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185 F.3d 1162 (10th Cir.



VICKERY, Plaintiffs-Appellants,
MICHAEL DOMBECK, in his official capacity
asChief of the United States Forest Service; LYLE
K. LAVERTY, in his official capacity as Regional
Forester of the Rocky Mountain Region; MARTHA
KETTELE, in her official capacity as Supervisor of
the White River National Forest; UNITED STATES
FOREST SERVICE, Defendants-Appellees.
VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., Intervenor-Appellee.

No. 98-1379


August 9, 1999

Appeal from the United States District Court for the

District of Colorado. D.C. No. 98-N-1276[Copyrighted
Material Omitted][Copyrighted Material Omitted]

Edward B. Zukoski (Richard E. Condit of Land and

Water Fund of the Rockies, Boulder, Colorado, and
Stephen D. Harris of Merrill, Anderson, King & Harris,
Colorado Springs, Colorado, with him on the briefs for
Colorado Environmental Coalition, Defenders of
Wildlife, The Wilderness Society, Sinapu, Southern
Rockies Ecosystem Project, and Anne Vickery;
Gretchen Biggs, Boulder, Colorado, with him on the
briefs for Sierra Club), of Land and Water Fund of the
Rockies, Boulder, Colorado, for Plaintiffs-Appellants.

Ellen J. Durkee of the United States Department of

Justice, Washington, D.C., and David S. Neslin of
Arnold & Porter, Denver, Colorado (Lois J. Schiffer,
Assistant Attorney General, and Andrea Berlowe,
United States Department of Justice, Washington,
D.C.; Linda A. McMahan, United States Attorney, and
Michael Hegarty, Assistant United States Attorney,
Denver, Colorado, with them on the brief for Michael
Dombeck, Lyle K. Laverty, and Martha Kettelle, in
their official capacities, and the United States Forest
Service; Peter Krumholz of Arnold & Porter, and Bruce
F. Black of Holme Roberts & Owen LLP, Denver,
Colorado, with them on the brief for Vail Associates,
Inc.; and Kenneth Capps, United States Department of
Agriculture, Of Counsel, Denver, Colorado, with them
on the brief), for Defendants-Appellees and Intervenor-

Before SEYMOUR, BRORBY and HENRY, Circuit


BRORBY, Circuit Judge.

1 Appellants, one individual and various groups that

promote the protection of the environment, natural
resources and wildlife, appeal a district court order
refusing to enjoin the defendant, United States Forest
Service ("Forest Service"), from permitting the Intervenor,
Vail Associates, Inc. ("Vail"), to expand its existing ski
area into a new area known as Category III. Appellants
present two principal issues on appeal: (1) whether the
Forest Service violated the National Forest Management
Act, 16 U.S.C. 1604(g)(3)(B), and its implementing
regulations, 36 C.F.R. 219.19, in analyzing the effects of
the proposed ski area expansion on the viability of
Canada lynx populations within the Category III area; and
(2) whether the Forest Service violated the National
Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. 4332, and its
implementing regulations, 40 C.F.R. 1500-1508, in
analyzing the environmental impacts of the proposed
expansion. Having carefully reviewed the administrative
record, we conclude the Forest Service's lynx habitat
analysis did not contravene the National Forest
Management Act or the forest planning regulations. We
further conclude the Forest Service's final environmental
impact statement satisfied National Environmental Policy
Act standards, and the Forest Service was not required to
prepare a supplemental environmental impact statement.
Accordingly, we affirm.


2 In 1996, the Forest Service approved Vail's site-specific,

detailed proposal to expand its existing ski area into
roughly half of a 4,100 acre area south of the developed
back bowls of Vail Mountain known as Category III. The
Forest Service exercised jurisdiction over this matter
because the existing ski area and the Category III area
are within the White River National Forest. In approving
the proposed expansion, the Forest Service concluded the
expansion : (1) is consistent with the applicable Forest
Plan; (2) will significantly improve the recreational
experience for visitors to the Vail Ski Area and the White
River National Forest by providing more reliable and
dependable skiing conditions, and by adding needed
intermediate terrain; (3) will build skier visitation during
non-peak periods, thus making more efficient use of
existing infrastructure; and (4) as modified and restricted,
will not threaten the viability of lynx, will have minor
socioeconomic effects, and will have an acceptable level
of impact on other resources.

3 By way of history we point out that Vail submitted a

general expansion proposal in 1986. The Forest Service
conceptually approved expansion into Category III and
included that area in Vail's special use permit,
designating it as a potential area for future ski area
expansion, subject to subsequent site-specific
environmental analysis.1 The environmental assessment
supporting the Forest Service's conceptual approval
concluded it was unknown whether lynx use portions of
Category III, but nevertheless treated them as a species
of concern and required Vail to develop guidelines to
protect potential lynx habitat.

4 Vail developed the lynx habitat guidelines in consultation

with the Forest Service and the Colorado Division of
Wildlife.2 Vail also worked with the Forest Service and
Colorado Division of Wildlife to conduct over thirty
specialized resource studies on Category III, which it then
utilized to prepare a detailed development plan. In order
to preserve natural contours, avoid wetlands and old
growth forest, and protect potential habitat identified by
those studies, Vail eliminated plans for development in
about half of Category III, and agreed to maintain the ski
area's existing capacity of 19,900 skiers-at-one-time. Vail
submitted its site-specific, detailed development proposal
to the Forest Service in 1994.

5 Upon receipt of Vail's site-specific proposal, the Forest

Service initiated an environmental review process as
required by the National Environmental Policy Act. This
process included a scoping period to identify issues for
analysis and the preparation of a biological evaluation
and environmental impact statement. Particularly
relevant to this appeal, the biological evaluation and
environmental impact statement concluded that each
expansion alternative considered may adversely impact
individual lynx and their habitat, but is unlikely to result in
a loss of species viability on the White River National
Forest. Based on these documents, in August 1996, the
Forest Service published a Record of Decision approving
one of the expansion alternatives, as modified to minimize
environmental impacts.

