Was Prophet Yahya a non-Roman citizen?

Tim King: He certainly was!

Ace Knight: Then, in all fairness, because the manner of death
was not mentioned, one would have to assume the obvious, that
he was put on the cross as Josephus reports many Jews were.
However, Josephus was not an eye witness to the event. This is
where my theory comes into play about Prophet Yahya being put
on the cross in a case of mistaken identity (shubbiha) and not
Jesus, and hisYahyassurviving the ordeal.
Tim King: And the story of the beheading found in the New
Ace Knight: Perhaps you should ask Dr. Crook about that. It is
my belief that there was only one arrest and alleged execution
that took place and that was of the Prophet Yahya not Jesus, in
36 AD, as some modern day scholars are placing the supposed
crucifixion of Jesus these days. It is my belief the crucifixion of
Jesus never happened, and whats mentioned in Josephus work
about Jesus is an interpolation, according to many critical
scholars. Some would disagree of course, but too much doubt
has been cast upon it for it to be considered authentic.
Tim King: Dr. Crook, perhaps you could tell us a bit about the
problems with the beheading story. As I understand it, you
investigated the chronology. Had you raised the issue before?
Dr. Crook: Yes, I discussed the problem in passing in The New
Testament: An Islamic Perspective that was published several
years before I came to know Ace Knight or his theories. Taken
alone, the story of Johns being beheaded at the behest of
Herods daughter-in-law makes good reading. Richard Strauss
opera based on the story, Salome, is one of my favorites. The
problem arises when one tries to correlate the Biblical story with
the writings of Josephus. As Ace has pointed out, Josephus was
not a witness to these events, but rather reporting them as an
historian does. Josephus was born c. 37 or 38 CE and died about
the year 100. Most Biblical scholars date the alleged crucifixion

of Jesus at 29 or 30 CE; some, however, opt for a later date. Be

that as it may, the gospels are absolutely clear that the beheading
of John took place before the crucifixion.
Tim King: Yes, in the first year of Jesus mission, I believe.
Dr. Crook: That is correct. That would make Johns death about
27 or 28 CE.
Tim King: What is the problem with that?
Dr. Crook: Just this, Josephus account of the imprisonment and
execution of Yahya/John the Baptist for historical reasons that
are discussed in Ace's book, that account would place it in the
middle of the fourth decade, say 35 or 36 CE and therefore years
after the events of the crucifixion, not before.
In The New Testament: An Islamic Perspective, I wrote,
Josephus evidence creates a colossal chronological problem of
enormous consequences. That is still true. Since we also know
that while the gospels portray John in their narratives primarily
to introduce and testify to Jesus superior stature, we also know
from Josephus, that John or Yahya was a major player on the
Palestinian stage, not just a walk-on to herald the messiahship of
Tim King: Why should we trust Josephus over the Gospels?
Dr. Crook: Why not? We know that the gospels were written to
present Jesus from a more or less Graeco-Roman point of view,
downplaying Jesus Jewishness. Many criticize Josephus for his
desertion of a lost cause during the Jewish War, but he had no
axe to grind concerning John. In fact, he seems to have admired
him. In any event, Josephus evidence makes Ace
Knight's theory of Johns being on the cross possible. His theory
cannot be dismissed out of hand for chronological reasons. I
admire his work in bringing this much neglected prophet out of
the shadows of comparative obscurity and restoring him to his
rightful place as one of the major religious figures of human

