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Praise to Kurukulla @Yutang Lin

Great compassion, responding to sentient beings' capacities, exerts inducing

Thousands of ways and hundreds of plans employed in enticing and converting
Unless all sentient beings have comprehended and attained full enlightenment
Thorough and detailed guidance and encouragement will never cease to function
Supreme merits and wisdom of all Buddhas are hooked by you to spread to all bein
Deluded thoughts and biased inclinations of beings are shot down by your floral
Your ropes of compassion wind around and around lest beings go astray or fall be
Your joyful countenance attracts beings into practice and realization of lively
Mother Buddha of great wisdom, displaying all kinds of ingenious and skillful me
Countless Dharma sons and daughters will all take refuge in you and the Triple G
Dedication of Merits for a Simple Sadhana of Kurukulla @Yutang Lin
May Mother Buddha mercifully bestow her compassionate watch over us
So that all sentient beings would know to take refuge in the Triple Gems
Until we all attain full enlightenment, never to leave us for even a second
So that Dharma teachings will spread far and wide to save all sorts of beings

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