6 A number of entities, including several of the Appellants,

appealed that decision to the Deputy Regional Forester,
raising many of the same issues before us. The Deputy
Regional Forester denied the appeal, but directed the
Forest Service to prepare further documentation on
potential cumulative impacts and proposed forest plan
amendments. The Forest Service conducted and
documented its further review, and again approved the
modified expansion plan in August 1997. Expansion
opponents filed another administrative appeal, which the
Forest Service denied.3

7 Appellants brought the present judicial action in June

1998, seeking a preliminary injunction enjoining the
commencement of work on the expansion and a
declaration the Forest Service violated the National
Forest Management Act and the National Environmental
Policy Act. The district court consolidated the hearing on
the motion for preliminary injunction with a trial on the
merits. Concluding the Appellants did not show a
likelihood of success on the merits, or questions going to
the merits so serious, substantial, difficult, and doubtful
as to make the issues ripe for litigation, the district court
denied the preliminary injunction motion, entered final
judgment in favor of the Forest Service, and dismissed the
case. Those rulings are now before us on appeal.4


8 Appellants seek judicial review of the Forest Service's

final decision pursuant to the Administrative Procedure
Act, 5 U.S.C. 701-706. We review that decision under 5
U.S.C. 706(2)(A) to determine, de novo,5 whether it was
"arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise
not in accordance with law." See Holy Cross Wilderness
Fund v. Madigan, 960 F.2d 1515, 1521 (10th Cir. 1992).

9 "[I]n determining whether the agency acted in an

'arbitrary and capricious manner,' we must ensure that
the agency 'decision was based on a consideration of the
relevant factors' and examine 'whether there has been a
clear error of judgment.'" Friends of the Bow v. Thompson,
124 F.3d 1210, 1215 (10th Cir. 1997) (quoting Citizens to
Preserve Overton Park, Inc. v. Volpe, 401 U.S. 402, 416
(1971)). We consider an agency decision arbitrary and
capricious if

10 "the agency ... relied on factors which Congress had not

intended it to consider, entirely failed to consider an
important aspect of the problem, offered an explanation
for its decision that runs counter to the evidence before
the agency, or is so implausible that it could not be
ascribed to a difference in view or the product of agency

11 Id. (quoting Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Ass'n v. State Farm Mut.

Auto. Inc. Co., 463 U.S. 29, 43 (1983)).

12 Applying this standard, we examine Appellants' claims

under the National Forest Management Act and the
National Environmental Policy Act to ascertain whether
the Forest Service examined the relevant data and
articulated a rational connection between the facts found
and the decision made. Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Ass'n, 463
U.S. at 43.

A. National Forest Management Act

1. Overview

13 The National Forest Management Act directs the Forest

Service to develop Land and Resource Management Plans
("Forest Plans") by which to manage each National Forest
under principles of "multiple-use" and "sustained yield."
16 U.S.C. 1604. Forest management occurs at two
distinct levels. See Ohio Forestry Ass'n, Inc. v. Sierra
Club, 118 S. Ct. 1665, 1668-69 (1998).

14 At the first level, the Forest Service develops the Forest

Plan, a broad, programmatic document, accompanied by
an environmental impact statement and public review
process conducted in accordance with the National
Environmental Policy Act. 42 U.S.C. 4331 et seq.; see
also 16 U.S.C. 1604(d); 36 C.F.R. 219.10(b). The Forest
Plan must incorporate multiple forest uses, and thus
coordinate the management of "outdoor recreation, range,
timber, watershed, wildlife and fish, and wilderness."6 16
U.S.C. 1604(e)(1). The Forest Plan must also "provide for
diversity of plant and animal communities based on the
suitability and capability of the specific land area in order
to meet overall multiple-use objectives." Id. at 1604(g)

15 At the second level, the Forest Service implements the

Forest Plan by approving (with or without modification) or
disapproving particular projects such as the Category III
expansion. Proposed projects must be consistent with the
Forest Plan, id. at 1604(i), 36 C.F.R. 219.10(e), and are
subject to further National Environmental Policy Act
review. See Ohio Forestry Ass'n, 118 S. Ct. at 1668-69.

16 2. Maintaining Viable Populations: Population Data v.

Habitat Analysis

17 To "provide for diversity of plant and animal communities"

when planning or evaluating proposed projects on our
national forests, the Forest Service must, among other
things, manage:
18 [f]ish and wildlife habitat ... to maintain viable populations
of existing native and desired non-native vertebrate
species in the planning area. For planning purposes, a
viable population shall be regarded as one which has the
estimated numbers and distribution of reproductive
individuals to insure its continued existence is well
distributed in the planning area. In order to insure that
viable populations will be maintained, habitat must be
provided to support, at least, a minimum number of
reproductive individuals and that habitat must be well
distributed so that those individuals can interact with
others in the planning area.

19 36 C.F.R. 219.19 (emphasis added).

20 Appellants claim that in order to comply with the plain

language of 36 C.F.R. 219.19, the Forest Service must
compile hard lynx population data (e.g., the number of
lynx, including reproductive lynx, found in the White River
National Forest and Category III planning area, and lynx
distribution in those areas), not just manage habitat for a
hypothetical population. The Forest Service and Vail
contend it is permissible to substitute a habitat analysis
for population data where, as here, (1) population data or
estimates are unavailable, and (2) even if such data
existed it would not improve the overall analysis because
the project will not result in species loss.

21 To determine what type of data or analysis is necessary

to satisfy 36 C.F.R. 219.19, we, too, begin with the plain
language, which unmistakably focuses on the provision
and distribution of habitat in order to maintain existing
viable populations. To the extent the regulation
discusses, and therefore arguably requires, specific
analysis of the estimated numbers and distribution of
individual members of a species, it does so only in the
narrow context of defining what constitutes a "viable
population." A "viable population" exists when enough
reproductive individuals of a given species are distributed
throughout a given area to insure the continued existence
of that species in that area. The regulatory language
clearly presupposes the ascertainable presence of a
species' population within a given planning area.

