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The enclosed EXCEL workbook was designed as a tool to automate

the calculation of scores in the master spreadsheet in Appendix D,
PDRI Traditional Construction Projects.1
The workbook is divided into spreadsheets for Critical Decision (CD)
0, 1, 2, and 3. The PDRI Criteria tab contains the criteria for
maximum rating for each rating element. The spreadsheets assume
that the user has provided the input for the Designations of the
Priority Levels for each sub-element (P Prorated Weighting or H
High Weighting) and the Weighting Factor Values following the
disciplines explained in Sections 3.4 and 3.5 of the Guide (this is a
must for a reliable scoring system). The weight of these priority
factors may vary by project type; such as, traditional construction
vs. clean up projects, or other specialized non-traditional
construction type of project.
The worksheet has an area for self-assessment by the project team
as well as the review team of subject matter experts to submit their
maturity values and the basis. The table below explains the
maturity value ratings of 0-5. For example, a Maturity Value rating
of 1 for the Sub-Element Cost Estimate during the PreConceptual Design phase (CD-0) is the expected rating (i.e., the
element matches expectations for that stage of the project). On the
other hand, a Maturity Value rating of 1 at the end of the
Preliminary Design phase (CD-2) indicates a potentially serious
project deficiency since the expected maturity rating for that SubElement at that project stage is 5. Similarly, a Maturity Value
rating of 5 is expected to be applied at CD-0 (and for all
subsequent CDs) for all Sub-Elements that should be fully defined
during the pre-conceptual phase of the project, such as the SubElement Mission Need Statement in the Management Planning
and Control Key Element.

1 DOE G 413.3-12A, Project Definition Rating Index Guide for Traditional Nuclear
and Non-Nuclear Construction Projects.

Value Rating

Qualitative Criteria
Not Applicable

Quantitative Criteria
(% Complete)

Work Not Started

Work Initiated


Concept Defined


Substantive Working Detail


Final Draft


Complete/Fully Meets Definition Criteria


The spreadsheet will calculate the scores and the totals. The overall
maximum score is 1000 points at the completion of the final project
phase (CD-3). This score reflects an ideal, fully matured project
planning at a stage just prior to project implementation with a
maximum Maturity Value rating (i.e., 5") assigned to each SubElement. The diagram below shows the ideal scores per category
and Critical Decision.

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