history. He is to be congratulated.
Tim King (turning back to Ace Knight): It seems as if
Josephus depicts the Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) as a
powerful figure.
Ace Knight: Yes. And let me say that the Quran corroborates
this as well: O Zechariah! Truly We give you the good tidings
of a boy. His name will be Yahya and We have not assigned it as
a name-sake for anyone before. (Q. 19:7) This Arabic word
(samiy) is used twice in the Quran, once in reference to Yahya,
and the other time it is used is in reference to God. Know you
any name-sake for him (samiy) for Him ? (Q. 19:65) In the
famous Arabic lexicon Lisan al-Arab, the root s m w means
elevation or highness. How significant is that, Tim?
Tim King: Very significant and very impressive!
Tim King: You also mention a wise man requests a protector
from his Lord?
Ace Knight: Yes. Zachariah prays to his Lord for a protector.
The key word here is waliy in 19:5, and other places in the
Quran, it means protector rather than heir or successor. In
this specific case, Zechariah prayed to his Lord: And truly I
have feared my defenders after me and my wife has been a
barren woman. So bestow on me from that which proceeds from
Your Presence a protector (waliy).
His prayer for a protector was answered by Gods giving him a
son, one with spiritual authority (sayyid) in chapter 3:39, Then
the angels proclaimed to him while he was one who stands
invoking blessings in the sanctuary that God gives you good
tidings of Yahyaone who establishes the word of God as
truea chief and a concealer of secrets and a prophet, among the
ones who are in accord with morality.
It is commonly thought that Zachariah was simply asking for a

son; however, this misconception may be corrected by reading

further into the text. After receiving this good news, Zachariah
asked, My Lord! How is it I will have a boy while surely I have
reached old age and my wife is a barren woman. Zachariah was
asking how this would be possible, as he had not even
contemplated being blessed with a son in his old age, and that
with a barren wife.
If Zachariah were asking for a son, as has been suggested by
Muslim scholars, why then did he ask such a question when God
informed him of the impending birth? The truth is that Zachariah
had not been asking explicitly for a son. He was asking God to
send him a protector, from the same place where Mary received
her provisions (rizq); hence Give me from Your presence a
protector (waliy) (Q. 19:5, 3:38).
If Zachariah wanted a son so badly as has been suggested by
Muslim scholars, then why did he not just take a second wife?
Polygamy was practiced in that time; this would be in
accordance with the tradition of Abraham, whose wife Sarah was
barren. Therefore, he married Sarahs maidservant Hagar to
father a child.
John the Baptist was of Levitical descent, and it is well known
that the Levites were protectors/guardians of the sacred
precincts. Yahya/John the Baptist ultimately became the
protector/guardian of a sacred word: Messiah Jesus.
The Quran tells us that the Jews accused Mary of playing the
harlot. That would make Jesus an illegitimate child. This
accusation can be found in later Jewish traditions. If this be true,
then Mary faced the threat of being thrown alive into a blaze of
fire, as prescribed by Mosaic law: and the daughter of a priest,
if she profanes herself by playing the harlot, profanes her father;
she shall be burned with fire (Lev. 21:9). As for Jesus being
labeled an illegitimate child, Jewish law states, no bastard shall
enter the assembly of the Lord, even to the tenth generation,
none of his descendants shall enter the assembly of the Lord

(Deut. 23:2).
Jesus only revealed himself to a select few as an adult. Little
wonder then that Jesus is so mysterious to the point that today
some even deny the reality of his ever having existed. It was
John the Baptist who would face the great opposition and not
Jesus, and this is why I believe that God told him, O Yahya,
take the book with strength, and We gave him critical judgment
while a lad. (Q. 19:12)
Tim King: Very interesting!
Ace Knight: Tim, I want to add something before we end. If the
title Messehu Esa is an exclusive one for Jesus in the Muslim
tradition, then the title Sayyidina Yahya should also be an
exclusive one for Yahya (John the Baptist). No one in Islamic
history from the beginning of time until the present day has
deserved this honorable title more than the son of Zachariah.
They were prophets of success not failure. Prophet Yahya
features as a major player in this messianic story. The ungrateful
tried to dismiss him from the story, but as God says, They want
to extuinguish the light of God with their mouths, but God
refuses so that He may fulfill His light even though the ones who
are ungrateful dislike it (Q. 9:32) Also, O humanity! Surely
there has drawn near to you proof from your Lord. And We have
sent forth to you a clear light. (Q. 4:174)
Tim King (turning to Dr. Bakhtiar): Dr. Bakhtiar, I am wellaware of the wonderful work you have done to undo an over
1400 year misinterpretation of the Quran no longer allowing
Muslim husbands to beat their wives with your Sublime Quran
translation and, this, the masterful Concordance of the Sublime
Quran that you published which proves that the method of
formal equivalence that you used in translating the Quran works.
I also know that your translation is the only one that translates
the word hasur as concealer of secrets in reference to John the
Baptist or, as the Quran calls him, Yahya. As you are clearly
aware of the work of Ace Knight on John the Baptist, do you