22 The administrative record before us indicates there is no

existing lynx population in Category III or the White River
National Forest from which to gather census or
distribution data.7 Indeed, the Colorado Division of Wildlife
believes "if any lynx remain in Colorado their numbers are
so small that they do not represent a viable population,
and are not detectable by known census methods." The
United States Fish and Wildlife Service similarly
"concludes that a self-sustaining resident [lynx]
population does not exist in Colorado, but individual
animals may be present." Because no ascertainable lynx
population exists within Category III or the White River
National Forest, we do not read 36 C.F.R. 219.19 to
require the Forest Service to collect or evaluate hard lynx
population data prior to making its decision in this case.

23 A review of the plain language of 36 C.F.R. 219.19 and

its enabling statute, the National Forest Management Act,
establishes Congress never intended to require the Forest
Service to collect population data and make data-based
population viability assessments as a precondition to
managing habitat if, despite good faith efforts to confirm
the presence of lynx,8 no one has seen an actual lynx in
the project area in over twenty-five years, and only a few
sets of tracks have been documented in the past ten
years. Under the circumstances, the best the Forest
Service could do to comply with the Forest Plan mandate
to develop additional skiing opportunities at existing
resorts and provide for diversity of plant and animal
communities within Category III, was to provide and
distribute lynx habitat based on the best information
available, on the remote chance a population of
reproductive lynx might reoccupy the area in the future.

24 Our views on this issue are in complete accord with the

Ninth Circuit's decision in Inland Empire Pub. Lands
Council v. United States Forest Serv., 88 F.3d 754 (9th Cir.
1996). In Inland Empire, the Forest Service approved
timber sales based on a habitat analysis for seven
sensitive species living in the Upper Sunday area of the
Kootenai National Forest in Montana. The Ninth Circuit
concluded the Forest Service's habitat analysis was not
"in any way 'plainly erroneous'" or "'inconsistent'" with
the plain language of 36 C.F.R. 219.19, which
"specifically provides that the Forest Service may
discharge its duties through habitat management as long
as 'habitat [is] provided to support, at least, a minimum
number of reproductive individuals and that habitat [is]
well distributed so that those individuals can interact with
others in the planning area.'" Id. at 761 (quoting 36 C.F.R.
219.19). The court further upheld the Forest Service's
more limited analysis of the flammulated owl's nesting
and feeding habitat requirements, because "such data
were unavailable" and "an analysis that uses all the
scientific data currently available is a sound one." Id. at
762. In so holding, the court appropriately noted the
deference due an agency's interpretation of its own
regulations, especially when that interpretation involves
questions of scientific methodology. Id. at 760; see also
Idaho Sporting Congress v. Thomas, 137 F.3d 1146, 1153-
54 (9th Cir. 1998).

25 To the extent other courts have read 36 C.F.R. 219.19 to

prohibit reliance on habitat analysis without hard
population data, see, e.g., Sierra Club v. Martin, 168 F.3d 1
(11th Cir. 1999); Sierra Club v. Glickman, 974 F.Supp. 905
(E.D. Tex. 1997); Seattle Audubon Soc'y v. Lyons, 871
F.Supp. 1291 (W.D.Wash. 1994), aff'd sub nom. Seattle
Audubon Soc'y v. Moseley, 80 F.3d 1401 (9th Cir. 1996),
those decisions are distinguishable from this case in at
least two important ways: (1) they involved the
application of 219.19 under circumstances in which
population data was available; and (2) they involved the
provisions of 219.19 applicable to the use of a
Management Indicator Species as a proxy for determining
the effects of management activities on other species.
See Martin, 168 F.3d at 4-8; Glickman, 974 F.Supp. at 936-
38; Seattle Audubon Soc'y, 871 F.Supp. at 1315-16. As
discussed above, there simply is no lynx population data
available to the Forest Service in this case. Moreover,
when considering the Category III expansion, the Forest
Service logically did not select the rare and elusive lynx
as a Management Indicator Species. Thus, the population
inventory requirements of 219.19 that apply to
Management Indicator Species are irrelevant to the issue
before us.

26 It would be inappropriate to comment here on the

soundness of those opinions requiring population
inventories and data-based viability assessments under
very different facts and forest planning contexts. We
simply hold the regulatory language does not require the
Forest Service, under the circumstances of this case, to
collect actual lynx population data. It would be absurd to
permit project opponents to utilize the population viability
regulation to block consideration and approval of projects
otherwise consistent with the applicable Forest Plan
when no evidence shows a population of a given species
is present within the relevant planning area, and when the
viability of any individual members of that species can
otherwise be protected by appropriate habitat
preservation and distribution. Thus, in this case, where no
viable population exists, we recognize habitat
identification and preservation as a legitimate means of
ensuring any future lynx viability.9

27 Appellants further argue that even if we read 36 C.F.R.

219.19 to permit the use of a habitat analysis instead of a
data-based viability assessment, the Forest Service
nevertheless made assumptions without the necessary
background information and failed to make important
viability findings. These claims lack logic and support in
the record.

28 In large part, Appellants' back-up argument amounts to a

repackaging of their primary argument. As we fail to see
how the Forest Service could be required to gather
population data where no population exists, we similarly
fail to see how the Forest Service could be required to
determine precisely how much habitat is necessary to
maintain a nonexistent lynx population, or to conclude it
is maintaining a viable population where none exists.10

29 Here again, we conclude it was entirely reasonable under

the circumstances for the Forest Service to rely on the
best available scientific information11 to (1) identify the
parameters of suitable habitat, (2) estimate the amount of
suitable habitat available in and adjacent to the project
area, and (3) determine the anticipated effects of the
proposed action on each type of habitat in order to
provide and distribute sufficient habitat to mitigate the
loss of any individual lynx possibly present in the planning

30 Having studied the administrative record, and giving a

practical interpretation to the Forest Service's regulatory
mandate, consistent with the "overall multiple use
objectives" and "inherent flexibility" of the National
Forest Management Act, Moseley, 80 F.3d at 1404, we
hold the Forest Service's lynx habitat analysis and lynx
viability assessment did not violate the National Forest
Management Act or 36 C.F.R. 219.19, and was not
arbitrary and capricious.

