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784 F.

2d 1103

David Leslie THOMPSON, Petitioner-Appellant,

Louie L. WAINWRIGHT and Jim Smith, RespondentsAppellees.
No. 85-3215.

United States Court of Appeals,

Eleventh Circuit.
March 20, 1986.

Rosemary Cakmis, Federal Public Defender, Jacksonville, Fla., for

Michael Kotler, Asst. Atty. Gen., Tampa, Fla., for respondents-appellees.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Middle District of
Before HILL, Circuit Judge, TUTTLE and HENDERSON* , Senior Circuit
HILL, Circuit Judge:


Appellant David Thompson stabbed a seventeen year-old co-worker in the back

and chest with a large knife before numerous witnesses in the restaurant where
they worked. Some of the witnesses, appellant's co-workers, had heard him
threaten to "get even" with the victim because he had apparently struck
appellant during an altercation the previous day. The police apprehended
appellant, with the bloody knife in his pocket, a short distance from the
restaurant. On several instances while in custody, appellant spontaneously and
vehemently expressed his ardent desire that the victim was dead.

Appellant pleaded guilty to a charge of first-degree murder in Florida state

court and was sentenced to life imprisonment. He did not appeal his sentence
nor did he pursue post-conviction relief for nearly eight years. After exhausting
his state remedies, appellant sought federal habeas corpus relief, claiming his
guilty plea was involuntary due to ineffective assistance of counsel. The
magistrate held an evidentiary hearing on appellant's petition. At this hearing,
appellant testified he met with his counsel only twice, each time for less than
five minutes. Appellant also testified that his counsel told him he would
probably get the electric chair if he did not plead guilty. Moreover, appellant
stated his counsel never discussed with him the testimony that would be
presented against him or his version of the incident, and did not discuss plea
bargaining or explain the sentence he would receive if he pleaded guilty. As a
result, appellant claimed he was completely ignorant of the consequences of his
guilty plea. Even after he reviewed the transcript of the change of
plea/sentencing hearing, appellant insisted the trial judge only asked him how
he got along with his counsel before pronouncing sentence. The transcript
belied this statement and the magistrate obviously discredited appellant's

Trial defense counsel Jeffrey Myers testified concerning his work on appellant's
case. Regarding his investigation of a possible insanity defense, Myers stated
that he or his office investigators contacted appellant's family, obtained reports
from Traverse City State Hospital and arranged for examination by two
psychiatrists. The first psychiatrist found appellant was schizophrenic but
competent to stand trial and knew the difference between right and wrong; the
second psychiatrist did not file a report because appellant refused to cooperate
with him. Myers recalled at least five meetings with appellant. He stated that he
discussed with appellant the facts of the case, the testimony that the
prosecution would offer and the strength of the state's case against him. In
addition, he testified that he explained the degrees of murder and the evidence
regarding premeditation. He also testified that he advised appellant the death
penalty was a potential and realistic possibility if he was convicted, but that he
did not discuss the specific aggravating and mitigating circumstances that might
be found. Finally, Myers stated that he discussed the consequences of the plea
arrangement with appellant, who appeared to understand them. When
questioned about his own understanding of the Florida death sentence statute,
enacted shortly before this case commenced, Myers testified that this was his
first capital case under the new statute but he was familiar with the statutory
changes and that it was his professional opinion that appellant would receive
the death sentence if he went to trial. He further testified that he met with the
prosecuting attorneys several times, felt the state had a strong case and believed
the plea agreement was in appellant's best interest.

The final witness at the evidentiary hearing was the prosecuting attorney. He
testified that the state's case against appellant was superb, he felt there was
100% likelihood of conviction and a sufficient likelihood of the death penalty
to go to trial. In fact, at the time, he personally would have preferred to try the
case and expose appellant to the death penalty. The prosecutor testified he did
not make the final decision to accept appellant's guilty plea and that he had
made known his opposition to the plea negotiations. With the benefit of
hindsight and experience, however, he guessed a death sentence in this case
would not have withstood appeal. He also believed appellant understood the
plea at the change of plea hearing.

The magistrate later issued his report and recommendation that appellant's
petition be denied because appellant entered a voluntary plea upon advice of
competent counsel. The district court adopted this report and recommendation
and denied the petition.


* Appellant first argues the case should be remanded because the magistrate's
Report and Recommendations does not contain specific credibility choices or
factual findings necessary to allow the district court to make a de novo review.
Although it is true the magistrate did not articulate detailed findings on every
disputed fact, the Report and Recommendation clearly states his findings,
supported by record references, that counsel adequately prepared the case,
appellant understood the plea agreement and voluntarily pleaded guilty upon
advice of competent counsel.


Appellant alleges two separate instances of ineffective assistance of counsel:

First, that counsel did not adequately investigate appellant's insanity defense,
and second, that he pleaded guilty to avoid the death penalty based on defense
counsel's allegedly erroneous advice.

The Supreme Court recently held the two-part Strickland v. Washington test for
evaluating claims of ineffective assistance of counsel also applies to guilty
pleas. Hill v. Lockhart, --- U.S. ----, 106 S.Ct. 366, 370, 88 L.Ed.2d 203 (1985).
To satisfy this test, appellant must show not only "that counsel's representation
fell below an objective standard of reasonableness," Strickland v. Washington,
466 U.S. 668, 104 S.Ct. 2052, 2065, 80 L.Ed.2d 674 (1984), but also that he
was prejudiced by counsel's unprofessional errors. Id., 104 S.Ct. at 2067. This

prejudice requirement
focuses on whether counsel's constitutionally ineffective performance affected the
outcome of the plea process. In other words, in order to satisfy the 'prejudice'
requirement, the defendant must show that there is a reasonable probability that, but
for counsel's errors, he would not have pleaded guilty and would have insisted on
going to trial.