believe that John the Baptist was on the cross instead of the
Christian belief that it was Jesus on the cross?
Dr. Bakhtiar: Thank you, Tim. I believe that it certainly is a
Tim King: What difference would it have made if John the
Baptist had been on the cross instead of Jesus?
Dr. Bakhtiar: That is a very important question, and the answer
is not simple. Let me begin by saying that it is not a universally
held Christian belief that Jesus died on the cross to save us from
sin. The sin, by the way, that he is saving us from is the original
sin committed by Adam, or in some cases the belief is that Eve
committed this sin and then the belief expanded to include all
sins that I commit in my lifetime. As a Muslim, I do not believe
in original sin or that anyone died to save me from my sins, but
that I am accountable to God only for my sins, the sins I commit.
Therefore, we would have to let go of the idea of original sin.
Secondly, as a Muslim I believe in One God, not Three. I am
joined by many Christian groups in this belief, Christians like the
Unitarians, Christadelphians, Christian Scientists, Iglesia ri
Cristo, Jehovahs Witnesses, some groups of Latter Day Saints,
Oneness Pentecostals and the United Church of God. Therefore,
I could be considered to be a Christian from one of these groups
as far as the belief in the Trinity is concerned.
As a Muslim, I believe that Jesus was the Messiah, that he was
born of the Virgin Mary, that he spoke from the cradle and
performed many miracles during his lifetime. I believe that he
was gathered or raised to God, living to return at the end of time.
These are the beliefs of Muslims in regard to Jesus, the Christ.
By the way, the pastor who burned the Quran unfortunately also
burned the name of Jesus Christ in his ignorance about Islam.
I also believe that Jesus did not die on the cross, but that a
likeness to him of another was shown to them. Based on the
work that Ace Knight has done, it is certainly possible that the

likeness of Jesus could very well have been his first cousin,
John the Baptist. Having said that, what difference would it have
made if John the Baptist had been on the cross instead of Jesus?
The most conclusive arguments in Islamic tradition to prove or
disprove something is to use the Quran to prove another point in
the Quran. This Ace Knight has done in his work on John the
Baptist, in particular, John having been a concealer of secrets.
Therefore, John, the concealer of secrets, by being on the cross
would have shown the world the highest virtue, that of altruism.
He would have been willing to die in place of the Messiah so
that the Messiah could continue his mission.
If Jesus was not crucified, and John was in his place, all of
humanity could come to agree that Jesus was a Messiah. This
would include Jewish and Muslim belief as well as Christian
belief. There would be agreement. The Jewish people are still
waiting for the first coming of a Messiah. The Muslims and
Christians are waiting for the second coming of the person they
recognize as the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Buddhists and Hindus
and people of all other faiths would have no theological issues
with Jesus being a Messiah.
Therefore, if all Christians could recognize the messiahship of
Jesus and not insist that a person believe in Jesus having died on
the cross to save them from sin, there would be peace among the
people of faith. All would be working together in an altruistic,
compassionate way to prepare for the coming of the Messiah.
For some it would be the first coming and, for others, the second
coming, but all would agree that would be the fulfillment of the
Quranic description of John: Peace be on him the day on which
he was given birth and the day that he dies and the day that he is
raised up, living and the words of Jesus: Peace be on me the
day I was given birth and the day that I die and the day I am
raised up, living.


Books by Jay R. Crook

The Old Testament: An Islamic Perspective
The New Testament: An Islamic Perspective
The entire text and contents of The Old Testament: An Islamic
Perspective and The New Testament: An Islamic Perspective
are also available separately in a series format as
The Bible: An Islamic Perspective.
The Royal Book of Spiritual Chivalry (Kashifi)
The Alchemy of Happiness (al-Ghazzali)
Translations/Adaptations as Muhammad Nur Abdus Salam:
The Stories for Young Adults series:

Kalilah and Dimnah


The Burnt City

Ambling Through Life
The Shrouds of Moharram
(in preparation)
Recommended by Ace Knight and Jay R. Crook:
The Sublime Quran, translated by Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar


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