B. National Environmental Policy Act

31 Federal agencies must comply with certain procedures
prior to taking any action or making any decision that
could significantly affect the quality of the human
environment. More precisely, the National Environmental
Policy Act directs all federal agencies to:

32 (C) include in every recommendation or report on

proposals for legislation and other major Federal actions
significantly affecting the quality of the human
environment, a detailed statement by the responsible
official on

33 (i) the environmental impact of the proposed action,

34 (ii) any adverse environmental effects which cannot be

avoided should the proposal be implemented,

35 (iii) alternatives to the proposed action,

36 (iv) the relationship between local short-term uses of

man's environment and the maintenance and
enhancement of long-term productivity, and

37 (v) any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of

resources which would be involved in the proposed action
should it be implemented.

38 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C) (listing the requirements for an

environmental impact statement); see also 40 C.F.R.
1500 et seq. (Council on Environmental Quality
regulations expanding upon the appropriate form and
content of an environmental impact statement).

39 Congress intended these "action-forcing procedures"

merely to guarantee that agencies take a "hard look" at
the environmental consequences of proposed actions
utilizing public comment and the best available scientific
information. Robertson v. Methow Valley Citizens
Council,490 U.S. 332, 350 (1989); Holy Cross, 960 F.2d at
1521; see also 40 C.F.R. 1500.1. Consequently, the
National Environmental Policy Act "prescribes the
necessary process," but "does not mandate particular
results." Holy Cross, 960 F.2d at 1522 (quotation marks
and citation omitted); see also Methow Valley, 490 U.S. at
350. Stated differently, the Act "prohibits uninformed
rather than unwise agency action." Methow Valley, 490
U.S. at 351.

40 Appellants claim the Forest Service failed to take the

"hard look" Congress intended when it analyzed the
environmental impact of Vail's proposed Category III
expansion. Specifically, Appellants contend the Forest
Service failed to: (1) obtain necessary information
concerning the lynx or disclose that such information was
unavailable; (2) properly analyze mitigation measures; (3)
analyze a range of reasonable alternatives; (4) properly
analyze indirect and cumulative impacts caused by an
increase of up to 218,000 skier visits per year; and (5)
analyze significant new information concerning
significant undisclosed impacts of the project. We
consider these claims in turn.

41 1. Adequacy of the Final Environmental Impact Statement.

42 The first four National Environmental Policy Act issues

Appellants raise pertain to the adequacy of the Final
Environmental Impact Statement. In reviewing the
adequacy of a final environmental impact statement we
merely examine "whether there is a reasonable, good
faith, objective presentation of the topics [the National
Environmental Policy Act] requires an [environmental
impact statement] to cover." Holy Cross, 960 F.2d at 1522
(quotation marks and citation omitted). Our objective is
not to "fly speck" the environmental impact statement,
but rather, to make a "pragmatic judgment whether the
[environmental impact statement]'s form, content and
preparation foster both informed decision-making and
informed public participation." Oregon Envtl. Council v.
Kunzman, 817 F.2d 484, 492 (9th Cir. 1987) (quotation
marks and citation omitted).

43 a. Lynx Information

44 Council on Environmental Quality regulations require

agencies to include complete information in an
environmental impact statement "[i]f the incomplete
information relevant to reasonably foreseeable significant
adverse impacts is essential to a reasoned choice among
alternatives and the overall costs of obtaining it are not
exorbitant." 40 C.F.R. 1502.22(a). Appellants' claim that
the Forest Service violated the National Environmental
Policy Act and this regulation by failing to obtain and
analyze all information concerning the lynx, amounts to a
second attempt to have this court read regulatory
language to impose data gathering requirements under
circumstances where no such data exists.

45 As noted above, the Forest Service collected and utilized

the best available data to (1) analyze the possible impact
of the proposed Category III expansion and reasonable
expansion alternatives on lynx habitat, and (2) identify
and preserve sufficient lynx habitat to mitigate any
impact on individual lynx that may live in or travel through
the Category III area. We reiterate our belief the Forest
Service was not arbitrary and capricious in its analysis,
and conclude the analysis constitutes a reasonable, good
faith presentation of the best information available under
the circumstances. Appellants simply fail to show how
additional, site-specific lynx data is "essential" to
reasoned decision making; thus, we hold the Forest
Service did not violate 40 C.F.R. 1502.22(a) or the
National Environmental Policy Act.
46 Moreover, we are unwilling to give a hyper-technical
reading of the regulations to require the Forest Service to
include a separate, formal disclosure statement in the
environmental impact statement to the effect that lynx
population data is incomplete or unavailable. See 40
C.F.R. 1502.22(b). Congress did not enact the National
Environmental Policy Act to generate paperwork or
impose rigid documentary specifications. See 40 C.F.R.
1500.1(c). The record in this case amply demonstrates the
participants in the environmental review process were
well aware of the relevance of lynx population data to
consideration of the Category III expansion, the scarcity
of such data, and the studies and reports the Forest
Service used to evaluate lynx impacts based on available
distribution, denning, and foraging habitat information. As
such, an additional, formal statement citing and
specifically parroting the regulatory language at 40 C.F.R.
1502.22(b) would serve no useful purpose, and the
omission of such a statement in this case does not violate
the National Environmental Policy Act. See 40 C.F.R.
1500.3 (trivial violations not actionable).