Hill v. Lockhart, 106 S.Ct. at 370. Appellant has not demonstrated

incompetence or prejudice with regard to either claim.


With respect to counsel's alleged failure fully to investigate appellant's insanity


the alleged error of counsel is a failure to investigate or discover potentially
exculpatory evidence, the determination whether the error 'prejudiced' the defendant
by causing him to plead guilty rather than go to trial will depend on the likelihood
that discovery of the evidence would have led counsel to change his
recommendation as to the plea. This assessment, in turn, will depend in large part on
a prediction whether the evidence likely would have changed the outcome of a trial.
Similarly, where the alleged error of counsel is a failure to advise the defendant of a
potential affirmative defense to the crime charged, the resolution of the 'prejudice'
inquiry will depend largely on whether the affirmative defense likely would have
succeeded at trial.

Id. at 370-71.


Appellant's counsel testified that he arranged for examination by two

psychiatrists: the first found appellant competent to stand trial and at the time
of the offense; the second never filed a report because appellant refused to
cooperate with him. Appellant does not dispute this testimony. In addition,
counsel contacted appellant's parents and Traverse City State Hospital and
requested information that might assist in his defense. Based on the information
he received, particularly the psychiatrist's conclusion, defense counsel
concluded that an insanity defense would be unsuccessful. Appellant does not
provide any basis for this court to hold that this conclusion was unreasonable.
Instead, he claims counsel should have scheduled three psychiatric evaluations.
"The reasonableness of counsel's actions may be determined or substantially
influenced by the defendant's own statements or actions." Strickland, 104 S.Ct.
at 2066. Since appellant did not cooperate with the second psychiatrist, he
cannot blame the lack of additional psychiatric examinations on incompetent
counsel. Moreover, appellant has not suggested any information counsel would

have discovered upon further investigation which would have caused him to
change his recommendation as to the plea.

Appellant's primary claim is that he could not have received the death penalty
and would not have pleaded guilty but for his counsel's erroneous advice to the
contrary. Florida had enacted a new death penalty statute a few months before
appellant's indictment, plea and sentencing. See Fla.Stat. Sec. 921.141
(Supp.1972). The new statute required the trier of fact to consider "evidence of
the circumstances surrounding the crime and of the defendant's background and
history and any facts in aggravation or mitigation," including, but not limited to,
a list of specified aggravating and mitigating circumstances, to determine
whether the death penalty should be imposed. Id. Appellant argues that only
one of the listed aggravating circumstances was "arguably applicable" while as
many as five mitigating circumstances might have been found. Moreover,
appellant relies on the prosecutor's statement at the evidentiary hearing that,
with the benefit of hindsight and experience, he guessed a death sentence would
not have withstood appeal.


Hindsight, however, is not the appropriate perspective for a court to examine

counsel's effectiveness.

scrutiny of counsel's performance must be highly deferential. It is all too
tempting for a defendant to second-guess counsel's assistance after conviction or
adverse sentencing, and it is all too easy for a court, examining counsel's defense
after it has proved unsuccessful, to conclude that a particular act or omission of
counsel was unreasonable. Cf. Engle v. Isaac, 456 U.S. 107, 133-134, 102 S.Ct.
1558, 1574-1575, 71 L.Ed.2d 783 (1982). A fair assessment of attorney performance
requires that every effort be made to eliminate the distorting effects of hindsight, to
reconstruct the circumstances of counsel's challenged conduct, and to evaluate the
conduct from counsel's perspective at the time. Because of the difficulties inherent in
making the evaluation, a court must indulge a strong presumption that counsel's
conduct falls within the wide range of reasonable professional assistance; that is, the
defendant must overcome the presumption that, under the circumstances, the
challenged action 'might be considered sound trial strategy.'

Strickland, 104 S.Ct. at 2065-66. Myers and the prosecutor both testified that,
at the time of appellant's guilty plea, they and the judge all believed appellant
could be sentenced to death under the new statute, if convicted, and that
conviction was certain. We note that the statutory factors had not yet been
tested or interpreted; appellant can only guess that a jury might have found
some of the mitigating circumstances applicable. Moreover, one aggravating
circumstance might have outweighed several mitigating circumstances. Thus,

we cannot find counsel's advice to have been unreasonable when given.

Appellant argues counsel should have discussed the possible aggravating and
mitigating circumstances with him. He does not, however, claim he would have
independently evaluated these factors and chosen not to plead guilty after such
a discussion despite his counsel's conclusion that the death penalty was
possible. Because appellant has not alleged prejudice, we need not determine
whether this failure may be deemed constitutionally ineffective assistance of

Finally, appellant alleges defense counsel should have attempted to negotiate a

plea to a lesser offense. The record, particularly the former prosecutor's
testimony at the evidentiary hearing, supports the conclusion that such an
attempt would have been futile.


We hold the district court did not err in dismissing appellant's petition.



See Rule 3(b), Rules of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit

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