47 b. Mitigation Analysis

48 By statute and regulation, an environmental impact

statement must include a discussion of possible
mitigation measures to avoid adverse environmental
impacts. See 42 U.S.C. 4332(C)(ii); 40 C.F.R.
1502.14(f), 1502.16(h), 1508.14, 1508.25(b)(3); see also
Methow Valley, 490 U.S. at 351-52. Such discussion must
be "reasonably complete" in order to "properly evaluate
the severity of the adverse effects" of a proposed project
prior to making a final decision. Methow Valley, 390 U.S.
at 352; see also Holy Cross, 960 F.2d at 1523. It is not
enough to merely list possible mitigation measures. See
Neighbors of Cuddy Mountain v. United States Forest
Service, 137 F.3d 1372, 1380 (9th Cir. 1998).
49 Appellants contend the Forest Service's mitigation
discussion pertaining to the Category III expansion is
insufficient because, although the agency listed and
numerically rated the effectiveness of a number of
mitigation measures, it "failed to evaluate the measures'
effectiveness in any way." Appellants further claim the
Forest Service included mitigation measures in its 1996
and 1997 Records of Decision that it never analyzed or
proposed in the underlying environmental review
documents. The administrative record belies both claims.

50 It can hardly be said the Forest Service did little more

than list numerous mitigation measures. To the contrary,
the Forest Service identified nearly 150 project-specific
mitigation measures, and, as evidenced by the numerical
effectiveness ratings,12 separately analyzed and
evaluated each. The Forest Service provided a narrative
discussion of the possible mitigation measures applicable
to each resource affected by the proposed expansion. The
intent and efficacy of certain mitigation measures is
further derived from the impact analysis pertaining to
issues of particular public interest, such as trees,
wetlands, erosion control, and lynx and other wildlife.
Finally, the Forest Service properly identified which
mitigation measures it adopted in its Records of
Decision,13 40 C.F.R. 1505.2(c), and where relevant,
noted the cooperating agencies' recommendations and/or
findings regarding those adopted measures.

51 This record demonstrates the Forest Service included a

reasonably complete discussion of possible mitigation
measures in the appropriate environmental review
documents. The mitigation analysis certainly was
adequate to foster informed public participation as well
as an informed decision, and thus satisfied the National
Environmental Policy Act mandate.

52 c. Alternatives Analysis
53 The alternatives analysis is characterized as "the heart"
of the environmental impact statement. 40 C.F.R.
1502.14. To comply with the National Environmental
Policy Act and its implementing regulations, the Forest
Service is required to rigorously explore all reasonable
alternatives to the Category III expansion in comparative
form, and give each alternative substantial treatment in
the environmental impact statement. Id. at 1502.1,
1502.14(a); 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)(iii) & (E); All Indian
Pueblo Council v. United States, 975 F.2d 1437, 1444
(10th Cir. 1992).

54 When evaluating the adequacy of the Forest Service's

alternatives analysis (i.e., the number of alternatives the
Forest Service was required to consider and the requisite
level of detail), we employ the "rule of reason" to ensure
the environmental impact statement contained sufficient
discussion of the relevant issues and opposing viewpoints
to enable the Forest Service to take a hard look at the
environmental impacts of the proposed expansion and its
alternatives, and to make a reasoned decision. Pueblo
Council, 975 F.2d at 1445. We note the National
Environmental Policy Act "does not require agencies to
analyze the environmental consequences of alternatives
it has in good faith rejected as too remote, speculative, or
... impractical or ineffective." Id. at 1444 (quotation marks
and citation omitted). "What is required is information
sufficient to permit a reasoned choice of alternatives as
far as environmental aspects are concerned." Id.
(quotation marks and citation omitted).

55 Appellants assert the Forest Service violated the National

Environmental Policy Act by "arbitrarily and capriciously
refus[ing] to consider in detail a reasonable development
alternative proposed by Appellant Colorado Environmental
Coalition." Appellants further argue the district court
erred by allowing Vail's stated purpose and need for the
expansion to "categorically preclude" consideration of
Colorado Environmental Coalition's "Conservation Biology
Alternative."14 They encourage us to adopt the standard
applied by the Seventh Circuit, such that "the evaluation
of 'alternatives' mandated by [the National Environmental
Policy Act] is to be an evaluation of alternative means to
accomplish the general goal of an action; it is not an
evaluation of the alternative means by which a particular
applicant can reach his goals." Van Abbema v. Fornell,
807 F.2d 633, 638 (7th Cir. 1986); see also Simmons v.
United States Army Corps of Eng'rs, 120 F.3d 664, 669
(7th Cir. 1997).

56 As noted, the National Environmental Policy Act and

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations require the
Forest Service to study in detail all "reasonable"
alternatives. 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)(iii) and (E), 40 C.F.R.
1502.1, 1502.14(a). The Seventh Circuit, and other
courts, have interpreted this requirement to preclude
agencies from defining the objectives of their actions in
terms so unreasonably narrow they can be accomplished
by only one alternative (i.e., the applicant's proposed
project). See, e.g., Simmons, 120 F.3d at 669; c.f. Citizens
Against Burlington, Inc. v. Busey, 938 F.2d 190, 195-96
(D.C. Cir.), cert. denied, 502 U.S. 994 (1991). Agencies
also are precluded from completely ignoring a private
applicant's objectives. See Busey, 938 F.2d at 196;
Louisiana Wildlife Fed'n, Inc. v. York, 761 F.2d 1044, 1048
(5th Cir. 1985); Guidance Regarding NEPA Regulations, 48
Fed. Reg. 34263, 34267 (July 28, 1983). We do not
perceive these authorities as mutually exclusive or
conflicting. They simply instruct agencies to take
responsibility for defining the objectives of an action and
then provide legitimate consideration to alternatives that
fall between the obvious extremes. Beyond this, there are
no hard and fast rules to guide the alternatives analysis.
Our task, then, is to determine whether the Forest Service
stepped outside the established parameters by declining
to give more attention to the Conservation Biology
Alternative the Appellants prefer, or, stated differently,
whether the alternatives analysis provided satisfies the
rule of reason.

57 The record reveals the Forest Service considered the

Regional Guide, the White River Forest Plan, prior Forest
Service planning and permitting decisions in accordance
with the National Forest Ski Area Permit Act of 1986, and
Vail's expressed needs and goals, when drafting the
statement of purpose and need for the Category III
expansion environmental impact statement. Indeed, the
Forest Service expressly referenced the agency
management goals to be achieved vis-a-vis
implementation of the Category III proposal. The record
thus disproves Appellants' claim the Forest Service
blindly adopted Vail's articulated purpose and need.

58 While we appreciate that Appellants zealously advocate a

wilderness conservation philosophy and would like to see
that philosophy expressly recognized in environmental
impact statements and other environmental review
documents, and implemented by the Forest Service and
other federal land/resource management agencies, the
fact is the Forest Service could not consider the proposed
Category III expansion in a vacuum. The White River
Forest Plan, itself subject to National Environmental
Policy Act review, previously prescribed additional winter
recreation development on the Forest, and designated the
Category III area for that purpose. We hold the Forest
Service was fully authorized within this decision-making
context to limit its consideration to expansion
alternatives designed to substantially meet the recreation
development objectives of the Forest Plan. Accordingly,
the statements of purpose and need drafted to guide the
environmental review process concerning the proposed
Category III expansion are not unreasonably narrow.15
See City of Angoon v. Hodel, 803 F.2d 1016, 1021 (9th Cir.
1986), cert. denied, 484 U.S. 870 (1987) (court not at
liberty to restate the purpose in terms of a broad social

59 It is within this defined context that the Forest Service

analyzed four alternatives in detail, including the required
"no action" alternative. The three development
alternatives varied primarily in the amount and type of
additional skiable terrain and related amenities to be
developed, and, consequently, in the type and degree of
environmental impacts each would impose. The Forest
Service made clear it formulated alternatives "to respond
to the significant issues identified during scoping while
still addressing the purpose and need for the Proposed
Action and maintaining consistency with pertinent Forest
Service policy."

60 In declining to analyze more thoroughly the Conservation

Biology Alternative, the Forest Service noted it would not
add "appreciably more" or "substantially increase"
intermediate ski terrain. In fact, "[t]he most optimistic
estimate of skiable terrain that could be made available
under this alternative (232 acres) represents about half of
the terrain that would result from the most limited of the
development alternatives."16 The Forest Service reasoned,
"[w]hen the purpose is to add terrain in order to respond
to specific qualitative needs at the ski area, it is
appropriate to dismiss from consideration ski trail
development opportunities that would not advance those
objectives." In light of the defined purpose and need for
the expansion, which we have upheld as reasonable, we
conclude the Forest Service provided a reasonable
explanation for declining to further consider the
Conservation Biology Alternative in accordance with 40
C.F.R. 1502.14(a). Moreover, the Forest Service provided
sufficient discussion of the relevant issues and opposing
viewpoints to demonstrate it took the requisite "hard
look" at an adequate array of alternatives to make a
reasoned decision.
61 d. Impact Analysis

62 An environmental impact statement must analyze not only

the direct impacts of a proposed action, but also the
indirect and cumulative impacts of "past, present, and
reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of what
agency (Federal or non-Federal) or person undertakes
such other actions." 40 C.F.R. 1508.7; see also
1508.8 (including ecological, aesthetic, historical,
cultural, economic, social and health impacts) and
1508.25(a)(2), (c).

63 Appellants contend the Forest Service failed to

adequately consider off-site, indirect cumulative impacts.
More specifically, they claim (1) the Forest Service gave
short shrift to its analysis of the socioeconomic impact of
increased skier visitation and spending in Vail and Eagle
County, and (2) the agency's conclusions concerning
socioeconomic impacts are arbitrary and capricious
because they are based on unreasonable assumptions
and are not supported by the record. According to
Appellants, "[i]ncreased visitorship and spending
attributable to the expansion will undoubtedly further
spur real estate speculation, ... worsen parking and
housing woes, increase activity in the retail industry, and
harm virtually every aspect of the human environment." In
support of their argument, Appellants cite to the
comments of Mr. Charles Romaniello, a natural resource
economist, to the effect the Forest Service is capable of,
but failed to project or discuss the secondary and tertiary
revenue flows produced by increased skier numbers.

64 Here again, the fact that Appellants cite an expert who

agrees with their position and alleges a lack of analysis is
not dispositive. It merely reflects the crux of their
complaint they disagree with the Forest Service's
decision. Our job is not to question the wisdom of the
Forest Service's ultimate decision or its conclusion
concerning the magnitude of indirect cumulative impacts.
Cf. Holy Cross, 960 F.2d at 1522. Rather, we must
examine the administrative record, as a whole, to
determine whether the Forest Service made a reasonable,
good faith, objective presentation of those impacts
sufficient to foster public participation and informed
decision making. Id. Having carefully reviewed the record,
we conclude the Forest Service's impact analysis is

65 First, we take issue with Appellants' characterization of

the Forest Service's conclusions concerning
socioeconomic impacts. We found no evidence in the
record, nor did Appellants provide a citation to the record,
to support their claim the Forest Service assumed or
concluded there would be "no impact at all on numerous
aspects of Vail's and Eagle County's socioeconomy." To
the contrary, the record demonstrates that after
identifying and analyzing various off-mountain, growth-
related socioeconomic factors potentially impacted by
the Category III expansion, the Forest Service concluded
that those impacts would be relatively minor under any of
the alternatives, including the no action alternative.

66 The Forest Service's analysis includes discussions of the

assumptions applied,17 the facts and rationale supporting
those assumptions, the appropriate scope of analysis
given those assumptions, and the foreseeable direct,
indirect and cumulative impacts on socioeconomic
resources in Vail and Eagle County. Read in context, as a
whole, the documentation patently refutes Appellants'
arguments the assumptions "contradict logic and reason"
and the analysis is arbitrary and capricious. Accordingly,
Appellants' challenge to the adequacy of the off-site
indirect and cumulative impact analysis fails.

67 2. New Information Requiring a Supplemental

Environmental Impact Statement.
68 Appellants' final National Environmental Policy Act issue
pertains to the Forest Service's obligation to prepare a
supplemental environmental impact statement to analyze
the cumulative environmental impact of potential
development on land adjacent to the Category III
expansion area known as the "Gilman Tract." Appellants
contend they provided the Forest Service with "clear
information" it is now reasonably foreseeable Vail "or
some other purchaser will use the [Gilman tract] for
development of private homes, commercial activities, and
recreation, with consequently dramatic cumulative
impacts on wildlife, water, forests, and other resources in
and around the [Category III] area." Appellants further
claim Vail has a financial interest in, and has discussed
specific development plans for, the Gilman Tract.
According to Appellants, the Forest Service "bluntly and
blithely ignore[d] the new information."

69 Agencies are required to prepare supplemental

environmental impact statements, before or after issuing
a record of decision, if there are "significant new
circumstances or information relevant to environmental
concerns and bearing on the proposed action or its
impacts." 40 C.F.R. 1502.9(c)(1)(ii); Marsh, 490 U.S. at
372. This requirement is not interpreted to require a
supplemental environmental impact statement "every
time new information comes to light." Marsh, 490 U.S. at
373. A supplemental environmental impact statement
comes into play only "if the new information is sufficient
to show [the proposed action] will affect the quality of the
human environment in a significant manner or to a
significant extent not already considered." Id. at 374
(quotation marks and citation omitted). Because the
relative significance of new information is a factual issue,
we review the Forest Service's decision regarding the
need for a supplemental environmental impact statement
under the "arbitrary and capricious" standard. Holy Cross,
960 F.2d at 1524 (citing Marsh, 490 U.S. at 374, 377).
Consequently, we must uphold the Forest Service's
decision to forego a supplemental environmental impact
statement so long as the record demonstrates the Forest
Service reviewed the proffered supplemental information,
evaluated the significance or lack of significance of the
new information, and provided an explanation for its
decision not to supplement the existing analysis. Holy
Cross, 960 F.2d at 1527. Applying this standard, we reject
Appellants' claim.

70 The record shows the Forest Service received Appellants'

April 1998 letter notifying it of "new" information
concerning the Gilman Tract. The record further shows
the Forest Service reviewed and considered the import of
such information, but determined it previously disclosed
and addressed the relevant substantive content of the
proffered information in the existing environmental review
documents. Additional documents further evidence Forest
Service and general public awareness of Vail's interest in
potential development of the Gilman tract long before
Appellant's April 1998 letter. In sum, the record amply
proves the Forest Service did not arbitrarily and
capriciously determine the proffered information was
neither new nor significant. We therefore uphold the
agency's decision to forego preparation of a supplemental
environmental impact statement.


71 For the foregoing reasons, we hold the Forest Service

complied with the National Forest Management Act and
36 C.F.R. 219.19, and provided the "hard look" at the
Category III expansion mandated by the National
Environmental Policy Act. Accordingly, we AFFIRM the
district court's judgment and orders.

1 The Forest Service first contemplated an expansion into
the Category III area as early as 1962, when it issued
Vail's first special use permit. The 1983 and 1992 Rocky
Mountain Regional Guides, which establish general
policies and programmatic direction for ski area
development in National Forests in Colorado and nearby
states, likewise acknowledged the high priority for further
development at Vail. Moreover, the 1984 White River
National Forest Plan specifically designated the Category
III area for ski development, and contemplated completion
of such development by 1999.

2 The guidelines specifically evaluated and discussed

numerous aspects of lynx ecology and the impacts of
proposed ski area expansion on lynx habitat. In the
discussion preceding the specific guidelines identified to
mitigate such impacts, Vail and the federal and state
agencies acknowledged it is preferable to develop a
management plan with the specific knowledge that the
species in question actually exists in or adjacent to the
management area. Nevertheless, they concluded that
even if the species is absent, implementation of the
guidelines "is prudent for maintaining adequate habitat, if
and when the species reoccupies the area."

3 Between 1986 and its approval of the expansion in 1997,

the Forest Service conducted or considered over seventy
different environmental studies on Category III and nearby
areas; participated in over forty meetings with the general
public, environmental groups and government agencies;
formally consulted with seventeen federal, state and local
agencies; and prepared an environmental assessment, an
environmental impact statement, a supplemental
environmental impact statement, and two biological

4 This court denied Appellants' motion for injunction

pending appeal by order dated October 14, 1998.
Appellants' request for expedited decision, or, in the
alternative, for stay pending the court's decision was
likewise denied by order dated June 30, 1999.

5 We afford no particular deference to the district court's

review of an agency action; our review of the
administrative record pertaining to the challenged action
is independent. Webb v. Hodel, 878 F.2d 1252, 1254 (10th
Cir. 1989); see also Olenhouse v. Commodity Credit Corp.,
42 F.3d 1560, 1569 n.16 (10th Cir. 1994). We compliment
the parties on their extraordinary efforts to compile,
organize and accurately cite to the voluminous record.

6 Relevant to the issues presented here, the White River

National Forest Plan allocates approximately 3% of the
2.2 million acre forest for downhill skiing. The Forest Plan
instructs the Forest Service to meet the desires of
recreation visitors by developing additional skiing
opportunities and amenities at existing resorts. Pursuant
to its authority under the National Forest Ski Area Permit
Act, the Forest Service may issue permits for this
purpose. The permits "shall encompass such acreage as
the Secretary determines sufficient and appropriate to
accommodate the permittee's needs for ski operations
and appropriate ancillary facilities." 16 U.S.C. 497b(b)

7 For example: although probable lynx tracks were recorded

in the area in 1991, last confirmed lynx sighting was on
Vail Ski Area during the winter of 1973-74; last reported
lynx capture within Colorado occurred twenty-five years
ago on the Vail Ski Area; lack of a verifiable lynx
population in Colorado is attributable to a variety of
natural conditions and historic factors; only two sets of
lynx tracks were positively identified after transecting
190.5 miles on and around the Vail ski area in thirteen
days in 1989; a single set of possible tracks identified
after transecting 2,053 miles primarily within the
boundaries of the White River National Forest in 1992;
after intensive efforts using snowtracking (5,833.5 mi),
hair snags (62 locations), remote cameras (110 locations)
and snares (686 trap nights), only eleven sets of tracks
that appeared to have a high probability of being lynx
were found; the Colorado Division of Wildlife has offered a
$500 reward for any positive information on lynx since
1993 and has not received any; there have been no road
kills or accidental trapping or shooting of lynx since 1973.

8 Appellants' claim there has been no meaningful effort to

collect lynx population data is unfounded. The Colorado
Division of Wildlife acknowledges twelve investigations
since 1972 attempting to document the presence of lynx
in Colorado. In its proposal to list the lynx as
"threatened," the United States Fish and Wildlife Service
acknowledged that "[s]ince the late 1970's, intensive
surveying efforts have revealed only minimal evidence of
lynx presence" in Colorado. Appellants cite no authority
for the proposition the Forest Service itself must conduct
or commission a study, concurrent with its environmental
assessment of a proposed project, to satisfy its planning
or species diversity mandates.

9 Like the Ninth Circuit in Inland Empire, however, we

encourage the Forest Service to analyze the viability of
any species' population in terms of actual population size,
trends, dynamics, and distribution when such data is
available. See Inland Empire, 88 F.3d at 761 n.8.

10 We are particularly puzzled by Appellants' argument that

the Forest Service somehow acted arbitrarily and
capriciously by providing and distributing lynx habitat,
even in the absence of population data, in order to protect
the species' future viability. They reason, "[p]roviding
habitat where few or no animals exist will not protect
lynx, particularly given that the lynx may already have
dropped below the level of viability." Apparently,
Appellants seek the protection of habitat or species
based on hard population data, or no protection at all;
unless, as counsel suggested at oral argument,
Appellants take the position that if no lynx population
exists in the planning area, to comply with 36 C.F.R.
219.19 the Forest Service may be required to introduce a
lynx population and then maintain habitat for that
population. Because Appellants did not raise or support
that argument in their brief on appeal, we do not address
it here, except to state we see no support for that
proposition in the statutory or regulatory language cited.

11 The Forest Service examined available data on the

characteristics of lynx denning, foraging, and traveling
habitats, and, based on that data, established
conservative parameters for each so as to define suitable
habitat and determine the amount of each type habitat
contained in the project area, the landscape area, the
regional area, and the eastern portion of the White River
National Forest. The Forest Service concluded that
because fundamental habitat needs for lynx are similar
throughout their North American range, it could
reasonably assume that data from the Northern Rocky
Mountains are applicable to lynx habitat needs in
Colorado. We agree.

12 Appellants cite no evidence and do not appear to argue

that the Forest Service arbitrarily assigned a numerical
value to each mitigation measure. That Appellants cite to
an "expert" who opined the Forest Service failed to
discuss the mitigation measures in adequate detail, is of
little consequence given our deferential standard of
review and the established principal that agencies are
entitled to rely on their own experts so long as their
decisions are not arbitrary and capricious. See Marsh v.
Oregon Natural Resources Council, 490 U.S. 360, 378

13 Having reviewed the record, we simply cannot agree with

Appellants' assertion that the decision documents
themselves adopted mitigation measures substantially
different from those proposed and analyzed in the
environmental impact statements.

14 According to Appellants, the Colorado Environmental

Coalition's Conservation Biology Alternative would
provide (1) up to 232 additional acres of skiable terrain;
(2) increased reliable, early season skiing without
additional snowmaking; (3) a lift to improve access and
alleviate skier crowding at certain areas and provide a
back-up evacuation route; (4) improved and increased
front-side intermediate terrain; and (5) transportation to
nearby resorts to improve the overall distribution of
skiers during peak periods.

15 The Forest Service defined the needs of the proposal as:

1. To respond to a proposal which has the potential for

offering more effective recreation utilization of public
lands without creating additional demands and impacts
on off-site lands and communities.

2. To help to achieve Forest Service goals by providing

high quality recreation experiences for visitors to the
National Forest, specifically within the Vail Ski Area
[special use permit] area.

3. To fulfill the broad management goals of the [White

River National Forest] Land and Resource Management

The identified objectives (purposes) correspond to those


1. Enhance the quality of skiing opportunities within

[Vail's] existing [special use permit] area by [specified]

2. Make more efficient use of existing local and on-

mountain infrastructure at Vail Ski Area during
traditionally low periods of use.

3. Support community and ski area efforts to stabilize

seasonal economic fluctuations and build annual skier
visitation at Vail Ski Area without increasing peak-days.

16 The Forest Service further explained that much of the

terrain proposed under the Conservation Biology
Alternative was either previously approved, and hence
available under the no-action alternative (130 acres), or
would not provide needed intermediate skiing due to
topography, elevation or location (74 acres). Moreover,
the new access lift and skier busing components of the
Conservation Biology Alternative were already in place or
contemplated under the other alternatives.

17 The Forest Service assumed Vail's skiers-at-one-time

capacity of 19,900 will remain constant as reflected and
approved in Vail's existing special use permit. The Forest
Service further assumed many "pertinent aspects" of the
community's infrastructure (e.g., skier service and retail
employment base, and lodging and restaurant capacity)
"have been developed to accommodate high-use periods
and are underutilized during off-peak periods." Both
assumptions are based on documented facts. The 19,900
skiers-at-one-time capacity was formally evaluated in the
1986 environmental assessment analyzing the impacts of
Vail's master development plan.

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